
f13.net General Forums => Dungeons & Dragon Online => Topic started by: SuperPopTart on November 27, 2005, 09:21:45 PM

Title: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 27, 2005, 09:21:45 PM
Is anyone having the following:

Issues Zoning In/Out of certain zones, taverns and quests?

I seem to be getting stuck an awful lot and find myself having to recreate characters, and entering quests are a total question mark.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 28, 2005, 06:28:09 AM
Is anyone having the following:

Issues Zoning In/Out of certain zones, taverns and quests?

I seem to be getting stuck an awful lot and find myself having to recreate characters, and entering quests are a total question mark.

I haven't but I've hardly been playing anything lately.  I did, however, see posts referring to the same thing so it's an issue they know about. Evidently the north door of the market place is knackered, too, and nothing works to free yourself.  Even if you /suicide, when you leave the Inn it zones you back to your stuck place or something.  I'll keep an eye on the forums to see if anyone comes up with a work around.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 28, 2005, 06:30:49 AM
Did you know that one of your characters has been on my friends list as in game for over three or four days? I keep sending tells to see if you are at the other end of it but no dice.

And thanks for the post, I've tried everything I can think of on my end so I think I'll just wait and see what happens.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 28, 2005, 06:33:21 AM
That's weird.  The last time I logged in was about a week or so ago and when I tried yesterdeay, I couldn't.  I just figured the server was down.  Sometimes it gives erroneous error messages when it's offline.  I'll see if I can log in.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 28, 2005, 06:34:38 AM
k I'm doing some work at the moment but once I'm done I'll attempt to hop in and see if I can actually get somewhere.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 28, 2005, 06:37:28 AM
Yes, I can log in as Helga but my sorceress, Twee, seems to have lost all her clothing.   :-(  I guess she was involved in some sort of tragic clothing accident.  Of course, she is a Elf and by definition a hussy.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Xilren's Twin on November 28, 2005, 07:23:10 AM
Did you know that one of your characters has been on my friends list as in game for over three or four days? I keep sending tells to see if you are at the other end of it but no dice.

And thanks for the post, I've tried everything I can think of on my end so I think I'll just wait and see what happens.

The friends list is apparently borked.  I've got the same issue with it showing 2 people, including twee, always logged in no matter what.  Refresh does nothing.

Haven't had any zoning problems to speak of, but i just logged in this morning for a bit for the first time since before thanksgiving.


Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: HaemishM on November 28, 2005, 07:47:37 AM
Poptart was having the problems all weekend. It was sort of the same stuff we'd had before, with the game staying on the loading screens as she tries to zone into or out of quests, and nothing happening until finally the game quits with "The connection to the server has been lost!" error. I've no idea if there's anything on my end can be done to fix the problem.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 28, 2005, 08:33:10 AM
I guess there's no sense in PopTart logging in until they fix this HEINOUS bug.   :cry:

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Sobelius on November 28, 2005, 09:02:22 AM
Didn't play at all over Thanksgiving weekend (other commitments). But the last bug that hit me was getting killed and showing up not in a tavern but on the starting boat in the harbor and being unable to move. When I exited, the server showed as Down, so that's what I chalked it up to.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Xilren's Twin on November 28, 2005, 02:57:14 PM
Was just checking the beta forumn to see if anything showed related to your problem, and what do my wondering eye see, but a massive post from our dear old friend SirBruce, reporting 50 bugs or thing he believes needs fixing.

Ah memories...


Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 28, 2005, 03:09:58 PM
You know as I was running amok the other day (when DDO was actually working).. I saw a Bruce Sterling running around.

I thought about asking if it was Mr.Woodcock himself but decided to just..not.

After all... sometimes it's better to just not know.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Calandryll on November 29, 2005, 07:40:13 AM
Poptart was having the problems all weekend. It was sort of the same stuff we'd had before, with the game staying on the loading screens as she tries to zone into or out of quests, and nothing happening until finally the game quits with "The connection to the server has been lost!" error. I've no idea if there's anything on my end can be done to fix the problem.
Pretty sure this issue is on our end. We saw it during the stress test too and I know the QA team is tracking it. Unfortunately I don't have much more information than that at the moment.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 29, 2005, 01:12:39 PM
Ironically, now it's giving me the "Failed to authenticate" error each time I log in on my computer but I believe this is specifc to my computer since Haemcow can log into the char creation just fine (I think).

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 29, 2005, 01:42:37 PM
Today, I logged in and my UI had assploded all over my screen.  My five hotkey bars were all over the place, turned every which way and they were empty.  All my other UI stuff was in the wrong place.  My key bindings seemed to be back to default but were cleared in the options menu.  However, when I clicked on them to re-bind, they popped up with the default assignment.  My graphics looked right, but in their options menu the boxes were all unchecked and the sliders were all frozen to zero (left side).  I couldn't move them.  I was, however, able to click on resolution and chose 1280x1024, even though that's what it was already.  When I did that everything went dark but I was able to click the "detect optimal setting" box and then I could use everything again. 

