
f13.net General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Boogaleeboo on April 16, 2004, 08:19:53 PM

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 16, 2004, 08:19:53 PM
Hey Joe?

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on April 16, 2004, 08:29:11 PM
Yeah, but the Cubs came back from 5 runs down to win the game! Hell the Cubs came back twice in that game! It was awesome!

Screw the Yankees! Since the Cubs are a National League team I can say this: GO RED SOX GO!

But seriously, GO CUBS GO!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on April 16, 2004, 10:57:52 PM
That's the funny thing about Red Sox fans, they cheer like crazy on strike one of a game in April, but give on their team when the score is tied in extra innings of the ALCS.

Red Sox motto:

"You have the rings, but we have, um, a strike in a game in April!"


Of course, this thread from the person who thinks the Red Sox won the ALCS last year...winners win, losers make excuses...

"If only they had taken Pedro out...if only this, if only that..."

The Red Sox were only even in the ALCS because the As choked again.

That's the great thing about sports, there are clear winners and losers. What if scenarios don't matter. Time and time again, the Red Sox are the clear losers...the fact that they won in your imaginary scenario doesn't really matter now does it?

Enjoy your April win and savor it for years to come suckers...

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 17, 2004, 01:43:34 AM
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck you just said in that rambling, incoherent ejaculation of meaningless English. And I'm pretty sure there are others confused. So to restate:

Red Sox 6
Yankees 2

Oh, I think I noticed a point.

That's the great thing about sports, there are clear winners and losers. What if scenarios don't matter. Time and time again, the Red Sox are the clear losers...the fact that they won in your imaginary scenario doesn't really matter now does it?

Funny story. We lost to the Yankees. The Yankees on the other hand lost to the Marlins. As they say, second place is just first loser. I can take with grace and humility third place in the face of that. The only people that have a right to talk big would be the Marlins. Of course that would be LAST year now wouldn't it?

What about this year?

Oh. Yeah.

Red Sox 6
Yankees 2


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on April 17, 2004, 02:39:22 AM
Let me make it simple for you:

Red Sox - constant losers.
Yankees - constant (as constant as baseball gets) winners.

Red Sox fans - get excited when their team wins in April.
Yankees fan - get excited when their team wins in October.

It's nice that one April game is the season to you. I guess for the Red Sox that's as good as it gets.

New Red Sox motto:

"Hey, we lost, but at least we didn't come in second either!"

It's just funny to contrast... Yankee fans are upset cause they haven't won the WS in a few years, Boston fans are joyous cause they won a single game in April. Low expectations are easy to live up to no?

I hear the Red Sox won a few spring training games as well...roll out the red carpet!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 17, 2004, 01:33:40 PM
Red Sox 6
Yankees 2

When you keep saying "Constant losers" it doesn't make me feel bad. It makes me feel happy. Because then of course the question becomes how badly must the Yankees suck to lose 6 2 to a bunch of constant losers?

That's just me and my logic talking again.

You go cry into your Cheerios now like a good loser though.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 17, 2004, 03:29:40 PM
Boston, get over yourself.  It's a 162 game season.  One game in April, even a series, is almost meaningless.  Hell, the Red Sox have even beaten the Yankess in the standings at the end of the year a few times.

But there's only one score that REALLY matters, since 1918:

Yankees 26
Red Sox 0


PS - October 25, 1986

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on April 17, 2004, 04:16:49 PM
Quote from: Boogaleeboo

When you keep saying "Constant losers" it doesn't make me feel bad. It makes me feel happy. Because then of course the question becomes how badly must the Yankees suck to lose 6 2 to a bunch of constant losers?

You obviously have a very good grasp of sports and baseball in particular.

What next, is some Orioles fan going to post about how they beat the Sox 2 days ago?

You are obviously a stupid troll, but we all already knew that. I'm done with this thread, see you next April.

Edit: Go Celtics!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 17, 2004, 08:18:12 PM
Yankees 26
Red Sox 0

That stopped them losing to the Marlins how?

And it won them the last game how?

The past, the present. Either way?

You still lose.

I'll be giggling like a school girl in the corner now. The great part is when Boston fucks up and loses it big time I won't be shocked. And at the same time I get to take every win as a gift from God.

It's great being a Red Sox fan.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on April 17, 2004, 08:27:40 PM
I am gonna have to side with Boog in this whole arguement. Maybe it is just because I am a diehard Cubs fan and we do the same thing as Red Sox fans.

You gloat when you win over your rival, it doesn't matter when it happens and it certainly doesn't matter what happens at the end of the year.

