
f13.net General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bunk on May 26, 2006, 10:44:35 PM

Title: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Bunk on May 26, 2006, 10:44:35 PM
Just got back from seeing it, so I figured I'd start a thread. I won't try to review it properly, because you can't right a detailed review without spoilers. I will offer a few tidbits though.

This one is dark. And violent. People die. Lots of people die.

I enjoyed, though I'm a little torn. There's a fight going on inside me between enjoying the fact they they diverged enough from canon to make this its own X-Men universe, versus wanting everything to fit what my inner fanboi remembers of the X-Men. I should say though, I haven't read an X-Men in 10 years, but I've read every issue before that.

 - Needed less Halle
 - Peotr Rasputin should have a fucking Russian accent
 - This interpretation of Mystique still rocks my world
 - I'm not a pedofile for thinking Kitty Pryde was cute
 - Anna "Sputnik Head" Paquin on the other hand is not cute.

The movie isn't a Masterpiece by any means, but it was fun and managed to hit a lot of the right fanboi buttons.

Lets keep this thread mainly spoiler free for now please. My enjoyment of this movie was Greatly enhanced by the fact that I avoided spoilers like the plague going in to it.

It's been almost a month, I figure anyone who cares about spoilers has seen the movie by now.  Opening the spoiler floodgates. - Samwise

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Bunk on May 26, 2006, 11:01:07 PM
Well fuck. Apparently the pricks pulled another one of those extra scenes at the end of the credits and I missed it. I dug up the basics of what happens and its pretty funny because I actually said to my buddy as we left "At least they didn't do what I though they would..." And it turns out they did.

If you stay through the whole damn credits.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 26, 2006, 11:43:02 PM
I didn't like it.

http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=5287.0 (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=5287.0)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Wolf on May 27, 2006, 03:32:22 AM
I liked it. Than again, my x-men knowledge is extreemly limited :)
I think the ticket was worth it just for "I'm the juggernaught BITCH".

I missed the end of the credits thing too. Can someone send a PM my way what was it about? PM Recieved. mhmm... the weirdest thing  does kind of make sense now :)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on May 27, 2006, 03:56:27 AM
I went in expecting mediocrity at best.

I came out quite pleasantly surprised.  I'd put it just below X2, and above the first one (which I didn't and don't really like).  I loved X2, but largely I feel it was too Wolverine-driven and it does get a bit tired over time (though I could watch Nightcrawler in the White House for hours on repeat).

This one did a better job of splitting the focus across several characters, making it less obvious that Wolverine is the star. He's still the star, but we're not sitting in his lap for the entire movie.

Overall, I was happy with it.  I'm of two minds about a few of the things they did, but it's largely nitpicking. I'll save that for the spoilers thread.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Merusk on May 27, 2006, 02:29:43 PM
Just saw it this afternoon and it was as good as the last 2, imo.  But then again, I was never a big X-men fan so some of the 'non-canon' stuff would have gone over my head.   Anyway,  someone PM the ending stuff to me please.  The youngest kid was antsy so we didn't stick around for the full credits like we normally do.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Triforcer on May 27, 2006, 02:33:31 PM
I loved it.  There were parts that reeked of "lets make sure thirty different mutants get screen time", but the battles were good and there was just enough philosophical type stuff to make you think without dragging down the movie.

I wish Hollywood didn't have to turn this movie, as it does most, into a thinly veiled vehicle about homosexuality though.  Mutation as gayness was present in the first two movies but all the agonizing about the "cure" was merely the writers trying to be PC enough.  Hey anti-cure dipshits- its easy for you to condemn it when you can set people on fire by looking at them and still go out for a cup of coffee without people running away from you screaming.  Why not give the fur-covered acid-spitting octopi types the option, k?  

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ookii on May 27, 2006, 02:49:18 PM
How odd, I absolutely hated it.  After the movie ended, all I could think about is how they ruined their IP, they shouldn't even make another one.

And I didn't stay after the credits for that 'extra' scene, if you want to see it you can do a youtube search, it's actually pretty important.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Velorath on May 27, 2006, 02:50:24 PM
I thought it wasn't bad.  I think a lot of people for whatever reason think a little too highly of the first two movies from many of the reviews I've seen and act like this one just wasn't worthy of follwing them.  All three were ok movies with a few great moments.  Despite being a fan of the comics I can't really say I was sad to see them do movie with Dark Phoenix without the Hellfire Club or the Shi'ar Imperial Guard.  I guess I'm just surprised by the reaction this movie has gotten so far in reviews given that X-men 1 & 2 weren't great movies by any means.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Merusk on May 27, 2006, 02:51:10 PM
Did the youtube search, the clip's already been removed. At least the one I found.. still looking tho.

Tri.. you need your head examined.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ookii on May 27, 2006, 03:07:50 PM
Looking through IMDB, did anyone recognize Psylocke or Jubilee?


Psylocke is on the right


Jubilee herself

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: voodoolily on May 27, 2006, 08:22:15 PM
I likes it a lot. Worth the price of a matinee ticket.

It's good to see the kid from Six Feet Under working again. He's actually not bad as a blond, winged mutant with a cute haircut.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Samwise on May 27, 2006, 11:01:57 PM
I liked it a lot.  Possibly more than the last one.  Even if they did part with canon on multiple accounts; I actually liked the spin they put on the Phoenix.  And Frasier as Beast was an excellent casting decision.  Also: he's the Juggernaut, bitch.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 27, 2006, 11:05:26 PM
There wasn't a "spin" on Phoenix (imo!). There wasn't a spin on much of anything. Angel, for example, was pretty much nonexistent. There was just too much stuff in it that they could only breeze by all of these subjects in a matter of 90 minutes.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on May 27, 2006, 11:34:46 PM
I recognized Psylocke, but didn't notice Jubilee in this one.

Saw her name in the credits, though.

As mentioned in the spoiler thread, I was disappointed that Psylocke never did the psiblade thing.

