
f13.net General Forums => MMOG Discussion => Topic started by: cevik on May 12, 2004, 04:43:25 PM

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: cevik on May 12, 2004, 04:43:25 PM
340 Meg AA gameplay video

91 Meg CoV video.

I haven't finished downloading either, but I figured I'd link so you guys could get started downloading it yourselves if you are interested..

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: Krakrok on May 12, 2004, 05:15:02 PM
CoV video pretty meh. The heroes get beat up and it ends before they lose. It does show the heroes fighting sub-bad guys and then a couple of big bad guys, all CG of coarse.

Edit: As has been said before the graphics in Auto Assault are pretty toony (they look like WoW) and they are even more so in the game play video. I kept expecting Optimus Prime to transform and start blasting crap. I prefer the weathered style of Fallout 1/2/T et al much more.

Other then that it looks like a lot of the props ingame are destroyable (like streetlights etc). The physics of the rolling bouncing exploding crap look all right too. The destroyable props are something CoH could use (like why can't I blow the cars around with the storm powers).

Edit 2: The Auto Assault CG video was cool -- kind of a mix of Fallout and Starcraft Ghost with nukes. Then they pulled a Metroid Prime at the end.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: Comstar on May 13, 2004, 08:12:51 AM
I've only seen the AA trailer, but it covinces me the game might be worth playing. It's got cars, mechs, nukes and women who arn't mutents.

As long as I can use my X-45 with it, I shall be very interested.

Edit update: Ok, watched the GAMEPLAY movie...which is pretty much not like at all the trailer. Sigh. Looks like mouse control 3rd-person only. I want a view out of the windshield dammit.  And didn't see any peds (or for that matter, mechs, unless it was those EQlike giant spiders).  I didn't see the last 20 seconds, it crashes my pc.

Cartoon like is right, it should fitt right in with the world of warcraft crowd :(. Dosn't look like a game for me, but I'll await the reviews.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: HaemishM on May 13, 2004, 10:18:49 AM
CoV looked cool, but had nothing to do with gameplay.

Auto Assault looks like a cartoon. Total crap, like little Hot Wheels being thrown around on a World of Warcraft map. I think I'd rather play with the Hot Wheels than this game.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: cevik on May 13, 2004, 10:26:53 AM
Quote from: HaemishM
CoV looked cool, but had nothing to do with gameplay.

Yeah I thought it was going to be a CoV gameplay movie.. didn't download it until this morning when I got in to work so I didn't know it was just some CG stuff.  Had I known I wouldn't have linked to it, CG trailers are fun but useless..

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: Furiously on May 13, 2004, 11:32:23 AM
2005 for COV seems a bit far away.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: cevik on May 13, 2004, 11:36:02 AM
Quote from: Furiously
2005 for COV seems a bit far away.

The game sites have it predicted for 3/15/05 for the most part.  So less than a year.  Pretty fast for the first expansion, but considering the game maybe not fast enough.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: HaemishM on May 13, 2004, 12:10:47 PM
We do have to keep in mind that they will probably be adding free content for the hero game in the next year, such as the already mentioned new villains and such.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: Comstar on May 13, 2004, 06:42:58 PM
Hot Wheels, yes that's a good descirption of it. DOsn't look like you can target people's tires, or anything else.  That other news post says no peds vs cars, and no ped vs ped combat anyway.

Car Wars Online, it is not :(.

Title: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: schild on May 13, 2004, 06:43:33 PM
But, will stickers add 10hp?

Title: Re: Auto Assault/City of Villains Movies
Post by: Hanzii on May 14, 2004, 03:34:02 AM
Quote from: cevik

The cars are ugly. The whole thing looks more like a RTS. And the deformable terrain makes everything loke like moviesets the way walls fall over and trees axplode. Not impressed.