So I'm resubbing
Ugh, I've hit a wall at 72. =/
Emotional wall or can't find quests? If it's the latter, check the wikia and go to reference/quests/solotimelines and it should should you were the different quest hubs are. If I remember, there are a few that you don't get references to. Also at that level, if you have a solo friendly class, you should be able to go to fens.
Yeah, I sailed through 72 pretty quick, and almost 74 doing Fens. Had a couple "tough" nights where EQ2Map was broked and I couldn't see the quest icons on the minimap. I actually had to find the quest turn-ins, waaaaah. :)
I also started popping some of my vet rewards combat xp potions, because otherwise they'll just rot. Probably rot anyway on my alts, who I'm slow levelling (no combat xp, also turned off quest xp on my SK).
Quote from: Strazos on April 02, 2009, 08:03:50 PM
Ugh, I've hit a wall at 72. =/
Soloing in Kunark can drive you mad, but it is the fastest way to level by a long shot.
It's funny how diametrically opposite our playstyles are, yet we both enjoy the same game.
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