YouTube link for the after the credits scene (http://youtube.com/watch?v=CJRv_e7TD6o&search=after%20credits%20x%20men)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on May 28, 2006, 06:56:12 AM

 Hey anti-cure dipshits- its easy for you to condemn it when you can set people on fire by looking at them and still go out for a cup of coffee without people running away from you screaming.  Why not give the fur-covered acid-spitting octopi types the option, k?  

Wow, is there anything you won't miss the point of ?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: jpark on May 28, 2006, 07:59:39 AM
I enjoyed it but thought it was the weaker film of the three - I understand there was a director change in this film.

Several characters died in this film - I thought the plot got very little leverage from these emotional turns.  These key events seemed poorly utilized to really drive the impact of the film.  I thought Wolverine seemed to behave a little out of character in this film compared to the first two for reasons that are spoiler related.

I recommend it overall - good flick.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: sarius on May 28, 2006, 08:35:39 AM
I thought it wasn't bad.  I think a lot of people for whatever reason think a little too highly of the first two movies from many of the reviews I've seen and act like this one just wasn't worthy of follwing them.  All three were ok movies with a few great moments.  Despite being a fan of the comics I can't really say I was sad to see them do movie with Dark Phoenix without the Hellfire Club or the Shi'ar Imperial Guard.  I guess I'm just surprised by the reaction this movie has gotten so far in reviews given that X-men 1 & 2 weren't great movies by any means.

How do you take a comprehensive epic that's covered 20+ years of writing by many, many different authors (along many different alternate realities) and compress it into 2 hours.  You don't.

When I think of the Dark Phoenix series alone, it's disappointing that Jean Grey even came back as such a weak character.  They tried to do way to much, and ultimately destroyed a decade or so of background material.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Threash on May 28, 2006, 10:55:26 AM
I liked the movie for the most part, although i definitely have some complaints.  I didn't really enjoy the big battle scene, other than the main mutants every other one just seemed to rush wolverine and try to take him on hand to hand without using any powers (to obvious results).  The whole bridge thing seemed pretty pointless, if you can lift that thing up why not just drop it on the damn island and be done with it?  For those who think they ruined the IP or that they wont be able to make another movie after killing/curing so many characters, i think that was the point.  This was supposed to be the end of a trilogy, probably of the franchise.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Triforcer on May 28, 2006, 11:20:45 AM

 Hey anti-cure dipshits- its easy for you to condemn it when you can set people on fire by looking at them and still go out for a cup of coffee without people running away from you screaming.  Why not give the fur-covered acid-spitting octopi types the option, k?  

Wow, is there anything you won't miss the point of ?

Are you calling me gay?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Roac on May 28, 2006, 11:37:42 AM
As for myself and my wife, neither of whom has any interest whatsoever in comic books; we both enjoyed it.  Overall I think it has the most mature plot of the three, with respect to the impact that the 'cure' has on mutants and the political climate.  It was much darker than the other two, and I like that as well.  Overall, I have the sense that movies are far too "everything turns out alright in the end", and you have much less a sense of that here, even with the openings the ending(s) have left for future writers. 

I do have some questions about the conclusion though - I'm wondering why they didn't try one of a couple other options to resolve the conflict other than what they did.  I guess I'll wait until we're talking about spoilers to get much farther into that, but did anyone else wonder why it couldn't have gone down any other way?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Threash on May 28, 2006, 11:57:49 AM
According to box office mojo they had the second highest opening night and the third highest grossing day of any movie ever.  44 million or somesuch.  And yes Roac i think i know exactly what you mean.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: SurfD on May 28, 2006, 12:14:51 PM
I thoruoughly enjoyed the movie.  I only had 2 real complaints out it, one being minor, the other possibly not so much so:

Minor complaint: As someone pointed out, the mutant army Magneto recriuted had far too few of the nice Flashy mutants we have come to love and expect from the big battles in comics / animated versions of the series.  The only flashy people were primarily the "star characters" who were shown off.  I had expected to see a crapload of pyrotechnics and other mutant destrutiveness going on during the climactic fight scene.

Possibly not so minor complaint:  Juggernaut.  NOT A MUTANT.  The "cure" should have no relevance to Juggie, so that little scene with kitty at the end was a bit much Deus-ex machina for me.  I understand partially why they did it, but in my mind it takes away from the character as origionally known in the comics etc.

(As to why they did it, I imagine it was to keep the scope of things a bit toned down so as to not muddle the watters with too many seperate themes going on.  After all, the X-Men movies are about humans dealing with / relating to "genetic mutation" (regardless of what kind of spin / hidden meaning you choose to find in what the abnormality may supposed to be representing).  If Juggie was actually treated as the magically empowered force he really is, you would have to admit / allow for consideration of other things, like super science powered heroes (Ironman etc), godling, wizards and whatnot, which is really beyond the scope of the X-men movies as they are presented)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Triforcer on May 28, 2006, 06:09:44 PM
Hopefully this isn't spoilerish, but I am really curious:

did the chess piece move or not?  It cut away too quickly for me.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Roac on May 28, 2006, 06:28:54 PM

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Sauced on May 28, 2006, 08:07:27 PM
I thought that it was a decent attempt at recreating Singer's world, but Rattner obviously could care less about the politics and character development and more about the action.  Which would be fine, if he were capable of creating a set piece, for a war between mutants no less, that's more interesting than a 10' by 10' gravel parking lot.

I've read interviews with the writers, which gave me some bit of respect for them, but trying to cram the Phoenix Saga in with the Cure storyline made for a mess of a third act.  The resolution of the Jean issue made absolutely no sense, in light of how the Magneto issue had just been resolved.

And don't get me started on "The President".  That may be the worst acting I've ever seen - that guy needed a director who gave a shit.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: theo on May 28, 2006, 08:12:13 PM
Just saw this today.   Really good movie.    I enjoyed it. 

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 28, 2006, 08:51:05 PM
And don't get me started on "The President".  That may be the worst acting I've ever seen - that guy needed a director who gave a shit.

The guy sounded like he had a hairlip.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Viin on May 28, 2006, 09:27:05 PM
Saw it tonight. I don't follow XMen other than the movies. Enjoyed it more than the 1st and 2nd .. I like darker movies.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Daeven on May 29, 2006, 05:52:03 PM
The movie isn't a Masterpiece by any means, but it was fun and managed to hit a lot of the right fanboi buttons.