As a Cubs fan, we can lose every game but those against the Astros, Cardinals and White Sox (hurray interleague play) and we will laugh all winter long.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 17, 2004, 09:36:27 PM
And just because it hasn't been mentioned.

Boston 5
Yankees 2

See, now I'm not harping on one game in April.

I'm harping on two. Grats on not fucking up as much this game. You fucked up a totally normal amount for a losing team.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: daveNYC on April 17, 2004, 11:49:10 PM
Can we lay off the baseball talk until the second or third month of the stupid season?  Of all the things I dislike about baseball, shit talking this early is way up on the list.

The fact that the Yankees are playing the Red Sox and the Mets for a combined 150 games this season pisses me off too.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 18, 2004, 02:44:06 AM
You can be as happy as you want in April.  It warms my heart to know that you are all giggly with happiness, because that just means your spirit will be crushed all the more come the fall and the Curse kicks in.  When will Red Sox fans ever learn?  And people say I've had to many chances...


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Boogaleeboo on April 18, 2004, 03:19:26 AM
It took till game seven in the world series last year.

Yeah, I think I can gloat for that long and get a good seasons worth of gloating done.

And if it's like last year I can watch the Yankees lose and get some extra gloating in at the end.

Like I said, win/win.

I wouldn't even be gloating so much if the Yankees could put a game together. Yeah yeah, it's April. You still need to actually pull your shit together to say matter in September.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Joe on April 18, 2004, 04:25:45 AM
I mentioned this elsewhere. The Red Sox beat the Yankees a lot in April. Then the Yankees get hot in late May/Early June and beat the shit out of the Red Sox in July and August. This is how it has been, and how it always shall be.

And when Schilling's arm falls off in June, I want to make sure people remember I called it.

And the Series went six games last year, southie.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on April 18, 2004, 04:40:30 AM

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on April 18, 2004, 02:14:28 PM
Derek Lowe thew some nice batting practice today.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 18, 2004, 03:46:59 PM
Is Boog a Boston native?  Is he still in his 20s?  He sounds like one of those young Red Sox fans who has no idea what his father has gotten him into.  A mature Red Sox fan knows he's going to get crushed.  He accepts it.  He may get swept up in the anticipation early in the season, but he doesn't gloat, because he knows he is just tempting fate.

Many if Boog lives through a few more crushing World Series defeats, he'll learn.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on April 18, 2004, 06:20:38 PM

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on April 18, 2004, 08:52:02 PM
The Astros are a decent team in a mediocre division. With Prior out for a while I think you have to give them a good shot at the division title. I don't follow the NL too much, but it seems like every NL team has their share of flaws.
As far as Boog goes...he's just a troll. He's not a Red Sox fan or a baseball fan or anything...just a troll trying to pick some topic he thinks will rile people up. Next week he'll move on to some other topic he knows nothing about.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Joe on April 19, 2004, 12:34:10 AM
Quote from: Kenrick
Damn it, I worked really hard finding those astros pictures!  At least someone should comment on it, even if it is how ghey I am or how much the astros suXXor.

But seriously.

See you in October.


I was gonna comment on Pettite probably needing Tommy John surgery, and make some born again Christian joke, but I figured it's been done by better people.

Also, I miss Mr. Clemens. It's a sad day when BoSox and Yankee fans have something in common.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on April 19, 2004, 04:18:56 AM
Quote from: Joe

It looks like hopefully his "injury" won't have any lasting effects.  He only had that 1 start for houston before going on the DL, and I think he still had opening night/new team jitters.  I never watched much of him when he was in the AL, but from what I know of him, he can be as dominant as anyone out there.

Quote from: Joe

Games: 3
IP:  20.2
H: 7
SO:  19
BB:  7
ERA:  .87
BAA:  .108


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on April 19, 2004, 06:36:45 AM
Quote from: Margalis
The Astros are a decent team in a mediocre division. With Prior out for a while I think you have to give them a good shot at the division title. I don't follow the NL too much, but it seems like every NL team has their share of flaws.
As far as Boog goes...he's just a troll. He's not a Red Sox fan or a baseball fan or anything...just a troll trying to pick some topic he thinks will rile people up. Next week he'll move on to some other topic he knows nothing about.

I am not quite sure what the hell you are smoking, but you might want to lay off of it. I doubt I would even smoke it if you think that the NL central is just a mediocre division. The central is the strongest division in the NL this year, even with the Brewers and Pirates. The reason people incorrectly percieve the NL central as a weak division is because every team in the division beats up on each other.

As for every NL team having their flaws, the same can be said of every AL team. That is the nature of baseball, there is no such thing as a perfect team, even your Yankees.

