
f13.net General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: WindupAtheist on March 12, 2005, 01:57:36 PM

Title: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 12, 2005, 01:57:36 PM
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

Who else wanted Palpatine to pull the top of his shirt up over his head at this point, and tell Sam Jackson that he would pay for angering the almighty bunghole?  But anyway, everything in there confirmed the spoilers I've read, and so I will say with confidence:

This is going to own.  This is going to make Empire look like flowers and bunnies.  The streets will flow with the blood of the naysayers.  You heard it here first.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 12, 2005, 02:19:56 PM
This is going to own.  This is going to make Empire look like flowers and bunnies.  The streets will flow with the blood of the naysayers.  You heard it here first.

Have you ever been correct about anything in your miserable, ill-begotten life?

It's directed by Lucas.  It's written by Lucas.  If that isn't empirical evidence that it will suck completely I don't know what is.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 12, 2005, 02:53:43 PM
Every time something cool is about to happen, Lucas will cut away to a scene of Amidala confiding her doubts about Anakin in Jar Jar.  Wait and see.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 12, 2005, 03:41:52 PM
Heh, why do I always find myself agreeing with WUA? I'm not even a Star Wars fan and I think it's going to be good.

Then again, maybe that's why I'm not so hard on it. Seems like it's only the Star Wars fans that want to hate it.

Word of advice: Lower your expecations a bit. You might enjoy yourself  :-)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 12, 2005, 04:02:43 PM
It looks really cool, but a trailer for Episode II could have made it look really cool too by just showing the Kenobi/Jango fight and the big group of Jedi doing battle on Geonosis.  Does anyone have a link to the Episode II trailers?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 12, 2005, 04:22:08 PM
The trailer looks interesting, but really turns the conventional wisdom on the movies on its head.  So Vader was just this confused kid who thought he was doing the right thing by helping the government defend itself against a rebellion led by a group of Jedi who didn't let him into their cool club?  Seems to me that by the time of A New Hope he was quite happy blasting planets into space dust.  Perhaps that should have clued him in that he was on the wrong path.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 12, 2005, 04:25:52 PM
The trailer looks interesting, but really turns the conventional wisdom on the movies on its head.  So Vader was just this confused kid who thought he was doing the right thing by helping the government defend itself against a rebellion led by a group of Jedi who didn't let him into their cool club?  Seems to me that by the time of A New Hope he was quite happy blasting planets into space dust.  Perhaps that should have clued him in that he was on the wrong path.


No, it has more to do with a drawing. (http://www.sequentialpictures.com/moviestarwarsepisode3.html)


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 12, 2005, 05:47:59 PM
Wait a second. I've only seen the "teaser" trailer. Didn't realize that. Where can I download the new one? It would seem that there's only three types of people who have access to it (and I'm gonna laugh if any of you fall under one of these categories):

Those with an AOL subscription

Those with a Starwars.com subscription

Or those who watch the OC.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 12, 2005, 06:13:34 PM

Those with an AOL subscription

Those with a Starwars.com subscription

Or those who watch the OC.

Or those who use Bittorrent

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 12, 2005, 06:17:15 PM


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SurfD on March 12, 2005, 08:20:53 PM

Those with an AOL subscription

Those with a Starwars.com subscription

Or those who watch the OC.

Or those who use Bittorrent

Or those who work in a movie theatre:  Every hour or so I can watch the trailer on the Big Screen with Theatre Sound if I time it right.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 12, 2005, 09:14:07 PM
The trailer looks interesting, but really turns the conventional wisdom on the movies on its head.  So Vader was just this confused kid who thought he was doing the right thing by helping the government defend itself against a rebellion led by a group of Jedi who didn't let him into their cool club?  Seems to me that by the time of A New Hope he was quite happy blasting planets into space dust.  Perhaps that should have clued him in that he was on the wrong path.

Well, there was a full spolier plot synopsis put out there a while back.  At first I didn't take it too seriously, but everything I've seen since then confirms what was in it.  Speaking with that in mind, I'll say that if there's a problem, it's that some of Anakin's actions in this episode are so unforgivably hideous (You don't think all those six-year old Jedi "younglings" survive, do you?) that they make the notion of his eventual "redemption" totally unacceptable.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 12, 2005, 09:32:20 PM
How can anyone even give a shit anymore? Seriously.

When all is said and done, SW will consist of one ok movie (SW), one pretty good one (Empire) and 4 shitty ones. This is Matrix territory now. What started pretty well is now a joke.

I don't care at all what happens, because SW has been dead for 15 years.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 12, 2005, 09:39:55 PM
Star Wars, and it's fan collective, suck.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 12, 2005, 10:47:36 PM
How can anyone even give a shit anymore? Seriously.

Because most people don't take it as seriously as you do (or did)?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on March 12, 2005, 10:58:02 PM
I'm not even going to bother seeing this one.

Eventually some people might come back and say 'by golly, it turned out to actually be an okay movie', and then I will see it.

Or I'll just skip it and miss out on the bitchfests. I'll stay at home and play Jedi Academy and pretend that I'm the main actor in a better movie. And have better saber action.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 12, 2005, 11:01:26 PM

Seems like it's only the Star Wars fans that want to hate it.

I like a few things from Star Wars:

Jedi Mind Powers and other Force tricks, like telekinesis

And that's it.  Otherwise, the whole universe is a big "meh" and always has been to me.  I stand by my opinion that this film will suck.

Really, your theory is without merit.  Margalis certainly didn't come off as a big fanatic of the SW universe either, but you were quick to label him as such.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 12, 2005, 11:13:00 PM
Well you know, someone could post a picture of their kitten here, and 3/4 of the denizens would post about how much they hate it.  That aside, rest assured, you'll have a hard time believing that this one was written by the same guy who thought Ewoks and Jar-Jar and "Yippee!" were good ideas.   :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 12:16:07 AM
How can anyone even give a shit anymore? Seriously.
Because most people don't take it as seriously as you do (or did)?

Wait...huh? When did I take it seriously?

I owned a broken X-Wing I got in a garage sale as a kid. Other than that, not so much. I'm not a Star Wars fanboy by ANY stretch of the imagination. Like I said, the first movie was OK, the second was pretty good, the rest sucked. I just don't understand the continued interest.

I made the Matrix analogy for a reason. The first Matrix was really good. Second, not so much. Third was awful. If someone tells me that Matrix 4 has been announced my reaction will be "meh." Same with SW. It was kind of good, now it's not. All good things come to and end and the end for SW was literally over a decade ago.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 13, 2005, 04:14:39 AM
This is going to own.  This is going to make Empire look like flowers and bunnies.  The streets will flow with the blood of the naysayers.  You heard it here first.

Crazy Ole' Maurice.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 08:00:47 AM
The trailer looks interesting, but really turns the conventional wisdom on the movies on its head.  So Vader was just this confused kid who thought he was doing the right thing by helping the government defend itself against a rebellion led by a group of Jedi who didn't let him into their cool club?  Seems to me that by the time of A New Hope he was quite happy blasting planets into space dust.  Perhaps that should have clued him in that he was on the wrong path.


You just totally missed the entire concept of the light side and the dark side of the force didn't you? Well, really the entire mythic underpinings of the series seems to have gone over your head.

And yes, the 3rd one looks awesome.

On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 09:34:29 AM
On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

I understood the whole philosophical/religious/myth thing, and I actually liked that part of it. What I didn't like about the sequels was Zion. I know it was necessary to get into that aspect of it, but I think they concentrated on it a bit too much, or perhaps just went about it in the wrong way. The sequels lost a lot of the charm that the first film had. The series had stopped becoming about the "Matrix".

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 13, 2005, 10:04:26 AM
On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

Yea, religious subtext is HARD. Don't be so dumb. They aren't too stupid to understand it, the movie just wasn't very good. The shit you're talking about people "not understanding" was like a hit across the face with a five iron. Subtlety is not the Wachowski's best quality.

The 3rd Star Wars will suck. Lucas is a bad director.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rasix on March 13, 2005, 10:09:06 AM

On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

Uhh yah. Sure, pitty all of us here in stupid land.  That sounds like something a high school cheerleader would say.

Look, it was a horrible movie.  The last two were horrible movies.  They stopped being charming, atmospheric films and started being films that revolved around milking the same gimmicks that the first introduced.  If they would have made the last two less of a self masturbatory ode to tight leather clothing and more of what made the first so appealing, then it could have been saved.   All of those excessive 30 minute fight scenes were fucking retarded too.  If I can sum up what happened in the last half hour to hour of your movie in 3 words, you may have a problem.

Plus, the entire plotline with Agent Smith sucked.  I'm sure there wasn't a goddamn soul in the theatre that thought at the end of the first, "you know what I want... MORE HUGO WEAVING!!!"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 10:22:52 AM
You just totally missed the entire concept of the light side and the dark side of the force didn't you? Well, really the entire mythic underpinings of the series seems to have gone over your head.

And yes, the 3rd one looks awesome.

On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

Troll much?


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 10:32:03 AM

I understood the whole philosophical/religious/myth thing, and I actually liked that part of it. What I didn't like about the sequels was Zion. I know it was necessary to get into that aspect of it, but I think they concentrated on it a bit too much, or perhaps just went about it in the wrong way. The sequels lost a lot of the charm that the first film had. The series had stopped becoming about the "Matrix".

Zion was totally unneccesary. The only part on the 3 movies I hated was that whole rave scene. I've never voluntarily watched that scene again. I understand what they were trying to do but it bored me. So you've got the nail on the head with that part.

As for the other indignant replies, isn't this the forum where if people disagree with you they're stupid and/or uneducated mouth breathers? IE, if I like Halo 2 it's not because it's a fun game but because I've never played a real FPS before. If I dislike Artsy Fartsy movies it's because I'm a mouth breather who doesn't like "serious" movies. Etc. Heh...

I like the vast majority of you guys but damn, take yourselves seriously much?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 10:37:14 AM

Troll much?


Nope. You just made a totally silly commentary which told me you had no concept of the underlying mythos of Star Wars. Look, it's not a Greek epic, but it does have a mythos and Vader is at the center of this part of it. You may have just been trying to be silly and a smart ass which is all fine. However, if you weren't it tells me you haven't understood the movies at all.

Not a big deal, it's only a movie, but it is funny really.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 13, 2005, 10:50:02 AM

On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

What does one fact have to do with the other ?  If everyone suddenly understood it, would it suck less ?

For Info :  I understood it all.  Every little nuance.  And guess what ?  Compared to the first one, 2 and 3 blew chunks.  Sure, they tried to make art.  Guess what else ?  The majority of the audience just wasn't interested.  They wanted more guns and kung-fu.

Why don't you get your self-important head out of your ass and stop being so fucking Elitist.  That's Schild Schtick.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 13, 2005, 11:00:57 AM
And yes, the 3rd one looks awesome.

On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

The 3rd matrix did suck, even if you understand it, the concept was fine, the storyarc was good enough, but the script, direction, and editing was fucking awful. (though not as awful as matrix 2)

The way to do the philosophical stuff properly is to use it to inform the action without stopping every quarter of a picosecond to explain it to the audience as if they are morons.

I suspect ep3 will be similar.

I'm expecting great visuals, great action, solid concept, acting that varies from crappy to excellent, and of course a fucking awful script. Though probably not as bad as number 2 (which imho was worse than number 1).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 13, 2005, 11:07:24 AM
The 3rd Star Wars will suck. Lucas is a bad director.

But you're one of those art film fags that's actually seen an Oscar-nominated movie of the past five years besides Lord of the Rings.  You're required to hate everything cool.

And, oh yes, this will be cool.  I invite you to naysay, for it only increases the magnitude of cock you shall have to eat in two months.  Buahahahahahaha.   :wink:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 11:24:05 AM
Nope. You just made a totally silly commentary which told me you had no concept of the underlying mythos of Star Wars. Look, it's not a Greek epic, but it does have a mythos and Vader is at the center of this part of it. You may have just been trying to be silly and a smart ass which is all fine. However, if you weren't it tells me you haven't understood the movies at all.

Not a big deal, it's only a movie, but it is funny really.

This is ironic, since it is your post that, in actuality, wasis a totally silly commentary which told me you had no concept of the underlying mythos of Star Wars.  You may have just been trying to be silly and a smart ass which is all fine.  However, if you weren't it tells me you haven't understood the movies at all.

Not a big deal, it's only a movie, but it is funny really.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 11:29:17 AM

This is ironic, since it is your post that, in actuality, wasis a totally silly commentary which told me you had no concept of the underlying mythos of Star Wars.  You may have just been trying to be silly and a smart ass which is all fine.  However, if you weren't it tells me you haven't understood the movies at all.

Not a big deal, it's only a movie, but it is funny really.


I'd reply but this thread would end up in the Den in a nanosecond. So you win. I drop out of the discussion Bruce.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 13, 2005, 11:29:28 AM
The way I understood it was that Vader/dark jedi had to make a concious decision to be evil and pursue the short path to power.  That THAT was the essence of the dark side, quick easy power but at the price of your humanity.  Vader being a dupe doesn't fit that bill.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 11:30:34 AM

Why don't you get your self-important head out of your ass and stop being so fucking Elitist.  That's Schild Schtick.

But I only do it occasionally. Doesn't that count for anything? I usually wallow in cheesy movies that most of you disdane. (Like John Woo or most Rutger Hauer movies. ). I have to make up with my B-movie fixation by being elitist at other times. Balance and all that.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 11:34:18 AM
The way I understood it was that Vader/dark jedi had to make a concious decision to be evil and pursue the short path to power.  That THAT was the essence of the dark side, quick easy power but at the price of your humanity.  Vader being a dupe doesn't fit that bill.

Well they refer to it as a seduction for a reason. I believe it's more like...by the time you realize you're Darkside, you're corrupted. Good intentions and all that. Vader being a dupe as you said, does fit the bill of the seduction route. It's all a big morality play. If Vader consciously chose to be evil then that means that his redemption at the end of Jedi is akin to Hitler saving his son and being forgiven for the Holocaust over it.

Let some philosophy major come in and explain it better than I can. One reason I object strenously to the recent fiction novels that try to say that their is no Dark side is that if that is so, then Vader was truly evil, and Luke was a schmuck. Therefore the original trilogy is suddenly much less bright and full of hope. No, the Dark side has to be the sort of Satan of Star Wars for it all to hold together.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 12:58:28 PM
I HATE it when people defend shit by saying "you didn't understand it." I understood it  (Matrix 3) and it was ass. What, like 40 minutes of the movie was generic robots fighting other generic robots...

It's one thing if the movie is really complex and someone in their comments exposes the fact they didn't get what was going on. But that isn't the case here. There wasn't a whole lot to get. Half the movie was a CGI shootout, what's to get there exactly?

The dialog was awful, maybe I didn't understand that either?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 01:35:23 PM
Half the movie was a CGI shootout, what's to get there exactly?

I can't say for sure, but it seems that many people were disappointed and/or confused by the death of Neo and Smith, and why it ended that way. Though to be fair, throughout the duration of the trilogy, viewers were lead on to believe it was gonna be another hero/messiah tale, where the "bad guys" lose in the end. That it would end with Neo kicking the machines' asses. A lot of people, kids especially, didn't have the patience when it turned out to be something entirely different.

Also, it seems like a lot of viewers didn't know what to make of the Merovingian....As if his only purpose is to be an obnoxious French guy.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 13, 2005, 01:47:57 PM
Why don't you get your self-important head out of your ass and stop being so fucking Elitist.  That's Schild Schtick.

I'm not elitist about bad movies. I admit their bad, say what they are, and move on. Matrix 3 was bad. There's no reason to argue on that. Even the subtext was paper thin.

Also, I am not a fried freezer food. There is no such thing as a Schild Schtick. Just because I see near every movie released and don't draw that many grey lines doesn't make me an elitist asshole. What makes me an elitist asshole is that I know I'm better than you because you say things like "That's Schild Schtick."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 01:51:36 PM
Also, I am not a fried freezer food. There is no such thing as a Schild Schtick. Just because I see near every movie released and don't draw that many grey lines doesn't make me an elitist asshole. What makes me an elitist asshole is that I know I'm better than you because you say things like "That's Schild Schtick."

I wonder if such a thing were marketted if we could use it as a fund raiser of some kind....

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 13, 2005, 01:53:41 PM
Also, I am not a fried freezer food. There is no such thing as a Schild Schtick. Just because I see near every movie released and don't draw that many grey lines doesn't make me an elitist asshole. What makes me an elitist asshole is that I know I'm better than you because you say things like "That's Schild Schtick."

I wonder if such a thing were marketted if we could use it as a fund raiser of some kind....

Women are already lining up around stores for the midnight sale.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 01:54:55 PM
Midnight sales only take place at Wal-Mart.

Could you aim just a little higher please?  :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 13, 2005, 02:01:36 PM
Midnight sales only take place at Wal-Mart.

Could you aim just a little higher please?  :roll:

It was an EBGames joke. But now that you point it out, Walmart is probably the only place that sells fish sticks. So I guess they'd sell Schild Schticks too.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Kageru on March 13, 2005, 02:06:29 PM
Have just finished watching the three matrix movies and still am not sure what to make out of three. I don't think there's any doubt that it's got the weakest writing and direction, and the loss of the oracle was quite a blow. A large part is that many people wanted more of the hyper-style of the first two and instead they got a grungy war movie / tale of sacrifice. However it's a relatively fitting end to the series, it had to end with zion and in the real world (since neo is god in the matrix), and I got the feeling they gave it their best shot. I'm not bothered by an honest attempt and will take what I can out of it.

However it is obvious lucas is a hack, his product primarily a branding exercise and if I watch the trailer i've probably seen all the good bits of the movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 02:13:40 PM
The big problem with the Matrix movies is that when they stopped being about the Matrix there wasn't much left. That was the interesting part.

Humans fighting against robot overlords just isn't the same.

It also hurt that after part 2 there was a lot of plot speculation, and most of the speculation (such as that Zion was just in another matrix one level outside the original matrix) was much cooler than the actual plot turned out to be.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 13, 2005, 02:16:56 PM
viewers were lead on to believe it was gonna be another hero/messiah tale, where the "bad guys" lose in the end. That it would end with Neo kicking the machines' asses. A lot of people, kids especially, didn't have the patience when it turned out to be something entirely different.

There are undoubtedly many film viewers who don't like tragic endings. However, in this particular case I think rather more people didn't have the patience for the godawful script and the fact that films 2 and 3 were fundamentally a badly done rip off of star wars 5 & 6 with extra pontification on the side.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 13, 2005, 02:34:17 PM
The way I understood it was that Vader/dark jedi had to make a concious decision to be evil and pursue the short path to power.  That THAT was the essence of the dark side, quick easy power but at the price of your humanity.  Vader being a dupe doesn't fit that bill.

Trust me, he's not exactly a dupe.  He deliberately does things that no one could possibly sell as non-eeevil.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on March 13, 2005, 03:31:38 PM
It's all about being led to believe that you're doing evil in the service of a greater good.  We already know that Anakin thinks that doing away with the republic and establishing a dictatorship would be a "greater good", as long as someone like Palpatine (who he considers to be a "good guy") were in charge.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 03:39:13 PM
Trust me, he's not exactly a dupe.  He deliberately does things that no one could possibly sell as non-eeevil.

Exactly.  It's one thing to be corrupted by the Dark Side, and to start killing Jedi because they are trying to overthrow what you think is the legitimate government.  And because you have a personal beef with them because they never really liked you, and you have anger management issues.  But come Star Wars, Vader is EVIL.  He's blowing up planets purely for his own satisfaction.  Yes, he does eventually move to redemption, out of the love for his son, whom he first tries to convert to his cause, then protects when he sees him about to die.  And that's fine, even if he was "really" EVIL before.

But the plot of the first 3 movies is that he never really was evil, just misguided.  And that makes the redemption LESS powerful.  Because good didn't triumph over evil.  Good was simply shocking a confused man into realizing he had gone too far when the experience became deeply personal and visceral.  And this is a great theme if you're making a movie about Vietnam, but a piss poor one if you're making an epic space opera.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 13, 2005, 03:53:36 PM
Well they refer to it as a seduction for a reason. I believe it's more like...by the time you realize you're Darkside, you're corrupted.

Sorry Riggs; thats the gheyest excuse for being eeevil that I think anyone has tried to run by me since Episode I was released.  If you realize you've gone the wrong way you can change, its the center part of most religions.  No, the seduction is the short path to power, you have to choose to take it.  The act of choosing to go the easy route knowing that it leads to corruption and evil is in itself an evil act.

Kindergarten morality like, "He didn't know he was evil until it was too late, so he just kinda went with it.  You know?" isn't going to fly.  Vaders redemption at the end of VI is far more powerful because he willingly chose to be evil for the benefit of power and then abandons that power and all that he gained by it for the love of his child.

And yes, everyone who has posted in this thread is an unrepentant geek.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 05:23:16 PM
Vader repenting was lame anyway, especially for such a dork like Luke. I thought it was just pretty weak. Vader should have just thrown Luke and the Emperor into that pit then cleaned house.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 05:26:16 PM
And yes, everyone who has posted in this thread is an unrepentant geek.

I simply like or dislike things -- I do not love or hate them. This disqualifies me from being a geek. Even if that is not believed, I'm definitely repentant. I've cut down my passions to 1 or 2 (decidely not geeky) things.

I will admit to being a freak though (but I won't get it into that).

The Vader stuff is crazy talk anyways. Why even think about this? These movies are meant to be enjoyed on a very superficial level. There's room to think about these things, of course, but why would you want to? Can't you just have fun with them? Or just simply dislike it?

And besides, this is all bullshit anyways. No matter what you think is inferred from the last two films (about Anakin's corruption), no one here knows what Lucas has written for the next one. Maybe he's thought of this himself and found a sufficient explanation. No?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 06:00:19 PM
An explanation like say - Midi-Chlorians? Or even BETTER than that, it that's possible..

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 06:13:54 PM
The Vader stuff is crazy talk anyways. Why even think about this? These movies are meant to be enjoyed on a very superficial level. There's room to think about these things, of course, but why would you want to? Can't you just have fun with them? Or just simply dislike it?

Because we're smarter than that.  We aren't merely monkeys flinging out own poo at stuff that we don't like.  We can apply critical thought as to why something is distasteful, and by examining those reasons, perhaps develop ways of producing less disasteful things n the future.  Of course we can ignore inconsistancies and have some amount of fun anyway; the point is that there is meaning beyond the immediate, contemperaneous experience of the events shown on screen, and the more consistant that is, the more enjoyment we draw from that as well.  It's the difference between Tom Hanks being killed 30 seconds after landing on the beach in Saving Private Ryan and Tom Hanks being killed at the end of the movie.

And besides, this is all bullshit anyways. No matter what you think is inferred from the last two films (about Anakin's corruption), no one here knows what Lucas has written for the next one. Maybe he's thought of this himself and found a sufficient explanation. No?

Umm, you mean like how he thought through the whole "20 years ago we knew Jedi powers derived from real things called Medichlorians, but in less than a generation is was considered a hokey old religion based on supersition?" thing?  Or how about the whole part where C-3PO should be saying, "Master Luke, perhaps now would be a good time to mention that I was actually built by your father and oh, by the way, he's Darth Vader?" but doesn't?  Or perhaps the brilliant plan of, "Hey, Anakin is going to be looking for his children, so lets hide one on Tatooine, you know, his home planet, with the same family that Anakin's mother later lived with, oh and we'll leave the Jedi that dropped Anakin into a volcano there in a cave to watch over him, but don't worry, because Anakin will NEVER THINK TO LOOK THERE." is more to your liking?

A sufficient explanation?  I'll take "No" for $500, Alex.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 07:07:29 PM
Or perhaps the brilliant plan of, "Hey, Anakin is going to be looking for his children, so lets hide one on Tatooine, you know, his home planet, with the same family that Anakin's mother later lived with, oh and we'll leave the Jedi that dropped Anakin into a volcano there in a cave to watch over him, but don't worry, because Anakin will NEVER THINK TO LOOK THERE." is more to your liking?

Yes, Bruce. When it comes to film, ignorance is bliss.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 07:49:41 PM
Sorry Riggs; thats the gheyest excuse for being eeevil that I think anyone has tried to run by me since Episode I was released.  If you realize you've gone the wrong way you can change, its the center part of most religions.  No, the seduction is the short path to power, you have to choose to take it.  The act of choosing to go the easy route knowing that it leads to corruption and evil is in itself an evil act.

Kindergarten morality like, "He didn't know he was evil until it was too late, so he just kinda went with it.  You know?" isn't going to fly.  Vaders redemption at the end of VI is far more powerful because he willingly chose to be evil for the benefit of power and then abandons that power and all that he gained by it for the love of his child.

And yes, everyone who has posted in this thread is an unrepentant geek.

Well, it is really hard for me to explain because the real world doesn't work like Star Wars. The best example I can think of is that the Dark Side is like the One Ring. It gives you power but at a price. Frodo was a good and decent hobbit but in the end, he was corrupted by the One Ring. The Dark Side works the same way. It is an external force that corrupts the user over the course of time. The difference is, that where Gollum destroyed the ring, Vader was able to overcome this evil which he had been under the sway of for 2 decades at this point.

Another way to look at it is the old myth of black magic. You may learn it for the purest of purposes, but the magic itself is evil and eventually corrupts.

Vader can literally claim the devil made him do it because it did. It has been argued on huge Star Wars geek forums that the whole prophecy is fulfilled when Vader kills off the Jedi and tosses the Emporer down the shaft. Balance was achieved. (Of course now I'm getting into dangerous waters of Vader was destined to go evil and be redeemed because it was a prophecy..)

As for Bruce's points:

Force as religion vs midichlorians: This is so easy to explain it is pathetic. To outsiders, the force is some hokey religion. The jedi understand it better, but aren't about to tell outsiders more than they need to know. It's called protecting your own mystique and power.

C3PO: Memory wipe. Something Lucas has said will happen to him either in Episode 3 or between episodes. Duh.

Tatooine: Kinda got me there. Worse than hiding him there is leaving him with the name Skywalker.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 08:29:39 PM
Force as religion vs midichlorians: This is so easy to explain it is pathetic. To outsiders, the force is some hokey religion. The jedi understand it better, but aren't about to tell outsiders more than they need to know. It's called protecting your own mystique and power.

But it's not that easy.  Remember, the Jedi were highly visible during at least the Clone Wars, and then later during the Emporer's purge.  This was less than 20 years before Episode IV.  And yet what do we see in A New Hope?  Han Solo saying he's never heard of such a thing.  "It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense"  Hmm, you know, maybe he could pick up an old RECORDING of the battles in a historical memory crystal?  Motti calls it an "ancient" religion, and Solo the lightsabre an "ancient" weapon.  Motti seems completely surprised that a Jedi would have the power to choke him from across the room.  The clear implication of the first movie is that Obi-Wan is very old, and that most of the Jedi have been gone for quite a long time.

C3PO: Memory wipe. Something Lucas has said will happen to him either in Episode 3 or between episodes. Duh.

Of course, but this is still something contrived after the fact.  Don't forget R2-D2, too.  They're going to have a hard enough time explaining in movie three how Anakin can become evil, and yet nobody but a few Jedi knew it.

Tatooine: Kinda got me there. Worse than hiding him there is leaving him with the name Skywalker.

Well, you know, it could be a common name.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 08:33:08 PM
I can divide the world into two groups - people who think Midi-chlorians are retarded and those that don't.

Talk about one of the dumbest fucking ideas ever in a movie - wow. Just wow. And the silly part is it's a "scientific" explanation that totally breaks down if you think about it for more than 2 seconds. It's not the people that see into the future, the Midi-chlorians see into the future then TELL the people - ok it all makes sense now! So now rather than having people magically see into the future, you have small organisms that can magically see into the future and magically communicate that back to the host organism!

Maybe the midi-chlorians have their own...umm...mini-midi-chlorians. See, there is a scientific explanation for everything!

Why even bother with an explanation? Why not just say that some people are more force-sensitive than others and leave it at that?

And Bruce has a good point - in one generation they've gone from having a whole army of Jedi to thinking they are a myth. That's like the United States collectively considering the Pilgrims a myth, only worse. I think it would take a lot more than one generation to forget about a large group of glow-stick-swinging ass-kicking super-warriors.

Edit: Looking at the first films, the impression would be that Jedi have existed in only tiny numbers for at least a couple-hundred years. Either that or every person in the universe suffers from a severe degenerative brain disease.

I mean, aren't some people still ALIVE from when those events took place? Vietnam is a myth!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sobelius on March 13, 2005, 08:34:43 PM
Even though I saw Eps I and II and will see Ep III, my biggest problem with all of them is that they add nothing at all to the original films. Everything we really needed to know about "the past" was provided by the time we hit the end of Return of the Jedi. We got all we needed to know about Vader's past so that there's a sense of redemption for him. Is anything really gained by knowing there was someone named count Dooku or Jar Jar Binks or Mace Windu? Let me see if I can play the line quote game to see if this works:

- "if there's a bright spot in the universe we're on the planet that it's farthest from"
- "your father, Anakin Skywalker, was killed by Darth Vader, a pupil of mine until he turned to the dark side"
- "Obi Wan you knew my father, he fought with you in the Clone Wars"
- "Vader was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force"
- "Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi"
- "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
- "I want to learn to be a Jedi like my father"
- "The Force flows in us and around us. Reach out with your feelings."
- "Your sad devotion to a dying religion hasn't conjured up the stolen battleplans."
- "The Force is strong with this one."
- "Hate and anger lead to the Dark Side."
- "I don't believe it." -- "That is why you fail."
- "Luke, I am your father"
- "Nooooooooooooo! I'll never be like you."
- "I'm your sister. Yes, somehow I've always known."
- "Destroy him and take your rightful place by my side."
- "Such a waste. Now feel the power of the Dark Side, Jedi."
- "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
- "Dad, I love you. Even if you did cut my hand off."
- "Yub yub. Yub Yub!!"

Even the information that Boba Fett was the son of Jango Fett and that Stormtroopers are just all clones of Jango Fett adds nothing of real value to the story told in the first 3 movies. If anyone can think of anything of real value that was added by the recent films, I'd like to know. I would have much preferred that the first 3 films stand on their own as a trilogy which simply hinted at events of the last 3 films; instead, they seem to exist only to tell us everything we already knew, just in more detail.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 08:44:25 PM
What they really should have done was make the first movie 100 years ago, not 10 - 20.  If there was a Jedi Council at one time it should have been long gone.  Jedi would be rare, with Yoda, Kenobi, and the new Anakin, perhaps a couple of others at most.  The movies would have been about the rise of the Empire, Jedi being hunted down by the Sith (not just crammed all into the third movie), and Anakin being seduced by the Dark Side.  If Luke was always going to be Vader's son (something I don't think Lucas originally planned no matter what he says), then obviously Vader would have knocked up some girl many decades later, after he was already evil.  The third movie would deal with that... the growing rebellion, a confrontation between Obi-Wan and Anakin, hiding away the girl before Anakin knew she was pregnant, and then the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin which forces Anakin into his Darth Vader shell.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 13, 2005, 08:44:56 PM
My god. I'm going beserk in a Star Wars thread!

But yes, you've hit a good point. The movies don't really stand on their own, nor so they add much to the original. Another story set in the SW universe would be far better, if for no other reason than not to drag down the memory of the original trilogy. My thought was always that the prequels were a bad idea because they would be poor, and they would turn SW from a decent franchise into a mediocre one.

The same thing has happened with the Aliens movies to some extent. Another couple stinkers and you'll have to qualify your statements every time you say you like Aliens movies.

The new movies don't accomplish much other than to exist. Then again, the same can be said about the re-releases. (Now with annoying CGI dinosaurs!) The sad part is it really seems like Lucas thinks he is free to create something great and this is it.

I think that happens with a lot of people: They need a controlling influence and some checks and balances or else they wallow under their own excesses. Once they become free to do whatever they want they end up producing garbage, because it becomes a solely ego-driven escapade.

I don't think there is anyone there now to say "look man, this dialog fucking sucks, sorry but it does."

Edit: Ok, I'm done talking about Star Wars. Mostly I'm just bored waiting for my coworker to finish something. (I swear!) They should have made the new SW films something totally different, like the great-great-grandfather of Boba-Fett or something wacky like that.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 13, 2005, 08:56:04 PM
If anyone can think of anything of real value that was added by the recent films, I'd like to know. I would have much preferred that the first 3 films stand on their own as a trilogy which simply hinted at events of the last 3 films; instead, they seem to exist only to tell us everything we already knew, just in more detail.

Why, the midichlorians, of course!   :-D

No, you're right. You bring up the best point here, I think. The prequels weren't really necessary. A good waste of time perhaps (depending on the viewer), but still unnecessary.

edit: I will say though, that sometimes this works for a franchise, sometimes not. Sometimes I like to revist the same "world" (if you will), even if I've already seen everything it has to offer. That can be a fun thing in and of itself (I hate to admit it, but I actually like the Lethal Weapon and Die Hard sequels. Rocky and Rambo as well!).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 13, 2005, 08:58:35 PM
One thing that has been bugging me because it has been said multiple times, but Vader didn't blow up any planets. That would be Grand Moff Tarkin.  In fact, he really doesn't individually do anything particularly bad in the Eps IV - VI except force choke a few people and strangle the pilot of Leias transport.  Everything else was him basically killing underlings or searching for the rebels, which would fit into the concept that he may have thought it was a good thing (insert discussiong of the rebels as leftist terrorists from Clerks) in service of his government.

My view of the Dark Side based upon the movies isn't that it is an external source, but it is simply giving into the darker side of yourself. The Emporer constantly talks about "giving into your hate" and that this will make you powerful. Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about not giving into your fear, which is another negative emotion. So the Dark Side is internal in that it is just releasing the darker part of your personality, which is powerful but self destructive.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 09:45:47 PM
One thing that has been bugging me because it has been said multiple times, but Vader didn't blow up any planets. That would be Grand Moff Tarkin.  In fact, he really doesn't individually do anything particularly bad in the Eps IV - VI except force choke a few people and strangle the pilot of Leias transport.  Everything else was him basically killing underlings or searching for the rebels, which would fit into the concept that he may have thought it was a good thing (insert discussiong of the rebels as leftist terrorists from Clerks) in service of his government.

This is true to the extent that, under the Empire, Governors are supposed to be exercising local control over their territory.  So presumably the Emporer doesn't mind if Governors blow up a few planets, particularly if it's to demonstrate the new weapon that's designed to keep other planets in line.  But Vader doesn't do anything to stop this, nor does he regret the decision.  In fact, he himself gives the final order to "Commence primary ignition."

My point was that if you were just a misguided and troubled youth not realizing the bad things you do, then you should have gotten a clue once you started participating in planetary genocide.  But if you were truly under the influence of "evil", then to engage in lots of evil acts only to snap out of it when faced with the love and forgiveness of your own son seems far more meaningful.  (Although logically perhaps an even worse reason.)

My view of the Dark Side based upon the movies isn't that it is an external source, but it is simply giving into the darker side of yourself. The Emporer constantly talks about "giving into your hate" and that this will make you powerful. Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about not giving into your fear, which is another negative emotion. So the Dark Side is internal in that it is just releasing the darker part of your personality, which is powerful but self destructive.

Well, that's just a variation on the ancient theme that the pursuit of power itself is ultimately negative and corrupting, but the pursuit of enlightenment leads to a power of its own that is equal if not superior to the negative.

One thing I sort-of like about the first trilogy is this sort-of Hinduistic notion of cyclic reincarnation, that the story of the first three movies somewhat mirrors the story of the second three, only in the first one Anakin was supposed to be the one to bring balance to the Force, but failed, and so the actors re-arrange into new parts and Luke comes along to fulfill that role instead in a modified retelling of the tale.  But this is still a very weak and tenuous connection between the stories, and in any event, Luke doesn't bring balance to the Force until the books of the Expanded Universe, anyway.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 13, 2005, 09:47:32 PM
My view of the Dark Side based upon the movies isn't that it is an external source, but it is simply giving into the darker side of yourself. The Emporer constantly talks about "giving into your hate" and that this will make you powerful. Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about not giving into your fear, which is another negative emotion. So the Dark Side is internal in that it is just releasing the darker part of your personality, which is powerful but self destructive.

But then we're back to the whole problem that Vader is evil because Vader is evil. Not because he has been corrupted. If Vader is basically Hitler in space, then Return of the Jedi falls apart. You can't redeem someone who is evil. It just doesn't happen in real life. A serial killer doesn't just save his own child and suddenly become a good person.  But, if we're dealing with it on a mythic level, and Vader was a decent guy who was simply corrupted by an evil force (the One Ring analogy again) then he can be redeemed and it returns to an epic, mythic story.

Saying that the Dark Side is just your own inner darkness is the same kind of thing as saying the force isn't a mystical energy field, it's just some weird mutated version of mitochondria. (Let's face it, the whole midichlorian thing was Lucas needing someway to tell the audience that Anakin is the biggiest bad ass ever. He just couldn't figure out a way to do it without some hokey scientific explanation. Thankfully, most people I know rationalize midichlorians as just being little critters that are attracted to the force but don't produce the force. So you're powerful in the force, you have alot of them, but they aren't connected to the force directly. More like ants drawn to the picnic that is the force.)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 13, 2005, 09:52:02 PM
No. It is that we all have good and evil within us, so while you can DO evil, that doesn't mean you are IRRETRIEVABLYevil.  That's the whole point of redemption, it's personal, not that there is some ooga-booga energy field that you are saved from.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 09:57:25 PM
My view of the Dark Side based upon the movies isn't that it is an external source, but it is simply giving into the darker side of yourself. The Emporer constantly talks about "giving into your hate" and that this will make you powerful. Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about not giving into your fear, which is another negative emotion. So the Dark Side is internal in that it is just releasing the darker part of your personality, which is powerful but self destructive.

But then we're back to the whole problem that Vader is evil because Vader is evil. Not because he has been corrupted. If Vader is basically Hitler in space, then Return of the Jedi falls apart. You can't redeem someone who is evil. It just doesn't happen in real life. A serial killer doesn't just save his own child and suddenly become a good person.  But, if we're dealing with it on a mythic level, and Vader was a decent guy who was simply corrupted by an evil force (the One Ring analogy again) then he can be redeemed and it returns to an epic, mythic story.

No, you have it completely and utterly backwards.

It is the MODERN story, the HUMAN story, that says that a basically good person becomes corrupted, and when finally faced with the horrors of his own misdeeds, redeems himself in the end.  But that ain't epic and it ain't mythic.  It's Shakespeare, it's Orson Welles, it's Vietnam.

An epic, mythic story is when the GOOD triumphs over the truly EVIL, and redemption comes not from within, but from without.  The power of good, the power of forgiveness, the power of grace, destroys the corrupt source, either leaving good behind or nothing.  (I suppose in Time Bandits, the evil is still left behind, but it's not in animated form anymore.)


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 13, 2005, 10:39:38 PM
But come Star Wars, Vader is EVIL.

Most people who are evil don't consider themselves such.  This is evil both big and small - whether you're lying to your boss/friend, or participating in genocide, you're going to justify your actions to yourself.

In the case of blowing up Alderaan, Vader had two motives.  One, was to show the lengths that the Empire was willing to go to in order to demand compliance.  Remember, there was a rebellion that was alive and well.  It was organized, funded, and a very REAL threat to the Empire's existance.  And here he had Leia, a member of the Senate (the Empire's own governing body), and a well connected member of said rebellion.  She had information crippling to the Empire, and he had to solicit compliance from her, in particular.

Most entities will go to ANY length to ensure their own survival.  Governments, both real and fictitious, can be counted upon to act in the same way that individuals will.  Threaten a government, and it will react - violently - to defend itself.  Without trying to draw too much parallel, one of the reasons to drop the bombs on Japan - to demonstrate US power, and willingness to use that power.  The other reason was to answer the question of whether Japan's surrender would be conditional or not.

To say that he was blowing up planets for his own satisfaction would be to entirely miss the point of the movies.  The Empire wouldn't have held together had the government (of which he was, effectively, VP) been doing that.  If the populace hadn't understood some level of cause-effect that seemed rational to them, they wouldn't have thrown their support behind it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 13, 2005, 10:47:43 PM
the Midi-chlorians see into the future then TELL the people

Maybe I missed that step in the movies (don't have them on DVD), but I thought midi-chlorians were only casually related to one's potency with the Force?  Meaning, they occured along with force-sensitive people, not that they were the CAUSE of the force.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 13, 2005, 10:57:54 PM
To say that he was blowing up planets for his own satisfaction would be to entirely miss the point of the movies.  The Empire wouldn't have held together had the government (of which he was, effectively, VP) been doing that.  If the populace hadn't understood some level of cause-effect that seemed rational to them, they wouldn't have thrown their support behind it.

No, you've entirely missed the point.  It's not a treatise on moral realtivism; it's mythic space opera.  Just because the Empire had motivation to blow up the planet doesn't make it rational or right.  Humanizing Vader cheapens the whole story.  Do you think Schindler's List would have been improved by showing that Hitler was just trying to do what he thought was right?  The glimpses you get into the reasoning of the bad guys should leave you even more disturbed, not less so.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 13, 2005, 11:01:59 PM
In my mind the original trilogy is very much an individual story of redemption, which happens to take place during a conflict.  In fact, Lucas' attempt to bring in all the political backstory and make it a "grand opera" is what has fucked it up the most. Most of that was hinted at and in the background of the originals and the focus was on the individual characters, which is why they were much better.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 13, 2005, 11:29:14 PM
Star Wars geekery blossoms!  Muahahahah!

But the plot of the first 3 movies is that he never really was evil, just misguided.

No, I mean Anakin goes balls-out evil in Episode III.  Frankly, he comes off as more of a rotten bastard than Vader ever did in the original trilogy.

Spoiler:  Having slaughtered every adult he could find in the Jedi Temple, Anakin steps into the room where all the little kindergarten-aged Jedi younglings are kept.  They greet him by name, not realizing what is going on.  We hear the sound of Anakin's lightsaber igniting as the camera cuts away to the next scene, and the implication is that he is now murdering a room full of six-year olds in cold blood.  Oh, and Padme dies as a result of injuries inflicted by Anakin force-choking her and bouncing her off a wall

You can argue that his standing by while Tarkin blew up Alderaan was worse, but this is rather more visceral.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 13, 2005, 11:31:26 PM
This thread has completely reaffirmed why the universe is so boring to me. It's like very expensive LARPing put on film.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 14, 2005, 12:46:17 AM
But come Star Wars, Vader is EVIL.

Most people who are evil don't consider themselves such.  This is evil both big and small - whether you're lying to your boss/friend, or participating in genocide, you're going to justify your actions to yourself.

In the case of blowing up Alderaan, Vader had two motives.  One, was to show the lengths that the Empire was willing to go to in order to demand compliance.  Remember, there was a rebellion that was alive and well.  It was organized, funded, and a very REAL threat to the Empire's existance.  And here he had Leia, a member of the Senate (the Empire's own governing body), and a well connected member of said rebellion.  She had information crippling to the Empire, and he had to solicit compliance from her, in particular.

Most entities will go to ANY length to ensure their own survival.  Governments, both real and fictitious, can be counted upon to act in the same way that individuals will.  Threaten a government, and it will react - violently - to defend itself.  Without trying to draw too much parallel, one of the reasons to drop the bombs on Japan - to demonstrate US power, and willingness to use that power.  The other reason was to answer the question of whether Japan's surrender would be conditional or not.

To say that he was blowing up planets for his own satisfaction would be to entirely miss the point of the movies.  The Empire wouldn't have held together had the government (of which he was, effectively, VP) been doing that.  If the populace hadn't understood some level of cause-effect that seemed rational to them, they wouldn't have thrown their support behind it.

Keep in mind that Vader tried to lure Luke into joining him so that they could overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy themselves, "as father and son".  He wasn't just doing his job.  He was also looking to further his own power and stage a coup, so he could rule with his own iron fist.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 14, 2005, 12:50:29 AM

Umm, you mean like how he thought through the whole "20 years ago we knew Jedi powers derived from real things called Medichlorians, but in less than a generation is was considered a hokey old religion based on supersition?" thing?  Or how about the whole part where C-3PO should be saying, "Master Luke, perhaps now would be a good time to mention that I was actually built by your father and oh, by the way, he's Darth Vader?" but doesn't?  Or perhaps the brilliant plan of, "Hey, Anakin is going to be looking for his children, so lets hide one on Tatooine, you know, his home planet, with the same family that Anakin's mother later lived with, oh and we'll leave the Jedi that dropped Anakin into a volcano there in a cave to watch over him, but don't worry, because Anakin will NEVER THINK TO LOOK THERE." is more to your liking?

A sufficient explanation?  I'll take "No" for $500, Alex.


And where the fuck did R2-D2s jets come from???  WTF was Lucas thinking?

Also, I can't remember from episodes 4-6, but did Vader even know he had children before he bumped into Luke? 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 14, 2005, 01:25:59 AM
Also, I can't remember from episodes 4-6, but did Vader even know he had children before he bumped into Luke? 

Yes, he knew he had made a woman pregnant, but didn't know there was more than one child (and thus didn't know about Leia).  As for Luke, it's never made clear how he figured out he was his son, but probably once he found out his name, it made sense, and he put the pieces together in-between Star Wars and Empire.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 14, 2005, 01:44:08 AM
Also, I can't remember from episodes 4-6, but did Vader even know he had children before he bumped into Luke? 

Yes, he knew he had made a woman pregnant, but didn't know there was more than one child (and thus didn't know about Leia).  As for Luke, it's never made clear how he figured out he was his son, but probably once he found out his name, it made sense, and he put the pieces together in-between Star Wars and Empire.


Probably as he slapped his helmet, 5 seconds after Luke shot his ass up in the space battle.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 14, 2005, 02:17:39 AM

But then we're back to the whole problem that Vader is evil because Vader is evil. Not because he has been corrupted. If Vader is basically Hitler in space, then Return of the Jedi falls apart. You can't redeem someone who is evil. It just doesn't happen in real life. A serial killer doesn't just save his own child and suddenly become a good person.

Which was why the book 'Hannibal' sucked so much monkey-cock.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 14, 2005, 06:26:29 AM
Just because the Empire had motivation to blow up the planet doesn't make it rational or right.

Correct, motivation doesn't determine moral judgement.  However, I was discussing motivation, not morality.  You misrepresented the motivation; I corrected it.  Following through with it still makes him unfun, but the motivation makes a big difference on the character development.  If he had killed people simply for amusement, then it would be really difficult to answer why he wouldn't redeemed himself at all in the end.  If, however, his motivations were some sort of obscene altruism, his objection to watching his son be tortured to death for what seemed to be the Emperor's personal pleasure was more plausible, as was his reason for killing the Emperor. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 07:40:22 AM
I thought that was a great trailer. However, my expectations for the movie are still lower than dirt. I expect that since Lucas has not let go one iota of control, it will still have less story and good character development than most midget pr0n. I'm also positive he will take every liberty he can with continuity, bend my childhood over a table and have sweaty mansex with the broken shreds of my innocence.



Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 07:49:10 AM
On another note, the 3rd matrix didn't suck, most people are just too stupid to truly understand it.

Yea, religious subtext is HARD. Don't be so dumb. They aren't too stupid to understand it, the movie just wasn't very good. The shit you're talking about people "not understanding" was like a hit across the face with a five iron. Subtlety is not the Wachowski's best quality.

The 3rd Star Wars will suck. Lucas is a bad director.

Sorry for the double post, but I had to agree with schild here.

Holy fuck, the parts that really, REALLY, REALLY made the Matrix Revolutions and Reloaded suck were the "philosophical" bits. See, I GOT IT. Only, the message was so goddamn blatantly silly that I couldn't help but get it. It was like being clubbed over the head by a giant black kong-sized dildo, and just as tasteless.

The first Matrix was about freedom from oppression, and by the third one, it was about choice. The choice to live as a slave in normal land or as a free person in a blasted out hell on earth. You're telling me that people died and in the end it was just ok to have a truce with the machines that were using them as fucking Energizer Bunnies? WTF? Oh but no it was really that evil Mr. Smith sentience, he was the bad one. The machine overlords aren't so bad, so long as they give us a choice. WTF? It's stupid. It's also shamefully wasteful.

That article someone linked to a while back comparing the Matrix to an attempt to create a peaceful, enlightened society except without a God was appropo. Because the whole time, the Bros. are trying to create this pseudo-religion that accepts absolutely everybody but does so without any belief in an actual God, instead deifying man or the individual's right of choice. Most of the time, I'd write articles like that off, only this one was spot on.

Matrix blew monkeys in some Bangkok Sailor Wanna Hump Hump Karaoke Bar. Let it be dead and buried.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 08:21:28 AM
Also, I can't remember from episodes 4-6, but did Vader even know he had children before he bumped into Luke? 

Yes, he knew he had made a woman pregnant, but didn't know there was more than one child (and thus didn't know about Leia).  As for Luke, it's never made clear how he figured out he was his son, but probably once he found out his name, it made sense, and he put the pieces together in-between Star Wars and Empire.


My guess (I've avoidfed spoilers as much as possible) is that Anakin believes Padme died and the children with her. This makes him never hunting Luke down much more plausible. And really, Ben, says that the Emporer woulda hunted Luke down had he known of his existence. (In ROTJ I believe).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 14, 2005, 08:35:28 AM
You're telling me that people died and in the end it was just ok to have a truce with the machines that were using them as fucking Energizer Bunnies? WTF?

Well, I hate to get into all this, but I'd like to point out that it was the human race's fault for that even happening. You can't really expect the machines to just find a new energy source right away, can you? Do you expect them to die? Then who's going to kill them? The humans (fat chance)? Should they just kill themselves then? Why?

The humans were lucky enough that the machines accepted Neo's offer of peace -- especially when they didn't have to. All he had to do was prove it -- and he did. Every other incarnation of "Neo" (which the Architect mentioned) was a warrior/Messiah, a one sided entity that fought only for the human cause. They all failed. The machines kept wiping the Matrix waiting for a "Neo" that got his head out of his ass and realize that coexistence was the only option. Finally, the last one did.

That last fight with Smith wasn't a showdown with the "evil" bad guy. It was a test.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 08:55:26 AM
No, it was a Superman/General Zod fight without capes. It really served no fucking purpose other than another FX-gasm. Smith's entire story arc grew from mildly interesting to utterly retarded. He MADE it out of the Matrix, just as he said he wanted to in the first movie. Then he decides he really just wants to take it over and make everyone him? WTF?

The lack of exposition at the end really hurt the movie, IMO. Not because every tragic ending needs an explanation but because all the shit that led up to it previously told us nothing about what we needed to know in order to process it. The architect walking up to the Oracle at the end on the park bench... ghey. It was a whole bunch of sound and fury and loud obnoxious gun battles, but very little resolution and very little explanation of what the Matrix was and should be.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 09:08:08 AM

The humans were lucky enough that the machines accepted Neo's offer of peace -- especially when they didn't have to. All he had to do was prove it -- and he did. Every other incarnation of "Neo" (which the Architect mentioned) was a warrior/Messiah, a one sided entity that fought only for the human cause. They all failed. The machines kept wiping the Matrix waiting for a "Neo" that got his head out of his ass and realize that coexistence was the only option. Finally, the last one did.

That last fight with Smith wasn't a showdown with the "evil" bad guy. It was a test.

That was kind of what I got from it too, other than the fact that I didn't think of Smith as a test. Interesting take on it. I also thought the rebuilt Matrix had some of Neo's guidance in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 14, 2005, 09:11:02 AM
The reason 1 was good and 2 & 3 sucked was because the Warchowskis ripped off the script from the first one and then had to come up with the second and third.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 14, 2005, 09:42:35 AM
Then he decides he really just wants to take it over and make everyone him? WTF?

Smith died, then ended up coming back. The new resurrected Smith was (seemingly) without purpose. And according to the machines, a program without purpose must be deleted.

Smith didn't wanted to be deleted, so that put him at odds with his own kind.

Smith then realized that he did, in fact, have a new purpose: To destroy Neo.

The way he went about that was also his way to rid himself of the machine threat.

Anyways, that's simplifying it, I guess (and I'm probably far off to begin with...But that's basically how I see it).


The lack of exposition at the end really hurt the movie, IMO. Not because every tragic ending needs an explanation but because all the shit that led up to it previously told us nothing about what we needed to know in order to process it. The architect walking up to the Oracle at the end on the park bench... ghey. It was a whole bunch of sound and fury and loud obnoxious gun battles, but very little resolution and very little explanation of what the Matrix was and should be.

I thought the Architect's speech at the end of Reloaded explained (and set up for) a lot.

Actually, this touches on another point. There's far more exposition in the Matrix films than necessary really...It's just all clumped throughout the entire trilogy. From the Architect, the Merovingian, the Oracle, etc.. It's just not at the "very end" where it may have been easier to take in.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 09:51:57 AM
I did pay attention. I knew that his speech was the key. It's just that it really DIDN'T answer the questions, because we have to take what the Architect says at face value in order to believe that the questions are all answered with his speech.

The 3rd movie just threw things in to spin wheels, like that entire time in the train station. I mean, what was that about? It served no purpose, other than an excuse to put that annoying Frenchman back into the movie. Useless fucking character that was. The only redeeming thing out of that entire bit was seeing Monica Bellucci again. Everything else, a total waste.

I don't buy the "Smith was going to be deleted" thing. Or his newfound purpose to destroy Neo. It just rang hollow. The last two movies were a mess narratively.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on March 14, 2005, 09:56:24 AM
If anyone can think of anything of real value that was added by the recent films, I'd like to know. I would have much preferred that the first 3 films stand on their own as a trilogy which simply hinted at events of the last 3 films; instead, they seem to exist only to tell us everything we already knew, just in more detail.

Why, the midichlorians, of course!   :-D

No, you're right. You bring up the best point here, I think. The prequels weren't really necessary. A good waste of time perhaps (depending on the viewer), but still unnecessary.

No, they didn’t bring anything new to the table, and I'd argue they weren't meant to.  The new movies serve 2 purposes and do them well.  1) Providing more junk for SW geeks to collect and waste thousands of dollars on.  2) "Flesh-out" the story for the Ultra hardcore fans for step 1. That's why the majority of the populace thinks they suck balls. (Not that they don't from a filming perspective and didn't introduce huge plot holes/ inconsistencies.)

There's so much not explained and left out of the movies that ONLY hardcore freaks who've read all the books, novelizations, radio dramas, etc over the last 25 years would know.  At the same time, the geek who has that level of knowledge and is trying to fill some hole in their life with the SW Mythos (Folks in the Conan O'Brian Triumph video, I'm looking at you.) hated them because it took a few of the fan's preconceived notions and turned them on their ear.

 I'm pretty sure that's why I enjoyed them to some degree and don't have the visceral hatred of them that some of y'all seem to have.  They're campy 50s serials with all the bad acting and lines you'd expect.  Even the first 3 were badly written and acted, you've just let nostalgia gloss-over that bit.  I mean if they were so fucking great why did Sir Guiness get pissed when all he was remembered for was Ben Kenobi, and why does Harrison Ford get pissy to this day if too many references are made to Han Solo when he's being interviewed.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 14, 2005, 09:58:22 AM
Just because the Empire had motivation to blow up the planet doesn't make it rational or right.

Correct, motivation doesn't determine moral judgement.  However, I was discussing motivation, not morality.  You misrepresented the motivation; I corrected it.  Following through with it still makes him unfun, but the motivation makes a big difference on the character development.  If he had killed people simply for amusement, then it would be really difficult to answer why he wouldn't redeemed himself at all in the end.  If, however, his motivations were some sort of obscene altruism, his objection to watching his son be tortured to death for what seemed to be the Emperor's personal pleasure was more plausible, as was his reason for killing the Emperor. 

No, again, I think this is completely backwards.  The fact he got obscene pleasure out of blowing up the planet is what makes his later redemption so compelling and epic; if he was simply a misguided man then the redemption is just another predictable Vietnam movie.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 14, 2005, 10:03:05 AM
The 3rd movie just threw things in to spin wheels, like that entire time in the train station. I mean, what was that about?

Heh. More exposition, except in the beginning of the film. Sati (the little Indian girl) was the key to understanding everything, man!  :-)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 14, 2005, 10:49:58 AM
It's odd that such crappy movies can inspire such discussion.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rasix on March 14, 2005, 10:59:17 AM
It's odd that such crappy movies can inspire such discussion.

Hah. You say this on a primarily MMORPG gaming driven site. We've embraced crap, boyo.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 11:40:19 AM
Embraced it? Fuck, we are ROLLING in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 14, 2005, 11:47:55 AM
...that entire time in the train station. I mean, what was that about? It served no purpose, other than an excuse to put that annoying Frenchman back into the movie.

Er, then you didn't really get it that much.  On the philosophical front, Sati was a hugely important character, and this scene is where you learn about her and where she fits in.  There is also a bit of refleciton here; just as Smith can be isolated in the real world, so can Neo be isolated in the Matrix.  You can also draw some religious context, with Neo having his personality split and spending time in the train station equivalent to Christ's time in Hell, before his resurrection and salvation of Humanity.  You also have Sati as well as the station serving to context Neo's role/destiny.  Then you have the dialogue between Neo and the family to serve to clarify the role of the programs as Exiles.

And on and on...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 12:03:42 PM
That is the largest steaming pile of horseshit I've heard in reference to the Matrix movies. Ever.

The point of that scene was that people can be isolated in the Matrix? Sati's in one scene in the movie and that's supposed to be an important point? I know repetition can be boring, but fuck. Or was she the kid in the final scene? Because if she was, I missed it and I laugh at it. My brain had so totally shut down by the end I think I just glossed over who was sitting with her. It was just so fucking stupid.

If their intent was to make the train station mean anything, they failed. Horribly.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Lum on March 14, 2005, 12:12:33 PM
So, it's all about expectations. I went into Matrix 3 KNOWING that it would be full of nursery-school philosophy and eye candy. I went for the eye candy (the nursery school philosophy I get enough of from Internet message boards) and was not disappointed, as it had plenty of eye candy.

I'm looking at SW 3 (SW 6?) similarly. As far as storyline went, well, it ended with ROTJ. The first movie (or rather, Episode 1) was a kiddie movie. Adults hated it. Fine. It's not for them (and the 11 year old I saw it with loved it and immediately set about being as irritating as possible with his Jar Jar imitations for years thereafter. Sadly my force choke skill is low.) The second movie's story blew, but only because it tried to be a love story and failed thanks to Lucas apparently never being in an actual relationship or something. But it had good eye candy. The battle scenes were great. Ninja Yoda kicked ass.

It's all about what you expect going in. I expect lots of silly battles, over the top sword fighting, and some woozy exposition which will give me a chance to get a drink. I won't be disappointed!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 12:12:48 PM
Sati is shown several times over the course of the movie, and yes, that was her at the end, and yes, her journey was important to understanding the movie. She is essentially what made Neo realize that co-existence was the key.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 14, 2005, 12:23:23 PM
I thought that was a great trailer. However, my expectations for the movie are still lower than dirt. I expect that since Lucas has not let go one iota of control, it will still have less story and good character development than most midget pr0n. I'm also positive he will take every liberty he can with continuity, bend my childhood over a table and have sweaty mansex with the broken shreds of my innocence.



All jokes and winking "I know I'm a fanboy" declarations aside, I will say this much with utter certainty:  Whatever flaws the movie may have, the sickening cuteness factor of episodes 6 and 1 will not be one of them.  Like I said, it makes Empire look upbeat.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sobelius on March 14, 2005, 12:31:14 PM
Sati is shown several times over the course of the movie, and yes, that was her at the end, and yes, her journey was important to understanding the movie. She is essentially what made Neo realize that co-existence was the key.

The following is taken from the Matrix Online web site (the community site called Data Node One). This is what they have to say to set the background for MxO:

News: A Brief History of The Matrix

The Matrix is an illusion. It appears to be America at the turn of the 21st century; a vast megacity and an adjacent mountain range. In truth it is a virtual, digital world that humans experience through feeds running directly to their nervous systems. These humans experience an artificial life in the Matrix, unaware of their real state.

In reality, the actual date is unknown, but it is believed to be a couple of centuries later. The proprietors of the Matrix are machines that have won a war with humankind. In the war the sky was “scorched,” denying them their source of energy, solar power. Instead, they now use sleeping humans, enclosed in liquid-filled pods on vast batteries, to generate heat that becomes electricity.

A few free humans, based in an underground city of Zion, resist the Machines and hope to defeat the Matrix system, which they see as a form of slavery. These free humans, too, can jack into the Matrix, by lurking close under the surface world in their hovercraft. But when they do, they are ruthlessly hunted down by Agents of the Machines. One can die in the Matrix.

A Hovercraft Captain named Morpheus has heard a prophecy that there is one who can control the Matrix reality by will alone. Morpheus Summons Neo and explains the true state of affairs. He thinks Neo, a young man awakened from the illusion and brought from his pod into the real world, is The One.

Neo’s powers awaken, and the battle escalates, revealing complications. Along with humans and Agents of the Machines in the Matrix, there are free, sentient programs – Exiles – enjoying life as humans in the virtual world.

The Exiles are varied. The Oracle is benign, and guides Morpheus and other humans in their quest. The Merovingian, aka the Frenchman, is a sybaritic gangster, commanding a host of human-formed programs with powers like that of ghosts, werewolves and other supernatural entities.
There’s also a wild card, Agent Smith. Instead of being destroyed by Neo in an epic confrontation, as he seemed to be, he has become an independent virus-like program who can replicate himself, and overwrite others -- a legion of lethal clones in sunglasses.