Fun movie. From a cinamatrogrophy / editiing stand point it deserves the Ed Wood award for fucking pathetic. It's Day! It's Night! How many to short gotcha scenes can we include?

Seriously. I haven't seen a film that badly edited in a theater since, well, ever.

But, otherwise a good story.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on May 29, 2006, 08:23:39 PM
Yeah, that was weird at the end with the island it was the middle of the day, then a second later it was night.

I expected to hate it but I thought it was decent. I didn't like the first two as much as most people did though. People complain a lot about a glut of characters in this one but the 2nd was just as bad or worse in that regard.

It wasn't amazing but it was worth seeing.

I know a decent amount about the comics but I don't really care about the changes they've made. If I want the exact same story and characters as the comics I can just read the comics.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 29, 2006, 09:23:52 PM
People complain a lot about a glut of characters in this one but the 2nd was just as bad or worse in that regard.

Look at the difference in how they treat Nightcrawler's introduction and amount of screentime to Beast, Angel, Kitty, and whoever else.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Velorath on May 29, 2006, 09:55:40 PM
People complain a lot about a glut of characters in this one but the 2nd was just as bad or worse in that regard.

Look at the difference in how they treat Nightcrawler's introduction and amount of screentime to Beast, Angel, Kitty, and whoever else.

I think Beast got as least as much dialogue if not more than Nightcrawler.  Even Kitty got a good amount of screen time.  Yeah, they didn't do much with some of the characters like Angel, or Multiple Man, but then how disappointed were we all that Colossus didn't get more screen time in X2.  Where was the uproar after X2 released that they turned Mastermind into Stryker's son, which seems to tell me that Synger's version of the Phoenix storyline wouldn't have been any closer to the comics than X3 was?

The first movie had a Toad and Sabertooth, and a fairly bland plot.  The second movie was better, but I wasn't particularly thrilled with Lady Deathstrike, Stryker, or the plot to use Cerebro to kill all the humans.  Like I said, both were ok movies with some really good moments.  Why people expected anything more out of X3 I'll never know.  Even worse are the people who are upset because they think that if Synger had stayed on he would have made some 2 movie epic about Phoenix.  Realistically, not only was that never going to happen, but the public wouldn't have had any interest in it if it did.  It would have had to focus mainly on Cyclops and Jean, who are probably two of the least popular characters as far as the movies go.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on May 29, 2006, 10:19:05 PM
I actually liked movie Cyclops better than comic Cyclops.

I was disappointed he got so little time in 2 or 3.

I really didn't like 1, so that doesn't count.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Abagadro on May 29, 2006, 10:44:42 PM
I was disappointed he got so little time in 2 or 3.

I think his limited time in 3 was due in large part to spending a lot of time filming Superman Returns.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: angry.bob on May 29, 2006, 11:48:28 PM
Eh, it was worth the price of two tickets. The entirety of the bridge was dumb, and so was the mutant-wave attack. Other than that it was okay.

But then again as far as I'm concerned, nothing involving the X-Men exists after they fight Dracula because he uses his vampire powers to make Storm his hot vampire love slave. Or some stupid shit like that. I think it was right around the time she got the mohawk. There was a definite stretch when the book was worth reading, and 100% of it was before that crap happened.

Pretty much everything after that seems like it's a jumble of shit that's contradicted or invalidated in an infinite number of X-Books so marvel can shovel shit out the door. Any discussion of whether the movie sticks to cannon or not is fucking retarded, because there is no cannon to the X-Anything, and there hasn't been for almost 20 years.

Also, any single episode of X-Men Evolutions was better on every level than all three of the movies put together. It's a bitch the show got cancelled.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on May 30, 2006, 12:36:38 AM
Canon is a set of rules or what have you.

Cannon blows you the fuck up.

I want the gulag back.

And I know he wasn't in this one mostly cause of Superman, but I don't give a shit about the actor- I liked Cyclops.  Eyebeams, dude.   Fwoom.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: schild on May 30, 2006, 12:42:57 AM
Cyclops sucks in the comics, movies and cartoon. He's just an twerp with a shitty special power. He's like 1/5th of Superman but he can't control it because he's such a pussy.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Samprimary on May 30, 2006, 01:39:08 AM
Ratner should not have been allowed near the franchise.

There's a point in the movie where it shifts abruptly to nighttime. Careless, careless.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 30, 2006, 04:39:16 AM
Ratner should not have been allowed near the franchise.

I'd agree, but somehow, this film had like the 4th best opening for a film ever ($107 million). And the best opening for Memorial Day weekend. With a prescreened, poorly rated film at that (55% on RT).

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: schild on May 30, 2006, 04:43:54 AM
It's XMen 3. Everyone who saw the first two went to see it and they brought new friends. Whatever. Does a movie's gross really make any difference in quality whatsoever?

Edit: On that note, I saw the first two when they came out on DVD. I'll probably never see this one. I'm not a big fan of the XMen and as mentioned, Cyclops is a pussy. But I'm also an outlier in any given statistic.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 30, 2006, 05:21:30 AM
Does a movie's gross really make any difference in quality whatsoever?

No. Thanks for reminding me.

I'm not a big fan of the XMen and as mentioned, Cyclops is a pussy.

I'm a fan of the X-Men, as far as Stan Lee's general idea goes (i.e. a comic book's take on racism and prejudice, etc.).

I'm not sure why you'd let Cyclops anchor your hate though. He doesn't define the story. Everything is, more or less, about Magneto and Xavier. Those two are the main reasons for loving it or hating it.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on May 30, 2006, 06:53:27 AM
OK, I went to see this last night with my Brother and Wife.

It was shit.  Really, really, really shit.

The direction was abysmal.  The Writing was horrible (story, dialogue, you name it), the acting was phoned in, the overarching theme was miserably presented.  This was a BAD film.

Bad, Bad, Bad.


