
f13.net General Forums => League of Legends => Topic started by: statisticalfool on December 09, 2011, 09:04:17 PM

Title: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 09, 2011, 09:04:17 PM
Ahri revealed: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/ahri-nine-tailed-fox-revealed

Looks actually pretty fun. Interesting to see where she'll end up lane wise.

Patch preview (vid only): http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/ahri-patch-preview-gameplay-changes

New runes (gp/5, % health, hybrid pen, vamp/steal), trynd heal nerf, TF buffs, util tree buff.

Patch notes: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/ahri-patch-notes

Lots of changes. But Warmog takes a pretty reasonable hit: -100 health, -10 hp/5 when fully stacked.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: jakonovski on December 10, 2011, 12:24:54 AM
Sweet, TF buff! I love that champ, great memories from beta.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Margalis on December 10, 2011, 06:13:00 AM
Very glad the the "convert some mana into health regen" thing is back, that mastery going away is the main reason I stopped playing Singed. Overall sounds like good changes.

Welp, this is way up the Util tree, so it's useless on most champs that benefit from it.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: HaemishM on December 10, 2011, 09:50:51 AM
The hybrid pen runes sound very interesting for characters like Katarina.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 12, 2011, 08:37:37 PM
Look at all those patch note changes:

Nerf: Fizz, Kassadin, Trynd, Udyr, Volibear, Warmog's, Alacrity, Heal.
Buff: Lux, MF, Morde, Trundle, Veigar, Xin'Zhao

?: Sivir

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Setanta on December 13, 2011, 12:15:47 AM
Siivir/Fizz/Volibear nerfs WTF?

Sivir finally felt like a champion worth playing. Early game I felt she was balanced as Boomerang eats mana like it's going out of fashion.
Fizz - ok, needed to be toned down.
Volibear frenzy nerf?? I havent seen Volibear that often - even when I did I never felt threatened by it.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Margalis on December 13, 2011, 01:00:39 AM
I haven't seen a lot of Bear but it did seem a little silly how much damage he could to building straight tank.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: jakonovski on December 13, 2011, 02:11:57 AM
Whoa, giant nerf on Sivir. The Boomerang basically no longer scales, and it was a big part of her damage. I guess they wanted her to be an autoattack champ after all.

edit: ohh I think they just add the AP scaling. There's no mention of AD being removed.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Megrim on December 13, 2011, 03:21:45 AM
Volibear nerfs WTF?

With a Warmogs, a moderately charged Leviathan and any other misc hp gear, pre-nerf Frenzy can hit for ~1000 not counting percentage lost. It is just a little silly.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: HaemishM on December 13, 2011, 01:22:20 PM
I played Volibear for the first time today, post-nerf so I can't really say if he's worse or better. It took a little time to figure him out, but once I did, he could do some serious burst damage then be left without anything but wimpy auto attacks until I got the attack speed items going.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Slayerik on December 13, 2011, 06:10:43 PM

Some brand new runes are available in the League of Legends Store with the most recent patch. With the impending departure of Dodge runes, we felt that it was about time to offer all of you all some new rune options to add to your arsenal. In addition to bringing you hybrid runes for Magic and Armor Penetration, we’ve also added runes that sport statistics not previously available in your runebook.

Below you’ll find a full list of all the runes that were launched with the Ahri patch:

    Lesser Quintessence of Endurance - Increased HP by .84%
    Quintessence of Endurance - Increased HP by 1.17%
    Greater Quintessence of Endurance - Increased HP by 1.5%

    Lesser Quintessence of Transmutation - Increased Spell Vamp by 1.12%
    Quintessence of Transmutation - Increased Spell Vamp by 1.56%
    Greater Quintessence of Transmutation - Increased Spell Vamp by 2.00%

    Lesser Quintessence of Vampirism - Increased Lifesteal by 1.12%
    Quintessence of Vampirism - Increased Lifesteal by 1.56%
    Greater Quintessence of Vampirism - Increased Lifesteal by 2.00%

    Lesser Quintessence of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 1.11 and Magic Penetration by 0.63
    Quintessence of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 1.55 and Magic Penetration by 0.88
    Greater Quintessence of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 2.00 and Magic Penetration by 1.13

    Lesser Mark of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 0.56 and Magic Penetration by 0.32
    Mark of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 0.74 and Magic Penetration by 0.44
    Greater Mark of Destruction - Increase Armor Penetration by 1 and Magic Penetration by 0.57

    Greater Seal of Avarice - Increased Gold by .25g/10 Sec

    Lesser Seal of Endurance - Increased HP by 0.28%
    Seal of Endurance - Increased HP by 0.39%
    Greater Seal of Endurance - Increased HP by 0.5%

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 13, 2011, 06:21:42 PM
I think Armor Marks/Avarice Seals is going to be the new support standard.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Margalis on December 13, 2011, 06:35:44 PM
APen/MPen is going to be nice on some champs. Anyone hybrid and some less obvious guys like Corki. (In my Corki games typically 1/3 of my damage is magic)

Lifesteal is interesting. I can see it working in lanes where you expect to be harassed (for example Vayne v Cait) or lanes where you have a non-healing support like Blitz or Leona. With masteries and a Doran's you can start with what, 14% lifesteal? But if you are putting out 60 damage a hit that's still not all that much lifesteal, and you a sacrificing damage or APen or something. Same with spell vamp, it really only does something later in the game, at the point where you could just buy a vamp item.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: HaemishM on December 13, 2011, 08:21:40 PM
I could see getting a rune page just for Katarina with those armor pen/magic pen hybrid runes.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 13, 2011, 08:42:20 PM
APen/MPen is going to be nice on some champs. Anyone hybrid and some less obvious guys like Corki. (In my Corki games typically 1/3 of my damage is magic)

Lifesteal is interesting. I can see it working in lanes where you expect to be harassed (for example Vayne v Cait) or lanes where you have a non-healing support like Blitz or Leona. With masteries and a Doran's you can start with what, 14% lifesteal? But if you are putting out 60 damage a hit that's still not all that much lifesteal, and you a sacrificing damage or APen or something. Same with spell vamp, it really only does something later in the game, at the point where you could just buy a vamp item.