I was ignoring the Astro's troll, even without Prior the Cubs are still going to win the division. Clemens is a worry with his fantastic start, but then again a lot of teams haven't really seen him before so he has a grace period. He is still a good pitcher, but I am sure he is going to get rocked soon. As for the Cubs, I am a little concerned about Maddux's horrible start, but he did the same thing last year and still won 16 games. The rest of the Cubs pitchers look pretty damn good and the Cubs offense is much much better this year.

As for Boog, I think you are completely retarded. Boog IS a Red Sox fan and I believe he is also a fan of baseball in general. Although he doesn't talk about it rabidly like others. I am gonna have to say that you are the moron trolling this thread.

I would take a Red Sox fan over a Yankees fan any day of the week. Yankees fans are the most boring fans ever. They sit around quietly until late in the season, just assuming that the Yankees will win again. When fall comes around they all come out of the woodwork talking shit. At least a Red Sox fan will be completely rooting for their team throughout the entire year.

It's easy to root for the top dog, but it takes a lot more heart to root for the constant underdog and love every single minute of it.

So to sum up: Stop being a trolling retard and die in a Yankee Stadium fire.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on April 19, 2004, 08:25:18 AM
Quote from: Madman

I doubt I would even smoke it if you think that the NL central is just a mediocre division.


Quote from: Madman

As for every NL team having their flaws, the same can be said of every AL team.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Quote from: Madman
I was ignoring the Astro's troll.

[Kyle's mom's voice] WhatwhatWHAT?

Quote from: Madman
even without Prior the Cubs are still going to win the division.

Clearly, we are dealing with a madman.  Wait, ROFL.  Didn't even catch the irony at first.

Truth is, it could be a close race come September.  It could even be the Cubs that provide the pressure.

Did I ever think I'd have to sirbruce a baseball post?  No sir.  Are Chip Carey and Steve Stone lovers?  Youbetcha.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 19, 2004, 09:40:01 AM
Quote from: Kenrick
Buncha Astros shit

Die, bitch.

Cubs 4LIFE!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on April 19, 2004, 09:47:01 AM
I am going to excuse myself from this conversation until the Mariners are capable of winning more than 1/3 of their games. Jeebus.

When does NFL training camp start? 'Tis my only hope...

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 19, 2004, 05:22:46 PM
Quote from: Kenrick
Damn it, I worked really hard finding those astros pictures!  At least someone should comment on it, even if it is how ghey I am or how much the astros suXXor.

The Astros might be the best team in their division.  I don't think the Cubs have enough to make it all the way.  And I root for the Cardinals every year, but they didn't get what they really needed, which was better pitching.  If the Cardinals had the Astros pitching staff, they'd be a shoe-in for sure.

Why couldn't Clemens have been from St. Louis?  Sigh...


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 20, 2004, 07:50:18 AM
The Astros have a better SS than the Cubs, and the catcher position is even, with the Cubs having better offense and Ausmus being the better receiver. After that, it's a dead heat.

Patterson = Biggio
Bagwell > Lee (though Lee's defense is better)
Sosa > Hidalgo
Alou = Berkman (even though Berkman's a switch-hitter, he's not a power guy from the right)
Ramirez > Ensberg (though Ensberg has better D)
Kent > Walker/Grudzelanik

Pitching staff without Prior is about even, with Prior, Cubs win (provided Maddux learns how to pitch again). Dotel is not a proven closer, Borowski is. This being the first year the Cubs actually have a scary good bullpen, they will win the division.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on April 20, 2004, 09:15:13 AM
Ramrez's fielding has looked a hell of a lot better for the first 12 games this year and his bat has been on fucking fire during the past homestand.

The Astro's are also getting old. In fact, I would put Patterson>Biggio because Biggio has lost a step or two, even considering Patterson's recontructed knee. I think Patterson is just being a little too aggresive at the plate (which is ok for now as he tries to find his stroke again). Patterson is a great first ball hitter which takes a suprising amount of discipline. However, if that first pitch is in the zone Patterson is going to smack the crap out of it. I really liked the way he fought back in the 2nd and then picked up the single that knocked in those two runs.

I am starting to like Barrett, at least at the plate, but I think he needs some work behind the plate. He seems somewhat lazy when it comes to blocking balls. He did a good job in the first inning yesterday, but there have been a few pitches this year where he just tried to grab at the ball instead of blocking it with his body.

That is my two cents worth. I hope Alou can keep up the hitting because when he hits the Cubs tend to win.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on April 20, 2004, 06:51:47 PM
Much as I like the Cubs rotation, I would have to say Oswalt, Clemens, Pettite, and Miller > Prior, Wood, Zambrano, Maddux.  

