
f13.net General Forums => League of Legends => Topic started by: statisticalfool on September 12, 2011, 07:31:56 AM

Title: Last hitting practice
Post by: statisticalfool on September 12, 2011, 07:31:56 AM
I've been doing a bunch of last hitting practice recently. Here's my setup:

1v1 custom game. I go bottom so that I have an enemy. I usually go against Sivir Bot since she actually tries to harass you if you stand around.

ColbyCheeze, in this nice video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0lJyNRrvHE ) says you should be able to get 34 by 5:30, and 75 by 10:00. Although should here is like "if you are totally awesome". I got a 23/55 with Trist recently, but even that was tough. Whew, long way to go here.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Slayerik on September 12, 2011, 09:21:41 AM
I been watching some pro streams at work - http://www.solomid.net/streams.php

Ocelote is a beast. Just watch him and you will learn how to farm like crazy.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Chimpy on September 12, 2011, 02:39:47 PM
I am really bad with melee champs, but I have gotten pretty ridiculously good with Morgana (though she is almost like cheating once she hits lvl 7 and the caster minions all die to one cast of her pool).

My problem is judging how much health I can take away with 1 hit, I invariably mis time it to be too early and leave them with like 5 health.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: statisticalfool on September 12, 2011, 03:26:38 PM
Yeah, Morgana is totally fun to farm it up.  I was really sucky a month or two back about hitting with her dark binding, but maybe I'm getting better with that. I should switch back to her.

Although have to say, Brand is a lot of fun, really nice to be able to tee off with his combo whenever you want as opposed to Annie.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Margalis on September 12, 2011, 03:44:43 PM
The hard part is last hitting while also harassing or being harassed.

One thing I notice when I play normal non-ranked games is during the laning phase I am almost always #1 in CS. The main thing is don't get mentally lazy.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Amaron on September 14, 2011, 10:17:10 AM
While leveling the biggest mistake I've seen is people auto attack.   You absolutely don't want to do that unless you are getting pushed hard to the tower.   Just run back and forth and only hit when it's time to get the kill shot on the minion.   Another annoying problem is newbies will spend far too much time harassing or trying to get an early kill.   They'll completely ignore CS and just harass harass harass.   That can put melee heroes at a significant disadvantage in blind draft.   If you're bad at last hitting you should use something ranged probably so you can keep practicing.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Thrawn on September 14, 2011, 01:44:23 PM
Don't be afraid to use +AD runes if you need help with your last hitting.  Especially on ranged carries it helps and getting good farm is SO important.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: ezrast on September 14, 2011, 01:52:52 PM
But it makes me feel so dirty!

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Prospero on September 14, 2011, 02:27:58 PM
That's why I love Jax; those tasty AD runes buy you a reasonable chunk of health for the early game. It gets rid of all my dirty feelings.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Dark_MadMax on September 14, 2011, 03:40:41 PM
meh I kinda feel last hitting is overrated and boring.  I mean maybe at high elo it is very important but at lower levels and normal its really non factor. Majority of minion farms happens  by lvl10+  character 1-2 shotting minions or aoeing en masse .

Those 20-30 minion difference of the careful last hitting  during laning phase (and those are extremes - there is generally  less difference , unless comparing solo lane vs duo) are wiped out in one death. You can be dominated all early game fighting your tower for minions and still  came out back later on top. Teamwork and composition are far more important that those. Dragon  /baron/towers are far more important too -as they provide team wide advantage and map control.

Its very important not to miss those huge minion waves appearing after mid/late game as  they do have lots of gold in them , but there is zero last hitting involved in clearing those

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Thrawn on September 14, 2011, 03:48:55 PM
You are correct that it is boring and matters less at lower skill levels or if you are just playing to have fun.  But if you care about getting good and improving your ELO/Ranking you have to learn to last hit well if you want to win.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Amaron on September 16, 2011, 02:50:23 PM
Being pretty good is probably not as important in low elo.   Most people can't even do basic last hitting though.   I constantly see people dominate a lane and completely fail to turn that into any CS at all.  A little early lane dominance and some early CS should snowball into kills quickly if done right.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: tazelbain on September 17, 2011, 10:30:46 PM
Any tips on getting a way from locking the camera?

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Prospero on September 17, 2011, 11:29:33 PM
Just press Y and never go back. It'll hurt for about a week, but then you'll be 10x better. Remember that holding spacebar locks the camera to you if you lose yourself in a fight.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Furiously on September 26, 2011, 11:30:36 AM
I left my jungling spells up accidentally on another melee champ and realized against ranged chars smite isn't a horrid choice for getting a few last hits in, you can also take out the big creeps easily that way.

Title: Re: Last hitting practice
Post by: Thrawn on September 26, 2011, 11:34:19 AM
I left my jungling spells up accidentally on another melee champ and realized against ranged chars smite isn't a horrid choice for getting a few last hits in, you can also take out the big creeps easily that way.

Problem is that you might end up pushing your lane when you don't want to.  Multiple smites on a team can be great for a quick Dragon or easier Baron though.