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Author Topic: My mistake, 'they' are actually a godawful stupid one-hour event.  (Read 16740 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406

on: August 05, 2007, 12:41:48 AM

The title really sums it up.  The people at Fanfaire got to log in with 'black ops troops', who were the only ones able to access the new toys, carried swords around, wore green-tinted armor, and had 1000 health and armor.  They only got to come to one continent, which immediately hit the population cap, so by the time most people had gotten through the queue to arrive the event was already half-over.  Then it ended and 'they' vanished.

The dropship center was being contested, so I never got to see the gunship.  I saw the Phantasm, which was oddly-shaped and flat, carries the pilot and four troops, no MAXes and no weapons.  Looks useful for stealthy tower drops; a small squad of cloaker/hackers could easily drop onto a tower roof and have the thing hacked before anyone suspects they're there, no more plainly-visible mosquito droppers.

Which isn't necessarily a good thing, the Zerg is awful at defense.  Nobody's willing to keep a tower CC defended against the possibility of random cloakers  coming from the roof, no matter how vital the tower might be.  Given that one cloaker ejecting onto a tower roof is fairly often successful at hacking it, four cloakers are pretty much guaranteed success.
Posts: 6817

No lie.

Reply #1 on: August 05, 2007, 07:02:31 AM

Yep. This game's circling the drain. I guess that's what happens when you get out of touch with your playerbase.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406

Reply #2 on: August 05, 2007, 11:37:51 AM

Here's the your event sucked so much that we quit thread on the Planetside forums, right on schedule.

And here is a more informative thread from one of the Fanfaire attendees about what was going on on their end.  Really sums up the entire batch of ignoridity with which the event was run.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117

I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.

Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 06:56:59 AM

What the fuck.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6603


Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 07:23:27 AM

Awesome, I love to see people get hung by their own hype.  Maybe they can figure out a way to merge to only a half of server.

"Me am play gods"
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 07:53:15 AM

Alright, I am gonna type this up, because I feel that those who werent at the fan faire could use a little enlightenment as to what was really happening on the other side. This is not me trying to brag or anything like that, I am just trying to explain what happened so maybe people can actually understand the situation better and not cause so much flaming. I was not asked to sign a NDA or anything so I am assuming I am allowed to tell this, if I cant than please remove this post.

The planetside Top-secret event started at 6:00 PST and was scheduled to go to 7:30PST. Just prior to this event there was a PlanetSide Panel held, where the Developers talked about future plans and answered a lot of questions. That Panel went from 5:00 to 6:00. So basically here's how it happened

From 5:00 to 6:00 everyone is in a room for the Panel, we finish up around 6:00 and everyone leaves and heads for the Main ballroom where all the computers are set up for the event. We all get there, and the Everquest(assuming it was EQ?) event was still going on. So we had to wait for them to finish and they started letting us on. We were all told to make a Vanu character on Emerald or use a previous Vanu character.

From then we had a lot of people running around and trying to get logged in. We had issues with people getting in and a lot of nonsense like that. When we were all in, we were all teleported to Old Oshur, where we proceeded to wait until we were all turned into BlackOps (Hereby referred as BO) We all made a platoon, and we were unable to make a full platoon, I think we had 28 people total, and 2 or 3
of those were Devs/GMs

Our BO where limited by what certs we had and we were only allowed to wear Agile and Reinforced Exo suits. We had 1000 health and 500 stamina, but other than that we had nothing extra. We all ran around and waited for a while until we were all slowly teleported to Solsar, which was turned neutral.

Now from my understanding, at this point, everyone was starting to be teleported to Solsar as well. And we were told to move to Thoth. At this point Brewko began spawning Phantasms and Gunships for us. The downside was that they only had one clip of ammunition in all the guns. We attempted to make our way to Thoth, but were gunned down easily by a rather large swarm of TR planes.

Now if my memory serves correct, we were given thoth and everyone was able to spawn and gather there, thats when we were hit very very hard by the TR, they instantly knocked our generator and we were getting hammered something awful. At this point Brweko (assuming it was brewko) used his power to give us all of Solsar, which still didnt help much. From my understanding, at the beginning normal VS were locked out from Solsar, so it was just us BO. We couldn't do much, we would run out and get completely destroyed by scores of Mosquitos and BFRs and Infantry and just everything. And we were just losing.

We were then told to try and move to Sobek and resecure and protect, at this point we began having super buffed Gunships and Phantasms spawned for us. These things had so much armor/health that they could withstand the constant bombardment for quite some time. But still spawned with prety much no ammo, and the pilots for some reason refused to get more ammo before leaving the safety of the shield.

This was soon followed by the meteors, as an attempt to keep Thoth completely guarded so we could focus on Sobek. Some players ended up having some crashing issues and that was trying to get resolved. I heard brewko was getting flooded with tells and everything felt very panicked.

As we were still losing the staff here said that they would be allowing the Vanu to come help us handle them, We were tasked with taking Sobek while the rest of the Vanu handle everything else....but that plan didnt really work out. All the BOs kinda seperated and did their own thing, most stayed at Thoth, some went to Sobek, and others were just scattered around.