Its still great, but I give the advantage to Houston.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: DarkDryad on April 21, 2004, 06:26:21 AM
Quote from: SirBruce

But there's only one score that REALLY matters, since 1918:

Yankees 26
Red Sox 0

Buwahahahaha! That has to be one of the funniest things ive evar read. Yankees own you beyotch!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 21, 2004, 05:52:38 PM
Cardinals beat the Astros last night, and tonight they are just bombing the Astros right out of that park.  So maybe the Cardinals have a chance... they give up the most home runs, but they also hit more than anyone else, too.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on April 21, 2004, 06:20:52 PM
Quote from: SirBruce
Cardinals beat the Astros last night, and tonight they are just bombing the Astros right out of that park.  So maybe the Cardinals have a chance... they give up the most home runs, but they also hit more than anyone else, too.


Sorry, but they don't have a chance to beat the Cubs in home runs. The Cubs surprisingly have what is probably the most potent lineup in the NL, at least in theory. So far this season they have proven it. Sosa is on a 9 game hit streak, Alou has an 8 game hit streak, Rameriz has a 7 game hit streak (still with a chance to get a hit tonight). The have scored 12 runs tonight without the benefit of a home run.

As far as homers go, the Cubs are really going to crush the ball this year. Here are my approximate projected totals for the lineup:

Walker/Grudzielanik - Combined for around 15 HR
Patterson - 15-20 HR (possibly closer to 30 HR)
Sosa - 50+ HR
Alou - 20 HR (unless he keeps his awesome start up then it will be more like 30)
Rameriz - 30+ HR (he is going to have a career year with HR)
Lee - 30+ HR
Gonzalez - 15-20 HR
Barrett - 25 HR (provided he stays healthy and catches about 130 games)

That is one ugly lineup when you think about it. You just can't get away from it. For the first time in a long time the lineup is strong from top to bottom. The only possible weak link is Gonzalez, but he has recently gone on a tear and really raised his batting average and he looks like he will keep it up. The more I watch Barrett hit, the more I am glad the Cubs picked him up (although he still needs to work on his defense behind the plate), he has struck out only 4 times in 41 at bats. Lee has been off to a fairly slow start, but I certainly don't expect that to continue. Patterson is finally going to have his breakout year and Rameriz is going to have a career year. Sosa and Alou are veterans who will consistantly produce.

The more I think about it, the more I like the Cubs chances this year.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: CmdrSlack on April 21, 2004, 10:11:31 PM
Quote from: Madman
Quote from: SirBruce
Cardinals beat the Astros last night, and tonight they are just bombing the Astros right out of that park.  So maybe the Cardinals have a chance... they give up the most home runs, but they also hit more than anyone else, too.


Sorry, but they don't have a chance to beat the Cubs in home runs. The Cubs surprisingly have what is probably the most potent lineup in the NL, at least in theory. So far this season they have proven it. Sosa is on a 9 game hit streak, Alou has an 8 game hit streak, Rameriz has a 7 game hit streak (still with a chance to get a hit tonight). The have scored 12 runs tonight without the benefit of a home run.

As far as homers go, the Cubs are really going to crush the ball this year. Here are my approximate projected totals for the lineup:

Walker/Grudzielanik - Combined for around 15 HR
Patterson - 15-20 HR (possibly closer to 30 HR)
Sosa - 50+ HR
Alou - 20 HR (unless he keeps his awesome start up then it will be more like 30)
Rameriz - 30+ HR (he is going to have a career year with HR)
Lee - 30+ HR
Gonzalez - 15-20 HR
Barrett - 25 HR (provided he stays healthy and catches about 130 games)

That is one ugly lineup when you think about it. You just can't get away from it. For the first time in a long time the lineup is strong from top to bottom. The only possible weak link is Gonzalez, but he has recently gone on a tear and really raised his batting average and he looks like he will keep it up. The more I watch Barrett hit, the more I am glad the Cubs picked him up (although he still needs to work on his defense behind the plate), he has struck out only 4 times in 41 at bats. Lee has been off to a fairly slow start, but I certainly don't expect that to continue. Patterson is finally going to have his breakout year and Rameriz is going to have a career year. Sosa and Alou are veterans who will consistantly produce.

The more I think about it, the more I like the Cubs chances this year.

It was like, what?  Eleventybillion to 0 in the 7th tonight?

Granted, the Pirates aren't a representative sample of baseball might, and yeah, we've been waxed a few times this year.  But it's not like the local network sport guys didn't point out how we'd fallen below .500 maybe, MAYBE 7 games into the season.

