Title: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 04, 2021, 08:38:42 AM (https://i.imgur.com/dxoLNsZ.png)
It's true too. If you stick your dick in me and hold for 15 seconds I am doing a factory reset! Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Chimpy on January 04, 2021, 10:50:07 AM It's true too. If you stick your dick in me and hold for 15 seconds I am doing a factory reset! :why_so_serious: :ye_gods: Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: RhyssaFireheart on January 05, 2021, 10:15:57 AM :uhrr: :ye_gods:
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Engels on January 05, 2021, 10:36:54 AM So that's where the damned CMOS switch is.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Rishathra on January 05, 2021, 12:54:22 PM No wonder I was getting such poor results with paper clips.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on January 05, 2021, 03:16:35 PM This topic could quickly surpass the Star Wars Galaxies one in length if we were all meticulous about reposting examples from social media.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 05, 2021, 04:39:14 PM Definitely. Crazy is a renewable resource on social media :
(https://i.imgur.com/iSiYVo1.jpg) 63k followers :uhrr: Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Rendakor on January 06, 2021, 07:25:06 AM It's true too. If you stick your dick in me and hold for 15 seconds I am doing a factory reset! This is literally the plot of an anime. And not even a hentai.Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 06, 2021, 09:15:35 AM It's true too. If you stick your dick in me and hold for 15 seconds I am doing a factory reset! This is literally the plot of an anime. And not even a hentai.:uhrr: How can this not be Hentai except in the "This isn't porn, it's Art! " sense? And what's its name? I honestly wouldn't know how to phrase a Google search for that... Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Rendakor on January 06, 2021, 11:41:02 AM Chobits. They never show anyone actually pressing the robot girl's reboot switch.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: TheWalrus on January 06, 2021, 05:54:25 PM Dick too small?
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Surlyboi on January 23, 2021, 06:42:20 PM (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FYWwYgeKquXKJq%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1)
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 24, 2021, 10:24:32 AM All kinds of warnings for this one :
(https://i.imgur.com/JLzxAFp.jpg) Lots of bad anatomy spoilered for brevity: (https://i.imgur.com/HlorAHE.jpg) 1) It's hilarious that the conclusion that a woman is more likely to cum if she's aroused/attracted to her partner isn't all that wrong. Everything leading up to that though :why_so_serious:. 2) Aside from the incel misogyny I think whoever wrote this suffers from a degree of body dysmorphia. This guy's whole point is how he never could hope to arouse a woman or give her pleasure, so why even try. That self-perception is kind of sad. Sounds cliche but the saying that you can't truly love others unless you love yourself has some validity. 3) Yes, I specifically post this stuff and not more harmless "bad covid " takes because of you guys' feedback. I aim to please. :grin: Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: HaemishM on January 24, 2021, 01:11:46 PM That's some galaxy brain anatomy thesis right there.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Samwise on January 24, 2021, 02:33:10 PM the fuck
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Surlyboi on January 24, 2021, 02:56:03 PM Fuckin' Incels, how do they work?
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Samwise on January 24, 2021, 03:20:43 PM imagine if you took even a fraction of the energy all of that intensive scholarship required and put it toward taking a fucking shower
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Surlyboi on January 24, 2021, 04:22:10 PM Or just not being a douche.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on January 24, 2021, 07:51:05 PM Honestly, it's kind of interesting because of the strangeness of the sublimation involved--this person is doing this weird dive into imaginative anatomy that makes them sound roughly like they're contemplating oral sex on Yog-Sothoth's strange non-Euclidean reproductive organs in order to bring forth the spawn of Yuggoth, all to avoid the Ocaam's Razor that being emotionally present with another person during sex might be what makes sex satisfying.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Phildo on January 25, 2021, 06:46:30 AM There was an Ask Reddit thread yesterday for women who had data incels or redpilled men, and the one that was saddest was about a guy who got redpilled after they had already been dating for a few weeks and had originally been a regular dude. He went from actually getting laid to being undateable because of getting sucked into a self-destructive philosophy about why he... wasn't getting laid?
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: SurfD on January 25, 2021, 08:42:10 PM ***** Crazy Incel Galaxy Brain Shit ****** Imagine being so fucking gone that you actually write a small thesis explaining how women should somehow magically find it impossible to derive pleasure from having sex with an individual they don't find "physically attractive enough to be sexually stimulating". Now imagine trying to explain to someone that this crazy theory you have just proposed about female sexual stimulation essentially amounts to admitting that you are less physically attractive than a fucking dildo........... Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 27, 2021, 06:31:35 PM (https://i.imgur.com/6fFRio4.jpg)
It's funny because the 27th Jan is the Holocaust Memorial Day. :grin: [insert obligatory It' sounds better in the original German joke here] [Bonus Hey Auschwitz, can I copy your homework joke goes here] Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Pennilenko on January 27, 2021, 06:38:56 PM Or just not being a douche. Plenty of douches get laid, so I am not sure that is the primary problem.Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on January 27, 2021, 06:43:54 PM Or just not being a douche. Plenty of douches get laid, so I am not sure that is the primary problem.Excess self-pity is very off turning. Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on January 27, 2021, 07:00:33 PM All of us know that a person who exudes self-pity is going to be an enormous emotional burden to being around. When you're looking for a relationship or even just to get laid, to have someone signalling that they need you to be their emotional prosthetic who will have to constantly praise and reassure and cajole and celebrate them just for them to be able to function is generally the fastest imaginable way to know you need to find the exit right this second.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Surlyboi on January 27, 2021, 09:36:00 PM Or just not being a douche. Plenty of douches get laid, so I am not sure that is the primary problem.Excess self-pity is very off turning. That part. Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on February 09, 2021, 08:53:20 AM (https://i.imgur.com/XZqdnFJ.jpg)
:roflcopter: They are all pure rofl. But 12 is gold. "I could be successful and popular i just choose not to" Also #7: Why is it required to be "morale grey or worse"? What aspect of not being a douche bag is incompatible with SIGMA status? Fucks sake Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on February 09, 2021, 09:31:21 AM That's a weird mix of "ok, that's fine, sure, I like that" and "the man you are describing is an asshole".
