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Author Topic: PlanetSide Promotion: 30 Day Free Trial!  (Read 15162 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

on: July 24, 2007, 12:00:14 PM

The PlanetSide Syndicate is in possession of 100 (You read it it correctly, one hundred!) keys that grant 30 days of FREE play, without restrictions to Battle/Command Rank, weapons or vehicles!

If you are interested in trying out PlanetSide, or if you are thinking of re-subbing but want to see what has changed since you last played, than this is your chance!

For more information, or to acquire one of these Keys please visit this thread.

You will need to create an account on the PlanetSide Syndicate Forums in order to post or send Private Messages, you can do this here.

If you experience any problems regarding registering on the Forums, or anything else, feel free to ask them in this thread.

Please do NOT use this thread to ask for Keys, as your request will be ignored. The same goes for Private Messages on this board.


PlanetSide Syndicate Representative
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 12:08:29 PM by Mrbloodworth »

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #1 on: July 24, 2007, 03:48:42 PM

Gave it a shot.  Let's see if it goes ... 30 days of free play is certainly enough to get me going again.


Key I got didn't work like a red-ring X-Box.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 09:29:36 AM by Lorekeep »

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

Reply #2 on: July 25, 2007, 12:16:15 PM

Gave it a shot.  Let's see if it goes ... 30 days of free play is certainly enough to get me going again.


Key I got didn't work like a red-ring X-Box.

It should. Did you follow the directions in that thread (He updated it)?

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #3 on: July 25, 2007, 12:59:16 PM

Ah, I completely misunderstood his sentence.  See, I was trying to reactivate an existing account, not create a new one.  I don't want to create a new one.  So what he really meant was "I can give you 30 free days but you have to create a free account."

Booo me.  Guess I'm wiping the Planetside Install from my drive.

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 11:47:19 AM

I resubbed anyway.  I've already freed up quite a bit of money each month in monthly fees from other stuff so I don't really see a problem, especially if I want to do it.

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148

Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 12:32:06 PM

I resubbed anyway.  I've already freed up quite a bit of money each month in monthly fees from other stuff so I don't really see a problem, especially if I want to do it.

Welcome back, what side are you on (and server)?

Today's How-To: Scrambling a Thread to the Point of Incoherence in Only One Post with MrBloodworth . - schild
www.mrbloodworthproductions.com  www.amuletsbymerlin.com
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 04:31:00 PM

13 / 1 Vanu, Markov.  I actually had a good hour of playing the game so I look forward to shooting stuff.

I have a Lv. 15 NC character but he is about 2 years old and I don't really feel attached to him anymore.

As much as I would like to hit up another server to join a hardcore group, I really need that ping Markov provides.

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406

Reply #7 on: July 28, 2007, 08:06:39 PM

Getting PS to run under Vista was a bit of a bitch.  On top of the old Saitek keyboard bug it had under XP (how the fuck does a keyboard driver cause problems with one and only one game?), it had to be set to Windows 95 compatibility mode and to run as administrator.  For a while I was afraid it simply wouldn't work at all.  That game needs a rewrite in the worst way; the original coder team must've been a pack of monkeys to make such a shitty client.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268

Reply #8 on: July 30, 2007, 09:49:12 AM

I finally found the fun in the game.  It is outsmarting the shit out of other people.

I've created a specific Assassin class...Cloaker + 10mm Pistol + Health Kit + Adv. Hacker & Adv. Medical.  During a heated siege, I'll pop on the walls and sit there, capping people who are low health, clueless, or both.  I still have low survivability, but I *love jacking vehicles*.  Sensor Shield is a godsend that I didn't realize how useful it was before.  Now if I can just find a good way to rack up Knife Kills, I'm set.

I also just found out today you can uncert the base level of a profession and it will uncert every certification that was dependent on it.  This was a huge change I didn't realize when I started playing again that phenomenally increases the enjoyment I have.

Oh and a couple good cave battles place me within spitting distance of BFR.  I will have to keep playing.

"Then there's the double-barreled shotgun from Doom 2 - no-one within your entire household could be of any doubt that it's been fired because it sounds like God slamming a door on his fingers." - Yahtzee Croshaw
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