Title: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on February 21, 2008, 06:40:24 PM I'm not going to be on much in the near future, but I'd like to continue playing when you all need a 5 man healer. If you guys would like to do some dungeon crawls in Outlands, just post a day and time and I'll be happy to help.
The only thing less fun than grinding faction solo is getting ganked by people in purple armor while grinding faction. I think a break may do me well. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on March 17, 2008, 06:40:17 AM I'm out.
Broke my promise of playing casually weekends, trying to do Kara instead of going to brunch with people. Consider me /canceled from MMOs, aka gamer cancer, for a while. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 17, 2008, 02:06:38 PM Ya know, it's kinda bizarro when I login during US prime time and see that out of a 61 member guild...I AM THE ONLY ONE ONLINE!
I mean, DAMN! Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on March 17, 2008, 02:12:08 PM Smells like F13 spirit.
:awesome_for_real: Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: raydeen on March 17, 2008, 02:37:23 PM I wish I had more time to play but I've got a ton on my plate and a few hours on the weekend are about it. Even spring break is getting eaten up with work.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Merusk on March 17, 2008, 02:59:59 PM Smells like F13 spirit. :awesome_for_real: ^^ This. This is why I didn't rush, didn't push and didn't consider Malvi "my main." It took longer than I expected, but as always the usual "gaming ADD" and "differing goals" thing blew up again. You can usually catch a few of us EST players on every few days, (I know I haven't been alone when I log in to do a BG or two) but not much more than that. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Kail on March 17, 2008, 03:17:32 PM I'm still around, but only for maybe an hour a day. There's really not much to do; noone else is on, and when they are, there's not much I can do to help. There's not a lot I can do solo or anything, and I'm not crazy about PUGs. So, mostly I just do the daily PvP and try to get one or two thousand honor points before I log. If someone needs me for something, feel free to let me know, but I feel like a bit like a third wheel otherwise. No sense in sitting around staring at the Batphone in case someone needs a gimpy Arms warrior or anything.
Maybe 2.4 will have something we can do as a guild; who knows. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 17, 2008, 03:29:07 PM I dunno, one the big things for me was just to have people to at least chat with while levelling, mining, or whatever. When I login and no one's online, I start to wonder why I even bother.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: stu on March 17, 2008, 05:54:03 PM The shine has worn off! I think we all knew this was bound to happen.
I still haven't resorted to referring to Barrens Chat for company, but it's been quiet for a while now. A full plate of classes and a job hasn't increased my play time. Since this is the first character I've leveled past 55 (and my second stab at the game), I'm still into it and will get to 70 at some point. There won't be a different MMO getting my money for a while, at least. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on March 17, 2008, 08:15:17 PM I've got a 5 month old who is consuming a ton of my attention and a gaming partner who has decided to go for 70 on our Alliance server and potentially start raiding again (she says to do it, I do it), so that is where all my time went.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on March 18, 2008, 05:40:04 AM Eh.
F13 guilds always come with a * Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Dren on March 18, 2008, 09:00:29 AM I didn't even attempt joining you guys for this very reason. You guys have one or both of these characteristics:
1. You jump around from game to game constantly. Not that some people don't do this, but a huge percentage of you here do. It is kind of what brought you together in the first place. 2. Most of you have a love/hate relationship with MMO's. I know a lot of you are spending a significant amount of time on platformers or single player PC games, so the attendance on a nightly basis will always be very sporadic. I get into MMO's either to just sample or go for the long haul. I like the slow constant feeling of a morphine drip rather than multiple hits of crack each month. That's F13 guild's problem: too many crack users. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Merusk on March 18, 2008, 09:24:29 AM I'm not a jumper or a consoler.. I just haven't given-up on my other server toons. Fucking WoW is my crack vial, and I still play at least every other night. I just have 'things to do' since I'm gathering badges/ raiding every few nights.