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Tebonas on February 11, 2021, 12:51:18 PM What the fuck is wrong with people on the internet? I can't decide which of these people deserves to be punched most. Though Sigma Males are a prime candidate for that punch because making internally inconsistent lists is a prime punching offense if there ever was one.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: HaemishM on February 11, 2021, 01:09:09 PM The correct answer is "ALL OF THEM." All of them deserve to be punched. If you try to categorize yourself as some kind of broad male archetype, you are a fucking asshole who deserves to be punched.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Sir T on February 11, 2021, 04:59:02 PM Nice to see that Sigma Males are "Morally Grey or worse."
Frankly "Sigma males" are a fancy buff way of saying "Malignant Aspie. Or Sociopath." Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Tebonas on February 11, 2021, 10:48:37 PM Only insofar as some assholes love to use fake Aspergers as an excuse to be assholes.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Cyrrex on February 12, 2021, 12:51:30 AM It is easy to identify qualities oneself has in any of these "types", but they all suffer from the same exact problem: They are extremely situational. Take your alpha male and put him in a scenario where he is hugely overmatched, and he becomes a beta or sigma or whatever the fuck.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Sky on February 12, 2021, 06:44:12 AM I thought the concept of alpha male had been pretty much debunked at this point and it's just an excuse to be an asshole.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on February 12, 2021, 07:50:00 AM I thought the concept of alpha male had been pretty much debunked at this point and it's just an excuse to be an asshole. Yes, it's not even completely true for wolves. The author of 1970 book since published another paper in which he says these dominance hierarchies as described form in captive packs with unacquainted wolves. In nature the wolf packs are usually families with a breeding pairs and their offspring. The younger offsprings then starts leaving the pack starting around age 1. The TLDR: It's complicated, for more Google: "Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs", L. David Mech. Back to humans: The 12 traits is 50% finding justification for shitty behaviour (#7 Is morally grey or worse) and perceived failure (#12 Could be an alpha male if he wanted) plus 50% Barnum effect in action: #1 Loves being alone but values people #2 Doesn't need a social circle to be himself #3 Knows how to adapt to different situations #6 Understands the importance of science I mean, come on, who reads that and doesn't feel it applies to him/herself in some way? Which brings me to the next point, why Sigma male? What about introvert women that value people and know how to adapt, why can't we join this club? (Not that anyone would want to be associated with these shit-waffles) Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Rendakor on February 12, 2021, 10:55:29 AM Because women are simply objects and status symbols for men, obviously. /s
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: HaemishM on February 12, 2021, 08:40:03 PM Women can't join the club, they can only be owned or conquered. :oh_i_see:
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: NowhereMan on February 13, 2021, 06:15:09 AM The Alpha/Beta thing is pretty much bullshit. I do enjoy the fact that A and B type personalities is grounded in some level of scientific evidence, what people do tend to leave out when they describe themselves or an ideal partner or something as an 'A type' is that was the term for a subset of people being studied who were dying at a higher rate and lower age of heart failure. People latched on to the personality traits highlighted but everyone seems to forget it was an attempt to identify people at higher risk of having a heart attack.
So, I guess if you're a self-described A type you should probably be paying a lot of attention to moderating your natural tendencies. And only marry an A type if they've got good life insurance and you are willing to put up with a lot of shit for a few decades. Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on February 13, 2021, 07:01:09 AM I keep pointing out to people that one of the absolute best longitudinal studies of human mental health and its consequences for general health, is the 75-year old Harvard-based Study of Adult Development. One of the things it shows is that the Harvard men with the highest GPAs, the most leadership credentials, the most accomplishments in the 10-20 years after graduating college, are also the men with a dramatically higher risk of suicide, depression, acute anxiety; they have dramatically higher divorce rates, much higher rates of alcoholism or drug addiction, and are far more likely to report feeling persistently unhappy; they have considerably higher chances of dying young from heart attacks or strokes and have other stress-related illnesses. So that much is exactly real: the big-man-on-campus driven-to-succeed people that we're still celebrating and upholding as models are much more likely to die young, hurt themselves and hurt everyone around them.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: NowhereMan on February 13, 2021, 01:02:50 PM In fairness, we as a society also kind of think the hard drinking, smoking, drug taking rock musician/artist is pretty cool and none of those are really strong indicators for a great life expectancy.
But we do recognise those are massively self-destructive behaviours that probably will cause you to burn out early. Nobody is like, 'live fast, die young!' about pulling 90 hour weeks getting sales pitches together and expecting not to make it past that. Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: HaemishM on February 13, 2021, 01:05:34 PM We are also as a society still under the delusion of the Great Man myth, that somehow these giants of history were all "great men" who were the only ones who could have done what they did. Of course, that forgets all the people who worked their asses off to make that person a success, as well as all the people who suffered for the lack of attention those "great men" gave to the people around them.
Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: calapine on March 11, 2021, 02:41:54 PM Not posting that in the Covid thread, for obvious reasons:
(https://i.imgur.com/LybCc3G.png) blood == motor oil :grin: Title: Re: Shitty [XYZ] takes Post by: Khaldun on March 12, 2021, 08:43:05 AM There are so many weird ideas about climate and physiology that still remain in the global hive mind. (Among them that being cold is connected to catching a cold.)