
f13.net General Forums => E3 '06 => Topic started by: Arthur_Parker on May 03, 2006, 02:03:40 AM

Title: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 03, 2006, 02:03:40 AM
W.A.R. E3 Video.

High Res version (http://www.only-war.com/warhammeronline_wmvhighwide.wmv)

High Res Mirror (http://www.warhammeronlineforum.com/war_e3_trailer_big.zip)

Low res + mirrors





Anyone going to E3 able to checkout WAR?

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video
Post by: schild on May 03, 2006, 02:07:16 AM
One of the f13ers will hit it up.

As per the other thread: CGI.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video
Post by: stray on May 03, 2006, 02:19:51 AM

Thought it'd be gameplay footage

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Trippy on May 03, 2006, 02:50:57 AM
I hope the humor element is reflected in the game.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: schild on May 03, 2006, 02:51:40 AM
You mean like WoW?

I'm sure it will be.

That was too easy.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Trippy on May 03, 2006, 02:56:57 AM
You mean like WoW?

I'm sure it will be.

That was too easy.
No I meant like in the miniatures game.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: schild on May 03, 2006, 03:03:43 AM
You mean li.....nah.

I agree. Too bad that would make it a lot like WoW.

Here's the problem, and I'm going to put it bluntly.

MYTHIC CAN'T WIN THIS BATTLE. They went from the insanity that was Imperator and decided, instead of creating something INTERESTING, to acquire the rights to something that the marketplace didn't need. That's not to say it won't be fun, but it's an ultra shitty decision from a business and marketing perspective. Also, Warhammer players != PC Gamers. And if some are, they're probably already playing WoW.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 03, 2006, 03:17:35 AM
They don't need to beat Blizzard which is good as they already said they aren't going to try.

From 1984 October (http://www.crashonline.org.uk/09/gw.htm) to the present (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40%2C000_spin-offs#Computer_games) day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_computer_games) some Warhammer players are pc gamers.

WAR will be worth playing purely based on it being a good game or not, the fact 6 million people are playing WoW at the moment bodes well for a game due in 2007, not badly imho.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: schild on May 03, 2006, 03:47:55 AM
Too bad there are 20 or more MMOGs due in out 2007 - including INTERESTING things like Huxley. And this one is the most like World of Warcraft. I'm not saying they're competing with WoW by choice. I'm saying they're competing with WoW whether they like it or not.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: stray on May 03, 2006, 04:18:21 AM
They don't need to beat Blizzard which is good as they already said they aren't going to try.

From 1984 October (http://www.crashonline.org.uk/09/gw.htm) to the present (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40%2C000_spin-offs#Computer_games) day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_computer_games) some Warhammer players are pc gamers.

WAR will be worth playing purely based on it being a good game or not, the fact 6 million people are playing WoW at the moment bodes well for a game due in 2007, not badly imho.

Sure, they don't need 6 million subscribers to be considered a success --- But they didn't need to set themselves up to directly compete in WoW's territory either.

It's bad enough that the fantasy theme and artwork of both games resemble each other so closely, but Mythic also decided to churn out another diku game on top of that. Now the chance of even a modest success is a harder to goal to reach than if they had the slightly less stupid idea of making a game about, for example, Romans in space (Just an idea I'm tossing around...I'm sure Mythic could come up with something better  :roll:).

[edit] Schild is more succinct.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 03, 2006, 04:52:14 AM
I'm not really getting this.  DAoC copied EQ, in fact was marketed (in part) as EQ without the sucky bits. 

Given the success of WoW, it's logical that Games Workshop are going to want a mmorpg, it's so logical there was even one in development before WoW was released. 

Given that Mythic's most successful game was heavily influenced by EQ (but with extra pvp) it doesn't shock me that WAR will be heavily influenced by WoW but with extra pvp, at least I hope it will, because Mythic are trying very to hard distance themselves from WoW references.

WAR will either be good or bad, if we assume it's good then being compared to WoW might bring in more punters, if it's bad, sure it could well sink faster, but not many people plan for failure.