PS - I didn't like it.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: sarius on May 30, 2006, 07:30:43 AM
I was disappointed he got so little time in 2 or 3.

I think his limited time in 3 was due in large part to spending a lot of time filming Superman Returns.

Good point. :) But at least his whine factor in the movie was down from the print.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on May 30, 2006, 08:43:22 AM
- I'm not a pedofile for thinking Kitty Pryde was cute

I looked it up, because I felt the same way. She's actually 19. Not pedophilia, but damn she's like young and stuff.

And hot.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on May 30, 2006, 08:47:05 AM
I loved it.  There were parts that reeked of "lets make sure thirty different mutants get screen time", but the battles were good and there was just enough philosophical type stuff to make you think without dragging down the movie.

I wish Hollywood didn't have to turn this movie, as it does most, into a thinly veiled vehicle about homosexuality though.  Mutation as gayness was present in the first two movies but all the agonizing about the "cure" was merely the writers trying to be PC enough.  Hey anti-cure dipshits- its easy for you to condemn it when you can set people on fire by looking at them and still go out for a cup of coffee without people running away from you screaming.  Why not give the fur-covered acid-spitting octopi types the option, k?  

Ummm, read the fucking comics. For years, many many years, the X-Men was a metaphor for tolerance of ALL types, but mostly tolerance for racial issues. It was created in the sixties, and was then a very thin analogy for the civil rights movements. Chris Claremont's writing on the book was at times very didactic. But it most often touched on issues of race, with mutation as the stand-in for racial and religious differences. The writers of this movie weren't being coy about homosexuality, but tolerance for difference in general, because that's what the book has ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Chenghiz on May 30, 2006, 09:06:25 AM
Did anyone else notice that the boy who was 'the cure' in this movie also played 'the antigen' in Ultraviolet?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Mortriden on May 30, 2006, 11:10:35 AM
I also thought it was less than stellar.  To me if felt like the Wolverine show "Now with more caring!"  I wish they would have stuck with either the Cure or Phoenix storyline, not both.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on May 30, 2006, 08:34:08 PM
Yeah either of those could have been a plot in itself. The Phoenix stuff felt tacked on in a way, she didn't really do anything until the last 5 minutes of the movie - kind of a lame secret weapon.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Threash on May 31, 2006, 02:50:24 PM
This is something ive been curious about since watching the movie.  The psychic mutant chic (callisto?) tells magneto and pyro "nobody here is above a rank 3 except you two", and later on she mentions phoenix is a rank 5, the most powerfull mutant shes ever seen.  Does anyone have any more info the mutant power rankings? if both pyro and magneto are a rank 4 then i would assume every single other main mutant shown in the movie is also a rank 4, maybe with the exception of kitty.  Magneto is way more powerfull than pyro, yet they are both ranked the same for some reason.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on May 31, 2006, 04:23:15 PM
The closest thing the comics have to that is the Alpha and Omega Level mutants.  Wikipedia has an article about Omega Level. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_level_mutant)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on May 31, 2006, 05:03:46 PM
Yeah, the "class" stuff is just a movie thing. It really doesn't make any sense.

Maybe "class" measures your midi-chlorian levels...

In all seriousness, the powers are so diverse you can't compare. Pyro is class 4? One gunshot will kill him and he doesn't have super speed or hearing or anything else that would help him avoid a bullet. Wolverine is class 4? A giant electromagnet can defeat him.

In Uncanny Xmen 201 Storm defeated Cyclops in a 1-on-1 battle when she didn't have any powers. (My first X-Men comic, which is why I remember - I'm not that much of a comic nerd please for the love of god believe me! )

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: sarius on May 31, 2006, 05:41:33 PM
Yeah, the "class" stuff is just a movie thing. It really doesn't make any sense.

Maybe "class" measures your midi-chlorian levels...

In all seriousness, the powers are so diverse you can't compare. Pyro is class 4? One gunshot will kill him and he doesn't have super speed or hearing or anything else that would help him avoid a bullet. Wolverine is class 4? A giant electromagnet can defeat him.

In Uncanny Xmen 201 Storm defeated Cyclops in a 1-on-1 battle when she didn't have any powers. (My first X-Men comic, which is why I remember - I'm not that much of a comic nerd please for the love of god believe me! )

I quite agree.  Been wondering why she was so wimpy in the movies (plural)?  Storm was supposed to be a bridge between planar gods at one point, born with inherent kickass.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Tebonas on May 31, 2006, 11:15:59 PM
It is clear to me that she just rated the power level. Which is still as stupid thing to invent for the movie, but slightly less so. It doesn't compare the mutations, just the energy available to power them. Well, ok. Its just as stupid. No excuse there.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: jpark on May 31, 2006, 11:31:22 PM
Ratner should not have been allowed near the franchise.

There's a point in the movie where it shifts abruptly to nighttime. Careless, careless.

Ya that's true.  I tried to overlook that.

OK, I went to see this last night with my Brother and Wife.

It was shit.  Really, really, really shit.

The direction was abysmal.  The Writing was horrible (story, dialogue, you name it), the acting was phoned in, the overarching theme was miserably presented.  This was a BAD film.

Bad, Bad, Bad.


PS - I didn't like it.

What are you trying to say ?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on May 31, 2006, 11:32:25 PM
Wolverine is justifiably a "class 4" simply because the dude can not die. Not by conventional means at least.

Yeah, a giant magnet could "defeat" him, but it'd hardly kill him (unless that magnet's name is Magneto). You could hit him with a Mack truck, drag him for 10 miles, shoot him in the head 5 times, stab him 100 times, get a gang of kids to beat him to a bloody pulp with baseball bats, set off a piece of dynamite in his mouth, throw him in a burning skyscraper, have it all collapse on top of him ---- And he'd be alive and well the next the day.

[edit] Holy shit. 5000 posts.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: jpark on May 31, 2006, 11:38:08 PM
Wolverine is justifiably a "class 4" simply because the dude can not die. Not by conventional means at least.