When the masses of Vanu arrived, it didnt turn out to well. The majority of them were helping, but there was constant spamming and whining over broadcast and global, and many of us were starting to get Team Killed. They were told that we were on the same side, but that didnt stop some players. A lot were trying to loot our new swords, but some might have been just angry/jealous/whatever and decided to TK us. I was TK'd about 3 times or so, ontop of my constant deaths from overwhelming TR fire.

Things started looking good, I ended up drifting to a tower north of Sobek, and then fighting towards the base north of that. We seemed to be doing well, as the rabbit game that was started seemed to distract a lot of attention. I believe Brewko was running around with something like 80,000 health and destroying people with meteors (at least thats what I heard) and everything seemed to be turning into a nice battle.

Unfortunately, as things had just started getting good, our time finished. And we were told to quit, which was sad cause we hadnt been playing for really all that long (I'd say an hour tops) And most of our time was spent waiting as everyone got turned into BOs, or waited for their Swords or whatever. After we quit, everyone was told to log into our main characters, where we were delivered our new Fan Faire Merit that granted us the new Swords.

By the time all that was done it was getting close to being 8:00 and we all left. That's pretty much exactly how it happened. Now I wasnt everywhere all the time, so I only know what it was like from my experience. I didn't fight at Thoth the whole time, and I didn't fly any of the new ships (although I did gun/ride in them)

My Opinions on the Event:
I felt that this event was more of a test. If we had more time to get ready and play, it would have gone a lot smoother and seemed more like an event, they could have built hype right before the BOs started attacking, and made it so that the BOs just didnt get swarmed like they did. Once we sat down and got started it was like total mayhem. We had a lot of people that needed to be teleported/transformed and all kinds of other things. And once we started attacking I can only imagine it go much worse. So I feel like the players who participated in the event who werent at fan faire should cut the Devs a little slack. There was only a handful of them, and not all of them were actually in game. (I believe only 3 were playing.) So for such a small number of people, and such a short period of time, they did all that they could I guess.

So thats how it happened, and thats my two cents. Go ahead and flame me or whatever.

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

the plural of mangina

Reply #6 on: August 06, 2007, 09:32:20 AM

I wasn't there for the event, but Sunday afternoon at 3pm EDT there was at least one contential pop-lock and that hasn't happened in a long time. Then Sunday night there was an incredible 3 hour standoff as the VS defended Eadon on Forseral.

I have never played WoW.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406

Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 11:50:11 AM

And here is Bloodworth fanboying it up on the PS forums with unconditional love and support for the event that he never got to see when his game crashed and left him trapped in transit between continents.

As someone who was on site, let me say here that nobody on the Vanu side had a fucking clue what was happening.  People were expecting an invasion of 'fourth empire' green-suited soldiers, so everyone headed towards Oshur at the first sign of weirdness happening there, promptly poplocking the hell out of the continent.  Upon wading through the queue to arrive, the troops immediately fell upon the green-suited guys, figuring they were enemies, only to find out that they were Vanu troops.  Some jackasses continued to TK them, either thinking they could loot the big katanas they were carrying, just for spite, or simply being too stupid to realize that shooting the green guy was earning grief.

By this time, the bulk of the Vanu forces were in the capital base behind the forcefield, and the Terrans were completely surrounding the base, unable to get in or do anything.  So the Vanu just camped out in the courtyard, looking at the new armor, looking at the Phantasms that the new guys were getting, and yelling for people to get gunships.  Only since the dropship base was busy being overrun by Terrans, nobody could get the gunships.  During this time, meteors were falling all over the place, but since the Vanu were behind the shield it never affected us at all.

This state lasted for about fifteen minutes with nobody doing anything inside the base except for the occasional person shooting a green soldier, shooting a Phantasm, or generally being a dick.  Then the event was declared over and all of the new troops logged out.  At no time during this did the GMs communicate anything to the players about what was happening.  They triggered a game of rabbit, which nobody bothered to play until after the event was over, and that was really the extent of the communication.

In his post, Bloodworth places the onus on the players for knowing what was happening in the event (they didn't), for knowing that the event was only taking place on Emerald server (they didn't), and for over-hyping the event (who were the people putting up cryptic teaser trailers on youtube?  Not the players.).  The Emerald players had no clue what was going on, the Markov and Werner players had no clue that they weren't even getting any event, and even if they had known they probably would've just swamped Emerald by logging in to see it.

It was a cluster-fuck, and it was a cluster-fuck that the Planetside management had been hyping for weeks with the videos and cryptic messages.  If there had been no videos or cryptic messages, I think it would have been much better-received by the players.  A shitty event that comes as a surprise one day at least has the benefit of not having built up any sort of expectations behind it, making it easier to be seen as a welcome break in monotony rather than a shit sandwich.