[knockonwood]I know I've said this on various fourms since a long time, but this is quite possibly maybe our year.[/knockonwood]

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 22, 2004, 04:19:42 AM
Well, look at the Cardinals in comparison:

Rolen - 30 HR
Pujlos - 40-50 HR (2nd best hitter in baseball after Bonds)
Sanders - 30 HR
Edmonds - 40 HR
Langkford - Big question mark here; 15-30 HR depending on his year
Renteria/Anderson/Matheny - 30-40 HR all together

So, my totals are not as good as yours, but I think I'm being more conservative. :)  They are certainly ahead of the cubs in HR so far.  We'll have to see how that trend continues.

But, I admit, both Cubs and Astros have much better pitching this year, so the Cards' chances are not good.  However, it's a weak division, so the Wild Card spot is certainly a possibility.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on April 22, 2004, 04:34:01 AM
As much as I like this years Astros team, they've surprised and disappointment me with their inconsistancy so far this season.  5-1 on the road, 4-5 at home... They swept the Cards in St. Louis, now they're on the verge of the being swept by said team in their own stadium.  They're still 3 over .500, tied for first, but I'm not sure what's going on with them.  The only thing any of us can really do, besides wave cocks in this thread, is just watch the season unfold.  It will be a hell of a race.  We know Chicago and Houston will be up there, but there might be some sleepers.  In any case, my participation in this thread is over until late August. :)  It's hard to keep this type of projection/prediction discussion up for 5 months.

Edit:  Oswalt's pitching tonight, so the odds of a sweep for STL are fairly low.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on April 22, 2004, 11:02:20 PM
Or so you thought.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 22, 2004, 11:27:14 PM
Well, Oswalt DID pitch well.

Cardinals are really good in extra-inning games, though.  Have been for as long as I can remember.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 23, 2004, 10:59:05 AM
The Cardinals are in a park that is not conducive to massive home run totals, while the Cubs are in a hitter's dream ball park. Guys like Lee, Ramirez and Patterson will have career years from this, as well as from the fact that the other guys in the lineup will be mashing too.

Don't be convinced that Gonzalez's hitting will continue. He is a streak hitter. First year with the Cubs he hit like .400 in April, and ended up with a .230 batting average or some such. He can pound out about 15 HR's, but they'll be in bunches. When he gets hot, he can pound the ball, but when he's cold, he whiffs at EVERYTHING. He's only there because of his defense, and if he keeps booting the ball like he did in Game 6 of the Marlin's series last year  FUCKHATEKILLDEATHMURDREIORJEOUR#*()$... sorry, it wasn't the Bartman foul ball that lost the Cubs that series, it was Gonzalez's boot. Fucking tool. Where was I?

Maddux WILL get back on track. He's not pitching well right now, but he turned it around after April or May last year. He's going to help guys like Clement and Zambrano learn to be better pitchers. If he wins only 10 games, his clubhouse presence will stay pay dividends.

Astros pitching staff sounds good, but everyone on it besides Clemens has had arm troubles (I think). And Dotel is not a sure thing as a closer. That's also a hitter's ball park.

It's going to be a fabulous year.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Mr_PeaCH on April 23, 2004, 01:12:03 PM
It's the PADRES year, bitches!!!1

<Thusly does Mr_PeaCH seal his team's doom on April 23 by randomly spouting off on a message board>

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 23, 2004, 01:27:18 PM
Quote from: Mr_PeaCH
It's the PADRES year, bitches!!!1

<Thusly does Mr_PeaCH seal his team's doom on April 23 by randomly spouting off on a message board>

Oh please. Like their doom wasn't sealed at strike one Opening Day.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on April 23, 2004, 01:31:22 PM
Quote from: HaemishM
Quote from: Mr_PeaCH
It's the PADRES year, bitches!!!1

<Thusly does Mr_PeaCH seal his team's doom on April 23 by randomly spouting off on a message board>

Oh please. Like their doom wasn't sealed at strike one Opening Day.

I think it was when the wall in foul territory in right field at Petco started devouring fielders. That thing is a fucking death trap.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on April 23, 2004, 03:18:33 PM
You have to give Bonds credit when a team is so scared of him, they build a whole new ball park and specifically "Bonds Profed It" as they have been saying here in San Diego.  That whole right field is just fucked up, you could get lost out there.  Much as it pains me, being a Giants fan going to college in San Diego, I think the Padres have a really good chance of taking the division this year.  They have an all around great line up, and their usually craptacular pitching has come together.  At least I can still pray for another Dodgers melt down.  Bastards.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on April 23, 2004, 05:30:07 PM
Quote from: HaemishM
The Cardinals are in a park that is not conducive to massive home run totals, while the Cubs are in a hitter's dream ball park. Guys like Lee, Ramirez and Patterson will have career years from this, as well as from the fact that the other guys in the lineup will be mashing too.