At least I'm not playing 14 hour weekend stretches anymore. :ye_gods: Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on March 18, 2008, 10:01:20 AM I'm still playing WoW, I've just moved to another server with a group of old friends. I guess the PvP server just wasn't my thing. I love to PvP, but I prefer to choose when and where I do. Sometimes a night of mindess pve is a nice diversion. You just can't do that on a pvp server.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Kail on March 18, 2008, 10:46:55 AM That's F13 guild's problem: too many crack users. I dunno, I think part of it is game mechanics. Even when we had people online, there wasn't much we could do with each other. 1-70 is all solo, now, pretty much. Then at 70, there's nothing else to do unless everyone else is 70 (unless you feel like running AV over and over and over and over). If someone can come up with something for us to do, then I'd love to be there, but I can't think of anything unless A: we hit some critical mass of 70s and can start doing 5-mans or, or B: there's something added for smaller groups to do. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Jayce on March 18, 2008, 11:11:04 AM I wish I would have been a bigger part of this in its heyday, but just about the time it started up, I finally convinced two of my RL friends to play on my "real" server.
Now they're approaching 70 and our collective interests are waning in the game :uhrr: One thing I found that I don't like about it, is that PvP is vastly different at 70 versus 1-69. It seems like every lifeless jackass has a full set of arena purples, and while I like WoW PvP, I don't like it enough to plow a month+ of grinding BGs, then multiple weeks of grinding arena to get to the point where I'm at least competitive. I don't enjoy PvE servers, and I don't enjoy level 70 PvP, so that consigns me to the 1-69 world, which is great the first 5 times. For now... I may be cultivating an interest in that OTHER PvP game... Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Rasix on March 18, 2008, 11:28:01 AM I'm still playing WoW, I've just moved to another server with a group of old friends. I guess the PvP server just wasn't my thing. I love to PvP, but I prefer to choose when and where I do. Sometimes a night of mindess pve is a nice diversion. You just can't do that on a pvp server. This is why I was hesitant to join you all. I know Nebu is more pvp centric than I am, and if he had problems with the PVP server environment... Not to say this isn't expected, but with a group this small you run into problems with play times and enough folks to even do a basic 5 man. If you can't even run a 5 man instance every once in a while, the game is just going to get stale. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on March 18, 2008, 11:30:48 AM I think I lost interest when Hat, Kail, and especially Righ stopped playing. Righ was really the cohesive force behind the guild and with him gone it's just not the same. I got used to the pvp thing, but it's really not conducive to having fun on any support class.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on March 18, 2008, 07:07:39 PM If everyone is going to quit does this mean I can raid the guild bank for everything and rake the profit$? ;-)
I still play, just my free time has been considerably cut or focused on other characters. Trying to drag a PvE fan to a PvP world just doesn't work, especially when you get 1 hour to play and you spend 30m of that running for bodies after a band of roving alliance decide to lay waste and camp your corpse. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on March 19, 2008, 05:17:13 AM The guild bank is there to be raided. Start looting early imo since you're capped to how much you can take out at a time unless you're the leader.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xanthippe on March 19, 2008, 06:56:09 AM My life's gotten busier lately, and when that happens, I play less WoW.
I'm enjoying Outlands on the horde side - it's almost like new again. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on March 20, 2008, 07:29:39 AM I play once in a while, just not on that server. The Scyers server or something, mostly. Sorry. I simply don't enjoy WoW PvP. I'm spending more time doing PvP in one of my :nda: games and I like it lots more. I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY SHADOWBANE AGAIN. NOT!!!
I SWEAR!!!!!!! Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on March 20, 2008, 08:26:39 AM What?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Righ on March 20, 2008, 10:52:43 AM Sorry. I didn't mean to go AWOL, but while waiting for people to want to do post-60 instance content,I downloaded the freebie strategy game Battle for Wesnoth and got addicted. :) Haven't fired up WoW for a couple of weeks. But if anybody wants to do stuff, I'm up for it.
So what server did you go to Nebu? Even though I may whine about leveling characters, its more fun than trying to get PUGs in a wacky semi-PvP, semi-RP server community. :P Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: brellium on March 21, 2008, 08:34:28 PM Awesome, I get to 70th level and you all bail.
Good thing I went with the corp people, we've got nine 70's sofar. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 22, 2008, 01:43:47 AM Where are the corpers?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xanthippe on March 22, 2008, 09:48:59 AM Awesome, I get to 70th level and you all bail. Good thing I went with the corp people, we've got nine 70's sofar. I didn't bail, I'm just really slow. I think I like the getting there more than being there. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: stu on March 22, 2008, 09:56:09 AM Same here. I like to take my time and hang out on the AH from time to time.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on March 22, 2008, 10:25:07 AM Sometimes I find the AH to be the most addicting part of the game. Now... if only they would add farming.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Jimbo on March 22, 2008, 02:07:45 PM Dang it! I just got Webetrakkin up to level 11 and I'm still having fun being and Ork! Zug Zug! Of course I'm more an explorer and pvp than a grinder, but I do find myself setting and fishing for some reason...