I just now logged in to my Helga character and everything is assploded again, including the options stuff.  Also, the information on the launcher says the next events are November 6 and November 8, instead of December.  I'll go paste this on the forums, but not the bug reporting page since I can't actually get that to work.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Calandryll on November 29, 2005, 02:59:21 PM
Also, the information on the launcher says the next events are November 6 and November 8, instead of December.
No it doesn't. ;)

As to the other problem, that's the first I have heard of that. I'll pass it along to QA.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 12:13:22 AM
I know that you probably can't talk about it but are there any ports that we need to have open to play the game? Could that be one of the issues?

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Sky on November 30, 2005, 06:42:52 AM
We have our own bug thread!  :-D

Lots of the screens are 4:3 aspect ration, which looks funny on a 16:9 display. The game itself runs nice in 16:9, looks great. Just the character creation, loading screens, yada yada.

I wish it was possible to play a sneaky rogue and never enter combat ever. I'm a lover, not a killer.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 07:12:46 AM
My one try with a rogue, I was able to sneak by nearly everything.  That was waaaaay back when I first started, however.  Maybe that was a bug. 

The last two character slots in character creation are really hard to select.  You have to click all over the place until you highlight them... which is okay with me.  It's fun, like smashing barrels and crates.   :-)

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 07:14:13 AM
I love smashing barrels and crates. Somehow it entices that little violent streak that we as women need to really have every once in a while. Yay for cracked wood?

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 07:46:00 AM
I do too.  It makes me yearn for Mario and the olden days.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Sky on November 30, 2005, 09:20:05 AM
I'm not bad at sneaking by things (except spiders, which I guess are supar sensative). It's the mandatory 'kill the kobold' in the newbie quest, and assorted things like that (kill the zombie) that bother me. I guess it's too much to ask for thief-specific content because it's a mmog and therefor must require grouping. At least it's not as bad as EQ2, and pretty good if you don't mind combat.

Definitely some potential, or I'd ignore this forum as I do the other mmo forums. But it's no Thief, that's for sure. But it could be!

I'll leave off an AI rant ;)

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Samwise on November 30, 2005, 10:07:20 AM
I am a bit annoyed that the trend seems to be moving away from allowing stealthy completion of missions.  I did Osgood's Basement the other day (now that XP is sort of fixed) and was very annoyed that it was set up so as to make stealthing impossible; there are two areas where you can only proceed past a door by killing two iron defenders.  What annoyed me even more was that those areas were set up as "traps" that are set off by a guard, but aren't contingent on the guard seeing you; as soon as you get within a hundred feet, he jumps up and runs off to flip the switch that'll box you in.  I couldn't even target him with my bow to bring him down before he hit the switch.  sadf

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Xilren's Twin on November 30, 2005, 10:53:51 AM
I'm not bad at sneaking by things (except spiders, which I guess are supar sensative). It's the mandatory 'kill the kobold' in the newbie quest, and assorted things like that (kill the zombie) that bother me. I guess it's too much to ask for thief-specific content because it's a mmog and therefor must require grouping. At least it's not as bad as EQ2, and pretty good if you don't mind combat.

Definitely some potential, or I'd ignore this forum as I do the other mmo forums. But it's no Thief, that's for sure. But it could be!

Spiders have 8 eyes, so there :-p

Actually, I wish I could find a rogue on consistently when I am b/c between the two of us theres not much we couldnt do.
I have been seriously debating taking a level of rogue just to deal with the traps, sneakery when I want to, finding hidden doors, and opening locked stuff (including chests) I keep running into.  Every dungeon crawl I've done could have benefitted from one.  I probably solo about half the time im playing and it just kills me to leave areas unexplored or chests sitting their gleaming at me...mocking me with their hidden loot.  My kingdom for a knock spell.

(Hell if i ever see one of you sneaky types on, my bank is half full of gear to help sneaking, lock pickup and general tomfoolery and about 9 wands which I seem to accumulate like burrs)

I understand their desire not to make too much completely sneakable, b/c it makes things just too easy (same reason they had to tone down sneaking a bit) but it appears the thief type has more potential in this game than in previous mmos (most of which they were light tanks or stealthy assassins).  Hell just the prevalence of traps gives the gameplay a new flavor in a dungeon crawl and make rogues quite valuable.  All the quests which can be completed with stealth as a primary choice (like Reposessing the Eye and the Find the Prisoner for two) are gravy IMHO.


Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 03:00:02 PM
I do too.  It makes me yearn for Mario and the olden days.