How is this relevant?  First, you have to play half your games in another park.  Second, you predict home runs based on past season's success, so unless you've got a guy moving from Dodger Stadium to Wrigley, you can't really say he's going to hit more HRs.  I always consider Wrigley more of a neutral park than a hitter's park, honestly, as is Busch.  Houston, though, definitely a hitter's park.

I guess if McGwire and Bonds had been Cubs, Sosa wouldn't have even been close, eh? ;)


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: The Hanged Man on April 24, 2004, 01:26:13 AM
Quote from: SirBruce
Quote from: HaemishM
The Cardinals are in a park that is not conducive to massive home run totals, while the Cubs are in a hitter's dream ball park. Guys like Lee, Ramirez and Patterson will have career years from this, as well as from the fact that the other guys in the lineup will be mashing too.

How is this relevant?  First, you have to play half your games in another park.  Second, you predict home runs based on past season's success, so unless you've got a guy moving from Dodger Stadium to Wrigley, you can't really say he's going to hit more HRs.  I always consider Wrigley more of a neutral park than a hitter's park, honestly, as is Busch.  Houston, though, definitely a hitter's park.


Busch is being torn down after this year and will be replaced with a new stadium. So its anyone's guess what the Cards Stadium will be next year. The Cards do have an unusually loyal following here in St Louis.  What hurts the Cardinals is their pitchin is so uneven they can score ten runs on any team but also they can give up ten runs to any team too.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 24, 2004, 10:09:07 PM
Except on the days when the wind is blowing in off the lake, Wrigley is a known hitter's park. Short fences, plus when the wind is blowing out, everything flies. Barring injury, guys like Lee, Ramirez and Patterson, who already have decent (20 HR) power will more than likely hit more out. It's similar to how Fenway produces more doubles off the Green Monster, or how Coors Field's "light air" produces more power for those hitters.

Meanwhile, in San Diego, those hitters will have a helluva time putting up any power. That place is just IMMENSE.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on April 25, 2004, 05:21:08 PM
Meanwhile, back at the original point of this thread: Ouch.  Thats 6 strikes.  Steinbrenner must really be pissed right now.

And in good Yankee's fan form, they booed the team.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 26, 2004, 09:24:39 AM
You know you're sucking wind when the Yankees' fans even booed Derek Jeter.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Arcadian Del Sol on April 28, 2004, 08:45:59 AM
All I ask is that Mussina be laughed out of professional baseball.
He's well on his way.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on April 28, 2004, 09:48:42 AM
It couldn't be happening to a nicer bunch of smarmy, cocky assholes.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 28, 2004, 11:13:08 AM
Funny how teams get better the year after they get rid of A. Rod.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: daveNYC on April 28, 2004, 11:24:47 AM
Quote from: HaemishM
Funny how teams get better the year after they get rid of A. Rod.

Have the Rangers de-sucked?

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on April 28, 2004, 12:56:46 PM
You tell me (http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/standings).

Seattle won 116 games the year AFTER they let A. Rod go. Texas trades him and not only do the Yankees start sucking (though it was probably coming for a while), but Texas goes to first place.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on April 28, 2004, 02:56:12 PM
Quote from: HaemishM
You tell me (http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/standings).

Seattle won 116 games the year AFTER they let A. Rod go. Texas trades him and not only do the Yankees start sucking (though it was probably coming for a while), but Texas goes to first place.

The way Seattle is running now, it might take them 3 seasons to win 116 games total. Old, slow, and shitty is no way to build a baseball team.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on June 13, 2004, 04:55:18 PM
Quote from: SirBruce
So maybe the Cardinals have a chance... they give up the most home runs, but they also hit more than anyone else, too.

Quote from: Madman
Sorry, but they don't have a chance to beat the Cubs in home runs. The Cubs surprisingly have what is probably the most potent lineup in the NL, at least in theory.

Quote from: HaemishM
The Cardinals are in a park that is not conducive to massive home run totals, while the Cubs are in a hitter's dream ball park. Guys like Lee, Ramirez and Patterson will have career years from this, as well as from the fact that the other guys in the lineup will be mashing too.

Hey Madman and HaemishM, how's that prediction working out for ya?

1. NYY - 61 G  90 HR  323 RBI  .447 SLG
2. CHW - 59 G  88 HR  322 RBI  .381 SLG
3. STL - 63 G  86 HR  319 RBI  .457 SLG
4. CHC - 61 G  83 HR  289 RBI  .456 SLG
5. TEX - 60 G  83 HR  310 RBI  .468 SLG


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on June 14, 2004, 09:18:21 AM
Let's see, for the Cubs.