The whole thing would've gone over well with the players had the event been "Hey guys, everyone can get Phantasms and Galaxy Gunships at the vehicle terms this weekend, no certs required.  Have fun."  That would have been pure hilarity, watching swarms of Phantasms and Galaxies flying everywhere, crashing into each other, and generally failing to accomplish anything of value.  Instead they tossed out forty minutes of lackluster event, and that's from the Vanu perspective.  At least I got to see the black ops troops up close and climb into a Phantasm, the poor Terran guys had to just watch us play with the new toys from the other side of the shield.  I can only imagine just how much it sucked from their perspective.  And the NC guys couldn't even get through the Terrans to watch us through the shield.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 01:28:04 PM

Sorry, i'm not a fanboi. I just don't fly off the handle like some do. Love the game, but im not blind. And i did have technical issues, but that was after i ran around looking for the greenies, who were getting TR stomped as soon as the left the shield.

Apparently the developers figured that with all the buffs, and the new equipment, they would have progressed farther. They didn't. The devlopers underestamated the other players reactions.

And yes, most people knew what was going on (or going to happen, didn't take a rocket scientist to put it together), i even tried to relay this here.

Seems your trying to say i blame the players for how bad the event went, when this is really farthest from the case. Don't put words in my mouth (posts)

« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 01:46:51 PM by Mrbloodworth »

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Posts: 23646

Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 02:13:52 PM

Sorry, i'm not a fanboi. I just don't fly off the handle like some do. Love the game, but im not blind. And i did have technical issues, but that was after i ran around looking for the greenies, who were getting TR stomped as soon as the left the shield.

Apparently the developers figured that with all the buffs, and the new equipment, they would have progressed farther. They didn't. The devlopers underestamated the other players reactions.

And yes, most people knew what was going on (or going to happen, didn't take a rocket scientist to put it together), i even tried to relay this here.

Seems your trying to say i blame the players for how bad the event went, when this is really farthest from the case. Don't put words in my mouth (posts)

Too bad your own words prove you wrong.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

Reply #10 on: August 06, 2007, 02:20:55 PM

Sorry, i'm not a fanboi. I just don't fly off the handle like some do. Love the game, but im not blind. And i did have technical issues, but that was after i ran around looking for the greenies, who were getting TR stomped as soon as the left the shield.

Apparently the developers figured that with all the buffs, and the new equipment, they would have progressed farther. They didn't. The devlopers underestamated the other players reactions, And that sort of crap(as Kitsune would agree) in game turns off players.

And yes, most people knew what was going on (or going to happen, didn't take a rocket scientist to put it together), i even tried to relay this here.

Seems your trying to say i blame the players for how bad the event went, when this is really farthest from the case. Don't put words in my mouth (posts)

Too bad your own words prove you wrong.

I'm sorry you take them that way. But its not true. The post he links was a post in disgust at the way people over reacted over chats and forums, not that they didn't have something to be disappointed with. I'm sure even here you have a standard for posting, and the manner in witch people express themselves..

The event went badly, is it the end of the world? No, should it garner unbridled hate, slander name calling and pure childish drama? No, it was a one hour event, and we will still get all the new toys.

I am a fan, but i'm not a fanboi, to me fanboi means a fan who is blind to the games failed and wont admit them. Thats definitely not me, as i have discuses its faileings for quite a while now, even here.

If i was a, would i have posted that stuff above, or taken (ironically enough, Kitsune's) a post from here, and posted it as anonymous feedback?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 02:30:52 PM by Mrbloodworth »

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #11 on: August 06, 2007, 03:32:59 PM

I think the event sucked but I still logged in and caused some havoc for the NC and TR the next day.

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406

Reply #12 on: August 06, 2007, 05:22:50 PM

Actually, I owe Bloodworth an apology; the presentation gives the appearance that I'm coming from off-camera to body slam the poor guy.  Rather, my post is what I would've written in reply to his post on the Planetside forum.  Had I posted on that forum, however, it would've been with my free month account and he'd've had no idea who the hell it was, so I put it here instead.  So I'm not randomly assaulting him, I'm just strongly disagreeing with him in a way that isn't hiding behind an anonymous handle.

That said, I still strongly disagree with his assertion that the players had any clue about what was going on with the event.  The chat window on my end was more or less:

[CR5] Every1 hit altf4 to go to the event
[Broadcast] What are all these green guys?
[Broadcast] I'm 97 in line to get in *sigh*.
[Broadcast] They're vanu don't shoot them.
[Broadcast] OMG a pantasm!!!
[Broadcast] Where?
[Broadcast] Don't shoot the Phantasm morons, it's on our side.
[Broadcast] How do we get the katana?
[Broadcast] OMG I'm never making it through this line, CSRs get rid of the poplock!
[Broadcast] It's fanfaire, you can't get it.
[Broadcast] We can't get a gunship without the dropship base.
[Broadcast] Everyone TK the greens!
[Broadcast] Shut up.

That was the extent of the tactical conversation among the Vanu.  We were never presented with any sort of goal, anything that we should be doing with these Fan faire people.  Like I said, a rabbit game began, but with most of the Vanu being in one base that was surrounded by Terrans, we were in a poor position from which to start, so we didn't.  If there was going to be an event, the way to handle it would've been to let the empires onto the continent, set them up in designated bases, then introduced the black ops players and their vehicles and told the Vanu to go wild and grab the TR and NC bases.  A bit of structure and two minutes of explanation to the players about what was going to happen and the event would've been a success.
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