Yeah, a giant magnet could "defeat" him, but it'd hardly kill him (unless that magnet's name is Magneto). You could hit him with a Mack truck, drag him for 10 miles, shoot him in the head 5 times, stab him 100 times, get a gang of kids to beat to a bloody pulp with baseball bats, set off a piece of dynamite in his mouth, throw him a burning building, have it collapse on top of him ---- And he'd be alive and well the next the day.

[edit] Holy shit. 5000 posts.

Hmm I don't know.  I remember - to my knowledge - the first Wolverine comic miniseries about 25 years ago.  Four issues long - in the end he dueled some old Japanese fella who wielded a bamboo sword.  Wolverine is tough - by like most lore involving regeneration - too much damage is just that - he can only take so much.  In one old X-men issue in some sort of dream - Mystique killed wolverine by getting a clear cut through his throat - his regen could not keep up with blood loss.

I agree with the comment above this film made wolverine a bit of the caring type.  I saw this as a departure from the role he played in the previous 2 films as well.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Velorath on May 31, 2006, 11:54:03 PM
Hmm I don't know.  I remember - to my knowledge - the first Wolverine comic miniseries about 25 years ago.  Four issues long - in the end he dueled some old Japanese fella who wielded a bamboo sword.  Wolverine is tough - by like most lore involving regeneration - too much damage is just that - he can only take so much.  In one old X-men issue in some sort of dream - Mystique killed wolverine by getting a clear cut through his throat - his regen could not keep up with blood loss.

I agree with the comment above this film made wolverine a bit of the caring type.  I saw this as a departure from the role he played in the previous 2 films as well.

Wolverine's healing powers have flucuated over the years.  I remember when they had the plot thread about the Xavier Protocols going (Xavier had typed up a list of ways to kill each X-man should they ever become a threat), and at that point in time it was noted that in order to kill Wolverine his head would have to be cut off and moved away from the body.

As far as Wolverine turning into a more caring type, I seem to recall it being hinted by Jean Grey that it could have been the result of the Prof. tampering with his mind, which actually isn't too out there given the way Xavier has been characterized in the comics in recent years.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Tebonas on May 31, 2006, 11:57:48 PM
Wolverines weakness against giant electromagnets has nothing to do with his mutation. The adamantium is man-made.

If you see it that way every mutant sucks if he wears adamantium underpants.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 01, 2006, 02:06:20 AM
Or if those adamantium underpants are inextricably fused to his body.

I can't imagine Wolverine would rate all that high.  He can heal really well, sure, but Magneto could literally destroy the Earth.  Ditto with Jean.  Hell, the second movie had Professor X almost wipe out humanity.  I'll bet Pyro could cause some nifty damage, too.

This arbitrary and baseless classification system has to include raw destructive capability in addition to defensive strength.  I suggest we discuss its nuances over a 4 page debate, ending in a flamewar over which X-Man could kill all the others.  (Nightcrawler, btw.  He can teleport off someone's head.  Win.)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: SurfD on June 01, 2006, 03:03:09 AM
Nightcrawler doesent have to teleport off someones head (doubt he could do that anyhow) all he really has to do is port them INTO a solid object.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Tebonas on June 01, 2006, 03:30:56 AM
This can only lead to a Starwars vs Startrek like showdown. My Star destroyer can beat up your Enterprise.

Everybody loses if it comes to that!

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on June 01, 2006, 03:42:14 AM
This arbitrary and baseless classification system has to include raw destructive capability in addition to defensive strength.

Which is why Wolverine would be ranked so high...

No, he doesn't eat worlds for breakfast, but he can shred through just about any individual. Heroes, mutants, and otherwise. He wasn't a goverment 'super soldier' for nothing. And he never really loses. He just keeps on coming back until he wins.

And no, I'm not saying any of this because I *really* like Wolverine. I'm a Professor X and Nightcrawler fan, if anything.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 01, 2006, 03:54:41 AM
Well, having Claws isn't exactly an uber power.  He uses it well, but that Spike dude would be just as well off with some training- and he was, at beast, Class 3 according to Callisto.

(And yes, Nightcrawler can 'port heads off, in addition to various other bodyparts.  He did so in Age of Apocalypse when he was more badass and cruel- to Deadpool, no less, proving that head separation will do the trick in killing those with healing factors.  I like where this thread is going!)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on June 01, 2006, 04:07:45 AM
I bet he couldn't rip an adamantium head off. Probably can't even teleport through adamantium walls.  :-)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Comstar on June 01, 2006, 04:45:04 AM
Something I don't understand about Humans vs Mutants thing (I have not seen the movie, and thought 1 and 2 sucked because I'm on the humans side): Why don't they just fire JDAM's at them from 20km away or something. Seems to work in Iraq (ok ok, this is getting back to Star Destroyers vs the Enterprise USN fleet carrier).

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Roac on June 01, 2006, 05:50:10 AM
My impression on the 'class' bit is that the higher rank the more supernatural power you had - not that such power was destructive ("PvP" or whatever), or even all that useful.  Also, I wouldn't put too much stock into the comics.  The movies are not contiguous with them (not that they are even within themselves), so whatever limits Wolverine (or whoever else) had in the comics doesn't really have much bearing as to how far they want to take it in the movies.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on June 01, 2006, 06:08:06 AM
thought 1 and 2 sucked because I'm on the humans side


So are the X-Men.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on June 01, 2006, 08:33:54 AM
My review (http://www.gameangst.com/Movies/p2_articleid/46)

In short, I liked it as much as the other two. I was actually more pleasantly surprised than I thought I would be, because it didn't suck.

As for mutant power levels, Omega class mutants are ELE types, those who could literally cause extinction-level events on planets. Phoenix was easily and Omega level - she caused a sun to go nova once.

Storm has been a wimp in the movies because she has no character. She never has. Removing all the African goddess stuff from her background just made her another mutant, and she was never given any backstory other than she's at some point been hated because she was a mutant. But really, comparing the comics to the movies is a stretch, because the movies have done a good job of establishing their own separate continuity.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on June 01, 2006, 10:26:26 AM
Halle Berry being terrible doesn't help Storm either.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 01, 2006, 11:18:09 AM
I bet he couldn't rip an adamantium head off. Probably can't even teleport through adamantium walls.  :-)

This could potentially be a very long discussion, requiring me to type the word "adamantium" many times over, and I'd really rather not do that.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: jpark on June 01, 2006, 01:21:51 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but I heard there was going to be a stand alone film on wolverine with Hugh Jackman.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Rasix on June 01, 2006, 01:31:01 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but I heard there was going to be a stand alone film on wolverine with Hugh Jackman.