Anyone got any low level 2 handed axes and bows/guns? Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on March 22, 2008, 08:07:29 PM Where are the corpers? "The Old Cabal" is their guild. They have a few 70's who are on all the time.Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on March 23, 2008, 06:18:32 AM They're on the same server, too. Righ has grouped with them before. Sometimes I wish everyone was still on the same site. Except for Boog because I'm scared of him. He kills people, right?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: brellium on March 23, 2008, 06:43:06 AM They're on the same server, too. Righ has grouped with them before. Sometimes I wish everyone was still on the same site. Except for Boog because I'm scared of him. He kills people, right? He's standing behind you, naked, covered in blood. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Gobbeldygook on March 23, 2008, 04:29:48 PM And you can't see him.
Because he's a rogue. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Der Helm on March 23, 2008, 06:07:30 PM That made me laugh. :awesome_for_real:
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 25, 2008, 12:27:25 AM Couldn't we, like, merge guilds, or something?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on March 25, 2008, 06:13:50 AM With Corp? You mean like we merged after WTO? Yeah. That would be fun to watch. :awesome_for_real:
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 25, 2008, 01:57:01 PM Well, it might at least increase the number of people online to chat with or group with that aren't complete Dashtards.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: slog on March 28, 2008, 11:39:31 AM <----- In the corp guild. except its not a corp guild. It's a IRC channel guild
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on March 30, 2008, 02:08:22 PM Well, I was getting annoyed with my Tauren. Too big, can't ride everything.
So I rerolled an adorable little Blood Elf named "Kekela". I'm sure I'll run into one of y'all eventually. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 02, 2008, 02:01:20 PM Oh, I now totally take back what I said about how we should merge guilds or whatnot.
Before anyone else thinks of jumping in bed with The Old Cabal, you should know that Quote DARK VENGEANCE SAYS: Please be aware that all of the current members are longtime community members from Corpnews and/or #hate. If you contact someone in-game, please be sure to mention your Corpnews forum nickname. All characters on the in-game roster are labelled based on Corp nickname, because many of us have alts. I also want to mention up-front that unless we know you pretty well, you will probably be inducted as an Initiate, with little to no guild bank access at first. This is not personal. Many of us have known and/or gamed with each other for years, so it may take time to work yourself completely into the fold. Made me feel like a total ass or some kind of impudent dick for just posting on the forums that I was going to look them up and would like to join. I felt like I wandered into FOH or EJ for a minute. It was kinda funny, considering he had just pimped the guild to the community at large. No mention of probie bitch status then. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on April 02, 2008, 04:11:03 PM Made me feel like a total ass or some kind of impudent dick for just posting on the forums that I was going to look them up and would like to join. I felt like I wandered into FOH or EJ for a minute. It was kinda funny, considering he had just pimped the guild to the community at large. No mention of probie bitch status then. It's DV. He does that from time to time. I don't take it personally, I just don't give a damn honestly. I just want to not be the only one online at any given time =PIf he gives you any shit in-game, just /gquit. This isn't the 4th grade where we have to prove how tr00 and tuff we are to play with the cool kids. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 02, 2008, 04:56:00 PM Yeah, I know about him. I've seen enough of his posts on Corp and even on here back in the day. Just because my post count isn't in the sky and my join date isn't the day the forums opened doesn't mean I wasn't around. :-)
Clearly he doesn't remember me, but that's fine. I won't have to /gquit, because I didn't even bother asking to join in-game. I'd rather be solo than guilded with people who have that kind of attitude. As I said over there, the reason to join would be so it's NOT like starting with a brand new guild where no one knows you and you have to be the probie bitch until you prove yourself "worthy". Like I told him, if you're going to have that kind of exclusionary attitude, you should state it up front. I mean, we started a guild here, anyone could post and join, and nobody was told they aren't good enough or have to prove themselves. DV said it was open to the community, be anything you want, but then when I posted he goes all "long-standing members" on me. Fuck that. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Cadaverine on April 02, 2008, 05:27:51 PM I tried to join late last night, since based on DV's initial post it seemed as if anyone was welcome, lurkers or otherwise. I was told there was no one that could vouch for me, as far as knowing who I was, and that I should try again during regular hours since there were more people around then.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on April 02, 2008, 08:11:17 PM I was told there was no one that could vouch for me, as far as knowing who I was, and that I should try again during regular hours since there were more people around then. Gotta have a voucher to join? What the hell man? So much for "anyone can join" and whatnot. Ah well, gives me time to get my mage to 70.Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: slog on April 03, 2008, 05:04:02 AM I think there is a misconception here of how we run things in The Old Cabal. We already have had some misunderstandings of the guild bank as one person thought that the entire gold balance on the bank their daily withdrawal limit so restrictions are needed. We also get a fair amount of people constantly asking to join, and we wtih a few thousand gold worth of items in our guild bank we don't want to get ripped off
