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Topic: WUA plays Horizons (Read 16802 times)
Army of One
Posts: 7028
Next you'll be trying Ryzom. I have a feeling that the next time I do this, it'll be with Matrix Online. It has guns, karate, super-jumps, and nifty clothes. There's an insane little part of my brain that thinks it must be cool and that everyone else just didn't realize it for some reason. So expect a "WTF I PLAYED MATRIX AND NOW I'M BLIND!" post next time I get really bored.
"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig." -- Schild "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." -- Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1460
Next you'll be trying Ryzom. I have a feeling that the next time I do this, it'll be with Matrix Online. It has guns, karate, super-jumps, and nifty clothes. There's an insane little part of my brain that thinks it must be cool and that everyone else just didn't realize it for some reason. So expect a "WTF I PLAYED MATRIX AND NOW I'M BLIND!" post next time I get really bored. Well it was infinitely better than Horizons. I was jacked into the Matrix for a little while, enough to be worth it's free trial and IF you like it enough to keep going past that I'd say plink down for the StationAccess pass, because I really couldn't see paying for just that game. I'd actually play it again, and can compare the experience to CoH/CoV, with the same boredom, lack of groups, and no real point, except you could swap skills or "classes" from hardlines.
I used to write for extinct gaming sites details available here (unused blog about page)
Posts: 24440
The FRONTLINES picture is classic. Does TR have anchors?
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Posts: 23646
What do you mean by "anchors"?
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
You can try the Matrix if you want, but it's really shitty. I managed about 3 hours out of it. I never felt like I was playing a game so much as controlling a kung-fu marionette who was immersed in water.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
You can try the Matrix if you want, but it's really shitty. I managed about 3 hours out of it. I never felt like I was playing a game so much as controlling a kung-fu marionette who was immersed in water.
That is possibly the most accurate and succinct description of the Matrix online that exists to date. I laughed not because it was funny so much as it was dead on.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Posts: 24440
What do you mean by "anchors"?
Is there some structure or enemy from which other, smaller enemies spawn and once destroyed will free up the area from enemy invasion? I probably answered my own question. I think the battlefields were described as static? How about cargo disks, does TR have those?
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Posts: 23646
What do you mean by "anchors"?
Is there some structure or enemy from which other, smaller enemies spawn and once destroyed will free up the area from enemy invasion? Nope. I probably answered my own question. I think the battlefields were described as static? How about cargo disks, does TR have those?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 20
Next you'll be trying Ryzom. Hey! Ryzom is a great game (that I sort of can't find a reason to log into lately)!
Raging Turtle
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1885
Next you'll be trying Ryzom. Hey! Ryzom is a great game (that I sort of can't find a reason to log into lately)! Sounds like EVE.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1246
Next you'll be trying Ryzom. Hey! Ryzom is a great game (that I sort of can't find a reason to log into lately)! I wasn't putting Ryzom down. It's just one of those games that was on the radar for a brief blip then disappeared. I'd forgotten all about Horizons till this thread brought it up. Maybe I'll go try Ryzom. Looked somewhat interesting from what I remember.
I was drinking when I wrote this, so sue me if it goes astray.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 20
I wasn't putting Ryzom down. It's just one of those games that was on the radar for a brief blip then disappeared. I'd forgotten all about Horizons till this thread brought it up. Maybe I'll go try Ryzom. Looked somewhat interesting from what I remember. Mmm... Ryzom is showing its age, not so much graphically (if you like the style, that is) but the player base is getting smaller and smaller and... it's a bit depressing. The game was supposed to have a progressive story, but that never really happened. And the current owner, Gameforge, isn't telling us much. Well, I'm just whining...
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3232
I put the 'shill' in 'cockmonkey'.
The big draw for Horizon's was people's desire to be a dragon. Was that race ever released? I never bothered with the game.
The wave of the Reagan coalition has shattered on the rocky shore of Bush's incompetence. - Abagadro
Posts: 24440
They were in at launch. Dragons are most likely working as intended now... meaning they probably still suck.
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4549
From memory (and not really a pleasant one) hatchlings were in at launch and the later stages of dragon were some time after release. I remember the game mechanic of becoming a dragon by sacrificing treasure into your hoard (which ablates over time) was perhaps the most obvious money sink I had ever seen.
Is a man not entitled to the hurf of his durf? - Simond
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1363
I'm not sure. The part I do remember is making great fun of the "Monsters" signs, and asking where the sign was that pointed to "Fun."
Yes, that was definitely the same review. And I must say, reading that review was vastly more entertaining than playing the game. I think my favorite quote though, was "Apparently, the island is made of some form of rotting meat. It didn’t look like rotting meat, and I can’t honestly say it smelled like rotting meat. But it had to be. How else would you explain the presence of fifty thousand maggots wandering around every square inch of the path out of town?" Do they still have maggots to kill? Only game I've seen that starts you out killing a lifeform even lower than rats. Here you are, a young Dragon, and you're out killing...maggots.
-Do you honestly think that we believe ourselves evil? My friend, we seek only good. It's just that our definitions don't quite match.- Ailanreanter, Arcanaloth
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1995
I'm not sure. The part I do remember is making great fun of the "Monsters" signs, and asking where the sign was that pointed to "Fun."
Yes, that was definitely the same review. And I must say, reading that review was vastly more entertaining than playing the game. I think my favorite quote though, was "Apparently, the island is made of some form of rotting meat. It didn’t look like rotting meat, and I can’t honestly say it smelled like rotting meat. But it had to be. How else would you explain the presence of fifty thousand maggots wandering around every square inch of the path out of town?" Do they still have maggots to kill? Only game I've seen that starts you out killing a lifeform even lower than rats. Here you are, a young Dragon, and you're out killing...maggots. Maggots, yes, but those things were the size of a young dragon's leg! Har! I hated killing those things. I thought it was more ridiculous than rats and bats. Ryzom wasn't a bad game, it just lacked direction, I think. Combine that with a shrinking playerbase and you have a recipe for a dying MMOG. Pity, I enjoyed it for a bit. But then again, I'm the only living soul who liked AC2, so... grain of salt.
"Life is no cabaret... we're inviting you anyway." ~ Amanda Palmer"Tree, awesome, numa numa, love triangle, internal combustion engine, mountain, walk, whiskey, peace, pascagoula" ~ Lantyssa"Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu'on a perdus." ~Marcel Proust
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