You are correct, sir.  (http://imdb.com/title/tt0458525/)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: pxib on June 01, 2006, 08:31:13 PM
I generally enjoyed the movie visually, and am not sorry to have paid matinee price for it. If it's worth seeing, it's worth seeing on the big screen. The fine detail in some special effects scenes and what little suspense and tension a big dark theatre provides this flaccid, muddled movie will be completely lost on a 19-inch Sony screen.

Being a character in a good movie means never having to say "Why did that happen?" Everything is foreshadowed. If something random happens, it happens for a reason we don't yet understand. Every problem resolves in way which, while initially surprising, will prove to have been inevitable. The storyline of X3 fails on this front so many, many times. Terrible things happen and not only do they resolve poorly... the audience is given no reason to care.

The worst screenwriting sin, in my opinion was


At one point somebody does something mind bogglingly callous and cruel. The character who was treated callously is given the opportunity for betrayal, and takes it. That betrayal turns out to be a completely worthless waste of time. Also a waste of screen time.

***** STARS ****

This sort of thing happened all over the place. It feels like a bunch of screenwriters sat around saying "Oh I have an idea!" and "Wouldn't this be cool?" without trying to link them together into anything coherent. The first two movies had exposition problems, but generally I cared about what was happening. This time I just turned off my brain about half an hour in and watched the pretty pictures. What little heart and soul X1 and X2 had is completely absent from X3. It's all flash.

Big summer blockbuster FTW

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on June 02, 2006, 02:05:35 AM
This was a BAD film.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Merusk on June 02, 2006, 04:50:41 AM
Know what? After them being shown adnausium for the last week on FX I can confidantly say, so were the first two.  This just happened to have bigger gaffes.

 I'll admit I didn't even notice the day/ night thing until you all pointed it out.  It's a popcorn movie and folks who don't give a rats ass about comics seem to be enjoying it.  Here's the reality.. Marvel's brass doesn't care about your comics, or the backstory.  They want to move into a profitable medium loosley using the work of their predecessors.  They appear to be doing that fairly well.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on June 02, 2006, 04:56:04 AM
Know what? After them being shown adnausium for the last week on FX I can confidantly say, so were the first two.  This just happened to have bigger gaffes.

 I'll admit I didn't even notice the day/ night thing until you all pointed it out.  It's a popcorn movie and folks who don't give a rats ass about comics seem to be enjoying it.  Here's the reality.. Marvel's brass doesn't care about your comics, or the backstory.  They want to move into a profitable medium loosley using the work of their predecessors.  They appear to be doing that fairly well.

Actually, they do care. It's one of the reasons why they've decided to head all projects from now on with their own studio. Not to say they don't care about money (Marvel's 'brass' is barely making shit with these current films anyways), but if you read any given interview with Avi Arad, you'll find that he's pretty picky about the other stuff too.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on June 02, 2006, 06:31:25 AM

  Here's the reality.. Marvel's brass doesn't care about your comics, or the backstory. 

I don't either.  That doesn't stop this being a really poor film.  Bear in mind that, as a film, it had to bear some weight not from the comics, the fans or the backstory but from the two other fucking films which it is part of a trilogy of.  (Yeah, Grammar Snake owns me.  Fuck off.)

It couldn't even do that.  It groaned under it's own weight and IF ANYTHING my complaint was that it cared far too fucking much about the comics and the backstory...

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on June 02, 2006, 08:49:02 AM
Actually, they do care. It's one of the reasons why they've decided to head all projects from now on with their own studio. Not to say they don't care about money (Marvel's 'brass' is barely making shit with these current films anyways), but if you read any given interview with Avi Arad, you'll find that he's pretty picky about the other stuff too.

Marvel did that because they get more money off the movies when they do. They got ROYALLY screwed by the movie studio on X-Men 1, to the point that no matter how much money the movie made, Marvel only got like $200,000. ROYALLY RAPED. Making their own studio means they get more leverage in distribution deals, etc. It has fuckall to do with merging it with the comics. As a matter of fact, I'd imagine they see the comics as advertising for the movies.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 02, 2006, 09:16:13 AM
They got very little for Spider-Man as well, didn't they?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on June 02, 2006, 09:22:08 AM
They got to see MJ's Nipples.  That's enough for anyone.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: bhodi on June 02, 2006, 02:05:30 PM
Can someone explain to me what an Omega mutant is? I did a search, and it's something to do with unlimited power or advancement, or no limits, or being able to use elemental forces, but I was never able to nail down an exact definition; It came up in X2 and I did a quick search recently but I haven't seen any definitative answer, only a list of (admittedly) powerful mutants. There were a few in there that weren't overly powerful, as far as I can tell, so I was a bit confused.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on June 02, 2006, 02:07:14 PM
I've always taken it to be a mutant with the power potential to create a planetwide extinction level event. Magneto being able to reverse the earth's magnetic polarity, Phoenix making a sun go supernova, that sort of thing.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Morat20 on June 02, 2006, 02:19:52 PM
I've always taken it to be a mutant with the power potential to create a planetwide extinction level event. Magneto being able to reverse the earth's magnetic polarity, Phoenix making a sun go supernova, that sort of thing.
It's when a mutant becomes a munchkin. When your mutant is overly twinked. When he becomes the main guy from Goodkind's Sword of Truth novels. When he becomes Superman.

In short, an Omega Mutant is one in which the only critical plot element is "How is the Omega Mutant Nerfed so there is a believable conflict"?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 02, 2006, 09:00:42 PM
Has to do with virtual immortality on the part of the mutant, too.

Iceman, for instance, became an Omega Level Mutant when his powers manifested completely- rendering him composed entirely of ice and unkillable (blow off his head, he can make another).