Guild Ranks: Personally don't know why people care about Guild ranks. I don't even know what mine is. Mode basicly runs things because he's the only one willing to do the dirty work like rustle up puggies when we are short a DPS or a healer for a raid, make sure we have enough POTS, Eliiers, etc for raiding. He also makes sure people don't do dumb shit for Kara, like show up as a priest in DISC spec to heal (although I keep asking) We don't run things like folks do on F13. The Old Cabal is not an extension of a message board in game with a chat channel. It's not a hardcore guild either. I view it as a bunch of people who have known each other on the internet (some for a few years) that don't want to have a good thing ruined. We have folks like ARRG and Delusion who are perennial lowbies who just want to level up slowly with people they know on guild chat to help them out occasionally when they are getting corpse camped. We also have raiders (like myself) who take it more seriously. No one is going to tell you what to do if you don't want them to, but you can't expect to raid without being able to work as a team. apolgies for the rambling. I need more coffee. link to my toon. http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=The+Venture+Co&n=Jonpaul Edit: I have no idea who Xerapis is either Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on April 03, 2008, 07:11:44 AM I transfered my shaman to another server so that I had people to chat with. I thought about asking the Corp folks to join, but I really wasn't having that much fun on the pvp server.
Funny thing: Now that I moved my toon, I don't even play it anymore. I've been leveling a warrior. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Velorath on April 04, 2008, 05:07:32 PM Oh, I now totally take back what I said about how we should merge guilds or whatnot. Before anyone else thinks of jumping in bed with The Old Cabal, you should know that Quote DARK VENGEANCE SAYS: Please be aware that all of the current members are longtime community members from Corpnews and/or #hate. If you contact someone in-game, please be sure to mention your Corpnews forum nickname. All characters on the in-game roster are labelled based on Corp nickname, because many of us have alts. I also want to mention up-front that unless we know you pretty well, you will probably be inducted as an Initiate, with little to no guild bank access at first. This is not personal. Many of us have known and/or gamed with each other for years, so it may take time to work yourself completely into the fold. Made me feel like a total ass or some kind of impudent dick for just posting on the forums that I was going to look them up and would like to join. I felt like I wandered into FOH or EJ for a minute. It was kinda funny, considering he had just pimped the guild to the community at large. No mention of probie bitch status then. While I'm certainly no fan of DV, you came off much worse in that thread than he did. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 04, 2008, 06:08:14 PM Um...ok. ~shrug~
Not sure how you're seeing that, don't really care. He said "come join our guild" I said "ok" He said "not so fast" I said "that's fucked, you need to say that shit upfront, i'm outta here". I have no idea what happened after that. I logged out of the corpnews forums and deleted my bookmark for them. Virtually nothing happens in those forums these days anyway. I used to check there regularly but sometimes they had no posts for days. No loss, for me or them. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: tkinnun0 on April 05, 2008, 12:48:36 AM You forgot to scramble your password.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Velorath on April 05, 2008, 12:57:12 AM Um...ok. ~shrug~ Not sure how you're seeing that, don't really care. Well, he said you wouldn't start off with full guild bank access and you might feel like an outsider for a bit since they've all been playing games together for years, and you responded by saying you don't want to be a probie bitch and not only are you not going to join the guild now but you're also going to leave the Corp forums. I don't like having to take DV's side (or Corp in general, not that I have anything against them but it feels odd sticking up for them), but making "I'm Leaving" posts on message boards is always melodramitic and you're compounded it by bringing it up here, even making a point to mention that you deleted the corp bookmark. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: slog on April 05, 2008, 06:05:52 AM It's really not that big a deal. While we had to search for 2 DPS for a bit for our Kara run last night, we still cleared it within our 4 hour window.