This round is about coming up with a twist. The twist can be in the story, in the gameplay, or, hell, it's a twist, come up with something were not expecting. Last round went over like a lead balloon, but at least Sam didn't win it. Hopefully we can get a few of you back for this last round.
Rules for the last round 1) Your entry must be Two Paragraphs or less. 2) Only one post per player. 3) Only post submissions in this thread. 4) Submissions will be taken until midnight Wednesday. 5) The twist must be about the time traveling cat described in Samwise’s submissions.
-We must teach them Max! Hey, where do you keep that gun? -None of your damn business, Sam. -Shall we dance? -Lets!
In every Groundhog Day story I've ever seen there was a point where the person(s) involved stopped caring about all the "important" stuff and just took the time to mess around without fear of repercussion. Take the time to find and kill every mouse in the facility, including breaking into secure locations just to kill lab rats. Spend an entire cycle lying in a pool of sunlight not moving a muscle. Get the two ugliest scientists to shack up with the two hottest, bonus points for a foursome. Bite someone then get them to chase you around the entire cyclotron circuit. Achievements galore, all for 2 points each and totally more work than they're worth except for their use as ultimate bragging rights fodder.
-We must teach them Max! Hey, where do you keep that gun? -None of your damn business, Sam. -Shall we dance? -Lets!
The twist is that the cat has rabies. Every so often the cat loses control and auto attacks anyone near by. If you are too close to someone when one of the rabid attacks happens you bite them which could cause you to fail if they do something crazy that throws off the mission.
The activation code for the game is a series of meows and purrs that must be typed in exactly, rather than the normal string of alphanumerics with dashes.