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2006, 04:21:40 AM
He did what ?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Bunk on June 03, 2006, 08:15:23 AM
I bet he couldn't rip an adamantium head off. Probably can't even teleport through adamantium walls.  :-)

Actually Nightcrawler doesn't teleport "through" anything. He leaves his current dimension, travels through a pocket dimension, and reapears at his destination.

I love nerd fights.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: stray on June 03, 2006, 08:57:13 AM
Umm.....I knew that.  :wink:

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: jpark on June 03, 2006, 10:05:33 AM
This was a BAD film.

Damn Europeans and their subtlety.  What are you trying to say?


Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Xerapis on June 10, 2006, 06:30:56 AM

Just watched it.  I know, a little late.

I'm confused.


Just curious.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: schild on June 10, 2006, 07:09:41 AM
Oh comeon. The Marvel Universe has been destroyed and reborn more times than I can count. At least wait for the Superman movie to say things like that.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on June 12, 2006, 08:57:25 AM

Probably the same fucktard that told Brian Bendis he could do the same thing in the comics.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Raging Turtle on June 12, 2006, 09:05:45 PM
Saw it saturday, liked it, probably because I never really read any of the X-men comics and never took the movie too seriously.  If someone could PM me with what happened after the credits that'd be groovy. 

Edit:  PM recieved, thanks Llava.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Velorath on June 12, 2006, 09:28:06 PM

Probably the same fucktard that told Brian Bendis he could do the same thing in the comics.

And probably the same person who told Singer the same thing with the first two movies.  Would anyone who thought the third movie sucked be so kind as to tell me what was so epic about the first two that the third just failed to live up to them?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on June 12, 2006, 09:40:32 PM
Yeah, I'm in the same boat.

I expected to HATE the third one but I thought it was ok. All three movies had bad dialog, spotty acting (Halle I'm looking at you!) and were not true to the comics. Wolverine is basically the only character they got right. Mayb Mags and X, but certainly not the rest of the villains or X-Men.

People say the second one was great but I thought it was mediocre. A lot of characters who didn't do much (Pyro, Iceman, etc), Nightcrawler was kind of annoying...the entire third act was just boring. It bothered me that Nightcrawler was introduced and suddenly there are 2000 times they REALLY REALLY need someone who can teleport when they never did before.

None of the movies were particularly memorable. More like instantly forgettable.

I'm not a huge fan of the third one, it may have been the worst of the three but the first two were not anything amazing.

Now in fairness a super-group lends itself much better to a series than to a movie. There are just too many characters, and it's too hard to develop characters in a movie where 15 different guys split screen-time. Can anyone even say that Cyclops or Storm had any personalities at all?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 12, 2006, 09:52:20 PM
X-Men 1<X-Men 3<X-Men 2

Sorry.  1 sucked.  It did.  It's not even good in an apologist sort of way.  "Do you know what happens to a toad that gets struck by lightning?  The same thing that happens to everything else."

2 was miles above, and I was happy it was.  It had some weak scenes, certainly, but there are enough "omg that rocked my world" scenes that it makes up for it.  I'm thinking of two in particular: Nightcrawler's assault on the White House, and the army assault on the X Mansion.

3 was good.  Little slow at times, and it lacked the "omg world=rocked" scenes that 2 had, but overall it was a solid entertainment experience with good action that didn't trip over its own cheesy toes too much.

That's the final word.  I have spoken and now it is fact.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Morat20 on June 13, 2006, 11:54:51 AM
X-Men 1<X-Men 3<X-Men 2
Sorry.  1 sucked.  It did.  It's not even good in an apologist sort of way.  "Do you know what happens to a toad that gets struck by lightning?  The same thing that happens to everything else."

Actually, blame for that rests solely with Halle. And possibly the director. That line was meant to be delivered entirely differently. It was meant to be a sincere question -- "What DOES happen to a toad when it's struck by lightning" followed by the answer of "Oh, same thing as with everything else".

Halle turned it into some bizarre threat/Hero's kickass smiting statement. It was meant to be more of the "Talking aloud to one self" sort of thing. Imagine it coming from Buffy and you'd get a better idea of how it was meant to be delivered.

As it was --- UGH. Most cringe-worthy line EVER.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: HaemishM on June 13, 2006, 01:17:06 PM
As I said in my review, Storm was never developed as any sort of character in the X-Men movies at all. The lines she did have needed a great actress to make anything out of them. They removed all her backstory as the African goddess thing. As a result, the only thing they had to hang their hat on was her powers. A good actress would have pressed the director for some juicy bits, but since they got Halle Catwoman Berry, she read the lines given like it was a George Lucas prequel then bitched for more lines when critics called her wooden.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on June 13, 2006, 01:21:54 PM
Actually, blame for that rests solely with Halle. And possibly the director. That line was meant to be delivered entirely differently. It was meant to be a sincere question -- "What DOES happen to a toad when it's struck by lightning" followed by the answer of "Oh, same thing as with everything else".

Yes...that would have been MUCH better.

Gee, I wonder what happens when lightning hits a toad as opposed to say ANY OTHER LIVING CREATURE. Tough one. Riddle me this!

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Llava on June 14, 2006, 10:10:36 AM
Delivery counts, but that's only slightly better than what we got.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Abagadro on June 14, 2006, 02:23:51 PM
Compare that to the similarly clunky line that Magneto had in the SoL about "I thought you lived in a school" or Wolverine's "You're a dick" line. Both aren't great lines but the delivery elevated them.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: Margalis on June 14, 2006, 08:53:36 PM
I don't think anyone here is arguing that Halle is a great actress who delivers her lines well.  :-P

But part of the problem with that line is that not only was it dumb but it was long. Long enough to call attention to how dumb it is.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free for now
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 19, 2006, 10:57:36 AM
Finally saw this over the weekend (I have been busy!). I enjoyed it, even though it had too much stuff crammed into it, had some giant plot holes, and some just plain stupid crap. Still had fun watching it. I hope there is a a deleted scene on the DVD that shows Cyclops dying a horrifyingly protracted death. I hates me some Scott Summers.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Samwise on June 19, 2006, 11:02:50 AM
OMG SPOILER!   :-P  Not that anyone cares by now.  And yes, I am in favor of painful Cyclops-death.

Did it bother anyone else that the Golden Gate Bridge didn't collapse into the bay, even after Magneto lost his powers?  I guess those suspension towers and foundation gizmos are purely decorative.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: bhodi on June 19, 2006, 01:48:49 PM
Playing Bridge Builder solidifed my knowledge that engineering marvels are really freaking fragile... When magneto pikced it up, I was thinking if I was a mutant, I'd turn around and say fuck you, that thing could break apart at any moment, especially after you stop maintaining it, I'm not walking over that!

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 19, 2006, 02:53:37 PM
The bridge should have fallen apart as soon as he started moving it. I have seen the Galloping Gerty video too often to not believe that.

Also- if Magneto was so cavalier about mutants dying to furthe his cause, why not tear Wolverine apart? There is tissue between the parts of the adamantium skeleton- just sent him into about 8 pieces and see if he can regen THEN. Same with Collosus- why not grab the big oaf, bounce him off all the rest of the mutants, and then sink him to the bottom of the bay?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Lantyssa on June 19, 2006, 03:56:02 PM
I finally saw it this weekend, too.

Collosus could turn his armor off to avoid Magneto.  It would become a game of reflexes, although it would be a good opportunity for others to jump him.  The logical use of powers was one of the gaping plot holes.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Llava on June 19, 2006, 06:49:28 PM
I saw one bit in a comic where something tricked Kitty Pryde into remaining unphased (can't remember why that trick), then threw Colossus at her, which made him reflexively go flesh so as not to kill her on impact, and then it hurled a large spike at 'em and impaled them both.  Clever timing and a good trap.

Course, they survived the impaling.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Trippy on June 19, 2006, 08:48:51 PM
Also- if Magneto was so cavalier about mutants dying to furthe his cause, why not tear Wolverine apart? There is tissue between the parts of the adamantium skeleton- just sent him into about 8 pieces and see if he can regen THEN. Same with Collosus- why not grab the big oaf, bounce him off all the rest of the mutants, and then sink him to the bottom of the bay?
Magneto "leeched" out Wolverine's adamantium in the comic books. Of course he still had (bone) claws after that... :-o (retcon alert!)

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Ironwood on June 20, 2006, 03:52:20 AM

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: schild on June 20, 2006, 03:55:04 AM


Edit: Trippy, I will never EVER forget the frame where Wolverine let the bone claws out for the first time. it's burned into the back of my head as the most fucked up thing ever in a comic book targeted towards, well, kids. I was I think 12 or 11 when that came out. Maybe I was older. Whatever. I still remember the frame. Blech.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Tebonas on June 20, 2006, 03:55:22 AM
One thing I always wanted to know. How was the film Ironwood?

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Ironwood on June 20, 2006, 04:06:15 AM


Edit: Trippy, I will never EVER forget the frame where Wolverine let the bone claws out for the first time. it's burned into the back of my head as the most fucked up thing ever in a comic book targeted towards, well, kids. I was I think 12 or 11 when that came out. Maybe I was older. Whatever. I still remember the frame. Blech.

Speaking of Retcon and whatnot - That Panel was particularly iconic if you read 'Origin' and consider how deeply traumatised the young man was when bone claws first popped out of his hands and, well, impaled someone after seeing the death of his father.  I always look at that panel and think "Yup, there he is.  The big poopy has regressed to childhood again".

Also, I think that the 'leeching' scene was a little more disturbing - silver wormies wriggling out from under Wolverines skin.  Let's face it, the whole thing was shock and awe.

PS - It wasn't that good Teb.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Koyasha on June 20, 2006, 10:31:01 PM
I'd agree that the Phoenix stuff felt...tacked on...or somehow mostly irrelevant to the rest of the movie.  I also agree that lack of the logical use of the mutants' powers was one of the main flaws.  Where were the really *awesome* uses of power like in X2 when Magneto molds the iron filings into a platform for him to levitate on and the rest into little bullets?  Moving the golden gate bridge?  Shocking perhaps, but even completely disregarding structural issues, not exactly the best use of Magneto's power.  Also the personality swings with Magneto...  He cares about mutants, but callously abandons Mystique completely, but feels bad about Professor X's death, and isn't willing to kill Wolverine, but sends in his followers first to get shot with the cure, etc?  He's very inconsistent.

The movie's not bad if you don't think about it too much, but if you do much thinking....it has a lot wrong with it.  If there is a 4, I really hope they handle things better.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: kaid on June 21, 2006, 02:04:46 PM
The only thing that killed me about that whole stupid bridge moving sceen was when he was moving it the time appeared to be late afternoon. When they got around to wandering off the bridge it was clearly late night. WTF how slow are you guys and if it takes that long why not just um STEAL A BOAT.


Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Margalis on June 21, 2006, 10:31:01 PM
That was some sort of editing/production goof.

I also read that there was a scene where Storm caused a tidal wave that got cut out because of a similar goof, somehow it didn't fit with the rest of the scene composition.

The movie was a rush-job and it showed.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Bunk on June 22, 2006, 03:35:10 PM
I didn't really care about the whole bridge stability thing, what bugged me was  - why not just dump the whole thing on top of the research center and be done with all of it. Too much inconsistency in the name of "big stunts".

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Chenghiz on June 23, 2006, 08:48:53 AM
Speaking from the point of view of a computer graphics student, I loved the bridge scene. It must have been really fun to do.

Title: Re: X-Men III - Spoiler free no longer!
Post by: Koyasha on June 30, 2006, 12:14:39 AM
why not just dump the whole thing on top of the research center and be done with all of it.

Or more efficiently, rip every reinforcement bar out of the building, thus causing immediate structural collapse and crushing everyone within.  Simple, effective, and possibly the most efficient use of power Magneto could have thrown at the situation.

Of course, there are very, very, very few movies or other stories, for that matter, that cannot be broken with a little liberal application of thinking and logic.