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 05, 2008, 06:40:17 AM Stuff No, I responded by saying that they needed to put those kind of conditions in their guild recruitment message and then said I'm not applying for the guild and I'm leaving the forums. I hadn't been participating much over there anyway, and I felt that the statements by DV were fairly representative of the community as a whole. I no longer had a desire to be a part of that community. I'm not saying they're wrong or whatever, just that I don't want to be there because of it. I mentioned deleting and all that because you said that I looked worse in the thread and since I had no clue how you came to that conclusion, I considered the possibility that other comments were made after mine that influenced your opinion. I was only making the point that I had no idea what else was said. That's it. I don't mind being the probie bitch when I'm expecting it. I wasn't expecting it, and it pissed me off, so I left. I was just telling everyone else here that there were some restrictions on the corp guild before they go rushing off to apply or anything, and also sharing my personal reaction to those restrictions being brought up separate from the recruitment message. If new members are going to be restricted, mention it in the recruitment message. Don't wait until somebody mentions wanting to join. That's a pretty basic concept. It keeps situations like this from happening. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on April 05, 2008, 07:24:51 PM If new members are going to be restricted, mention it in the recruitment message. Don't wait until somebody mentions wanting to join. That's a pretty basic concept. It keeps situations like this from happening. I just assume that everyone is going to hate me or think I'm a jerk when I join. Makes this type of situation much less likely to happen. Also gives me that boost to my self esteem when they are actually nice. And I'm still operating on the same mentality as when I used to raid 2 years ago: no such thing as a guild bank (unless you are in good with the GM or his pals who do Master Looter and keep all the nice BOE stuff for themselves), elitist members, being made a bitch by someone else at least once a week. So when it doesn't happen (like in F13's guild) I am pleasantly surprised.Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: DV on April 07, 2008, 09:09:54 AM Some points to mention:
1) What you regarded as a "recruitment post", I wrote as a friendly invitation to members of the Corp forum community. The thing is, it wasn't a formal recruitment for some official forum guild....it was a guy who posts on a message board saying "hey some of us that post here have a WoW guild, we need more people for raids but we don't want to add a bunch of strangers...any of you jerks wanna roll another alt?". 2) I don't see where anyone gets this sense of entitlement that "open to all" was the tone of my invite. It wasn't. I mentioned several times in the original post about "familiar faces" and the fact that I wanted people from the community. I've got nothing against lurkers...but cmon man, I may watch SportsCenter, but that doesn't exactly make me a part of the ESPN community. If we have to search the memberlist at Corp to even determine if you've ever registered there, that really defeats the purpose of a community guild. 3) I checked your post history at Corp, because I was curious if you were a lurker or just really new. From what I can see, you never really were a part of our community. The bulk of your other posts on Corp were about a cross-community WoW guild someone suggested back in 2006. For someone with such a hard-on to play WoW with us, it was a bit surprising to discover that you almost never post on the forums where we hang out. 4) Despite all of this, I was fine with your interest in joining, right up until you flipped out about what you keep calling "probie bitch" status. Who the fuck demands unlimited bank withdrawals from day one from a raiding guild full of people they've never played with before? 5) I mean, I understand where you're coming from. The DDO-equivalent of The Old Cabal was basically dead in the water just a few weeks after release. I'd have been all over a community guild for that game...because I was basically stuck to PUGs or joining a guild of strangers to get to the endgame (which I did). Especially in your case, Xerapis, getting a character to the 60s only to watch your guild go inactive...that's frustrating, and I acknowledge that. But for fuck's sake, man. We would have happily tossed you a spot in a guild that's active at the endgame....and you threw a hissyfit over a guild bank restriction. We offered you a spot in the lifeboat, and you bitched about not getting the front seat. Have fun treading water. 6) The point about "shoulda been in the initial post"....well, it's good to know you would've double-bagged it, Mister Favre. I wasn't expecting folks that weren't familiar with our subset of the community were going to inquire about joining. Specifically, Noitek had PMed about membership just prior to my post...I posted the "disclaimer" so that he or any other newcomer wouldn't feel like an outsider. Why might he feel that way? (A) Most of us active folks are doing endgame stuff, so that dominates the conversation in guild chat. (B) Folks pretty much level on their own, unless they REALLY need help. (C) Not knowing anyone, yet most of us have gamed together for years. (D) Feeling treated unfairly if they saw someone like Einer join the guild and get a better rank/privs. 