Sosa has missed about a month. Lee has been cold as a well-digger's nuts up until the last week (appaerently he doesn't get hot until June traditionally). Patterson has just been an absolute flop this year, and I was completely wrong on him. He can't stop himself from swinging at all the wrong times. He should be a .280/25-30 homer guy, but he's going to end up with more K's than RBI's. I still think if Baker would put him in the 6 hole and keep him there, he'd hit better, but that hasn't been the case.

Now that Pujols is hurt, you'll see the Cardinals start to taper off in homers. Edmonds has stayed healty, and that helps a great deal. Rolen has been a fucking madman. The thing that will break the Cards is their pitching; it just isn't going to be strong enough down the stretch. With Prior back, Wood hopefully getting healthy and Clement and Zambrano finally living up to their potential, I still think the Cubs will win the division. Cincy has been a pleasant surprise, but their pitching will not hold up.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on June 14, 2004, 08:33:59 PM
Yeah, I agree, and said as much before... pitching is the flaw, as everyone knows.  Cincinatti is finally falling behind now that their pitching staff is sinking to their own level.  Still, given the Cubs struggles I see a possible race between St. Louis and Houston down to the wire.  The loser may even wind up in the Wild Card spot again.

But, my point before was, Cards are offensively very strong and when you guys said the Cubs would hit more home runs and the Cards couldn't compete on HR totals, well ... :)


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on June 15, 2004, 08:38:21 AM
Well, I think the Cards have been overachiving with their lineup this year. Especially with Rolen having such a monster year. I know that the Cards can hit homers, but I honestly expected the Cubs to be doing better. So far it is close, but I still think the Cubs are going to pull it out in the end.

Especially since Ramirez is having a breakout season and Alou is still producing even though he was in a mini slump for a bit. Lee always needs to warm up and he seems to be doing that right now, so I expect to see him start hitting homers in bunches now. Sosa has been out for a month and he is another who tends to hit homers in bunches and usually during the middle to late summer. Barrett and Walker have both been real treats and as I said last night: I am so totally gay for Todd Walker. The one thing that I think really hurts that everyone has overlooked was Gonzalez going down. Gonzo was having a pretty good year and he definately provides more power than any of our other shortstop options.

Haemish, I don't think Patterson should be batting 6th at least when he is consistantly hitting. Gary Matthews needs to get Billy Williams out of the front office and they both need to take Patterson by the throat, slam him against a locker and tell him to stop fucking trying to hit every damn pitch out of the ball park. Patterson seriously has a Willie Mays Hayes syndrome, if he would learn to hit lots of line drives down the lines and in the gaps he would be such a better player. Patterson needs to stop thinking he is a number 3 hitter and realize that he would make the perfect number 2 hitter if he would only settle down, be patient and wait for the pitch he can drive. As it stands, Patterson needs to be batting maybe 7th or 8th until he stops swinging at pitches he needs a step ladder to hit.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on June 15, 2004, 08:56:53 AM
The problem I've noticed with Patterson is he's a binary player. He either tries to be patient, in which case he takes everything until he gets two strikes and HAS to swing, or he's swinging for Waveland Avenue on every pitch. He has the athletic ability to hit anywhere in the lineup, but I don't think he can wrap his mind around actually watching the pitches.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Madman on June 15, 2004, 09:16:27 AM
Well Patterson is really a first ball fastball hitter and basically a fastball hitter in general. He is actually a lot like Alou in that respect, except that Alou can crush a hanging curve or slider where Patterson ends up swinging through it.

When Patterson gets a first ball fastball in his zone (or any fastball for that matter) he really crushes the ball, he just needs to realize that he has to wait for that fastball to come. The problem is that he doesn't seem to realize he can hit other pitches too and so he ends up waiting for the fastball (if he is being patient) or he ends up swinging at a bad curve or slider. I think part of the problem right now is that he is just trying to hard. He knows he was having a great season last year before he got injured and he wants to get back to that point again. If he would just relax and play the game the hitting would come back to him.

The other problem is that we have to keep Patterson. I have this feeling that if we trade him he is going to become the second coming of Lou Brock.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on June 16, 2004, 08:37:36 PM
I take back anything good I ever said about the 2004 Houston Astros team.  They are a godawful pile of oozing shit and deserve to be contracted or moved to Canada.  What a miserable failure and monumental disappointment.  I know... it's just mid-June and they're still above .500, but for fucks sake they are terrible.  I'd be shocked if they finished the season with a winning record or in front of anyone in the standings save the Pirates.  Nice try, Drayton & co.  Go fuck yourself with a broken bat now.  kthx

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on June 18, 2004, 11:52:09 AM
Someone seems a bit pissy about getting swept 4 games in a row at home.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on June 18, 2004, 02:32:18 PM
Pissy?  No.  And I wrote that before the sweep was complete btw.