I've had that song stuck in my head all day and no matter what I do, I can't get rid of it.

I managed to get into DDO today for about two seconds, got stuck at login.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 07:27:25 PM
You just faded away....  I mourned you.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 07:28:19 PM
I zoned and died :(

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 07:30:13 PM
Your avatar needs a Christmas hat.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 07:34:59 PM
I'll put on a Christmas hat if you put on a turkey carcass.

I can't believe the luck I am having. Now UT 99 won't run.

I want to poke my eyes out with a spork.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 07:57:53 PM
Do you have some sort of virus scanner or spyware crap on your computer?  Have you run adaware or something like it?  I used to have problems running some stuff but after removing anything Nortonish and all those silly security update thingys, I don't seem to have any problems.  Well, I'm sure Haemish has tried all that stuff but it's cruel fate how it is destroying your online social life! 

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 08:00:27 PM
lol this is a new computer.. like less than 24 hours old.. and yeah we have. The problem is my computer is too fast for 99 now I think. It's not ruining my social life per se as it is ruining my aim.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 08:09:20 PM
Mine is brand new, too.  About a week or so.  My old one chewed up my hard drive and spit the pieces out at me.  This one was cheap... made cheaper by it being the demo model but I stuck an awesome graphics card (they mis-tagged it $200 instead of $400)  in it and now I can crank all my settings up really, really high!  It's amazing... do you know online characters in games have faces?

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 08:11:22 PM
Mine is brand new, too.  About a week or so.  My old one chewed up my hard drive and spit the pieces out at me.  This one was cheap... made cheaper by it being the demo model but I stuck an awesome graphics card (they mis-tagged it $200 instead of $400)  in it and now I can crank all my settings up really, really high!  It's amazing... do you know online characters in games have faces?

I misread that last sentence. I did know that yes but I never knew the sky was so vibrant in some games. It made me blink when I saw it for the first time. Like the heavens opening up and blessing me with extra thanksgiving turkey.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 08:13:49 PM
We've pretty much made f13 our own, personal chat line, haven't we? 

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 08:15:52 PM
We really have. Think anyone is listening in? Perverts.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Samwise on November 30, 2005, 08:18:36 PM

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 08:23:14 PM
No worries, Sam... I always think of you as just one of the girls, anyway.   :-)

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 08:26:55 PM
Sam is very non confrontational. It makes me sad but it's also very nice. He can stick around and peep.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on November 30, 2005, 08:30:05 PM
Oh.  I just thought he was a bit gurlie for a bloke.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: SuperPopTart on November 30, 2005, 08:32:39 PM
I don't know that I'd call him gurlie. Perhaps....positive.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Samwise on November 30, 2005, 10:11:30 PM
That's it.  Starting tomorrow I'm decreasing my dosage.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on December 01, 2005, 04:18:59 AM
You'll never get those perky little breasts if you don't take your meds.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Sobelius on December 01, 2005, 06:28:38 AM
We really have. Think anyone is listening in? Perverts.

If the shoe fits...

...buy another.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Furiously on December 01, 2005, 10:07:57 AM
Sorry about my heavy breathing there.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: HaemishM on December 01, 2005, 09:54:47 PM
Like mana from the heavens, our issues may be solved. We bought a new router tonight. The old router was a cheapo CompUSA router, they list FMI as the manufacturer. The new router is a Dynex (Best Buy's label) E401. After setting it up to port forward for EQ2 (TCP/IP and UDP on ports 1024-1042), I was able to get into multiple hub zones, taverns, and quest zones with no trouble on both Poptart's account and my own, on both of our computers.

We're happy.

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Xilren's Twin on December 02, 2005, 06:59:41 AM
Like mana from the heavens, our issues may be solved. We bought a new router tonight. The old router was a cheapo CompUSA router, they list FMI as the manufacturer. The new router is a Dynex (Best Buy's label) E401. After setting it up to port forward for EQ2 (TCP/IP and UDP on ports 1024-1042), I was able to get into multiple hub zones, taverns, and quest zones with no trouble on both Poptart's account and my own, on both of our computers.

We're happy.

Good news!

Now, show up in game when Im on so I can empty my bank box please.  :-D


Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Signe on December 02, 2005, 07:00:51 AM
Finally!  Well done!   

Title: Re: Issues Zoning
Post by: Calandryll on December 02, 2005, 07:05:12 AM
Like mana from the heavens, our issues may be solved. We bought a new router tonight. The old router was a cheapo CompUSA router, they list FMI as the manufacturer. The new router is a Dynex (Best Buy's label) E401. After setting it up to port forward for EQ2 (TCP/IP and UDP on ports 1024-1042), I was able to get into multiple hub zones, taverns, and quest zones with no trouble on both Poptart's account and my own, on both of our computers.

We're happy.
Good to hear!