7) I assume you've got some kind of reputation here on F13, Xerapis, but I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Corp and F13 are not a singular community. Haven't been for a while now. Your rep within this community means zilch at Corp, just as my rep at Corp means squat here. Likewise, I don't know much about the F13 guild, I don't really care. I scan the Burning Region memberlist in these forums, and I only recognize a handful of the foum nicks. Whatever your policies are, they are. See how that works? I'm an outsider to your community, it's not my place to critique what your guild does. 8) Fuck you for making this a multi-forum drama bomb, and prompting me to re-register here. Bring the noise. Cheers............. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on April 07, 2008, 11:11:48 AM What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: schild on April 07, 2008, 11:39:23 AM Wow. Just wow.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: stu on April 07, 2008, 03:44:16 PM Guh. This is what happens when people join RP servers.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on April 07, 2008, 04:38:27 PM And here I was assuming that this was all over last week. Silly me.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 07, 2008, 05:59:36 PM Yeesh. My bad.
just /end discussion Saying anything else would just make it worse. Sorry to anyone offended or pissed off...don't want to cause any drama. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: slog on April 08, 2008, 11:52:51 AM I lol'd
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 08, 2008, 03:23:11 PM (http://forums.editingarchive.com/images/smilies/new_kodomagnam.gif)
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: schild on April 08, 2008, 07:28:30 PM Oh wow. A ghibli smiley.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: brellium on April 09, 2008, 08:45:36 PM <3 Xerapis
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Cheddar on April 09, 2008, 09:01:43 PM Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: DV on April 10, 2008, 07:07:30 AM Please do not ban me. Had to get that in. Heh, if you think I'm worried about being banned here, you've got a short fucking memory. As long as we're just having to get stuff in, ask Schild how his advice for Nintendo has panned out. Yknow, the thread in which he said that Ninentendo should abandon the Wii and get out of the console market in a Sega-like fashion. (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=1839.0) He felt pretty strongly about it, as 3 people ended up being banned as a result of the discussion. Bring the noise. Cheers............. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 10, 2008, 07:49:58 AM Why do you care about f13 anymore? Does Schild or Trippy or anyone go over to your crymorenoob.site and stir up shit?
Oh wait... no one does. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: stu on April 10, 2008, 08:39:28 AM Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: DV on April 10, 2008, 09:38:56 AM Why do you care about f13 anymore? Does Schild or Trippy or anyone go over to your crymorenoob.site and stir up shit? Oh wait... no one does. You mean the forums I deactivated back in 2005? Yeah, people usually don't visit forums that have been deleted for years. As to my personal site never getting going, heh. Apparently I need to remind you that F13's audience was virtually non-existant before the WTO takeover. And for the record, I don't care about F13. Haven't for years. Hence the reason I said I don't care if you guys ban me. But when one of your WoW guildies goes emo on Corp about our WoW guild having bank restrictions, and then proceeds to come back here and misrepresent things I've said, I take issue with that. Just as folks from this site would (and have) with someone misrepresenting their words and actions on Corp. I was civil in my post to Xerapis, and left well enough alone until someone responded to me directly and threw some barbs my way. Fuck, we were willing to bring your remaining active folks into our guild so we could all experience endgame content. I thought we were being pretty fucking nice in doing so. So if all you want to do is fling shit, that's fine. I expected as much. Bring the noise. Cheers............ Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on April 10, 2008, 09:50:48 AM Fuck, we were willing to bring your remaining active folks into our guild so we could all experience endgame content. I thought we were being pretty fucking nice in doing so. I agree that this was a nice gesture. Had I stayed on Venture, I would have liked to play with a few of you. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 10, 2008, 10:17:37 AM DV, if I remember correctly, YOU were the one who flung the shit here via tubgirl. In fact, you were always flinging shit around. You have always been a mean man. I don't like you.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: DV on April 10, 2008, 11:06:16 AM DV, if I remember correctly, YOU were the one who flung the shit here via tubgirl. In fact, you were always flinging shit around. You have always been a mean man. I don't like you. :heartbreak: Bring the noise. Cheers............. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 10, 2008, 11:11:50 AM Don't make me feel guilty because you know I suck at hating people for long periods of time.