Neo encounters the crowning complexity when he meets the Architect, the program who designed the Matrix. The Architect reveals there were previous iterations of the Matrix that failed, and even previous Ones like Neo – and a bloody cycle of destruction and renewal of the Matrix, Zion and humanity is inescapable.

Neo won’t accept this. But first he saves the woman he loves, Trinity, from death, by spectacularly reaching into her torso and massaging her virtual heart back into pulsing life. Ironically, it is Neo’s capacity for love that makes him the mightiest warrior, the One.

The crisis is imminent. The Matrix is failing because of Agent Smith’s viral takeover of every individual in it. It’s cleansing, and the destruction of Zion by physical machines, is almost underway.

Neo does the impossible; he and Trinity break out of the underground and fly a hovercraft to the city of Machines on the surface world. He proposes a deal: he’ll defeat Smith, whose cancerous growth threatens all the Machines, in exchange for peace between the Machines and the free humans. The deal is struck.

Neo does destroy Smith, with an assist from the Oracle (who had allowed Smith to overwrite her with curious equanimity – what did she have up her sleeve?), in a battle worthy of ancient gods of the sky. The Matrix is saved. Zion is saved. The Machine Civilization is saved.

A truce is made – free humans (“Redpills”) can even awaken the sleepers (“Bluepills”), although too much of this would threaten the Matrix. It’s one of the ambiguities the Matrix films boldly allowed to stand. Another: Neo’s fate. He seems to have died in the battle with Smith. But the Machines do not return his corpse.

This disturbs some people, and their actions set the story of The Matrix Online in motion…

Posted by The Matrix Online Team, 02-24-05

The one area that makes no sense to me "The Architect reveals there were previous iterations of the Matrix that failed, and even previous Ones like Neo – and a bloody cycle of destruction and renewal of the Matrix, Zion and humanity is inescapable." I can understand multiple iterations of the Matrix, given it's a programmed illusion. But the cycle of Zion/human destruction -- I guess they're saying that the machines always wipe out the real Zion, reload a new Matrix, and then Zion crops up again after a while, kind of like fire ant mounds reappear after you think you've gotten rid of the ants. OK. I guess I get it now.

Given this background, I could go along with MxO and find out what sources of interest and drama might unfold.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 14, 2005, 12:33:12 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on March 14, 2005, 12:41:02 PM
The original matrix movie had a sense of wonder and ended with "what's next?" What WAS next was boring exposition, bad dialog, giant CGI robots, etc. I don't think they really knew where they wanted to go after the first movie. By the time 3 rolled around it had become an incredibly generic story. Angry asian captain dude using poorly designed mechs to fight off evil robots - yawn.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on March 14, 2005, 12:52:49 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Lucas would use all CGI actors if he could.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 12:55:04 PM
Lucas would use all CGI actors if he could.

Hell, he'd use MUPPETS if it meant more action figures. Like Cabbage Patch Jar-Jar.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 12:55:28 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Yeah, I mean, after all, why the fuck would a director want to converse with actors or anything?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: CmdrSlack on March 14, 2005, 12:56:31 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Yeah, I mean, after all, why the fuck would a director want to converse with actors or anything?

Well, it's not like the title of "director" implies that he actually speaks with the actors to, you know, direct.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 14, 2005, 01:01:39 PM
Being that's it Lucas, he probably has a CGI-ed hologram of himself on set directing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:03:45 PM
Being that's it Lucas, he probably has a CGI-ed hologram of himself on set directing.

I can just see his little image saying, "Samuel L. Jackson, you're our only hope!"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 01:04:59 PM
You know, one thing I wonder, how does Lucas' record as a director compare to other famous directors?

So far he's done..umm..8 movies I know of.

The Star Wars movies
American Graffiti

Of those only THX-1138 wasn't hugely successful money-wise for its time.

Say what you want, but the man knows how to make money. I doubt even Spielberg has his success rate.

Edit: 6 movies. He didn't direct Empire and Return. I must go flog myself now for forgetting such easy Star Wars trivia if only for a few seconds.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 14, 2005, 01:08:49 PM
The one area that makes no sense to me "The Architect reveals there were previous iterations of the Matrix that failed, and even previous Ones like Neo – and a bloody cycle of destruction and renewal of the Matrix, Zion and humanity is inescapable." I can understand multiple iterations of the Matrix, given it's a programmed illusion. But the cycle of Zion/human destruction -- I guess they're saying that the machines always wipe out the real Zion, reload a new Matrix, and then Zion crops up again after a while, kind of like fire ant mounds reappear after you think you've gotten rid of the ants. OK. I guess I get it now.

Basically, Zion and the One are part of a project to get humanity's head out of it's ass and end the war. Zion is always left to rebuild because it serves a larger plan -- to give humanity hope for the "One".

Thing is, the "One" was purposely designed by the machines, in the hopes that he would bridge the gap between the two sides of the war. He's just as much a Messiah to them as he is to humans. It's just that he keeps failing to carry out the job...for both sides. So it's wipe, reboot, and try again.

Until the Neo version of the "One" came along.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:10:21 PM
You're right. Spielberg has a much HIGHER success rate. Off the top of my head:

The Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Color Purple
Jurassic Park
Empire of the Sun
Schindler's List
Catch me if you Can
Minority Report
The Terminal

and soon to be added:
War of the Worlds

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 01:14:19 PM
I wouldn't call Hook or the Terminal successes. I love Hook but it pretty much flopped. Terminal sorta disappeared off the screen without a ripple.

Spielberg is more prolific, but what is his success ratio? Sounds like you might be right and he may have a higher one but I'm too lazy to do the math. Heh.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 01:15:14 PM

Basically, Zion and the One are part of a project to get humanity's head out of it's ass and end the war. Zion is always left to rebuild because it serves a larger plan -- to give humanity hope for the "One".

Thing is, the "One" was purposely designed by the machines, in the hopes that he would bridge the gap between the two sides of the war. He's just as much a Messiah to them as he is to humans. It's just that he keeps failing to carry out the job...for both sides. So it's wipe, reboot, and try again.

Until the Neo version of the "One" came along.

I had totally forgotten about the whole experiment angle. I read an awesome essay about it one time, I wish I knew where to find it. It gives a whole other spin to the movies. (Essentially what you just summarized but in alot more detail.)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:17:21 PM
I wouldn't call Hook or the Terminal successes. I love Hook but it pretty much flopped. Terminal sorta disappeared off the screen without a ripple.

The Terminal made $77M. I guarantee you that's a profit. It made $175M Worldwide.
Hook made $177M in America - that's a profit of $107M on a $70M budget. Worldwide it pulled in $300M.

Steven Spielberg does not create losers.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 01:18:59 PM
Glad to hear Hook did so well. I loved that movie. (Of course, I like the Peter Pan stories, the recent version was awesome.)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on March 14, 2005, 01:23:35 PM
I wouldn't call Hook or the Terminal successes. I love Hook but it pretty much flopped. Terminal sorta disappeared off the screen without a ripple.

The Terminal made $77M. I guarantee you that's a profit. It made $175M Worldwide.
Hook made $177M in America - that's a profit of $107M on a $70M budget. Worldwide it pulled in $300M.

Steven Spielberg does not create losers.

$77M US is not a profit. Advertising budget on big-ass movies can rival the cost to make them. Terminal had a large budget.

Domestic Total Gross: $77,872,883

Production Budget: $60 million

Est. Marketing Costs: $35 million

That's for The Terminal, care of Box Office Mojo (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=terminal.htm).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:24:29 PM
So far he's done..umm..8 movies I know of.

American Graffiti


Just to note:

American Grafitti made $115,000 on it's first release. And made $395,549 on it's re-release in 2004.

So Mr. Lucas's ratio just went down.

If we want to put it on the chopping block: Bryan Singer is doing better than Lucas. Sam Raimi is doing MUCH better considering how little his movies cost (well, pre-spiderman). And we haven't even gotten into the BIG names yet: Kubrick, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Fellini, Romero, Coppola, etc.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:24:52 PM
Blah blah blah.

There are reasons I included world wide gross.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 14, 2005, 01:38:22 PM
I had always heard American Grafitti was highly successful and responsible for Lucas being able to do Star Wars

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 14, 2005, 01:40:28 PM
I had always heard American Grafitti was highly successful and responsible for Lucas being able to do Star Wars

Pick up this book (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0517704455/qid=1110836377/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/104-0867205-6363160). The whole story is in there. I could quote it but the books in my car. American Zoethrope had problems to the core.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 14, 2005, 05:15:39 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Yeah, I mean, after all, why the fuck would a director want to converse with actors or anything?

I find it particularly interesting that one would bitch about Lucas hiring a dialogue coach for Ep3 after people threatened to belt-sand his balls for the ep2 dialogue.  I mean, gee, it sounds to me like hiring a dialogue coach would imply wanting to give the fans better dialogue than he himself is capable of getting out of his actors, but I guess that goes against the most holy of commandments, "Thou shalt hate New Star Wars."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sobelius on March 14, 2005, 06:07:56 PM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Yeah, I mean, after all, why the fuck would a director want to converse with actors or anything?

I find it particularly interesting that one would bitch about Lucas hiring a dialogue coach for Ep3 after people threatened to belt-sand his balls for the ep2 dialogue.  I mean, gee, it sounds to me like hiring a dialogue coach would imply wanting to give the fans better dialogue than he himself is capable of getting out of his actors, but I guess that goes against the most holy of commandments, "Thou shalt hate New Star Wars."

Heavens no. It just finally confirms what most of us have known all along -- that Lucas doesn't (can't?) direct his actors. This one small news item has finally answered that most puzzling question for me: how on earth does Lucas get such lousy performances from some actors? Now I know the answer: he doesn't have time to talk to them.

I don't hate Star Wars or even New Star Wars. As someone who enjoys well-done big budget entertainment, I'm angry that under Lucas' direction and vision the Star Wars films consistently underachieve except in the visual spectacle department. And even that one quality is eluding them nowadays. The LOTR trilogy, theatrical releases, DVD release and especially the DVD extras, show what people who are passionate about filmmaking can achieve. LOTR could have so easily been about *product*  and marketing. It had that, but that was secondary to the filmmaking. In Star Wars, the product comes first, IMHO. I began to see that when, at age 17 I watched ROTJ and felt insulted first by the muppet band in Jabba's place and then by the Ewok-cum-teddy bears. As a 39 year old adult, I'm angry that for all of the talent and time and money spent on Eps 1-3, the results are just emotionally underwhelming, narratively insipid and difficult to sit through more than one time.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on March 15, 2005, 02:57:30 AM
Backing up the tangent somewhat, I thought the dark side created seemingly posessive control of an individual. How if a jedi slips up even a little bit, then they get carried out of control and are subverted and turn evil.

I think after Anakin chokes the fuck out of Amidala & kills 'er, or whatever is going to happen, he's going to become a puppet of the dark side. And thusly a puppet of Palpatine.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 15, 2005, 04:01:32 AM
Oh, clipped from IMDB:

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

Yeah, I mean, after all, why the fuck would a director want to converse with actors or anything?

I find it particularly interesting that one would bitch about Lucas hiring a dialogue coach for Ep3 after people threatened to belt-sand his balls for the ep2 dialogue.  I mean, gee, it sounds to me like hiring a dialogue coach would imply wanting to give the fans better dialogue than he himself is capable of getting out of his actors, but I guess that goes against the most holy of commandments, "Thou shalt hate New Star Wars."

The point is, he's looking to coach the actors when he should be looking to coach the damn script.

Anakin was the only significant character in episode 2 who needed acting lessons.

Ewan Macgregor should have got an oscar for managing to make Obiwan look that good with only that script to work with.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 15, 2005, 04:04:30 AM
I think after Anakin chokes the fuck out of Amidala & kills 'er, or whatever is going to happen, he's going to become a puppet of the dark side. And thusly a puppet of Palpatine.

Leia knew her mother. (See RotJ, ewok village speech to Luke about the beautiful sad mother)

But some variation on this theme could well make sense.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 15, 2005, 05:15:56 AM
Spielberg is more prolific, but what is his success ratio? Sounds like you might be right and he may have a higher one but I'm too lazy to do the math. Heh.

Well, "success ratio" is a difficult thing to quantify, unless you're going to go the pure money route.  Kubrick was one of our greatest directors, but the movie that did the best for him was Spartacus; his only big budget movie and something he vowed he'd never do again.

Orson Welles was a box office flop, yet he made Citizen Kane.  Scorsese hasn't had too much success, but again, one of our greatest directors.  Spielberg is interesting because he's able to do so many thematically different movies; drama, war, comedy, sci-fi, you name it.  Of course, he's got his own problems (not knowing how to END movies), but he definitely combines artistry with commercial success better than any director whose ever lived.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 06:26:46 AM
Scorsese hasn't had too much success, but again, one of our greatest directors.

If you look at Scorcese track record, he's largely terrible. Not just "unsuccessful" in the "big movie sense" but also just outright bad. He's another product of that film school era, so maybe it hsould be unsurprising. I mean 2 amazing directors from that period (Spielberg and Coppola) is one thing, but 3? Now we're reaching. :roll: Really though, much as I love some of Scorcese's shit. He sucks, bad. And I'd never noticed before.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 15, 2005, 06:36:18 AM
Really though, much as I love some of Scorcese's shit. He sucks, bad. And I'd never noticed before.

Bullshit.  Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Goodfellas.  All classic, fabulous movies.

Shit, even his "cash-in" movies aren't at all bad; Casino and Cape Fear were both good movies.  His latest "epic" movies like Gangs of New York and The Aviator, while not up to his earlier stuff, aren't bad either while still having their flaws.  Fuck, I even like Sense and Sensibility if you took it for what it is; a gilded age costume drama.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 06:44:33 AM
Really though, much as I love some of Scorcese's shit. He sucks, bad. And I'd never noticed before.

Bullshit.  Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Goodfellas.  All classic, fabulous movies.

Shit, even his "cash-in" movies aren't at all bad; Casino and Cape Fear were both good movies.  His latest "epic" movies like Gangs of New York and The Aviator, while not up to his earlier stuff, aren't bad either while still having their flaws.  Fuck, I even like Sense and Sensibility if you took it for what it is; a gilded age costume drama.

What he said. Don't even go there schild.

Don't forget After Hours and Last Temptation as well. And Kundun is another "good for what it is" type of flick.

Seriously, his only really bad films were New York, New York and Bringing Out the Dead.

edit: DePalma would be someone from the "film school era" who I think sucks more often not. But Scorsese? Not even close, man.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 15, 2005, 06:56:02 AM
Gangs of New York was a travesty saved only by the performance of Daniel Day Lewis. It played so fast and loose with reality and history that it lost all meaning to me by the end.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 07:01:26 AM
Gangs of New York was a travesty saved only by the performance of Daniel Day Lewis. It played so fast and loose with reality and history that it lost all meaning to me by the end.

We're talking "suck" here. Lucas territory. Gangs of New York wasn't all that great, I admit, but it'is not a "travesty". Stop exaggerating.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ralphie on March 15, 2005, 07:24:03 AM
Backing up the tangent somewhat, I thought the dark side created seemingly posessive control of an individual. How if a jedi slips up even a little bit, then they get carried out of control and are subverted and turn evil.

I think after Anakin chokes the fuck out of Amidala & kills 'er, or whatever is going to happen, he's going to become a puppet of the dark side. And thusly a puppet of Palpatine.

The Dark side is about an unmitigated ambition. That is why the master is constantly seeking to replace his apprentice, and the apprentice is constantly looking for someone to help him overthrow the master. It's not a form of mystical control, he is just driven by his own lust for greater power. Additionally, the quasi-political talk in AotC between Anakin and Amidala points out that Anakin desires to bring order to the galaxy, which is precisely what he proposes to Luke in ESB. To end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy, ruling together as father and son.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 15, 2005, 08:34:43 AM
I always equated succumbing to the dark side of the force as something similar to heroin addiction, in that after the initial thrill goes away and it becomes a part of you, you both hate and love it simultaneously, and very little will sway your gravitation towards the ritual.

Ralphie, for the love of God, please change your image.  It is starting to creep me out. :-P

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 15, 2005, 08:41:21 AM
Scorsese is for the most part, an overrated director, as is Coppola. I've not seen one movie by Coppola that I didn't think was mediocre, at best. Yes, the Godfather's were hopelessly mediocre, as was Apocalypse Now, his best movie.

Scorsese's best was Good Fellas. Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Casino are watchable if unspectacular. Last Temptation I have to see to really make a determination one way or the other. Everything else... /meh. Every director has bad movies, even the best. Kubrick had Eyes Wide Shut, an absolute piece of cinematic monkey ass. Spielberg has had a number of not so good efforts, such as The Terminal. Lucas has had a lot more bad than good. The one movie he directed that was decent was Star Wars. Empire was good precisely because he didn't have total control over it. The others suffer greatly from his touch.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 08:44:09 AM
My God, there is no end to the hate around here. Raging Bull and Taxi Driver "unspectacular"? You're insane.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 15, 2005, 08:51:51 AM
That is absolute bullshit, Haemish.  I'd be in agreement if you had said Pt. 3 was mediocre at best, but when you start including Godfather pt.1 and pt.2, I start questioning whether or not you actually have taste.  The first two are, simply put, awesome.  They were extremely faithful to the book in both storylines and tone, and the book itself is excellent.

I know it's cool and all to hate what's popular and sacred no matter the merit of it, but jesus, I'm still surprised at such a thing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 15, 2005, 08:52:46 AM
Yes, yes I am. I don't hate Scorsese, I just don't get why people think he is so amazing. I think people like Darren Arnofsky, Robert Rodriguez and Christopher Nolan are better directors.

EDIT: Same goes for the Godfather movies. /meh. They just don't elicit any specific emotion from me, other than boredom. I've never read the book, and if it's a faithful translation, great. Brando and Pacino did good jobs with their parts, I just don't think the movie or the story is all that spectacular. Solid, but unspectacular. I also don't think Gus Van Sant is all that. I compare Scorsese and Coppola to Ridley Scott. Scott has had some fantastic movies (Blade Runner, Legend, Alien), some good but unspectacular movies (Gladiator, BlackHawk Down), and some absolute shite (Thelma and Louise, Hannibal).

Seriously, even Rodriguez has had his bad moments: The Faculty, Once Upon a Time in Mexico; his good if not spectacular moments: Spy Kids, and his brilliant moments: El Mariachi, Desperado and hopefully, Sin City.

Scorsese and Coppola are better directors than say Oliver Stone or Clint Eastwood. But that ain't saying much.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 08:55:43 AM
Yes, yes I am. I don't hate Scorsese, I just don't get why people think he is so amazing. I think people like Darren Arnofsky, Robert Rodriguez and Christopher Nolan are better directors.

Those guys are great too, but they'd tell you themselves that you're out of your mind, and burn their own films before they even considered dogging Taxi Driver or Raging Bull...Or Godfather 1 and 2 for that matter.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Mortriden on March 15, 2005, 08:56:48 AM
Not to show my Star Wars geekdom too much, but a ways up someone mentioned that Vader gave the order to commence primary ignition.  That is incorrect.  The order was given by Tarkin in both cases; for the destruction of Aldeeran and the attempt on Yavin.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 15, 2005, 08:57:01 AM
I think people like Darren Arnofsky, Robert Rodriguez and Christopher Nolan are better directors.

Yes, he certainly has proven that he stands above Scorsese with two(2) releases under his belt.

Pi was good.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 15, 2005, 09:54:30 AM
He picked El Mariachi above Apocalypse Now?  So, like the whole hunt into the darkness of the soul thing just kind of passed you by in favor Antonio Banderas in tight pants?  The journey through the looking glass that is the trip up the river didn't impress you as much as a guitar case that fires rockets?

You sir, are on crack.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 15, 2005, 09:58:57 AM
He picked El Mariachi above Apocalypse Now?  So, like the whole hunt into the darkness of the soul thing just kind of passed you by in favor Antonio Banderas in tight pants?  The journey through the looking glass that is the trip up the river didn't impress you as much as a guitar case that fires rockets?

You sir, are on crack.

I believe El Mariachi was at least original. Apocalypse Now is just an interesting twist on an old novel.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 09:59:28 AM
He picked El Mariachi above Apocalypse Now?  So, like the whole hunt into the darkness of the soul thing just kind of passed you by in favor Antonio Banderas in tight pants?  The journey through the looking glass that is the trip up the river didn't impress you as much as a guitar case that fires rockets?

You sir, are on crack.

Well, to be fair, Antonio wasn't in El Mariachi. But the point pretty much stands. Haemish is on crack.

Apocalypse Now is just an interesting twist on an old novel.

Umm..Like most films? Taxi Driver is pretty much a modern version of Notes from the Underground. Doesn't make a difference.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 15, 2005, 10:06:09 AM
I wanna play a Gangs of New York MMORPG.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 15, 2005, 10:10:22 AM
It's not that Apocalypse Now as a twist on an old novel. Shit, most stories are just variations on 3 major themes anyway. I felt that Apocalypse Now had some good moments in it, but was overall left with the impression that it wasn't a great movie. 3 Stars out of 5. Whereas El Mariachi was filmed on no fucking money, by a guy who sold himself for medical experiments to make the money to shoot it, with not even z-list actors in a third world country. And what he produced was simply amazing. The shot with the Mariachi and the bus was just magic. It was a one-take fucking miracle.

I fail to see anything in Coppola's filmography that equals the artistry of that one shot. And I thought Desperado improved on it only by budget. Sure, there were cheesy moments. Fuck, most of Hopper's lines in Apocalyspe are utter cheese. And Godfather is even more /meh-inducing. I've just never seen what the hoopla is about. Empire Strikes Back was a better directed movie. I'm not telling you these movies suck; I'm just telling you that I believe them to be overrated. Collateral was better than say Godfather. Heat was better than Casino.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 10:11:40 AM
Collateral was better than say Godfather.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on March 15, 2005, 10:16:43 AM
I am with you on AN (I have only seen it once, and I was running a temp of about 102 and vomiting every 30 minutes, so my health may have affected my judgment), but I gotta stand up for the Godfather. I have read the book, and the movies were MUCH better.

I am also with you on Heat v Casino- I liked Casino (other than the stomach-turning vice and baseball bat murders), but Heat was amazing. One of my favs. DeNiro and Pacino were great, and the cinematography in the bank robbery scene is AWESOME.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 10:17:18 AM
Really though, much as I love some of Scorcese's shit. He sucks, bad. And I'd never noticed before.

Bullshit.  Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Goodfellas.  All classic, fabulous movies.

Shit, even his "cash-in" movies aren't at all bad; Casino and Cape Fear were both good movies.  His latest "epic" movies like Gangs of New York and The Aviator, while not up to his earlier stuff, aren't bad either while still having their flaws.  Fuck, I even like Sense and Sensibility if you took it for what it is; a gilded age costume drama.

What he said. Don't even go there schild. <snip>

Paelos said it, Scorcese has been saved by great actors numerous times. He can get a good performance out of people. But let's put this simply: His movies aren't spectacular LOOKING or filmed in any Spectacular way. Scorcese sucks, there I said it again. His actors are awesome, his casting directors are awesome, his acting coaches are awesome but his Director of Photography often "sucksmynuts." Maybe if Tak Fujimoto or someone who KNOWS what they're doing told him what to do, his movies would end up looking prettier than Ridley Scott's or James Cameron's. Until then, Scorcese is nothing but a man with incredible luck and a guy who has bought one of the finest casting directors on the planet. Truly, some of you people still believe in the auteur. Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on March 15, 2005, 10:29:10 AM
Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

Ouch - Now that's just plain mean.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 10:30:06 AM
Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

Ouch - Now that's just plain mean.

I like your new avatar. Meow.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 15, 2005, 10:33:32 AM
Truly, some of you people still believe in the auteur.
For someone with the supposed encylopedic film knowledge you claim to possess omitting Thelma Schoomaker as Scorsese's right hand (wo)man is pretty telling.  But then, I'm arguing with a tasteless poseur who thinks goth=deep, so perhaps I should question why I'm wasting the bandwidth.

Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?
If I were, he'd already have his statue.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 10:34:05 AM
Paelos said it, Scorcese has been saved by great actors numerous times. He can get a good performance out of people. But let's put this simply: His movies aren't spectacular LOOKING or filmed in any Spectacular way. Scorcese sucks, there I said it again. His actors are awesome, his casting directors are awesome, his acting coaches are awesome but his Director of Photography often "sucksmynuts."

He isn't much a photographer, I'll grant you that. But his job is to offer up a perspective, not a photograph, and in that, I think he's a genius. Just watch the commentary on the first Mary Magadelene scene in Last Temptation (the one where she's "servicing customers"), and you'll see how intricate the guy can be with seemingly "plain" scenes.

Anyways, even if he didn't have that, the fact that he can get good performances out of actors is more than enough.

Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

If I was, he wouldn't have been screwed so many times.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 10:36:00 AM
I love Last Temptation of Christ and a handful of his other movies. There's no doubt that the guy has the chops.

Unfortunately he only chooses to use them when HE'S feeling like an artist. Therefore, he still sucks.

I'm accrediting the acting to the actors themselves and the casting director. Scorcese has a lot of great properties. I know a number of actors who would die to be in a number of movies and would give a good performance even if the film was directed by Lucas.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 10:43:41 AM
I know a number of actors who would die to be in a number of movies and would give a good performance even if the film was directed by Lucas.

That's true, but when it gets down to it, the slightest things a director could say or do will destroy what determination one might have. Directors like Scorsese (and dare I say it, Tarantino!) are very rare. They can even make bad actors unleash whatever good talents they may have.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 10:53:53 AM
I know a number of actors who would die to be in a number of movies and would give a good performance even if the film was directed by Lucas.

(and dare I say it, Tarantino!)

You said it, and your opinion of directors just flew out the window with it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 15, 2005, 10:59:05 AM
Yes the Tarantino hate thread was miles long and paved with various disembodied limbs.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 10:59:24 AM
I know a number of actors who would die to be in a number of movies and would give a good performance even if the film was directed by Lucas.

(and dare I say it, Tarantino!)

You said it, and your opinion of directors just flew out the window with it.

Hey now, we're just talking about a director's ability to work with actors atm.  :wink: Let's not get into the other stuff (some I will agree with you on, but that, out of all things, is the one ability where he is capable of getting good results).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 15, 2005, 11:17:33 AM
I'm sorry, but after seeing Kill Bill, I highly disagree. Michael Madsen is only good when he's sadistic. Tim Roth is never bad. Quintin Tarantino simply writes roles that the actors and the actresses don't have to try to deliver. When he can't, the shit performance of Uma Thurman really shines through like in KB Vol 1&2.

He's a terrible man pissing on the history of cinema.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 15, 2005, 12:09:50 PM
Well, whatever...I don't want to get into Tarantino anyways. I used him as an example for humorous reasons, as an extreme, and because he's much maligned around here -- just to see if people could still see that talent despite his other flaws. I probably shouldn't have gone there.

Anyways, all I'm saying is that directing actors is a real skill. Hiring good talent isn't the only thing. It's especially more important these days because almost all actors have training in some kind of Stanislavsky derivative. Years ago, a director like Hitchcock could get away with his philosophy, because most actors would go along with it. And a guy with the skills of a Kazan wasn't all that relevant.

Nowadays, every actor deals with motivation, and the "why?" of a scene -- Having a guy like Lucas who resorts to generic, meaningless terms like "Be 'Angry' ", "Be 'Calm'", "Umm...you two, sit over there..and umm..Act like your 'In Love'" is a dreadful experience. The better directors speak a different language, an actor's language. They almost always have some training themselves (or are actors themselves), or come from a stage directing experience. They understand that it's a process, either approached from the bottom up or top down. Not some silly off/on thing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on March 15, 2005, 01:18:19 PM
Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

Ouch - Now that's just plain mean.

I like your new avatar. Meow.

Fur, is that Schmoo?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 15, 2005, 02:09:31 PM
Leia knew her mother. (See RotJ, ewok village speech to Luke about the beautiful sad mother)

When Luke asked her about her mother, Leia still had no idea of her true parentage.  It's quite likely she was speaking of her adoptive mother.  At least, it's more likely than Padme coming to live with her daughter's adoptive father for a couple years, while her son is raised by dirt-farmers.  And then getting run over by a bus or something between parts 3 and 4.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 15, 2005, 02:12:17 PM
If I remember the speech right, Leia was either talking about her adoptive mother, or she was talking about a very early memory of childhood. I think Amidala is definitely supposed to die.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 16, 2005, 12:19:04 AM
If I remember the speech right, Leia was either talking about her adoptive mother, or she was talking about a very early memory of childhood. I think Amidala is definitely supposed to die.

It's the very early memory thing, the speech refers to her mother 'dying when I was very young', and compares this experience with Luke never having known his mother. It wouldn't make much sense for the conversation to be about adoptive mothers, since Luke did know his adoptive mother.

Ep 3 has to explain the separation of the twins anyhow, so placing Leia with Padme under the care of the Organa family, and having Obi-wan carry Luke off elsewhere would seem likely. How placing one twin in the family of a high profile politician and the other with Darth Vader's step-brother is supposed to hide them from the emperor is a whole other question of course.

That said, Lucas certainly isn't above just playing merry hell with the continuity and doing whatever he damn well likes. But I expect Anakin's rage will come more from his inability to prevent his estrangement from Padme (probably related to some political nonsense created by Palpatine) combined with frustration at the Jedi.

Anakin killing Padme is too strong for any film with Jar Jar Binks in it.

When Luke asked her about her mother, Leia still had no idea of her true parentage. 

In the sense of knowing that her mother was Queen/Senator Amidala and her father was the Dark Lord of the Sith, this is true. But given the 'my mother died when I was very young' angle, I don't consider it unreasonable that Padme wouldn't have told Leia the whole story.


Got home and stuck the DVD in to check I wasn't going mad...

Quote from: George Lucas' shitty script
Luke: Leia, do you remember your mother, your real mother?

Leia: Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.

Luke: What do you remember?

Leia: Just images, really. Feelings.

Luke: Tell me.

Leia: She was very beautiful, kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?

Luke: I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her.

So Padme can't die unless the timeframe of episode 3 runs until Luke and Leia are toddlers, and have been separated. Or unless Lucas just rereleases episode 6 with 'improvements'. I accept that both are entirely possible.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ralphie on March 16, 2005, 07:21:37 AM
since Luke did know his adoptive mother.

Luke didn't have an adoptive mother. He had an Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen.

How placing one twin in the family of a high profile politician and the other with Darth Vader's step-brother is supposed to hide them from the emperor is a whole other question of course.

Vader didn't know whether the children survived or not He didn't know that there were twins. He didn't know that there was a boy and a girl. It's feasible. You're talking about 2 children in the span of a GALAXY. One with a member of the Senate...which has thousands of delegates. The other with his half-brother that he met once, who has a small moisture farm on a desert planet on the outermost rim of the galaxy. Remember that they didn't even accept Republic credits there in TPM, and the Stormtroopers were only sent there in ANH because Leia was instructed to get the stolen plans to Obi-Wan. Owen and Beru being whacked, and even the Stormtroopers being on Tatooine had nothing to do with Luke's heritage, it was strictly about the droids. But just for the sake of discussion, remember that Obi-Wan uses the Mind Trick to stop the Stormtroopers from getting Luke's identification at Mos Eisley. The Empire has no clue who Luke is until he destroys the Death Star.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on March 16, 2005, 09:51:12 AM
Tell me the truth, some of you are in the Academy, aren't you?

Ouch - Now that's just plain mean.

I like your new avatar. Meow.

Fur, is that Schmoo?

Indeed - it is my cat Schmoo. Who is completely different from the Schmoo who posts here.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sobelius on March 16, 2005, 10:02:21 AM
So when Vader and company are near Tattooine in "Ep4", why doesn't Vader have a total emotional meltdown? "Argh! This is the planet where I was a slave as a small child and I slew all the Sand People that captured my mother! Waaaaaaaaa! Grand Moff Tarkin, can we PLEASE use the Death Star on Tattooine. Please? Pretty please? It would help me remove any traces of my former innocence."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 16, 2005, 11:05:31 AM
I'm thinking emotions weren't very high up on his "Things That I Have" list by then.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Mortriden on March 16, 2005, 11:14:50 AM
I always assumed it was just a matter of the Death Star not being right there when Vader was.  Maybe if Luke hadn't blown the sucker up so soon Vader would have got around to it.  /shrug

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 16, 2005, 11:33:51 AM
I don't think Vader knew he had children.  I onlyt think he figured it out later when he found out there was a Luke Skywalker from Tatooine who lived with his mothers second family.  Remember Skywalker was his name not Owen and Berus.

He certainly didn't know about Leia until he picked it out of Lukes brain in EP VI.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: murdoc on March 16, 2005, 12:30:42 PM
Lucas officially lost me as a "fanboi" when Anakin was conceived from immaculate conception.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 16, 2005, 12:39:09 PM
Lucas officially lost me as a "fanboi" when Anakin was conceived from immaculate conception.

The Force was strong within her.  :evil:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on March 16, 2005, 12:40:04 PM
Lucas officially lost me as a "fanboi" when Anakin was conceived from immaculate conception.

The immaculate conception didn't bother me all that much.  I could've dealt with it had Anakin not been a kid that stars in a toy-commercial pod race for way too much of the movie and flies a starfighter to save the day, all while spouting typically childish drivel.  The rubberband of my willingness to suspend disbelief stretched too far and snapped.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on March 16, 2005, 12:42:02 PM
Lucas officially lost me as a "fanboi" when Anakin was conceived from immaculate conception.

The Force was strong within her.  :evil:

I just imagined he was Mace Windoo's love child and they were both keeping quiet about it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 16, 2005, 02:19:58 PM
Anakin killing Padme is too strong for any film with Jar Jar Binks in it.

Spoiler, but read it anyway.  You know you want to:  Wrong.  Anakin Skywalker murders his pregnant wife.  With a force choke.  I told you this was going to make Empire look cheery by comparison.  (Although I will point out that he doesn't intend to kill her outright, he simply doesn't know his own strength.)

So Padme can't die unless the timeframe of episode 3 runs until Luke and Leia are toddlers, and have been separated. Or unless Lucas just rereleases episode 6 with 'improvements'. I accept that both are entirely possible.

Yes, Lucas was thinking about Mama Skywalker when he wrote this.  But it's vague enough to gel with almost anything, depending on how you take it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Mortriden on March 16, 2005, 02:44:56 PM
This thread just keeps bringing me out of my corner...

Fuck Lucas and his fucking "Anakin is Jesus" shit.  That was fucking asstastic.  When that part came up half the fucking theater said "WTF?" and the other half called for a bible.  What a bunch of horseshit.  Crippled Christ on a Crutch (sorry for the random blasphemies, but that whole concept makes me angry enough to skull fuck one of my co-workers right here in the plant).

Why couldn't he just said she didn't know who the father was and left it at that?  Yeah, the fucking mitochondria thingies knocked her up... wow, that's like fucking amazing George; put that in your movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 16, 2005, 02:57:40 PM
Well...the virgin birth was a little heavy handed I'll give you that...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 16, 2005, 03:15:51 PM
When that part came up half the fucking theater said "WTF?"

You sure that wasn't just your loud mouth echoing back at you?  :roll:

Here's some advice: Stop watching movies. Not if they're going to tick you off that much.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 16, 2005, 03:18:49 PM
That part was so stupid I had forgotten about it until this thread.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MrHat on March 16, 2005, 07:17:10 PM
Well...the virgin birth was a little heavy handed I'll give you that...

Does this mean that Jesus become evil after losing The Right Hand of God.?

Edit: God is not Jesus.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Cheddar on March 16, 2005, 07:25:25 PM
So when Vader and company are near Tattooine in "Ep4", why doesn't Vader have a total emotional meltdown? "Argh! This is the planet where I was a slave as a small child and I slew all the Sand People that captured my mother! Waaaaaaaaa! Grand Moff Tarkin, can we PLEASE use the Death Star on Tattooine. Please? Pretty please? It would help me remove any traces of my former innocence."

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it said that Vader was human until he became more machine then man?  So at the point of Episode 4 he was more automatic evil death machine?  Also when was it stated that Anakin never had a father?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sobelius on March 16, 2005, 08:51:35 PM
Also when was it stated that Anakin never had a father?

When Schmuck -- I mean Shmee -- says she got knocked up without doing the nasty with a man.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Cheddar on March 16, 2005, 09:09:02 PM
Also when was it stated that Anakin never had a father?

When Schmuck -- I mean Shmee -- says she got knocked up without doing the nasty with a man.

Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 16, 2005, 09:11:18 PM
Women can't lie?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: TheWalrus on March 16, 2005, 11:03:39 PM
Seems to be part of their genetic make up. I offer Eve as exhibit A.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 17, 2005, 12:53:44 AM
Also when was it stated that Anakin never had a father?

When Schmuck -- I mean Shmee -- says she got knocked up without doing the nasty with a man.

This is one of several moments in episode 1 that was so horrible I have rationalised, and decided she just got drunk and can't remember it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 17, 2005, 01:30:21 AM
Yeah, the fucking mitochondria thingies knocked her up...

Love your work.

Attack of the Phloem.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 17, 2005, 01:33:07 AM

Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.

This thread is responsible for this man rewatching Phantom Menace.  I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

Shame !!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 17, 2005, 01:36:04 AM
Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.
This thread is responsible for this man rewatching Phantom Menace.  I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

He should skip Phantom Menace and go see Constantine. Everyone should go see Constantine. Before it leaves theaters.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 17, 2005, 05:40:32 AM
Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.
This thread is responsible for this man rewatching Phantom Menace.  I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

He should skip Phantom Menace and go see Constantine. Everyone should go see Constantine. Before it leaves theaters.

Fuck, you know?  I have to agree.  I think I will go see it again this weekend.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 17, 2005, 05:41:27 AM
Fuck, you know?  I have to agree.  I think I will go see it again this weekend.

Make sure you stay through the credits if you didn't the first time.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 17, 2005, 05:46:35 AM
Thanks I will.  I left right as the credits rolled last time.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 17, 2005, 05:49:57 AM
Only simpletons don't sit all the way through the credits of a movie.  Didn't Ferris Buehler teach you anything?


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 17, 2005, 05:55:37 AM
Most of the time I just dont give a fuck about some halfway clever little bon-mot after the closing credits.  It's usually far more appealing to me to get up stretch my legs and go take a leak.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 17, 2005, 05:56:51 AM
Only simpletons don't sit all the way through the credits of a movie.  Didn't Ferris Buehler teach you anything?

MAYBE 10% of the movies out there have something at the end of the credits. And many times I've wanted to get out of the movie theater asap. So I don't blame others for doing so. They are disgusting petri dishes for every type of bacteria in the known world.

That said, I just heard from Ferris Bueller; he wants to teach you how to spell his name.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: murdoc on March 17, 2005, 07:28:38 AM
I just wanted to add that it really surprised me how much I enjoyed Constantine

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 17, 2005, 07:41:11 AM

Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.

This thread is responsible for this man rewatching Phantom Menace.  I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

Shame !!

He'll do ok so long as he just skips to the sword fight at the end. Considering that's the only part of the first movie worth remembering, I'd prescribe that medicine.

Or go see Constantine. It really is a superior movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on March 17, 2005, 07:44:58 AM
God damn it.  Saw constantine twice, both without staying till the end of the credits.  I hate all of you.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 17, 2005, 08:20:06 AM
God damn it.  Saw constantine twice, both without staying till the end of the credits.  I hate all of you.

Ditto. Somebody post a spoiler in small type. I don't feel like watching it again.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Calantus on March 17, 2005, 08:28:45 AM
Wow. I must have totally blocked the immaculate conception from my mind because as soon as I read it here it all came flooding back. The shock. The horror. Jar Jar binks is in the same movie as the immaculate conception? What the fuck?

Yeah, the fucking mitochondria thingies knocked her up... wow, that's like fucking amazing George; put that in your movie.

Hilarious. Literally an lol moment for me. Literally a "keep it down people are trying to sleep" moment too, but oh well.

I also second the vote for the dark side being a heroine equilivalent.

And I must now watch Constantine. It better be good.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on March 17, 2005, 09:10:42 AM
Wow. I must have totally blocked the immaculate conception from my mind because as soon as I read it here it all came flooding back. The shock. The horror. Jar Jar binks is in the same movie as the immaculate conception? What the fuck?

Virgin birth actually, but who's counting.

And I must now watch Constantine. It better be good.

Me too.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Cheddar on March 17, 2005, 11:16:41 AM
Guess I will have to rewatch the movies this weekend.  Thought they danced around the fact she was a jedi whore.  My bad.
This thread is responsible for this man rewatching Phantom Menace.  I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

He should skip Phantom Menace and go see Constantine. Everyone should go see Constantine. Before it leaves theaters.

That movie fucking rocks.  Maybe Ill catch it at our local Cinema Drafthouse again.  Did not know about something happening during/after credits. Spoiler please sir?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on March 17, 2005, 11:47:18 AM
If you didn't stay until the credits were over, here is what you missed. Constantine puts his lighter on his sidekick's tombstone and turns around to walk away and you see his sidekick as an angel taking the lighter and flying up to heaven.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 17, 2005, 12:46:27 PM
If you didn't stay until the credits were over, here is what you missed. Constantine puts his lighter on his sidekick's tombstone and turns around to walk away and you see his sidekick as an angel taking the lighter and flying up to heaven.

I'm not sure what that's suppose to indicate or why it's important. Kinda sucks too, because that kid should have stayed dead.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on March 17, 2005, 11:27:40 PM
I take it all back, all of it. This preview makes me want to see the movie again. (http://www.compfused.com/directlink/610/)

Potentially not worksafe

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 17, 2005, 11:36:54 PM
I take it all back, all of it. This preview makes me want to see the movie again. (http://www.compfused.com/directlink/610/)

Oh shit, the R2D2/Padme/Urine bit is hilarious. I guess that's not work safe.

But I'm pretty sure that is better than Episode III will ever be.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Triforcer on March 17, 2005, 11:51:00 PM
I take it all back, all of it. This preview makes me want to see the movie again. (http://www.compfused.com/directlink/610/)



Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 17, 2005, 11:59:06 PM
TITANIC. IN. SPACE. (http://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story.jsp?id=2005031719590002489446&dt=20050317195900&w=RTR&coview=)

Wow. Now I don't want to see it at all. Ever.

Lucas is a goddamned moron.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 18, 2005, 01:54:24 AM
And yet we'll still go see it.  We know it's going to be overrated and that we won't really enjoy it all that much, but we'll still flock to the cinema with our tickets in our hands.

Humans just don't work.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 01:57:22 AM
And yet we'll still go buy it.  We know it's going to be overrated and that we won't really enjoy it all that much, but we'll still flock to the EBGames on release day and start hammering away at the servers.

Humans just don't work.


On topic: No. I will not give Lucas any more of my real movie money. I'm sorry. I just can't. I picked up Episode II for $2 at one of those end of year Blockbuster Video sales, used - and I still felt like I'd been ripped off. I spend more money on a can of pepsi in the local chinese restaraunt.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on March 18, 2005, 06:29:29 AM
And yet we'll still go buy it.  We know it's going to be overrated and that we won't really enjoy it all that much, but we'll still flock to the EBGames on release day and start hammering away at the servers.

Humans just don't work.


On topic: No. I will not give Lucas any more of my real movie money. I'm sorry. I just can't. I picked up Episode II for $2 at one of those end of year Blockbuster Video sales, used - and I still felt like I'd been ripped off. I spend more money on a can of pepsi in the local chinese restaraunt.


Ok, what if we all come back after seeing it (well, the Americans anyway) and say it's acually ok and good and enjoyable and whatnot ?  Are you going to reverse the moral decision, or hold out ?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 18, 2005, 07:38:35 AM
Titanic. Yeah, compare the shitty end of your shitty epic with an even shittier movie. I'd rather see fucking Ewoks than watch any segment of Titanic that doesn't include Kate Winslet's breasts. If the "emtions" in Ep3 are anything like the "emotions" shown in Ep2, I will be in physical pain throughout most of it.

This may be one of the first movies besides Alone in the Dark that I actually feel justified in downloading rather than going to the theaters.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 18, 2005, 07:55:58 AM
Worth remembering that this is a promotional interview, and that large numbers of 'the normals' actually liked Titantic.

Aiming promotional utterances at 'our people' would seem somewhat pointless given the amount of awareness and opinion that already exists amongst us.

So I wouldn't read much into this.

Still sticking to my prediction of...

Great visuals
Great action
Good story/concept
Mixed Acting
Shit script

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 18, 2005, 08:09:44 AM
You guys must work hard to be this fucking jaded. Titanic only good for the "normals"  IE if you liked it you must be a member of the unwashed masses. Get the fuck over yourselves and your half-ass artiste wannabe selves.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 18, 2005, 08:14:18 AM
Are you going to try to tell me that Titanic WASN'T a steaming pile of shitty performances, awful script-writing and 20 minutes of decent special effects?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on March 18, 2005, 08:24:30 AM
Titanic only good for the "normals"  IE if you liked it you must be a member of the unwashed masses. Get the fuck over yourselves and your half-ass artiste wannabe selves.

Fucking hell.

It has very little to do with having half-ass artiste wannabe selves, and a great deal to with the fact that titanic...

1) Didn't involve any shit getting blowed up.
2) Was a romantic period piece.
3) Didn't involve any shit getting blowed up.
4) Had Leonardo di Caprio in it.
5) Was aimed at 45 year old female Daily Mail readers. And their international equivalents.
6) Also, no shit, getting blown up.

None of those things endear a film to people who post on a gaming site. The denizens of this particular pit are about as far away from the target demographic of Titanic as it is possible to be.

Half assed artiste wannabes would probably spend consider Titanic a more suitable subject for a seven page thread than a star wars *trailer* for fucks sake. Also, on the subject of posts trying to accuse people of sticking their nose up at popular culture, you shouldn't post them in a seven page thread about a star wars trailer, because it makes you look like a damn fool.

For what it's worth, within the genre of romantic period pieces written to appeal to 45 year old female Daily Mail readers with Leonardo di Caprio in them and no shit whatsoever being exploded, I didn't think Titanic was all that bad. Too long, somewhat pointless, and a little too worthy, but there are worse films.

Somehow I remain unconvinced that modeling a star wars film on Titanic would be wise. But it's reasonable to dismiss the Lucas comment as promotional flimflam.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Mortriden on March 18, 2005, 08:32:28 AM
At this point virtually nothing Lucas does to his film would completely surprise me.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 18, 2005, 09:09:08 AM

well most of the posts haven't been geeky "cool I can't wait to see it posts" but "George Lucas sucks and you couldn't pay me to see it. " So really, I'm not to far off. This is a weird website what can I Say. Most of you don't fit the gamer stereotype when it comes to movies. You abhor most movies that you'd be expected to love.

Titanic isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's nowhere close to what ole Haem claims it is. Hyperbole for the win!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on March 18, 2005, 09:43:29 AM

well most of the posts haven't been geeky "cool I can't wait to see it posts" but "George Lucas sucks and you couldn't pay me to see it. " So really, I'm not to far off. This is a weird website what can I Say. Most of you don't fit the gamer stereotype when it comes to movies. You abhor most movies that you'd be expected to love.

Titanic isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's nowhere close to what ole Haem claims it is. Hyperbole for the win!

No, I think you are the outlier here, Riggs. Literally the only people I know who DIDN'T hate Titanic are women over 50 and my sister, who is a Celine Dion fan (which tells me she must be adopted). It was incredibly long, overly maudlin, and completely predictable (other than the boat sinking- I never saw that coming). It was pure crap.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 09:46:10 AM

well most of the posts haven't been geeky "cool I can't wait to see it posts" but "George Lucas sucks and you couldn't pay me to see it. " So really, I'm not to far off. This is a weird website what can I Say. Most of you don't fit the gamer stereotype when it comes to movies. You abhor most movies that you'd be expected to love.

Titanic isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's nowhere close to what ole Haem claims it is. Hyperbole for the win!

Titanic sucked puss out of anal warts. The movie was shitty, awful crap. But it was pretty. I'll grant them that. No, wait, the better word to describe it would be majestic. It was a majestic piece of puss-sucking shit.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 18, 2005, 11:03:47 AM
None of those things endear a film to people who post on a gaming site.

This isn't a gaming site.  Most of the people here hate games, or at least are doing everything in their power to express such.  Every MMOG that comes out sucks, every console game blows because PCs are better, every PC game sucks because it's bug ridden crap, every movie blows goats because either the director is crappy, the content is crappy, the actors are crappy, or the story is crappy - but it will be at least one of those, and it will override everything else possibly considered good.  Politicians are all stupid (every last one), western culture is broken beyond repair, and every other culture is full of backward thinking mimes who deserve riddicule.

This isn't a game site, it's a hate site.  The only thing keeping the site admins from going goth is that labels and categories are something else they get to hate.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 18, 2005, 11:06:04 AM
I like Zydeco at least. Am I the exception?

edit: Yes, this site could do with more positivity. Just because the world has a neverending supply of shit doesn't mean we have to wallow in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Triforcer on March 18, 2005, 11:17:59 AM
None of those things endear a film to people who post on a gaming site.

This isn't a gaming site.  Most of the people here hate games, or at least are doing everything in their power to express such.  Every MMOG that comes out sucks, every console game blows because PCs are better, every PC game sucks because it's bug ridden crap, every movie blows goats because either the director is crappy, the content is crappy, the actors are crappy, or the story is crappy - but it will be at least one of those, and it will override everything else possibly considered good.  Politicians are all stupid (every last one), western culture is broken beyond repair, and every other culture is full of backward thinking mimes who deserve riddicule.

"This isn't a game site, it's a hate site.  The only thing keeping the site admins from going goth is that labels and categories are something else they get to hate.

"Woah, there's Homer Simpson...he's "cool"."

"Are you being "sarcastic", dude?"

"....I don't even know anymore." 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 18, 2005, 11:22:24 AM
I like Zydeco at least. Am I the exception?

edit: Yes, this site could do with more positivity. Just because the world has a neverending supply of shit doesn't mean we have to wallow in it.

I find Useless News very uplifting...

In that I still have attached genitals.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 18, 2005, 11:23:37 AM
Roac, you're my hero. You expressed what I've noticed in a much better manner than I could do.

Titanic wasn't the greatest, but it was entertaining. I'm an outlier on this site. Nothing wrong with that. Somebody has to not be a hater to provide a counterpoint.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 11:29:05 AM
Edit: Yes, this site could do with more positivity.

The last time I tried to be vaguely positive (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=2596.0) it got thrown in my face. Oh oh, it happened the time before that (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=2570.0) as well.

Just because the world has a neverending supply of shit doesn't mean we have to wallow in it.

The Matrix Online has it's own forum. We're not just wallowing in it, we're using it as soap. Wait, it's too early to pass judgement. I must restrain myself.

Quote from: Riggswolfe
Titanic wasn't the greatest, but it was entertaining. I'm an outlier on this site. Nothing wrong with that. Somebody has to not be a hater to provide a counterpoint.

One of my friends in high school saw Titanic 7 times. She was incredibly hot and when she invited me, I went, and it was all for the nookie. Then she started crying at the end. I'm staring at the screen like some sort of vegatable trying to keep my jaw from falling off. I couldn't believe the 3 hours of shit I'd just sat through. The Rock was entertaining. Men In Black I was entertaining. Con Air was entertaining. Titanic was not entertaining. It was like divine punishment from above. Someone had upset the gods of cinema, so they decided to unleash that tour of evil upon the world. This isn't about being a hater, this is simply about bad movies. Titanic is just one of many.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 18, 2005, 11:32:00 AM
You know, we don't hate EVERYTHING. I've expressed my manlove for Robert Rodriguez, I still play and pay for City of Heroes, and think that both KotOR and Splinter Cell are the shiznit.

The truth is most MMOG's suck ass, and Titanic was a great big barrel of floppy donkey dongs. Sure, lots of people like it, and there's nothing wrong with that, other than an unhealthy ability to listen to Celine Dion without throwing up. Episode 2 made a mint, and it sucked large mounds of floppy donkey dong.

There are many things that are bad that people like nonetheless. Would it help if I told you that I think James Cameron is one of the greatest technician directors (i.e. a director whose technical chops, with film choice, choice of lighting, choice of the technology used in filming are superb) ever. I just feel that his entirety of work before Titanic was better work by a metric fuckton.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on March 18, 2005, 12:03:09 PM
This isn't a game site, it's a hate site.  The only thing keeping the site admins from going goth is that labels and categories are something else they get to hate.

I guess you don't "get" this community.

The hate serves two purposes: one, it scares away retards for the most part, so that the signal-to-noise maintains a healthy level.

Two, it lets us indulge our penchant for hyperbole.  Really, most of the people who post here don't go around red-faced and popping blood vessels like their posts would seem to indicate.  But as Sturgeon said, 99% of everything is crap.  We just like to point it out here.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 12:07:26 PM
Speaking of hate:
LAS VEGAS (Hollywood Reporter) - George Lucas is such a fan of the latest 3-D technology that he is planning to remaster all of the "Star Wars" films for rerelease in 3-D.

Appearing as part of a sextet of high-profile directors promoting 3-D and digital cinema at film industry convention ShoWest on Thursday, Lucas said he hadn't yet committed to a precise schedule but hoped to have the first film ready for the 30th anniversary of the original "Star Wars" movie in 2007 and that he would then rerelease one "Star Wars" film per year in 3-D.

Hahahhahahaha. Get your 3d glasses out. Man, he sucks.

And Jayce is right, the problem is, once we start praising something we're either "selling out," "a bunch of fanbois," or whatever. Honestly, I like more games than most of the people here, probably. But it's a lot more fun to bash the stinky poo ones.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 12:08:47 PM
At this point virtually nothing Lucas does to his film would completely surprise me.

He's remaking them all in 3d. Oh wait, I already said that. Consider yourself quoted.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on March 18, 2005, 12:21:15 PM
Speaking of hate:
LAS VEGAS (Hollywood Reporter) - George Lucas is such a fan of the latest 3-D technology that he is planning to remaster all of the "Star Wars" films for rerelease in 3-D.

Appearing as part of a sextet of high-profile directors promoting 3-D and digital cinema at film industry convention ShoWest on Thursday, Lucas said he hadn't yet committed to a precise schedule but hoped to have the first film ready for the 30th anniversary of the original "Star Wars" movie in 2007 and that he would then rerelease one "Star Wars" film per year in 3-D.

Hahahhahahaha. Get your 3d glasses out. Man, he sucks.

And Jayce is right, the problem is, once we start praising something we're either "selling out," "a bunch of fanbois," or whatever. Honestly, I like more games than most of the people here, probably. But it's a lot more fun to bash the stinky poo ones.

Dear sweet Christ. This is like that South Park episode. Except real, and more horrifying.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 18, 2005, 12:35:38 PM
And Jayce is right, the problem is, once we start praising something we're either "selling out," "a bunch of fanbois," or whatever. Honestly, I like more games than most of the people here, probably. But it's a lot more fun to bash the stinky poo ones.

Honestly, I think it is more when people start praising things that aren't even released yet. That's when the fanboi comments rear the head.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 12:38:08 PM
And Jayce is right, the problem is, once we start praising something we're either "selling out," "a bunch of fanbois," or whatever. Honestly, I like more games than most of the people here, probably. But it's a lot more fun to bash the stinky poo ones.

Honestly, I think it is more when people start praising things that aren't even released yet. That's when the fanboi comments rear the head.

Like what? The PSP? You'd have to be a goddamned boring fool to not be excited about the PSP. It's the second coming of robot jesus and every fan of handhelds either knows it or is in denial.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 18, 2005, 01:27:55 PM
I guess you don't "get" this community.

Eh?  I "get" it just fine.  I didn't post that as a revelation, I posted it as an (for me) amusing response to eldaec, as well as got in my thoughts about the Titanic.  More effective than saying what I wanted to say, which was more along the lines of "I mostly liked it, especially considering I don't care for romance-dramas, but my first viewing was the moment I decided I don't like DeCaprio.  At all." It's also just a statement of fact - most of the threads here are hate threads.

The hate serves two purposes

No, it only serves one purpose, and schild hit on it.  It's more fun to crap on things than to praise things, or discuss things.  That's all.  No mystery.  Just us expressing everything about what we see as broken, in the very method that makes them broken.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 18, 2005, 01:30:44 PM
The hate serves two purposes

No, it only serves one purpose, and schild hit on it.  It's more fun to crap on things than to praise things, or discuss things.  That's all.  No mystery.  Just us expressing everything about what we see as broken, in the very method that makes them broken.

You see, I try to give nice things and they get chucked in my face. Originally my post was going to have a list of games I enjoyed over the last 6 months. After I'd listed about 30 I realized the list had gone on too long and people would accuse me of just making it up or someshit. This is just another classic example of selective reading. Roac, go lead my latest game....review (I hesistate to call it that because it doesn't review much). And then read the responses and you'll see what happens when we try to be nice.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 18, 2005, 01:32:14 PM
Speaking of hate:
LAS VEGAS (Hollywood Reporter) - George Lucas is such a fan of the latest 3-D technology that he is planning to remaster all of the "Star Wars" films for rerelease in 3-D.

Appearing as part of a sextet of high-profile directors promoting 3-D and digital cinema at film industry convention ShoWest on Thursday, Lucas said he hadn't yet committed to a precise schedule but hoped to have the first film ready for the 30th anniversary of the original "Star Wars" movie in 2007 and that he would then rerelease one "Star Wars" film per year in 3-D.

Hahahhahahaha. Get your 3d glasses out. Man, he sucks.

Motherfuck dykekicking asspheasant.

Cockgobbling pussy weasel.

Let's see, he's running out of almost original stuff to do (since the "story" for Ep1-3 is already set), so let the MILKING BEGIN!

I have no desire to see Jub Jub in full digitally enhanced 3D, but I'm sure it was the last reel on the film they forced Malcolm McDowell's character to watch in "A Clockwork Orange."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 18, 2005, 01:38:41 PM
Roac, go lead my latest game....review (I hesistate to call it that because it doesn't review much). And then read the responses and you'll see what happens when we try to be nice.

I glanced when you first linked, but ok, I'll take you up on it.

BTW, I wasn't intending to bitch at you.  If you're mostly happy with how things are, my 2c don't matter anyhow.  If not - well, if you figure out a relatively painless way to change board culture, I'd love to know it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 18, 2005, 01:47:42 PM
I like the culture actually. There's no end to sites about games that are constantly fellating them sideways for the world to see. There's also no end to sites that shit on everything for no reason. Some posters do that here, some don't, but mostly I think this community is pretty in tune with what we want from the industry. We just aren't getting what we want at all. Often, we get big promises of what we want, followed with crappy implementation or outright dropping.

This isn't about teh hate. It's about recognizing current gaming for the realistic state that it's in. That's not going to be kittens and shiney things all the time, but when it is, we give credit where it is do. Most of us like WoW for what it is. Most of us loved KOTOR. Most of us loved the writing in Vampire: Bloodlines. To say that we hate all is just niave. You have to really evaluate the percentages of shit out there to realize that we simple recognize good gaming.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 18, 2005, 01:50:43 PM
One of my friends in high school saw Titanic 7 times. She was incredibly hot and when she invited me, I went, and it was all for the nookie. Then she started crying at the end. I'm staring at the screen like some sort of vegatable trying to keep my jaw from falling off. I couldn't believe the 3 hours of shit I'd just sat through. The Rock was entertaining. Men In Black I was entertaining. Con Air was entertaining. Titanic was not entertaining. It was like divine punishment from above. Someone had upset the gods of cinema, so they decided to unleash that tour of evil upon the world. This isn't about being a hater, this is simply about bad movies. Titanic is just one of many.

For the record I enjoy all those movies you mentioned. For the rest of the record I have T2 on DvD but not Titanic or the Abyss or any other Cameron flicks. I don't much care whether you guys like it or dislike it. I do get tired of the "You must be a stupid mouthbreather" if you like it Hyperbole. That's all.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 18, 2005, 01:53:58 PM
I too read the review of the game but most of my replies I thought of started with "MMRPGs with card game combat is the future? " and I ended up not typing them until I had time to give it some thought.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on March 18, 2005, 02:27:28 PM
Can we get back to talking about how Darth being the robot jesus is bad but Neo being jesus was good in the first matrix only.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 18, 2005, 03:37:03 PM
Yes, it's just like Titanic.  Except instead of nobly sacrificing himself to save Kate Winslet, here he strangles her to death after spending the first three quarters of the movie killing everyone on the ship.  But other than that, they're so much alike.   :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 19, 2005, 01:10:59 AM
Han shot first in 2-D, motherfucker!!!


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rodent on March 19, 2005, 11:35:01 PM
All that can be said about this thread is that if you fuckers are going to insist on posting spoilers, someone needs to work out a better system for them. I already wear glasses, I don't want to go fucking blind trying to read spoilers, nor do I want to have to copy/paste the shit somewhere else.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 19, 2005, 11:47:32 PM
All that can be said about this thread is that if you fuckers are going to insist on posting spoilers, someone needs to work out a better system for them. I already wear glasses, I don't want to go fucking blind trying to read spoilers, nor do I want to have to copy/paste the shit somewhere else.

How about in 3d?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 19, 2005, 11:49:40 PM
All that can be said about this thread is that if you fuckers are going to insist on posting spoilers, someone needs to work out a better system for them. I already wear glasses, I don't want to go fucking blind trying to read spoilers, nor do I want to have to copy/paste the shit somewhere else.

No need to copy and paste. Just press "Quote" on those threads and it'll bring up the text at a normal type size.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on March 20, 2005, 11:49:04 AM
You know, I never really considered this to be a particularly hate-filled site.  Cynical, sure, but all that means is more honesty.  It takes the "what COULD be" out of the reviews and tells you what is.  Lineage 2 got ripped a new ass because, guess what, Lineage 2 FUCKING SUCKS.  And its sales (to the sane part of the world's population, anyways) show that.

City of Heroes received a positive review and deserved it.  I still don't see negative posts about the game in that forum.  In fact, only a few people bash City of Heroes, one of those people started this thread, and to my knowledge none of them have actually played the game.  Gotta learn to ignore stuff like that, but the actual "voices of f13" like Haemish etc seem to be pretty vocal in supporting it.

World of Warcraft got luke-warm reviews, and that's only slightly less than it deserves.  It's not nearly as revolutionary as City of Heroes was (CoH broke a shitload of MMOG rules and did it well) and it has a lot of irritating quality of life issues, but there are parts of the game that do show very impressive design.  The engineering tradeskill, for example, is the only tradeskill in any game, ever, that I've thought was fun.  The way the tradeskills work and the economy that supports them is really very, very well done.  Definitely the best economy system of any game I've played.  But the game has its problems.  Combat is jerky, movement seems off, a lot of the animations are surprisingly poorly done (look at a human male swimming, or jumping, or equip an undeal male with a dagger and have him stab some stuff).  I'd give it a somewhat more positive review than it received from this site, but overall I do think their review was fair.

And that's what it comes down to.  The reviews that I read here always seem fair to me, and in many cases I've played the game or watched the movie myself.  Haemish thought Harold and Kumar was funny and, guess what, it really was.  He thought the old version of Daredevil sucked and, guess what, it fucking did.  If most of the reviews here seem bad it's because most of the shit that gets put out there these days is pretty fucking bad.  But when something good or passable comes out, you see a review that reflects that.  There's a difference between cynical honesty and spite for spite's sake.  This site doesn't exhibit the latter, except in the trolls.  But really, we can't blame them for the trolls.


They're everywhere.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 21, 2005, 09:19:35 AM
Are you going to try to tell me that Titanic WASN'T a steaming pile of shitty performances, awful script-writing and 20 minutes of decent special effects?

What most pissed me off about Titanic the most was how the rich were treated in that movie.  Without fail they were shown to be craven scumbags who'd kick an old lady in the teeth to get a spot in a lifeboat, and it just wasn't that way.  This was the cream of US and British society, some of the richest people in the world, and the men willingly gave up their seats to the women and children, even the "lower class" ones in steerage.  Nowadays I can see people having an "every man for himself" mentality, but 100 years ago it just didn't happen.  The men were stoic about their fates and went down with the ship.  Some of them even sat in the wardrooms and toasted each other as they went down.  It was a different era, then.

For someone with the amount of money that hack Cameron has, he shows a lot of chutzpah to fabricate that kind of bullshit just for "drama".  Shit, it would have been more dramatic to show what actually happened.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on March 21, 2005, 09:47:09 AM
Never saw the movie, but the death rates of 3d class children was about the same as first class adult men.  Almost all the 1st and 2d class women and children lived, most of the 3d class women and children died.  No doubt some people behaved honorably, just as there is no doubt that others behaved dishonorably.  Just as would happen today.  The idea that they were universally stoic about their fates is just aristocratic nonsense, especially considering the things one typically needed to do to become a plutocrat in that era.  Class was a very, very powerful fact of life back then.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 21, 2005, 09:57:46 AM
The idea that they were universally stoic about their fates is just aristocratic nonsense, especially considering the things one typically needed to do to become a plutocrat in that era.  Class was a very, very powerful fact of life back then.

No, I have no doubt that there were some pussies in the mix, but the vast majority of them just sucked it up.  Shit, the richest man on the boat was John Jacob Astor, and he didn't get on a lifeboat.  Neither did a huge amount of the other plutocrats.  Likewise, the way they portray that first officer has got to be the worst case of posthumous character assassination I've ever seen in a movie.  Let's see, he's shown taking a bribe, shooting a passenger, completely losing his shit, and generally being a bastard.  The reality is that he stayed calm the whole time, never shot anyone, got as many people on the lifeboats as possible, threw deck chairs off the deck so people would have something to float on, and finally went down with the ship.

That's not how he'll be remembered though, because Cameron decided that turning him into a cardboard villain was high drama.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 21, 2005, 10:22:46 AM
Wait, you took the entire non-ship-sinking part of the Titanic story as anything other than vague, out of the ass storytelling? That was the part of the movie that completely ruined it. It was Romeo and fucking Juliet, except without any real pathos, some sweaty car sex, and Billy Zane as Montescrew.

See, my theory is that Cameron told his producers, "I really want to film the Titanic going down. That would be a fascinating technical challenge!" And the producers told him, "You can't make a movie about thousands of people drowning without some kind of story. Make it a love story."

Then he got drunk, passed out and his monkey wrote it by banging his dick on the typewriter. When Cameron woke up, he saw a completed, shit-stained script, sent it to an editor and started working on the special effects.

Stoopid monkey.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 21, 2005, 02:14:06 PM
Man, these pics remind me of how awesome it was when Leonardo DiCaprio cut Billy Zane's head off with some giant scissors.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on March 21, 2005, 02:57:59 PM

What most pissed me off about Titanic the most was how the rich were treated in that movie.  Without fail they were shown to be craven scumbags who'd kick an old lady in the teeth to get a spot in a lifeboat, and it just wasn't that way.  This was the cream of US and British society, some of the richest people in the world, and the men willingly gave up their seats to the women and children, even the "lower class" ones in steerage.  Nowadays I can see people having an "every man for himself" mentality, but 100 years ago it just didn't happen.  The men were stoic about their fates and went down with the ship.  Some of them even sat in the wardrooms and toasted each other as they went down.  It was a different era, then.

Most of what you claim about the rich of the 19th century is just an Edwardian fantasy, akin to the notion of chivalry in the Middle Ages.  It was a different era:  an era of the privileged class(es) living with their boots on the necks of the poor.  And "poor" often had less to do with money and more to do with social standing or one's heritage.

That said, Cameron's Titanic did exaggerate greatly.  There were amazing heroics on board when the ship went down, including actions by the wealthy elite.  This is just my guess, but Cameron evidently took the reports circulated by WR Hearst as the basis for most of his movie.  If you haven't read WR Hearst's stuff, I recommend it to get a well-rounded picture of the time.  The man was the founder of yellow journalism and a despicable person.  Ironically, WR Hearst's attitudes of social privilege were much more typical of the 19th and early 20th century rich, yet he misrepresented many on board to such an extent that many Titanic urban legends persist to our day.

There's a great article on the Titanic Historical Society website (http://www.titanichistoricalsociety.org/articles/titanicmyths.asp) that lists common myths surrounding the ill-fated vessel, including the conduct of the ship's captain and Bruce Ismay (played by Jonathan Hyde in the movie), the White Star executive on board.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Aenovae on March 21, 2005, 04:18:25 PM
Fucking dammit, WUA.

Link that shit with a spoiler warning and stop being an ass.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 21, 2005, 04:25:41 PM
Fucking dammit, WUA.

Link that shit with a spoiler warning and stop being an ass.


Heh, kinda sad that I'm pissed about a Star Wars scene being spoiled, but so be it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on March 21, 2005, 04:50:13 PM
Fucking dammit, WUA.

Link that shit with a spoiler warning and stop being an ass.

... yeah agreed.  I knew it was going to happen, but not in that manner.


Yes, I'm still SW fanboi enough to be excited about EP3, despite being shit on the previous two movies.  What can I say.. I actually enjoyed them from a filling-out-the-story perspective.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: DarkDryad on March 22, 2005, 07:56:34 AM
Straight from the horses mouth

"It's not like the old 'Star Wars,' " Lucas told theater owners at the ShoWest convention. "This one's a little bit more emotional. We like to describe it as 'Titanic' in space. It's a tearjerker."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on March 22, 2005, 08:40:28 AM
Well, someone was jerking something.

I'm pretty sure I'll cry, but not for the reasons Lucas intended.

And thanks alot WUA you fucking douche.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on March 22, 2005, 09:01:30 AM
We like to describe it as 'Titanic' in space.

If I can see Leonardo DiCaprio decapitated by an angry Wookiee, I might go see it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 22, 2005, 09:05:50 AM
We like to describe it as 'Titanic' in space.
I'm never seeing this movie. I wouldn't sit through it if you gave me 10x the ticket cost. Meh. Fuckit. I'm going to trade in my Star Wars DVDs right now to EB. They're giving $10 extra for every 3. Maybe I'll trade in some of that shit my ex-girlfriend asked me to buy too.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on March 22, 2005, 09:32:34 AM
Lucas sucks, I'm taking my ball and going home.

Lucas said the last movies would be good, and they sucked. We all know Titanic sucked. Him calling it Titanic could go two ways. One, it could suck like no movie has ever sucked since the beginning of sucking. Or two, he could double negative himself into a winner by modelling what could be a sucky movie after a sucky movie and having it cancel to a good.

Do two wrongs make a right?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on March 22, 2005, 09:36:14 AM
Lucas sucks, I'm taking my ball and going home.

When did schild become Lance Armstrong?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Biobanger on March 22, 2005, 09:38:35 AM

Lucas said the last movies would be good, and they sucked. We all know Titanic sucked. Him calling it Titanic could go two ways. One, it could suck like no movie has every sucked since the beginning of sucking. Or two, he could double negative himself into a winner by modelling what could be a sucky movie after a sucky movie and having it cancel to a good.

Do two wrongs make a right?

For the average 40-year old mom, yes. For the people that read these forums, no.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 22, 2005, 09:55:55 AM
Or it could be that a director referencing the most profitable movie ever, while speaking to a convention of theater owners, is a meaningless bit of promotional fluff.  And that a movie which begins with a decapitation and ends with the protagonist murdering his pregnant wife isn't really much like Titanic at all.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on March 22, 2005, 03:53:01 PM
Umm..Is this funny? I can't decide.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on March 22, 2005, 04:27:23 PM
Umm..Is this funny? I can't decide.


I'm going to go ahead and say no.  It almost was but didn't quite make the transition.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Big Gulp on March 22, 2005, 04:57:46 PM
I'm going to go ahead and say no.  It almost was but didn't quite make the transition.

Stop TKing, you fag!!!  was actually pretty amusing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on March 23, 2005, 07:15:01 AM
Umm..Is this funny? I can't decide.


It got a smile, but not a "heh".

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on March 23, 2005, 07:42:25 AM
Just to add to the "debate" Lucas has recently made noise about remaking the entire sage in 3-d.

Article on AICN (http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=19681)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 23, 2005, 09:08:27 AM
Yeah, 3-D that's what I want to see, George. I want JUB-JUB plastered into my face 30 miles high in more than 2 dimenions. Not the original theatrical releases, unfucked with, on DVD or anything.

George Lucas reaches new heights of assclownery.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on March 23, 2005, 09:27:32 AM
Ehh...I can't bring up any bile when Lucas tries to push technology forward. I can see 3d movies being very cool once we can get past it being a gimmick to make stuff jump in your face.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on March 23, 2005, 10:31:20 AM
Yeah, 3-D that's what I want to see, George. I want JUB-JUB plastered into my face 30 miles high in more than 2 dimenions. Not the original theatrical releases, unfucked with, on DVD or anything.

George Lucas reaches new heights of assclownery.

Now if George Lucas made a 3-D film of horrible things happening to Jar Jar, I would be so there.  An alien bursting from Jar Jar's chest with him shouting "I spect mese gonna die!" would be cinema gold.  Perhaps Jar Jar getting assraped by a horde of monkeys while shouting "Mese just dropped bar of soap!" would be a close second.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Biobanger on March 23, 2005, 01:50:09 PM
Umm..Is this funny? I can't decide.


I found it hilarious.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 24, 2005, 11:57:10 AM
Minor spoiler leaked from the novel, dealing with C3PO's memories of Anakin and company.

"I'm placing these droids in your care," the Senator said. "Have them cleaned, polished, and refitted with the best of everything; they will belong to my new daughter."

"How lovely!" C-3PO exclaimed. "His daughter is the child of Master Anakin and Senator Amidala," he explained to R2-D2. "I can hardly wait to tell her all about her parents! I'm sure she will be very proud!"

"Oh, and the protocol droid?" Senator Organa said thoughtfully. "Have its mind wiped."

The captain saluted.

"Oh," said C-3PO. "Oh, dear."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SurfD on March 24, 2005, 01:14:55 PM
GOD.  Even the NOVELS have crap ass writing.

Droids dont have MINDS.......it's MEMORY WIPE, mother fucker. MEMORY WIPE!!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on March 24, 2005, 01:21:30 PM
Whatever you say, meatbag.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on March 24, 2005, 03:10:34 PM
GOD.  Even the NOVELS have crap ass writing.

Droids dont have MINDS.......it's MEMORY WIPE, mother fucker. MEMORY WIPE!!

You'd have preferred, "Format it and reinstall the OS."

Mind, memory.. perhaps it's just insight into senator Organa's view on droids.. they're beings, just beings that're owned beings, slaves.   So in reality he's pro-slavery.  No wonder Vader wanted to blow the fuck out of the planet.. buncha slaving sons of bitches.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on March 24, 2005, 04:13:30 PM
But he doesn't wipe R2-D2's memory, and R2-D2 doesn't mention any of these facts to C-3PO, Luke, or anyone else.  Oh, he claims Obi-Wan used to be his Master, but Obi-Wan doesn't remember it, and in any case it was just an excuse for delivering Princess Leia's message.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on March 24, 2005, 04:22:20 PM
Maybe they wiped Obi-Wan's memory too.  With MIDICHLORIANS!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Triforcer on March 24, 2005, 04:28:17 PM
Maybe they wiped Obi-Wan's memory too.  With MIDICHLORIANS!

I may be wrong on this, but didn't one of the novelizations or movies themselves say that midichlorians wer an effect, not a cause, of force sensitivity?  I never got the impression you could become a Jedi by sticking a syringe full of the things in your arm.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on March 24, 2005, 05:12:48 PM
I believe the explanation from Qui-Gonn in Ep 1 was that midichlorians are endosymbiotic life forms (like mitochondria) that allow you to feel and use the Force.  However, that's not necessarily "canon", since not all Jedi agree with him, apparently.  Here's a writeup. (http://www.theforce.net/swtc/preq/jedisith.html#midichlorians)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 24, 2005, 08:56:26 PM
So in reality he's pro-slavery.  No wonder Vader wanted to blow the fuck out of the planet.. buncha slaving sons of bitches.

Toldja that goddamn Republic always tryna' keep a brotha down.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on March 24, 2005, 08:57:24 PM
But he doesn't wipe R2-D2's memory, and R2-D2 doesn't mention any of these facts to C-3PO, Luke, or anyone else.  Oh, he claims Obi-Wan used to be his Master, but Obi-Wan doesn't remember it, and in any case it was just an excuse for delivering Princess Leia's message.


That's the funny part.  R2 just ambled through all of this, totally aware of everything, and just keeping his "mouth" shut.   :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on March 27, 2005, 08:58:43 PM
Robot Chicken encapsulated this thread in 45 seconds.

And did a better job of skewering Lucas.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on March 28, 2005, 04:20:19 AM
Darth Vader reveals himself as George Dubya Bush in Episode III:
"If you are not with me, you are against me." - Anakin

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on March 28, 2005, 04:24:14 AM
Robot Chicken encapsulated this thread in 45 seconds.

And did a better job of skewering Lucas.

Damnit.. now I'm even more pissed I fell asleep on the couch last night. 

There I was, listening to Family Guy while playing FF1 on my GBA, then the next thing I knew it was midnight and the second episode of Family Guy was on.   Anyone have some decent torrent sites for TV that don't require registration/ fees?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on March 28, 2005, 05:10:19 AM
There I was, listening to Family Guy while playing FF1 on my GBA, then the next thing I knew it was midnight and the second episode of Family Guy was on.   Anyone have some decent torrent sites for TV that don't require registration/ fees?

I'd yell at you like I did Arnold, but Robot Chicken isn't exactly out on video yet. So uhm, someone PM him the answer.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on March 28, 2005, 11:06:09 AM
Robot Chicken encapsulated this thread in 45 seconds.

And did a better job of skewering Lucas.

Yes, that was just pure comedy gold.

Hint, torrentspy.com.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 09, 2005, 03:51:02 PM
If you don't mind being spoiled, here's 12 pages of Episode 3 pictures (http://www.jedi-master-lucia.nl/fotopagina.html).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Litigator on April 09, 2005, 05:47:14 PM
Here's the thing about Star Wars: the Jedis were never cool. Han Solo is cool. That's why Han got the girl and Luke got his hand cut off.  If you saw Star Wars and wanted to be a jedi, you are a fucking loser. 

The whole new trilogy sucks by definition because there is no Han.  Fictional galactic politics is stupid, especially since Lucas's conclusion is that society is best left in the hands of a bunch of religious fanatics who wave around huge glowing phallic symbols.  Harrison Ford cruising around in a space hot-rod with a giant gerbil sidekick shooting stuff and shagging babes with weird hairstyles is cool.  Without him, Star Wars takes itself too seriously.

You can't even blame George Lucas.  He had a pretty good idea of the thing to start out with, and it's been ruined because it's now taken too seriously.  I blame the fans for this. The problem was that a lot of dorks decided they wanted to be jedis, and started pretending that they were.  They created a huge demand for more star wars stuff, and, of course, it all had to be internally consistent because their fantasy lives inhabited the star wars universe, and anything that jeopardized their suspension of disbelief might cause somebody to have an asthma attack. 

Star Wars was great when it was about a midget in a trash can, a giant in a monkey suit, and Harrison Ford being cool and spouting off cool one-liners. The trilogy, including Jedi, are some of the best entertainment ever laid on film.  Now that it's dork-porn for people who hate their lives, nobody can enjoy it anymore. The fan community is the reason the new trilogy sucks, and is probably also responsible for George Lucas's chin receding into his neck. 

My big beef with Lucas is that he is altering the original films to be more consistent with the wretched masturbatory nerd fantasy that the Star Wars franchise has evolved into.  He's been seduced by the Dork Side.  And he gave the nerds exactly what they wanted in the new trilogy, but they can't realize it because nothing would satisfy them. They've merely adopted the observation by film lovers, who are kind of geeky, but not nearly as pathetic, that the new trilogy are poor movies. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on April 09, 2005, 10:00:26 PM
Jedi had the chance to be cool in this series, but I can see Lucas having missed the chance for the mythoi to have become dynamic or even intriguing. In its place we have an uninteresting background organization and overplaying of lightsaber-fu.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on April 10, 2005, 05:36:22 AM
Here's the thing about Star Wars: the Jedis were never cool...

<snipped stuff>

Or alternatively, Jar-Jar is the worst character put to film in decades, there have been some very poor choices made in characterization and the script in general could have withstood a couple of rewrites.

Sometimes the truth is just that simple.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 10, 2005, 09:51:51 AM
Feel better Litigator? Now, way to miss it all. The politics did change the tone of the prequels, but he did sort of have to explain how Sidious manipulated his way to being emperor.

Personally my only fault with the movies is the time span they cover. My perfect prequel trilogy would have had Anakin at Luke's age or a little older.

Episode 1 would have been what is currently Episode 2 with maybe a 15 minute flashback showing young Anakin.
Episode 2 would have covered what we only have in cartoons currently. The Clone Wars.
Episode 3 would be..well...Episode 3. Heh.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on April 10, 2005, 11:14:06 AM
Wow Litigator, you captured my feelings better than anyone I have ever read, including myself. Bravo.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Hanzii on April 10, 2005, 02:44:00 PM

Just my feelings... expressed better than I could - I'll steal it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: SirBruce on April 10, 2005, 02:48:26 PM
It was nicely written, even though 99% of it was utterly and completely wrong.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 11, 2005, 10:15:12 AM
You can't even blame George Lucas.  He had a pretty good idea of the thing to start out with, and it's been ruined because it's now taken too seriously.  I blame the fans for this.

You really shouldn't. Lucas has always maintained that the Jedi was the most important parts of the film. They are the central characters, for Pete's sake. They are the movers and the shakers, and they control the mystical force of all life in the universe. Sure, Han Solo WAS cooler, but I think that was more because Ford did such a good job, not because it was written to be that way.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Bunk on April 11, 2005, 12:45:38 PM
I think Litigator is on the right track though. Han wasn't the principal character in the original trilogy, but he was the cool factor. Sure the movies were really about Luke, but Luke was a goody-goody pussy. Who really wanted to be that? Han was the Fonzie to Luke's Ritchie (ok, maybe bad example, since Fonzie eventually took over the show, but the point stands).

The original series had those secondary characters that fans could apreciate while the plot continued to revolve around Luke and Vader. The new series.. well... If there is one good thing I'll say about ep1 is they at least tried to make Obi-wan a little cool - though ultimately failed because they had to keep him within the guidlines of Jedi morals and such. The secondary characters in ep.1 and 2 were where they dropped the ball. 3PO degenerated in to Jerry Lewis level comedy bits, Padme is hamstrung by shit dialog, R2 flys around on jet packs and well - not much else, Fett gets pussified by his pathetic death, and, well, I won't even mention the other sidekick. The only cool character in ep. 1 was Maul. Epsidoe 2? Does two minutes of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Yoda count?

I think Lucas wanted us to consider Anakin the cool character in ep. 2, but he ruined that by making him in to a sniveling whiner that doesn't like sand.

Alas, I'm still a fanboy. Still hoping that Anakin gains at least some degree of cool in being a badass, or maybe Sam Jackson steps up, who knows. I'll be there on opening night, even if its partly just to see more sexy blue Twi'lek Jedi get six seconds of screen time.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 11, 2005, 01:03:48 PM
I'll take Indiana Jones over Han any day. And it's partly the reason I think Star Wars sucks. Indiana Jones is just that much better.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 11, 2005, 01:33:31 PM
I think a big part of the original three's appeal were their grittiness.  Remember, this was back when science fiction movies were still such a novelty that everything was SUPER this and AMAZING that.

Lucas took a chance and said, look - here are these poor farmers on a backwater planet where the closest city is a complete dive.  They hook up with this old has-been hermit and go on to save the galaxy in beat-up starfighters.

The new ones, to me, retain none of that gritty realism, in favor of more of the same old AMAZING aliens and ASTOUNDING pod races and STUPENDOUS cities on Coruscant where the closest thing to crime that we see (leaving aside political intrigue) is someone (Kenobi?) using the Jedi mind trick to make a street urchin stop smoking.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 11, 2005, 01:34:52 PM
See, I thought CP3O had degenerated into Jerry Lewis comedy bits even in Empire, but at least that had the rest of the movie to make up for it. I've ALWAYS hated those fucking droids, nothing but shitty humor and site gags from the lot of them. I like JAR-JAR better than any of the droids, other than IG-88.

I believe Lucas actually added Han Solo in there to show that even a scoundrel could be a hero, else why make Han shoot Greedo first, but then turn away from selfishness to help the Rebellion at the end? It was only when Lucas got full control that the series really degenerated into total shit. Lucas made the Jedi the important parts, not the fans, because the Jedi, through Obi-Won/Yoda vs. Vader/Emperor in the first movies and the Jedi Council vs. the Sith in the prequels have always been the primary movers of everything. Everyone else in the movies have been pawns of these two factions.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on April 11, 2005, 02:21:10 PM
I like JAR-JAR better than any of the droids, other than IG-88

Really? Sure 3PO and R2 were silly at times, but Jar Jar was like a burning case of the aggravated gleets (for those of you who watch Deadwood). No comparison, in my book.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on April 11, 2005, 02:52:27 PM
, but Luke was a goody-goody pussy. Who really wanted to be that?

Me, for one.  Of course I also didn't drink until I was 21, have never done druigs and aren't 'cool' like the rest of you, so what the fuck do I know, eh.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Bunk on April 11, 2005, 03:04:20 PM
Rewatch ep.2, the end fight in the arena.

Heroes are surrounded, all hope is lost. The Jedi arrive. The battle rages. A Jedi falls to the Bounty Hunter's blaster. A droid's head on the wrong robot cracks an unwitty one-liner. A climatic fight between bounty hunter and Jedi. The villain makes his escape. The heroes in pursuit.

Hmm, what part didn't fit? Not only did it not fit, it obliterated any sense of drama in the entire sequence. At least JarJar's antics in the gungan/droid fight in ep. 1 was part of an entire sequence that wasn't taken all that seriously. As soon as you saw the Gungan army with their giant slingshots and superballs, you new that that battle was tongue in cheek.

Watching episode one and two for me - its like Lucas shot the movie, then screened it for a room of 4 year olds and shoehorned in a bunch of cutesy stuff for them. Hell, even the attrocity of the Ewoks in Jedi worked in that the cute scenes were seperated from the sad and dramatic scenes. In 1 and 2, Lucas just lumped it all together - drama and tension be damned.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Bunk on April 11, 2005, 03:04:46 PM
, but Luke was a goody-goody pussy. Who really wanted to be that?

Me, for one.  Of course I also didn't drink until I was 21, have never done druigs and aren't 'cool' like the rest of you, so what the fuck do I know, eh.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on April 11, 2005, 03:21:49 PM
Obi-Won/Yoda vs. Vader/Emperor in the first movies and the Jedi Council vs. the Sith in the prequels have always been the primary movers of everything. Everyone else in the movies have been pawns of these two factions.

Not in RotJ, in fact, pop quiz, if Luke had died immeaditely after part 4 in a freak womp rat accident, how, exactly, would the good guys be any worse off?

Vader would not have felt the need to capture/torture Han and Leia in Empire, nobody would have gotten caught by Jabba the Hutt, and the death star II would have been blown into exactly as many pieces by people who are not jedi in RotJ.

One of the most annoying things about RotJ imo was that the entire Luke storyline, which while jolly interesting from the point of view of saving Anakin, had no impact whatsoever on the battle going on around the DS2.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 11, 2005, 03:35:57 PM
Well, in the novelization and other literature, it has been said that the Emporer was using the force to make his people fight better, and when he died the fight suddenly turned for the good guys. Of course, that's not on screen so it doesn't help.

However, you could easily conclude,. that had Luke not been there:

1) Vader would not have killed the Emperor
2) They both would have gotten on a shuttle and escaped

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on April 11, 2005, 03:38:30 PM
Jabba had a contract out on Han that had nothing to do with Luke, and Han and Leia were still both integral members of the Rebellion, so odds are good that Han's ass would have ended up in carbonite regardless.  It's also possible that if Vader and the emperor hadn't been occupied trying to corrupt Luke, things would have gone differently on Endor.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Fraeg on April 11, 2005, 03:58:44 PM

Venetian Akido  >>>>>>>>> the force or those oversized glow sticks


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Litigator on April 12, 2005, 12:17:18 AM
I'll take Indiana Jones over Han any day. And it's partly the reason I think Star Wars sucks. Indiana Jones is just that much better.

I think I've said this to you before. The best moment in the Star Wars films, and one of my all-time favorite movie moments is at the end of Empire, when Han is about to go into the carbonite, and Leia says "I love you," and Han says "I know."  It's a moment of sheer perfection that shines all the brighter for occurring incongruously in a series of films with dialog so bad that the line "I have a bad feeling about this" has become a motif.

There are very few movie scenes that are this cool.  Indiana Jones shooting the sword guy in "Raiders" is probably one of them. When Sean Connery's Bond slapped the girl on the ass and told her to run along because it was time for "man talk," that was one of them. Bill Murray in Ghostbusters, charging up the proton pack, and saying "let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown," was pretty clutch. Michael killing Solozzo and McClusky in "Godfather."  Sonny's death scene, also in "Godfather." The hits on the heads of the five families, "Godfather" again.  Al Pacino with the machine gun at the end of "Scarface." Humphrey Bogart in the Maltese Falcon, when he says "I hope they don't hang you, Precious, by that sweet neck." That great deep-focus shot in "Citizen Kane," where Orson Welles talks about using up all his money.  The shootout at the end of "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly."

And that's about it... what was the point? Oh yeah. Don't bag on Han. James Bond only managed to be cooler than him, like, once.   

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 12, 2005, 12:40:15 AM
And that's about it... what was the point? Oh yeah. Don't bag on Han. James Bond only managed to be cooler than him, like, once.

You're right. Instead of watching all of any of the Star Wars again, I can just cut that clip out in premiere and watch that. And don't you mean Han Solo only managed to be better than Bond like once - assuming we're talking about Sean Connery as Bond. What you just did was put into words why I like people distilling a movie into a scene or two.

The point I was making with Indiana Jones is that the rest of the movie surrounding the character didn't totally suck. Everything without Han was pretty much soap opera material (particularly all of episodes 1, 2 and most likely 3). Bitching, moaning, and personal vendetta abound. If I wanted to watch that, I'd stay in on Saturday afternoons and watch shows where the director doesn't re-cut them and make me pay to see them again. In a newer, cleaned up, more fucked up version.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on April 12, 2005, 02:24:42 AM
However, you could easily conclude,. that had Luke not been there:

1) Vader would not have killed the Emperor
2) They both would have gotten on a shuttle and escaped

I tell myself this everytime I watch it.

However, I am very aware that I am kidding myself.

When novelisation authors spot huge plot gaps and try to plug them themselves, that is never a good sign.

If Lucas had the good sense to put the Luke/Emperor/Vader thing in a location other than the death star, I might have been able to buy that something with a point to it was being achieved.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Bunk on April 12, 2005, 08:01:00 AM
And that's about it... what was the point? Oh yeah. Don't bag on Han. James Bond only managed to be cooler than him, like, once.

You're right. Instead of watching all of any of the Star Wars again, I can just cut that clip out in premiere and watch that. And don't you mean Han Solo only managed to be better than Bond like once - assuming we're talking about Sean Connery as Bond. What you just did was put into words why I like people distilling a movie into a scene or two.

The point I was making with Indiana Jones is that the rest of the movie surrounding the character didn't totally suck. Everything without Han was pretty much soap opera material (particularly all of episodes 1, 2 and most likely 3). Bitching, moaning, and personal vendetta abound. If I wanted to watch that, I'd stay in on Saturday afternoons and watch shows where the director doesn't re-cut them and make me pay to see them again. In a newer, cleaned up, more fucked up version.

Hey, lets remember too, that Han managed to be cool even in the first movie, despite having Lucas writing his dialog.  As for Indy - yea Indy was cool for the most part, the sword fight scene especially - but really, he was a bookworm that liked to get his hands dirty. He just never really clicked for me. When I watch Indy its like every scene is Indy gets in trouble, Indy rolls his eyes, Indy cracks a joke and then narrowly escapes. With the exception of Lucas digitally messing up the space-time continuem, and some dumd "cute" moments in Jedi - Han is a badass.

If you want to talk about the movies as a whole - people may slag parts of Jedi, but its still infintessimally (sp?) better than the travesty of Temple of Doom!!!11!1!

Honestly, I rate Indy not only below Han on coolness level, but I rate both of them below Decker.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on April 12, 2005, 11:27:43 AM
I think a big part of the original three's appeal were their grittiness.  Remember, this was back when science fiction movies were still such a novelty that everything was SUPER this and AMAZING that.

Hardly: 1970s sci-fi was far grittier than Lucas' samurai-in-space project. I am thinking Westworld, I am thinking Soylent Green, and to an extent Logan's Run despite the happy ending. A Clockwork Orange. Go further back and Planet of the Apes rears its head. Hell, even that Shakespeare adaption - Forbidden Planet - can be considered grittier than Star Wars.

The main appeal of SW was because it came out in a year when no other studios were into sci-fi so it reigned mostly alone. And because Lucas is a far better salesman and merchandiser than a director.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 12, 2005, 11:32:10 AM
I keep thinking of the irony about all this Han and Indy talk.

Legend has it that Harrison Ford adlibbed alot of Han's cooler dialogue, especially in the first movie.

As for Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford was very, very sick during the scene where that swordsman came out. They were supposed to have this big cool fight scene but Harrison wasn't up to it, so he pulled his gun and shot him. The stuntman playing the swordfighter went with it and so one of the cooler moments in Raiders was born.

Maybe it's Harrison who is cool, not Han and Indy. Lol.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rasix on April 12, 2005, 11:43:38 AM

Maybe it's Harrison who is cool, not Han and Indy. Lol.

He should be; I named my cat after him. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 12, 2005, 12:31:10 PM
I have a feeling a lot of people will sign up for this. (http://www.accesshollywood.com/sponsors/4367674/detail.html)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 12, 2005, 12:57:49 PM
I think a big part of the original three's appeal were their grittiness.  Remember, this was back when science fiction movies were still such a novelty that everything was SUPER this and AMAZING that.

Hardly: 1970s sci-fi was far grittier than Lucas' samurai-in-space project. I am thinking Westworld, I am thinking Soylent Green, and to an extent Logan's Run despite the happy ending. A Clockwork Orange. Go further back and Planet of the Apes rears its head. Hell, even that Shakespeare adaption - Forbidden Planet - can be considered grittier than Star Wars.

The main appeal of SW was because it came out in a year when no other studios were into sci-fi so it reigned mostly alone. And because Lucas is a far better salesman and merchandiser than a director.

You have some points, but I don't entirely agree.

I don't think WestWorld or Clockwork Orange are comparable to a space opera like SW.  I never saw Soylent Green or Logan's Run so I can't say regarding those.

Also they weren't as polished with special effects as SW was.  Not that special effects makes the film as Lucas seems to think nowadays.  But they shouldn't DETRACT from it.  They should just be there.

And I certainly don't think SW's main appeal had to do with the timing of when it came out.  Its legs are too long for that.  Movies that rely on a hohum year for their success are soon forgotten if they really aren't that great.  Is there an EU for Titanic?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Bunk on April 12, 2005, 02:30:15 PM

You have some points, but I don't entirely agree.

I don't think WestWorld or Clockwork Orange are comparable to a space opera like SW.  I never saw Soylent Green or Logan's Run so I can't say regarding those.

Also they weren't as polished with special effects as SW was.  Not that special effects makes the film as Lucas seems to think nowadays.  But they shouldn't DETRACT from it.  They should just be there.

And I certainly don't think SW's main appeal had to do with the timing of when it came out.  Its legs are too long for that.  Movies that rely on a hohum year for their success are soon forgotten if they really aren't that great.  Is there an EU for Titanic?

!!1!!??!?!  :o

And you consider yourself a member of this geek community?! Sheesh. Logan's Run I can slightly forgive, but it should be seen as a perfect example of quality cheesy 70s sci-fi. But to have not seen Soylent Green? Sad my friend, sad. This is a movie in which the main hero wears a goddamn fucking hankerchief around his neck and still comes across as a cool, mysogynistic bastard. And no one, absolutley no one, manages to deliver a cheesy, end-of-the-movie-punchline while chewing the scenery and EMOTING the way Heston does. (not even Shatner)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Arnold on April 12, 2005, 04:37:14 PM
Here's the thing about Star Wars: the Jedis were never cool. Han Solo is cool. That's why Han got the girl and Luke got his hand cut off.  If you saw Star Wars and wanted to be a jedi, you are a fucking loser. 

Fuck yeah!  When I was a kid, my geeky friends wanted tgo be Luke.  Fuck the force; I wanted to be Han.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on April 12, 2005, 04:48:23 PM

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on April 12, 2005, 05:08:29 PM
And noone, absolutley (sic) no one, manages to deliver a cheesy, end-of-the-movie-punchline while chewing the scenery and EMOTING the way Heston does. (not even Shatner)

My God!  They blew it up!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 12, 2005, 05:13:27 PM

And you consider yourself a member of this geek community?!

I have this talent of having missed certain key movies. For example, my wife still can't beleive I never saw the Goonies until she made me watch it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on April 12, 2005, 08:11:45 PM
And yet, apparently you've seen Dodgeball...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 12, 2005, 08:14:04 PM
And yet, apparently you've seen Dodgeball...

If you can dodge a flame, you can dodge a war.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 13, 2005, 05:28:21 AM
And yet, apparently you've seen Dodgeball...

Dodgeball was funny, but I don't really consider it a key movie...

Besides, it's random. I have seen most "must see" movies (at least the ones I'm aware of).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: murdoc on April 13, 2005, 07:21:13 AM
I'll admit, I got sucked in. I watched the trailer. I read the spoilers. I thought 'Ok, maybe the last two sucked, but he's got to get this one right... right?'

Then I got my hands on the graphic novel and reality came crashing back in.

George really needs to sketch out a plot, then hand the reins over to a competent screenwriter and a competent director. The framework for a good story is there, but it's being destroyed by the execution.

I hold very little hope for this movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ajax34i on April 15, 2005, 08:49:03 PM
I think Episode 3 is going to be meh; there's too much eye candy in it for it to be a proper drama.  Big battles, crap exploding all the time, locales that are too exotic...  Sensory overload doesn't make a drama good, in my opinion.  Empire Strikes Back had like one battle, a lot of character building, and then one more big plot thing happening towards the end.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: sidereal on April 15, 2005, 09:00:23 PM
I ask for it again.  Take Lucas out to pasture.  Let David Peoples or Fran Walsh write a trilogy set in the Old Republic era.  Have Ang Lee or Peter Jackson direct.  Please.  For the fucking children.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on April 16, 2005, 03:44:54 AM
Ang Lee?  What the fuck are you on?  The man cannot handle pulpy action, just look at Hulk.  Let him stick to his dramas, kthxplz.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 16, 2005, 07:29:30 AM
I ask for it again.  Take Lucas out to pasture.  Let David Peoples or Fran Walsh write a trilogy set in the Old Republic era.  Have Ang Lee or Peter Jackson direct.  Please.  For the fucking children.

Just invoking names doesn't gurantee it'll be good. I could ask for it to be written by the dude who's doing such an awesome job with Battlestar Galactica but it'd probably suck. Why? Because BSG isn't space opera. That and the epileptic camerawork appears to be a stylistic choice for the series, rather than a director with ADD.

Say what you want about Lucas but at least I can follow the action scenes.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 16, 2005, 12:28:07 PM
This guy needs to get more. (http://jimhillmedia.com/mb/articles/showarticle.php?ID=1390)

Poor, poor Mace. This figure just stinks. Although he’s got more articulation than previous versions, it doesn’t save everyone’s favorite badass Jedi. Probably due to his action, (squeeze his legs, and his waist swings and arms lift), he has arms that end up looking unfortunately simian. On top of that, he’s just got a poor facial likeness. C'mon Hasbro, everybody loves Mr. Jackson, so do him justice already. Mace has a ball neck, ball shoulders, elbows hampered by his action, and t-hips. At least his purple Lightsaber's lookin' spiffy. I don’t have much use for his force lighting, though his action does throw it fairly convincingly.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 16, 2005, 12:46:25 PM
Quote from: Boing Boing
Unintentionally sexual Star Wars coloring book (http://www.boingboing.net/2005/04/15/unintentionally_sexu.html)


Andrew Tonkin says: "Coloring page found in 'Star Wars: Droids' and 'Star Wars: Balance of the Force' coloring books by Dalmatian Press.

"I hope this unfortunately suggestive angle was unintentional, especially considering the father-daughter aspect of the scene. Yecch.

"Vincent Gallo's The Brown Bunny billboard on the Sunset Strip created public outcry, and yet impressionable youth everywhere are dulling their Crayolas on this very scene. Strange."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: sidereal on April 16, 2005, 05:30:32 PM
Ang Lee?  What the fuck are you on?  The man cannot handle pulpy action, just look at Hulk.  Let him stick to his dramas, kthxplz.

Who said I wanted it pulpy?  Seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?  Do you think he'd do a better or worse job than Lucas?

Quote from: Riggswolfe
Just invoking names doesn't gurantee it'll be good.

What a weird thing to say.  People have names.  When you invoke names it means you want to assign certain people.  If you're saying 'just assigning good people to the task won't make it good'. . well, that's true, but it increases your chances pretty dramatically don't you think?  You think Peter Jackson and Uwe Boll would be equally competent?

Why don't you people have The Vision?!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 16, 2005, 05:32:45 PM
Why don't you people have The Vision?!

We're too busy having The Fear.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: sidereal on April 16, 2005, 05:39:24 PM
You lack The Drugs.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 16, 2005, 09:01:03 PM
One of my friends went through the rebel theme park back when I played the game and got some rebel on imperial action going on. Maybe I could edge out these, make them black and white, and sell my own coloring books.



Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on April 17, 2005, 11:53:12 AM
Arrgh! Threads crossed...

Vin Diesel is actually Luke's father.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 17, 2005, 01:36:10 PM
Could someone tell me what the deal is with General Grievous?  I thought you had to be Force-enabled to use Lightsabres.  Is he?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 17, 2005, 01:37:12 PM
Could someone tell me what the deal is with General Grievous?  I thought you had to be Force-enabled to use Lightsabres.  Is he?

Han used Luke's lightsaber once.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 17, 2005, 01:41:08 PM
By "use" I mean "use with any skill."

Like... fight with it.

You're talking about when Han carved up the beastie for Luke to lay in, right?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on April 17, 2005, 02:29:27 PM
I think that idea was just another example of Extended Universe nonsense.

It's just a sword.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 17, 2005, 02:57:50 PM
Then christ, why don't more people carry them?  Don't they have any idea how cool those things are?

Hell, even for non-combat purposes.  It's like having a compact, convienient combination knife/blowtorch.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 17, 2005, 03:21:58 PM
The EU and lightsabers:

The EU explanation for why only Jedi use lightsabers is very simple. The blade weighs literally nothing and so people have a nasty tendency to cut their own legs off. It can be done but takes alot of training.

Grieveous, being a droid, probably knows where they are at all times so doesn't risk the whole amputee thing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on April 17, 2005, 05:23:45 PM
Then christ, why don't more people carry them?  Don't they have any idea how cool those things are?

Hell, even for non-combat purposes.  It's like having a compact, convienient combination knife/blowtorch.

Might have something to do with that whole "Jedi must be purgedi" and Lightsabers are symbols of Jedi-dom thing.

Then there's the whole EU explanation of "Hey, it's a handle with a light beam that weighs nothing, you try swinging it around and not lopping your limbs off." that Riggs mentioned

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on April 18, 2005, 01:17:39 AM
Like Llava said, seems like there are lots of handy uses for one of those things that don't involve swinging it about wildly. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 18, 2005, 06:30:26 AM
Like Llava said, seems like there are lots of handy uses for one of those things that don't involve swinging it about wildly. 

Well, even in the context of the SW universe, you can't exactly just buzz down to the corner store and pick one up.  You have to construct, steal or be given one.

That said, if I lived in the SW universe, I'd definitely make it my business to acquire one if possible.  They are even cooler than assault rifles!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 18, 2005, 09:29:45 AM
Droid or not, this is ridiculous.


I fail to see how this design could work in anyway without slicing its own limbs off, or having so many blind spots as to be vulnerable to anything competent. Not to mention it just looks fucking stupid.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on April 18, 2005, 09:48:26 AM
-Quick guys, we need something better than dual lightsabers in the last movie, what can we do?
-Four lightsabers?
-No Jedi can hold four lightsabers with two hands.
-We could make them some sort of lightsaber weilding droid.
-It'll make a cool action figure.
-Great, call the CGI department!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 18, 2005, 12:50:43 PM
He was in the Micro-series they did on Cartoon Network, that gave a pretty good example of how he makes it work.

Basically, his torso and wrists can rotate.  So he's not so much a swordsman as a lightsabre-blender.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 18, 2005, 02:20:50 PM
He was in the Micro-series they did on Cartoon Network, that gave a pretty good example of how he makes it work.

Basically, his torso and wrists can rotate.  So he's not so much a swordsman as a lightsabre-blender.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on April 18, 2005, 03:17:35 PM
Is that ridiculous 4 lightsaber guy a tie in with the new XTREMEBITCH WB toons? BUZZ FUCKING BUNNY WITH A LYTSABRRR!!!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 18, 2005, 06:01:50 PM
He was in the Micro-series they did on Cartoon Network, that gave a pretty good example of how he makes it work.

Basically, his torso and wrists can rotate.  So he's not so much a swordsman as a lightsabre-blender.


Not very fair, either.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on April 18, 2005, 09:43:29 PM
This may be a dumb question but how is a lightsaber better than a gun? One on one I suppose with wacky Star Wars physics you can deflect bullets, but in a 10 on 10 battle the 10 guys with guns just all aim at one guy, kill him, all aim at the next guy, etc. You can't deflect 10 bullets at once.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Triforcer on April 19, 2005, 12:34:27 AM
This may be a dumb question but how is a lightsaber better than a gun? One on one I suppose with wacky Star Wars physics you can deflect bullets, but in a 10 on 10 battle the 10 guys with guns just all aim at one guy, kill him, all aim at the next guy, etc. You can't deflect 10 bullets at once.

I think the SW explanation is that the deflection isn't done consciously, its merely a force power.  Left unexplained is the reason why everyone uses laser guns with (relatively) slow moving beams when they could use projectile weaponry where the bullets travel too fast to see. 

Also, Lucas will probably explain this in EP3 with liberal use of Matrix effects!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on April 19, 2005, 12:53:37 AM
how is a lightsaber better than a gun?
Did you not memorize the first movie? "Not as clumsy or random" is the answer to your question.

Plus the Star Wars universe is full of "crack elite stormtroopers" that can't hit a barn door.

I will probably end up preferring A Lost Hope to Lucas' version.

Quote from: A Lost Hope trailer
Obi-Wan: I fear Anakin has turned to the bleak blackness of the Dark Side.
Mace Windu: <sarcasm>You think?</sarcasm>
Yoda: Tried to warn you we did. Now screwed we are.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on April 19, 2005, 02:03:24 AM
Left unexplained is the reason why everyone uses laser guns with (relatively) slow moving beams when they could use projectile weaponry where the bullets travel too fast to see. 

The extended universe explanation for energy weapons instead of projectile weapons was that personal deflector shield technology exists that can block projectiles, but enegy weapons, not so much.

You never see anyone using shields for reasons relating to the 'current metagame'. Noone uses projectile weapons, so what's the point?

Also, jedi don't rely on seeing laser blasts coming, the force tells them where to hold the light sabre. Same would, I guess, apply to projectiles.

Luke: <whiny voice> "I can't see anything with the blast visor down"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Llava on April 19, 2005, 02:43:04 AM
This may be a dumb question but how is a lightsaber better than a gun? One on one I suppose with wacky Star Wars physics you can deflect bullets, but in a 10 on 10 battle the 10 guys with guns just all aim at one guy, kill him, all aim at the next guy, etc. You can't deflect 10 bullets at once.

Because they're friggin' ninjas, dude.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 19, 2005, 08:46:54 AM
Considering Stormtroopers (cloned versions of "THE BEST WARRIOR IN DA UNIVERSE EVAR!!12!") and fucking computer-assisted-targeting droids in the universe CANNOT HIT SHIT, I'd imagine lightsabers are such preferred weapon because they are one-shot, one-kill weapons and everyone else in the universe is a crippled retard. I think the Jedi are really a secret society of eugenics scientists, who have controlled the breeding of the rest of the universe in order to make themselves more powerful.

It's not the Force, it's the DNA.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on April 19, 2005, 09:13:00 AM
It's not the Force, it's the DNA.
At least you didn't use the 'M' word...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on April 19, 2005, 09:51:44 AM
I'll only use the "M" word when I beat the tar out of Lucas for turning into a fucktard. It'll be written on the bat I pound him with.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on April 19, 2005, 03:09:50 PM
Get your geek on. (https://www.alienware.com/contest_pages/contest_starwars.aspx)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on April 19, 2005, 03:56:37 PM
Get your geek on. (https://www.alienware.com/contest_pages/contest_starwars.aspx)


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 19, 2005, 03:57:38 PM
Those are the ugliest computers I've ever seen.

Worse than this:


Well, maybe not.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on April 19, 2005, 04:06:25 PM
I want this:




"The box. You opened it. We came."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on April 19, 2005, 04:08:25 PM
That computer is going to kill us all.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Der Helm on April 24, 2005, 12:19:58 PM
Not trying to re-rail this thread, but I am watching Episode II on german television as I write this.

In german, it is even worse than the english original I saw when it came out.

And now, the infamous romantic sequence on Naboo is coming up.

Excuse me, but I am now going to stick some sharp objects in my sensory organs. That will be less painfull.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on April 24, 2005, 02:44:14 PM
That whole scene makes a lot better sense in the orignal Sanskrit.

The problem is it summons Cthulu if the lines are actually spoken.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: StGabe on April 25, 2005, 05:13:18 PM

Great Star Wars review.  I liked the movies as a kid, but as an adult I think they're all pretty much crap.  Maybe they were good "for the time" or whatever, but fuck it, they're crap now and we know better.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Riggswolfe on April 26, 2005, 06:00:34 AM
I think David Brin is a damn fool and is suffering from "how come my stuff doesn't sell and Lucas makes a pile of money?" syndrome. If Star Wars wasn't a fantasy film he'd be right. Vader's actions would be unforgiveable. But it is a fantasy film and the Dark Side gives Vader a nice out.

Bah. I don't mind good criticism, but I do mind when someone totally ignores the mythology to base their critiques on. I also find it interesting that he defends Star Trek so heavily, which is basically communists in space, while calling Lucas anti-democracy. Clearly the man has researched neither of the two.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on April 26, 2005, 06:55:15 AM
I think this is always a bad sign:

While I do think that plenty of evidence shows that George Lucas hates a civilization that's been very good to him...

Lately everyone is whipping out the accusation that so-and-so "hates" their culture.  There was a (not so polarized) time when it was OK to criticize your culture on one or more points and not be accused of hating it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on April 26, 2005, 07:58:34 AM
Lately everyone is whipping out the accusation that so-and-so "hates" their culture.  There was a (not so polarized) time when it was OK to criticize your culture on one or more points and not be accused of hating it.

As usual though people overplayed the criticism and now there is a backlash against just wantonly trashing the culture without any effort to actually find something real to trash.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on April 26, 2005, 08:16:24 AM
I think David Brin is a damn fool and is suffering from "how come my stuff doesn't sell and Lucas makes a pile of money?" syndrome.
Maybe he dislikes that Lucas' effects-laden samurai soap operas has become synonymous with sci-fi in the general public? I mean, as opposed to his own most excellent yet unfilmed and unfilmable Uplift books?

Bring on the Babylon 5 full-length movie, JMS. Sci-fi needs you more than ever.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on April 26, 2005, 08:32:27 AM
I think this is always a bad sign:

While I do think that plenty of evidence shows that George Lucas hates a civilization that's been very good to him...

Lately everyone is whipping out the accusation that so-and-so "hates" their culture.  There was a (not so polarized) time when it was OK to criticize your culture on one or more points and not be accused of hating it.

Simply having a "culture" doesn't warrant it any merit either. Just because a culture exists does not mean that it deserves to be continued.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: StGabe on April 26, 2005, 09:44:29 AM
There was a (not so polarized) time when it was OK to criticize your culture on one or more points and not be accused of hating it.

Did you even read the Brin stuff?  Because that's definitely not what he is saying and he is a rather successful fellow so I don't think this is jealousy either.  He has had his stuff reach the big screen (The Postman, although the plot of his original book got rather mangled by Costner, et al).

Bah. I don't mind good criticism, but I do mind when someone totally ignores the mythology to base their critiques on.

Did you even read the Brin stuff?  He dedicates a very lengthy rant or two to discussing the Cambellian tradition that the SW mythology comes from.  I don't know what how more directly he could address this mythology.  He also discusses the presumed features of the force and comes to the conclusion (agree or not, I happen to however) that they are just absurd.  The very anger and spunkiness that supposedly subverts Anakin is exactly what works for his son and the entire notion that anger and outrage is somehow evil is crap.  what Can a Sci-Fi author propose any absurd system they want to justify their character's redemption from Hitler to Hero in one scene?  I suppose so.  But it's still tripe.

I also find it interesting that he defends Star Trek so heavily, which is basically communists in space, while calling Lucas anti-democracy. Clearly the man has researched neither of the two.

First of all, where is the democratic process in SW?  Uhh, nowhere.  Brin criticizes Star Trek several times in the piece (for example going on about the way over-the-top political correctness, etc.) but points out that it both fosters criticism of the system and allows that the system which has gotten us where we are today, and allowed people to make billions on crappy films like Star Wars, might actually be workable (with due criticism and watchfulness of course) instead of relying on romantic, and at the same time idiotic and historically unsound notions that everything was better when Kings (read Tyrants) ruled.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on April 26, 2005, 10:06:34 AM
what Can a Sci-Fi author propose any absurd system they want to justify their character's redemption from Hitler to Hero in one scene?  I suppose so.  But it's still tripe.

Luke, Chapter 13:

39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on April 26, 2005, 10:16:59 AM
See, the whole problem I have with the analysis is that it assumes Lucas intended to create anything more than a schlocky Sci-Fi soap oprea.   Nearly 30 years of popularity, overexposure, media spin and postrationalization has allowed Lucas to buy into the hype and spew shit like that.  However, I recall in the early 80s reading about the making of Star Wars and he never mentioned anything more than wanting to make a Space Opera based off the Kurasawa(sp) films he liked so much.

Breaking-down SW as if it were attempting to be some kind of cultural influence at the beginning is asinine.  Breaking it down as it currently exsists as if it were trying to do anything more than rake in more dough and provide a story plausible enough for the fans who were begging for more the previous 20 years is equally stupid.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: StGabe on April 26, 2005, 10:48:46 AM
See, the whole problem I have with the analysis is that it assumes Lucas intended to create anything more than a schlocky Sci-Fi soap oprea.

Oh, I agree he goes a bit too far.  But it's a rant, and a good one at that.  You don't have to agree with every point to appreciate it.

Breaking-down SW as if it were attempting to be some kind of cultural influence at the beginning is asinine.

The thing is this goes too far too.  You may be satisified with any sort of schlocky, bullshit story that gets passed your way as long as it is internally consistent but I daresay many of us are not.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on April 26, 2005, 11:16:02 AM
I think David Brin is a damn fool


Look, we know that SW isn't Great Literature (tm), but for quite a few people, it's entertaining.  It's like trying to criticize The Great Gatzby for not being very accessible to preteens - that's just not the role it was trying to fill, so stop pretending like it is.  For most, there's enough culture, plot, etc to be fun.  You can take away some lessons out of it, or try to apply some of it to real life, but for heaven sake, it's SCIENCE FICTION played out on the big screen.  Besides, if Great Literature (tm) is what you're after, you should probably stay away from anything Hollywood.

But hey, he can do what he wants.  It's somewhat amusing to watch one author tell another author who's made order of magnitude more in sales how lousy he is.  Maybe Lucas is technically not as good a writer - but it doesn't matter one whit how technically good you are if you're not entertaining.  A lot of people, in every industry, miss that point; it's not about being the best at your job, it's about being the most efficient at what you are trying to do.  Who cares if you invent a car that's an engineering marvel if it looks like a brick on wheels?  No one will buy it.  Crying about how much GM sucks is to miss the point.  They did their job - you didn't.  If you had, you wouldn't have written a buch of 'ok' books and walked away with one very lackluster movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Velorath on May 02, 2005, 10:00:57 PM
I don't know, my thoughts while watching the trailer can be summed up in one sentence:

Damn that blue skinned Jedi broad has some big titties...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on May 03, 2005, 07:08:21 AM
Simply having a "culture" doesn't warrant it any merit either. Just because a culture exists does not mean that it deserves to be continued.
Yo, punk bitchass, wut u mean by dat? Ima busta cap inyoazz, ho. Peace out to my bitches.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Comstar on May 03, 2005, 07:52:31 AM
presumed features of the force and comes to the conclusion (agree or not, I happen to however) that they are just absurd.  The very anger and spunkiness that supposedly subverts Anakin is exactly what works for his son and the entire notion that anger and outrage is somehow evil is crap. 

It's a master stroke by Lucus. It shows how wrong the Jedi *were* and why Palpatine beat them.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on May 03, 2005, 08:27:17 AM
He certainly is a master of stroking something.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on May 03, 2005, 08:42:34 AM

I never claimed to hate all Campbell-Homer-style myths! We need to outgrow them, but they will always have a place in our hearts.

What a pretentious douchebag.  And a whore to boot - the entire time he's ranting about Star Wars, there are links to the right telling you to buy the DVDs.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 03, 2005, 02:32:58 PM
Quote from: Page 6
RAGE OF A 'STAR WARS' REJECT (http://entertainment.excite.com/celebgossip/pgsix/id/05_03_2005_1.html)
BAI Ling was cut out of "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" after it was announced that she was posing nude in Playboy, the disappointed actress claims.

The sexy Chinese-born Ling, who was supposed to play Senator Bana Breemu in the final installment of the "Star Wars" series, burst into tears at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of "The Beautiful Country" the other night while she was describing how her scene was snipped:

"I just found out that my part has been completely cut out of the upcoming 'Star Wars' movie. I do not know what happened," Ling said.

"I posed for Playboy and it may have been doing that which upset [director] George Lucas. I did not know when 'Star Wars' was going to be released when my manager came to me and said that Playboy wanted me to pose topless."

Ling, who appears in the June issue, continued, "I did not know that Playboy was going to come out the same time as 'Star Wars.' I saw them as separate projects. I see the human body as beautiful and not pornographic, but maybe the 'Star Wars' producers did not see what I did. I am in shock."

LucasFilm spokeswoman Lynn Hale told us that Ling's sole scene was cut more than a year ago. "It was just one scene," she said.

After Ling was finished venting about her "Star Wars" diss, the talkative actress pulled herself together and gave her intimate impressions of a list of actresses to Webster Hall curator Baird Jones.

"I can relate to women physically," she said. "Angelina Jolie is sexy. Jennifer Aniston is sweet but not sexy. I preferred Natalie Portman when she was younger. She has lost something now.

"Queen Latifah is big but passionate. I love J.Lo's curves. Naomi Campbell is sexy like a black panther. I love Kate Moss, who is like a cat. I think Paris Hilton is smart and I like her style.

"Meryl Streep is a great actress but I would just like to be her friend. Heather Graham is cut like a doll. Christina Ricci is kind of weird — sometimes she is fat, sometimes she is thin.

"The Olsen Twins are adorable and the fact that they are twins is a good omen. I'd like to hook up with both of them at the same time. Here is my shout-out: 'Let's get to know each other, Olsen Twins. Let's do a meet and greet together.' "

I guess having an actress in Playboy might screw up his Darth Tater sales. Nevermind that Anakin slaughters children...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 03, 2005, 02:55:12 PM
Tit's are evil, blood is cleansing, please pull forward.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 03, 2005, 03:14:44 PM
Tit's are evil, blood is cleansing, please pull forward.

She said Aniston isn't sexy, and that Hilton is smart.  Pre-emptive karma?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 03, 2005, 04:28:11 PM
She also said Portman was better looking when she was younger, which is true.

Ok, now the question is when you read that how many of you were thinking of The Professional. You sick, sick bastards!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 03, 2005, 04:30:08 PM
Beautiful Girls, actually. FWIW, I think she is hotter now.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on May 04, 2005, 05:09:55 AM
Twins are a good omen?

I thought she was a bit fruity up to that point, but that sentence just dumped a barrel of assorted apples and oranges on the article.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 04, 2005, 05:18:36 AM
I think twins actually are considered good luck in China.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Viin on May 04, 2005, 09:27:22 AM
She also said Portman was better looking when she was younger, which is true.

Ok, now the question is when you read that how many of you were thinking of The Professional. You sick, sick bastards!

She *was* pretty hot in the Professional.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 04, 2005, 02:13:55 PM
She also said Portman was better looking when she was younger, which is true.

Ok, now the question is when you read that how many of you were thinking of The Professional. You sick, sick bastards!

She *was* pretty hot in the Professional.

I think I just burped up a little 13 year old vomit.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rodent on May 04, 2005, 04:14:33 PM
I think I just burped up a little 13 year old vomit.

You need some fiber in your diet!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Pococurante on May 06, 2005, 12:12:52 PM
I die now, a crushed and broken soul. (http://www.legostarwarsthevideogame.com/flash/player.cfm)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 07, 2005, 11:17:10 AM
Quote from: Sun Online
Steven cries at Star Wars (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004580002-2005210100,00.html)

Sun Online

DIRECTOR Steven Spielberg was moved so much by pal George Lucas' final Star Wars movie – he burst into tears at the end.

Steven's weepy moment came at a screening of Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith last week.

But he's unashamed by his tears, insisting fans will also cry because the film's moving conclusion marks the end of Lucas' epic story.

Steven said: "I saw it about a week ago and it's absolutely amazing.

"It's the best of the last three episodes. It's the best way you could possibly imagine for George to finish it off.

"It has a tremendous ending and it's very dark."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on May 07, 2005, 04:28:14 PM
In an episode of 60 Minutes set to air this Sunday, director George Lucas says the content of Revenge of the Sith, the final chapter of his Star Wars saga, finds Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.

With Anakin's walk on the dark side, and the movie's increased violence, Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith will be ''way too strong'' for young children — and might be the first film in the franchise to earn a PG-13 rating, Lucas tells interviewer Leslie Stahl. ''[The film] is much more dark...more emotional,'' he adds. ''I don't think I would take a 5- or a 6-year-old to this.''

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Daydreamer on May 07, 2005, 04:33:09 PM
Any movie featuring Hayden Christensen getting tortured is worth seeing at least once.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 07, 2005, 05:53:36 PM
I'd burst into tears if I had Lucas' cock in my mouth at the end of Episode III also.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 07, 2005, 06:00:39 PM
I bet that all of you will like it. And if you want to make this about money, I can oblige  8-) (well, maybe not...).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 07, 2005, 06:02:44 PM
I bet that all of you will like it. And if you want to make this about money, I can oblige  8-)

I haven't liked a single star wars yet. Empire Strikes Back is the "best" of them and I only rate it as tolerable.

Now, if every Star Wars had been 100% Han Solo, I would have enjoyed them. But why bother? Han wasn't near a cool as Indiana.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on May 07, 2005, 06:06:50 PM
"These people are shooting at us-"
"I know dad!"

"...well, it's a new experience to me."

"'Happens to me all the time."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 07, 2005, 06:08:54 PM
"No time for shitty sci-fi, Dr. Jones."

Here, let me throw this out there:

Event Horizon is better than Star Wars (the two trilogies as a whole).

Equilibrium and eXistenZ are better than The Matrix (the trilogy as a whole).


Edit: Clarification.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 07, 2005, 06:14:07 PM
eXistenZ are better than The Matrix (the trilogy as a whole).


Edit: Clarification.

Thank you. I get in arguments with a couple friends about this a lot. They can't seem to forgive for recommending eXistenZ to them. ???

Jennifer Jason Leigh is a goddess. Best female actress around. And the fishbone gun owns. EDIT: Or was that frog bones? I forget. Time to watch it again.

EDIT: Yeah, Equilibrium is better too. But a certain guild in Shadowbane made me sick of ever watching the movie again.

I don't remember much from Event Horizon...but, a lot of stuff is better than Star Wars, actually.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 07, 2005, 07:39:25 PM
Event Horizon is dreadful. There is a lot of sci-fi out there that is better than Star Wars, but a B horror movie with sci-fi trappings sure as hell isn't it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on May 08, 2005, 12:04:14 AM
Equilibrium and eXistenZ are better than The Matrix (the trilogy as a whole).
Never saw Equilibrium, but agree on eXistenZ. The first Matrix was excellent as a pure linear action movie slash live action anime wannabe, but people interpreted too much "philosophy" into it. So, a great visual and "audial" spectacle (like Terminator 2 and xXx), but not a great film as such.

The two sequels (plus the horrid EtM game) basically did their utmost to ruin any positive feelings you had about that first movie. Animatrix has some value, but few-ish people seemed to buy that.

Meanwhile, eXistenZ was a wonderful Cronenberg movie (with the mandatory biomass stuff) with multiple levels of reality and plot. Just what the doctor ordered.

Now, if just JMS could make a Babylon 5 movie series to go with the TV series, we could have an excuse to forget Lucas' toy catalogue with worse plot than Timecop. (Though B5 does have its problems too.)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MrHat on May 08, 2005, 12:50:17 AM
I too am in the Star Wars is eh bandcamp.

I would imagine it's great if you are a kid.  But I personally think that whatever it set out to do has been done better SINCE then.

PS.  I'll see your Sam Neill in Event Horizon, and raise you a Sam Neill In the Mouth of Madness.  Haven't seen that movie in ages, but loved it to death.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 08, 2005, 01:00:02 AM
raise you a Sam Neill In the Mouth of Madness.  Haven't seen that movie in ages, but loved it to death.

That was a decent movie. I should watch it again sometime.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 01:00:56 AM
Carpenter's best.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 08, 2005, 01:47:25 AM
Carpenter's best.

Eh...I've got a thing for Adrienne Barbeau's titties myself. Carpenter will never surpass his older flicks.

EDIT: I'm getting the weirdest feeling that SirBruce is dying to reply to that.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 08, 2005, 01:57:01 AM
Carpenter's best.

Eh...I've got a thing for Adrienne Barbeau's titties myself. Carpenter will never surpass his older flicks.

EDIT: I'm getting the weirdest feeling that SirBruce is dying to reply to that.

They're remaking "The Fog". It's too bad. At least Cedric the Entertainer isn't in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 08, 2005, 02:00:15 AM
At least the "old" Addrienne isn't in it either. Man, she's changed. Whatever you do, don't post a pic.

This is better:


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on May 08, 2005, 03:05:43 AM
As far as "virtual world" flicks go, I thought The Thirteenth Floor was better than both eXistenZ and The Matrix.  All my friends think I'm crazy.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on May 08, 2005, 04:10:15 AM
In unsurprising news, Harry Knowles  <3  RotS.

REVENGE OF THE SITH is a masterpiece. The final piece of the puzzle Lucas first presented me at age 6. 27 years later, the Jigsaw is complete and damn if it isn't just damn near the most tragically cool thing I’ve ever seen put to film. We won’t see another like this. This is it.


Spolier level is unusually low for an AICN review. (though still insanely high by anyone else's standards)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 08, 2005, 04:29:28 AM
Harry is a dipshit and gets hyperbolic over....Just about anything.

Yet, there's too much good word of mouth going around to completely discount everyone. Even him.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Velorath on May 08, 2005, 06:30:55 AM
Harry is a dipshit and gets hyperbolic over....Just about anything.

Yet, there's too much good word of mouth going around to completely discount everyone. Even him.

If you look back Harry and a lot of of the others loved Attack of the Clones when it first came out (search for the reviews if you can get their crap search feature to work right), and then seemed to change their minds later to go with public opinion.  Don't get me wrong, it's a good place to go for movie news, and they've done a lot to hype up movies like Sean of the Dead and Night Watch that people might now have heard of otherwise.  I just wouldn't put an ounce of faith in their reviews.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on May 08, 2005, 07:51:29 AM
Spolier level is unusually low for an AICN review. (though still insanely high by anyone else's standards)
Not an issue anymore, since they publish official (http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/924064.asp) spoilers (http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920420.asp) for money now.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 08:09:47 AM
Spolier level is unusually low for an AICN review. (though still insanely high by anyone else's standards)
Not an issue anymore, since they publish official (http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/924064.asp) spoilers (http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920420.asp) for money now.

Now? Man, they've been doing that since the current generation of systems hit the market. What kills me is that some people actually play that shit.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on May 08, 2005, 08:46:29 AM
Other places I've seen reviews they've said...

 - Great action.
 - Better than tPM & AotC.
 - Let down a fair bit by shitty script, espeicially whenever Padme is in the room.

Which admittedly is information you could have got from this thread about 9 pages and 2 months back.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 08, 2005, 09:25:56 AM
I'm not at all excited about it or anything, but I have a feeling that Hayden Christiansen will be good.

He showed me that he can really act in Shattered Glass (really well, I might add), so I'll just chalk up his performance in AotC to youth. This time around, I don't think it'll be his fault (that is, if the movie turns out to be bad).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 11:40:26 AM
I'm not at all excited about it or anything, but I have a feeling that Hayden Christiansen will be good.

He showed me that he can really act in Shattered Glass (really well, I might add), so I'll just chalk up his performance in AotC to youth. This time around, I don't think it'll be his fault (that is, if the movie turns out to be bad).

He was a whiny bitch in Shattered Glass. The only person who held up that movie was Sarsgaard. Goddamn Hayden sucks such massive ass. I can't even properly talk about him without getting something fucking angry. Grrrrrrr.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 08, 2005, 02:17:53 PM
Harry is a dipshit and gets hyperbolic over....Just about anything.

Yet, there's too much good word of mouth going around to completely discount everyone. Even him.

Harry cried at the screening for Armageddon.

I rest my case.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 08, 2005, 02:29:56 PM
I cried while watching Armageddon. Probably for a different reason though.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Trippy on May 08, 2005, 02:31:02 PM
As far as "virtual world" flicks go, I thought The Thirteenth Floor was better than both eXistenZ and The Matrix.  All my friends think I'm crazy.
I liked The Thirteenth Floor too. It had the virtual world "twist" to it that The Matrix frankly should've copied. Plus it had Gretchen Mol in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 02:32:39 PM
Harry cries when the local convenience store is out of Chicken Pot Pie.

When you can't move much, you love all movies I would think.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 08, 2005, 04:00:48 PM
Quote from: Sun Online
Steven cries at Star Wars (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004580002-2005210100,00.html)

Sun Online

DIRECTOR Steven Spielberg was moved so much by pal George Lucas' final Star Wars movie – he burst into tears at the end.

Steven's weepy moment came at a screening of Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith last week.

But he's unashamed by his tears, insisting fans will also cry because the film's moving conclusion marks the end of Lucas' epic story.

Steven said: "I saw it about a week ago and it's absolutely amazing.

"It's the best of the last three episodes. It's the best way you could possibly imagine for George to finish it off.

"It has a tremendous ending and it's very dark."

Shock news.  Fellow Director gives comrade a handjob in the media.  Shocked, I tell you.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 08, 2005, 07:00:16 PM
Event Horizon wasn't good, but it was better than RoTJ and TPM at least.

There aren't a whole lot of Space Opera movies out there. If you discount Star Trek movies there are even less. I think that's part of the appeal of Star Wars, it isn't a saturated genre.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 07:19:30 PM
If I'm jonesing for a Space Opera, I watch Cowboy Bebop. Yes, I know it's an anime and of limited appeal, but it's the best of the genre.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 08, 2005, 07:26:41 PM
He was a whiny bitch in Shattered Glass. The only person who held up that movie was Sarsgaard. Goddamn Hayden sucks such massive ass. I can't even properly talk about him without getting something fucking angry. Grrrrrrr.

Have you ever seen or heard Glass?...Or even just a compulsive liar like that? It was damn near perfect. I went in expecting the worse, but came out really impressed. I'm almost jealous that he pulled it off so well.

He may have been a playing a very whiny bitch, but this time it was believable.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 08, 2005, 08:06:28 PM
Hayden has the same problem Pacino, Deniro and a few others. They are great at playing themselves. Pacino plays a kickass fuckin Pacino, something noone else can do. Deniro plays a kickass Deniro. And I like them. Hayden plays a kickass Hayden. And I HATE him. Because he's uninteresting.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Johny Cee on May 08, 2005, 10:15:10 PM
Event Horizon wasn't good, but it was better than RoTJ and TPM at least.

There aren't a whole lot of Space Opera movies out there. If you discount Star Trek movies there are even less. I think that's part of the appeal of Star Wars, it isn't a saturated genre.

Event Horizon deserves credit for the descent into outrageous cosmic horror.  I think In The Mouth of Madness (Carpenter flick, I think that's the name...) does something similar. I just pine for a good treatment of Lovecraft on screen, I think.

For me,  I cut RoTJ slack for the space battle.  Damn good space battle.  I wish more film-makers could do a space battle that didn't involve "lucky pilot shooting most vulnerable spot" or "newly invented techno gizmo turns tide" like most end up being.  I have hopes that Battlestar Galactica will do a little more of this.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MrHat on May 08, 2005, 11:08:18 PM
Event Horizon wasn't good, but it was better than RoTJ and TPM at least.

There aren't a whole lot of Space Opera movies out there. If you discount Star Trek movies there are even less. I think that's part of the appeal of Star Wars, it isn't a saturated genre.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: AOFanboi on May 09, 2005, 09:38:27 AM
Hayden has the same problem Pacino, Deniro and a few others. They are great at playing themselves. Pacino plays a kickass fuckin Pacino, something noone else can do. Deniro plays a kickass Deniro. And I like them. Hayden plays a kickass Hayden. And I HATE him. Because he's uninteresting.
Apply enough makeup, and "face" actors can still do a great job, unrecognizable. For instance, I missed the opening credits for Dick Tracy and didn't know "Big Boy" Caprice was played by Al Pacino. I did recognize Dustin Hoffman as Mumbles though. Hoffman did a great Captain Hook in Hook as well - again with ample makeup. But it seems they are best at it when they play side characters in other people's "star vehicles" (Warren Beatty and Robin Williams respectively here).

But who cares? She's (http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0206257/) 26 today.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 09, 2005, 11:43:57 AM
Quote from: Sun Online
Steven cries at Star Wars (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004580002-2005210100,00.html)

DIRECTOR Steven Spielberg was moved so much by pal George Lucas' final Star Wars movie – he burst into tears at the end.

Steven's weepy moment came at a screening of Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith last week.

Weepy bitch.

Hayden wasn't anything in Shattered Glass. He played the same character, just without the light saber and shitty ponytail whatever the fuck that was. It was a barely interesting movie, and it wasn't interesting because of him.

I expect by all the advance press that I will like this one well enough. It won't blow me away like Phantom Menace's sword fight scene did, or the entirety of Empire. But I'm sure it'll be ok. It can't be much worse than Clones without half-human half-salmon men mating with abducted women in a giant turdball. Which, if one of those women was Natalie Portman, would be better than Clones was.

Shitty script? From LUCAS? SAY IT AIN'T SO!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 10, 2005, 01:12:32 PM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 10, 2005, 02:34:49 PM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

Next to it, it states the average rating is 81% o.0

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 10, 2005, 03:05:52 PM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

It's the pity vote.

And Lucas bought every journalist in the country. I guarantee you that.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on May 10, 2005, 03:14:23 PM
"lowered expectations"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: murdoc on May 10, 2005, 03:26:14 PM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

With a whole 26 reviews.  :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 10, 2005, 03:37:48 PM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

With a whole 26 reviews.  :roll:

Of people hand-picked by Lucas to see it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Zane0 on May 10, 2005, 04:42:41 PM
Take the great news with a grain of salt, sure, but check the earliest reviews of EP 1 and 2 on the same site, and you'll see that many are appropriately negative or ambivalent.  The only possible counter I can think of is whether the first two went through the same "media selection" process as the third apparantly has.  Too lazy to look that up, though.

Beyond that, I must say that I'm psyched. :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 10, 2005, 04:46:20 PM

Between the Doodles and Ice Pirates, you are starting to be my new avatar hero.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 10, 2005, 05:11:18 PM

Between the Doodles and Ice Pirates, you are starting to be my new avatar hero.

Perhaps, but I would trade it all for one day as a real Caveman Lawyer.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 11, 2005, 01:13:31 AM
As of right now, rottentomatoes.com has Episode 3 at 92%.   :-D

With a whole 26 reviews.  :roll:

Of people hand-picked by Lucas to see it.

We do not talk about the elephant standing in the corner.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 11, 2005, 01:53:28 AM
Having seen a lot of the pre-release stuff (check on SA if you haven't got it yet) I will say that it looks like another shitty, shitty lucas film with bad acting from everyone except Ewan and Palpatine.  However, the lightsabre fights look wicked.  There was a video of a training session - no cgi, no changes - with Ewan and weepy-boy and those boys are FAST AS FUCK.

I was impressed.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 11, 2005, 01:57:53 AM
$10 says that no light saber fight is even capable of being as cool as the gunkata fights in Equilibrium. Glowy swords just aren't fucking cool anymore. They're played out. I want "force" arm wrestling matches and shit. Maybe "force" rock, paper, scissors. But Light Sabers? Nah. There's an amazing fan-made light saber fight out there between two asian guys that's more impressive than anything Lucas has done or ever will do. Jedi aren't ninjas with light sabers, but they should be.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Hanzii on May 11, 2005, 02:48:45 AM
... or pirates.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Daydreamer on May 11, 2005, 03:49:48 AM
There's an amazing fan-made light saber fight out there between two asian guys that's more impressive than anything Lucas has done or ever will do. Jedi aren't ninjas with light sabers, but they should be.

I'm intrigued.  Linky?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 11, 2005, 03:56:14 AM
There's an amazing fan-made light saber fight out there between two asian guys that's more impressive than anything Lucas has done or ever will do. Jedi aren't ninjas with light sabers, but they should be.

I'm intrigued.  Linky?

Someone else is going to have to provide you with that - which I'm sure someone will. It was basically 2 asian guys in the woods uhm, playing with lightsabers. But some of the shit they pulled off was freaking awesome. As freaking awesome as lightsabers can be, that is. Which is only half as awesome as actual ninjas murdering villagers.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 11, 2005, 04:26:59 AM
Having seen a lot of the pre-release stuff (check on SA if you haven't got it yet) I will say that it looks like another shitty, shitty lucas film with bad acting from everyone except Ewan and Palpatine.  However, the lightsabre fights look wicked.  There was a video of a training session - no cgi, no changes - with Ewan and weepy-boy and those boys are FAST AS FUCK.

From what I've read, Palpatine as Emperor overacts his way through his scenes.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Pococurante on May 11, 2005, 05:15:23 AM
No space opera is complete with an overacting villain.  Embrace the truth Shockeye... ;-)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on May 11, 2005, 05:29:39 AM
There's an amazing fan-made light saber fight out there between two asian guys that's more impressive than anything Lucas has done or ever will do. Jedi aren't ninjas with light sabers, but they should be.

I'm intrigued.  Linky?


It's probably somewhere else too, but I didn't feel like looking for it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 11, 2005, 05:46:48 AM
As much as like the whole drawn out Wo Ping/HK thing, I just wasn't digging it with lightsabers. Lightsaber battles need more....talking. That's western sensibility for ya  :-)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on May 11, 2005, 06:21:23 AM
Non-fileplanet version.  And yeah, that clip kicks a fair amount of ass.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Velorath on May 11, 2005, 11:40:36 AM
Don't forget to get your Limited Edition Star Wars Lava Berry Explosion Pop Tarts (http://www.comicon.com/thebeat/archives/2005/05/star_wars_merch.html).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 11, 2005, 12:00:57 PM
And you can eat your SW Cereal (http://www.kelloggs.com/promotions/starwars/ee_cereals.shtml) with your SaberSpoon! (http://www.kelloggs.com/promotions/starwars/gg_saberspoon.shtml)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 11, 2005, 12:01:41 PM
And you can eat your SW Cereal (http://www.kelloggs.com/promotions/starwars/ee_cereals.shtml) with your SaberSpoon! (http://www.kelloggs.com/promotions/starwars/gg_saberspoon.shtml)

My kids have two of these already. I am ashamed.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Furiously on May 11, 2005, 12:07:39 PM
Wonder if the cereal contains a lot of miticlorians? Maybe they are sugar? Maybe the real good Jedi are just diabetic.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 11, 2005, 12:11:39 PM


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 12, 2005, 02:55:27 AM
Star Wars has merchandise?!  Oh noes!

What are you noobs gonna do when this movie owns?  Haemish will rejoice and rejoin the faithful, but Schild will probably kill himself in shame.  Only a week left.  Muahahahahaha.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 12, 2005, 03:06:10 AM
Fuck Sake.  Let's go over it again :

1 - Cool Lightsabre fights.
2 - Nice Space Combat.
3 - Nothing else of substance whatsoever, devoid of good acting or plot or dialogue or any kind of fucking point.

And then you'll come back and say 'SEE TOLD YOU IT OWNED OMG !!!' and there'll be two camps, those who liked it and those who didn't.

And no-one will give a flying fuck at a rolling donut 120 years later when the worms have taken us all.

So, er, to sum up :  Shut it.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 12, 2005, 03:18:13 AM
What are you noobs gonna do when this movie owns?  Haemish will rejoice and rejoin the faithful, but Schild will probably kill himself in shame.  Only a week left.  Muahahahahaha.

When did you devolve into a drooling moron? I mean, at least with the UO stuff your posts didn't replicate some grammar structure of engrish.

Oh, and Star Wars - no, it's going to suck donkey dick. Cuz that's what Star Wars does. Sucks donkey dick.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 12, 2005, 04:02:57 AM
When did you devolve into a drooling moron?

Page 1 of this thread, I believe.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 12, 2005, 04:06:26 AM
When did you devolve into a drooling moron?

Page 1 of this thread, I believe.

1st post no less. Amazing.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 08:34:37 AM
Star Wars has merchandise?!  Oh noes!

What are you noobs gonna do when this movie owns?  Haemish will rejoice and rejoin the faithful, but Schild will probably kill himself in shame.  Only a week left.  Muahahahahaha.

Or, it could, you know blow goats like Ep 2. And I predict that no matter how good or bad it will get, it still won't be a better film or movie than Empire. It might well be prettier, though some of the over-CGI'ed scenes from Ep2 like the Windu/Yoda/Kenobi walk through the Jedi Academy would lead me to believe otherwise. Will I see it at the theater? Sure.

Will I camp in line for it? Fuck no.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 12, 2005, 09:11:19 AM
I'm taking my friend I've seen all the prequals with so we can be on the same page. He's more fanboish than me, but I'm a big Empire fan. So, this should in my ballpark.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Mortriden on May 12, 2005, 09:37:57 AM
I will be in Florida, and this will be the only opening day showing of Star Wars I will have missed. 

Flame away.    :cry:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 12, 2005, 09:41:52 AM
Even Episode IV? I think that is the only one I missed- didn't see it for like 6 months. Of course, this was back in the days that movie theatres only had 1 screen, and exclusive rights per city (or so it seemed). Plus, I was like 7.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 12, 2005, 11:44:29 AM
Remember to see the digital projection version if you can since that has extra footage the film wankers don't get.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 11:49:00 AM
Goddamnit. Lucas is such a cock.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 12, 2005, 12:08:33 PM
I saw EP2 on digital and it looked better (despite the fact that the only theater in the DC area that had a digital projector was some run-down mutltplex out in the God-forsaken Virginia suburbs complete with shitty, mostly-ripped-up seats and a screen the size of a Gameboy's).  Could have been placebo, but I thought it looked a lot crisper than when I saw it at a (nice, comfy, huge-screened but film-only) theater in the city.  Sadly, it didn't help the dialogue any. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 12, 2005, 12:15:16 PM
Sadly, it didn't help the dialogue any. 

I don’t like sand. It’s coarse 
and rough and irritating, and it 
gets everywhere. Not like here. 
Here everything’s soft... and 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 12, 2005, 12:26:32 PM
die in a sand fire.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 12, 2005, 12:39:41 PM
Will I camp in line for it? Fuck no.

I might not even see it on the big screen.  I'm that disenchanted.  I have no desire to sit through another 2-hour toy/video game commercial.  I swear to god, even the thought of a movie where Jar Jar "meesa racial stereotype" Binks could possibly appear is enough to make me stabby.

I think I'll watch the Matrix trilogy on Episode 3's opening day to remind myself of what a decent trilogy is.  I will possibly burn my Episode 1 and 2 DVD's in a fire while stabbing a Lucas-shaped voodoo doll with long, vaguely lightsaber-shaped needles.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 12, 2005, 12:41:29 PM
I might not even see it on the big screen.  I'm that disenchanted.  I have no desire to sit through another 2-hour toy/video game commercial.  I swear to god, even the thought of a movie where Jar Jar "meesa racial stereotype" Binks could possibly appear is enough to make me stabby.

You know you are going to.  Probably twice.  Saying that you won't will just make you feel worse about yourself when its over.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 12, 2005, 12:44:01 PM
You know you are going to.  Probably twice.  Saying that you won't will just make you feel worse about yourself when its over.

But, but, will it respect me in the morning?!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on May 12, 2005, 12:47:40 PM
Sadly, it didn't help the dialogue any. 

I don’t like sand. It’s coarse 
and rough and irritating, and it 
gets everywhere. Not like here. 
Here everything’s soft... and 

You are softer than sand... milady. (http://www.sequentialpictures.com/moviestarwarsepisode3.html)

(I think that link has already been posted in this thread, but that was about a month ago, so it's worth repeating.)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on May 12, 2005, 01:05:15 PM
I think I'll watch the Matrix trilogy on Episode 3's opening day to remind myself of what a decent trilogy is.

Sarcasm tags.  Teh intarweb really needs sarcasm tags.

Call it a day and watch the Godfather trilogy, at least then you would have had a good time.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 12, 2005, 01:13:40 PM
I think I'll watch the Matrix trilogy on Episode 3's opening day to remind myself of what a decent trilogy is.

Sarcasm tags.  Teh intarweb really needs sarcasm tags.

Call it a day and watch the Godfather trilogy, at least then you would have had a good time.

I really do like The Matrix, though.  All 3 movies.  Causaility vs. choice in a cyberpunk world .... mmmmm, wonderful.

I like The Godfather too.  I may very well be a moviewhore.

EDIT: Oh, and, more on topic ... either of those trilogies beats Episodes 1-3 hands down.  And I haven't even seen Episode 3 yet.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 12, 2005, 01:29:08 PM
I really do like The Matrix, though.  All 3 movies.  Causaility vs. choice in a cyberpunk world .... mmmmm, wonderful.

Ugh. The first one was a fantastic movie. The 2nd was so dreadful that I still haven't seen the 3rd. Not sure there is any claim to a decent trilogy there.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rasix on May 12, 2005, 01:33:53 PM
I really do like The Matrix, though.  All 3 movies.  Causaility vs. choice in a cyberpunk world .... mmmmm, wonderful.

Ugh. The first one was a fantastic movie. The 2nd was so dreadful that I still haven't seen the 3rd. Not sure there is any claim to a decent trilogy there.

If you even mildly disliked the second you'll hate the the third with a passion of a thousand suns.  I watched it on HBO just so I could make an informed opinion on it (funny enough, they only played it for a week).  I kinda wish I had just left myself in the dark. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 12, 2005, 01:44:49 PM
The Matrix Trilogy can only be considered even passable if you are taking the average of the 3 movies. 1 good movie and two bad ones isn't a great trilogy. The second one could have been ok if it provided the setup for an awesome conclusion, but then the conclusion sucked. The animatrix was pretty lousy too. It's really too bad, because the first movie was genuinely good.

Edit: My friend (or should I say "friend") made me watch the third one. Look, a big goofy robot is shooting at a metal squid - for half an hour! Joy!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 02:03:59 PM
I think I'll watch the Matrix trilogy on Episode 3's opening day to remind myself of what a decent trilogy is.

Sarcasm tags.  Teh intarweb really needs sarcasm tags.

Call it a day and watch the Godfather trilogy, at least then you would have had a good time.

I really do like The Matrix, though.  All 3 movies.  Causaility vs. choice in a cyberpunk world .... mmmmm, wonderful.

Please to give me some of what you are smoking. The first movie was decent, the remaining two had all of 2 good scenes combined, surrounded by a lot of dimestore pseudo-philosophy, bad CGI and BULLIT TIM3 Y0!11!!! Oh yes, and incoherent, misplaced techno-rave orgy scene.

Seriously, I've seen money shots that had more worthwhile seconds of footage than the last two Matrix movies.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 12, 2005, 02:06:11 PM
Seriously, I've seen money shots that had more worthwhile seconds of footage than the last two Matrix movies.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 02:16:22 PM
Google the Maximum Pill.  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 12, 2005, 02:18:37 PM
Or Peter North. He is a machine.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 12, 2005, 02:24:48 PM
Please to give me some of what you are smoking. The first movie was decent, the remaining two had all of 2 good scenes combined, surrounded by a lot of dimestore pseudo-philosophy, bad CGI and BULLIT TIM3 Y0!11!!! Oh yes, and incoherent, misplaced techno-rave orgy scene.

What can I say?  I just dug those movies.  I had read several of the philosophy books that the Wachowski brothers based the movies on (particularly the second movie).  The deus ex machina ending on the third movie was awesome.

I think I'm about to get voted off the island ...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 12, 2005, 02:26:36 PM
The first movie was decent, the remaining two had all of 2 good scenes combined

Smith meeting the Oracle, and... the motorcycle chase?

C'mon man, what about the matrix-y cooch shot slash exploding orgasm scene?  GENIUS!

(spelling is hard)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 12, 2005, 02:34:15 PM
Please to give me some of what you are smoking. The first movie was decent, the remaining two had all of 2 good scenes combined, surrounded by a lot of dimestore pseudo-philosophy, bad CGI and BULLIT TIM3 Y0!11!!! Oh yes, and incoherent, misplaced techno-rave orgy scene.

What can I say?  I just dug those movies.  I had read several of the philosophy books that the Wachowski brothers based the movies on (particularly the second movie).  The deus ex machina ending on the third movie was awesome.

I think I'm about to get voted off the island ...

You are free to remain on the island. You just don't get to pick the DVD on Tribe Movie Night. EVER.  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 12, 2005, 02:59:08 PM
You are free to remain on the island. You just don't get to pick the DVD on Tribe Movie Night. EVER.  :-D

Pfft.  On DVD movie nights I'll pick proper art to view.  Lawrence of Arabia, Ikiru, Donnie Darko, that sort of stuff.  I may like the Matrix flicks, but they are pop culture and even I can see those former movies are far better.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 12, 2005, 03:14:44 PM
You are free to remain on the island. You just don't get to pick the DVD on Tribe Movie Night. EVER.  :-D

Pfft.  On DVD movie nights I'll pick proper art to view.  Lawrence of Arabia, Ikiru, Donnie Darko, that sort of stuff.  I may like the Matrix flicks, but they are pop culture and even I can see those former movies are far better.

Bah. If it isn't Bill & Ted's then it isn't worth watching.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 12, 2005, 03:21:46 PM
And now, young art-film ponce, you... will... die...

*raises hands and electrocutes Schild with bolts of pure fanboy energy*

As for games:  I'm still having tons of fun in UO, and I hear Matrix Online is at least doing some novel things in terms of live events, but besides that the entire MMOG genre is still the festering heap of level-grinding shit it's been since the day EQ came out.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 12, 2005, 06:24:57 PM
My theater is showing it, we have a sweet sound system. I could see it for free 100 times.

I'm not going to see it. Star Wars is worse than the shittiest indy art film coming out of Lithuania.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Rasix on May 13, 2005, 12:57:34 AM
My theater is showing it, we have a sweet sound system. I could see it for free 100 times.

I'm not going to see it. Star Wars is worse than the shittiest indy art film coming out of Lithuania.

Your taste on "Space Operas" is suspect.  I just saw Chronicles of Riddick.  "Sucked" is the most accurate word I can use for it.  It was roughly on par with Reign of Fire.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 13, 2005, 08:09:03 AM
Your taste on "Space Operas" is suspect.  I just saw Chronicles of Riddick.  "Sucked" is the most accurate word I can use for it.  It was roughly on par with Reign of Fire.

I enjoyed Reign of Fire. Blow me.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 13, 2005, 08:32:34 AM
I liked Reign of Fire too - though there wasn't enough of it to be a 'great' movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 13, 2005, 08:47:57 AM
I liked Reign of Fire too - though there wasn't enough of it to be a 'great' movie.

Enough "of" it, or enough "in" it?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 13, 2005, 10:18:04 AM
that the entire MMOG genre is still the festering heap of level-grinding shit it's been since the day EQ came out.

Because grinding skills to 100 in UO was much more exciting.

Macroing 4tw?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Roac on May 13, 2005, 10:29:09 AM
Because grinding skills to 100 in UO was much more exciting.

Macroing 4tw?

More like, because there was macroing in UO, there wasn't an issue with grinding.  Who cared how many spells you had to cast to get to 100, because I didn't have to do it.  For other MMOGs it isn't generally as easy to setup a macro to replicate, so the user does have to do it.

And yeah, having macroing (who cares if it was against the TOS?) was one of the best aspects of UO.  Pop out your 7GM and just go play the game and have fun.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 13, 2005, 10:29:21 AM
that the entire MMOG genre is still the festering heap of level-grinding shit it's been since the day EQ came out.

Because grinding skills to 100 in UO was much more exciting.

Macroing 4tw?

Grinding a skill to 100 isn't much different than grinding a character to Vision.MAX_LEVEl, true.  But although UO turned into a steaming pile of cowdung, I gotta say it was a less smelly pile of cowdung than later games turned out to be.  At least there was something to do besides kill foozle_012 and get killed by mobs not much higher in level than a n00bler.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 13, 2005, 11:21:57 AM
Quote from: Daily News
Some 'Star Wars" fans reject Lucas' escort offer (http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~2867158,00.html)

By Fred Shuster
Staff Writer

"Star Wars" creator George Lucas has offered to send Imperial stormtroopers to escort the fan encampment at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood to the ArcLight cinema complex for the first screening of "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" at 12:01 a.m. Thursday.

But there are refuseniks in the ranks.

The fan line, which numbers some 200 of the most ardent "Star Wars" devotees, is holding forth at Grauman's in hopes Lucas' latest and final installment will screen at the theater there, where the five previous episodes opened. But Lucas has contracted to unveil the film at the ArcLight, a mile away on Sunset Boulevard.

About 50 actors dressed in the black-and-white uniforms of the series' Imperial Army will depart from the ArcLight around 4 p.m. Wednesday to escort fans waiting at Grauman's back to the ArcLight to wait for the curtain to rise. While the crowd waits for the first sold-out screenings just past midnight, lightsaber battles will play out in the ArcLight courtyard, according to Los Angeles-based JS2 Communications, which represents ArcLight theaters.

But not all the Grauman's die-hards will join the march. The 200 registered place-holders represent some 600 fans, of which about 150 are refuseniks who will either remain on Hollywood Boulevard in a candlelight vigil or plan to catch a midnight screening in Westwood or elsewhere in Hollywood.

"A lot of us are set to go with the stormtroopers, but some decided to politely say no thank you," said "Star Wars" camper Jerry Anderson, 27, a Los Angeles college student who's been on line since April 2. "It's heartbreaking. The series opened here (in 1977) - why not end it here?"

The ArcLight has set "Sith" screenings to run continuously for the first 24 hours, including those at the complex's historic 900-seat domed venue. Tickets for the 6:30 a.m. Thursday showing are still available. Fans from the Grauman's line were offered tickets at $14 each.

Still, even with the offer of an Imperial procession, the most committed of the Grauman's crew have launched a new campaign and Web site (www.chinese.liningup.net) to spread word of their dissent.

"We're protesting because we feel 'Star Wars' fans of the world are being deprived of the ultimate 'Star Wars' experience," said Gianennio Salucci. "Everyone should have a chance to see the film at Grauman's. It's the 'Star Wars' Mecca."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 13, 2005, 11:32:20 AM
"We're protesting because we feel 'Star Wars' fans of the world are being deprived of the ultimate 'Star Wars' experience," said Gianennio Salucci. "Everyone should have a chance to see the film at Grauman's. It's the 'Star Wars' Mecca."

Die in a saber fire.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 13, 2005, 11:42:37 AM
Seriously, Lucas practically sucks these people off with a little geek-gasm parade, and they still bitch.

Fuck them, fuck Lucas, fuck the prequals, Ewan's cool, fuck flipping CGI muppets, I'm out!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 13, 2005, 11:53:39 AM
Fuck them, fuck Lucas, fuck the prequals, Ewan's cool, fuck flipping CGI muppets, I'm out!

Stop with all the fucking, you're going to get some serious friction burns.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 13, 2005, 11:56:41 AM
Your taste on "Space Operas" is suspect.  I just saw Chronicles of Riddick.  "Sucked" is the most accurate word I can use for it.  It was roughly on par with Reign of Fire.

For the record, I didn't call Event Horizon a space Opera. The fat lady never sang for Firefly and I don't think she ever will. More drama anyway. There aren't enough space operas out there to be suspect. But Riddick was much better than Episode I, II, most likely III, and episode VI.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 13, 2005, 12:02:51 PM
That little circle jerk is in need of a nerve gas 'spill'.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Sky on May 13, 2005, 12:14:07 PM
Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.
...but first he must face off against Steve Vai with only Obi Wan Miagi's teachings to guide him.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 13, 2005, 12:18:06 PM
Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.
...but first he must face off against Steve Vai with only Obi Wan Miagi's teachings to guide him.

No wah-wah pedal? "E A B, E A B A..."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 13, 2005, 12:19:42 PM
Your taste on "Space Operas" is suspect.  I just saw Chronicles of Riddick.  "Sucked" is the most accurate word I can use for it.  It was roughly on par with Reign of Fire.

For the record, I didn't call Event Horizon a space Opera. The fat lady never sang for Firefly and I don't think she ever will. More drama anyway. There aren't enough space operas out there to be suspect. But Riddick was much better than Episode I, II, most likely III, and episode VI.

What's with all the Riddick hate?  Chronicles wasn't near as good as Pitch Black (one of my all time favorites), but it's still a decent action flick.  The only thing I can seriously criticize with Chronicles is the cheesy acting of some (not all) of the actors.  Other than that, it's most certainly better than most of what Lucas has done.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on May 13, 2005, 02:21:55 PM
Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.
...but first he must face off against Steve Vai with only Obi Wan Miagi's teachings to guide him.

No wah-wah pedal? "E A B, E A B A..."
Smoke on the Water?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 13, 2005, 02:28:03 PM
Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.
...but first he must face off against Steve Vai with only Obi Wan Miagi's teachings to guide him.

No wah-wah pedal? "E A B, E A B A..."
Smoke on the Water?

That would be B D E, B D F E

Edit: Scratch that: G Bb C, G Bb C# C

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on May 13, 2005, 02:58:29 PM
Anakin Skywalker journeying to a volcano-filled hell to make a pact with the devil.
...but first he must face off against Steve Vai with only Obi Wan Miagi's teachings to guide him.

No wah-wah pedal? "E A B, E A B A..."

Don't worry, Way.. I got the joke and I'm sure others did too.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 13, 2005, 03:00:15 PM
Why is it a secret again?  :roll: Does it have something to do with Ralph Macchio?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on May 13, 2005, 03:14:43 PM
No wah-wah pedal? "E A B, E A B A..."
Smoke on the Water?

That would be B D E, B D F E

Edit: Scratch that: G Bb C, G Bb C# C

Sorry I was never that good at sounding out notes.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on May 13, 2005, 03:26:16 PM
Why is it a secret again?  :roll: Does it have something to do with Ralph Macchio?

No seceret, it's just never amusing to explain a joke.  If you saw the skit  (Kids in the Hall) you'd get the reference. Otherwise you'd just go "Oh." and move on.  I just wanted Way to know that the reference wasn't missed.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 13, 2005, 04:27:04 PM
Damn, now I wish I could remember the reference. I'm guessing the skit had Marc McKinney as Satan, right?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on May 13, 2005, 04:54:50 PM
Yeah.. in a kind of take-off of the devil went down to Georgia

Episode Highlights (http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/GuidePageServlet/showid-3142/epid-69387/)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: TheWalrus on May 13, 2005, 06:02:00 PM
Odd. If you look at the bottom it does list the song as Smoke on the Water. Funny how a little reading goes a long way.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 13, 2005, 07:13:44 PM
Was just reading an interview in Entertainment Weekley with Lucas and he said 60% of the plot for the entire prequal trilogy is in Sith and that's how he intended it from the beginning. He admits the other 40% was split between the first two and that he added filler (which he calls "jazz rifts") to make them into full movies. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 13, 2005, 08:03:33 PM
Odd. If you look at the bottom it does list the song as Smoke on the Water. Funny how a little reading goes a long way.

Of course, this is assuming that Bobby, in his pursuit of ROCK, was able to figure out the actual chords for the "holy trinity of rock" and not some tone-deaf version thereof.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 13, 2005, 08:14:15 PM
What's with all the Riddick hate?  Chronicles wasn't near as good as Pitch Black (one of my all time favorites), but it's still a decent action flick.  The only thing I can seriously criticize with Chronicles is the cheesy acting of some (not all) of the actors.  Other than that, it's most certainly better than most of what Lucas has done.

How about the moronic plot that didn't make any sense?

Chronicles was mediocre at best. Pitch Black had a certain charm, Chronicles had none.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on May 14, 2005, 12:19:03 AM
No, the plot made sense; it was just stupid-silly and over the top.  But that's the thing: you should expect this from most space-faring adventures and the like, because concept and spectacle in them is almost as important as story and character.  All four done well gives you something spectacular and endlessly rewatchable, like Aliens.

I liked Riddick almost as much as I liked Pitch Black, but then I have a thing for Thandie Newton.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 14, 2005, 11:52:07 AM
I really don't think it made any sense. Let's review:

The bad guys are trying to make it to the Underverse, which was discovered by their leader. For some reason findingt he Underverse involves killing or converting everyone along the way. It was never explained what the Underverse is at all, or why it inspired this religious fervor.

The main bad guy got magical powers by visiting the underverse. That's never explained either. On top of that, later they state that the main bad guy is actually one in a succession of main bad guys. So is THIS the guy that visited the Underverse, or was it a predecessor? If it was a predecessor, how did this current guy get his magical powers. The moviecertainly leads you to believe that this guy was just one in a succession, but it also leads you to believe he was the guy that visited the Underverse, and both don't make sense together.

After the main bad guy visited the Underverse, how did he get his religion off the ground and create a huge army out of it? There is some brainwashing involved (?) but most of the main characrters don't seem brainwashed at all. (The second in command, his wife, the guy who helps out on the prison planet, etc - invest in some more reliable brainwashing machines please)

Why is tha main rule of the bad guys "Keep what you kill". (Or whatever it was) WTF does that have to do with the Underverse. How can a place in outer space inspire that as the main tenet of your religion?

What would have happened if the 2nd in command had killed the leader? Would have he have gained those special powers.

It's not that you can't explain away some of this, just that they never bothered. Apparently the directors  cut has some more backstory, but in the theatrical version it's pretty weak and the whole Underverse/religion angle is basically "there are some bad guys that like to rip shit up." Any deeper than that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 14, 2005, 02:20:27 PM
Don't be lame.

They didn't explain that "force" bullshit in Star Wars and when they finally did, everyone got pissed at the answer.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 14, 2005, 03:31:39 PM
Because grinding skills to 100 in UO was much more exciting.

Macroing 4tw?

When your UO character is macroed to 7xGM, you go play the game.  When your WoW character is catassed to level 60, you quit.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 14, 2005, 03:32:52 PM
Um...that makes no sense. Ever hear of "suspension of disbelief?" I don't need an explanation for the Force because if you suspend disbelief the world is somewhat internally consistent. The world in Chronicles was not. I have no problem believing in the Underverse itself. What I do have a problem with is the bad guy leader having special powers because he went to the Underverse, then later being told he was just one in a succession of leaders - so did he go to the Underverse or not? It's probably better to get your story straight before you write the movie.

I would rather the explanation for the movie be "here are some really bad guys" and leave it at that, rather than come up with a nonsensical half-baked explanation that added nothing to the movie. The idea of the Underverse sounded cool in the first 5 minutes but they did nothing with it, it was just ugly window-dressing. Again, maybe the directors cut does something different with it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 14, 2005, 03:41:16 PM
Again, maybe the directors cut does something different with it.

Yes it did. It sucked away $19.99 + tax.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: ahoythematey on May 14, 2005, 03:41:48 PM
All the Necromongers believe in the Underverse, but it was only that one individual that successfully made it to the Underverse and back, which I guess gave him more "right" than other Necromongers to succeed the previous leader.  I'm 80% certain that is how it's explained.

EDIT: Shockeye, I found mine for $10 widescreen, brand new.   Wal-Mart ftw?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 14, 2005, 03:48:24 PM
All the Necromongers believe in the Underverse, but it was only that one individual that successfully made it to the Underverse and back, which I guess gave him more "right" than other Necromongers to succeed the previous leader.  I'm 80% certain that is how it's explained.

EDIT: Shockeye, I found mine for $10 widescreen, brand new.   Wal-Mart ftw?

I never saw it or bought it. I was just going off of suggested retail price.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 14, 2005, 05:54:59 PM
All the Necromongers believe in the Underverse, but it was only that one individual that successfully made it to the Underverse and back, which I guess gave him more "right" than other Necromongers to succeed the previous leader.  I'm 80% certain that is how it's explained.

Maybe. So their original leader didn't have magical powers, only the current one? Eh whatever, not like I care anyway.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on May 14, 2005, 06:54:48 PM
Eh whatever, not like I care anyway.

I can tell.   :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 14, 2005, 07:55:43 PM
Eh whatever, not like I care anyway.

I can tell.   :roll:

One man's care is another man's waiting for crap to compile while in the office on a Saturday evening.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: TheWalrus on May 14, 2005, 11:55:52 PM

EDIT: Shockeye, I found mine for $10 widescreen, brand new. Wal-Mart ftw?

 Wal Mart for Teh Lose. I bought IT at HellMart and it was only the last 45 minutes of the show. Yes, I should have looked at the time on the box and said WTF. No, nowhere on it did it say it wasn't the complete version. Fuck them. I've never been back. Internet FTW.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 16, 2005, 11:37:23 AM
Was just reading an interview in Entertainment Weekley with Lucas and he said 60% of the plot for the entire prequal trilogy is in Sith and that's how he intended it from the beginning. He admits the other 40% was split between the first two and that he added filler (which he calls "jazz rifts") to make them into full movies. 

Clones was 2 1/2 hours. Phantom was over 2 hours. If you don't have enough of a story for two movies that you have to put filler in it, WHY ARE THEY THAT LONG? I'm all for 2 hour movies, unless of course, the two hours is padded to hell and back with filler. See Kill Bill. You add filler when your movie is 1 hour 20 minutes to get it to 1 hour 30 minutes. You don't add filler to a 2 1/2 hour movie.

I'm hoping all the love scenes were the filler part.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 16, 2005, 11:38:43 AM
I'm hoping all the love scenes were the filler part.

They were definitely the landfiller part.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 16, 2005, 12:32:49 PM
USA Today gave it three-and-a-half stars and calls it better than Empire.

Know fear, naysayers, for the hour of my victory is at hand!  Muahahahaha!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 16, 2005, 12:39:53 PM
USA Today would give an amateur circle jerk video 3 1/2 stars if you paid them enough.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 16, 2005, 12:40:18 PM
Did you just reedit your post to put in the "Muahahahaha!" thing?

I might have been your last inkling of support around here Windup....

But I think you've completely lost it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 16, 2005, 02:59:03 PM
Quote from: The BBC
When the final scenes roll with characters and locations familiar from the original 28-year-old film, you'll certainly feel that the series has been brought to a worthy close and that the maligned Episodes I and II retrospectively make a little more sense.


Truly his sinister web of power knows no bounds!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 16, 2005, 03:16:53 PM
Talk about damning with faint praise.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 16, 2005, 09:14:53 PM
Both A.O. Scott and Roger Ebert gave it very good reviews. If Edelstein and Desson Thompson give it good reviews my cynicism may be eroded enough for me to go see it in the theater.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on May 17, 2005, 04:03:12 AM
Quote from: The BBC
When the final scenes roll with characters and locations familiar from the original 28-year-old film, you'll certainly feel that the series has been brought to a worthy close and that the maligned Episodes I and II retrospectively make a little more sense.


Truly his sinister web of power knows no bounds!


Quote from: the BBC
...shockingly silly moments.

Revenge of the Sith is breathtaking more often than it is ridiculous...

...The biggest annoyance comes from an unexpected source - Yoda. His backward-constructed sentences start to grate unlike ever before, and by the end you'll be desperate for the little green sage to shut up.

Cheesy lines make a comeback - the more stoic the debate, the less elegant the dialogue becomes, and even actors as good as Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman can do little about it.

There are probably more lame utterances in this film than the other five put together.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on May 17, 2005, 04:50:37 AM

There are probably more lame utterances in this film than the other five put together.

Plz no.   Threepio's one-liners were maybe the worst part of Ep2 (emerging from a wide field).

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 17, 2005, 05:31:22 AM
Yoda speak was always stupid.  I often thought that the 'backwards speak' should have stopped the moment he stopped pretending to be a swamp dweller and admitted being a Jedi Trainer.

But, alas....

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: eldaec on May 17, 2005, 06:08:02 AM
Yoda speak was always stupid.  I often thought that the 'backwards speak' should have stopped the moment he stopped pretending to be a swamp dweller and admitted being a Jedi Trainer.

If memory serves, Empire yoda speak is english words with latin grammar (object, subject, verb, or somesuch)

Wheras prequel yoda speak is just annoying nonsense.

I might be thinking of something else though. I often am.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 17, 2005, 08:36:20 AM
Rumor has it that Tom Stoppard wrote or edited some of the dialogue.  This gives me hope, as he is just about the best dialogue writer alive.  I hope (in vain, I know) that Lucas gave him a long leash.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 17, 2005, 09:21:46 AM
Quote from: Scifi.com
Lucas Answers Star Wars Critics (http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?category=0&id=31036)

George Lucas told SCI FI Wire that he doesn't really mind if older Star Wars fans don't like the three prequel films he directed. Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival, where he attended the premiere of Star Wars: Episode III—The Revenge of the Sith, Lucas said he really views the prequels as one big movie and hopes that is how they will be remembered.

"I really don't pay too much attention how people like one chapter or another chapter," Lucas said with a shrug. "We have discovered in the last few years, and it becomes more apparent all the time, that we have two fan bases. One is over 25, and one is under 25. The over-25 fan base is loyal to the first three films."

Lucas added that he thinks that the reason so much has been made about audiences not liking Episodes I and II is because the fans who are over 25 are "actually in their 30s and 40s now. They are in control of the media. They are in control of the Web. So mostly what you're hearing from are people over 25 years old. The films that those people don't like, which is the first two [Episodes I and II], actually, are very fanatically adored by the under-25-years-old [fans]. And if you get on the Web, and you listen to these conversations, they are always at each other's throats. The devotion for each group is equal. I never even paid much attention to it until about a year ago. I am curious to see what happens in about 10 years, when that other group starts to get their voice."

Asked if he plans to make three more Star Wars films, Lucas repeated his longstanding answer: Don't count on it. "The other sequels were [the speculation] sort of an overanxious press," he said. "The original intention was to make one movie. It turned into three. That was really the end of it. It wasn't until about 10 years later that it even occurred to me of doing the backstory. This is the tragedy of Darth Vader. It starts when he is 9 years old, and it ends when he dies. There really isn't any more to the story."


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 17, 2005, 09:24:21 AM
It may be time to set up a server filter that replaces George Lucas's name with 'douchebag'. Goddamn he needs a kick in the nuts.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 17, 2005, 09:30:53 AM
Fuck, what a douchebag. I like how he essentially says he NEVER considered making 9 films, or even the prequels until about 10 years ago. Bullshit. There was entirely too much press about those possibilities to ever believe that shit.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 17, 2005, 10:23:54 AM
I won't defend the first 2 prequels, especially the second, but I do think Lucas has a point re: age differences.  People overlook the fact that the dialogue and characters in the first trilogy were flat, corny and awkward.  When you are 9 years old, that shit doesn't bother you.

The shit about never thinking about doing other movies has to be BS though.  There has been a ton of smoke on that for a long, long time now.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 17, 2005, 10:57:33 AM
I think there is a marked difference in the dialogue between ANH/TPM/ATC and ESB/ROJ. Lucas just plain can't write dialogue. He has no nuance or implication in his writing. It is all very mechanical and surface.   Kasdan is the reason ESB/ROJ were at least marginally better in that department. Hopefully Stoppard helped this time around.

Lucas' only good dialogue movie that was "written" by him was American Grafiti and that was only because he let the actors ad-lib most of it. He is a good story/character creator (most the time anyways) but can't write a screenplay to save his life.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 17, 2005, 11:26:50 AM
I won't defend the first 2 prequels, especially the second, but I do think Lucas has a point re: age differences.  People overlook the fact that the dialogue and characters in the first trilogy were flat, corny and awkward.  When you are 9 years old, that shit doesn't bother you.

But I'm not 9 years old. I don't have a problem with nostalgia. There are plenty of things I saw or did as a kid that I realize now are lame, and plenty that still hold up. The dialog in the original three was not awful, and parts were excellent.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 17, 2005, 12:19:49 PM

In honor of Episode 3, I've changed my celebratory douchebag avatar.  I don't think I need to ID him.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 17, 2005, 02:25:19 PM

In honor of Episode 3, I've changed my celebratory douchebag avatar.  I don't think I need to ID him.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 17, 2005, 02:49:26 PM
Edit: Warning. Bad taste below....


Edit: Wooooo, bad choice of words all around.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 17, 2005, 02:59:51 PM
Halloween is coming up. (http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=2694;category_id=332;pcid1=;pcid2=)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 17, 2005, 03:02:11 PM
Halloween is coming up. (http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=2694;category_id=332;pcid1=;pcid2=)


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 17, 2005, 03:09:32 PM
Halloween is coming up. (http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=2694;category_id=332;pcid1=;pcid2=)


It's not enough to dress yourself up like a raging douchebag, you can torture your pets as well.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samprimary on May 17, 2005, 04:57:38 PM
Cool! I don't have to change my avatar for RDW. It sort of works.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on May 17, 2005, 06:38:16 PM
"Watch your mouth, kid, or you're going to find yourself floating home."
"I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the wookiee win"
"Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him"
"I love you" "I know"
"Would it help if I got out and pushed?"  "It might!"

I could go on.  The middle three had one-liners, but they were good, and delivered in such a way to make them great.

All I can remember from PM and AC is "MEESA <something>", some lame love dialog, and Threepio making REALLY lame one-liners like "I'm beside myself!"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Murgos on May 17, 2005, 07:20:37 PM
I caved, peer pressure made me buy an advanced ticket for Thursday night, when all your friends are geeks I guess you just gotta be a geek.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Paelos on May 17, 2005, 07:23:32 PM
For all the stupidness in the prequals you do have to remember that Luke is a whiny bitch.

"With the blast shield down, I can't see anything!"
"But I was headed to Toshi Station to get some power converters!"
"What a piece of junk!"
"You know, between the howling and the blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here."
"I can't, it's too big!"
"I'll never join you!"

Wah wah wah!

All saved by Vader's: "I find your lack of faith...disturbing." Hell the best quotes are Vader's and Han's.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 17, 2005, 08:26:53 PM
Seems there's still tickets available near here for the midnight showing in digital projection.

Decisions, decisions.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Margalis on May 17, 2005, 08:36:20 PM
Yes, Luke was a whiny bitch. Nobody likes Luke. Nobody. It's funny because it's supposed to be good vs. evil but the ultimate good guy is a snivelling whiner and a goody two-shoes that nobody can stand.

Edit: I didn't even know the new one was coming out this week. I'm sure I'll see it at some point on OnDemand or something, but I'm in no hurry. Darth turns all evil and people hack at each other with glow sticks. The end.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Samwise on May 17, 2005, 09:41:33 PM
I think you're missing the larger point.  Obi-Wan hacks at Darth with glowsticks.  For something like ten minutes.  And fucks his shit up and pushes him into a lava pit or something.

That alone will be worth the price of admission.  I've been waiting for it ever since he spoke the line "Someday I'll be the most powerful Jedi in the universe!"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 18, 2005, 10:12:37 AM
Halloween is coming up. (http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=2694;category_id=332;pcid1=;pcid2=)


The Snow Beast would have my balls if I tried to put her in that. Though I'm quite sure the PopTart will try to sweater her up at some point.

As for the dialogue, Luke was a whiny bitch. But that was what made his progression interesting (though not as interesting as Han's character). He matured during the series.

Anakin not only hasn't matured, he'd regressed from Ep 1 to Ep 2. He was a mildly annoying, gosh wow kid in Ep 1 to a complete fucking douchebag in Ep 2.


Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 18, 2005, 10:17:39 AM
Though I'm quite sure the PopTart will try to sweater her up at some point.

That will take a shitload of wool- she is gonna be a big dog. Pics please!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 18, 2005, 12:15:07 PM

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MrHat on May 18, 2005, 12:15:30 PM

I'm so horribly confused.

Is she a clone?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 18, 2005, 12:28:54 PM
Obviously she looks better with hair, but she is still eye-catching with a crewcut. And no discernable undergarments.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Comstar on May 18, 2005, 12:42:27 PM
Well I saw it midnight, and it was worth doing that. Becomes a good movie as the Jedi are killed. i expect thje Tv show will be about Obi Wan becoming a Private Dective in CSI:Mos Eisley. His partner is a blue ghost who helps catches bad guys while avoding being ID's a jedi (Special Guest Star: A Imperial Offcier who every week JUST misses finding Ben Kenonbi is actually the one guy in the galaxy he's searching for).

Makes me want to join SWG and play a Bounty Hunter. With enough troops you CAN take down Jedi's, only need about 6-1 odds too.

The entire Wookie subplot was a waste of time and was only used for a 3 second shot that wasn't needed or asked for.

I might have to buy the book, appenrlty Hadens acting in the book makes more sense.

I give it 4 stars out of 5.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 18, 2005, 12:48:11 PM
If I was constantly being recognized as "that person who gave a horrible performance in those terrible star wars prequels", I'd probably shave my head, too.

That, or she's so disgusted with the aberration she's contributed to, she's psychosomatically contracted cancer.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 18, 2005, 01:09:23 PM
Quote from: Denver Post
"Star Wars" fans rebel over policy to scuttle theater lines (http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_2740646)
By Daarel Burnette II and Felisa Cardona
Denver Post Staff Writers

Ken Hamner brought an inflatable Darth Maul, a camper, a sofa, a projector and video games along with steel drums and folding chairs to celebrate the release of "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith."

"This is an excuse to miss work and do urban camping," the 28-year-old Hamner said Tuesday in the parking lot of the United Artists Continental 6 at Interstate 25 and Hampden Avenue in Denver.

But this year, many opted out of an overnight stay because of the theater's new policy.

The theater was going to issue numbered wristbands starting Tuesday evening, good for entrance to the midnight show tonight.

"It's almost pointless to camp out," said Art Stewart, 41, who has brought his sleeping bag and tent for the past three episodes.   "I'm going to get my wristband and go."

The new rule frustrated many fans who say lining up before the movie is tradition.

"The manager is the Darth Vader to our rebellion," said Hamner's friend Sean McNerney, 20.

The theater manager declined to comment.

Mike Wheeler, a 30-year-old computer technician and a self-proclaimed "Star Wars" junkie who has camped out five
times at the theater, was baffled by the new rules.

"It's always gone smooth as glass," Wheeler said while sipping from his "Star Wars" Slurpee cup. "It's absurd. They're trying to fix something that's not broken."

Wheeler, who claims he's collected more than 40,000 items of paraphernalia, said that in past years, fans would line up around the theater organizing   events such as light-saber duels.

One year in frigid temperatures, they built a huge bonfire using cardboard.

"It's not only about the movie," he said. "It's also about the experience."

"The manager is the Darth Vader to our rebellion," said Hamner's friend Sean McNerney, 20.

I pray these people don't breed.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: HaemishM on May 18, 2005, 01:13:59 PM
"It's not only about the movie," he said. "It's also about the experience."

I wish your "experience" had been crib death.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 18, 2005, 02:09:57 PM

Making tentative plans to brave the legions of unwashed fanbois and assorted fucktards to see III this weekend. My prediction is that I will arrive at the theatre, see the throngs of nerds, say something unkind (but not untrue) about them, then head home to wait a week or two.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Shockeye on May 18, 2005, 02:44:42 PM
Quote from: Record Online
Wrong, your 'Star Wars' tickets might be
Fans line up last night to see movie (http://www.recordonline.com/archive/2005/05/18/swtix.htm)
By Germain Lussier
Times Herald-Record
   Wallkill – Too bad Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn't available yesterday to direct befuddled "Star Wars" fans who showed up a day early for the "Episode III" debut.

   "This is not the show you are looking for," he could have said. "Move along."

   Local fans with tickets reading "12:25 a.m. Wed. 5/18" showed up at the Loews Galleria Metroplex this morning and were turned away by mall security and Loews employees.

   "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" opens on Thursday and will begin showing at 12:01 a.m., even though the tickets said otherwise.

   "I mean, it sounds ridiculous," said Steve Briski, 24 of Middletown. "Everyone knows Thursday is the opening. But I bought tickets for tonight because that's what the theater said."

   According to Briski and his friends, about 40 other people congregated at the theater Tuesday night in a haze of confusion.

   The problem may be isolated to Loews locations. No fans showed up early Wednesday morning at the Regal Theaters in the Poughkeepsie Galleria, even though their "Episode III" tickets also said May 18.

  "The reason they say May 18 is that the showing is still during our Wednesday business day," explained Diane Gallagher, an assistant manager at Regal Fishkill 10. "We won't close everything down until it's over and done with, even though technically 12:01 is the 19th."

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 18, 2005, 03:02:09 PM
FYI, a screening copy of the film seems to have already hit the net o.0

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: MrHat on May 18, 2005, 04:30:40 PM
To get you in the mood.l (http://www.funlol.com/funpages/starwarsrap.htm)

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 19, 2005, 01:15:29 AM
"It's not only about the movie," he said. "It's also about the experience."

I wish your "experience" had been crib death.

It's like Dead tour, but without all of the good drugs.  And hippie chicks.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 19, 2005, 01:31:17 AM
You know all those glowing movie reviews about RoTS?  Guess what.  They lied.

Edit: allow me to expand more.  It's bad in all the exact same ways AoTC was bad, there's just more lightsaber fighting/action.  There are a few good moments here and there, but the dialog is actually worse, and it has about twice as much cheese.  Oh, and the frankenvader scene is an atrocity one must witness to fully understand.  I'd say it's slightly better than AoTC, but only marginally so. 

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Ironwood on May 19, 2005, 01:39:11 AM
You know all those glowing movie reviews about RoTS?  Guess what.  They lied.

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter...

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Daydreamer on May 19, 2005, 03:00:36 AM
Well somewhere in the last three years - I don't know how or where or when - Hayden Christensen learned to act.  He isn't a great actor, or even a very good one, but he did a good enough job that I really and truly felt sorry for him at the end.  On the whole, I feel I definitely got more than  my 9.25 worth of entertainment, even after accounting for the stupidiots I had to deal with.

I think its going to be CW by Sunday that its the best of the new trilogy but still not quite as good as the old, but anything more specific, well...

Thats what flame wars are for, eh?

EDIT: I hate directors that make political comments on the sly, especially when I expect an apolitical action/drama, but this is just leaps out at me as my quote for the day, "So this is how democracy ends .... with thunderous applause"

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Jayce on May 19, 2005, 03:15:31 AM
Quote from: Denver Post
"Star Wars" fans rebel over policy to scuttle theater lines (http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_2740646)
By Daarel Burnette II and Felisa Cardona
Denver Post Staff Writers

"It's always gone smooth as glass," Wheeler said while sipping from his "Star Wars" Slurpee cup.


One year in frigid temperatures, they built a huge bonfire using cardboard.

Yeah, I'm sure NO ONE MINDED the blazing inferno right outside their place of business.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Merusk on May 19, 2005, 03:22:52 AM
EDIT: I hate directors that make political comments on the sly, especially when I expect an apolitical action/drama, but this is just leaps out at me as my quote for the day, "So this is how democracy ends .... with thunderous applause"

There's always been the subplot of a democracy turning into a dictatorship.  Lucas wrote the first one in the shadow of Vietnam, and the story has its roots there and the prequels have been exploring this route since 1997, long before Bush II.  While I'm sure he's borrowed some things from the current political climate, this isn't a new idea that's been crammed into the movie just to take a jab at the current people in power.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: El Gallo on May 19, 2005, 07:36:15 AM
I got to watch a guy in a batman costume and a guy in a spiderman costume fight with toy lightsabers while waiting in line.  That was worth my $9.25.  As for the movie, I'll have more to say in the inevitable spoiler thread I guess.  I thought the dialogue was much better (to the point where I completely believe they had someone come along and re-work large sections of it) but still of course spotty (the bad lines seem to stand out even more because they are surrounded by decent ones, perhaps?).  Ewan stands out again as the only guy who can act decently through his bad dialogue bits because he acts with his body, the palpatine guy was good for most of it but then decided to start showing up to work drunk off his ass or something.  The homages to Nosferatu and (especially) Frankenstein really detracted from a couple important scenes.  A lot of things felt rushed to me, there was a lot of story left to tell for this one.  Maybe if we hadn't had all 78 laps of the pod race there would have been more time, but that's water over the bridge.

I don't really have an overall opinion on the movie yet, probably because I am tired as shit.     

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 08:34:29 AM
Was watching an interesting show on the Discovery channel about the making of the original trilogy which (amazingly) I hadn't seen before and the actors said some pretty interesting things. Hammel said that Lucas would never tell them what to do, just get upset at them when they did some (unknown) thing that he didn't like.  Ford said that Lucas has no concept of how the process of acting works and would just sort of point ot the script and say "here is what it is, just do what I wrote."  Explains a lot.

Other interesting tidbits I didn't know: 

Lucas self-financed Empire and Jedi

Fox canned Alan Ladd around the time Jedi was coming out. He was one of the champions of the original Star Wars. It ticked Lucas off so much he took Indiana Jones to Paramount. Oops.

ILM created the Pixar computer that was later sold to Pixar.

I've caved to my inner SW nerd that not even Lucas can kill (despite a decade of best efforts) so I am going to the 2:30 show today.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 09:27:20 AM
Do you remember the name of the show, Ab? I gotta see if I can TiVo it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 09:45:40 AM
After poking around I discovered (no pun intended) that it was actually on A&E and was called Star Wars: Empire of Dreams. It doesn't appear to be on in the next week  based on a search on my Dish.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 09:47:14 AM
Bugger. Maybe I will just set up a Star Wars Wish List and check it once a week or so. Thanks for checking it out!

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 09:48:35 AM
It's on the DVD boxset.

edit: Not that I own one or anything....

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 09:49:37 AM
It's on the DVD boxset.

My wife has the old school Han shoots first trilogy on VHS. Much better!  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 09:55:13 AM
I have the Definitive Collectors Edition (which is the original 3 plus a ton of other stuff, who knows this may be on it) on laser disc. I was planning on trying to burn it onto a DVD, but my laser disc player was stolen.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 10:03:55 AM
I think it was just filmed for the DVD release. Looks fairly recent (i.e. post Laser Disc). Could be wrong though.

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: DarkDryad on May 19, 2005, 11:54:30 AM
It's on the DVD boxset.

My wife has the old school Han shoots first trilogy on VHS. Much better!  :-D

I am lucas's bitch i own every set from the original movie poster VHS boxes to the latest set. :roll:

Title: Episode 3 movie
Post by: Viin on May 19, 2005, 11:59:52 AM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 12:08:06 PM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?

Judging from El Gallo's post, I think he liked it, but wussed out in saying so, out of fear that he'd take a beating.

I'm bored enough to go see it tomorrow.

EDIT: In other words, the real question should be: Is it OK to say that it was good?

Title: Re: Episode 3 trailer
Post by: schild on May 19, 2005, 12:12:04 PM
It's on the DVD boxset.
My wife has the old school Han shoots first trilogy on VHS. Much better!  :-D
I am lucas's bitch i own every set from the original movie poster VHS boxes to the latest set. :roll:


Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 12:23:32 PM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?

I haven't seen III yet, but Sideways is an excellent movie  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: schild on May 19, 2005, 12:28:44 PM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?
I haven't seen III yet, but Sideways is an excellent movie  :-D

We've already discussed Sideways here, but let me just say "BAD WAP, NO DESSERT FOR YOU."

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 12:31:35 PM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?
I haven't seen III yet, but Sideways is an excellent movie  :-D

We've already discussed Sideways here, but let me just say "BAD WAP, NO DESSERT FOR YOU."

No merlot for you!

I liked it. Sue me.

And now, back to III. I am half-excited, half-resigned about seeing it. But see it I shall.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 19, 2005, 12:36:53 PM
I enjoyed it. I'll put it this way. It was better than the Tatooine and Ewok parts of Jedi but not as good as the final Father/son confrontation part.

So I'd rank the movies like this:

ROTJ <-Ewoks killed it.
AOTC <- oddly boring

This movie actually had some fairly emotional moments for me. Totally unexpected. Most of them came during the scenes of the Jedi purge. I didn't expect to have an emotional reaction. I think it was the look on the faces of the various jedi when they realized they were being betrayed. That and John Williams score at that point. Both epic and sad.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 19, 2005, 12:47:23 PM


No, no. You don't have to thank me.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 19, 2005, 12:49:50 PM
I wish you had the second picture from that series where the stormtrooper is pointing at the preggo screaming "Served Served Served" after punching her in the bellyface.

What? Too far? Ok.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 19, 2005, 01:33:27 PM

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Sky on May 19, 2005, 02:00:41 PM
Where's Triumph and Fake Spock when you need them?

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: Viin on May 19, 2005, 02:03:56 PM
I haven't seen III yet, but Sideways is an excellent movie  :-D

Funny that, I just saw it last night for the first time. Not too bad of a movie, though a little slow in the beginning.

Does give me some ideas for my vacation to CA next spring...

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: schild on May 19, 2005, 02:06:16 PM
I haven't seen III yet, but Sideways is an excellent movie  :-D

Funny that, I just saw it last night for the first time. Not too bad of a movie, though a little slow in the beginning.

Does give me some ideas for my vacation to CA next spring...

Better book your trip now, every yuppie and soccer mom will be doing the same thing.

Fucking Sideways. It's a plague on the middle to lower-upper class.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: penfold on May 19, 2005, 02:07:23 PM
lol @ the myopic Darth Maul in the photo above.

If your going to go to all the effort of shaving your head, attaching littlle horns and wearing full make up, take off your glasses.

Anyway, Ep3 was brilliant, i loved every moment of it.

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 19, 2005, 02:12:07 PM
Fucking Sideways. It's a plague on the middle to lower-upper class.

Agreed.  However, just as there do exist people who dearly love to play shitty games, there exist people who enjoyed Sideways.  My current theory is that they aren't really human, being some sort of subhumanoids that enjoy bad acting, arrogant presumption, pulling the wings off of pixies, and possibly eating babies.  Or maybe I've been reading about Ann Coulter too much and she's rubbed off on me.

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 19, 2005, 02:36:32 PM
Fucking Sideways. It's a plague on the middle to lower-upper class.

Agreed.  However, just as there do exist people who dearly love to play shitty games, there exist people who enjoyed Sideways.  My current theory is that they aren't really human, being some sort of subhumanoids that enjoy bad acting, arrogant presumption, pulling the wings off of pixies, and possibly eating babies.  Or maybe I've been reading about Ann Coulter too much and she's rubbed off on me.

This is coming from the same guy who loved the Matrix trilogy. Suffice it to say that you and I have VERY different opinions about movies  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 19, 2005, 03:14:51 PM
This is coming from the same guy who loved the Matrix trilogy. Suffice it to say that you and I have VERY different opinions about movies  :-D

Yes, but my opinion is right.  Now, go drink some Merlot and watch Keanu kick Agent Smith's ass.  Repeat as often as necessary until you see the error of your ways.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MrHat on May 19, 2005, 03:34:49 PM
It's worth watching.

The dialogue was painful at times, and I think the theater I was at was a bit out of focus.

Thumbs up, if for anything else than to end this shit.

I left really wanting to watch Episode IV-VI.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 04:31:24 PM
I decided to just to go see it today and.......

Lucas is NOT such a douchebag, after all. I thought it was pretty cool. I'll agree with Riggs, except that I thought it was better than the first (but not better than Empire Strikes Back....but it's very much in the spirit of it).

And in a strange turn of events, I actually appreciated all the kids in the theater for once. It made me feel like a kid again. When they laughed at the silly stuff, I also laughed. When they wailed.....Well, I didn't actually follow suit on that one, but I was touched.

I think I like Star Wars again. Is that bad?

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention. They showed a preview of the Chronicles of Narnia. Whoa. Looks fantastic.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 04:49:19 PM
ROTJ <-Ewoks killed it.
AOTC <- oddly boring

This movie actually had some fairly emotional moments for me. Totally unexpected. Most of them came during the scenes of the Jedi purge. I didn't expect to have an emotional reaction. I think it was the look on the faces of the various jedi when they realized they were being betrayed. That and John Williams score at that point. Both epic and sad.

This is almost identical to what I was going to say, right down to the rankings and the part where I was mildly choked up. The only difference would be that I think ROTS and ROTJ are roughly equal, although repeat viewings will be necessary for a true opinion.  You just have to ignore the lame-o dialogue (i.e. basically whenever two people are speaking).  Christiansen I thought was suprisingly good considering the garbage he was given to work with and that he has to carry much of the picture.  Much appreciation for McGreggor as he elevates things quite a bit and McDormaid is good at chewing up the scenery.  Overall a good flick and worthy of the Star Wars moniker.  It was very packed with plot.  I have no idea why some of this couldn't have been shifted back into the trilogy to make the previous two much more interesting.

Oh, I forgot to mention. They showed a preview of the Chronicles of Narnia. Whoa. Looks fantastic.

I agree with this too. Goblet of Fire looked good too.

EDIT: My only other beef is that Lucas seems to have some compunction (in addition to his hand-cutting-off fetish) to have to fill the screen with ships buzzing around for no particular reason. Half the time it looked like the actors were at a picnic being attacked by gnats.  Very distracting.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 19, 2005, 05:15:44 PM
The people who are saying it's bad aren't being near honest enough.

The people who are saying it's good are just giving Lucas the pity vote.

I can't trust anyone anymore. Fucking Star Wars hasn't been remotely good since Empire, you bastards. You all deserve Sideways.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 05:27:27 PM
Damn you. I'll just say it:


I loved it. I want to see it again this weekend.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: ahoythematey on May 19, 2005, 05:46:01 PM
I thought it was very good when you consider the audience generally knows the outcome of the film, but I did have some issues with it, as I have had with all the Star Wars movies, actually.  The music was fucking amazing, edging out Return of the Jedi as my favorite score in the series.  I recognized the emotional moments in the movie, but they didn't affect me nearly as much as the father-son dynamic did in Jedi.  It's important to realize I generally consider Jedi my favorite, though, so maybe my tastes are really backwards.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 19, 2005, 08:16:59 PM
It's important to realize I generally consider Jedi my favorite, though, so maybe my tastes are really backwards.

Mine too.  Though, ESB is a very, very close second.  I just love the scenes with Luke, Vader, and the Emperor on the new Death Star.  That dialogue is fantastic, which is really rare in a Star Wars movie.

Le sigh.  Looks like I'll have to see Ep. III in the theatres.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 19, 2005, 08:32:02 PM
I'll say Ep III was good.  I don't think I can call it 'special' like I would ANH or ESB or even Jedi but having just left the theatre my impression is, pretty good.  It will take time I think to figure out where this one fits in overall though.

It's easily as good as Spiderman 2 or X-men 2, better if you can get past a few cringe worthy lines and deliveries.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Johny Cee on May 19, 2005, 09:12:38 PM
The people who are saying it's bad aren't being near honest enough.

The people who are saying it's good are just giving Lucas the pity vote.

I can't trust anyone anymore. Fucking Star Wars hasn't been remotely good since Empire, you bastards. You all deserve Sideways.

It's not bad.  It's ludicrously uneven.  You have B-movie schlock (any of the Anakin/Padme angle) sandwitching some generally great moments (Anakin leading the clones into the Jedi Temple).  Worlds better than the last two prequels.

Is it just me,  or did anyone else find the fights uninteresting?

The best moments for me, mildly spoiler like:

Obi Won takes out General Greivous.  A buddy leans over to me and says, "Bah, I hate stage 3 bosses"

The crowd cheered when Anakin busts in on the kids in the temple and it became obvious why he was there....  That tells you something about where the franchise has gone, I think.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 19, 2005, 10:36:39 PM
The crowd cheered when Anakin busts in on the kids in the temple and it became obvious why he was there....  That tells you something about where the franchise has gone, I think.

We had totally different crowds. My crowd cheered during some of Artoo's heroics at the beginning of the movie and when Yoda made his entrance into the Emp's chambers towards the end.

However, from about the moment Anakin led the clone troopers into the Jedi temple until pretty much the last of the purge scenes you could have heard a pin drop. Utter silence. I'm not even sure anyone moved.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 10:42:46 PM
Same thing here Riggs.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 19, 2005, 10:43:43 PM
Is it just me, or did anyone else find the fights uninteresting?

Only at the beginning. Besides that, I thought it was all pretty cool shit.

Didn't have a shitty crowd either.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 19, 2005, 10:46:59 PM
Whack-a-droid was tired, but I thought most of the rest was cool.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 20, 2005, 02:01:21 AM
Am I missing something ?  Where's WUA views on this ?  Or did we, for maximum irony and because it's RDW, ban him to stop him from commenting ?


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 11:18:46 AM
Am I missing something ?  Where's WUA views on this ?  Or did we, for maximum irony and because it's RDW, ban him to stop him from commenting ?


He probably had a heart attack.

In the meantime, I'll take his place.

edit: Actually, I'm not quite up to the task.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 20, 2005, 11:26:56 AM
I caught a midnight showing with my dad, and another the following afternoon with a friend.  I thought it was very, very good.  Hayden Christensen pulled some acting ability out of his ass for this one, Ewan McGregor was in top form, and Ian McDiarmid was a blast.  The only one who rubbed me the wrong way was, surprisingly, Portman.  Then again, most of the (surprisingly few) shitty lines that made it past the "filter" did end up in her lap this time around, so maybe it's not her fault.

The movie clipped along at a solid pace, striking a good balance between plot and action, and managed to avoid bogging down.  Palpatine's conversion of Anakin was reasonable and well planned, totally unlike his rather tactless "THE MORE YOU HATE ME, THE MORE YOU ARE MY SLAVE! NO REALLY, IT FOLLOWS!" pitch to Luke in the final episode.  The montage of the Jedi being gunned down actually choked me up a little, thanks largely to the music.  The lightsaber duels were fast and well-choreographed, and the less-important ones (Anakin vs Dooku) were wisely not allowed to drag on for too long.  The final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was just brilliant from start to finish, best duel of the entire series.  And unlike the Darth Maul battle in Phantom Menace, we actually got to see this one, without cutting away to a bunch of Gungans and other dumb shit every few minutes.  Yoda trying to take down the Emperor was cool, but it didn't have the emotional impact of the Skywalker/Kenobi fight.  From Anakin's supremely arrogant "You will try!" before leaping at Obi-Wan, to his pathetic "I had you!" snarling as he lay there dismembered, it was great stuff.  And McGregor genuinely managed to convey a feeling of bewilderment and crushing disappointment in his last words before walking away to let Anakin burn.

So yeah, I'll give it a 9 out of 10, and put it right up there next to Empire.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 11:29:32 AM
Hmm...That was...Strange.

A well thought out and coherent review. I was expecting more "Muhahaha!" or something  :wink:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Furiously on May 20, 2005, 01:43:22 PM
It is odd - I was thinking just a couple nights ago, maybe what made episodes 4 and 5 so good was the score.

I can recall nothing from 1 and 2 that made me think of their scores.

How good would Indiana Jones be without the Indy theme?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 20, 2005, 02:18:19 PM
It is odd - I was thinking just a couple nights ago, maybe what made episodes 4 and 5 so good was the score.

I can recall nothing from 1 and 2 that made me think of their scores.

How good would Indiana Jones be without the Indy theme?

The score helps A LOT.  Of Ep1 & 2 all I remember is the Duel of Fates, which I also think is the only really good part of EP1.  I've said to my wife a few times that you can tell Willams' composing style has changed quite a bit over the last 30 years.  The music from the first trillogy relates to the recent only very loosely.   Listen to the new scores he added to the SE and DVD editions and it's the most blatant.  The 'Jedi Rock" song vs Lapti Nek (which fit a lot better in Jabba's Palace) and the ending celebration song vs the most-hated Ewok song.  The originals, although not fantastic works, meshed better with the whole score.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 20, 2005, 02:42:16 PM
My rankings as of right now:

#1. The Empire Strikes Back - I actually preferred ROTJ when I was younger, but ESB grew on me with age.

#2. Revenge of the Sith - Given time to think on it, this may displace ESB eventually.  Yes, I liked it that much.

#3. Return of the Jedi - I saw this one theatrically at age six.  A sentimental favorite.

#4. A New Hope - Oddly enough, I was never that high on the original.  Fun, but kinda weightless.

#5. Attack of the Clones - Solid except for the romance, which there was too much of.

#6. The Phantom Menace - This really dragged in the middle.  Plus Jar Jar sucks.  But it's still Star Wars, so yeah.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Pococurante on May 20, 2005, 04:06:46 PM
(..) grew on me with age.

Tred lightly - this ways lies bitterness that Lucas is light-weight entertainment rather than religious doctrine for He That Represents My Frustration With Maturity.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 04:16:39 PM
(..) grew on me with age.

Tred lightly - this ways lies bitterness that Lucas is light-weight entertainment rather than religious doctrine for He That Represents My Frustration With Maturity.

That would really hit home if you could say it in Yoda speak.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 20, 2005, 04:54:38 PM
I'm going to see this in digital projection with my wife tonight.

If it sucks, I will say it. Often.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 05:02:31 PM
If it sucks, I will say it. Often.

Go ahead if you think it does. Just don't exaggerate. Haters tend to do that all the time.

I'd like to see an honest, negative review of a movie for a change.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 20, 2005, 05:03:35 PM
Quote from: SecurityProNews
Star Wars Downloading Stealing Corporate Bandwidth (http://www.securitypronews.com/news/securitynews/spn-45-20050520StarWarsDownloadingStealingCorporateBandwidth.html)

SecurityProNews | Staff Writer

Organizations may experience a slow down across their networks and risk potential legal action from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) as Star Wars fans use the BitTorrent P2P file sharing application while at work to download and share copies of "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith."

The final episode of the Star Wars series has been leaked onto the Internet only hours after the movie opened in theaters across the globe. It is being downloaded over the popular BitTorrent file-sharing network and it is reported that a version of the movie has already been downloaded by thousands of people.

The probability of Star Wars fans downloading the movie using easily accessible broadband access at work is high and this presents organizations with two key problems. The first is the corporate network struggling to cope with the abnormal load posed by the file sharing activities, which may adversely affect legitimate use of the network by sucking up too much bandwidth. The second is that organizations that do not take steps to prevent this pirating of the movie could be at risk of legal action by the MPAA.

"BitTorrent has absolutely no legitimate use in corporate networks and CIOs and IT managers should be extremely wary of its presence within the enterprise," said Peter Shaw, CEO of Akonix Systems, Inc. "This latest Star Wars episode is causing great excitement among movie fans so it's inevitable there will be high demand for free copies of the movie. Organizations should immediately make sure that the use of BitTorrent and other file sharing applications are banned in company policies and enforcing this with a technology solution to block its use."

Products are available to help corporations defend themselves from file sharing abuse on the networks. Akonix L7 Enforcer provides protection against security risks and liability from the unauthorized use of the latest IM and P2P protocols, such as eDonkey and BitTorrent. Organizations which are unaware of the extent of IM and P2P file sharing use on their networks can determine this by using Akonix RogueAware, a free monitoring tool which detects and reports on IM and P2P activity.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 20, 2005, 05:29:39 PM
I'd like to see an honest, negative review of a movie for a change.

I've seen some negative reviews (like the one in EW) that seem pretty obvious. The EW review had problems with the dialog (everyone has problems with the dialog) and the fact that Anakin's descent into Vaderism wasn't particularly believable or well-explained. (I imagine that varies widely based on viewer)

For the most part it seems to me people know what to expect out of this movie. A rousing end to Star Wars that is much better than Eps 1 and 2 but suffers from bad dialog, especially romance-related dialog. What a lot of people DON'T understand is why the first 2 were so awful and why all the interesting parts were saved for the 3rd one. Seriously, NOTHING happened in TPM at all that couldn't be summed up in 10 seconds of narration.

One thing you can say about the original trilogy is that the first one was a movie on it's own that also left the door open for a sequel, and the second was not really a movie on it's own but was damn fine. Neither of the new trilogy first 2 movies are movies on their own *or* good. Both of them are simply setups and bad ones at that.


My favorite part of Star Wars was in Empire when Vader was kicking Luke's ass and started making toaster ovens fly around and bonk him. I guess it's sort of like the Dragon Ball Z thing where guys power up and rocks start rising from the earth, it's sort of more abstract that blue lightening bolts or light sabers but also more grounded in reality and primal. In that scene the force was not a stupid parlor trick (getting your lightsaber back, "force pushing" over some retarded droids) or some laser beam bullshit, it was really a force of nature. I don't like it when the force is portrayed as a magic trick or a simple tool, I'd rather the force be a true force.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 20, 2005, 05:44:40 PM
I'd like to see an honest, negative review of a movie for a change.

I've seen some negative reviews (like the one in EW) that seem pretty obvious. The EW review had problems with the dialog (everyone has problems with the dialog) and the fact that Anakin's descent into Vaderism wasn't particularly believable or well-explained. (I imagine that varies widely based on viewer)

I stopped reading EW because of their reviews. Especially the ones by Lisa Swarzbaum. She is all that is bad about movie critics in one person. Almost every review of hers I ever read made me want to tear the magazine into little pieces.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 05:47:11 PM
My favorite part of Star Wars was in Empire when Vader was kicking Luke's ass and started making toaster ovens fly around and bonk him. I guess it's sort of like the Dragon Ball Z thing where guys power up and rocks start rising from the earth, it's sort of more abstract that blue lightening bolts or light sabers but also more grounded in reality and primal. In that scene the force was not a stupid parlor trick (getting your lightsaber back, "force pushing" over some retarded droids) or some laser beam bullshit, it was really a force of nature. I don't like it when the force is portrayed as a magic trick or a simple tool, I'd rather the force be a true force.

I thought the force stuff with Sidius (sp?) and Yoda was very much in the spirit of that. I'm glad it isn't portrayed that way too much though. Then it'd be overused.

EDIT: As for Anakin's descent, I bought into it. Maybe because I was expecting much worse.

At least the reason here is consistent with what a character like Yoda would say: Greed and a sense of possesion leads to the "path of the Dark Side". For someone who's already lost a lot (due to slavery or the death of his mother), it's easy to see how he could be seduced.

I even thought the romance stuff wasn't too bad. There were actually some decent moments in there imo. Not as ridiculous and juvenile as AotC.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Rasix on May 20, 2005, 07:51:52 PM
I liked it.  It was better than 1 & 2 by quite a huge margin.  There were a couple laughably bad lines and the Frankenvader scene was pretty horrible, but it was a decent flick and one I would eagerly see again in the theatres.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samprimary on May 20, 2005, 09:40:00 PM

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 20, 2005, 09:56:10 PM
I was thinking about this some more and what a wasted opportunity Lucas had with 1 and 2.  The whole "find 8 year old Anakin" stuff from TPM could have been 30 minutes, maybe 45 of Movie 1. Jetison all of the Jar Jar Gungan bullshit altogether. Have the second half of one be a serious challenge that Anakin has to face and helps overcome. It could be 10 years later than finding him as a young jedi. Heck, have him face Darth Maul and get messed up a bit there instead of at the end of 2 with Dooku. Show that he is powerful, but impulsive and reckless. Movie 2 is all about Palpatine starting to manipulate him. This could be contrasted with his relationship with Padme.  Essentially a dual seduction.  The meta-plot about separatists/clone army/consolidation of power by Palpatine could be the backdrop, but the core of the film could be about the tensions pulling Anakin in different directions. The third film could be almost identical with Palpatine finally turning Anakin to the dark side through the culmination of his manipulation.  It wouldn't be as quick a transition (which is one of my complaint of the movie afte rmuch thought) and the buildup would be much better for the ultimate payoff.  It would have more emotional resonace and make more sense.

But I've had too many Gin and Tonics tonight, so this may not make any sense whatsoever.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 10:09:33 PM
But I've had too many Gin and Tonics tonight, so this may not make any sense whatsoever.

Nah, it makes sense, I think. In other words, the bulk of the trilogy pretty much should have been RotS itself?



Off topic a bit, but I have to mention that part when Palpatine talked about that Sith (and his apprentice) who could "create life from Midochlorians"?

That just brings up more questions. Was Sidius actually the apprentice he was referring to? And if he had that power, was he the reason why Anakin's mother had a "virgin birth"?


Not that I hate it or anything. I thought that opera house scene was actually really good filmmaking (especially considering that it was from Lucas).

But the line confuses me. If it means what I think it means, it puts the whole damn thing in a different light. I don't what the "plot" is when it comes down to it....Let alone how I think it should be improved.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 20, 2005, 10:30:39 PM
I think all that stuff was BS just to get Anakin on the hook.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 20, 2005, 10:35:05 PM
Yeah, your gin and tonic induced rambling is what I was thinking. (Note: I haven't seen 3 yet) You can't have two films that are purely setup. I really cannot remember what TPM was about. All the Jar Jar tripe was just useless, and the pod race existed solely to sell the pod race video game and show off the new digital technology stuff. Basically all that happened in TPM was they found the kid with the high midi-chlorian count. The end.

And the kid in TPM did not seem messed up in any way. My parents weren't killed by sand raiders (or whatever the backstory there is) but I was more messed up that age than he was. There wasn't really any sign of anger or repressed anything, at least not that I can remember. If the movie was going to stick with child Anakin the whole time, which I don't think was a bad idea on it's own, what people took going out was that this kid was really gifted but also an unknown quantity.

Some people are just their own people. In a way I think that is what the story of Anakin is supposed to be. He doesn't buy into everything Jedi, or the people around him, he's just ruled by his baggage and whatever is going on inside of his head. And people like that can be incredibly promising and turn into amazing people, or turn into a total flameout. It's the difference between being crazy like a fox and just plain crazy. A lot of the great people throughout history fit that mold where they exist "outside the box" (for lack of a better term) and always seem to be on the brink of just doing something wacky. And true or not, great genius is often associated with eccentricity, odd behavior and minor dementia.


The story I would like to see is a little less black and white than what is being presented. How about this: Anakin is recognized as a child with incredible potential and is used by the Jedis in a calculated manner in a way that is justifiable on a global level but not on a personal one. Seeing the risk for flameout they try to control him in a way that comes off as somewhat manipulative and condescending. And so in trying to save him from himself they inadvertently plant seeds of distrust and piss him off. I see a little bit of that in the movies as they are made, but only a tiny bit.

Speaking as someone with a somewhat uneven temperment, I will say that someone can realize they are a little bit crazy but reminding them of that or "helping" them with that often has the opposite of the intended effect. Some people just seem destined to flame out, and best efforts only accelerate that. I don't like the idea that Anakin is somehow seduced or tricked into becoming evil by some creepy guy whispering to him. I'd much rather see it as here's a guy who knows he has issues but takes things the wrong way and in the end takes the easy way out by becoming a simple conduit for his negative emotion. If the whole world is against me, then I'm against the whole world, and especially against the most self-reightous.

And again, I haven't seen the third and I have read that there is at least some element of that, but it certainly didn't play out well over the first 2 movies.

Edit: A problem with these movies in general is that the main character turns out to be an evil bastard, but he has to be a sympathetic character for most of the movies as he is the central character. In some ways they marginalized his role in the first movie so that Obie-Wan and that other Jedi guy could be the focal characters.

I think everyone knows that guy who could be destined for greatness but has demons that end up ruling their lives instead. To me that's a tragic story. It's not a story of a guy getting tricked into being evil, or a guy whining a lot, or a guy being created from midi-chlorians or some horseshit like that. In the end the guy may embrace "the dark side" because he's too far gone, that's his bed and he's got to lie in it - but nobody just says one day "I'm going to go evil!" Maybe when you've already passed the point of no return your only choices are to accept it or go crazy, or some of both.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 20, 2005, 10:39:47 PM
The Pod Racer video game was the best thing that ever came out of Star Wars. Period. Including Episode V - the movie itself.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 10:53:07 PM
Some people are just their own people. In a way I think that is what the story of Anakin is supposed to be.

The story I would like to see is a little less black and white than what is being presented. How about this: Anakin is recognized as a child with incredible potential and is used by the Jedis in a calculated manner in a way that is justifiable on a global level but not on a personal one. Seeing the risk for flameout they try to control him in a way that comes off as somewhat manipulative and condescending. And so in trying to save him from himself they inadvertently plant seeds of distrust and piss him off. I see a little bit of that in the movies as they are made, but only a tiny bit.

This is a lot of what it's about. At least that's how I see it (though I'll say again, I'm still confused with a lot of it).

*another spoiler*

That whole "brings balance to the force" thing: It's becomes apparent that it's not meant to be exactly how the Jedi Council would interpret it.  Once everything is put within the context of RotS (including all the way up to end of Return of the Jedi), Vader comes off as the least "black" or "white" character of them all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 20, 2005, 11:00:03 PM
Not much of a spoiler. Palpatine is evil. Luke is good. Vader was always grey-line. And for much of the original 3 movies he was nothing more than a lapdog.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 11:26:03 PM
Not much of a spoiler. Palpatine is evil. Luke is good. Vader was always grey-line. And for much of the original 3 movies he was nothing more than a lapdog.

Yeah, I just put the spoiler thing there just in case.

This is a spoiler (I think)


All I'm saying is that whether he does evil or good, Vader is primarily motivated from individual desires (i.e. love). He falls because of it (whether that be because of Padme or his Mother...or even the desire for "galactic peace"), and ends up redeeming himself because of it (love for Luke).

As far who the "goody two shoes" is, I don't think it was Luke really. It's Mace.

In the end, Luke is decidely different than any of the Jedi before him. He has just as many desires and attachments as Vader ever did, but without going overboard on that either. He's a result of the balance.

Then again, I'm probably just full of shit, because I'm just thinking this out while I write  :evil:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 20, 2005, 11:28:29 PM
This made me giggle for some reason (probably the gin, now augmented by a couple of beers):


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 20, 2005, 11:40:18 PM

This made me giggle more.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 20, 2005, 11:42:09 PM
Ok, that made me guffaw, then be wracked with laughter induced coughs.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: SurfD on May 20, 2005, 11:48:10 PM
Very few things bothered me about episode 3.  The one that keeps popping into my head over and over again (having seen the movie about 6 times now) is the scene near the beginning after their first run in with grevious.  Grevious has just escaped, everyone is abandoning ship, and Anakin and Obi-wan take 5 or 6 seconds to mercilessly slaughter the entire crew of operations droids!.  I mean, what the hell? As far as i can tell these are non combat droids, whos job was to pilot the ship, and the Jedi just casually slice and dice em.  What was up with that?

The other thing that gets me is the whole "you were the chosen one" deal.  Did it never occur to ANY of these idiots that when you talk about "balancing the force" and on your scales you have hundreds of Jedi VS maybe a dozen Sith, that "wipeing out the sith" isnt exactly going to tip the scales towards any kind of balance?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 20, 2005, 11:53:14 PM
You've seen this thing 6 times already?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 20, 2005, 11:54:36 PM
IIRC, Surf works parttime at a movie theater.

Edit: As a fellow popcorn pusher, I know only a theater employee would use the word "about" when describing how many times they've seen a movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 21, 2005, 12:13:46 AM
In the end, Luke is decidely different than any of the Jedi before him. He has just as many desires and attachments as Vader ever did, but without going overboard on that either. He's a result of the balance.

IMO, the best balance would be for every force user, good or bad, to be dead at the end. Because Luke is just that annoying. Luke is clearly a dyed through and through good guy and although there is a lot of talk about "giving in to the dark side" he never really *does* anything other than get slightly upset.

I always found it cheesy that the dark side is somehow an actual aspect of the force, rather than the person.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: SurfD on May 21, 2005, 12:41:35 AM
IIRC, Surf works parttime at a movie theater.

Edit: As a fellow popcorn pusher, I know only a theater employee would use the word "about" when describing how many times they've seen a movie.

Yeah, that about summs it up.  When you work in projection with a regular show schedule, strange things happen.  Like the week i managed to catche the Neo vs 100 smiths fight about 30 or so times, in its entirety.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 01:57:54 AM
My official Episode 3 review: meh.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 21, 2005, 02:59:20 AM
I enjoyed it.  I thought it was a very entertaining movie and it exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations.

Now, on to the plot holes, spoilers ahoy:

1) Hypocritical philosophies.  This is less of a plot hole, but it still bugged me.  Anakin says, "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."  Obi-Wan responds, "Only the Sith deal in absolutes."  A little bit later, Obi-Wan is talking about how he's on the right side, the side of good.  Anakin says, "From my point of view, my side is the right one."  And Obi-Wan says something to the effect of, "Well then I gotta pwn you."  Dude, you JUST said that absolutes are bad, then you go ahead and apply absolutes to your moral judgement.  Pft.

2) So okay.  Qui-Gon Jin or however it's spelled discovered the disappearing body blue glowy ghost trick.  Did he do this in the afterlife?  How long did it take him?  Cause Vader goes blue-glowy ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi.  Like... later in the same day that he died.  Also, his body didn't vanish when he did go blue glowy.  Wha?  So did he create his own technique for it?  Is he just an insanely fast learner when it comes to blue-glowiness and a slow learner when it comes to body-vanishing?

3) Minor, but someone else mentioned it to me and I thought it was a decent point.  How come everyone seems to be able to understand R2D2 pretty well in episodes 1-3, whereas episodes 4-6 require C3PO to translate?

Couple questions I noted above:

There are only 2 Sith at any given time.  Master and Apprentice.  The life-sustaining Sith that Sidius was describing, Plagus (I'm guessing on spelling), was probably Sidius's mentor.  He made it sound that way, anyhow.  Notice how he mentioned that his student killed him in his sleep.  He seemed a little too pleased with that.  Sort of an, "Ah, memories" moment there.  So we're looking at:
Sidius kills Plagus.
Obi-Wan kills Maul.
Sidius>Tyranus (aka, Dooku)
Anakin kills Tyranus.
Then just Vader for a few minutes.
Then poof, no more Sith.

I thought one more thing was a bit odd.  Again, spoiler here.

Weird that the Jedi leaders are breaking their own rules so much in this movie, driving Anakin to doubt them.  First with the spying, which Anakin says isn't the Jedi way, then when Mace Windu wants to execute Sidius on the spot instead of giving him trial- again, Anakin says it's not the Jedi way and Windu doesn't argue but doesn't seem to care.  On the one hand, props to Lucas for driving Anakin to the Dark Side by protecting the very rules meant to prevent that... on the other hand, what?  If that really was the Jedi way, why didn't Windu go through with that?  Hell, he's a Jedi Master, he should know better and have better control.  I don't buy that he didn't. Luke trying to bend the rules by striking Sidius down (and being prevented by Poppa in RotJ) I can believe, but not a Jedi Master.  Similarly, I don't buy that Yoda would so casually break the Jedi code by having Anakin spy on Palpatine like that.  He's friggin Yoda.

Some bad acting made it to the screen... you've heard about the love scenes and such, and that's to be expected.  I thought Palpatine's performance was back and forth- sometimes good, sometimes just plain cheesy.  At some points he came off as if he were throwing a very child-like temper tantrum.

One final thing-
Come ON guys, the fact that Anakin is the ONE guy in your temple wearing a black robe doesn't tip you off?  Christ, that should be the first Jedi test.  "Which robe would you prefer: this one or....... this one?"
"Hm............. I don't know... I kinda like the br... well, no, I think I'd like the black one."
"Man, it's WAY easier killing the Sith when they're young before we give them all that... you know, training and lightsabres and stuff."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 21, 2005, 05:08:26 AM
3) Minor, but someone else mentioned it to me and I thought it was a decent point.  How come everyone seems to be able to understand R2D2 pretty well in episodes 1-3, whereas episodes 4-6 require C3PO to translate?
Luke understands him - ref the trip to Dagobah in Episode V.

Unless he's looking at some translating thingy in the X-Wing.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 21, 2005, 05:30:54 AM
Yeah, he was.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: SurfD on May 21, 2005, 06:13:55 AM
There are only 2 Sith at any given time.  Master and Apprentice. 

Pretty sure that this was not an absolute in reference to the ENTIRE galaxy, but rather just the relationship between Sith: Ie, if you find one, chances are there will be at least 1 more somewhere, a master always has an apprentice, and vice versa.

ofcourse, this is all dependant on your views on "cannon" material and extended universe and whatnot.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 21, 2005, 08:24:31 AM

There are only 2 Sith at any given time.  Master and Apprentice.  The life-sustaining Sith that Sidius was describing, Plagus (I'm guessing on spelling), was probably Sidius's mentor.  He made it sound that way, anyhow.  Notice how he mentioned that his student killed him in his sleep.  He seemed a little too pleased with that.  Sort of an, "Ah, memories" moment there.  So we're looking at:
Sidius kills Plagus.
Obi-Wan kills Maul.
Sidius>Tyranus (aka, Dooku)
Anakin kills Tyranus.
Then just Vader for a few minutes.
Then poof, no more Sith.

I don't think you can get rid of the Sith, really.  They will invent themselves from within the ranks of the Jedi.  Some Jedi will eventually give into his baser emotions and then the whole thing starts again.

Also, Sidious does figure out the extending life thing, at least in the EU, he is described as feeding off the life of millions in order ot extend his own life and increase his powers.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 08:29:58 AM
Perhaps some of the reasons for me having really no feeling at all about Episode 3 comes from seeing it in digital projection.

The film felt dead even with all the action. Perhaps I've grown tired of CGI shot after CGI shot.

I was very underwhelmed by the whole thing.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 08:58:07 AM
I enjoyed it.  I thought it was a very entertaining movie and it exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations.

Now, on to the plot holes, spoilers ahoy:

1) Hypocritical philosophies.  This is less of a plot hole, but it still bugged me.  Anakin says, "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."  Obi-Wan responds, "Only the Sith deal in absolutes."  A little bit later, Obi-Wan is talking about how he's on the right side, the side of good.  Anakin says, "From my point of view, my side is the right one."  And Obi-Wan says something to the effect of, "Well then I gotta pwn you."  Dude, you JUST said that absolutes are bad, then you go ahead and apply absolutes to your moral judgement.  Pft.

Lucas never said the Jedi were "right", or that the prophecy was in their favor. We just assume so, because they were the ones who latched on to the idea. Hence, why I said earlier that Vader never really did fail on his promise of being the "chosen one". It just takes all 6 films to see that.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 09:06:45 AM
In the end, Luke is decidely different than any of the Jedi before him. He has just as many desires and attachments as Vader ever did, but without going overboard on that either. He's a result of the balance.

IMO, the best balance would be for every force user, good or bad, to be dead at the end. Because Luke is just that annoying.

You might want to just avoid this movie entirely then. Or, you could just wait for the "Adventures of Young Han Solo" TV show or something.

As far as the films go, including this one, they're about Jedi (whether you care to admit it or not).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 21, 2005, 11:25:20 AM
Then just Vader for a few minutes.
Then poof, no more Sith.

Vader was his apprentice for around 20 years. Vader wanted Luke to join him as his apprentice in ESB and overthrow Sidious.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 21, 2005, 01:13:53 PM
You might want to just avoid this movie entirely then. Or, you could just wait for the "Adventures of Young Han Solo" TV show or something.

As far as the films go, including this one, they're about Jedi (whether you care to admit it or not).

I'm not saying I don't want it to be about Jedis. I'm just saying at the end of everything when all is said and done they should all be dead. Thats balance.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 01:18:30 PM
You might want to just avoid this movie entirely then. Or, you could just wait for the "Adventures of Young Han Solo" TV show or something.

As far as the films go, including this one, they're about Jedi (whether you care to admit it or not).

I'm not saying I don't want it to be about Jedis. I'm just saying at the end of everything when all is said and done they should all be dead. Thats balance.

Well, the Jedi are insane for thinking Anakin is going to kill all the Sith and "bring balance". If you remove the evil, you have no balance. By killing all the Jedi and only leaving Yoda and Obi-Wan along with Vader and Sidious, there is balance. 2 and 2.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 21, 2005, 01:46:00 PM


How come Obi Wan thinks that Luke is their last hope and Yoda has to tell him, "No, there is another."

Or was it the other way around?

Either way, they were both there when the twins were born.  Why would one know and the other wouldn't?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 21, 2005, 02:28:41 PM
"That boy is our last hope."
"Nah, there's always his sister we can train."
"I guess.  We're making her cut her hair first though."

In other words, I wouldn't take Obi's "If that kid fails, we're fucked!" line to explicitly mean "I have no idea his sister exists."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 21, 2005, 02:32:38 PM
"That boy is our last hope."
"Nah, there's always his sister we can train."
"I guess.  We're making her cut her hair first though."

In other words, I wouldn't take Obi's "If that kid fails, we're fucked!" line to explicitly mean "I have no idea his sister exists."

How about just admitting the prequels created a ton of plot holes, and be done with it?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 02:55:08 PM
"That boy is our last hope."
"Nah, there's always his sister we can train."
"I guess.  We're making her cut her hair first though."

In other words, I wouldn't take Obi's "If that kid fails, we're fucked!" line to explicitly mean "I have no idea his sister exists."

How about just admitting the prequels created a ton of plot holes, and be done with it?

Episode 3 reminded me, once again, how we didn't need any prequels at all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 21, 2005, 02:58:29 PM
"That boy is our last hope."
"Nah, there's always his sister we can train."
"I guess.  We're making her cut her hair first though."

In other words, I wouldn't take Obi's "If that kid fails, we're fucked!" line to explicitly mean "I have no idea his sister exists."

Well, the "there is another" answer seemed to imply that the questioner didn't realize that potential existed in the other... which leads me to question- uh, why not?

I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of Episode 3.  I thought it was a blast.  But there are still a lot, a LOT, of problems with this particular episode and with Star Wars altogether.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 21, 2005, 03:02:03 PM
My problem with Star Wars (and Trek to a lesser extent) is that the fans think there's a ton of problems. But still love it. Any other series would be labeled shitty with so many anachronisms, incomplete storylines, and faulty plot points. But Star Wars? Fuck no. One day I just want one Star Wars fan to admit that they really only liked Han and some of the original battle scenes. And then I'll tell them to go watch Indiana Jones and that will be the end of it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 03:19:49 PM
My problem with Star Wars (and Trek to a lesser extent) is that the fans think there's a ton of problems. But still love it. Any other series would be labeled shitty with so many anachronisms, incomplete storylines, and faulty plot points. But Star Wars? Fuck no. One day I just want one Star Wars fan to admit that they really only liked Han and some of the original battle scenes. And then I'll tell them to go watch Indiana Jones and that will be the end of it.

It's the same reason why I like Mullholland Dr. (or David Lynch in general), 2001, or the dialogue between the Architect and Neo in Matrix Reloaded. Lots of films actually.

Some things I still find worth my time, even if the little details confuse me. I'm not going to write something off if I found the overall experience to be good. Sometimes I can just say "fuck the plot" and enjoy myself.

Or to put it another way, I don't "think in absolutes"  :evil:.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 03:21:37 PM
I enjoyed "National Treasure". I mildly enjoyed "Sahara". I didn't enjoy Episode 3. They all had dumb plots.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 21, 2005, 03:40:58 PM
The season finale of Smallville had better dialogue than any of the Star Wars excluding any line delivered by Harrison Ford.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: SurfD on May 21, 2005, 03:46:48 PM
I don't think you can get rid of the Sith, really.  They will invent themselves from within the ranks of the Jedi.  Some Jedi will eventually give into his baser emotions and then the whole thing starts again.

Also, Sidious does figure out the extending life thing, at least in the EU, he is described as feeding off the life of millions in order ot extend his own life and increase his powers.

Depending on your views of EU material, I was always under the impresion that there were MANY Sith (possibly upwards of a few dozen).  They just operate from the shadows, carefully hatching their plans.  Just because Sidious/Vader were so prominent does not mean they were the ONLY sith in the whole wide cosmos.

Also, I seem to recall mention that Sidious supposedly gained his "imortality" by cloneing himself and then using a dark side technique to transfer conciousness from one body to another.  Supposedly he was on his 8th or so clone, and had one in reserve, when Vader offed him, cause someone mentioned an EU storyline where some members of the Imperial Remnant discovered the dormant clone and attemted to resurect the emperor (the clone would have none of the emperor's old memories, but all of his power in the force, due to force sensitivity being more of a genetic thing then a mental thing)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 04:05:19 PM
What's "EU" stand for? And is it worth reading? I mean, does it have any bearing on "the facts" (:roll:) of the SW universe, or is it basically just fan fiction?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 04:29:39 PM
The season finale of Smallville had better dialogue than any of the Star Wars excluding any line delivered by Harrison Ford.

Lots of things have better dialogue than Star Wars (Perhaps everything does. Who knows?). But.....They're not "Star Wars" either. It succeeds at being a better Stars Wars than everything else. Star Wars succeeds at being a better Star Wars than Smallville.

Funny enough, Smallville succeeds at being a better Smallville than Star Wars.

Details don't necessarily distinguish anything. Ideas do.

Now, if you think the idea sucks to begin with, then that's another thing.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 21, 2005, 04:34:14 PM
Smallville is better entertainment. Is that better?

I don't like spelling things out. :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 04:43:28 PM
Smallville is better entertainment. Is that better?

I don't like spelling things out. :roll:

Lol, I haven't even seen it  :wink:

Maybe I should?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 21, 2005, 04:47:43 PM
It's teen drama young superman. Filled with hot actresses and generic characters. The story, however, progresses well and makes for a nice alternative to the stale original story of superman. I'd prefer Smallville's Tom Welling to that douchebag Brandon Routh playing him.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MrHat on May 21, 2005, 05:59:04 PM
It's teen drama young superman. Filled with hot actresses and generic characters. The story, however, progresses well and makes for a nice alternative to the stale original story of superman. I'd prefer Smallville's Tom Welling to that douchebag Brandon Routh playing him.

Thanks for admitting it sucks.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 08:03:59 PM
What's "EU" stand for? And is it worth reading? I mean, does it have any bearing on "the facts" (:roll:) of the SW universe, or is it basically just fan fiction?

Oops, sorry for the stupid question. I just figured it out.

I guess I'll rephrase the question: Which books are worth reading, and do they conflict with anything Lucas has written?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 21, 2005, 08:11:13 PM
The stuff written by Timothy Zahn is good. Haven't read any of the other stuff.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 21, 2005, 08:17:02 PM
What's "EU" stand for? And is it worth reading? I mean, does it have any bearing on "the facts" (:roll:) of the SW universe, or is it basically just fan fiction?

Oops, sorry for the stupid question. I just figured it out.

I guess I'll rephrase the question: Which books are worth reading, and do they conflict with anything Lucas has written?

Does it matter? Lucas conflicts with himself.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: SurfD on May 21, 2005, 08:36:28 PM
What's "EU" stand for? And is it worth reading? I mean, does it have any bearing on "the facts" (:roll:) of the SW universe, or is it basically just fan fiction?

Oops, sorry for the stupid question. I just figured it out.

I guess I'll rephrase the question: Which books are worth reading, and do they conflict with anything Lucas has written?

Does it matter? Lucas conflicts with himself.

Far as i can tell, the EU "extended Universe" is basicly everything that lucas has not personally vouched for as "cannon" starwars.  Cannon being, from what I know, the 6 movies and maybe 2 books and the old Comicbook series.  Everything else is EU.  So all the DarkForces / Jedi Knight / Jedi Accademy etc Starwars video games, books about events after episode 6, stuff like that, are all taken to be Extended Universe.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 21, 2005, 08:38:10 PM
Don't all those things still have to be approved by Lucas or his flunkies at some level, though?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 21, 2005, 08:49:46 PM
By and large, the books do a good job in terms of continuity.  Each of them begins with a timeline listing all of the films and books, and the year each takes place relative to Episode IV.  Everything co-exists within the same fictional context.  For example, there was a series of little softcover books aimed at the early teen market, following the children of Han and Leia at that age.  Characters introduced in those books would continue to exist, grow up over time, and would turn up as adults in "serious" hardcover books years later.  A lot of the kids introduced in the children's books would go on to become Jedi (and sometimes meet rather grusome deaths) in the New Jedi Order series, for example.

As for what's good and what isn't...  Go pick up Heir to the Empire and the two sequels, all by Timothy Zahn.  They're universally well-liked, and in my mind they're practically the unofficial Episodes 7 through 9.  The New Jedi Order series is spotty, but the high points are actually very good.  Star By Star gave me a sort of serious and sad vibe similar to Episodes 3 and 5, and is quite worth picking up.  I came into it cold, with almost no idea what was going on in the story at that point, but by the end I knew I had to buy the next one and see where it went from there.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 21, 2005, 08:54:00 PM
Heh, any books about the guy you're using as an avatar? Gen. Harkin almost seems like a superior to Vader in the original films (I may be forgetting something), but the prequels don't even mention him or why Sidious has him around.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 21, 2005, 09:12:48 PM
It's Tarkin actually. And I believe that he is a regional governor (titled Grand Moff) of the system, and therefore is in fact Vader's superior in that area of space. I got the sense in the original trilogy that Vader is sort of extra-governmental and therefore has to defer to the leader of the region under Palpatine's newly formed governmental structure upon dissolving the Senate.

EDIT/SPOILER: Oh, and in the end scene in Sith abord the Star Destroyer as they are looking at the proto-Death Star there is an Imperial Officer that is obviously a young Tarkin.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 21, 2005, 09:31:23 PM
I'm under the impression that Tarkin had command of the Death Star operation, and that Vader had very little official business there.  I always figured he was REALLY around to put a saber up Tarkin's ass, should controlling the biggest gun in the universe have a negative effect on Tarkin's loyalty to the Empire.

Oh BTW, check this out:  http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=197859

Overall rating for original trilogy as of now: 90%
Overall rating for prequel trilogy as of now: 70%
Overall rating for original trilogy based on reviews during their initial release: 54%

So yeah, fuck the critics.  Back in the day they ripped ESB worse than TPM.  Only years later, when the Special Editions came out and it was clear that "OMG Star Wars sux" wasn't going to be a popular opinion, did the critics decide to like the original trilogy.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 22, 2005, 12:34:22 AM
My problem with Star Wars (and Trek to a lesser extent) is that the fans think there's a ton of problems. But still love it. Any other series would be labeled shitty with so many anachronisms, incomplete storylines, and faulty plot points. But Star Wars? Fuck no. One day I just want one Star Wars fan to admit that they really only liked Han and some of the original battle scenes. And then I'll tell them to go watch Indiana Jones and that will be the end of it.

1) I never liked Han.  Sorry, I didn't.  Still don't.  I didn't like Luke either.  I thought Vader was cool, lightsabres were cool, force powers were cool, and that was it.
2) I don't consider myself a Star Wars fan.  I hated Episode 1, thought Episode 2 was mediocre at best, and didn't really feel all that excited by episodes 4-6.  Episode 3 I thoroughly enjoyed as a largely brainless action flick with kickass lightsabre action.  I got what I wanted out of the movie and then some.
3) I think it's an interesting universe Lucas has created here with a LOT of shit mucking it up.  For the most part, the characters all suck.  The characters that COULD be cool never got there, or were fucked up by lines like "Yippee!" or confused sand comparisons.  Star Wars has (well, had) the potential to be awesome but never, in my book, reached it.  But most folks seem willing to settle.  Me, I'll take what I can get from it- cool fight scenes, and an interesting story nugget here and there.

Oh, and I like Yoda, too.  He's just lovable.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 22, 2005, 01:06:38 AM
I just saw it.  I was hearing a guarded thumbs up from a lot of people.

I thought it was the worst of all of them.  It didn't really have dialog, just actors voicing plot points.  I could go on but I'm tired.  Should we discuss the movie itself in a new thread?  This is page 20 after all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 01:31:37 AM
My problem with Star Wars (and Trek to a lesser extent) is that the fans think there's a ton of problems. But still love it. Any other series would be labeled shitty with so many anachronisms, incomplete storylines, and faulty plot points. But Star Wars? Fuck no.

Yeah, I just wanted to comment on this again (about Star Wars, not Trek). Nobody's being an apologist. It's simply a matter of people looking at it in two ways. They appreciate it as "Space Opera", but maybe complicate things for themselves when they try to look at it as "Science Fiction". It's probably best to just enjoy it on a more visceral level.

I don't know what you're talking about with "incomplete storylines" though. The story is all there. I just had to mention my confusion with one line Palpatine had said about Midochlorians (which is to say, if interpreted a certain way, the story would be completely different....but either way, it's not "incomplete").

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 01:34:59 AM
It didn't really have dialog, just actors voicing plot points.

Oh man, please don't go there.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 22, 2005, 06:44:53 AM
How about just admitting the prequels created a ton of plot holes, and be done with it?

Well see, I don't flip out everytime someone says something which, when taken a certain way, conflicts with something they did or said twenty years prior.  I mean, let's take the "There is another" conversation and extrapolate it beyond the end of the scene.

Obi: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No, there is another.
Obi: Hmm.  Do you think she has it in her?
Yoda: That we shall see.

I mean, I'm perfectly willing to buy the notion that Obi-Wan was simply thinking of the boy he'd quiety watched over for decades, and that the girl he saw as an infant and then again briefly as an adult wasn't foremost in his mind.  Now one Yoda/Obi bit that DID get pissed on with the prequels came in ESB.

Yoda:  Impatient he is, headstrong.  (Or something to this effect.)
Obi:  Was I any different, when you taught me?

How the hell do you extrapolate or rationalize THAT?

Yoda:  Dude, I didn't teach you.  Qui-Gon Jinn did, remember?
Obi:  Er... yeah...  I meant was I any different when Qui-Gon taught me?
Yoda:  Yeah, actually, you were calm and patient!  Your master was the headstrong one!
Obi:  I'll just fuck off now.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 22, 2005, 06:46:39 AM
In other star wars news I'm pretty interested in this:


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 22, 2005, 07:30:53 AM
Obi: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No, there is another.
Obi: Hmm.  Do you think she has it in her?
Yoda: That we shall see.

Obi: So then, how the hell are you getting off this rock to train her? I sure as hell can't, being dead and all.  It's been 22 years, does your ship even work now?
Yoda: Oh, right. Hrm. Screwed, we are.

I think the scene with Yoda teaching the younglings was supposed to be the gloss-over for Obi's "Was I any different when you taught me?" line. It's a bad cop-out but it's better than "omg I'm a single mother of twins to an evil bastard, I must die now so he can be fuxored in his choice to be evil!"

The one that's not resolved for me is Luke asking Leia about memories of her "real mother."  It suggests Leia knew she was adopted and knew her mother briefly as a child. Whoopsie there.

On another note, I was impressed the found someone who looked so similar to Peter  Cushing for the brief Tarkin scene. I'll be dissapointed when I find out it was just more CGI.

Also, those of you who got to see Narnia and Harry Potter trailers suck.  I got the Fantastic 4, Batman Begins, Cinderella Man, and War of the Worlds.  Yay for trailers of movies that will be out in less than 2 months. (Fuck you, Showcase)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 09:07:53 AM
Also, those of you who got to see Narnia and Harry Potter trailers suck.  I got the Fantastic 4, Batman Begins, Cinderella Man, and War of the Worlds.  Yay for trailers of movies that will be out in less than 2 months. (Fuck you, Showcase)

I saw those trailers as well, except War of the Worlds and Harry Potter.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 22, 2005, 09:47:32 AM
Obi: So then, how the hell are you getting off this rock to train her? I sure as hell can't, being dead and all.  It's been 22 years, does your ship even work now?

Yoda:  Brought Luke to me you did, despite being dead.  An asshat quit being, Obi-Wan.
Obi:  STFU, muppet.

I think the scene with Yoda teaching the younglings was supposed to be the gloss-over for Obi's "Was I any different when you taught me?" line.

Yoda:  Just like this brat you were when I taught you, yes.  Of course, eight years old you were at the time.  Idiot.

It's a bad cop-out but it's better than "omg I'm a single mother of twins to an evil bastard, I must die now so he can be fuxored in his choice to be evil!"

Yeah, what was with that 'dying of a broken heart' business?  Shoulda just had Anakin crunch her trachea and bounce her off a wall.

The one that's not resolved for me is Luke asking Leia about memories of her "real mother."  It suggests Leia knew she was adopted and knew her mother briefly as a child. Whoopsie there.

Eh, can be taken to mean that she didn't know, and was referring to her adoptive mother.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 22, 2005, 10:15:05 AM
That or it could be that her innate Force-sensitivity or whatever allowed her to remember being born.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Furiously on May 22, 2005, 10:25:00 AM
How about just admitting the prequels created a ton of plot holes, and be done with it?

Well see, I don't flip out everytime someone says something which, when taken a certain way, conflicts with something they did or said twenty years prior.  I mean, let's take the "There is another" conversation and extrapolate it beyond the end of the scene.

Obi: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No, there is another.
Obi: Hmm.  Do you think she has it in her?
Yoda: That we shall see.

I mean, I'm perfectly willing to buy the notion that Obi-Wan was simply thinking of the boy he'd quiety watched over for decades, and that the girl he saw as an infant and then again briefly as an adult wasn't foremost in his mind.  Now one Yoda/Obi bit that DID get pissed on with the prequels came in ESB.

Yoda:  Impatient he is, headstrong.  (Or something to this effect.)
Obi:  Was I any different, when you taught me?

How the hell do you extrapolate or rationalize THAT?

Yoda:  Dude, I didn't teach you.  Qui-Gon Jinn did, remember?
Obi:  Er... yeah...  I meant was I any different when Qui-Gon taught me?
Yoda:  Yeah, actually, you were calm and patient!  Your master was the headstrong one!
Obi:  I'll just fuck off now.

Didn't Yoda teach all the children at the academy? I figured Obi-wan was one of his students at some point.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 10:34:20 AM
Could it be that Obi just said that because he was the "inferior" and "younger" one? I mean, geez, at some point in time every Jedi in the Republic times probably looked to Yoda as their "Teacher", in one way or another. Yoda and Mace were like the "Deans" or the "Principals" of the Academy. They were familiar with the faults of all the students.

This is silly. It doesn't have to mean some kind of "Master/Apprentice" relationship specifically.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samprimary on May 22, 2005, 11:43:28 AM
Old: Plot holes

New: Sucking plot wounds

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 22, 2005, 12:44:43 PM
Blow me, asshat.  I am flush with fanboy victory.  Even Schild has quit coming around to troll and talk about movies nobody has seen.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 22, 2005, 03:01:55 PM
I am flush with fanboy victory.

If "not suck as badly as previous sucky movies" was your bar for victory, then yes, I'd say you are victorious.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 22, 2005, 03:22:29 PM
Blow me, asshat.  I am flush with fanboy victory.  Even Schild has quit coming around to troll and talk about movies nobody has seen.

Don't be an assweasel.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Litigator on May 22, 2005, 03:27:31 PM
For all the criticism of George Lucas that's come up, seeing the full scope of this thing, I think his main downfall hasn't been hubris, and certainly hasn't been greed. He's simply bought into this thing completely, genuinely loves it, and his infatuation with this universe and with realizing all of the cool things in it he wants to show the fans has gotten in the way of the story.  We looked at all the weird-ass bug people he crammed into every scene, and all the changes he kept making to the movies, and we lambasted him for trying to sell more toys, and more video games, and more videocassettes and more movie tickets.  But the truth was that George simply loved it so much he couldn't keep it out, couldn't stop messing with it.  He's the biggest Star Wars geek of them all, completely bought into the obsession.  

It's kind of a shame that a thing with this much love poured into it turned out so bad.  But Lucas created the legendary original trilogy, and when he came back to do it again, nobody could possibly tell the auteur how to realize his creation. There was nobody to impose discipline.  The emotional crux of this trilogy needed to be Anakin having to choose between the woman he loves and everything else he believes in, his falling out with the Jedi, and his seduction by the dark side.  Actually, that right there sounds like a one-sentence synopsis of a really compelling story, but it doesn't play out that way on the screen. This happens partly because the dialog was ridiculous, but also because all the character development was pushed to the side in favor of a cavalcade of geeky shit that was completely extraneous to the story. Padme never really manages to establish herself as anything beyond a girl Anakin is in love with, and Anakin is never much more than a jedi who stomps around and frowns a lot.   I guess you have to assume that Anakin loves Padme enough to overthrow society for her because she's Natalie Portman, in the same way that the only thing you need to know about Mace Windu is that he's Sam Jackson with a purple lightsaber.

Maybe if Lucas hadn't wasted so much time on pod racers and Darth Maul and the creation of the clone army and Yango Fett and Jar Jar and that Jew-bug guy on Tattooine and the droid factory, and General Grievous, he would have been able to fill out the story in a way that gave the characters room to establish themselves in a way that's believable.  

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 03:37:38 PM
Lol, you're speaking as if nobody likes this or the othe prequels.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 22, 2005, 04:21:12 PM
Lol, you're speaking as if nobody likes this or the othe prequels.

Maybe, but he sure nailed it for those of us who wanted to like them, but don't.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 04:39:30 PM
Fair enough.

I guess it's had an odd effect on me. I haven't cared much for the original movies since I was a kid, and was pretty "meh" about the prequels. I didn't even bother with those until much later (KoToR finally got me interested somewhat). RotS though, has somehow gotten me to really appreciate SW all over again. Even the prequels.

The only thing that really grates on me about the new trilogy now is that Qui Gon is barely in it. As far as I'm concerned, he's the coolest character out of all six films.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 05:17:34 PM
Blow me, asshat.  I am flush with fanboy victory.  Even Schild has quit coming around to troll and talk about movies nobody has seen.

That's cute.

As far as what litigator said, calling Lucas an auteur is giving him WAY too much credit. Even putting his name in a paragraph with that word is too much credit. The man can't direct. That's all there is to it. He's relied on models, puppets and now CGI to give him all of his badassitude. And it's fairly apparent now. If Harrison Ford hadn't have been Han Solo and made that character the god of heroes it turned out to be, no one would have given a shit. Well, maybe some people would have (like Windup), but it would have been a geek/cult classic. The guy set a low bar for the rest of sci-fi and it's even lower after the last trilogy. If it weren't for a select few movies raising that bar, the Sci-Fi channel would be BELOW the Oxygen Network on things I'd ever watch.

Spielberg is 100x the director Lucas could ever be, and even he's become a pompous douche. Nowadays, people like Lucas, Spielberg, Scorcese, Coppola, etc. just reminds me how the mighty have fallen.

Instead of whatever footer comes after the movie, they should have a huge slab of granite appear on the screen with this scrawled at the bottom:
"And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 05:56:38 PM
Spielberg is 100x the director Lucas could ever be, and even he's become a pompous douche. Nowadays, people like Lucas, Spielberg, Scorcese, Coppola, etc. just reminds me how the mighty have fallen.

So they've made some dog turds here and there. They've also made films like Schindler's List, the Aviator, Dracula.......Not complete piles of shit. And if it wasn't for these guys, dozens of movies wouldn't even have the cash to be made. They've not only done quite well for themselves, they also help a lot of people.

Ozymandias? Give me a break. Really man, where do you get off? I like you, but your hate is just...well...Shit, I don't know what it is. It's a black hole. It's so comical I almost want to believe that you've been trolling all this time.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 06:02:34 PM
It's not trolling, it's that these people didn't stop when they were ahead. Spielberg probably should have stopped after Schindler's List.

Lucas never really started.

Ts'all I'm saying. A world without Star Wars would be fine by me, and it would results in A TON LESS SHITTY VIDEO GAMES.

Edit: Btw, the world would be fine without the Aviator. "I'M HOWARD HUGGGHHHHEEEESSSS, THE AVIATOR." Meh. The only recent movie that comes to mind from that group that I might miss is Catch Me If You Can. I wouldn't even miss Jurassic Park that much. I mean, I'm a huge Sam Neill fan (and Jeff Goldblum for that matter). It resulted in The Lost World. For fucking shame. But anyway, there's other movies I'd rather watch on a rainy day.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 06:14:22 PM
One of my other big gripes is that when your layman discusses movies, he talks about the names I tossed around above. He'll normally forget people like Gilliam, Kubrick (ok, well, Eyes Wide Shut screwed that pooch), Wes Anderson, The Spike Jonze crew (Kaufman, Gondry, Jonze himself), Verbinski.

Sure, some of those people haven't made as many movies as the latter crowd, but all of the Jonze stuff is heads above any of the Star Wars/post Apocalypse Now/post Back to the Future-Indiana Jones stuff. Verbinski gets automatic inclusion for Pirates - AKA the best movie ever made, Gilliam's Sci-fi is better than ANY of the latter, and Kubrick was a far more proficient director. Also, a lot of time the layman will forget Hitchcock but remember Lucas and the rest of those fuckers. Fuck that noise.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: ahoythematey on May 22, 2005, 06:35:53 PM
I don't take up issue with Wes Anderson and the "Spike Jonez" crew themselves, as I generally enjoyed their movies, but I do tire quickly of how their fanbase behaves, because, almost without exception, anytime I speak to or read comments by die-hard fans of them I get the impression of a self-important, beret-wearing jackass that is choleric with rage because some truly talented filmmakers dare to let their movies become mainstream popular instead of remaining "inside" favorites of the clique-ish film-snob community.

Pound for pound, Spielberg is still a better filmmaker in every sense of the term than all those "forgotten others" you mentioned, except for Kubrick.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 07:27:42 PM
Silly as it sounds, I almost think Wes Anderson could do a good Star Wars movie. Heh, he's already got the 70's vibe going on, seems to have a thing for funny hats, has experience with ensemble flicks, has an imaginative use of digital effects, the jokes would be better...Hmm, what else?

Seriously though, nothing wrong with liking all of these lesser known guys more. It is an injustice that they aren't as recognized, I'll give you that. I like a lot of shit most people would never give the time of day, and it is frustrating --- but fuck 'em. I just don't think these other directors, like Lucas, are to blame. And even if you may think their movies suck, you've got to admit that they've helped a lot of other projects get off the ground.

As far as them pulling out while they were on top: Who does that? I know I couldn't. People like to work, and try to remain creative. Not everyone can pull a Greta Garbo. Especially directors.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 07:32:53 PM
No one can. Most should.

Of course, there's an argument to be made that if Fukusaku had pulled out or Kurosawa - some of the best films ever made might never have happened. Meh, it's a shoddy argument, but the louder you are the more you're heard, and the first group of people I mentioned yell the loudest.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Litigator on May 22, 2005, 09:12:32 PM
Blow me, asshat.  I am flush with fanboy victory.  Even Schild has quit coming around to troll and talk about movies nobody has seen.

That's cute.

As far as what litigator said, calling Lucas an auteur is giving him WAY too much credit. Even putting his name in a paragraph with that word is too much credit. The man can't direct. That's all there is to it. He's relied on models, puppets and now CGI to give him all of his badassitude. And it's fairly apparent now. If Harrison Ford hadn't have been Han Solo and made that character the god of heroes it turned out to be, no one would have given a shit. Well, maybe some people would have (like Windup), but it would have been a geek/cult classic. The guy set a low bar for the rest of sci-fi and it's even lower after the last trilogy. If it weren't for a select few movies raising that bar, the Sci-Fi channel would be BELOW the Oxygen Network on things I'd ever watch.

Spielberg is 100x the director Lucas could ever be, and even he's become a pompous douche. Nowadays, people like Lucas, Spielberg, Scorcese, Coppola, etc. just reminds me how the mighty have fallen.


An auteur isn't a great director; it's someone who is able to exercise full creative control over his movies.  Lucas is one of an extremely small number of directors who is given that level of freedom with that kind of a budget. And the problem isn't that he can't direct, as a technical director he's one of the masters of the medium, and the advances in both model and CGI effects he has developed have blazed the path for a number of other films. 

Unfortunately, the Star Wars mythos has become incredibly detailed and baroque in the intervening decades since the first trilogy, and Lucas has doubtless been coming up with stuff he wanted to put on screen for years as well.  Then he decided to give us a story that needed to be heavily character driven, and he didn't have the discipline to cut out the other shit, I think Arwen was onscreen for more time in Return of the King than Padme was onscreen in Revenge of the Sith, and that's just ridiculous, considering Padme's import to the story. If you don't buy the relationship between those characters, you don't buy the movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 09:56:04 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

You know better than to do what you just did. I never once said an auteur was the director. But if you're going to call yourself or be labeled an auteur, you best damn well be the director as well.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Lum on May 22, 2005, 09:57:57 PM
EDIT/SPOILER: Oh, and in the end scene in Sith abord the Star Destroyer as they are looking at the proto-Death Star there is an Imperial Officer that is obviously a young Tarkin.

It's actually a CGI Peter Cushing, the flesh-and-blood version having been dead for some time.

Unlike Schild, I've actually seen the movie, so I'm not sure I'm really qualified to comment. That being said:


The ugly:
"She's inexplicably lost her will to live, probably because the movie's ending in five minutes."
"I don't WANNA be a good jedi! I wanna rule the GAAAALAXY!"

The bad:
The initial space battle scene really lost the whole point of Star Wars for me. If you watch Ep 4, what made the starfighter scenes exhilrating was their whole World War Two fighter plane zeitgeist. Banking, turning, circle-strafing; not only was it dramatic, it was understandable dramatics. Sure it's hokey (in space no one actually needs wings, what with, you know, NO ATMOSPHERE AND NEWTONIAN THRUST) which is why it's space opera. Contrast that with Ep 3's opener, with a confused, look how much we can cram on screen overload. There's no sense of drama, save perhaps the missile scene. There's just random crap being thrown at Our Heroes and lots of things blowing up. It really made for a bad contrast with the Death Star run.

The movie was too dark. I know, this sounds stupid, considering the whole movie is about Darth Vader. But Vader is supposed to be a sympathetic character. He isn't seduced to the dark side so much as he blindly stumbles into it out of inertia. And then he does evil things for no other reason than to be eeeeeevil. The jedi child slaughter scene was especially gratuitous in this context. Literally a half hour he thinks he's defending the republic, now he's putting small boys to the sword? It only makes sense when you realize that Lucas made a conscious decision for this movie to be, well, brutal. So we have dead children and more severed limbs than a Saudi detention center.

There really should have been a bit more of Vader as opposed to Anakin, maybe with him suppressing some rebellion or something. Five minutes of Vader-in-the-suit felt cheap, considering it's the climax we all went in expecting.

The Wookie scene was a complete purposeless throwaway. Why was Yoda there? Why were the seperatists fighting Wookies? What happened later? It made very little sense and you got the distinct impression it was there for one shot of rampaging furballs.

And as everyone else noted, Natalie Portman really phoned her lines in on this one. In the first 2, she was really a proto-Leia, albeit with odd tastes in men. Very aggressive, very much wanting to be the action hero. Here's she's incredibly passive, spending almost the entire movie pining in her apartment for Anakin to pay attention to her and maybe buy her some chocolates or something.

And the good:

Hayden Christenson's acting really surprised me, because I expected it to be really bad. He actually almost appeared competent a few times, especially during the penultimate fight with Obi-Wan. Just the right amount of evil slash fear slash greed slash confusion you'd expect. He still whines, which is annoying as hell. But overall, much better.

I liked the sword fighting. It really was pretty well done, and far more energetic than in other movies; one thinks they looked at Ep 1's Qui-Gon/Maul fight and said "more like that, plz". General Grievous was great; I've never seen the cartoons so was caught by surprise with the whole Jedi-hunter thing.

The overall political metaplot actually worked well. I'm a conservative IRL and didn't see much hamfisted "OMG BUSH IS THE EMPIRE!" stuff that some blogs are ranting about. I mean, come on, the Empire is fascist - who knew? The seduction of Anakin worked well enough given the time constraints, and the collapse of the Republic felt about right. And of course, Executive Order 66 was, well, too cool for words. So THAT'S why those clones appeared from nowhere! And it explains the whole purpose of the Clone War; not only for a reason for Palpatine to assume power, but also to infiltrate and destroy the Jedi who came to rely on them. Very subtle and unusal subtext for Lucas.

Overall, it was a decent summer movie. It isn't going to cure cancer or anything, but like most in this thread, I'd rank it about equal to ROTJ.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 10:00:57 PM
I think - I may be wrong, but probably not - everyone who went to see this movie on opening weekend helped personally fund the George Lucas Fucks You Consumer Whores In The Ass Again club, or GLFYCWAA. That includes Shockeye and most of my friends.

Weak, man, weak.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Lum on May 22, 2005, 10:01:58 PM
You know, we're allowed to go pay for movies we enjoy.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 10:02:38 PM
You know, we're allowed to go pay for movies we enjoy.

Paying to see Star Wars is funding Terrorism.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 10:28:41 PM
You know, we're allowed to go pay for movies we enjoy.

Paying to see Star Wars is funding Terrorism.

Ah, so you are trolling!  :wink:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 22, 2005, 10:47:03 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

Reach much?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 22, 2005, 10:50:13 PM
I couldn't tell if it was a CGI Cushing face or they rounded up some guy who looked like he looked when he was younger. Knowing Lucas it was a CGI overlay. I'll have to look closer next time as the first time it was a brief "Hey that dude is supposed to be Tarkin!" moment.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 22, 2005, 10:55:23 PM
I'm going to re-watch the prequel trilogy in order tonight. I've got 3 at my house now (I'm special...or...maybe I'm not?). I'll check on Tarkin.

Just finished "The Phantom Menace" though. I take back my comment on RotS "enhancing" it.

It still blows.

Your version would have been better, Abagadro.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 22, 2005, 10:56:21 PM
George must have lost my phone number.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 22, 2005, 10:57:36 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

Reach much?

Not particularly. You obviously didn't hear his comments on Jar-jar Binks and the Ewoks. One argument is that Star Wars is a kids movie. Maybe, but I don't buy it. Really it's HIS kids' movie(s).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 22, 2005, 11:04:03 PM
Lucas had extraordinary control over everything.  These movies were self-financed, so he didn't even have studio suits to answer to. He was a one-man kingdom. Whether he did it well or let his impulses (often misguided) get the better of him (which is my opinion) is another topic, but they were clearly his decisions to make.

EDIT: I actually think that may have been the problem. He had no one to rein him in and tell him some of his ideas really sucked. If my memory serves, this kind of "fly to great heights or crash and burn" is key to the autuer theory as they have so much centralized control that they either kick ass or bring the whole thing down on top of them.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 22, 2005, 11:05:51 PM
Reach much?

Not particularly. You obviously didn't hear his comments on Jar-jar Binks and the Ewoks. One argument is that Star Wars is a kids movie. Maybe, but I don't buy it. Really it's HIS kids' movie(s).

Make up your mind, did he have control or didn't he? So, under your logic, if a producer hires a director he no longer has control. Or hires an actor. Or has kids. That's a pretty tight definition of creative control there. Does he have to do makeup himself also?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 22, 2005, 11:09:58 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

Reach much?

Not particularly. You obviously didn't hear his comments on Jar-jar Binks and the Ewoks. One argument is that Star Wars is a kids movie. Maybe, but I don't buy it. Really it's HIS kids' movie(s).

Wow.  Just... wow.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Litigator on May 22, 2005, 11:55:24 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

You know better than to do what you just did. I never once said an auteur was the director. But if you're going to call yourself or be labeled an auteur, you best damn well be the director as well.

Being an auteur is a measure of freedom which a filmmaker has.  It means a lack of interference from studios, producers or investors, and a budget large enough that its constraints don't materially limit what you can put on the screen. The fact that Lucas decided to use Ford's ad libs, or that he let somebody else direct Empire.  By the time he was making the new trilogy, there was nobody at Fox or anywhere else who would question his "vision" or his decisions. And it's a shame, because if somebody had said "George, maybe we should lay a strong foundation for the stuff in Episode 3 by dedicating screen time to developing these characters and this romance in Episode 2, instead of an hour of extraneous shit about the origin of the bounty hunter who has four lines in the original trilogy," this whole failed three-film enterprise might have been salvaged. 

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Litigator on May 23, 2005, 12:10:58 AM
[The overall political metaplot actually worked well. I'm a conservative IRL and didn't see much hamfisted "OMG BUSH IS THE EMPIRE!" stuff that some blogs are ranting about. I mean, come on, the Empire is fascist - who knew? The seduction of Anakin worked well enough given the time constraints, and the collapse of the Republic felt about right. And of course, Executive Order 66 was, well, too cool for words. So THAT'S why those clones appeared from nowhere! And it explains the whole purpose of the Clone War; not only for a reason for Palpatine to assume power, but also to infiltrate and destroy the Jedi who came to rely on them. Very subtle and unusal subtext for Lucas.

I think a lot of film critics just wanted to talk about politics and didn't want to talk about this movie, so they latched onto that. I think it's possible that Lucas intended to needle Bush when he threw that one exchange where Anakin says :If you're not with me, you're my enemy," and Obi Wan replies "Only a Sith thinks in absolutes."

If you want to read contemporary social issues into the matter, it's as easy to interpret the Sith as representing homosexuality as it is to view them as Republicans.  The Jedi are essentially social conservatives. They're prudish about sex, ascetic and extremely religious.  The Sith are kind of lascivious, and their master/apprentice duality reeks of homoeroticism, which is reinforced by the mincing, limp-wristed portrayal of the Emperor, who is the gayest screen bad guy since Ian McKellan was Magneto.  In fact, the whole narrative could be viewed as Anakin, under the tutelage of Sidious, literally throwing away his female love interest, and subsequently donning S&M gimp gear in the dank recesses of Sidious's boudoir.   

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 23, 2005, 12:24:39 AM
Maybe my girlfriend and I are the only people in the world who feel this way, but I really don't get why everyone's getting hard-ons about Han Solo.  He was the token rebellious badass.  Woo.  I just don't get it.  Obi-Wan was way cooler, and I never even really liked Obi-Wan that much.

I'd be interested to know more about the Sith.  Does the Dark Side twist their minds, or are they that evil on their own?  Is there a balance that can be struck between the rigid control of the Jedi and the violent passion of the Sith?  Are all the folks who use their emotions with the Force necessarily evil?  What was Darth Maul's deal?  He was a Jedi first, right?  What corrupted him?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Daydreamer on May 23, 2005, 01:04:17 AM
I'd be interested to know more about the Sith.  Does the Dark Side twist their minds, or are they that evil on their own?  Is there a balance that can be struck between the rigid control of the Jedi and the violent passion of the Sith?  Are all the folks who use their emotions with the Force necessarily evil?  What was Darth Maul's deal?  He was a Jedi first, right?  What corrupted him?

One of my favorite parts about the EU Star Wars books is just this.  As Luke develops as a Jedi, and as his academy grows, he is faced with difficult decisions about the rules Jedi should follow.  He has to weight his intuition and experience against recordings of old Jedi teachings - a balance that echos with his role as the Chosen One, but that every author has a different take on.

God damn it, now I want to go back and reread the old pre-Vong EU books.  Damn you Llava.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 23, 2005, 01:09:03 AM
And it's a shame, because if somebody had said "George, maybe we should lay a strong foundation for the stuff in Episode 3 by dedicating screen time to developing these characters and this romance in Episode 2, instead of an hour of extraneous shit about the origin of the bounty hunter who has four lines in the original trilogy," this whole failed three-film enterprise might have been salvaged. 

As I said earlier, I'm going through the prequels atm, and now I'm almost done with AotC. The Obi-Wan detective story shit is the only thing that's really working about this film. It's hardly extraneous. Sure, Lucas is catering to fans of an old side character that wasn't intended to be "popular"....But it all works --- This is Attack of the "Clones", after all. Tracing the bounty hunter is the key to open that part of the story up.

From the very moment Obi-Wan jumps out of Padme's apartment to catch the bounty hunter, until the two story arcs tie together at the first clone battle, it's pretty terrific (minus the Padme/Anakin scenes). Lots of great action, and McGregor gets plenty of screen time. Not a bad thing. Casting Temura Morrison was a great choice as well.

He wouldn't necessarily need to throw it all out --- but concentrating on a better way to pull off the romantic story part, that I'll agree with.

The Anakin/Padme stuff really is pretty fucking horrible. It's funny how Lucas does a fairly servicable job in a broad range of things, like sword combat/fight scenes, vehicular action/chase scenes, massive space battles, "cutesy shit" ala R2-D2, slapstick, political intrigue, detective stories, etc., etc......But he's just a completel jackass when it comes to romance. I mean, "fireplace lighting"? Can you get any more soap opera-ish than that? It's truly painful. Perhaps the only good scene is when they were out in the field talking about the Senate (when Anakin jokes about "dictatorships").

Anyways, I guess I'm going to watch the rest.

I'd be interested to know more about the Sith.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 23, 2005, 04:00:09 AM
As I said earlier, I'm going through the prequels atm, and now I'm almost done with AotC. The Obi-Wan detective story shit is the only thing that's really working about this film. It's hardly extraneous. Sure, Lucas is catering to fans of an old side character that wasn't intended to be "popular"....But it all works --- This is Attack of the "Clones", after all. Tracing the bounty hunter is the key to open that part of the story up.

From the very moment Obi-Wan jumps out of Padme's apartment to catch the bounty hunter, until the two story arcs tie together at the first clone battle, it's pretty terrific (minus the Padme/Anakin scenes). Lots of great action, and McGregor gets plenty of screen time. Not a bad thing. Casting Temura Morrison was a great choice as well.

He wouldn't necessarily need to throw it all out --- but concentrating on a better way to pull off the romantic story part, that I'll agree with.

The Anakin/Padme stuff really is pretty fucking horrible. It's funny how Lucas does a fairly servicable job in a broad range of things, like sword combat/fight scenes, vehicular action/chase scenes, massive space battles, "cutesy shit" ala R2-D2, slapstick, political intrigue, detective stories, etc., etc......But he's just a completel jackass when it comes to romance. I mean, "fireplace lighting"? Can you get any more soap opera-ish than that? It's truly painful. Perhaps the only good scene is when they were out in the field talking about the Senate (when Anakin jokes about "dictatorships").

I dunno.  I think he's right, it wasn't integral to the story. Not that I think the clone/Jango scenes themselves were the worst parts of the movie.  Aside from the dogfight in the asteroid field (3720 to 1 odds my ass), most of the stuff with Jango is damn good when compared to the rest of the film.  That still doesn't make it necessary.

I liked Boba in the OT, but I didn't need an expose on his past.  He was there to look cool, and kick ass, and that was it.  The whole tying of his origin so intricately into the clones and the entire storyline just made the universe that much smaller.  Temura wasn't bad in the prequels, but his voice-overs for Boba in the OT was horrible.  And I really dislike knowing what Boba looked like under the mask.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Festus Clamrod on May 23, 2005, 07:38:07 AM
I liked Boba in the OT, but I didn't need an expose on his past.  He was there to look cool, and kick ass, and that was it.
Not to derail this thread or anything, but I've never quite understood the Boba Fet luv. I mean, what did he do exactly? He played bus driver to Han the Ice Cube and died with less drama than Porkins. That hardly qualifies as kicking ass.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 23, 2005, 08:03:59 AM
I liked Boba in the OT, but I didn't need an expose on his past.  He was there to look cool, and kick ass, and that was it.
Not to derail this thread or anything, but I've never quite understood the Boba Fet luv. I mean, what did he do exactly? He played bus driver to Han the Ice Cube and died with less drama than Porkins. That hardly qualifies as kicking ass.

The hype started because of the horrible SW Christmas special.  Then in ESB, he outfoxed the Fox everyone loved (Han) and was the mystery badass Vader felt it was necessary to make special clarifications to.  This gave him some kind of legenday aura that even dying like a screaming bitch couldn't overcome.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 23, 2005, 08:44:32 AM
Then in ESB, he outfoxed the Fox everyone loved (Han)
No, he didn't, he was captured by Lando's treachery, Darth Vader's force powers and a couple of storm trooper squads. Boba Fett just stood there watching. LAZY GIT! And people like that get a carreer named after them in SW:G?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 23, 2005, 08:57:10 AM
I remember the craze over boba's action figure, I thought that it was just because he looked so cool.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 23, 2005, 08:58:14 AM
Fett was the one who tracked the Falcon to Cloud City after the whole "float out with the rest of the garbage" tactic Han used to escape the Star Destroyer when they were found in the asteroid belt.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 23, 2005, 09:09:32 AM
Fett was the one who tracked the Falcon to Cloud City after the whole "float out with the rest of the garbage" tactic Han used to escape the Star Destroyer when they were found in the asteroid belt.
Whoops, you are right of course.

Title: Re: Episode 3 movie
Post by: El Gallo on May 23, 2005, 09:10:27 AM
Anyone actually seen this yet? Comments? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways?

Judging from El Gallo's post, I think he liked it, but wussed out in saying so, out of fear that he'd take a beating.

Shit, I have openly defended Brad McQuaid on this forum :)  Any beating I'd get over this would feel like a lovetap.

I wish Lucas hadn't dicked around so much in the first 2 movies so he would not have had to squeeze so much in and still cut things short.  The fall of the temple could have been the coolest scene in all 6 movies if I had only gotten to see Vader slice through a bunch of jedi knights and masters like they were little bitches.  Vader has to seem (a) like someone who had believably become utterly but redeemably evil and (b) someone who was believably a guy with the potential to become the most powerful being in the galaxy.  While I surprisingly found (a) (the stretch from the temple to the frankenvader was great imo) covered pretty well, I would have liked to see more "b".  Looking at all 6 movies, you see Anakin/Vader fight, what, 6 times?  His only impressive victory is his second fight with Dooku.  All the other times he loses or "meh" victories.

Aside from wanting to see more in the temple, that sequence was great.  The Vader-Padme, Vader-Padme-ObiWan and Vader-Obi Wan sequences rang true to me.  He really seemed like a powerful guy with the emotional makeup of a 14 year old descending into rage and self-delusion.

Then came Frankenvader.  I felt like George Lucas took my childhood, chopped off its legs, set it on fire and left it to gurgle and moan, alone and dying.  I cannot believe he thought that scene was a good idea.  I mean, fuck, that's a joke they use almost every week on the Simpsons, and he thought it was appropriate for the emotional climax of all 6 movies.  

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 23, 2005, 09:51:42 AM
I liked it. I don't think it made up for the total waste of time that was TPM, but it did a nice job of entertaining me and moving the story along.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Triforcer on May 23, 2005, 11:03:02 AM
I'll renew my RotK complaint here in Episode III: homoeroticism.  I can't remember exactly where I saw it, but the best review line ever for RotS: "Ian McDarmid plays Palpatine like an old queen trying to find a new cabana boy."  He reminds me of that mincing doctor from Lost in Space.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Fraeg on May 23, 2005, 11:12:46 AM
Crazy effects, good fights, spectacular scenes where I wanted to hit *pause* and just soak it all in.

The acting skills of your average 7th grade christmas pageant.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2005, 11:13:35 AM
Palpatine was "seducing" Anakin to the Dark Side, after all.  I thought the portrayal was pretty good, homoerotic overtones and all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 23, 2005, 11:19:05 AM
Hell Schild, I was gonna make some sort of scathing remark, but others have tagged it for me.

Give me a break. Really man, where do you get off? I like you, but your hate is just...well...Shit, I don't know what it is. It's a black hole. It's so comical I almost want to believe that you've been trolling all this time.

self-important, beret-wearing jackass that is choleric with rage because some truly talented filmmakers dare to let their movies become mainstream popular instead of remaining "inside" favorites of the clique-ish film-snob community.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 23, 2005, 11:21:15 AM
Frankenvader left me as scarred as a Tara Reid titty.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Fraeg on May 23, 2005, 03:11:57 PM

We have hyperdrives, blasters, jedi mind tricks, lightsabers, and armored unicycles from hell... but no such thing as a Cesarian?

I guess they attribute Natalie Portman's death to "a lack of will to live" or some crap. But all I could think of was... "dude where the hell is Obi-Wan-Gyn to perform a lighsaber C-Section".

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 23, 2005, 03:18:24 PM
My point was that Lucas wasn't ever an auteur. He did not have full creative control. Harrison Ford took it away from him. The director of Empire Strikes back took it away from him. His kids took it away from him.

Reach much?

Not particularly. You obviously didn't hear his comments on Jar-jar Binks and the Ewoks. One argument is that Star Wars is a kids movie. Maybe, but I don't buy it. Really it's HIS kids' movie(s).

I was a kid when ROTJ came out.  To this day, when I watch it, I watch the Han Rescue scenes and the new Death Star scenes.  All the Ewok shit, I cut out.  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Daydreamer on May 23, 2005, 03:26:57 PM
  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

This is intriguing, please elaborate.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 23, 2005, 03:59:17 PM
I couldn't tell if it was a CGI Cushing face or they rounded up some guy who looked like he looked when he was younger. Knowing Lucas it was a CGI overlay. I'll have to look closer next time as the first time it was a brief "Hey that dude is supposed to be Tarkin!" moment.

Just watched it again. I couldn't see how Tarkin's head could be anything but CGI. Looks pretty fake, like some of the scenes with the clones (he's got that "waxy" look to him).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2005, 04:28:48 PM
IMDB says that the role of Governor Tarkin was played by one Wayne Pygram.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 23, 2005, 04:33:22 PM
IMDB says that the role of Governor Tarkin was played by one Wayne Pygram.

His body maybe.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 23, 2005, 05:00:11 PM

We have hyperdrives, blasters, jedi mind tricks, lightsabers, and armored unicycles from hell... but no such thing as a Cesarian?

I guess they attribute Natalie Portman's death to "a lack of will to live" or some crap. But all I could think of was... "dude where the hell is Obi-Wan-Gyn to perform a lighsaber C-Section".


A broken heart? Fah, she's only MOSTLY dead.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 23, 2005, 05:01:50 PM
  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

This is intriguing, please elaborate.

I don't still have it, but at one point in the 90s, I made a tape of Pulp Fiction that only had scenes with Vincent and Jules.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Daydreamer on May 23, 2005, 05:09:38 PM
  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

This is intriguing, please elaborate.

I don't still have it, but at one point in the 90s, I made a tape of Pulp Fiction that only had scenes with Vincent and Jules.

So you cut the Watch scene and the Katana scene? For shame!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 23, 2005, 05:12:38 PM
IMDB says that the role of Governor Tarkin was played by one Wayne Pygram.

His body maybe.

There were pictures of the guy months and months ago.  It's a real guy in makeup, no CGI.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 23, 2005, 05:28:22 PM
  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

This is intriguing, please elaborate.

I don't still have it, but at one point in the 90s, I made a tape of Pulp Fiction that only had scenes with Vincent and Jules.

Speaking of that....Someone needs to dub the scene where Anakin asks for a seat on the Jedi Council.

Mace: After discussing this matter over, we've decided to let you have a seat, but to not make you a Jedi Master.

Anakin: What?!


After all is said and done, Mace, out of all the Jedi's that got jacked, comes out looking like the biggest punk. Someone's gotta redeem Samuel L. here.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: sidereal on May 23, 2005, 05:35:51 PM
Late review:

After the movie finished, I staggered towards the screen, dropped to my knees in anguish, and with supplicating hands upturned and shaking cried, "Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" 

Not really, but that's how Lucas would write it, because he writes dialogue like a moody 16-year-old.

The CGI was pretty good, but I'm nearly at the point in my movie-watching career where that's a negative instead of a positive (lower budget shows like Battlestar Galactica and last year's Dune on SciFi have whetted my appetite for understated effects).  And seen enough of Jedi slicing up droids in the middle of backflips that it's basically white noise now.  Hayden was easily the best actor in the movie that wasn't computer generated.  Yoda takes top honors.  I wonder if the SAG worries about things like that.

I think one of the big problems was that it was so straightjacketed by what it had to do.  There was not a single scene or event in the entire movie that wasn't there with the purpose of plugging II into IV.  No character building, no scene setting. . nothing like the pod races (which, to be fair, were only there to sell umpteen million dollars in video game licenses).  It was all about finishing off the droids, getting Anakin to Vader,  and getting Luke to Tatooine, then lights out.  I think if they had pushed Anakin's betrayal back to the end of II and chopped out a lot of the crap that was there instead, they could have made III into a real movie instead of glorified duct tape.

Meh-minus.  I probably won't watch it again unless it's on HBO at a friend's house or something.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 23, 2005, 05:48:21 PM
The CGI was pretty good

But much of CGI ages badly.  I watched TPM earlier this year, after having only seen it one time when it was new.  God, did the CGI suck!  Videogames have better graphics nowadays than that movie had.  The war scene between the droids and the Gungans is atrocious.  The landscape just looks like some lame, flat green color laid atop a hilly landscape.  You can't see any grass blades at all and there are no trees or anything.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 23, 2005, 05:52:12 PM
  It's kind of like my "Gangster Cut" of Pulp Fiction.

This is intriguing, please elaborate.

I don't still have it, but at one point in the 90s, I made a tape of Pulp Fiction that only had scenes with Vincent and Jules.

So you cut the Watch scene and the Katana scene? For shame!

Sorry, but the full movie is a  bit long.  I appreciate the whole thing, but sometimes I just neeeded a quick fix, and that's what my "Gangster Cut" was for.  Actually I should have said "Vincent and/or Jules" as far as scenes go.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on May 23, 2005, 07:25:42 PM
I saw it. It didn't suck, but I hated that Lucas went well out of his way to make the Emporer look really dumb, and the whole dark side possibly saving life BS. Also, I thought Vader hunted down Jedi, what's with all the fun and gun? Ghey.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 23, 2005, 07:34:58 PM
Also, I thought Vader hunted down Jedi.

Does he? I thought that was just novelizations and/or SWG that would say that.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on May 23, 2005, 07:37:44 PM
Also, I thought Vader hunted down Jedi.

Does he? I thought that was just novelizations and/or SWG that would say that.

I'm not enough of a nerd to really care, it just struck me as kinda "overly dramatic for no reason"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 23, 2005, 07:41:39 PM
Presumably some Jedi besides Yoda and Obi survived the purge, and needed to be hunted down by Vader.  *shrug*

But yeah, I wanted to see him go into that temple and just fucking wade through assholes.  Take them on in threes and fours and just whirl through them.  Bah.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Triforcer on May 23, 2005, 08:16:16 PM
Presumably some Jedi besides Yoda and Obi survived the purge, and needed to be hunted down by Vader.  *shrug*

A few did, and that's covered mostly in the comics of the period.  A couple actually survived the purge and were still alive by the time Episode IV rolled around- Halagad Ventor comes to mind, there was a semi-tree like Jedi that had been hibernating also, maybe one or two more.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 24, 2005, 12:08:04 AM
Yeah, a few had to survive.  Otherwise recalibrating the signal to assure that they'd all stay away from the temple would've been fairly pointless.  And Yoda probably would've known that it was pointless.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Litigator on May 24, 2005, 04:46:41 AM
And it's a shame, because if somebody had said "George, maybe we should lay a strong foundation for the stuff in Episode 3 by dedicating screen time to developing these characters and this romance in Episode 2, instead of an hour of extraneous shit about the origin of the bounty hunter who has four lines in the original trilogy," this whole failed three-film enterprise might have been salvaged. 

As I said earlier, I'm going through the prequels atm, and now I'm almost done with AotC. The Obi-Wan detective story shit is the only thing that's really working about this film. It's hardly extraneous. Sure, Lucas is catering to fans of an old side character that wasn't intended to be "popular"....But it all works --- This is Attack of the "Clones", after all. Tracing the bounty hunter is the key to open that part of the story up.

From the very moment Obi-Wan jumps out of Padme's apartment to catch the bounty hunter, until the two story arcs tie together at the first clone battle, it's pretty terrific (minus the Padme/Anakin scenes). Lots of great action, and McGregor gets plenty of screen time. Not a bad thing. Casting Temura Morrison was a great choice as well.

He wouldn't necessarily need to throw it all out --- but concentrating on a better way to pull off the romantic story part, that I'll agree with.

The Anakin/Padme stuff really is pretty fucking horrible. It's funny how Lucas does a fairly servicable job in a broad range of things, like sword combat/fight scenes, vehicular action/chase scenes, massive space battles, "cutesy shit" ala R2-D2, slapstick, political intrigue, detective stories, etc., etc......But he's just a completel jackass when it comes to romance. I mean, "fireplace lighting"? Can you get any more soap opera-ish than that? It's truly painful. Perhaps the only good scene is when they were out in the field talking about the Senate (when Anakin jokes about "dictatorships").

The romance sucks, but it really is the most important thing in the whole trilogy.  Lucas either should have done whatever was necessary to make it work, or he should not have made that central to Anakin's fall.  And turning away from the Jedi philosophy didn't exactly have much dramatic heft either, since the Jedi philosophy is a bunch of fortune cookie shit.

Even if you liked the clone army thing, it was pointless.  It wasn't part of the main story arc, and the emperor could have taken control of the Republic's armies in like five minutes and they could have excised the whole plot of Episode 2, and actually done something to set the stage for the stuff in episode 3.

General Grievous made for some cool set pieces too,  but he also took a lot of time away from the central story arc that tied the three films together, and that collapsed under the weight of the extraneous stuff.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Tebonas on May 24, 2005, 05:39:00 AM
Executive Order 66, that was all the reason needed to have the clone army. The Republic armies couldn't be trusted to take out all Jedi at the same moment, Loyalities to the Republic are fine and dandy, killswitches embedded into the genetic makeup are better. I kind of think the Jedi would have put up more of a fight if they weren't all attacked simultanously by whoever of their trusted clone troops was closest to them. Trust they earned during a fake war, because their loyality wasn't faked. Just erased when it was inconvenient to the grand plan. The Jedi had no forewarning, forewarning they would have had with regular troops who knew of their betrayal orders beforehand. The clone troops didn't.

I was REALLY pissed off about the quick killing of the Jedi until I realized this. Plus, I'm really really really sure executive order 66 was buggy and screwed with the targetting abilites of the clones. Which explains Stormtroopers.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 24, 2005, 06:00:02 AM
I saw it a second time.  It was better the second time, partially because I could pay attention to the nuances, and partially because I wasn't struggling to stay awake (we saw the 12:45am show last time).

I still think there were too many scenes that didn't seem fleshed out, like they were just there to make a plot point and move on (I don't get the "don't go there" comment I got earlier on that).  But there were some that were elaborated well.  I really think that Lucas should have had the cojones, like Jackson, to make a 3.5 hour movie, or at least 3 hours.  That, and cutting some of the unnecessary bits, would have given him enough time to do things like (for example)

- Give more than an establishing shot to Yoda/Kenobi entering the Jedi temple after the pogrom
- Have Vader do more things in the suit, like track down remaining Jedi (they could have shown more than just Yoda sensing something was wrong and defending themselves in time).  Kenobi and Yoda could have chased him around the galaxy, to greater dramatic effect.  I do however, after reading this thread, appreciate Order 66 a bit more than I did.
- Give more time (and write better dialog) between Padme and Anakin
- Give Padme somethng more heroic to do
- I could go on

I think it would have been more impactful and beleiveable to have Padme die of complications from the force choke rather than from depression.  That, "NOOO" and the gratuitous Wookiees are pretty much just nitpicks that I have, and I could live with them if the movie was more elaborated.  But overall, I now think it was the best of the first three, even if Ep1 has points on it in a few areas.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 24, 2005, 09:09:38 AM
- Give more time (and write better dialog) between Padme and Anakin

I realize that the relationship was central to Anakin's fall, but the movie just STOPPED whenever they cut to a 'relationship scene'. Adding more without out a huge rewrite would have made it unbearable.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on May 24, 2005, 09:19:12 AM
IMDB says that the role of Governor Tarkin was played by one Wayne Pygram.

His body maybe.

Actually, Wayne Pygram looks a little like Cushing. He's best known for playing Scorpius on Farscape.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 24, 2005, 09:19:48 AM
- Give more time (and write better dialog) between Padme and Anakin

I realize that the relationship was central to Anakin's fall, but the movie just STOPPED whenever they cut to a 'relationship scene'. Adding more without out a huge rewrite would have made it unbearable.

I saw Episode III last night, and you sum up my primary objection to the whole movie.  Padme and Anakin seemed only together in scenes designed to show the MAD PWNAGE of digital backdrops.

It would have been ok if that had been my only objection.  God, that movie sucked.  I'm a little pissed that I paid to see it now.  I find it impossible to rate Episode III relative to I and II.  They are all pretty much the same suckiness.  Worst.  Trilogy.  Ever.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on May 24, 2005, 09:32:21 AM
Hmm, certainly more hate here than I expected. Saw it Wednesday night and thouroughly enjoyed it. Like many, I'd rank it above Jedi overall. It was far darker than I expected, which I'm glad for. A few quick thoughts:

 - No C3PO one-liners. Yay!
 - Loved the Palpatine/Windu fight. I liked that the Emperor used a decidedly different fighting style than the Jedi - much more offensively oriented.
 - Kit Fisto - the great tentically hero of the Clone Wars cartoon - goes down in one swing. LOL.
 - They shot my lovely blue twil'ek jedi in the back. Didn't even get to draw her saber. *sniff*
 - I really didn't think much on the Frankenvader thing when I watched it, but I'll admit it was hokey.
 - Obi-wan's line after shooting Grievous with the blaster was cheesy, but cheesy in a good way.
 - Yoda waving at the guards as he walks through the door. Whole damn theater cheered.
 - I stopped reading Shild's posts about two pages ago. Not going to let him spoil my enjoyment.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 24, 2005, 09:39:38 AM
Twue love!

I sometimes think of how The Princess Bride would have turned out had it been directed by Lucas.

I then wake up screaming, drenched in sweat.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MrHat on May 24, 2005, 09:51:24 AM

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 24, 2005, 11:18:45 AM
I thought the Jedi could see into the future thanks to the power of the midi-chlorians. Isn't that was Qui-Gon said in Ep 1 when he grabbed Jar-Jar's tongue. So how could they be surprised by shots in the back?

If they are going to add in stupid asides that add nothing, they might as well stick to them.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 24, 2005, 11:41:54 AM
I have not seen Ep3 yet, but it occurs to me that the entire prequel trilogy, over 6 hours of film has only brought us about 10 minutes worth of non-shit filmmaking. And all 10 minutes is from the first film, the fight scene between Darth Maul and Obi-Won/Qui-Gon. The rest of it was total, useless shit. There was absolutely NO good reason for any of the story in the first movie at all, other than that fight scene.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 24, 2005, 11:44:03 AM
Agreed. Darth Maul was tragically underused in Ep I, and everything else (Jar Jar and that shitty little bastard kid chief among them) was overused. Some more Qui Gon and Obi-Wan asskicking would have been nice too- I enjoyed seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan together in II and III.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 24, 2005, 12:10:06 PM
I thought the Jedi could see into the future thanks to the power of the midi-chlorians. Isn't that was Qui-Gon said in Ep 1 when he grabbed Jar-Jar's tongue. So how could they be surprised by shots in the back?

If they are going to add in stupid asides that add nothing, they might as well stick to them.

They can only see a few seconds into the future, at least with concrete reliability.  Just enough time to intercept a blaster shot, or what have you.  Beyond that extent, things get muddy and their precogntion becomes "prophecy" or whatever.  Some of the Jedi DO turn around and attempt to defend themselves, but ten or more guys blasting you at close-quarters is impossible to stop with a lightsaber.  As for the ones that are blasted all unsuspecting, perhaps they were simply concentrating on something else at the time.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 12:12:11 PM
Why can't Jedi focus the force around them to create a force-field?


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 24, 2005, 12:54:00 PM

A guy aged 20 and a girl aged 17.  You'd think one of them would've thought "Hey, maybe filling a long glass tube with petrol and then swinging them at each other isn't a bright idea."  Two guys around 15 I could see- rampant stupidity can arise easily there.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Viin on May 24, 2005, 12:56:48 PM
Why can't Jedi focus the force around them to create a force-field?


Compared to my badass self in both KoToR and all the Jedi Knight games, I must say the Jedi from the movies are Force-retarded.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 24, 2005, 01:08:08 PM

If they are going to add in stupid asides that add nothing, they might as well stick to them.

I've given up pointing out continuity errors.  Some wiseass like WUA always pops up with a plausible but unlikely explanation.  Not wanting to argue against the arsenal of free time, geek motivation, and, no doubt, a lot of EU stuff I don't know about, I just quietly accept that Lucas could have could added Threepio becomng a gay Jedi Wookiee and there would be some explanation for it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 01:09:24 PM

If they are going to add in stupid asides that add nothing, they might as well stick to them.

I've given up pointing out continuity errors.  Some wiseass like WUA always pops up with a plausible but unlikely explanation.  Not wanting to argue against the arsenal of free time, geek motivation, and, no doubt, a lot of EU stuff I don't know about, I just quietly accept that Lucas could have could added Threepio becomng a gay Jedi Wookiee and there would be some explanation for it.

I doubt that. Everyone, even the geeks, know that Threepio likes the poon.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 24, 2005, 01:21:42 PM
I've given up pointing out continuity errors.  Some wiseass like WUA always pops up with a plausible but unlikely explanation.  Not wanting to argue against the arsenal of free time, geek motivation, and, no doubt, a lot of EU stuff I don't know about, I just quietly accept that Lucas could have could added Threepio becomng a gay Jedi Wookiee and there would be some explanation for it.

Threepio becoming anything would have been more entertaining than the rancid pile of Yoda droppings we got instead.  I'd settle for some hot R2D2-Threepio action over lameass whiny teenagers saying, "I WANT TO RULE THE GALAXY!"  Ugh, after that I was waiting for the "OMG LOLZ UR PWNED!!@"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 01:23:39 PM
The shitfest that was the entire prequel trilogy can be summed up with this amazingly horrid line from Episode 3, "You're breaking my heart, Anakin."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Furiously on May 24, 2005, 01:43:58 PM
Oh thanks a ton. Now I'm gonna have Elton John stuck in my head all day...

Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind

Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off me
Honey when you knock on my door
I gave you my key

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 24, 2005, 01:54:23 PM

 - Kit Fisto - the great tentically hero of the Clone Wars cartoon - goes down in one swing. LOL.
 - They shot my lovely blue twil'ek jedi in the back. Didn't even get to draw her saber. *sniff*

Those two things bugged me a bit also.  The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this (http://www.star-collector.net/convention/amyallen.jpg) hottie) and she along with Kit Fisto and a few others had pretty extensive EU backstories spanning several books.  Then Lucas decides to add them to his movies just so he can kill them like bitches.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 01:55:48 PM
I was pretty amazed how shitty he portrayed all the other Jedi. Oh well, it's over and my childhood has been burned away. I will shed no more tears.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Krakrok on May 24, 2005, 02:17:10 PM
- Yoda waving at the guards as he walks through the door. Whole damn theater cheered.

Same. I don't get it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 02:18:28 PM
It's called "physical comedy".

But of course, it doesn't work if one's "childhood" has been shit on  :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 24, 2005, 02:24:03 PM
Hayden wants to stop acting. (http://www.tonight.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=2532212)  Apparently he started at some point.

I was going to just wrap it in some geekish Star Wars comment like "a million voices cried out in happiness", but I'm starting to feel very apathetic about it all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 24, 2005, 02:28:39 PM
Hayden wants to stop acting. (http://www.tonight.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=2532212)  Apparently he started at some point.

I was going to just wrap it in some geekish Star Wars comment like "a million voices cried out in happiness", but I'm starting to feel very apathetic about it all.

Wow, he even sounds like the Stephen Glass character from Shattered Glass. Whiney pussy.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 02:37:39 PM
Wow, he even sounds like the Stephen Glass character from Shattered Glass. Whiney pussy.

Surely you have some idea how frustrating the film industry is (and just "entertainment" in general, for that matter). I mean seriously --- I actually prefer sitting around posting on message boards to it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 24, 2005, 02:40:29 PM
I thought the Jedi could see into the future thanks to the power of the midi-chlorians. Isn't that was Qui-Gon said in Ep 1 when he grabbed Jar-Jar's tongue. So how could they be surprised by shots in the back?

If they are going to add in stupid asides that add nothing, they might as well stick to them.

Because the Jedi were a bunch of asshats.  Kenobi and Yoda were the biggest jackasses of all and Qui Gon is laughing at them, despite not being in 2 movies.

Qui Gon was right about Anakin being the "chosen one" who will bring balance to the force.  Anakin is partially responsible for evening the odds, and making it 2 Jedi vs 2 Sith.

Yoda was a fucking coward.  He suffers a small setback, as he gets his ass kicked off of the senate and falls.  What does he do after that?  He goes into hiding!  Even that whiney bitch, Luke, didn't go running off after he got his ass kicked out of cloud city, and he lost a hand in the process!  Yoda had all limbs intact.

Then Qui Gon pulls a rabbit out of his hat and saves all their asses by figuring out how to become immortal.  I can't help but think that Luke would have been way better off if Qui Gon was appearing to him than hhe was having Kenobi mentor him.

Qui Gon was the best character in all 3 prequels and they killed him off way too quick :(

That being said, Episode III still kicked ass.  I had a big smile on my face for most of the movie.  It did drag in certain points and would have been much better if they had used about 25% of RoTS in AOTC (assuming they would yank stuff that didn't matter from AOTC).

Grievous bugged the shit out of me.  Why is a robot coughing?  That's just stupid.  Old joints and motors squealing and wheezing as he moves, yes.  Sending the sound of a cough out of a speaker to show that he's an old, ailing robot, NO!

I also disliked how Lucas tried to paint Anakin as an innocent who slips to the dark side out of love.  I'm sorry, but when you slaughter a group of children, you are a fucking evil, perverted bastard.  There is no reason to try and pass you off as anything else.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 02:51:34 PM
Yoda was a fucking coward. He suffers a small setback, as he gets his ass kicked off of the senate and falls. What does he do after that? He goes into hiding! Even that whiney bitch, Luke, didn't go running off after he got his ass kicked out of cloud city, and he lost a hand in the process! Yoda had all limbs intact.

It seemed that Mace and Yoda were superior to Sidious with lightsabers, but not with the force (at least that's how it seems with the Mace fight). And when Yoda and Sidious first start duking it out, Sidious trys run out the door after zapping him. Why? It's just my guess, but probably because he knew it'd come down to a saber fight.

When Yoda lost his saber though, he knew he it'd be suicide if he stayed.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 24, 2005, 02:54:19 PM

 - Kit Fisto - the great tentically hero of the Clone Wars cartoon - goes down in one swing. LOL.
 - They shot my lovely blue twil'ek jedi in the back. Didn't even get to draw her saber. *sniff*

Those two things bugged me a bit also.  The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this (http://www.star-collector.net/convention/amyallen.jpg) hottie) and she along with Kit Fisto and a few others had pretty extensive EU backstories spanning several books.  Then Lucas decides to add them to his movies just so he can kill them like bitches.

Is that you with her?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Viin on May 24, 2005, 02:54:38 PM
Grievous bugged the shit out of me.  Why is a robot coughing?  That's just stupid.  Old joints and motors squealing and wheezing as he moves, yes.  Sending the sound of a cough out of a speaker to show that he's an old, ailing robot, NO!

Did you miss the part where Kenobi rips some of his armor apart and it shows his insides, which are actually body parts? He had a heart, lungs, and stuff. Even his face was at least partially bio with a metal plate on top - so I assume he's some kind of cyborg.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 02:55:07 PM

 - Kit Fisto - the great tentically hero of the Clone Wars cartoon - goes down in one swing. LOL.
 - They shot my lovely blue twil'ek jedi in the back. Didn't even get to draw her saber. *sniff*

Those two things bugged me a bit also.  The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this (http://www.star-collector.net/convention/amyallen.jpg) hottie) and she along with Kit Fisto and a few others had pretty extensive EU backstories spanning several books.  Then Lucas decides to add them to his movies just so he can kill them like bitches.

Is that you with her?

I bet he's the Qui-Gon wannabe in the background.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 02:55:41 PM
Grievous bugged the shit out of me.  Why is a robot coughing?  That's just stupid.  Old joints and motors squealing and wheezing as he moves, yes.  Sending the sound of a cough out of a speaker to show that he's an old, ailing robot, NO!

Did you miss the part where Kenobi rips some of his armor apart and it shows his insides, which are actually body parts? He had a heart, lungs, and stuff. Even his face was at least partially bio with a metal plate on top - so I assume he's some kind of cyborg.

Lucas envisioned him as the Darth Vader prototype.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 24, 2005, 02:56:43 PM
Wow, he even sounds like the Stephen Glass character from Shattered Glass. Whiney pussy.

Surely you have some idea how frustrating the film industry is (and just "entertainment" in general, for that matter). I mean seriously --- I actually prefer sitting around posting on message boards to it.
Yes, I do. However, he was fucking handed one of the most high profile acting jobs on the fucking planet, and he blew it. He sucked monkey dick, everyone knew it and everyone said it, and suddenly he can't take the criticism. Had it been me, I'd have taken the check, blown it up to enormous proportions and posted it on every web site I could think of just to say, "You think I suck, but look at this, bitches!" Then I've had acted in anything I could. It's easy fucking money.

I mean, shit, Keanu Reeves has made a 20+ year career out of less acting talent.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on May 24, 2005, 02:58:19 PM
Yoda was a fucking coward. He suffers a small setback, as he gets his ass kicked off of the senate and falls. What does he do after that? He goes into hiding! Even that whiney bitch, Luke, didn't go running off after he got his ass kicked out of cloud city, and he lost a hand in the process! Yoda had all limbs intact.

It seemed that Mace and Yoda were superior to Sidious with lightsabers, but not with the force (at least that's how it seems with the Mace fight). And when Yoda and Sidious first start duking it out, Sidious trys run out the door after zapping him. Why? It's just my guess, but probably because he knew it'd come down to a saber fight.

When Yoda lost his saber though, he knew he it'd be suicide if he stayed.

When I called him a coward, I wasn't talking about duking it out, in that particular battle, until one of them fell.  I was talking about running away to "live to fight another day" type shit.  Instead, Yoda just runs, with no intention of coming back.

Luke, like his dad, was a whiney bitch.  He got his ass kicked by his dad and lost an appendage in the process.  Yet this whiney bitch managed to come back and fight 1 vs 2, when the 2 had cemented their power for over 20 years.  Yoda and Kenobi ran from an even fight with 2 Sith who were experiencing newfound power.  They decided to shift their burden to an infant.  They decided that instead of taking the Sith on, 2 vs 2, they would let Luke do the work, while outnumbered.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 24, 2005, 03:04:22 PM
I found this an amusing twist on the whole "A Jedi doesn't... " theme.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 03:09:56 PM
Yes, I do. However, he was fucking handed one of the most high profile acting jobs on the fucking planet, and he blew it.

He really wasn't all that bad in this one.....But I digress.

The point is, sometimes this kind of career choice, whether it be music or film, starts having more than a few parallel with whoring. In his case, high class whoring -- one in which one of his job requirements is to be constantly spit upon. At a certain point, dignity takes priority over anything else. The joy one could get out of saying "I'm rich, bitch!!" isn't always good enough.

Even those who don't get spit upon feel this way from time to time. It's easier to just do.....Something else.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 24, 2005, 03:11:46 PM
So Hayden Christiansen is to acting what Anakin Skywalker is to Jedi-dom.  Except Anakin had talent.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 03:14:40 PM
He really wasn't all that bad in this one.....But I digress.

Yes, he was. The fact you can't recognize bad acting when it's in front of you is a personal problem you might want to seek professional help with.

Episode 3 was bad. The fact that is was less bad than 1 and 2 does not mean it's a good movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 03:15:42 PM
So Hayden Christiansen is to acting what Anakin Skywalker is to Jedi-dom.  Except Anakin had talent.

Dude, even Johnny Depp has talked the same way before (and I'm only mentioning it because you've pointed out how you like him).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 03:30:00 PM
He really wasn't all that bad in this one.....But I digress.

Yes, he was. The fact you can't recognize bad acting when it's in front of you is a personal problem you might want to seek professional help with.

Here's me acting like I care what you have to say.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 24, 2005, 03:30:50 PM
Because the Jedi were a bunch of asshats.  Kenobi and Yoda were the biggest jackasses of all and Qui Gon is laughing at them, despite not being in 2 movies.

Qui Gon was right about Anakin being the "chosen one" who will bring balance to the force.  Anakin is partially responsible for evening the odds, and making it 2 Jedi vs 2 Sith.

I think the balance he brings is by killing every jedi and palpatine, dying himself and leaving the world with Luke as the only force user.  I think the jedi had become arrogant, dogmatic and inflexible by Ep1 and needed to be wiped out to bring balance to the force.  Palpy obviously had to be wiped out as well, and nobody is able to do that but Vader.

I like the layers of Greek tragedy, especially around the prophecy, it's probably my favorite thing about the prequels.  
-Anakin ensures Padme's death by trying to avoid it.  
-Qui Gon and Obi Wan ensure the destruction of the jedi by training Anakin, thinking that he would be the one to defeat the Sith and reinvigorate the order.  
-Palpatine and his mentor Plagus (whichever one created Anakin, it's not really clear to me), tried to exploit the prophecy by creating the uber-sith who would destroy the jedi and bring the galaxy under the dark side forever, but they just ended up creating the guy that fulfilled the prophecy and destroyed not only them (which they must have known would happen) but sithdom.

This was all wiped out and replaced by Luke, who was no sith, but was not beholden to the decrepit, dogmatic teachings of the jedi order we see in Ep 1-3.  Oh shit everyone married their mom.

I also disliked how Lucas tried to paint Anakin as an innocent who slips to the dark side out of love.  I'm sorry, but when you slaughter a group of children, you are a fucking evil, perverted bastard.  There is no reason to try and pass you off as anything else.

That's boring as fuck, though; the interesting thing is how the man becomes evil.  If Macbeth had been born bad and spent the first act twirling his moustache going MWAHAHAHA, the play would flat out suck.   Who is a more interesting villian, Captain Ahab or the antagonist on some A-Team episode picked at random?  Of course, a move from love -> Hitler in space isn't really believable, but they did an ok [kinda] job of showing the shallow, immature nature of his love for her, which was more like idolatry and often used as an excuse for his self-obsession.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 03:39:42 PM
He really wasn't all that bad in this one.....But I digress.

Yes, he was. The fact you can't recognize bad acting when it's in front of you is a personal problem you might want to seek professional help with.

Here's me acting like I care what you have to say.

Get a job.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 24, 2005, 03:41:33 PM

Yes, he was. The fact you can't recognize bad acting when it's in front of you is a personal problem you might want to seek professional help with.

He's "meh".  The lines are awful.  You would need a truly excellent actor to make lines that shitty work.  Especially when you have shitty dialogue + epic scale, which means you need someone who acts with the body, which almost no movie actors know how to do.  Hence, why McGregor, and Liam somewhat, stand out as the only people who pass the "utterly painful to watch" test in Ep 1-2.  McGregor is an excellent actor, and he can "act through" shitty lines with diction and (especially) posture.  In Ep 3, the lines are for the most part better (not great, not even good, but better), and Hayden was adequate.  Portman is pretty much a lost cause in all 3 movies, because she is not nearly good enough to make shitty lines not sound like shit, and for the most part she utterly shuts down and does not even try to act when someone else is speaking.

I saw a little bit of What a Girl Wants on HBO last night while making dinner, and saw Colin Firth look utterly shittastic because the story, dialogue and role were utterly shittastic, and that made me feel more sympathetic for Hayden.  I'll probably be back on the hateraide as soon as I erase that from my memory.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Rasix on May 24, 2005, 03:43:01 PM
Let's stop being asshats.  Please.  For the children? (This is not a response to mr. chicken)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on May 24, 2005, 03:50:34 PM
He really wasn't all that bad in this one.....But I digress.

Yes, he was. The fact you can't recognize bad acting when it's in front of you is a personal problem you might want to seek professional help with.

Here's me acting like I care what you have to say.

Get a job.

OK....Just so I can display my "vast knowledge" of dramatic technique, and to prove that I do know about "acting":

I'm outta here.. 



Have fun

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 24, 2005, 03:57:46 PM

 - Kit Fisto - the great tentically hero of the Clone Wars cartoon - goes down in one swing. LOL.
 - They shot my lovely blue twil'ek jedi in the back. Didn't even get to draw her saber. *sniff*

Those two things bugged me a bit also.  The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this (http://www.star-collector.net/convention/amyallen.jpg) hottie) and she along with Kit Fisto and a few others had pretty extensive EU backstories spanning several books.  Then Lucas decides to add them to his movies just so he can kill them like bitches.

Is that you with her?

No, thats just some random picture i pulled of google :P

And Grievous was coughing because Windu crushed his chest cavity with the force in the last moments of the clone wars cartoon.  If you haven't seen the cartoons give them a lookse, i thought they did a much better job than lucas in all fronts.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MrHat on May 24, 2005, 04:06:19 PM

I saw a little bit of What a Girl Wants on HBO last night while making dinner, and saw Colin Firth look utterly shittastic because the story, dialogue and role were utterly shittastic, and that made me feel more sympathetic for Hayden.  I'll probably be back on the hateraide as soon as I erase that from my memory.

Don't lie.  You watched  the whole thing while eating dinner too.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 24, 2005, 04:42:51 PM
Well, I only turned it on with 15 minutes or so left.  I would like to think that had I turned it on earlier I would have turned it off after 15 minutes or so I HAAATE YOU!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 24, 2005, 05:51:44 PM
Quote from: Cinescape
More STARS WARS Before PHANTOM? (http://cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?aff_id=0&this_cat=Movies&action=page&type_id=&cat_id=270338&obj_id=48836)

Dateline: Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Source: Scoops

Another scooper, MK, wrote in with his story of meeting none other than George Lucas, while in Hawaii on his (MK’s) honeymoon. MK had this to say about his chance encounter with the Master:

I was vacationing at the Mandarin Oriental in Hawaii for my honeymoon in 2004. I ran into George Lucas and his family on the beach there. I was sitting in a hammock, just about to get up, and he asked me if I was done. I said yes and began to leave....

He said so "Where are you from" ... I said I was from NY. He said "Are you here for the shoot?" I said no, “Here on my honeymoon.”

I told him I was a big STAR WARS fan and was anxiously awaiting the conclusion of the most recent trilogy.

I asked him if STAR WARS was going to end with this next installment and.

He said, "'Star Wars' will never end. My involvement may, but the story will go on...."

I said what do you think would be more interesting.... telling a story prior to PHANTOM MENANCE or after RETURN OF THE JEDI?

(Lucas) said, no question about it, prior to PHANTOM MENACE. He said, that if he did ever do another storyline.... that he would do when the Jedi regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords (there were many of them) 800 years before PHANTOM MENACE. And a young Jedi named Yoda was instrumental in the effort.

None of these stories are (or can truly be) confirmed at this moment, so only time will tell.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Triforcer on May 24, 2005, 08:02:46 PM
Sweet merciful jesus...this thing will never end, will it?  I'm already shuddering to think of what the TV series will be like.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 24, 2005, 08:09:47 PM
Hell, if Lucas had nothing to do with it, I'd be into seeing a cartoon done Clone Wars style about Yoda and company taking down the old Sith Lords.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 24, 2005, 10:22:25 PM
They can only see a few seconds into the future, at least with concrete reliability.  Just enough time to intercept a blaster shot, or what have you.  Beyond that extent, things get muddy and their precogntion becomes "prophecy" or whatever.  Some of the Jedi DO turn around and attempt to defend themselves, but ten or more guys blasting you at close-quarters is impossible to stop with a lightsaber.  As for the ones that are blasted all unsuspecting, perhaps they were simply concentrating on something else at the time.

Ha ha good point, good thing before that nobody ever thought of simultaneous fire. :roll:

He blocked my shot, now what?
Ok you fire!
OMG he blocked mine too!
Ok...hey you why don't you try?
WTF blocked again!

Here's a novel concept: one gun in each hand. Owned! Good thing everyone in the Star Wars universe has an IQ of 37.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MrHat on May 24, 2005, 10:42:44 PM
Ha ha good point, good thing before that nobody ever thought of simultaneous fire. :roll:

He blocked my shot, now what?
Ok you fire!
OMG he blocked mine too!
Ok...hey you why don't you try?
WTF blocked again!

Here's a novel concept: one gun in each hand. Owned! Good thing everyone in the Star Wars universe has an IQ of 37.

Haha, Red Vs. Blue - Jedi Edition

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 24, 2005, 10:52:29 PM
Sweet merciful jesus...this thing will never end, will it?  I'm already shuddering to think of what the TV series will be like.

I feel like Lord Vader at the end of III:  "Noooooooooooo!"  (God, the only thing that could've been done to improve that scene would have been a montage of Jar Jar Binks dying in gruesome ways at the hands of merciless puppies, possibly while chanting inane lines like "You broke my heart!" and "We shouldn't do this, it's not the Jedi puppy way!")

Hey, maybe if I sulk around like a rich brat and gripe about how acting sucks, they'll put me in a Vader suit and pay me millions.  Though, I might just try and grow a fat moneyneck and bitch about how the fanbois don't appreciate my newer work instead of realizing that I just suck.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 25, 2005, 08:30:10 AM
Quote from: E!
Wanted: Darth Vader (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=794&e=2&u=/eo/20050525/en_movies_eo/16622)

By Josh Grossberg
Tue May 24,10:19 PM ET
Darth Vader is on the lam.
And this time, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Luke are not doing the hunting.

Someone impersonating the Dark Lord of the Sith--i.e., a guy in a Darth Vader helmet--held up a movie theater in Springfield, Illinois, and made off with a Death Star-sized load of credits.

The Darth doppelganger, who apparently blended right in with other moviegoers attending Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith at the Showplace Eight Theater around 9:15 p.m. Saturday, was not armed--even with a lightsaber, according to Lieutenant Rick Davis of the Springfield Police Department. Using the force--the brute kind--he pushed an employee away from the register and snashed the case.

"We don't know how much was taken," Davis told E! Online. "He was outside for awhile lurking around and then he took the opportunity to go inside and basically just grabbed the cash and ran."

The Vader raider then fled into some nearby woods. Police are investigating, but do not have any suspects.

The manager at Showplace Eight refused to comment, as did Lucasfilm.

But Anakin's evil alter ego is suddenly a one-Sith crime spree--and seemingly moving at light-speed.

In a copycat case, the Orlando Sentinel reports that a man disguised in a Dark Vader mask, Star Wars T-shirt and black pants, robbed a pizza delivery man in Kissimmee, Florida, on Sunday night.

According to Osceola police, someone phoned in an order with Pizza Best and delivery driver Alfred Santos took the call. Upon making the delivery, Santos told investigators that the masked man pulled out a stun gun and zapped the driver when he refused to hand over his cash.

Santos was okay and did not require medical treatment. Once again, however, the Darth disguisee managed to elude the law.

Joshua Griffin, who runs fan site TheForce.net, worries that such Vader sightings might give a bad name to real Star Wars fans.

"We trust an isolated incident like [the Illinois theater heist] won't prevent fans that like to attend the movies in costume to be stopped at the door," he said in a post.

Because as any good Jedi can tell you, fear is the path to the dark side...

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 25, 2005, 09:00:37 AM
Someone please stop George before he makes another shitty series of pre-prequel prequels. I love how if he were to actually do a prequel of TPM, he'd totally invalidate all the continuity established in the KOTOR games. You know, the stuff that was written ten times better than the prequel movies.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 25, 2005, 10:01:01 AM
I think they should be safe, as they're thousands of years ago.  Then again, George seems to go out of his way to screw up any continuity that does exist. 

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Teleku on May 25, 2005, 10:40:01 AM
He said, that if he did ever do another storyline.... that he would do when the Jedi regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords (there were many of them) 800 years before PHANTOM MENACE.
That makes it sound like the Republic did not exist 800 years ago, and that the galaxy was ruled by the Sith before that.  So that would screw over the KOTOR material, as it had said the Republic had lasted 20,000 years straight.  They would probably have the Republic founded at the end of the of the new prequel, once all the Sith had been defeated.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 25, 2005, 11:13:40 AM
Quote from: SF Gate
May The Force Please Go Away (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/gate/archive/2005/05/25/notes052505.DTL&nl=fix)

13 reasons to be hugely grateful that "Star Wars," the king of adolescent space epics, is finally over

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Can we just say it? Can we admit it now? Is it finally time?

Here goes: Thank the great Sith Lord above that the massive computer-driven marketing hellbeast that is the overblown "Star Wars" epic is finally over.

There I said it. Can we agree? Because the truth is, this most bloated of megamovie franchises hasn't been a certifiable cultural phenom, something to get truly excited about, for over 25 years. Admit it now, get it over with, move on to pretty happy things like puppies and porn and sunshine.

Look, I'm sorry, but I don't care how many gazillions the last three flicks have made at the box office from ubergeeks too old to get "Harry Potter" and too emotionally immature to graduate to real movies. Episodes I-III are mostly one thing and one thing only: huge exercises in CGI acrobatics, manic video games writ large, numbly awful movies full of fine actors reduced to stiff mannequins in bad monk robes and uncomfortable headpieces delivering stone-cold line readings seemingly written by that slightly twitchy tin-eared dweeb who sat next you in fifth-grade algebra, sweatingly.

It's all just a little -- how to put this carefully -- it's all just a little embarrassing.

Here, then, are 13 reasons to celebrate the end of the cute, overblown SW monster. Reasons for normal people to get back to caring about decent movies with subtle dialogue and true character development and nuanced plot lines not revolving around a monochromatic good/evil dialectic executed by barely emotive cartoon characters who have somehow been brainwashed into thinking they're making art. Admit these now, get it over with, move on to happy things like wine and sex and pleasures that have absolutely zero to do with whooshing lightsabers. OK?

1) Begone, Star Wars ubergeeks. Begone, terrifically strange and tragically lonely fan boys who camp out, weeks and months in advance, for SW tickets, even at the wrong theater. Drink the Kool-Aid if you must, boys. Your 15 minutes are way, way up. Never has a culture wished so deeply for a group of people to get deep into online porn and pop more Ritalin and stay the hell home.

2) Unfortunately, now the media coverage of such geeks will simply switch over to sad psychochristian fanatics who are already lining up for Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" sequel, "Dead Things I Pulverize with a Cuisinart and Then Smear All Over My Hairy Catholic Chest."

3) Poor Ewan McGregor. Poor Natalie Portman. Poor Liam Neeson. Fabulous actors so completely drained of nuance and character you are left wishing Obi Wan would shoot heroin and dive into a toilet and have a deformed religious experience, and that Neeson might veer off and start asking Princess Amidala what her favorite sexual position is and how many orgasms she has in a month and what she really thinks about when she sees Vader's throbbing red lightsaber.

4) Farewell, the odd and recurring hype that claims, every few years, that George Lucas might, in fact, be one of the truly great, visionary directors of all time. He isn't. Not by a long shot.

5) Darth Vader choking a giant red M&M candy. Darth Vader staring down that creepy Burger King mascot thing. Darth Vader hawking cell phones and Energizer batteries and floor cleaner and breakfast cereal and who the hell knows what else. Good riddance, odious sea of SW product tie-ins. Like the goddamn franchise needs more cash? Like seeing Darth Vader hawking tampons and aspirin and Darth Vader-branded bunion pads is in any way necessary? Please.

6) Let's just say it outright: Harrison Ford carried the first three movies, period. Carrie Fisher was amusing enough, the droids were cute and infinitely annoying, James Earl Jones' Vader voice work was nearly a character unto itself. But no one topped Ford at delivering a cynical line or expressing incredulity or offering up that famous "Who, me?" look that would later come to such wondrous fruition with Indiana Jones. "Star Wars" without Ford's dry humor and bewildered mug is like a cheesy pinball machine without the ball: all bells and whistles, few genuine pleasures.

7) Two words: Jim Henson. Next to Ford, Henson's astonishing Creature Shop gave the first movies brilliantly wacky life, silly and tangible and honest. The last three flicks are just painful reminders of how much he, and his entire Muppet universe, are missed in this world, and how much computers have drained many movies of their soul.

8) Did I mention Chewbacca? Did I mention that maddening commercial where Chewbacca is in the booth recording sounds for the new series of "Star Wars" cell phone ring tones and oh my freaking God let's just imagine that for a moment, the pale little sexually denuded dude sitting next to you in the café who gets a call on his Nokia and when it rings it sounds like that weird famous Chewbacca howl, and you turn and look at him and wonder what he might look like if he exploded into a million bloody little geek-boy pieces like, right now.

9) Enough with the dissecting of SW plot lines. Enough with the seeking of deep mythological parallels. Despite all those blogs and articles insisting SW is some sort of modern iteration of "Crime and Punishment" crossed with "Dr. Spock's Guide to Parenting," there is little of true intellectual substance to speak of in any of the SW flicks, and say what you will about old-time '60s radical Lucas' commendable desire to criticize current rabid right-wing ideology via his simple good/evil allegories, the overarching plot of SW is so basic and the execution so orthodox, you might as well be watching "The Bad News Bears," stoned. It's true.

10) The late, great master of myth Joseph Campbell loved the first three "Star Wars" movies. He saw in them a wonderful modern-day example of his favorite allegory and recurring cultural theme, the hero's journey. Joseph Campbell is dead now. Even he was ready to move the hell on.

11) This is from the recent Rolling Stone interview with Lucas, with Lucas examining a plot thread: "Is Anakin a product of a super-Sith who influenced the midichlorians to create him, or is he simply created by the midichlorians to bring forth prophecy, or was he created by the Force through the midichlorians? It's left up to the audience to decide." Note to George: You are 61 years old. Stop speaking like this before you hemorrhage something. And see item No. 9, above.

12) Raise your hand if you love the concept of prequels. Ten years of crappy CGI and 10 years of lumpy stiff acting and 28 years of waiting and you watch "Sith" where only the last 30 minutes really finds any sort of cinematic footing, and after all that screaming and all the cheeseball animation and all the slaughtered Jedis and the stilted, lifeless dialogue and heavy Vader wheezing and Yoda's irritating speech impediment, where do we finally end up at the end of Episode III? That's right: 1977. And who the hell wants to be back there?

13) I'll happily admit that the first three films were breathtakingly rich allegories for their time, landmark filmmaking, funny and quirky and cutting edge and cute fun for the kids, full of wry characters and state-of-the-art special effects saddled to a rather generic, by-the-numbers hero's journey sprinkled with the occasional subreference to Buddhism or the fine art of egolessness.


But it must be stated and cannot be repeated enough and we have to admit it once and for all: The "Star Wars" films, each and every one of them and it feels like there are about 127 of them now, they remain, always and forever, movies for anxious, easily stupefied 10-year-old boys.

There I said it. Can we all just go outside now?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Miguel on May 25, 2005, 11:22:05 AM
I said what do you think would be more interesting.... telling a story prior to PHANTOM MENANCE or after RETURN OF THE JEDI?

If someone (other than Lucas) could come up with a good screenplay/dialog, I think the Thrawn story from Timothy Zahn's trilogy would be a good setting.  The only problem is that Luke, Leia, and Han Solo are central to those stories, and I don't want to see Mark Hamill whining on the big screen ever again.

Hamill, at the Jedi Academy: "Why won't these students listen to me?? Why why WHY WHY WWWHHHYYYYY?????"
Yoda's blue ghost: "Stop bitching you must!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 25, 2005, 12:11:10 PM
Quote from: SF Gate
9) Enough with the dissecting of SW plot lines. Enough with the seeking of deep mythological parallels. Despite all those blogs and articles insisting SW is some sort of modern iteration of "Crime and Punishment" crossed with "Dr. Spock's Guide to Parenting," there is little of true intellectual substance to speak of in any of the SW flicks, and say what you will about old-time '60s radical Lucas' commendable desire to criticize current rabid right-wing ideology via his simple good/evil allegories, the overarching plot of SW is so basic and the execution so orthodox, you might as well be watching "The Bad News Bears," stoned. It's true.

I'll go the other way and be a Star Wars apologist for a moment.

Every story by any storyteller, from Shakespeare to Ed Wood, has "deep mythological parallels."  Who created the myths in the first place?  People did.  People create stories as much for entertainment as to explain a certain point of view in terms that are safe, that can't be argued with on the basis of fact.  Lucas isn't any different.  He just didn't do it very well.

So, yeah, enough with the intellectual self-righteousness.  There's social relevance in almost any story, and it's healthy to discuss it.  I hate guys like that newspaper columnist who get off on thinking they're so superior because they don't seek deep meaning in pop culture.  You know what?  Pick any classic storyteller, and he was the pop culture of his day.

All this is just a longwinded way of saying I wish that guy would shut the hell up.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 25, 2005, 12:20:22 PM
He said, that if he did ever do another storyline.... that he would do when the Jedi regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords (there were many of them) 800 years before PHANTOM MENACE.
That makes it sound like the Republic did not exist 800 years ago, and that the galaxy was ruled by the Sith before that.  So that would screw over the KOTOR material, as it had said the Republic had lasted 20,000 years straight.  They would probably have the Republic founded at the end of the of the new prequel, once all the Sith had been defeated.
Oh, okay.  Missed that argument.

Well, in KOTOR I and especially 2, the Sith Lords essentially ruled the galaxy, but there still was a Republic.  The interview also says that the jedi "regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords" implying that jedi controlled the universe before that.  You'd think there'd be a democratic government with the jedi in control.  So, there shouldn't be a problem, I would think, but again, Lucas seems to hate continuity!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 25, 2005, 12:26:40 PM
All this is just a longwinded way of saying I wish that guy would shut the hell up.

I agree. And here I was thinking that the guy discussing the 'phenomenon' of "Red Staters Vs  Blue Staters in Reality TV" on NPR yesterday was the most pretentious jackass I'd ever heard.  Way to one-up him, Mr. Morford.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 25, 2005, 12:27:59 PM
Well, in KOTOR I and especially 2, the Sith Lords essentially ruled the galaxy, but there still was a Republic.  The interview also says that the jedi "regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords" implying that jedi controlled the universe before that.  You'd think there'd be a democratic government with the jedi in control.

I'd like to see a movie about the true, ancient origins of the Sith.  Were they Jedi at the very beginning?  Another group that learned the Force?  For that matter, how did the Jedi get started way back when?

I would not, however, want Lucas involved in the project.  So really I'm just wanting something that will never happen.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 25, 2005, 12:32:09 PM
Well, in KOTOR I and especially 2, the Sith Lords essentially ruled the galaxy, but there still was a Republic.  The interview also says that the jedi "regained control of the universe from the Dark Lords" implying that jedi controlled the universe before that.  You'd think there'd be a democratic government with the jedi in control.

I'd like to see a movie about the true, ancient origins of the Sith.  Were they Jedi at the very beginning?  Another group that learned the Force?  For that matter, how did the Jedi get started way back when?

I would not, however, want Lucas involved in the project.  So really I'm just wanting something that will never happen.

Quote from: Star Wars.com
Star Wars Databank: An ancient order of Force-practitioners devoted to the dark side and determined to destroy the Jedi, the Sith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. Two thousand years ago, this Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity. Only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be gained. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction. The Dark Jedi was outcast, but he eventually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the dark past, the new Sith cult continued to grow. With the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful energies of the dark side, it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practioners dwindled their numbers.

One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.

Thus, the Sith quietly continued for centuries, until the time of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. By that time, the galaxy at large had believed the Sith to be extinct, a fabled threat from the past. Qui-Gon Jinn's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. Surely if the Sith had returned, the Jedi would have detected it, they reasoned.

The dark side, for all its power, is ultimately hard to detect when required. A shadowy master like Darth Sidious was able to keep his presence a secret, even when sharing a world with the Jedi Temple.

With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true. What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. Years would pass before the Sith menace arose once more, a menace that would eventually come to engulf the entire galaxy.

Expanded Universe:  Although the modern era of the Sith is attributed to Darth Bane, and the Dark Jedi that preceded him, the cult can find its roots further back in the galaxy's ancient past. Long before the Republic rose, there lived a culture on the planet Korriban. These primitive people were called the Sith, and the Force flowed strongly through their bloodlines. Although they didn't practice the Force as the Jedi would, they were talented in their own brand of magic.

In the early days of the Jedi, a great schism tore the order apart. Jedi who had tapped the forbidden power of the Force's dark side rebelled against their light-sided brothers. After a terrible war, the Dark Jedi were exiled from the Republic. Past the Republic's growing borders, these castaways discovered Korriban and the Sith people.

Powerful with the dark side, the Jedi outcasts set themselves up as gods on Korriban. The primitive Sith worshipped them as their lords, and so the Jedi grew, and built temples and monuments to celebrate their power. Millennia of interbreeding blurred the distinction between Sith native and offworlder, and the term Sith came to encompass not only the indigenous people of Korriban, but also the powerful overlords that ruled them.

Five thousand years ago, during the Sith Empire's golden age, a Republic explorer vessel stumbled upon the secluded worlds of the Sith. One Sith Lord, Naga Sadow, saw this as an opportunity to invade the Republic, and exact vengeance on the Jedi who had banished them. History would record the invasion that followed as the Great Hyperspace War, and it would be the first of many terrible conflicts between Jedi and Sith.

Time and again the Sith and Jedi would clash, with devastated worlds lying in their wake. The last great conflict took place on the scarred plains of Ruusan. The Sith Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness did battle with the Jedi Army of Light. From this onslaught, one Sith escaped: Darth Bane. It was he who would resurrect the order with duplicity and secrecy in mind. 

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Yegolev on May 25, 2005, 12:50:04 PM
Hamill, at the Jedi Academy: "Why won't these students listen to me?? Why why WHY WHY WWWHHHYYYYY?????"
Yoda's blue ghost: "Stop bitching you must!"

Heh, maybe you should write that one.  I'd go see it with dialogue like that.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 25, 2005, 01:05:30 PM
Hamill, at the Jedi Academy: "Why won't these students listen to me?? Why why WHY WHY WWWHHHYYYYY?????"
Yoda's blue ghost: "Stop bitching you must!"

Anakin's blue ghost: "Fuck it.  KILL 'EM LIKE PIGS, SON!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 25, 2005, 01:27:00 PM
Quote from: SyFyPortal
Lucas May Have Lead For New Star Wars TV Show (http://syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1867)
Author: Wayne Hall
Date: 05-24-2005
Source: SciFi Wire

Australian actor Matthew Newton could portray the lead hero in an upcoming Star Wars television series, according to SciFi Wire.

Apparently not content to end the franchise with a record-breaking opening for the last of the feature films, George Lucas has reportedly checked on Newton's availability to see if he's free to join the cast of Star Wars to return to the small screen.

As reported in the Oz Sunday Herald Sun Newspaper, Lucas first met the young actor who appeared in the movie "Queen of the Damned" when he auditioned to play a young adult Anakin Skywalker in "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones."

Newton, now 28, is believed to be the runner-up to Hayden Christensen, who concluded the evolution of the character into Darth Vader. In fact, Newton was even flown to Skywalker Ranch to test for the role.

Speculation centers around Newton being considered to play the lead hero in the show, which is expected to follow the lives of all-new characters.

"Revenge of the Sith" brought in a record $158.5 million over its opening four days. However, "Spider-Man 2" still has the highest income over a Friday-through-Monday weekend, earning $114.8 million in 2002 to "Revenge's" $108.5 million over a comparable three-day period.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 25, 2005, 01:45:35 PM
Oh yeah! Because if you're looking for credentials, it doesn't get much better than QUEEN OF THE FUCKING DAMNED.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Yegolev on May 25, 2005, 02:15:58 PM
Oh yeah! Because if you're looking for credentials, it doesn't get much better than QUEEN OF THE FUCKING DAMNED.

One of the things Lucas thinks he did right originally was cast a bad, bad lead actor.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 25, 2005, 03:07:53 PM
I'd like to see a movie about the true, ancient origins of the Sith.  Were they Jedi at the very beginning?  Another group that learned the Force?  For that matter, how did the Jedi get started way back when?

I would not, however, want Lucas involved in the project.  So really I'm just wanting something that will never happen.

I would want Lucas to do the general outline of the story and lay out the basic nature of the world.  I'd want him to design all the locations and keep collaborating with Williams, too.  Those things were all good, even (I'd even say especially) in the prequels.  I'd just want him to stay FAR AWAY from writing dialogue, picking actors, and directing them.

I said what do you think would be more interesting.... telling a story prior to PHANTOM MENANCE or after RETURN OF THE JEDI?

I would not want to see anything after RotJ unless it was way, way, way after.  The galaxy was just saved at horrible cost in an epic story.  Anything that happens a couple years down the line would either be (a) Scouring of the Shire -- The Movie, which would be trivial or (b) Grendel's Mother -- The Movie, which would make the events of the first 6 movies meaningless [insert snappy slam here].  The galaxy has to be pretty much fixed for another thousand years plus, or everything was for naught. 

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Triforcer on May 25, 2005, 03:43:27 PM
I'd like to see a movie about the true, ancient origins of the Sith.  Were they Jedi at the very beginning?  Another group that learned the Force?  For that matter, how did the Jedi get started way back when?

I would not, however, want Lucas involved in the project.  So really I'm just wanting something that will never happen.

I would want Lucas to do the general outline of the story and lay out the basic nature of the world.  I'd want him to design all the locations and keep collaberating with Williams, too.  Those things were all good, even (I'd even say especially) in the prequels.  I'd just want him to stay FAR AWAY from writing dialogue, picking actors, and directing them.

I said what do you think would be more interesting.... telling a story prior to PHANTOM MENANCE or after RETURN OF THE JEDI?

I would not want to see anything after RotJ unless it was way, way, way after.  The galaxy was just saved at horrible cost in an epic story.  Anything that happens a couple years down the line would either be (a) Scouring of the Shire -- The Movie, which would be trivial or (b) Grendel's Mother -- The Movie, which would make the events of the first 6 movies meaningless [insert snappy slam here].  The galaxy has to be pretty much fixed for another thousand years plus, or everything was for naught. 

Never read the EU.  It pretty much makes Vader's sacrifice meaningless, because the Emperor's consciousness had flown into a cloned body of his or some shit and they had to spend a few of the first post ROTJ books re-killing him.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samprimary on May 25, 2005, 03:49:19 PM
Sweet merciful jesus...this thing will never end, will it?  I'm already shuddering to think of what the TV series will be like.

It will be good! And feature good actors. And have an intriguing plot about jedi hiding incognito and pressured to perform a vital task as the republic crumbles and becomes the empire. And they have to save the budding rebellion by stopping the clones, somehow. And the jedi present in the storyline will be well integrated and most of the issues they face involve having to live independant of the formerly all-encompassing element of the Jedi academy in their lives, and how they have to move past that. And they will do this by becoming jaded and sardonic, and perhaps cautiously adventurous, and there won't be any crying. Plus, a miniseries with a young swoop-racing Han.

Alternately, Lucas will control the process as opposed to me and it will suck.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 25, 2005, 04:49:12 PM
Or maybe people will become Jedis only by trying every profession under the sun until one day, they magically become force-sensitive and have to spend 20 years grinding on Dantooine against a steady stream of rancors.

Then one day, after a long time in which the only good fighters are combat medics, armor will for some reason cease to work as well as it used to and bunnies all over will kill people for no discernable reason.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Pococurante on May 25, 2005, 07:37:52 PM
Not really, but that's how Lucas would write it, because he writes dialogue like a moody 16-year-old.

Perhaps this is not the MOG for you. ;)

Seriously, his stuff was ever written for precocious pre-pubescents.  Not that there's anything wrong with his intent.  Just with those same precocious types that never matured to the Great Books.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: sidereal on May 25, 2005, 09:40:27 PM
ten or more guys blasting you at close-quarters is impossible to stop with a lightsaber.

Unless the plot calls for it, in which case it's fucking child's play.  The utter arbitrariness of Jedi abilities is one of the most galling things about the prequels.  I don't recall the original trilogy being that all-over-the-place.  Luke seemed pretty consistent at the kung-fu-master-with-psychic-powers level of ability.  I don't recall him taking on 40 droids at once and then getting shot in the back like a jackass 10 minutes later.

Quote from: Threash
The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this hottie)

He is hot.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 25, 2005, 10:55:19 PM
ten or more guys blasting you at close-quarters is impossible to stop with a lightsaber.

Unless the plot calls for it, in which case it's fucking child's play.  The utter arbitrariness of Jedi abilities is one of the most galling things about the prequels.  I don't recall the original trilogy being that all-over-the-place.  Luke seemed pretty consistent at the kung-fu-master-with-psychic-powers level of ability.  I don't recall him taking on 40 droids at once and then getting shot in the back like a jackass 10 minutes later.

Quote from: Threash
The Twil'eks name is Aayla Secura (played by  this hottie)

He is hot.

The only place where Jedi kick that amount of ass is on the clone war cartoons.  In the movies Jedi can only block a few shots, too many and they die like anyone else  See the guy who tried to attack dooku in AOTC only get shot down by Jango after blocking one single shot, hell see most of the over 200 Jedi who got their shit kicked in at that battle. If you can point out any scene in any of the six movies where a Jedi blocks more than a few blaster shots of focused fire at near point blank range then im all ears.

I know damn well the prequels are all very flawed movies, the first two alot more than the third.  I'm no Lucas apologist, but the amount of nit picking this movies endure is beyond ridiculous.  Specially when 99% of the things people complain about are mere trivialities that would get overlooked on any other movie or just flat out WRONG.  Leia having "feelings and images" of her mother is NOT a plot hole, its entirely consistent with what we know of the force.  Padme having twin girls would be a plot hole.  Leia doesn't say she remembers spending time at her mother's knee. She says all she has is "Feelings, images." Who are the two characters in the series that have force "visions" of major events concerning their family? Anakin and Luke. In ESB, Yoda explicitly says that these Force visions can be of the past, as well as the future. "Through the Force, other places, other times you will see. The future, the past. Old friends long gone." Luke complains that "My mind fills with so many images." Yoda responds "Control! Control! You must learn control!".

Yes, it's a spooje. But it's a spooje that is perfectly workable within the context of Star Wars, and allows Episode III to be the best story possible. If Lucas chose to have Leia born first, and Luke a year or so afterwards, and find some other way for Padme to die, it would be a shitty story, and you'd have something else to bitch about.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 25, 2005, 11:17:13 PM
If you can point out any scene in any of the six movies where a Jedi blocks more than a few blaster shots of focused fire at near point blank range then im all ears.

I can point to plenty of scenes where Jedis were fighting against many opponents at once who were all firing at them - but I guess they were being polite and taking turns. The Jedis took on plenty of droids in TPM - I guess in the Star Wars universe machine vision research is a bit behind or something.

So, your point is that it's easy for a couple people to fire at once and kill a Jedi, they just choose not to when it isn't convenient for the plot. Ok then.

I think I'll invent a character called "Invincible Man" who will be invincible because nobody will ever think to do anything to him. It makes perfect sense. Then one day in a stroke of genius someone will decide to shoot him and he'll instantly die.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 25, 2005, 11:30:23 PM
If you can point out any scene in any of the six movies where a Jedi blocks more than a few blaster shots of focused fire at near point blank range then im all ears.

I can point to plenty of scenes where Jedis were fighting against many opponents at once who were all firing at them - but I guess they were being polite and taking turns. The Jedis took on plenty of droids in TPM - I guess in the Star Wars universe machine vision research is a bit behind or something.

So, your point is that it's easy for a couple people to fire at once and kill a Jedi, they just choose not to when it isn't convenient for the plot. Ok then.

I think I'll invent a character called "Invincible Man" who will be invincible because nobody will ever think to do anything to him. It makes perfect sense. Then one day in a stroke of genius someone will decide to shoot him and he'll instantly die.

I just saw this the other night and there was nothing there like you are sugesting.  The only time in the movies they faced the same kind of focused fired like they did in Sith was at the end of clones, and they died like bitches.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 26, 2005, 04:54:43 AM
I'm no Lucas apologist, but the amount of nit picking this movies endure is beyond ridiculous. 

I don't really agree.  When you make a series of movies (or books!) like this, you are not only writing a story, you are creating a world.  If the story is any good, people will care about the world.  If you screw up the continuity, people will endure it up to a certain point, coming up with explanations and mitigating circumstances.

At some point, people get tired of doing this, which is work that should have been done by the story's creator.  Meeting him/her halfway is one thing, but essentially rewriting the story in one's head is another.  Some people have higher tolerances for this, so you have people playing the apologetic and other people just annoyed.  Most often the annoyed ones also were in love with the world once, and what they are really angry about is all the energy they expended on a world that ended up inconsistent unless you introduce all kinds of unlikely explanations.  It's worse than screwing up continuity in a movie based in a real setting, because there, at least the milieu is always consistent and beleivable.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 26, 2005, 05:41:17 AM
I can point to plenty of scenes where Jedis were fighting against many opponents at once who were all firing at them - but I guess they were being polite and taking turns. The Jedis took on plenty of droids in TPM - I guess in the Star Wars universe machine vision research is a bit behind or something.

So, your point is that it's easy for a couple people to fire at once and kill a Jedi, they just choose not to when it isn't convenient for the plot. Ok then.

Maybe the droids are easier to predict with the force?  Possibly people are harder being more self-determined?  Perhaps Palipitine was able to focus his will across the galaxy at the moment he sent out those messages and cloud the minds of the Jedi when the troopers ambushed them?

Possibly this is a stupid discussion because I could invent any reason what-so-ever for the disparity and there would be no way at all to say I'm wrong.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 26, 2005, 06:01:11 AM
I'm with Threash on this one, and it's always bugged me and I got jack for sleep last night so I am gonna rant.  The annoyed ones are mostly professional haters of things the people with stilted imaginations who are so used to being led by the nose through every tidbit of a Friends episode.  Let's take the OMG JEDI BEATEN BY CLONE BUT OBI WAN WAS AN INVINCIBLE BADASS LOL CONTINUITY LOL example, because it is more credible than most (like the Leia & her mom one).  Yes, a bunch of jedi die rather ignominiously to order 66.  I mean, really, is it so hard to believe that the central character force users are more powerful than the others (stated or implied many, many times)?  That the jedi aren't as invincible as Luke thinks they are (Qui Gon dispels the notion that jedi are invincible to anakin even when he thinks there aren't any sith around, so jedi getting killed by regular dudes is no great shakes).  That the jedi have become dependent on the clones and trust them (as shown by the otherwise gratuitous" Obi Wan and his clone underling chatting it up like buddies" scene not to mention the clones saving the jedi's bacon in Ep2)?  That the jedi’s ability to use the force/see the future/whatever is greatly lessened because of the dark side (which is only mentioned about fifty seven trillion times, but apparently not often enough) and/or the decadence of the jedi themselves (which Yoda goes off on).  That the drones were utterly trustworthy without a single thought of ever betraying the jedi until the moment they were given the order by Palpy, which is utterly unlike any other living being that has ever attacked these jedi?  The list goes on and on.

Apparently, people would rather have this scene before every jedi gank:

Jedi: you know, clone, we've been through a lot and I've come to depend on you and think of you as a friend.  I know you are a clone, remember the water planet from the last movie?  The one with the clones?  Yeah, you were one of them.  Yes, I know you had a different hat on then, but you are one of those guys.  You must have gotten this different-colored hat from a  scene that wasn't shown [OMG CONTINUITY OMG].  

Clone: Thanks

Jedi: You've always been unquestioningly loyal.  Thanks for that.  I've never even sensed any hint of selfishness from you.  You and your bros have been great.  My skills have been in decline.  Yeah, I think it might be the dark lord of the sith, I wish we knew who that was.

CUT TO: Palpatine stroking mustache screaming I AM THE DARK LORD OF THE SITH AND THE JEDI DON'T KNOW IT MWAHAHAHAHAHA Get it -- the DARK.  LORD.  OF.  THE.  SITH.  The one the jedi are probably talking about right now.  

Jedi: My powers may have also been weakened by my own pride and decadence

CUT TO: flashback of one of the trillion times Yoda has said this

Jedi: Anyway, I'm glad you have my back, bud.  Lets press on to kill some separatists.

Clone: Yes ma'am.  Thank you, it's been an honor to serve.  Don't be so hard on yourself, you kick ass.

CUT TO: emperor giving order 66.  CUT TO: scene on cloning planet with cloner dude putting a clump of cells with a Mario Lemieux jersey in some clone's head.  Palpatine is standing over him, staring directly at the camera saying "mwahahahaha this is the order that will kill the jedi.  It will remain dormant until I give a command.  Then they will kill the jedi.  After I give that command.  But up until then, it will remain dormant.  Get it?  Until I speak these words, the clones won't be thinking about killing any jedi.  Once I give it, they'll kill jedi.  That will surprise even the skilled jedi, because it's unlike anything they have ever experienced.  Let me spell it out for you, sixty-six equals kill-the-jedi.  Any questions, good?"

Clone: receives order 66

Jedi: something seems to be fucked up with the force just now but I need a second to figure out what because my mind is clouded by my arrogance and by the Dark Lord of the Sith.  Man, I really wish I knew who that was.

CUT TO: Emperor, saying MWAHAHAHA I AM THE DARK LORD OF THE SITH again, sends out bright purple rays from his head.  Over 15 minutes, you see the bright purple ray wind its way through space [gratuitous special effects!] until it lands on our jedi heroine's head.  You see little cartoon clouds over her head with little signs saying "HER VISION IS CLOUDED BY THE DARK SIDE.  REMEMBER, THIS RAY CAME FROM THE BAD GUY!!11!"

Clone: shoots jedi in the back with 20 of his closest friends.

Jedi: uhhhh...clonebudddy...why...

Clone: Sorry, I was given an order that set off this compulsion to kill jedi that was genetically programmed into my mind when I was cloned.  You remember that I was a clone right.  CUT TO: cloning scene from Ep2.  Even though I have a different hat now.  Yeah, anyway, I think the dark side + your arrogance + your trust in me + my actual loyalty until the second I ganked you conspired to get you killed before you could kill us.  Sorry about.  By the way, you are pretty hot for a jedi, but why do you walk around half naked instead of in a robe like everyone else?

Jedi:  uhhhh....ehhhh...you're right clone, eat at Burger King. (dies).

CUT TO: replay of the entire scene in super slow motion with gratuitous cleavage shots and a car chase.

[end hyperbole]

The are enough painfully un-subtle things in the movies as it is, so I can't understand most of the "I wish they had explained every moment in excruciating detail so that there is no possible way anyone could create an inconsistency no matter how hard they try" complaining.  Then again, lots of people left Ep 1 not realizing Palpy was the bad guy, and lots of people left Ep3 not realizing any link between Palpy and Plagus, even though I thought those scenes were painfully obvious and could have been a lot more subtle.

I'm not saying the continuity is perfect, but come the hell on.  Most of the continuity complaining sounds a lot like people looking for an excuse to bash Lucas for any reason (the vibe I get here), or people who expect everything to be spoonfed in tiny bites.  If you want to get your hate on, there are enough things to legitimately complain about (like the shitty dialogue and the horrid pacing).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 26, 2005, 06:15:10 AM
...people with stilted imaginations who are so used to being led through the nose of every tidbit of Friends.

Heh.  I've known people who needed an episode of Friends explained to them.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 26, 2005, 06:23:12 AM
They always quote the typos and awkward sentences!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 26, 2005, 06:30:17 AM

Jedi:  uhhhh....ehhhh...you're right clone, eat at Burger King. (dies).


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 26, 2005, 06:41:36 AM
Quote from: El Gallo
I'm not saying the continuity is perfect, but come the hell on.  Most of the continuity complaining sounds a lot like people looking for an excuse to bash Lucas for any reason (the vibe I get here), or people who expect everything to be spoonfed in tiny bites.  If you want to get your hate on, there are enough things to legitimately complain about (like the shitty dialogue and the horrid pacing).

I'm not hating on Lucas.  Hell, I'm one of the few people alive that actualy enjoyed Phantom Menace for more than just the QuiGon/ Maul/ ObiWan duel. (OMG!)

I don't even get why folks have latched on so hard to the 'what about Leia remembering her mother' thing.  It was a minor point that bothered me a little in the grand scheme of things. Like Obi Wan saying that Anakin was already one of the best pilots in the universe when they met.  Seeing the original for so many years put certain preconceptions in place.  Leia was remembering her ACTUAL mother, and knew she was adopted, and Anakin was at least 16+ when Obi Wan met him. I'm willing to admit they were my own preconceptions and get over them though. It's not my story, so I can't be pissed that it didn't go the way I thought it should.

Jedi:  uhhhh....ehhhh...you're right clone, eat at Burger King. (dies).
Agreed, that was great.

And even though it's super corporate whoring, the best commercial to come out of EP3 is the "Vader Meets The King" one where they just breathe at each other for the whole 30 seconds.  It makes me giggle like a 10 year old every time I see it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 26, 2005, 06:49:57 AM
And even though it's super corporate whoring, the best commercial to come out of EP3 is the "Vader Meets The King" one where they just breathe at each other for the whole 30 seconds.  It makes me giggle like a 10 year old every time I see it.

Alas, I fear we don't get the 'Burger King Dude' over here - judging from my swift googling anyway....

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on May 26, 2005, 08:00:16 AM
Be glad, that Burger King dude must give children nightmares. Freakiest looking mascot, evar!

I'm wondering how many people you lost on that Mario Lemieux refference Gallo, but otherwise, great stuff.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on May 26, 2005, 08:12:07 AM
Be glad, that Burger King dude must give children nightmares. Freakiest looking mascot, evar!

I'm wondering how many people you lost on that Mario Lemieux refference Gallo, but otherwise, great stuff.

Not any hockey fans. #66 baby!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 26, 2005, 08:45:23 AM
The only place where Jedi kick that amount of ass is on the clone war cartoons.  In the movies Jedi can only block a few shots, too many and they die like anyone else  See the guy who tried to attack dooku in AOTC only get shot down by Jango after blocking one single shot, hell see most of the over 200 Jedi who got their shit kicked in at that battle. If you can point out any scene in any of the six movies where a Jedi blocks more than a few blaster shots of focused fire at near point blank range then im all ears.

The Phantom Menace, on the Trade Federation Ship. Qui-Gon and Obi-Won effortlessly block asstons of droid shots, redirecting some of them to hit the droids. Seriously, Jedi abilities morph with the requirements of the story. They are not consistent within the prequel movies.

Now, I always found it strange that droids, who are assumedly some kind of computer, have all the precision of a fucking awkward 16-year old. Apparently, just walking upright and saying "Roger, Roger" takes up most of their processing power, so they can't actually target for shit. Or it could just be that Lucas didn't want to show the Jedi mindlessly slaughtering living things without a second thought. And if droids had definite personalities, which it is shown that they did, why was it ok to essentially make them sentient slaves?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 26, 2005, 09:05:27 AM
Be glad, that Burger King dude must give children nightmares. Freakiest looking mascot, evar!

I'm wondering how many people you lost on that Mario Lemieux refference Gallo, but otherwise, great stuff.

Not any hockey fans. #66 baby!
Lemeiux is a bigger bitch than all the Jedis combined.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on May 26, 2005, 09:24:59 AM
oh no you di'nt

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 26, 2005, 10:13:13 AM
The Phantom Menace, on the Trade Federation Ship. Qui-Gon and Obi-Won effortlessly block asstons of droid shots, redirecting some of them to hit the droids. Seriously, Jedi abilities morph with the requirements of the story. They are not consistent within the prequel movies.
But Obi-wans abilities stayed consistant. Just saying, you know?

Perhaps all jedi are not created equal?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 26, 2005, 10:19:04 AM
The Phantom Menace, on the Trade Federation Ship. Qui-Gon and Obi-Won effortlessly block asstons of droid shots, redirecting some of them to hit the droids. Seriously, Jedi abilities morph with the requirements of the story. They are not consistent within the prequel movies.
But Obi-wans abilities stayed consistant. Just saying, you know?

Perhaps all jedi are not created equal?

What do you call a Jedi D student?


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 26, 2005, 10:51:00 AM
Now, I always found it strange that droids, who are assumedly some kind of computer, have all the precision of a fucking awkward 16-year old. Apparently, just walking upright and saying "Roger, Roger" takes up most of their processing power, so they can't actually target for shit. Or it could just be that Lucas didn't want to show the Jedi mindlessly slaughtering living things without a second thought. And if droids had definite personalities, which it is shown that they did, why was it ok to essentially make them sentient slaves?

Riddle me this: if the robots need a big droid command ship (or whatever the unseen equivalent is for eps 2 and 3) to function, which contains their AI and also instructs ALL of them, why the fuck do they even need to speak to one another?

I guess we'd be missing out on teh comedy if they were mute, though.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 26, 2005, 11:04:40 AM
So what we're saying is that Star Wars is really illogical and incosistent?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on May 26, 2005, 11:07:51 AM
I just saw this the other night and there was nothing there like you are sugesting.  The only time in the movies they faced the same kind of focused fired like they did in Sith was at the end of clones, and they died like bitches.

So again, the question becomes why not do that the whole time? "They could have killed them before but they weren't really trying" is pretty weak. That was the point of Invincible Man. If you never try to kill him, he's invincible.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on May 26, 2005, 11:23:40 AM
Or it could just be that Lucas didn't want to show the Jedi mindlessly slaughtering living things without a second thought.

So go see Episode 3 already.  If nothing else, you'll maybe appreciate the bit where Yoda leaps up and decapitates two guys at a stroke.  And there's a cool but all-too-brief scene where he and Obi-Wan hack through a mob of clonetroopers.  It's not a Conan the Barbarian gorefest, but when I saw Yoda hurl his saber through a clone's chest, it occurred to me that this was a little more violent than the previous installments.

Yes, I know you had a different hat on then, but you are one of those guys.  You must have gotten this different-colored hat from a  scene that wasn't shown [OMG CONTINUITY OMG].

Priceless.   :-D

Riddle me this: if the robots need a big droid command ship (or whatever the unseen equivalent is for eps 2 and 3) to function, which contains their AI and also instructs ALL of them, why the fuck do they even need to speak to one another?

I assumed the droids had a measure of self-determination, but would still shut down if overall command were terminated.  Because they talked to each other, but still shut down when overall command was terminated.  Poor design?  A half-ass security measure against an attempt to hijack the droids?  A glaring flaw waiting to be exploited by the first enemy who just plain figures out how to jam the command signal?  Those droids were a shit-cheap disposable army, markedly inferior to human infantry of the same era, commanded by cowardly businessmen with zero military ability.  (Incompetence on the part of the incompetent is not a gaffe.)  By the outbreak of war, ten years later, the droid army appeared better-equipped.  And this flaw had presumably been corrected, since it never came up again.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 26, 2005, 11:29:52 AM
I just can't see the Jedi being decent "guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy" if they can be pwned by five or ten troopers, or a bunch of shitty mass-produced robots.

There were what, a couple thousand Jedi before the Vader purge?  They kept thousands of planets, thousands of billions of people in line.  With that in mind, you'd think a regular jedi would be able to handle just about anything, and that he would expect to be surrounded and outnumbered at all times, because using some simple reasoning, it's unlikely that he wouldn't be.  So, when we see Jedi being routinely slaughtered on the big screen, it just doesn't add up.

That doesn't take into account the fact that their innate reflexes have to be fucking incredible to deflect laser bolts.  Doing so would have to be almost entirely unconscious, so I don't think you could "trick" one into lowering their defences.

Whatever, this is far too much analysis into a universe that Lucas is essentially too lazy to prop up.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 26, 2005, 11:32:21 AM
I just saw this the other night and there was nothing there like you are sugesting.  The only time in the movies they faced the same kind of focused fired like they did in Sith was at the end of clones, and they died like bitches.

So again, the question becomes why not do that the whole time? "They could have killed them before but they weren't really trying" is pretty weak. That was the point of Invincible Man. If you never try to kill him, he's invincible.

Because the whole point of the clone army was to ambush all the Jedi generals at ONCE when the order was given so none of the others knew it was happening.  Im sure if at any point the bad guys had any chance to slaughter the Jedi at the same time at point blank range they wouldn't have hesistated to take it, but they just happened to have an army of loyal clone troopers there the whole time to back them up so it didn't happen.  This is exactly what i meant on my previous posts, most of the people complaing either don't remember the movies correctly or are just hoping to find fault to go "see, see! he fucked up! right there, why didnt he use his amazing super powers!".  Give it up, really you are just reaching now.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Yegolev on May 26, 2005, 11:52:58 AM
Awesome rant.  Pro-league material.  Well-done.

CUT TO: Palpatine stroking mustache screaming I AM THE DARK LORD OF THE SITH AND THE JEDI DON'T KNOW IT MWAHAHAHAHAHA Get it -- the DARK.  LORD.  OF.  THE.  SITH.

This part is particularly funny if you read it with the voice of Doctor Weird.  "BEHOLD!!!  CORN!!!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on May 26, 2005, 12:02:21 PM
It's even funnier when you realize that's pretty much the entire dialogue of Palpatine as dark lord in the first two prequel movies.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 26, 2005, 12:36:13 PM

That doesn't take into account the fact that their innate reflexes have to be fucking incredible to deflect laser bolts.  Doing so would have to be almost entirely unconscious, so I don't think you could "trick" one into lowering their defences.

Again, as El Gallo explained and pointed out that it was explained several times in the movie- the Jedi were keeping it on the down-low that their powers were weakening.  The "deflecting laser bolts" thing is more than reflexes, it's an intuitive exercise in the force as demonstrated back in Episode 4 with Luke in the blast helmet.  If the Force is all wonky, their midichlorian spider-sense doesn't tingle and they don't have the pre-emptive knowledge of where to put that lightsabre so they don't get blastz0red.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 26, 2005, 01:50:47 PM

That got me thinking though.  According to GL now, official continuity includes a time, 800 years ago, when there were Sith Lords running all over the galaxy, who were themselves eventually toppled by the Jedi.  If the entire Jedi order was disrupted by Palpatine alone, how did they defeat the Sith Lords before that?

The only explanation is that the side in power gets caught up in itself, and becomes easy to weaken by the smaller, but more-focused other side.  The sides will forever replace each other, which seems consistent with the established setting.  I guess there's an interim period before a decline too, when visions are good 'n clear, and prophecies are made.  In the prequels, this was the "Chosen One" prophecy, which wasn't completely revealed, because the rising Dark Side clouded further visions.  In Ep 6, Palpatine gloats about what he has foreseen, but his visions were faulty to a point, in that he didn't see his own death.  Perhaps this was unconsciously clouded by Luke and Ghost-Obi, the ascending light side?

I feel better now, actually.  Thank you f13!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 26, 2005, 02:24:47 PM

That got me thinking though.  According to GL now, official continuity includes a time, 800 years ago, when there were Sith Lords running all over the galaxy, who were themselves eventually toppled by the Jedi.  If the entire Jedi order was disrupted by Palpatine alone, how did they defeat the Sith Lords before that?

Because the Sith fought each other as much as they fought the Jedi.  Having only 2 Sith lords was made a rule because it worked better than having a lot of them, not because they liked being the underdogs.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 26, 2005, 02:45:42 PM
Well, it's been discussed that the "Master and Apprentice" line might not have meant that there were literally two Sith in the Galaxy.

And, most evidence of the Sith fighting each other is EU.  The SW canon seems to indicate that the Sith generally worked together, only ousting one another when the opportunity arose.  I think so, anyways?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 26, 2005, 02:57:40 PM
Well, it's been discussed that the "Master and Apprentice" line might not have meant that there were literally two Sith in the Galaxy.

And, most evidence of the Sith fighting each other is EU.  The SW canon seems to indicate that the Sith generally worked together, only ousting one another when the opportunity arose.  I think so, anyways?

Well, no... not really.  Every single Sith shown in the movies is shown trying to betray their master/apprentice and replace them.  Except Darth Maul who was too busy kicking ass and dying to betray anyone.  Dooku tries to turn Obi wan by practically telling him Sidious entire plan in AOTC.  Sidious betrays Dooku in Sith.  Vader tries to turn Luke to the darkside to replace the emperor and rule the galaxy "as father and son" in ESB.  The emperor tries to turn Luke in ROTJ to replace Vader whos mostly a used up tin can and not much of a Sith lord anymore.  They work together when they have too, but you can believe they are looking for the oportune moment to kill each other, and thats just with 2 guys, imagine how much worse it was with hundreds or thousands of them.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 26, 2005, 03:08:15 PM
Well, it's been discussed that the "Master and Apprentice" line might not have meant that there were literally two Sith in the Galaxy.

And, most evidence of the Sith fighting each other is EU.  The SW canon seems to indicate that the Sith generally worked together, only ousting one another when the opportunity arose.  I think so, anyways?

Well, no... not really.  Every single Sith shown in the movies is shown trying to betray their master/apprentice and replace them.  Except Darth Maul who was too busy kicking ass and dying to betray anyone.  Dooku tries to turn Obi wan by practically telling him Sidious entire plan in AOTC.  Sidious betrays Dooku in Sith.  Vader tries to turn Luke to the darkside to replace the emperor and rule the galaxy "as father and son" in ESB.  The emperor tries to turn Luke in ROTJ to replace Vader whos mostly a used up tin can and not much of a Sith lord anymore.  They work together when they have too, but you can believe they are looking for the oportune moment to kill each other, and thats just with 2 guys, imagine how much worse it was with hundreds or thousands of them.

Anakin was ready to replace Palpatine after joining him when Padme showed up on Mustufar.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 26, 2005, 03:30:04 PM
Yeah, they're not very nice to each other.  I know!  But, since some force users are more powerful than others, I don't think it'd be absolute chaos with more Sith, necessarily.  There'd probably be a lot of lesser Sith banding together under one really powerful ruler.

The Movies' Sith were all individually trained by Palpatine.  Since there were so few Sith in the Galaxy, every one of them had to be able to defeat almost any Jedi they came across.  As a result of this training, they were equipped with the skills necessary to face their master, hence the plotting.  In a scenario where there are thousands of Sith, I'd bet Masters would be much more paranoid with their teachings, training a lot of the weaker ones enough only to be effective tools, not potential usurpers.

At this point, it's all all extrapolation, though.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 26, 2005, 03:37:35 PM
Yeah, they're not very nice to each other.  I know!  But, since some force users are more powerful than others, I don't think it'd be absolute chaos with more Sith, necessarily.  There'd probably be a lot of lesser Sith banding together under one really powerful ruler.

The Movies' Sith were all individually trained by Palpatine.  Since there were so few Sith in the Galaxy, every one of them had to be able to defeat almost any Jedi they came across.  As a result of this training, they were equipped with the skills necessary to face their master, hence the plotting.  In a scenario where there are thousands of Sith, I'd bet Masters would be much more paranoid with their teachings, training a lot of the weaker ones enough only to be effective tools, not potential usurpers.

At this point, it's all all extrapolation, though.

The Sith were probably unstable by nature, hence there would be the chaos.  An order dedicated to cultivating hate, fear, anger, and passion doesn't exactly make a stable group or subculture.

Also, I don't think it was necessarily that the Sith were more powerful as a group.  After all, the Jedi had begun to wane prior to Episode I, and the Jedi did overthrow the Sith at least once in the past.  It's probably more accurate to think of the whole Jedi/Sith thing as a pendulum that kept swinging back and forth.  That's the point of view Zahn presents in his books.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: TheWalrus on May 27, 2005, 12:11:25 AM
 I was severely disappointed with the portrayal of Palp in the third one. Up till then he had been spectacular manipulator and evil genius.

 He had a droid army. He had a clone army. He provided a threat so that the senate would ok the use of said clone army. Now it doesn't matter if the clones lose or the robots do. Hes got a huge fucking army at his disposal. And if the clones do lose, hes behind the robot army to wipe out all the people he doesn't like anyway. Smurfin smart.

 He also never lets anyone get too close to his power level. (No fucking DBZ references, I'll kill ya.) He uses them just enough to get what he wants, then go away they do.

Until he turns into a whiny manic depressive power hungry bull dyke in the third. Thanks Lucas. You suck again.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 27, 2005, 12:22:38 AM
There'd probably be a lot of lesser Sith banding together under one really powerful ruler.

Well, when the elders get too greedy and start using the neonates as cannon fodder, manipulating them, using them, and discarding them, never letting them really gain power, you've got a recipe for an Anarch Revolt on your hands and the first inklings of the Sabbat on the way.  And let's face is- the Sabbat is just as good at fighting itself as it is anyone else.

Vampire: The Masquerade?  Anyone?  No?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Polysorbate80 on May 27, 2005, 08:32:02 AM
And as everyone else noted, Natalie Portman really phoned her lines in on this one. In the first 2, she was really a proto-Leia, albeit with odd tastes in men. Very aggressive, very much wanting to be the action hero. Here's she's incredibly passive, spending almost the entire movie pining in her apartment for Anakin to pay attention to her and maybe buy her some chocolates or something.

I had no real problem with her clingy behavior.  You're not a dad, are you?  Women temporarily develop a whole new personality when they're pregnant, and then again after they give birth.  They really can't help it, what with the hormones and lack of sleep and stuff.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: blackotter on May 27, 2005, 08:54:25 AM
And as everyone else noted, Natalie Portman really phoned her lines in on this one. In the first 2, she was really a proto-Leia, albeit with odd tastes in men. Very aggressive, very much wanting to be the action hero. Here's she's incredibly passive, spending almost the entire movie pining in her apartment for Anakin to pay attention to her and maybe buy her some chocolates or something.

I had no real problem with her clingy behavior.  You're not a dad, are you?  Women temporarily develop a whole new personality when they're pregnant, and then again after they give birth.  They really can't help it, what with the hormones and lack of sleep and stuff.

According to Dr. Tom Cruise, you can take vitamins to fix that. 

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 27, 2005, 09:27:20 AM
I'd like to take a moment to point out that this will probably be (http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/the_island/trailer_1/large.html) the summer's best movie.

Though, I'm jonesing the Broken Lizard version of Dukes of Hazzard and of course Cronenberg's History of Violence.

Edit: Also, Lucasarts is making theaters keep Star Wars for 13 weeks if they want it for one. That's 25% of the year (as in, the WHOLE SUMMER). He truly is The Devil.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on May 27, 2005, 09:55:02 AM
I'd like to take a moment to point out that this will probably be (http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/the_island/trailer_1/large.html) the summer's best movie.

I always did like Logan's Run.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on May 27, 2005, 10:33:25 AM
I'd like to take a moment to point out that this will probably be (http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/the_island/trailer_1/large.html) the summer's best movie.

I always did like Logan's Run.

Yea, when I saw the trailer recently, all the way through I assumed it was Singer's remake of Logan's Run. Then it reaches the end and I find out its some movie I never heard of. Still, looks like good summer blockbuster fun flick.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 27, 2005, 10:52:42 AM
I hope we get so see Scarlett's robot boobies.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 28, 2005, 01:24:13 AM
It's my job to freeze you.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: chinslim on May 28, 2005, 10:12:19 AM
I got to see the movie yesterday.  Sufficient performance by Hayden, although I didn't buy into the love angle as the cause of his fall.  Ewen M was f'ing great as Kenobi, and Ian M turns into a scary bastard.  While the plot made sense and overall acting and script was decent enough, the movie still didn't move me at all emotionally.  I think it was Frankenvader who robbed me of that opportunity.

This movie is PG-13 for a good reason.  A little kid was bawling throughout the movie, usually triggered by one of the scary scenes.  Made me glad of what happened to the Jedi younglings.  No more red-headed stepchild for me.  I'm gonna be beating people down like a Jedi youngling!

Can anyone nerdy enough and not caring about spoilers explain why having the "high ground" was the "checkmate" move?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Threash on May 28, 2005, 10:33:46 AM
I got to see the movie yesterday.  Sufficient performance by Hayden, although I didn't buy into the love angle as the cause of his fall.  Ewen M was f'ing great as Kenobi, and Ian M turns into a scary bastard.  While the plot made sense and overall acting and script was decent enough, the movie still didn't move me at all emotionally.  I think it was Frankenvader who robbed me of that opportunity.

This movie is PG-13 for a good reason.  A little kid was bawling throughout the movie, usually triggered by one of the scary scenes.  Made me glad of what happened to the Jedi younglings.  No more red-headed stepchild for me.  I'm gonna be beating people down like a Jedi youngling!

Can anyone nerdy enough and not caring about spoilers explain why having the "high ground" was the "checkmate" move?

I don't think it was a "checkmate" move really, i think Obi was just taunting Anakin into doing something stupid.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 28, 2005, 10:37:07 AM
Can anyone nerdy enough and not caring about spoilers explain why having the "high ground" was the "checkmate" move?

It means nothing when involving Jedi since they can jump so high. Oh wait, Jedi skills seems to come and go at the behest of the shitty script.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 28, 2005, 10:45:17 AM
I don't think it was the high ground that did it, really.  As posted above, it was probably Obi-Wan seeing that he could pull something off if Anakin tried something and so he flat out said, "Don't try this, I'll win."  Anakin, being the type that he is, had to try it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on May 28, 2005, 10:55:13 AM
I don't think it was the high ground that did it, really.  As posted above, it was probably Obi-Wan seeing that he could pull something off if Anakin tried something and so he flat out said, "Don't try this, I'll win."  Anakin, being the type that he is, had to try it.

Was there anything in any of the movies that showed something Anakin was able to do with the Force that Obi-Wan couldn't?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samwise on May 28, 2005, 11:11:22 AM
It seemed like he was better at seeing the future.  I also suspect he was better with a lightsaber; Obi-Wan was only able to beat Vader in RotS because Obi-Wan kept a level head and found a situational advantage, whereas Vader attacked with all the strategy and finesse of a flaming disembodied head from Hell.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Trippy on May 28, 2005, 05:43:12 PM
Was there anything in any of the movies that showed something Anakin was able to do with the Force that Obi-Wan couldn't?
Anakin was the "best starfighter in the galaxy" which Qui-Gon attributed to the Force.

Edit: Which was part of his being able to see into the future power that Samwise mentioned above.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Trippy on May 28, 2005, 05:54:32 PM
Can anyone nerdy enough and not caring about spoilers explain why having the "high ground" was the "checkmate" move?
It means nothing when involving Jedi since they can jump so high. Oh wait, Jedi skills seems to come and go at the behest of the shitty script.
It's a common problem with stories involving "super-human" powers -- the way powers are used or not used to solve problems often make no sense at all.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: TheWalrus on May 28, 2005, 07:01:16 PM
  I don't think Kenobi was taunting him at all.. Seems to me he didn't really want to have to kill the little shit. Otherwise, he'd have sliced him into little slices of whine after he took his legs off instead of hoping the lava would finish him.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 29, 2005, 03:34:04 AM
It's a common problem with stories involving "super-human" powers -- the way powers are used or not used to solve problems often make no sense at all.
Another example is in B5 - early on, the psionic Talia Winters gets a gift from a rogue telepath, making her one of the most powerful telepaths in the B5 universe, able to withstand psi-cop Bester. But later on, when they apparently wanted to get rid of the actress, they came up with some "trigger phrase released assassin instruction" that the rogue telepath or she herself should have been able to detect and remove. And suddenly she is no longer the powerful telepath, just a Scooby-Doo style villain, almost snarling "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling Minbari!"

Bah on the writers for that. And for about five episodes for the first four seasons, and the whole of the fifth.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on May 29, 2005, 07:58:37 AM
Bah on the writers for that. And for about five episodes for the first four seasons, and the whole of the fifth.

There was no fifth season! It's a myth, like Highlander 2, 3 and "Endgame!" Lalalalala..

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Johny Cee on May 29, 2005, 01:12:22 PM

It's a common problem with stories involving "super-human" powers -- the way powers are used or not used to solve problems often make no sense at all.

YES.  Consistency and suspension of belief.

I have no problem if you throw in superhuman powers, or exeptional ordinary abilities.  It's not sticking to the rules you asked us to suspend belief for that really kills it.

More than one horror or action flick is ruined by the "instant commando" problem.  You know the drill.  Some schmuck can't do anything right,  than about 20 minutes from the end of the flick they become the fucking terminator.  Movies that establish the mains abilities, than stick to it, seem to be rare.

One of the best power progressions in a sci-fi/actiony movie, I think, is Predator.  In the beginning of the movie, you establish that the commandos are bad asses.  Than you establish the predator is fucking bad ass by taking out the commandos (sometimes barely,  and with some injuries taken by the predator), but giving away his liabilities in the process.  Than Arnold uses that against the Predator.

The Bourne movies do a pretty good job of establishing than sticking to Bourne's abilities.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on May 29, 2005, 06:15:47 PM
One of the best power progressions in a sci-fi/actiony movie, I think, is Predator.  In the beginning of the movie, you establish that the commandos are bad asses.  Than you establish the predator is fucking bad ass by taking out the commandos (sometimes barely,  and with some injuries taken by the predator), but giving away his liabilities in the process.  Than Arnold uses that against the Predator.

Totally with you on Predator.  I think that movie is possibly the Perfect Action Movie, the ultimate popcorn-and-bubble-gum guy flick.  High art it is not, but it just did so many things right.  Then came the sequel, which blew chunks.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on May 29, 2005, 08:03:49 PM
McTiernan is an interesting director. Seems like he alternates between making an awesome film and total crap.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on May 30, 2005, 08:00:43 AM
One of the best power progressions in a sci-fi/actiony movie, I think, is Predator.  In the beginning of the movie, you establish that the commandos are bad asses.  Than you establish the predator is fucking bad ass by taking out the commandos (sometimes barely,  and with some injuries taken by the predator), but giving away his liabilities in the process.  Than Arnold uses that against the Predator.
Exactly: Rock, paper, scissors. People don't mind super powers and super weaknesses, it's when the super powers "disappear" because of the script/plot and not because of any established weakness, that the alarm bells go off. Deus ex machina sucks, it screams "sorry but we ran out of money/time/energy!" at the viewer.

Example: Superman. Near invulnerable, very strong, can fly/jump really really high... but has a ton of weaknesses (red suns, kryptonite, magic) and enemies familiar with the weaknesses (Braniac and Lex Luthor used kryptonite, a few used magic). That works.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on May 30, 2005, 03:05:53 PM
I'm sorry, this is my personality.  I have to correct you.  Don't take it personally.

It's suspension of disbelief.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on May 31, 2005, 01:34:48 AM
One of the best power progressions in a sci-fi/actiony movie, I think, is Predator.  In the beginning of the movie, you establish that the commandos are bad asses.  Than you establish the predator is fucking bad ass by taking out the commandos (sometimes barely,  and with some injuries taken by the predator), but giving away his liabilities in the process.  Than Arnold uses that against the Predator.

The Bourne movies do a pretty good job of establishing than sticking to Bourne's abilities.

Which was fine, until he outran a nuke at the end.

Stupid, stupid, stupid....

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: ahoythematey on May 31, 2005, 07:45:43 AM
Well...Arnold is the one man alive today that I could believe surviving a somewhat nearby nuclear blast.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on May 31, 2005, 09:49:58 AM
Well...Arnold is the one man alive today that I could believe surviving a somewhat nearby nuclear blast.

Maybe he should use that in his re-election campaign.

"Vote for the Governator - even if there's nuclear war, he stands a good chance of surviving to help us rebuild!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 31, 2005, 09:51:28 AM
Well...Arnold is the one man alive today that I could believe surviving a somewhat nearby nuclear blast.

Vin "The Cockroach" Diesel disagrees.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: ahoythematey on May 31, 2005, 11:43:43 AM
I'm pretty sure Vin Diesel cannot be classified as a mere "man", as you generally refer to something that can escape a black hole as inhuman.

But yeah, he could survive a google-plexes worth of nuclear explosions and still be fresh enough to crack a smart-ass line after the smoke clears from the charred surroundings.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on May 31, 2005, 11:49:06 AM
But yeah, he could survive a google-plexes worth of nuclear explosions and still be fresh enough to crack a smart-ass line after the smoke clears from the charred surroundings.

He'd probably be left so dumbfounded and lonely he'd be an asshole and say "Woo, is it hot in here or what?"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Zane0 on May 31, 2005, 02:20:26 PM
Tee-hee! (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=150)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Fabricated on May 31, 2005, 02:59:02 PM
Slapped the comic on imageshack so the lazy don't have to click.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Johny Cee on May 31, 2005, 06:50:55 PM
One of the best power progressions in a sci-fi/actiony movie, I think, is Predator.  In the beginning of the movie, you establish that the commandos are bad asses.  Than you establish the predator is fucking bad ass by taking out the commandos (sometimes barely,  and with some injuries taken by the predator), but giving away his liabilities in the process.  Than Arnold uses that against the Predator.

The Bourne movies do a pretty good job of establishing than sticking to Bourne's abilities.

Which was fine, until he outran a nuke at the end.

Stupid, stupid, stupid....

Didn't have too much of a problem with that, considering we don't know how big a nuke it was and he fact that Predator 2 claims Arnold dies a few months later from radiation poisoning.  :wink:

God, I hated Predator 2.......

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 01, 2005, 01:58:15 AM
It did complete Bill Paxton's trifecta of having been killed by the Terminator, Aliens, AND Predator.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 01, 2005, 03:19:22 AM

Didn't have too much of a problem with that, considering we don't know how big a nuke it was and he fact that Predator 2 claims Arnold dies a few months later from radiation poisoning.  :wink:

God, I hated Predator 2.......

Er, where in the film did it claim that ?  I love Predator 2, but I don't remember that bit of lore.

400 City Blocks worth were destroyed in the nuke.  But Arnie was ok.  Yeah, right.

The only convincing rationalisation I've seen is that the nuke wasn't the armband, but in the ship - which means he could have been on the outer edge of that blast.  However, the film doesn't really portray that and I put it down to fanboi after film nonsense.  You know, like most of this fucking thread...

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 01, 2005, 04:40:00 AM
400 City Blocks worth were destroyed in the nuke.  But Arnie was ok.  Yeah, right.

Maybe the blast wasn't wide, just really, really deep!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on June 01, 2005, 10:38:51 AM
How do you guys know it was a Nuke? Maybe it was some sort of other, cool alien-tech bomb.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: MaceVanHoffen on June 01, 2005, 02:39:48 PM
How do you guys know it was a Nuke? Maybe it was some sort of other, cool alien-tech bomb.

An alien-tech bomb that made a very nuke-like mushroom cloud ... I'll would've bought into the whole alien-tech thing had it not been for that.  I'm shallow and only look at appearances.

Anyway, in spite of that, I still think Predator was an amazing action movie.  I still sit and watch it on TNT on the occasional Saturday.

And more on topic, Predator was a hell of a lot better and had fewer plot holes than Episode III.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 01, 2005, 02:44:22 PM
And more on topic, Predator was a hell of a lot better and had fewer plot holes than Episode III.

And it had Jesse "The Body" in it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 01, 2005, 02:46:22 PM
And it had Mac in it.  And you shouldn't Ghost Mac.  Or he'll bleed you, real quiet, and leave you here.


Got that ?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Johny Cee on June 01, 2005, 04:56:43 PM
And it had Mac in it.  And you shouldn't Ghost Mac.  Or he'll bleed you, real quiet, and leave you here.


Got that ?

Going to have me some fun.... Going to have me some fun.... Going to

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on June 01, 2005, 05:14:27 PM
Any large explosion creates a mushroom cloud. It is based upon convection and air currents created by the explosion, not something unique to nuclear explosions.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Miguel on June 01, 2005, 05:16:41 PM
An alien-tech bomb that made a very nuke-like mushroom cloud

Any sufficiently large explosion will create a 'mushroom cloud' to varying degrees....it's just a physical property of hot expanding gasses (Boyle's Law mostly).

OMG, did I just say that? :)

Actually, what gives it a way as a nuke is the flash of light.  Of all the explosions that I know of (chemical or otherwise), only a nuclear detonation generates the large quantities of photons as a byproduct that give the signature 'flash of light'.

Can we consider this thread officially derailed? :)

Edit: Abagadro can type faster than I can apparently.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 01, 2005, 06:12:13 PM
Any technologically developed species is likely to have discovered nuclear weapons, and while they might be "primitive" compared to whatever else there is, who cares so long as they're up to the task they're assigned?

"Hey Vua'glok, why do we have these primitive nuclear weapons as our suicide devices?"
"Shit man, antimatter bombs cost like six times as much, and nukes blow up just fine.  It's a suicide weapon, not an instrument of war."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Train Wreck on June 02, 2005, 10:24:57 AM
The Wookie scene was a complete purposeless throwaway. Why was Yoda there? Why were the seperatists fighting Wookies? What happened later?

I'm posting a bit late here, but my impression was that it served to show their fierce loyalty to their friends.  While all the other races happily allowed the empire to destroy the Jedi, the wookies went to war against them (possibly causing their later slavery), not because they especially loved the Jedi, but out of loyalty to Yoda.

Oh yeah, and Chubaka had to have a cameo.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Fabricated on June 02, 2005, 03:25:24 PM
The Wookie scene was a complete purposeless throwaway. Why was Yoda there? Why were the seperatists fighting Wookies? What happened later?

I'm posting a bit late here, but my impression was that it served to show their fierce loyalty to their friends. While all the other races happily allowed the empire to destroy the Jedi, the wookies went to war against them (possibly causing their later slavery), not because they especially loved the Jedi, but out of loyalty to Yoda.

Oh yeah, and Chubaka had to have a cameo.

If you consider KOTOR part of the canon, Wookies were popular as slave material thousands of years before.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 02, 2005, 10:58:50 PM
Willy Wonka (http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/charliechocolatefactory/large.html).

Ya know, I'm a raving fan of the original. But you can't argue with the Depp. On July 15th I very well may have to renounce my claming that the Island will be the best movie this summer. Wonka looks fucking sharp if you look past the typical trailer they threw together. They really should have done one of those new alternate trailers like they did for RE2: Apocalypse or Eternal Sunshine. A sort of tour led by an Oompah Loompah. Well, neither here nor there, cuz that movie is going to fucking RULE.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 02, 2005, 11:39:50 PM
You were betting on a Michael Bay film to be the best movie of the year?

Ooooookay then.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 02, 2005, 11:44:09 PM
You were betting on a Michael Bay film to be the best movie of the year?

Summer. Also known as the Season of the Blockbuster. Reading is hard, I know.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samprimary on June 03, 2005, 07:55:00 AM
Actually, what gives it a way as a nuke is the flash of light.  Of all the explosions that I know of (chemical or otherwise), only a nuclear detonation generates the large quantities of photons as a byproduct that give the signature 'flash of light'.

Key wording 'that I know of', or that any of us know of, for that matter. If it's alien-tech, it can mimic a nuke in some ways but work fundamentally different enough to fit the movie concept and allow Arnie to survive.

The way I look at it, is that it's an explosive based on some unknown form of energy manipulation. I mean, it wouldn't make any less sense than the physics of a plasmacaster. Or an energy sifter. Or the cloak.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2005, 08:36:32 AM
Heh.  Stop ruining our fucking fun.

Next you'll be telling me that any science sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 03, 2005, 08:57:46 AM
Willy Wonka (http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/charliechocolatefactory/large.html).

... cuz that movie is going to fucking RULE.

No. Tim Burton needs to stop making movies and be arrested for the pedophile I'm sure he is.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 03, 2005, 09:23:21 AM
Willy Wonka (http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/charliechocolatefactory/large.html).

... cuz that movie is going to fucking RULE.

No. Tim Burton needs to stop making movies and be arrested for the pedophile I'm sure he is.

Heh (and wholeheartedly agreed). Check out An Evening With Kevin Smith (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346952/) for some amusing Tim Burton anecdotes.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 03, 2005, 09:24:17 AM
A pedophile directs Willy Wonka. And you're worried? Tim Burton can not fuck up Johnny Depp. He was given to us by god himself.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 03, 2005, 09:32:52 AM
You're love of Johnny Depp shows the true gay within you.

Not that I disagree with his acting skills, I just didn't think Willy Wonka needed to be remade.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 03, 2005, 09:37:14 AM
Neither did Herbie the Lovebug or SWAT. But guess what, Wonka is the lesser of most remake evils. Particularly given the cast. It will be a different sort of Wonka. It's better than a complete knockoff of the original.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 03, 2005, 09:37:26 AM
Willie Wonka shouldn't have been remade until they could actually beam chocolate through the screen into my living room. That would make it worth checking out for sure  :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 03, 2005, 09:38:49 AM
If by chocolate you mean shit, TV has been doing that for 50 years.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on June 03, 2005, 10:16:25 AM
The only reason I think Wonka deserved to be remade was beacuse Raul Dahl hated the original.  If it is better familiar to the original wrttien material, it will be worth it.

/although I like the first one

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 03, 2005, 10:19:22 AM
Wonka is the lesser of most remake evils.
Argh! It's not a remake of the musical version, it's a new interpretation of the book! Get with the program already. It's like saying Gibson's "Passion" is a remake of "Jesus Christ Superstar".

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 03, 2005, 10:22:10 AM
No shit sherlock, go read my last posts about Wonka. It's still looked at as a remake by the media though, so unfortuntely, I'll call it as such.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 03, 2005, 10:58:59 AM
Ok, schild's raging man crush on Depp and his newfound love of DDR does not sit well with me.

I am afraid.

Someone hold me.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on June 03, 2005, 11:09:30 AM
Ok, schild's raging man crush on Depp and his newfound love of DDR does not sit well with me.

I am afraid.

Someone hold me.

Schild will, if you give him a Wonka Bar.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 03, 2005, 11:13:45 AM
Ok, schild's raging man crush on Depp and his newfound love of DDR does not sit well with me.

I am afraid.

Someone hold me.

Schild will, if you give him a Wonka Bar.

Bad touch.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Miguel on June 03, 2005, 02:54:45 PM
I like Depp, but this remake just scares me.

I mean, haven't enough of my fond childhood memories been torn from my head already? (http://www.starwars.com)

Unless the new Wonka is filled with cheesy midgets in bad makeup and snooty British people, you can have it.  I mean, if Gene Wilder thinks it's gay, doesn't that tell us everything we need to know?  :-D

God, I can see it already: Burton's Willy Wonka (directed by George Lucas)

<queue opening scene: camera zooms in on a dark, foreboding castle, complete with flashes of lightning, flying bats, and haunting music>
Depp, dressed in drag and with a face painted like a mime, enters the room to stir a bubbling cauldron.

Depp: Toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Depp: Perhaps I should have a contest, to see who should become my next tasty chocolate treat?
Depp: I know! I'll put special tickets in with my chocolate.  They'll be Blood Red Tickets!

<cut to scene of young Charlie Bucket, played by a now too old Haley Joel Osment>

Osment: I'm so hungry! I see dead people eating chocolates!

<enter in Grandpa Joe, played by a heavily sedated Jim Carey>

Carey: RRREEEAAALLLLYYYYYYY!!! Here's some money I have saved away, go buy a chocolate bar!

<Carey contorts face in the same manner as his old Fire Marshall Bill skit on 'In Living Color'>

<Cut to scene from castle (I mean chocolate factory), showing the cholocate packaging room>
<George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic is brought in to consult, meaning the factory is populated only with CGI animated undead Oompa Loompas>

Depp: Who has come forth to my castl...I mean factory to redeem their Blood Red Tickets?
Osment: Me sir! I have a Blood Red Ticket! Can I get in?
Depp: Of course not! You're too small to make candies from!
Carey: <makes another face>
Osment: But I ever so want a tour!
Depp: Fine you little brat, go inside with your Grandpa, and await me!

<Contestants enter the black building>

Depp: Actually, you were all brought here to be my next tasty treat!
Depp: You will all be made into a new candy, called "Mitoclorian Munchies"!!!!

<Charlie Bucket tips over a steaming cauldron of black liquid, setting the factory on fire>

<As Depp dies, he screams>:


<Cut to scene of everyone standing at the firey gates of Hell, which is modeled as a doctors waiting room>
<Enter in Michael Keaton, with a shrunken head>

Keaton: So, what number are you guys? Yuk yuk yuk.....

<El Fin>


Is anyone else feeling ill yet?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 03, 2005, 03:37:31 PM

LOL!   :-D

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 04, 2005, 12:49:52 AM
I wish, at some point when Lucas has gone away, that someone makes a "non-director's cut" of the prequel trilogy, cutting it down to the ONE good film Lucas padded out to three. Half of it will end up being from the third, since that is the one with the least fluff.

(Or even do a remake of the core story, except there probably already is a samurai movie he lifted it from which presents the story better.)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 04, 2005, 12:53:39 AM
It's called Hidden Fortress.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 04, 2005, 01:21:24 AM
It's called Hidden Fortress.

No, elements of Episode 4 were lifted from that (I've seen it). There is no prequel-like  "samurai turning to the ninja" theme in HF. :)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 04, 2005, 03:07:22 AM

"It's his sled that he had as a kid.  There, I just saved you two long, boobless hours."


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 04, 2005, 08:01:11 AM
It's called Hidden Fortress.

No, elements of Episode 4 were lifted from that (I've seen it). There is no prequel-like  "samurai turning to the ninja" theme in HF. :)

OOooooooooooh I see what you're saying. No, there's no Kurosawa flick like that. And thank god. It'd probably have bad dialogue.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on June 05, 2005, 12:29:43 PM
I've seen hidden fortress, there isn't really that much lifted from it.  Actually you REALLY have to stretch to get any significant comparison from it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 05, 2005, 02:22:08 PM
C-3PO and R2D2 can be thought of as modeled on the two bumbling and half-criminal sidekicks; they pass a burning fortress, maybe that inspired the "burning moisture farm" scene. That's all I can think of at least, but I haven't seen HF in ages though.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 05, 2005, 05:34:05 PM
Yes, I'm trolling. (http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/happy_endings/)

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 07, 2005, 01:18:34 AM
So finally watched the film at the 6:20 showing in Glasgow.



UNLIMITED POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 07, 2005, 12:20:25 PM
Natalie Portman pisses me off.  She couldn't even get choked convincingly.  I mean when Vader would slap the ch0x0r on an Imperial officer in the old movies, the guy would look confused, cough, tug at his collar, and so forth.  Portman just put both hands on her neck like she was trying to let people know she had a brussel sprout stuck in her throat.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on June 07, 2005, 01:27:54 PM
Yes, I'm trolling. (http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/happy_endings/)

I don't care what the premise is, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Tom Arnold should not ever appear in the same movie. Ever.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on June 07, 2005, 07:02:25 PM
Yes, I'm trolling. (http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/happy_endings/)

I don't care what the premise is, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Tom Arnold should not ever appear in the same movie. Ever.

What if it's a Tom Arnold snuff film with her as the killer.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Samprimary on June 07, 2005, 10:37:38 PM
Heh.  Stop ruining our fucking fun.

Next you'll be telling me that any science sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.


Don't be silly. Elves can't use sufficiently advanced science.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 08, 2005, 07:49:13 AM
Don't be silly. Elves can't use sufficiently advanced science.
But only because cold iron hurts them.

Man, I wish some game would implement Terry Pratchett's utterly EVIL elves instead of the sissy-hippie crap that has grown from Tolkien's works.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 08, 2005, 11:15:06 AM
Yes, I'm trolling. (http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/happy_endings/)
To quote you about the Oscars:

It's like being beaten about the head with bad taste.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 09, 2005, 02:44:00 PM

Edit:  Random note going back to earlier in the thread.  Apparently there was a scene cut from Episode 2 where the Jedi in the arena destroy the droid control device ala Episode 1, only to discover that the flaw was corrected and the droids keep fighting.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 10, 2005, 09:24:55 AM


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 10, 2005, 09:34:28 AM
Stop poking the caged animals.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 10, 2005, 10:16:36 AM
Edit:  Random note going back to earlier in the thread.  Apparently there was a scene cut from Episode 2 where the Jedi in the arena destroy the droid control device ala Episode 1, only to discover that the flaw was corrected and the droids keep fighting.

A "flaw?"  What use is a droid control ship other than controlling the droids?  Who writes this shit? 

Oh, yeah...

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 10, 2005, 11:28:18 AM
The same man who had missles fired at starfighters that exploded, showering the starfighter with BUZZ DROIDS that apparently drilled into the starfighters in order to remove their controls. I mean, instead of, you know, JUST COVERING THE STARFIGHTER WITH EXPLOSIVES AND BLOWING IT THE FUCK UP.

Then these impotent little buzz droids crawl all over the ships buzzing, and the JEDI inside the cockpit doesn't even think to use his JEDI MIND POWERS TO PUSH THE LITTLE FUCKERS OFF. I just... the mind fucking wobbles.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 10, 2005, 01:54:28 PM
A "flaw?"  What use is a droid control ship other than controlling the droids?

Nothing.  But it might be nice for the droids to continue functioning, even in the event it gets blown to shit.

The same man who had missles fired at starfighters that exploded, showering the starfighter with BUZZ DROIDS that apparently drilled into the starfighters in order to remove their controls. I mean, instead of, you know, JUST COVERING THE STARFIGHTER WITH EXPLOSIVES AND BLOWING IT THE FUCK UP.

The Jedi and clones flew two very different types of fighters.  The clone fighters were blown up immediately, while droids were launched at the Jedi, presumably to take them alive.  A soon-to-be-moot consideration, but it's not as if the Separatists knew about Order 66.

Then these impotent little buzz droids crawl all over the ships buzzing, and the JEDI inside the cockpit doesn't even think to use his JEDI MIND POWERS TO PUSH THE LITTLE FUCKERS OFF. I just... the mind fucking wobbles.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on June 10, 2005, 02:00:45 PM
Jedi mind powers are apparently ineffective through plexiglass.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Viin on June 10, 2005, 02:24:32 PM
Jedi mind powers are apparently ineffective through plexiglass.

Oooh, time to find some plexiglass armor in KoToR2!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 10, 2005, 09:31:31 PM
I was just going to say that Jedi mind powers don't work in space.  Like screaming.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 10, 2005, 09:38:21 PM
I was just going to say that Jedi mind powers don't work in space.  Like screaming.

Heh. Star Wars. Space. Jedi mind powers don't work.

That's a good one.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 10, 2005, 09:40:23 PM
I was just going to say that Jedi mind powers don't work in space.  Like screaming.

Heh. Star Wars. Space. Jedi mind powers don't work.

That's a good one.

Thank you.

Man, that would be such a nerf to Jedis.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 11, 2005, 09:44:33 PM
What annoys me are geniuses who spot "inconsistencies" based on the assumption that episodes 3 and 4 took place maybe a week apart.  You know what I mean.


Because it's been two fucking decades since they were last seen?  Because droids identical to those are a commonplace sight?  How accurately do YOU recall... say... the stereo your buddy owned in 1985?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 11, 2005, 10:21:47 PM
Still, though.  Vader BUILT C3PO.  Seems like he should've thought about it.  How accurately would you recall a stereo that you built by hand in 1985?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 11, 2005, 11:08:28 PM
Llava, don't help WUA. It's fun watching him rationalize this bullshit.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 11, 2005, 11:23:48 PM
Still, though.  Vader BUILT C3PO.  Seems like he should've thought about it.  How accurately would you recall a stereo that you built by hand in 1985?

What if that stereo were a kit of an existing design, one which was dirt-common and still in production to this day?  Remember C3PO walking past his apparent identical twin in Cloud City?  Shit, he probably wasn't even the first physically identical protocol droid Vader saw THAT DAY.  How is that rationalizing anything?  Those droids are so common that backwater farmers buy them from junk dealers, for chrissakes.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 12, 2005, 11:40:08 AM
No, sorry, the "it was 20 years ago and these are common types" argument does not wash. Vader built fucking C3P0. R2 was HIS FLIGHT DROID during the most traumatic time of his life. It does not compute.

I have now seen Ep3 in its entirety. And I must say, not only was WUA wrong about it being as good or better than AotC, it was a goddamn travesty of a sham or a shamockery. It was just god-fucking-awful.

Besides the silliness of the above-mentioned scene, it was just a cascade of stupid, stupid, stupid. The bad dialogue from Clones was worse here. Portman really did just phone in what little shit she was given. I cringed every time she and Anakin appeared on screen together.

The hamfisted allusions to the Bush administration in the political shit... fucking awful. Really fucking awful. In fact, the whole political story was retarded. Chancellor suspends a democracy and then announces it as AN EMPIRE? Does the word empire not have negative connotations in this society? It sounded pretty negative to me. A society that one decade prior didn't even have a standing army is suddenly ok with some shriveled raisin suspending the electoral process and declaring the society an empire when there aren't really even any enemies left for it to conquer or fight? HUH? WHAT IS THE EMPIRE CONQUERING? The separtist movement was defeated, or mostly with the death of Grievous, but the Senate is afraid of what? The Jedi taking over? That makes sense... how exactly?

The transformation of Palpatine from good acting to "MUWHA HAHHAHAHAH!" was really bad. The fact that no one in the Senate notices that the Chancellor has turned from beneficient leader to raging douchebag because of being "hideously scarred" is idiotic.

The actors, the ones who can actually act, that is, do ok with what they have. Which isn't much.

My biggest problem is the speed with which Anakin bows down to Sidious. Had this happened in Ep2, giving us more time to see his transformation, I might have bought it. But he went from whiny, but loyal brat to "I WANT TO SLAUGHTER CHILDRENZ AND FEASTES ON THEIR BONES!" in like 30 seconds. It not only didn't ring true, it felt totally out of character. We aren't talking about faceless Sand People here, we're talking children he's probably known personally. And the ultimate reason for it was just fucking stupid. "This raisin guy can maybe help me research a way that maybe I can create life with midichlorians, even though he doesn't really know the power, but maybe he can teach me, and I really love Padme and she might die at some time in the near or far future so I think I'll slaughter my friends and betray everything I know and have been taught and YAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGHGGHHG! I'm da most powerful Jedi."

What... the... fuck.

The story is given no time to breath, at all, and so nothing makes sense. It makes me think that Ep1 shouldn't have even been made, because it was mostly a waste of time. That 2 hours could have been 15 minutes and still made sense. Also, Lucas has turned Vader from one of the greatest cinematic villains of all time into a whiny punk bitch led around by a collar. Total shit.

Also, Mace Windu was killed like a punk. Shitty, shitty fucking death scene. Jackson should sue.

"I have the high ground?" WHAT THE FUCK? For all the reasons already stated, THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Chewbacca is a wookie, but the ewoks live on Endor. That does not make sense. Chewbacca knew Yoda? And yet he has no seeds of wisdom to offer young Luke about his time with Jedi? Total fanboi pandering there. The Wookie part wasn't totally out of place, but wasn't necessary either.

Jedi powers are completely inconsistent. Christopher Lee also dies like a punk bitch, and no one seems to notice that the Chancellor is just ordering the execution of motherfuckers left and right. There's war and there's slaughter. I have now come to hate droids and all the cuteness and stupidity they represent.

In short, Lucas showed he is a no-talent hack with a penchant for special effects. James Cameron could have written and directed a better movie, if you could ever pry him off the ocean floor. Frankenvader is the perfect allegory for the entire series of prequels. I only fear for a world with adult fiction writers who have grown up not on the original trilogy, but this nasty mess.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 12, 2005, 12:01:36 PM
No, sorry, the "it was 20 years ago and these are common types" argument does not wash. Vader built fucking C3P0.

1 - Take how common protocol droids appear to be.
2 - Take the fact that they are all physically identical save for color.
3 - Take the fact that, even so, they all appear to be of metalic finish.

Tell me with a straight face that Vader isn't used to seeing droids which look exactly like C3PO, but which are not him.

R2 was HIS FLIGHT DROID during the most traumatic time of his life. It does not compute.

1 - Astromech droids are seen trundling around nearly EVERYWHERE in the fucking universe.
2 - While they come with two different "head" shapes, the dome is by far the most common.
3 - There are only so many colors to slap onto the dome plating.
4 - The entire line of droids as a whole are referred to as "R2 units."

How can anyone who gets around have NOT seen multiple blue-domed "R2's" over the years?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 12, 2005, 12:18:03 PM
I'll say it.

Any 11 year old who builds a fucking robot, gives it a prissy english accent, keeps it around him for a decade, and knows it has one leg colored differently from the rest of it should be able to remember it when he sees it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Jayce on June 12, 2005, 01:41:19 PM
I was just going to say that Jedi mind powers don't work in space.  Like screaming.

Heh. Star Wars. Space. Jedi mind powers don't work.

That's a good one.

Battle meditation (granted, apocryphal if KoTOR is not canon, though the Emperor seemed to use it in Ep6)
Luke's utilization of the force to target the torpedos in Ep4.

The story is given no time to breath, at all, and so nothing makes sense.

Thank you.  It feels like a plot outline more than a story.  Every scene is a roman numeral.  I said something like this a few pages back and someone responded "don't even go there", and I still have no idea why.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 12, 2005, 02:11:11 PM
I'll say it.

Any 11 year old who builds a fucking robot, gives it a prissy english accent, keeps it around him for a decade, and knows it has one leg colored differently from the rest of it should be able to remember it when he sees it.

Wasn't C3PO still blown to pieces during the carbon freezing scene?  "OMG THAT HEAD AND TORSO STRAPPED TO THE WOOKIE'S BACK LOOK FAMILIAR!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 12, 2005, 02:50:24 PM
I suppose he went def, and probably blocked the painful childhood memories - including all those about his annoying, gold protocol droid - from his mind, too.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on June 12, 2005, 03:38:45 PM
I suppose he went def, and probably blocked the painful childhood memories - including all those about his annoying, gold protocol droid - from his mind, too.

If you had to spend an extended amount of time with 3p0, wouldn't you?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 12, 2005, 03:44:29 PM
I suppose he went def, and probably blocked the painful childhood memories - including all those about his annoying, gold protocol droid - from his mind, too.

I've owned my car for a while.  A lot of memories relate to my car.  If my car were a droid, I'd probably know it really well.  But if I'm walking down the road and see a car of identical make, model, and color smashed into a wall, I don't immediately deduce that someone stole my car and wrecked it.  Because it's a fucking mass-manufactured product.  Are you really this dense?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Evil Elvis on June 12, 2005, 04:10:54 PM
I suppose he went def, and probably blocked the painful childhood memories - including all those about his annoying, gold protocol droid - from his mind, too.

If you had to spend an extended amount of time with 3p0, wouldn't you?

You win.

Quote from: fanboi
I've owned my car for a while.  A lot of memories relate to my car.  If my car were a droid, I'd probably know it really well.  But if I'm walking down the road and see a car of identical make, model, and color smashed into a wall, I don't immediately deduce that someone stole my car and wrecked it.  Because it's a fucking mass-manufactured product.  Are you really this dense?

I dunno.  Does my fictional car have a distinct area that I left primer grey, and exist in a galaxy with millions of different languages yet speaks in an incredibly effeminate british accent?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 12, 2005, 09:08:20 PM
I dunno.  Does my fictional car have a distinct area that I left primer grey,

What the hell are you talking about, anyway?  Since when does C3PO have one grey leg?  And furthermore, what the fuck does it matter since he was dismembered when Vader saw him?

and exist in a galaxy with millions of different languages yet speaks in an incredibly effeminate british accent?

He never spoke to Vader.  What the fuck, have you even seen the movie?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 12, 2005, 09:10:45 PM
WUA, first you defended the shit out of UO. For a while now it's been Star Wars. Your bad at deciding what shit is worth defending.

Let me help:

Lord Blackthorne and Jedi can be put on the "not worth wasting time on" list.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 12, 2005, 10:06:54 PM
Oh you're right Schild.  It's a total continuity fuckup that one character would fail to recognize another by their funny leg (they don't have) and voice (which they haven't heard in two decades.)  It's like they had someone Chinese play Anakin, and had Padme give birth to octuplets.  I should STFU and bow to logic.   :roll:

Piss off, Schild.  Your "pompous teenage lesbian film student in a beret who defines herself by what she hates" attitude is beyond tiresome.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 12, 2005, 10:20:37 PM
1. C3PO did have an accent and a unique leg. Idiot.
2. The amount of trash I enjoy far outweighs the amount of artsy shit I watch. I happen to watch more "film" than most of the people who go to movies...ever. Including the people here. As such, my ratio seems a bit off. But trust me, it's not. When I start saying shit like "Redupers is a great movie" or "This is going to own.  This is going to make Empire look like flowers and bunnies.  The streets will flow with the blood of the naysayers.  You heard it here first" then you can call me a pompous teenage lesbian film student who defines herself by what she hates. Oh and wears a beret. Cuz really, even a pompous teenage baret-wearing lesbian knows better than to say that about a Lucas directed Star Wars movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Margalis on June 12, 2005, 10:40:22 PM

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 12, 2005, 10:52:28 PM
Remember kids, it's never a slapfight when one person is a fanboi and the other person has a banstick.

And oh man did you all miss some drama on teamspeak tonight. Boy, was it great. Ever seen a guild completely fall apart? Oh, wait, that happens to Bat Country in every game. Nevermind.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 13, 2005, 02:28:07 AM


Yeah, that's what I said a page ago.  You used, you know, more words, but you hit on everything that's wrong with the movie for me.  Once again, you manage to say exactly what I'm thinking.  It must be a Scottish thing.  Or summat.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 13, 2005, 09:09:08 AM
No, sorry, the "it was 20 years ago and these are common types" argument does not wash. Vader built fucking C3P0.

1 - Take how common protocol droids appear to be.
2 - Take the fact that they are all physically identical save for color.
3 - Take the fact that, even so, they all appear to be of metalic finish.

Tell me with a straight face that Vader isn't used to seeing droids which look exactly like C3PO, but which are not him.

R2 was HIS FLIGHT DROID during the most traumatic time of his life. It does not compute.

1 - Astromech droids are seen trundling around nearly EVERYWHERE in the fucking universe.
2 - While they come with two different "head" shapes, the dome is by far the most common.
3 - There are only so many colors to slap onto the dome plating.
4 - The entire line of droids as a whole are referred to as "R2 units."

How can anyone who gets around have NOT seen multiple blue-domed "R2's" over the years?

Simple. Lucas has gone to great pains to show droids having unique personalities. I'd think even after 20 years of trauma, Vader would recognize droids he built, droids he spent a great deal of time with, and droids with the SAME FUCKING NAMES AND PERSONALITIES of the said droids.

You are apologizing for a man who has zero respect for his own continuity, much less anyone else's. He justifies it by saying "it's an adventure movie" while in the same breath saying it's "Shakespearean drama" and "a spiritual journey." No, it's a turkey-necked whore's attempt to provide money hats for his 4th generation descendents.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 13, 2005, 09:17:35 AM
Remember kids, it's never a slapfight when one person is a fanboi and the other person has a banstick.

And oh man did you all miss some drama on teamspeak tonight. Boy, was it great. Ever seen a guild completely fall apart? Oh, wait, that happens to Bat Country in every game. Nevermind.

Transcript plskthx.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on June 13, 2005, 10:16:58 AM
Uh, just so I'm clear on the depths of inanity this thread has reached.  I haven't seen the originals in years, but my recollection is that the only time Vader and C3PO were only in the same scene once.  In that scene, there were a jillion people in the room, and DV was getting ready to freeze Solo to see if he could use the same thiing on Luke, and also on the lookout for Luke, who he knew would show up because his friends were in trouble.  Luke, by the way, who he has figured out was his previously-believed-to-have-died-in-the-womb son.  The son he plans to join with and overthrow the emperor, so Vader can finally move from the sniveling #2 bitch-boy position he's been in since the day he was born, because he's an underachieving co-dependent and has been every day of his sad-sack life.  I'm sure he was focused on whatever shit was in the backpack of that wookie across the room.

OK, across the room from vader is C3P0, in little pieces, in a backpack on the backside of a huge fucking wookie.  I'm sure C3P0 made some kind of pseudo-witty comment under his breath.  But that was it. 

You people are shitting a continuity brick because of this?  Really?  I mean, I must be forgetting some scene from the original trilogy where C3PO and Vader have a long discussion about hating sand and tasteless baroque lakeside palaces on Naboo and Vader just looked befuddled when C3PO said "hey do you remember me, bro?"  Because otherwise this shit is just embarrasing.

I've heard fanbois somewhere mention that Boba Fett went to shoot Chewbacca during that scene and Vader stopped him.  They theorized that Vader must have recognized that the random piles of shit in Chewbacca's backpack were his beloved childhood droid.  I thought that was really, really reaching.  But that was eminently sensible compared to the shit that is being spewed about the scene here.

Now, I thought is was stupid to have had Anakin build C3PO.  It was fucking stupid as fuck.  But the continuity crying has reached an all-time low here. 


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Polysorbate80 on June 13, 2005, 10:49:46 AM
Besides, remember that glimpse out through the eyes of Vader's helmet before they slapped it on him?  They ripped off the Terminator "Everything's red with computer graphics on it" vision thing.  Shit all looks the same to Darth.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Fargull on June 13, 2005, 10:49:59 AM
Holy crap this thread is huge.  I don't even think Lucas's psychologist is worth that much attention.  Star Wars has become as schizo as Lucas has... which I guess makes sense.  Sad.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 13, 2005, 11:12:27 AM
It isn't the fact that Vader did or didn't talk onscreen to the fucking droids that bothers me. After all, we are treated to some scenes of Vader torturing or being present in the torture of Han Solo, which would lead me to believe he DID have contact with the other members of the party, including Chewie with the droid on his back. The problem is that in the originals, all of these characters are seen as unconnected, not recognizing each other, etc. And then Lucas goes out of his way to make sure they ARE connected, what with Anakin building C3P0 and Chewie apparently being enough of a friend of Yoda's to be on a first name basis. It's shitty, shoddy story-telling, and the characters act in an unconvincing manner when looked at in the new light. I mean, did Yoda HAVE to talk to Chewbacca, as if there weren't 50 bazillion other walking dustbunnies to choose from? Why did Anakin HAVE to be the builder of C3P0? For that matter, I didn't like the entire inclusion of the droids in the prequels, because it's just all too coincidental. Out of a galaxy of TRILLIONS, all these people are connected. If that was supposed to be the Force guiding everyone together, well, it's a shitty job of explaining that.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Arnold on June 13, 2005, 11:58:22 AM
It isn't the fact that Vader did or didn't talk onscreen to the fucking droids that bothers me. After all, we are treated to some scenes of Vader torturing or being present in the torture of Han Solo, which would lead me to believe he DID have contact with the other members of the party, including Chewie with the droid on his back. The problem is that in the originals, all of these characters are seen as unconnected, not recognizing each other, etc. And then Lucas goes out of his way to make sure they ARE connected, what with Anakin building C3P0 and Chewie apparently being enough of a friend of Yoda's to be on a first name basis. It's shitty, shoddy story-telling, and the characters act in an unconvincing manner when looked at in the new light. I mean, did Yoda HAVE to talk to Chewbacca, as if there weren't 50 bazillion other walking dustbunnies to choose from? Why did Anakin HAVE to be the builder of C3P0? For that matter, I didn't like the entire inclusion of the droids in the prequels, because it's just all too coincidental. Out of a galaxy of TRILLIONS, all these people are connected. If that was supposed to be the Force guiding everyone together, well, it's a shitty job of explaining that.

Not to mention that R2 knew everything the whole fucking time and never fessed up!  Sure, Obi-Wan and Yoda had their manipulative Jedi pact going on, but R2 had no allegiance to them.  You'd think he would have said something.

"Hey yo, Luke.  That guy who killed my old pal Obi-Wan on the Death Star, and now just tried to smoke you before Han shot him off into space... He's your pops."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: El Gallo on June 13, 2005, 12:55:22 PM
I liked having the droids in the prequels (they are interesting innocent bystanders so to speak, they are the first beings we met in Ep IV, and I liked having R2 save the day for Amidala and then continue to follow her around, because it explains why her daughter thought so much of the droid that she entrusted it with the death star plans in Ep IV) .

But I aleady said that the "Anakin building c3po" thing was dumb and the gratuitous chewbacca scene was even worse (that scene needed to be eliminated entirely or be made much longer -- one of the many pacing problems Ep III suffered because he spent so much time dicking around with worthless shit in I & II)).  The "there are too many coincidences for me to sustaion credulity even with The Force lurking about especially when many of these coincidences are purely gratuitous and advance the story not one bit" argument is an apt criticism.  "OMG CONTINUITY" isn't, and stretching to find some possible glimmer-of-an-egregious-continuity-error-if-you-squint-at-it-and-cock-your-head-like-so just makes you look like you are looking for an excuse to bash with no good reason to.  It's not like its hard to find a good reason.  Like Nosferatu's absurd overacting.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 13, 2005, 01:23:39 PM
1. C3PO did have an accent and a unique leg. Idiot.

Except his legs were blown off and he never spoke to Vader.  Moron.

2. The amount of trash I enjoy far outweighs the amount of artsy shit I watch. I happen to watch more "film" than most of the people who go to movies...ever. Including the people here. As such, my ratio seems a bit off. But trust me, it's not. When I start saying shit like "Redupers is a great movie" or "This is going to own.  This is going to make Empire look like flowers and bunnies.  The streets will flow with the blood of the naysayers.  You heard it here first" then you can call me a pompous teenage lesbian film student who defines herself by what she hates. Oh and wears a beret. Cuz really, even a pompous teenage baret-wearing lesbian knows better than to say that about a Lucas directed Star Wars movie.

I liked it muchly.  It received by far the best reviews any SW movie has at the time of initial release.  It's scraped up a healthy box office take.  Am I supposed to really care that a few professional haters of stuff on a board somewhere don't like it?  Your criticism might seem more valid if you didn't resort to "ZOMG VADAR SHOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED C3PO LEG EVEN THO IT WAS BLOWN OFF!" in your grasping to say as much negative as possible.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 13, 2005, 01:24:49 PM
There are many good reasons to bash it. The droids are just one more good reason.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 13, 2005, 03:52:09 PM
The strangest thing about this film is that I am entirely aware of the problems, the poor dialogue, the bad acting, the continuity, the crappy pacing, etc etc etc, but I still enjoyed myself in the theater.  And I'd still watch it again.  I don't know why, on paper it's a horrible, horrible movie but I still liked it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on June 14, 2005, 01:13:17 AM
I didn't.   I also spent a couple of horrible moments in the theatre (where I'm paying to be entertained) cringing at how bad it was.

I also find it a little strange that people like it better than the other two. It really wasn't.

I think they should just wipe the fucking slate clean and do a prequel to the prequels.  It should be about the breasty-hot Jedi and it should tell the tear-jerking story of how she became a Jedi through her athletic sexual prowess.

It's a winner, I tell you.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 14, 2005, 10:27:53 AM
I have a feeling this guy was underwhelmed. (http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=episode3)


I didn't think it was possible to be more unimpressed with Star Wars. Today, I stand corrected. If you were unfortunate enough to hear your stupid co-workers yammering on about Lucas' latest shit burger, you might have heard them saying something like "I didn't like the first two, but this one was good!" When I ask why, these people have trouble responding because it's hard to talk with George Lucas' flaccid penis in their collective mouths. Perhaps the question I should be asking is "why didn't you like the other two movies if you liked this one?" Nothing has changed. You have the same vacant-looking actors running around, aimlessly bumping into things, an army of stupid, sensitive robots, and dialogue clumsy enough to warrant putting a handicap sticker on George Lucas' car.



Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on June 14, 2005, 10:42:52 AM
Was the plan to make this thread the longest in F13 history? If so, bravo. We don't look any nerdier now.  :roll:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 14, 2005, 11:32:21 AM
The third Maddox pic is the best by far.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on June 14, 2005, 11:35:29 AM
I started crying when this thread hit page 3. Lucas got far too much attention.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Yegolev on June 14, 2005, 12:13:15 PM
Does my fictional car have a distinct area that I left primer grey, and exist in a galaxy with millions of different languages yet speaks in an incredibly effeminate british accent?

You bet your ass.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 14, 2005, 12:17:25 PM
Does my fictional car have a distinct area that I left primer grey, and exist in a galaxy with millions of different languages yet speaks in an incredibly effeminate british accent?

You bet your ass.


That looks like some sort of gibberish that voodoolilly would write, claiming it was phonetically slang.  :evil:

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 14, 2005, 02:24:14 PM
That looks like some sort of gibberish that voodoolilly would write, claiming it was phonetically slang.  :evil:
It's either Finnish or Estonian. And Ep 3 was better than the first two simply because Lucas could not fit as many stinking merchandising toys in it. Like the Ep 1 "and this part of the movie exists to sell Star Wars Racer" pod race, "inspired" by the racing segment of a 1970s Norwegian animated movie that is far far better than anything Lucas has made.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 14, 2005, 02:25:36 PM
That looks like some sort of gibberish that voodoolilly would write, claiming it was phonetically slang.  :evil:
It's either Finnish or Estonian. And Ep 3 was better than the first two simply because Lucas could not fit as many stinking merchandising toys in it. Like the Ep 1 "and this part of the movie exists to sell Star Wars Racer" pod race, "inspired" by the racing segment of a 1970s Norwegian animated movie that is far far better than anything Lucas has made.

What I've read had Lucas sayings the pod race was inspired by Ben-Hur.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on June 14, 2005, 03:30:00 PM
If by "inspired" he means "copied yet managed to suck the life out of" then I would agree with him.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Azazel on June 15, 2005, 06:17:58 AM
What annoys me are geniuses who spot "inconsistencies" based on the assumption that episodes 3 and 4 took place maybe a week apart.  You know what I mean.


Because it's been two fucking decades since they were last seen?  Because droids identical to those are a commonplace sight?  How accurately do YOU recall... say... the stereo your buddy owned in 1985?

I thought it was because Lucas wrote the Star Wars films with the same attention to detail and continuity that SoE releases EQ1 expansions.. time for a NEW LOST continent! And as a bonus, some NEW GODs that have always been there. No, really. Also, here's some incestuous kissing since Leia only became Luke's sister to wrap up that "no, there is another" loose end from ESB.

But who can hate star wars when it brought us this?:

Oh, and FWIW, I enjoyed RoTS quite a bit.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 15, 2005, 08:45:59 AM
But who can hate star wars when it brought us this?:

Fucking hippies.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on June 16, 2005, 11:38:56 AM
The world should completely switch over to organic farming and nothing else!  Chemicals and stuff are evil!

*billions starve to death*

Oops.  Well, hippies can't do math.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Paelos on June 16, 2005, 12:44:03 PM
Billions starving would be ok with the hippies.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Murgos on June 17, 2005, 07:49:30 AM
Billions starving would be ok with the hippies.

Which is funny because hippy's are about the least competent farmers there are, farming is hard work (especially when you forgo the mechanical tools and chemicals) and I have yet to meet a hippy that wanted anything to do with hard work.

There is a reason all those communes that started in the 60's failed within a few years.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on June 17, 2005, 08:04:39 AM
There is a reason all those communes that started in the 60's failed within a few years.

I always figured it had more to do with the women not being as attractive after they've popped-out a few kids.  Mommy fat and saggy boobs aren't condusive to communal love and naked fire dancing.

Plus the general understanding that nobody wants to work hard when they're stoned out of their mind.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 28, 2005, 03:42:55 PM
I've only just been to see this. And it seems a shame to see the longest thread evar that isn't about poker die.

It was better than AotC. Anyone who says otherwise must have watched a different AotC. AotC was fucking awful.

It was better than tPM. Not least becuase Anakin was at least Padme's contemporary instead of pointlessly making him 8. As others said, tPM was, in plot terms, a film of pure pointlessness. But the groovy lightsaber fight at the end remains the best of the series.

It was better than RotJ. Because of the fucking teddy bears, and the annoying the jabba the hutt waste of time, all that's really good about RotJ is the space battle, which there seems to be less of whenever I watch this.

It was better than star wars. Because even Anakin isn't as whiny as Luke.

I haven't decided if it's better than Empire. But it's close. Empire isn't as good as people keep saying, people make just as many stupid decisions and there are just as many plot holes if you really feel the need to dig them out.

Ultimately all the films include shit getting blown up in satisfying quantities, sometimes in space, always with lasers and robots. I fail to see why people have such a hard time with this. It's not Citizen fucking Caine.

Oh, and the stupid lines were easier to ignore and to forgive due to the pace in this one, if it had been slower like number 2 I have no doubt the lines would have got more terrible but the pace helped me ignore them.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Velorath on June 28, 2005, 04:30:59 PM
Ultimately all the films include shit getting blown up in satisfying quantities, sometimes in space, always with lasers and robots. I fail to see why people have such a hard time with this. It's not Citizen fucking Caine.

It might have to do with the fact that three of the movies were largely made good by Harrison Ford,  Yoda acting like a crazy old fuck on some swamp planet,  and Darth Vader not being a whiny bitch.  Take away all that and you've got the prequels.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 28, 2005, 08:08:55 PM
I pretty much agree with eldaec.  I feel that Episode 3 was one of the best of the whole series not because episode 3 was some fantastic piece of art, but because the series just isn't that good.  To be entertained for the majority of the film makes it a success when compared to a number of the other SW films.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 29, 2005, 08:25:26 AM
I fail to understand how anyone could watch Episdoe 3 and not go into an apoplectic fit of cursing halfway through it. AotC was blandly awful, this one was just shit-sandwich awful. It isn't about whether it's good art or not, because plainly, it's a genre film that makes no bones about being such. The same goes for the other movies.

The difference is that Empire and Star Wars had meat to the story, and internal consistency. It all made some sort of sense, even if it was all very coincidental in the adventure story sort of way. Sith had NONE of that. It was rushed, the pacing was awful, the logic of the world horribly flawed, visually over-busy, with horrible dialogue and a completely unconvincing dramatic moment.

I really think whether you liked Sith or not all depends on if you "bought into" Anakin's 30-second transformation from conflicted whiny Jedi to complete evil whiny cockmuncher.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Bunk on June 29, 2005, 08:48:19 AM

I really think whether you liked Sith or not all depends on if you "bought into" Anakin's 30-second transformation from conflicted whiny Jedi to complete evil whiny cockmuncher.

Personally, I've pretty much decided that for me to enjoy it, I have think of using the force as being one of those Absolute power Corrupts Absolutely type things. That the reason why Jedi have so many weenie and prissy rules, is that they know the force is to much for the average mind to handle. Essentially, Anakin had been falling for years by giving in to his emotions too much, lacking in discipline, etc... Palpatine had been setting him up to fall since he was a little kid. Everything just fell in to place all at once. Sure, in retrospect, dumping Episode 1 completely and starting the three movie arc with the Clone Wars would have allowed for a more progressive transformation, but that fact didn't ruin 3 for me.

All in all, trying to justify it like this really is pointless, becuase there really is no consistency in the rules of the Star Wars Universe, but I don't care. I enjoyed Episode 3 for the ride it was. I think I was satisfied by it, because 1 and 2 had set me up to expect 3 to suck, and it didn't. After seeing 1 and 2, all I really needed to enjoy 3 was a lack of Jar Jar, mop-top kids, C-3P0, and lines about sand (though they tried hard to reach that level with the "romance" dialogue again).

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Merusk on June 29, 2005, 09:29:26 AM
I really think whether you liked Sith or not all depends on if you "bought into" Anakin's 30-second transformation from conflicted whiny Jedi to complete evil whiny cockmuncher.

I bought it as much as I bought his 30-second transformation from, "Luke must die," to, "into the pit with you, fugly."

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Roac on June 29, 2005, 11:36:09 AM
I bought it as much as I bought his 30-second transformation from, "Luke must die," to, "into the pit with you, fugly."

"It's not that kind of movie, kid."
-Harrison Ford to Mark Hamill, during shooting of A New Hope.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 29, 2005, 01:14:37 PM
Ultimately all the films include shit getting blown up in satisfying quantities, sometimes in space, always with lasers and robots. I fail to see why people have such a hard time with this. It's not Citizen fucking Caine.
It might have to do with the fact that three of the movies were largely made good by Harrison Ford,  Yoda acting like a crazy old fuck on some swamp planet,  and Darth Vader not being a whiny bitch.  Take away all that and you've got the prequels.

To counter Ford, Yoda, and Darth, you can add Ewan MacGregor, Iain McDiamand in decent quantities, and Yoda acting like a crazy old fuck on various planets.

The prequels aren't worse than the orginals by that much.

And I don't mean to say that any of the 5 (AotC doesn't count - damn that was shit) were a terrible a way to watch 2 hours of shit blowing up.

Whether or not you liked Empire more, RotS is the best implementation of 'all sorts of shit gets blowed up in space/sci-fi situations' I can remember since Aliens - and hell - they even made it a tragedy, I was almost certain Lucas would find a crappy excuse for celebration at the end. Even if your forum handle is I dunno, 'schild' or something, the tragedy choice alone is worth celebrating because it will probably remind studio executives that big budget films shouldn't always have happy endings.

People have moaned about the plot as if the story itsef had real problems. Seriously, read some Shakespeare. He, and everyone else since had just as many unimportant pedant point plot holes in their scripts. Star Wars just didn't cover itself well enough in the dialogue to smooth you over them. Focus your fire people, the dialogue is what creates the problem. I for one don't give a rats ass about C3PO.


Still doesn't make it the greatest movie ever, or anything near it, but not everything has to be an art-fag character movie.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 29, 2005, 01:43:02 PM
But it should at least follow some of its own rules. Which it doesn't.

It doesn't have to be art-fag character movies, but it's characters should at least act in a manner that is believable within the context of the story. They don't, especially in the prequels, and really haven't since about the emergence of the goddamn Ewoks in RotJ.

Empire is held up as the paragon of the series because it really is that good.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: AOFanboi on June 29, 2005, 01:47:08 PM
(AotC doesn't count - damn that was shit)
How can people consider The Toy Store Menace to be a better film than AotC, which at least had story progress? Episode I is the shittiest piece of sci-fi since Freejack.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 29, 2005, 01:51:32 PM
Because of that 15-minute sword fight scene between Darth Maul and the Qui-Gon/Obi-Won tandem. That was just pure cinematic brilliance, IMO. And I'd watch 2 hours of that scene repeated before ever watching Ep 2 or Ep 3 again. The fight scene was so good, it makes the rest of the movie, which was REALLY SHITTY, better in comparison.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 29, 2005, 01:57:16 PM
Because of that 15-minute sword fight scene between Darth Maul and the Qui-Gon/Obi-Won tandem.


Also Qui-Gon and Obi-wan throughout the film.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on June 29, 2005, 02:08:10 PM
Qui-Gon and Maul were killed off too soon.....And all we were left with was Dooku.

In the end, I don't really "hate" the new trilogy, but it could have been much better.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on June 29, 2005, 02:14:12 PM
Qui-Gon and Maul were killed off too soon.....And all we were left with was Dooku.

I would love to see how many outtakes there were where Ewan couldn't get "Dooku" out with a straight face. In AotC and RotS it seemed like he was on the verge of laughing each time he said it.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 29, 2005, 02:22:56 PM
But it should at least follow some of its own rules. Which it doesn't.

It doesn't have to be art-fag character movies, but it's characters should at least act in a manner that is believable within the context of the story. They don't, especially in the prequels, and really haven't since about the emergence of the goddamn Ewoks in RotJ.

Regarding the Anakin becoming evil problem; it went better than I was expecting.

Given that they repeatedly made clear that the dark lord of the fricking sith had taken anakin under his wing for some years now, and given that they'd put together a reasonable setup for the Emperor to get Obi-Wan out of the way, and given they'd gone to the trouble to give Anakin an actual excuse to not see the difference between Jedi and Sith at the key moment ("he's too dangerous to leave alive"). I could accept the initial split second decision to stop Mace killing Sidious, and force him to try to take Sidious alive. And it was nicely able to convey Anakin kidding himself that he was doing good, while actually just getting one over on Mace and hoping to stop his wife dying.

Once you accept that split second decision, and observe its immeadiate consequences, I took everything up till the fight with Obi-Wan as red mist and temporary insanity fuelled by the emporer's evil powers. I have no idea if that is what Lucas meant me to take it as (I accept he might not). This wouldn't be the first story where brave knight x swears fealty to evil bastard y in a fit of dispair after doing something stupid.

The Anakin kidding himself that he's saving the world thing worked pretty well for me too.

I fully accept though - that you have to buy in to the split second decision to stop Mace. Once Mace was dead I felt they'd done enough to cue up the melodrama.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 29, 2005, 02:35:06 PM
Oh, the frankenstein scene at the end... now that was dumb.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: stray on June 29, 2005, 02:38:57 PM
It was promising....Until....Well, we know the bit  :roll:

Who would have guessed that it'd be James Earl Jones that'd have worst fuckup of the film?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Mortriden on June 29, 2005, 02:46:24 PM
It was promising....Until....Well, we know the bit  :roll:

Who would have guessed that it'd be James Earl Jones that'd have worst fuckup of the film?

The same ass who wrote that in the script.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on June 29, 2005, 02:54:36 PM
I fully accept though - that you have to buy in to the split second decision to stop Mace. Once Mace was dead I felt they'd done enough to cue up the melodrama.

It wasn't even so much the stopping Mace thing that bugged me, it was the WAY he stopped him. Cutting his hand off seems overboard. Then the absolute slaughter of everyone in the Jedi Academy, including kids? It was just way too quick.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: TheWalrus on June 29, 2005, 10:44:53 PM
  You forget, Lucas has an obsession with people losing limbs/hands. Shit, I think a couple guys in the Indiana Jones series lost limbs before biting it too.

 Somewhere, hes got to have an uncle that once told him a story about how he lost his hand in a farming accident, how bad it hurt, and that it's a pain you never forget. Or something. So Lucas made Star Wars to get him over the pain. ><

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Llava on June 30, 2005, 01:56:58 PM
So what?  Vader chops off hands.

It's his "thing."  Mastering the Force is really all about marketing.  You gotta have a gimmick.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on June 30, 2005, 02:04:48 PM
It's all about lazy writing...er...I mean symmetry. Ya symmetry.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: eldaec on June 30, 2005, 03:17:55 PM
Lucas has an obsession with repeating ideas in different contexts with different characters. There are dozens of other examples, espeicially in ep3. Most of them, imo at least, help the films more than they hurt.

It's a good idea that suffers from clumsy scripting. Which pretty much sums up all 6 films.

And Vader actually only performs 3 out of 8 hand choppings I can think of in the films. In case you care.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ookii on July 01, 2005, 07:05:32 AM
Rather than make a new thread:

The Koreans sure do love their Star Wars!

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: schild on July 01, 2005, 07:08:02 AM
Wow. How did you even manage to press the "post" button?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: HaemishM on July 01, 2005, 09:35:00 AM
I just swallowed my own tongue.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on July 01, 2005, 09:51:34 AM
I think that should have been in the Useless News 'Realdolls' thread.

Arg.  My eyes.  Etc.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on July 01, 2005, 10:38:48 AM
Meh.  The "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" didn't bother me.  Honestly, the more I think about it, the thing that bothered me the most was Natalie Portman's inabillity to even get choked convincingly.  She shoulda been gagging and coughing with her eyes rolling up into her head.  Instead she just put two hands on her neck like it's the sign language word for "I inhaled a Hershey's Kiss, help plz!"

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Abagadro on July 01, 2005, 10:41:03 AM
I think I just found my wife's next birthday present.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Furiously on July 01, 2005, 11:22:42 AM
The Yoda one isn't quite as sexy due to the mask in my opinion. but the ears to do you something to hold onto.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Shockeye on September 17, 2005, 02:49:39 PM
Quote from: IGN
Exclusive: Star Wars TV Series Now Hiring (http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/651/651192p1.html)

Scribes sought for upcoming show.
by Stax

September 15, 2005 - IGN FilmForce can exclusively report that Lucasfilm is seeking screenwriters for its planned TV series based on George Lucas' Star Wars film saga.

Keeping with Lucas' penchant for security, the show will be scripted at the bearded one's secluded Skywalker Ranch. Work will commence this January. Lucas and his colleague Rick McCallum will produce the still untitled show.

The series is slated to run 50 hours and will be a mixture of live-action and CGI. Principal photography will begin in 2007 with filming to take place in Australia.

While the show will apparently revolve around imperial bounty hunters, there could be other directions taken. The series will take place after the Empire has risen to power.

So let me get this straight, Fox buys IGN and now IGN has an "exclusive" on the new TV series.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: TheWalrus on September 17, 2005, 05:42:31 PM
Bet they spin it so the empire is the good guys.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on September 17, 2005, 06:31:27 PM
We'll see.  So far I get a bad "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" vibe.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on September 18, 2005, 05:19:32 AM
Bet they spin it so the empire is the good guys.


Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on September 18, 2005, 12:08:10 PM
[puts on his devil's advocate hat]

What?  You mean the corrupt Republic, so useless it couldn't prevent one of it's members from being invaded by a private corporation, and it's fanatically religious secret police "temple" that takes in tiny children and brainwashes them into it's celibate pseudo-military order, were the good guys?

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on September 19, 2005, 04:48:41 AM
The joke wasn't about Star Wars but Fox.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: WindupAtheist on September 19, 2005, 05:46:11 AM
In which case, never mind.  Some organizations are just indefensible.

Title: Re: Episode 3
Post by: Ironwood on September 19, 2005, 06:32:22 AM
Double Heh.