
f13.net General Forums => City of Heroes / City of Villains => Topic started by: CmdrSlack on May 03, 2004, 12:40:34 PM

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 03, 2004, 12:40:34 PM
I saw Alsan and Bold Blue Bomb in /sg mentioning that contacts are starting to dry up at lv 18-20.

What's starting to worry me somewhat is that while I'm getting a lot of new contacts all of a sudden, some of them run out of tasks for me after two or three missions (only advancing them maybe two bubbles on the contact progress bar, not enough to call them).

I'm starting to finally get my favorite kinds of missions (5th Column and Tsoo) from the most recent additions, but I'm wondering if they really will dry out when I hit 17 and 18 (which should be soon at the rate I'm going).

Perhaps those of us in the "no more missions" range, we should consider organizing to do the Synapse task force to get ourselves over the bump?

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: schild on May 03, 2004, 12:43:48 PM
I'm playing an alt, but Mr. Ripley would love to do a Synapse Task Force (as you know). So count me in.

I'm hoping to have No. 037 (assault rifle/ice blaster) up to 15 within a week.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Velorath on May 03, 2004, 01:28:12 PM
Soloing, it could probably be a problem, but in a group you just need a few people with available missions.

I'm up for a Synapse Task Force with Hysterical (lv. 16) on Tues. or Wed. (my days off work this week), even though TF's are still buggy.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: HaemishM on May 03, 2004, 02:16:00 PM
I just hit 11 last night, but would love to get in on any task force mission that I'm able to do this weekend.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Aslan on May 03, 2004, 02:18:59 PM
You can do other people's missions or grind the two levels, but it looks like from 18-20 all your old contacts dry up.  At 19, I got four or so new contacts in Talos and stuff, but am unable to get any missions from them until 20.  Bomb talked to a higher level guy last night and was told that there are plenty of contacts and missions after 20, just a dry spell from 18 until then.  I wonder if at 28 or 30 the same thing happens as you shift to the high level game?  Not sure yet but it wouldn't be surprising.
Possibly a TF set or something would be just the thing to get over that hump, but I am hoping to have 20 sometime tonight so I can get back to missions.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 03, 2004, 02:31:43 PM
Yes. I find this dry spell rather depressing. I have one contact I've never recieved a single mission from. The rest of my contacts either tell me I'm not needed anymore, or to wait til 19. Aslan had the same thing and when he hit 19 he got new contacts, all of whom told him to wait til 20.

If I'm not 20 when you guys do the synapse task force I'm all for it. I'm going to try to grind it out, but I am allergic to grinding, hence my intense hatred for the piece of shit Star Wars Galaxies, made by the devil himself, Raph Koster. (for the record, if his name is ever attached to a game again, I'll only consider it if I'm guranteed daily blow jobs with my subscription.)

And yes, the guy I was in tells with who was in his early 20's told me he also hit a dry spell. I looked on the COH boards today and saw some people mentioning it, though a few claimed not to have the dry spell. One guy said it may be a bug, since sometimes you'll have multiple contacts try to give you the same mission, so you run out of missions faster than you should.

On the bright side you get all new factions (well mostly new) from 20 on according to the guy I talked to.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: schild on May 03, 2004, 02:35:26 PM
You can still do Synapse at 20. 21 is the cutoff.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Signe on May 04, 2004, 06:28:32 AM
I have a level 16, 11 and soon to be 10 characters.  I'd like to do task force missions with any of them.  I happen to be free this weekend.  Righ would be also be interested, I'm sure.

This past weekend we had talked about having several task force missions going on but it looks like only one got off the ground.  According to schild, if you limit the number of characters to about 4, it decreases the time it takes from about 10 hours to 4 or so.  10 hours is an awful lot of time to invest in a game all at once and I don't think you can take on other sorts of missions while involved.

A 10 hour committment is almost a marriage for some people.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Velorath on May 06, 2004, 04:30:59 PM
Just finished up lv. 18.  Did nothing but solo missions the whole way through so the dry up isn't that bad if you've got some missions saved up.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: DarkDryad on May 07, 2004, 05:49:39 AM
Yeah i saved up some missions and have several contacts I havent even spoken to yet. I tend to run a few solo missions early in the day before The Brusier Squad gets online.

Title: Contact dry up?
Post by: Murgos on May 07, 2004, 08:35:03 AM
I'll be 18 today and would like to do the Synapse TF sometime this weekend.  So if anyone is planning it count me in, just post a start/meeting time.