Dammit. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: schild on April 10, 2008, 11:16:37 AM Jesus, after 2 years, he still sounds like a bitch with a skinned knee.
What the fuck. Deleted. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 10, 2008, 11:24:46 AM (http://www.sheknows.com/graphics/emoticons/stars.gif)
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: MrHat on April 15, 2008, 06:51:28 AM Was he actually typing out that sig every time?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: NiX on April 15, 2008, 08:11:49 AM Yes, yes he was.
Bring the pumpernickel. Jeers......................... Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Jayce on April 15, 2008, 08:43:43 AM Been doing it for years. By this point, I feel pretty sure he closes with that when has a conversation IRL.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: tkinnun0 on April 15, 2008, 09:37:31 AM He really should have quit while he was ahead.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 15, 2008, 12:04:58 PM If by ahead, you mean a knob, then it's been too late for that for the years that I've known him.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: tkinnun0 on April 16, 2008, 12:53:16 AM No, by ahead I mean his first post was pretty much thread over right there.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: schild on April 16, 2008, 01:08:38 AM DV wouldn't know when to quit if someone said "quit now or I'll rip your fingernails out with pliers." In fact, it might have been one of his more charming traits.
Bring the Boise. Potatoes............ Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 16, 2008, 07:05:16 AM No, by ahead I mean his first post was pretty much thread over right there. Ah, okay. I always confuse heads with knobs which is why I call the lot of you dick knobs all the time. (in the nicest way possible!) Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Xerapis on April 16, 2008, 01:24:06 PM I find it fascinating that if you apologize for offending anyone and just try to end an argument before it explodes into some kind of cross-forum flame war, that somehow means the other person "won".
Ah, internet. :awesome_for_real: Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: tkinnun0 on April 17, 2008, 01:09:12 AM There wasn't anything left to discuss after DV's first post; a fact you acknowledged as well. Hence thread over. DV had to re-register and you apologized for the emo-drama; trust me, nobody won anything.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on April 17, 2008, 10:19:53 AM I think Xerapis won. Of course, I love Xerapis and don't love Dark Knob, so I might be prejudiced.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: brellium on April 18, 2008, 08:16:02 PM DV wouldn't know when to quit if someone said "quit now or I'll rip your fingernails out with pliers." In fact, it might have been one of his more charming traits. Bring the Boise. Potatoes............ And again Hammy was right Schild is a whiny bitch. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: WindupAtheist on May 22, 2008, 04:46:29 AM loldrama
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Teleku on May 31, 2008, 08:24:14 PM Was it really necessary to drag thing thing up after it had a good month to sink it down into the depths of the forum?
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Jayce on September 16, 2008, 08:43:27 PM Was it really necessary to drag thing thing up after it had a good month to sink it down into the depths of the forum? You think he got those 4000 posts all on fresh threads? Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Arthur_Parker on September 16, 2009, 05:29:26 PM Was in two minds if I should post this or not, but figured a dead thread in a dead sub forum won't get much attention anyway. Den or delete if you don't like.
I thought this was funny (http://www.corpnews.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=5000). Quote what boggles my mind is that you people actually liked having a forum that nobody posted in and are all pissed off that people are now making posts Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Selby on September 16, 2009, 07:12:34 PM I still have no idea what happened over there. Kind of sad.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Ingmar on September 16, 2009, 07:16:07 PM I have no idea what any of this means! But it is sort of dramatic and entertaining nonetheless.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Cheddar on September 16, 2009, 08:04:10 PM I was banned from Corpnews at some point. Though I never posted there. :grin:
Good times. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Gobbeldygook on September 16, 2009, 09:17:48 PM I still have no idea what happened over there. Kind of sad. Rasputin's been cagey about it. What I gathered is that the new posters are refugees from some deleted x-box forum. They ain't got no home so Rasp said they could come crash at his place. He hinted they were cast out of Penny-Arcade.Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Cheddar on September 16, 2009, 09:46:46 PM Rasputin's been cagey about it. What I gathered is that the new posters are refugees from some deleted x-box forum. They ain't got no home so Rasp said they could come crash at his place. He hinted they were cast out of Penny-Arcade. How so? He announced them, apologized for them, etc. Its a dead forum. Good for Rasp. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Jayce on September 16, 2009, 10:52:44 PM At least it's good to know that DV is still inviting all comers to bring the noise, with a cheers tossed in to sweeten the offer.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Arthur_Parker on September 17, 2009, 01:39:54 AM Just fyi, some of the corp threads are now NSFW (http://www.corpnews.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4991&start=60).