Well, so arpen is better per/g. But Even 14% lifesteal of 60-80 dmg (your dmg 1-5) is not bad: assuming you're taking about 15-20 shots a second, that's about 100 hp/min. I feel like for champs who normally buy a bloodthirster first (or second), it's maybe not the best thing. But if your first life steal doesn't come till late (Trist), that extra life steal could help a lot, especially with the non-heal support 

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: ezrast on December 14, 2011, 01:01:07 AM
I was hoping the hybrid pen marks would be a buff for my Kayle, but after running the numbers it looks like AS is still better for my build. Oh well.

Health % runes are better than HP/level ones at 3240 and 3888 HP, for quints and seals respectively.

Life steal and spell vamp quints are better than HP5 as long as you're dealing 27 sustained DPS of the appropriate type. Life steal quints introduce the possibility of starting the game with 9% LS (with Vampirism mastery) and eschewing a vamp scepter item altogether, which is interesting! Though I'm guessing AD/AP quints will still be standard for carries.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 14, 2011, 10:10:03 AM

Low base damage all around. Decent AP ratio if you get all her stuff to hit. So, LeBlanc as a similar champ?

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Rasix on December 14, 2011, 10:15:01 AM
Looks like another AP middle pub-stomper.  If she lands everything, fucking hell.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: DLRiley on December 14, 2011, 10:42:27 AM
I remember a time when AP mids got bullied by ad range into their towers. Now your lucky not to feed half of the new ap champs in the game going mid as ashe.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Slayerik on December 14, 2011, 10:44:37 AM
Yeah, but back then you would see people playing Veigar mid... They have introduced a lot of good AP champs since.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: DLRiley on December 14, 2011, 11:17:56 AM
Champs like veiger, ryze, and kass were all balanced around hitting 6 and having an early level advantage. The new casters are balanced around hitting level 3 and doing their health in damage. Point being the old ap carries were evenly balances against the most AD carries, but the new AP carries utterly dominate mid to the point that only other AP carries or Kogmaw can safely lane against them.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 14, 2011, 11:18:32 AM
Veigar's totally going to be great this patch. Just you wait!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: statisticalfool on December 14, 2011, 08:46:17 PM
foxy foxes too popular! hope you didn't plan on playing tonight!

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Slayerik on December 15, 2011, 07:24:58 AM
Champs like veiger, ryze, and kass were all balanced around hitting 6 and having an early level advantage. The new casters are balanced around hitting level 3 and doing their health in damage. Point being the old ap carries were evenly balances against the most AD carries, but the new AP carries utterly dominate mid to the point that only other AP carries or Kogmaw can safely lane against them.

Yes. Pretty much what I was saying.

On a side note, it is fucking laughable the difference in play between Normal Blind pick and 1500ish ELO Ranked. Holy fuck, my brain hurts.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Margalis on December 15, 2011, 07:24:28 PM
Yeah, it's like two different games. In normal blind pick I basically just fuck around with champs I don't know how to play because nobody has any clue what they are doing. Basic stuff like trying to get dragon just doesn't occur to people at all.

That said, I've been on run where my ranked games are like that as well, getting paired with people with 2 ranked wins who have no idea wtf they are doing.

Last night I was playing with a Maokai on my team, I get Gragas in mid down to about 10% health and call him over for a gank. What does he do? He walks straight down from my tower towards Gragas, in completely plain view. That was his "gank" attempt. Just walk towards the enemy when they can clearly see you.

I feel like for the last week or so to win ranked games I have to carry, if I play even an average game my team loses. Just one of those runs.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Ashamanchill on December 16, 2011, 04:42:49 PM
On a side note, it is fucking laughable the difference in play between Normal Blind pick and 1500ish ELO Ranked. Holy fuck, my brain hurts.

The funny thing is, I'm actually starting to enjoy those normals more. I'm getting a bit sick of this current meta and it's ironclad lanes. I like seeing thing slike Garen mid, Shaco and Udyr top while a Janna solos bot, and whatnot.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on December 16, 2011, 06:02:17 PM

Methinks I espy some selective perception, here. I am not even level 25 and my Normal games already look 75% like the high-ELO meta I encounter on various streams. Just with way less execution, and significantly fewer junglers/supports (which is where much of that 25% gap comes from.) I wish unusual comps were more common, but it's just not so.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Margalis on December 16, 2011, 09:01:09 PM
When I play normal games I get some crazy comps, but you also get stuff like a complete lack of any basic strategy. Placing wards, trying to get dragon and baron, keeping track of dragon and baron timers, knowing what type of team you have and using that as a strength, using CC intelligently - for the most part these things don't happen in normal. In normal you have a Malz who always ults GP.

Title: Re: Patch 131: Ahri
Post by: Rasix on December 16, 2011, 10:21:46 PM
New champ is super annoying to lane against, but doable with Ryze.  You're dodging skillshots the entire time, then having to play like a weenie if her ult is up.  So much goddamn harass.  Still, beat her pretty soundly (6/1 to 5/5).