As for Imperator, Romans?  Latin speaking guys in big suits of armour (http://www.3d-jeff.com/Mythic_Imperator01.jpg) with an eagle fixation (http://www.3d-jeff.com/Mythic_Imperator04.jpg)?  Looks a bit like 40k (http://it.games-workshop.com/image_depot/warhammer_40k/space_marines/crimson_fists/cfart.gif) to me.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: stray on May 03, 2006, 05:14:56 AM
Given that Mythic's most successful game was heavily influenced by EQ (but with extra pvp) it doesn't shock me that WAR will be heavily influenced by WoW but with extra pvp, at least I hope it will because Mythic are trying very to hard distance themselves from WoW references.

I'm not holding my breath for PvP in the spirit of Warhammer at least. They've made it a 2 faction game last I checked. Probably in the hopes of distancing themselves from WoW.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 03, 2006, 05:40:19 AM
Some quotes below from Mark Jacob's with his recent thoughts on WAR, WoW, RVR etc.  His last sentence in-part echos schild's computer gamer comment.

linky 1 (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24084#post24084) Linky 2 (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?p=21550#post21550)

It's really simple, WAR will succeed only if our RvR system rocks. Everything else, PvE, crafting, etc. mean nothing if RvR (and the key support systems for RvR) sucks. Time will tell.


This game can fail. Teams even better than ours have failed in all sorts of creative endeavors. It doesn't mater if your last name is Spielberg, Lucas, Wells or Mythic, you can still mess up. That's why we are working so hard to get it right and why you'll never hear me or any other Mythic dev. talk about guaranteed success or how we are going to "ROXOR UR WRLD!" or any other such nonsense.

We don't care about getting 5M users and we are not going to even try. If we wanted to do that we would have to fundamentally change the design of this game and throw a heck of lot more money at it. Neither of which appeals to GW or Mythic. Look, neither GW nor Mythic are stupid, we both know that if we wanted to appeal to the crowds that are playing WoW, WAR would have to be a very different game and neither of us want to do that. If that was a priority for Mythic & GW, we could make it happen but we have no interest in that. What we are going for is the "sweet spot" in creating a game that is Warhammer but not as dark, dank and depressing as it could be nor as light and fluffy as it would need to be in order to get the 5M+ crowd. Our decision to make this game about war should tell you that.

WoW success has less to do with marketing (which they do well) and more to do with their phenomenal success with the Warcraft brand. Warcraft and Starcraft were the two most successful titles in Korea and I believe Warcraft II (though it could be one) had the dubious distinction of being the most pirated game in China. I'm not saying this to underplay the value of marketing (which we do pretty well ourselves for a small company) but rather to point out the value in having a well-established brand with millions of players. While Warhammer does not have the same appeal to current computer game player as Warcraft/Starcraft, it has something almost as valuable, and that is millions of players of the table-top game.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: MrHat on May 03, 2006, 08:06:40 AM
That video further cemented the fact that elves are so god damn gay.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: tazelbain on May 03, 2006, 09:03:51 AM
Mark: I know people who don't play video games, who are playing WoW. There something more going on here than good branding. 

I am glad they are not trying to beat WoW on their own field.  I think that will be the key to victory, move to a field which were you have the  most advantage and hit it hard.  Remember, WoW and GW has helped Mythic a lot by introducing millions of players to the concept of consensual PvP. The market for Mythic is much larger for WAR that it was for DAoC.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Trippy on May 03, 2006, 09:56:08 PM
WoW success has less to do with marketing (which they do well) and more to do with their phenomenal success with the Warcraft brand. Warcraft and Starcraft were the two most successful titles in Korea and I believe Warcraft II (though it could be one) had the dubious distinction of being the most pirated game in China. I'm not saying this to underplay the value of marketing (which we do pretty well ourselves for a small company) but rather to point out the value in having a well-established brand with millions of players. While Warhammer does not have the same appeal to current computer game player as Warcraft/Starcraft, it has something almost as valuable, and that is millions of players of the table-top game.
First it was SOE complaining about how EQ2 got crushed by WoW because they didn't spend as much money as Blizzard did and now we have Mythic chalking up the success of WoW to Blizzard's brand, but let's looks like a bit closer at the facts shall we?

WoW in S. Korea is only #3 right now. Given Mark's hypothesis you would've expected it to shoot straight up to #1 given the massive popularity of Starcraft over there and Blizzard's brand name recognition but it didn't. In fact, Blizzard is conspicuously silent about how well WoW is doing over the S. Korea, being the only territory they haven't released subscription figures for. Now let's look at NCSoft which *is* top dog in S. Korea. Given the NCSoft brand over there, following Mark's hypothesis again, you would've expected Guild Wars to be one of the top games over there when in fact it's been doing really really badly.

So it seems pretty clear to me that brand is not everything, contrary to what Mark is saying.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 04, 2006, 12:08:02 AM
He also said "We don't care about getting 5M users and we are not going to even try. If we wanted to do that we would have to fundamentally change the design of this game and throw a heck of lot more money at it. "

I suspect he really doesn't want to talk about WoW but had to make some kind of statement as WAR gets compared to WoW so often.  WoW has very polished design, loads of content pre 60, a good brand name and the best marketing possible, good word of mouth.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: tazelbain on May 04, 2006, 11:02:37 AM
I am sure even mahrin skel's pony rancher game gets compared to WoW.

EDIT: wrong kooky game designer.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Lt.Dan on May 08, 2006, 07:26:37 AM

WoW in S. Korea is only #3 right now. Given Mark's hypothesis you would've expected it to shoot straight up to #1 given the massive popularity of Starcraft over there and Blizzard's brand name recognition but it didn't.
Now let's look at NCSoft which *is* top dog in S. Korea. Given the NCSoft brand over there, following Mark's hypothesis again, you would've expected Guild Wars to be one of the top games over there when in fact it's been doing really really badly.

Success doesn't necessarily mean being #1.  Having a playing population bigger than many US states or small countries might be considered successful.

NCSoft as a brand isn't equivalent to Warcraft as a brand, in much the same way that Proctor & Gamble is different from Microsoft.

And the on-topic part of it all....
Mythic will have a pretty unique niche to operate in, if they can capture some of the large scale PvP elements from DAoC. 

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Johny Cee on May 09, 2006, 07:30:26 PM
You mean li.....nah.

I agree. Too bad that would make it a lot like WoW.

Here's the problem, and I'm going to put it bluntly.

MYTHIC CAN'T WIN THIS BATTLE. They went from the insanity that was Imperator and decided, instead of creating something INTERESTING, to acquire the rights to something that the marketplace didn't need. That's not to say it won't be fun, but it's an ultra shitty decision from a business and marketing perspective. Also, Warhammer players != PC Gamers. And if some are, they're probably already playing WoW.

I have different thoughts on this.

I thought Mythic was making a mistake going with a PvE title next.  With WoW, EQII, and the other MMOs out now,  and dozens of PvE games in the works,  there was just no way to distinguish themselves.  Let's be honest,  no way Mythic could work up the budget to compete while at the same time coming up with a new lore/style/world.  It would have been half-assed and tired,  in a completely lackluster world.

Going with a heavy RvR/PvP model would stick to their strengths and provide a ready niche,  with much less competition.  A few hundred thousand former subscribers would give it a shot,  if they heard the pvp was decent.  Warhammer has established lore, artwork, and style;  which they can readily adapt. 

And it the name will get some folks to try it out, if nothing else.  Told a buddy big into Warhammer they were making a War MMO....   he's a 40k guy who has fooled around with WoW a bit,  and a big FPSer.  His eyes lit right up. 

Personally,  I like the DAoC brand of pvp/rvr quite a bit.  I'll give it a shot,  pending how folks say the gameplay is.

And at least I don't have to tell people "Oh, Imperator....  well, it's Romans.  In space.  But there's Mayans too.  Ummm....."

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Margalis on May 09, 2006, 07:45:42 PM
It's really simple, WAR will succeed only if our RvR system rocks. Everything else, PvE, crafting, etc. mean nothing if RvR (and the key support systems for RvR) sucks. Time will tell.

This is probably true.

About brand, it's been said before but I'll say it again: brand may help initial box sales but does nothing for retention. Most games don't have a subscriber free so initial box sales are all that matter. For MMORPGs it is quite different. No MMORPG will ever succeed because of branding.

The Blizzard/Warcraft name helped move a lot of boxes but the game kept people subscrbed.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 11, 2006, 12:45:50 AM
IGN E3 Linky (http://pc.ign.com/articles/707/707529p1.html)

E3 2006: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Who sez it ain't easy bein' green?
by Steve Butts

May 10, 2006 - Though we recently traveled out to the Mythic offices for a lengthy hands-on preview of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, we were excited to see what the team had done to improve the game. Mythic was more than happy to invite us to a private showing of the game at E3 this year to show off some new changes to the interface, explain some key quest concepts and reveal details on the new Greenskin classes.

First on the list is the game's new journal. Warhammer Online players will benefit from the incredibly useful Tome of Knowledge. It stores information on all of your quests, letting you see at a glance the area it takes place in, how far you've progressed towards each goal, the rewards for completing it and, wonder of wonders, the actual dialogue from the person who gave you the mission. The quest journal also activates the appropriate quests as you move from area to area.

The Tome of Knowledge also contains a comprehensive bestiary. As you encounter and fight monsters, their entry will grow more and more detailed, even to the point of offering advice on how to defeat them. You'll also get a look at the concept art and see a tally of how many of that beastie you've killed.

The team also revealed more details on the new public quests. Though we've already covered a bit of this in our earlier hands on impressions last month, we got a lot more information this time around. Mythic gave us a thorough explanation of how these quests might work by describing a massive catapult construction quest for us.

To begin with, the catapult requires three resources: wood, rocks and goblins. The wood is gathered from a forest, the rocks from a mine and the goblins from a town. The quests are intended to get the players moving around and exploring the zone while also reinforcing the key concepts and humor of the Warhammer world.

The forest for instance offers a steady source of trees but if you cut too many down, a group of nasty dryads comes out and starts harassing anyone collecting wood. The players in the zone will then be tasked with killing a certain number of dryads in a prescribed time limit. Once that's accomplished, the big mother dryad comes out and makes things really difficult. There are similar obstacles to the other objectives. The rock mines are guarded by Dwarven Slayers and the goblins are hesitant to wander past an Empire bandit camp between the town and the work site.

The more you participate in these quests, the greater your reward will be once the catapult is complete. In addition to the material rewards offered by these quests, successful completion will also net players greater influence with the people running the quests. This may open up more quests for you as you begin talking to other people in the world.

When we last saw the game, we managed to learn a lot about the Dwarven classes. This time around Mythic revealed the overall class structure for the Greenskins. There are two Goblin classes here. The first, the Goblin Shaman offers the Greenskins their only outlet for magic use, while the Goblin Squig Herder serves as more of a pet-oriented class. Rather than taking on a more predictable route, the Squig Herder has a unique method of creating and controlling the ravenous balls of meat that are Warhammer's Squigs.

When the herder creates a Squig, the Squig is so ungrateful that he actually eats his master. From inside the Squig's stomach, the herder can now poke and prod the Squig's brain to control his actions. For the most part this will involve a lot of jumping around and biting things. There area few specialized Squigs however; the battle ball Squig will roll over its opponents American Gladiator style. Once a Squig is killed, he spits out the poor herder who is then free to carry on as usual.

The final two Greenskin classes are straight fighters and, not surprisingly, they're both Orcs. The first, the Black Orc, is a pure tanker. Nine-feet tall and full of rage, he's a Stuntie's worst nightmare. The other class doesn't yet have an inventive or humorous name yet, so he's currently being called the "positional melee attacker." Basically that means that he can leap in and out of combat with a manic intensity. He can also invite attacks on himself by waving a handful of Dwarf beards around or, I kid you not, laying down on the ground and throwing a tantrum because no one's attacking him.

Since the new demo focused more on the Greenskins than the Dwarves, we also managed to get a look at some of the new tactics and morale skills that the Orcs and Goblins can use. On the tactical side, Goblins can enable abilities like Smart Hitting to lower an opponent's armor or Hate Stunties to gain an overall combat bonus against all Dwarves.

The morale skills (which build up as you participate in combat) allow Goblin players to unleash progressively larger volleys of arrows on their foes. Even more amusing is the Orc's Bash morale skill. Once they've built up enough morale points, they can call on the Gork (or Mork) Bashes, a set of large, godlike fists that appear and pound the enemies into the ground.

So far Warhammer Online is looking better and better each time we see it. It's clear that the game is staying true to the Warhammer franchise -- despite the obvious and insulting lack of Bretonnians. The humor and the overall conflict level in the world are sure to set it apart from the current crop of MMOs. Now we'll just have to wait and see if the mechanics are engaging enough to sustain our interest over the long haul.

Also the Mythic Warhammer E3 press pack is up at GU Comics (http://www.gucomics.com/mythic/e3assets/) with Art, screenshots etc.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: HRose on May 11, 2006, 08:37:46 AM
The Mythic's CG video was pwnt by Namco's CG video (http://c.streamingmovies.ign.com/pc/article/705/705675/warhammer050806_wmvlowwide.wmv).

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 11, 2006, 11:27:24 AM
Your link didn't work for me, I used this one (http://uk.media.pc.ign.com/media/773/773711/dl_1491881.html).

Yes, the Namco trailer is very very nice.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Sairon on May 26, 2006, 10:42:23 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWvAznIRVLA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWvAznIRVLA) Paul Barnett talks about why you should get Warhammer Online, rather funny  :-P

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: stray on May 26, 2006, 10:51:07 AM
He almost turned me into a fanboy there.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: MrHat on June 01, 2006, 09:01:01 AM
Ya, well done by him.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Hoax on June 19, 2006, 04:21:19 PM
You'll notice this game is not in my sig, I stick by that choice.  When your super major big-funding MMO gets less respect the chronicles of fucking spellborn you are in trouble.  Afterall my credentials as a mystic seer of epic proportions when it comes to MMO success are well known across the intrawebs!@!!  Bow and tremble before me mortals!

For real though, you people who think Mythic did something right with DAOC are absolutely fucking insane or that was your first MMO.

Claim 1:  RvR is the best pvp evar in MMO's.  Eww just ew, /stick /assist /buffbot /ghey2k
Claim 2:  Really DAOC did a great deal right pre TOA.  What?  You mean like overpowering almost every class in a pvp-centric game at some point.  I give you stealthers pre-blade turn.  Thurgs and smiteclerics pre-nerfbeatings, AOE MEZZING LOLERSKATES.  Etc etc.  These guys suck at balance.  WoW was about 800 times more balanced and pvp was a complete afterthought for Blizzard.
Claim 3:  They will do the Warhammer world justice.  These are the Romans in Space 4tw guys.  The only nice thing I could have said about Mythic was at least they have worked with their own IP not just tried to cash in on a pre-existing universe.  Now I have nothing nice to say.
Claim 4:  Three teams is the ideal number.  Bullshit you fanboi, the Warhammer universe is so much more complex then this Good guys, Bad guys, Green guys crap.

DAOC2.0 this is and it will suck monkey balls.  If it even gets released.  Gamesworkshop might still have the self-respect to pull the plug on this when they see the alpha product.

Hahahaha yeah right, have you seen how much it costs to get a single plastic Terminator marine these days?  Prepare to witness yet another of my beloved childhood IP's get driven into the ground by profit-hungry fuckwads.  First Battletech now this.  My inner child is quickly being reduced to a blind, deaf, mute.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Llava on June 19, 2006, 06:45:09 PM
I give you stealthers pre-blade turn.

I assume you mean archers?

Cause bladeturn didn't do a damn thing to assassins.  Perforate Artery and Backstabs went right through it.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Arthur_Parker on June 20, 2006, 12:56:56 AM
I didn't really like DAoC, they nerfed exp and some classes shortly after release, the pve grind was too long and your character moved far too slowly.  Not counting lots of alts, I think I quit about level 35, so was never of much use in RVR (although the low level battle grounds were fun).

Hoax they have stated WAR will have no stealth classes, no buffbots, it currently has collision detection, though they aren't sure that will be in for release.  It's two sides with 3 teams versus 3 teams, they have stated different ruleset servers are likely.  I'm not saying it's going to be the next big thing but I do think it has potential, providing they steal more ideas from WoW than from DAoC.

Edit.  On the other hand, EA just bought Mythic so all bets are off.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Llava on June 24, 2006, 09:00:08 AM
In our preview of WAR, I said it'd be a good game if they could just manage to stay the course.

Being purchased by another company is not staying the course.

Yoru called it.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Yoru on June 24, 2006, 01:11:49 PM
In our preview of WAR, I said it'd be a good game if they could just manage to stay the course.

Being purchased by another company is not staying the course.

Yoru called it.

I think we need to brew some F13.Beer for these days.

We're going to need a lot of hops. It needs to be really, really bitter.

Title: Re: Warhammer Online E3 Video (CGI)
Post by: Righ on June 24, 2006, 01:16:25 PM
I think we need to brew some F13.Beer for these days.

We're going to need a lot of hops. It needs to be really, really bitter.


The official beer of f13?