Quote The truth is, you represent what this community was formed against: banality, conformity, averageness. You're not special; theres a million other guys in a million other forums doing the same stupid stunts and thinking themselves clever, or at least desperately hoping to seem so. A perfect example: your post saying you 'got under my skin'. That's not a retort, it's a pitiful attempt to turn the tables because, quite frankly, you're not as clever as I am and don't know how to respond. It's a weak maneuver, and time was that a member of this community would be ashamed to resort to it. Now it seems that sort of idiocy is not only tolerated, but accepted. I'm not mad at you anymore. You simply sadden me. All communities change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. There once was a time when I really hoped the tribes of the diaspora would unite again, that we would reclaim that which we had lost. Corpnews was, until now, the last candle keeping that flame alive. It seems I need to accept that that which we have lost is lost for good. Enjoy your new home here. Better men than you built it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIJIBo9bJk0 Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Merusk on September 17, 2009, 10:54:34 AM Pika's a good guy, and he's not wrong. Here at F13 the community has chased-off asshats with better grammar and posts than those who Ras invited over to Corp. They're just above Vault refugees in terms of post quality. His summation of the retort is spot-on as is his assessment of what the community was.
It's not Ras' forum to do with, as he's not paying the bills. It'd be like Trippy deciding that F13 is better used as a twitter portal than a pop culture/ gaming forum and inviting a whole lot of 144-character twits around, then telling us all he didn't know why we weren't happy with the increased forum activity. Then again, I'm not really sure WHO is over there anymore, since Somebob disappeared and Mr. Poppinfresh went off somewhere in Asia. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Arthur_Parker on September 17, 2009, 12:34:24 PM Past tense "was" is correct, but there was retarded stuff in the "good old days" too, maybe some people have slightly selective memories. I just found it ironic that corp became a place with very little gaming discussion due to smart arse one liners from the old timers, yet now it's the old timers making wall of text e-respect posts due to an influx of new posters using one liners. I wasn't ragging on anyone at corp, I don't have a problem with a single poster there, I really just thought it was funny and corp hasn't been entertaining for ages.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Gobbeldygook on September 17, 2009, 01:25:16 PM Then again, I'm not really sure WHO is over there anymore, since Somebob disappeared and Mr. Poppinfresh went off somewhere in Asia. Pops came back from Asia and now works for a Canadian lobbying firm. Sbob's still around, he just ignores everything except the private forums. He still pays the bills. Rasp runs everything on the technical side. I'm unsure if anyone actually 'moderates' it anymore.Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Reg on September 18, 2009, 03:08:58 AM I used to check out Corpnews two or three times a week but haven't bothered since the place got flooded out with newbies. I did my best for a day or two but there's just nothing interesting about their posts other than the drama from the old hands who hate them.
Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Nebu on September 18, 2009, 09:13:41 AM I also used to read Corp regularly and found it to be a nice counterpoint to these forums. There are a number of people there that I have had some great conversations with on IRC.
Sadly, they seem to be getting overrun. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Velorath on September 19, 2009, 05:07:54 PM I wasn't ragging on anyone at corp, I don't have a problem with a single poster there Zen's a bit of a dumbass (he still cries about schild and f13), so this whole thing was worth it just to see him ragequit and then crawl back the next day blaming it on being drunk. Title: Re: Taking a break Post by: Signe on September 19, 2009, 05:43:27 PM I was banned there for a while, too, but I think someone unbanned me. I don't know. I haven't logged in there for years. I think Boog thought I was Schild's mom. :ye_gods: