
f13.net General Forums => World of Warcraft => Topic started by: timmy on February 09, 2006, 11:38:23 AM

Title: Druid questions
Post by: timmy on February 09, 2006, 11:38:23 AM
I noticed that fiery proc does not work in bear form. This got me wondering just how exactly my weapons DPS affects my damage in bear or cat form.

Does anyone know how it breaks down? Does my weapons damage have any effect at all? I assume only +stat enchants will be of use when I'm in a form.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: kaid on February 09, 2006, 11:42:00 AM
In cat or bear form only raw + stats + crit type effects on weapons work. No procs will fire off nor do you get any benefit in + damage types of enchantments I believe.

So basically for a feral you are looking for things like the +15 agil enchant and on weapons you are looking for the most silly ammounts of str stam or agil you can get and ignore everything else on the weapon.

There are some new feral specific epic weapons coming out that have some neat effects for ferals but those always state flat out what they do.

If you are a moonkin however you can make use of any and all weapon effects.


Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: timmy on February 09, 2006, 11:45:48 AM
Thanks for the info. I should have checked first.

I thought I would be sneaky and power level my druid with a fiery enchant to push through the low levels. That's 22gold down the drain. :-)

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: kaid on February 09, 2006, 11:50:56 AM
Ya its a bit of a pain only now are they really adding some new effects that are spiffy and actually work when you are in feral form and they currently are all HIGH level stuff.

Still even with nothing but your bare paws or um bear paws you still beat your targets bloody and then heal up quick and easy after to do it again. Even with about 16 points into feral you can go mow through things in pvp. You may not do the shock damage of a twink with crusader procs but druids when you get into the rythm and get some of your skills have basically no downtime soloing.


Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: timmy on February 09, 2006, 11:51:39 AM
Oh, one more question.

Should I focus on slow big hitting weapons for feral or do I want faster. Does weapon speed affect how fast or hard you hit in your forms?

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: Morfiend on February 09, 2006, 12:01:20 PM
Oh, one more question.

Should I focus on slow big hitting weapons for feral or do I want faster. Does weapon speed affect how fast or hard you hit in your forms?

Try and get hold of a warden staff. Its one of the best mid level weapons for feral druids. The armor on the staff gets modified for bear form, and makes a big difference.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: kaid on February 09, 2006, 12:09:36 PM
Weapon speed and damage are not used at all in feral mode. The only thing you get benefits from are plus stats such as armor, str, agil what not and +crit/hit/dodge type things.

There are some new weapons with stuff that gives direct attack power buffs while in a form but those are all very high level.

Really good items for ferals are things like the unyielding hammer from diremaul and the warden staff. They have 150 or so ac and when in bear form that changes to be almost an extra 1k of ac.

At low levels go for something with the most str/agil/stamina. Str gives you two attack power per point and agil gives 1 attack power per point. Agil however also increases your chance to crit and dodge so a feral ideally wants alot of both.


Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: Calantus on February 09, 2006, 04:36:04 PM
Things that do nothing:

- Weapon speed.
- Weapon damage.
- Weapon DPS.
- Weapon procs.
- Procs from weapon enchants.

Things that work:

- Procs from non-weapon items. This includes the Maelstrom trinket and the HoJ.
- Stats.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: Zetor on February 09, 2006, 09:47:18 PM
Are you sure the HoJ works? [hand of justice, uber rare trinket from BRD that melee classes kill for] I've read that it doesn't, because it actually works as a weapon proc unlike maelstrom or heroism, which work like a 'silent' omen of clarity thus allowing them to proc in feral.

Plus, a druid rolling on HoJ would make the warriors/rogues/pallies/shaman cry bloody murder, and with good reason. :P

There's a nice l3wt listing at http://www.nerfdruids.com -- but it's a bit on the lootwhore side [come on, counterattack lodestone when druids can't parry?].

-- Z.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: Calantus on February 09, 2006, 11:35:41 PM
Ya it works as far as I know. As in I've been told specifically by druids that it works, never tried it for myself though.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: kaid on February 10, 2006, 07:23:35 AM
I cannot confirm it but it would make sense as the proc is not tied to any weapon and will go off even if you are using your bare hands. You cannot however activly use trinkets that require you to click something in a feral form but you can gain the passive benefits from them.


Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: Tale on February 12, 2006, 12:59:11 AM
Stuff like this (http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=11921) is useful for druids meleeing. At least that's what mine is using at the moment.

Title: Re: Druid questions
Post by: kaid on February 13, 2006, 08:51:09 AM
Yes plus to crit/hit/dodge are all passive bonuses that will work for ferals I usually include these under stats when I talk to people asking about druids.

A weapon like that with a nice +15 agil enchant is very very nice. Oh speaking of enchants for druids pretty much what you want on their weapons for enchants are the plus stat ones as they are about the only ones you can use.