I think that the Astros do have an on-field squad that should be able to contend for the NL Central crown.  The problem is in the dugout and in the high offices of the organization.  Some points:

-They did just get rid of Richard Hidalgo for minor bullpen support.  Wow, super.  Why didn't you think of that before you traded future-hall-of-fame closer (Billy Wagner) and kept an overpaid, underperforming outfielder (Hidalgo).

-Manager Jimy Williams sucks donkey balls.  Period.  No debate.  I don't care that my best friend's girlfriend is best friends with Williams' daughter (hope you followed that) -- get rid of the bastard.  Bring back Larry Dierker from the announcing booth, or even try and get Art Howe.  Just please get rid of Williams.  Here's an interesting quote from another disgruntled Houston fan on another board:
"Managers who weren't named Dierker: 2 Division Titles in 37 years..
Managers Named Dierker: 4 Division Titles in 5 years....."

There's still half a season left, and Houston still has a legitimate chance, if the powers that be are willing to take drastic measures now in the clubhouse.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on June 19, 2004, 12:23:27 AM
Quote from: Kenrick
-They did just get rid of Richard Hidalgo for minor bullpen support.  Wow, super.  Why didn't you think of that before you traded future-hall-of-fame closer (Billy Wagner) and kept an overpaid, underperforming outfielder (Hidalgo).

The biggest problem with trading Hidalgo was that no one who was not named Hidalgo actually thought he was worth half the money Houston was paying him, especially not if that team was going to have to give up actual talent for an overinflated salary. I'm surprised the Mets even took a flier on him; haven't they made enough trades for aging, injured almost star players who never hit more than 10 home runs for them?

The team is getting slow, they have a giant fucking hill in center field that NO ONE can play without injuring themself, and they are named for a space industry that is 20 years removed from its better days. What more could a city want?!?!?!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on June 19, 2004, 06:29:41 AM
Well now you're just being a hater.  Grow up.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on June 19, 2004, 11:20:22 PM
Cardinals - Best record in the NL; 2nd best in MLB behind the Yankees, 3 game lead over the Cubs.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: daveNYC on June 20, 2004, 12:00:25 PM
Quote from: HaemishM
What more could a city want?!?!?!

You forgot the logo that was stolen from Lockheed-Martin.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on June 20, 2004, 12:07:32 PM
Quote from: daveNYC
Quote from: HaemishM
What more could a city want?!?!?!

You forgot the logo that was stolen from Lockheed-Martin.

Like (http://www.fanwear.com/logos/mlb-fitted/cubs.jpg) is screaming originality.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on June 20, 2004, 12:18:35 PM
Quote from: daveNYC
Quote from: HaemishM
What more could a city want?!?!?!

You forgot the logo that was stolen from Lockheed-Martin.

The Astros started using the cool new star logo in 1994; Lockheed and Martin-Marietta didn't merge until 1995.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: schild on June 20, 2004, 01:24:06 PM
Quote from: SirBruce
The Astros started using the cool new star logo in 1994; Lockheed and Martin-Marietta didn't merge until 1995.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on June 21, 2004, 04:05:41 AM
Quote from: schild
Quote from: SirBruce
The Astros started using the cool new star logo in 1994; Lockheed and Martin-Marietta didn't merge until 1995.


I think what Bruce was trying to do was defend the creators of the "open star" Astros logo.  Perhaps he was saying that it was Lockheed who actually stole the logo from the Astros.  In any case, logo schmogo.  All I care about is that the Astros start winning again.  Taking 2 out of 3 against the Angels is a start.  Meanwhile, the Cardinals and Cubs are playing like there's a fire lit under their asses.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 07, 2004, 08:21:07 PM
Well, Cubs have pulled ahead of the Cards in the HR race by 6, but Cards are ahead of the Cubs in the division by 6 games, so I'm satisfied. :)


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 08, 2004, 08:00:37 AM
Sod off, you fruity Cardinals fan you.

I'm still waiting for the Cubs to catch fire while the Cards simultaneously combust. I could be waiting until next season the way the Cubbies have played this week.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 08, 2004, 09:01:30 AM
To be fair- St. Louis had the major advantage of having the geriatric Mariners stumble into town last week. The Cubs haven't seen easy pickings like that.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 08, 2004, 09:59:19 AM
Quote from: WayAbvPar
To be fair- St. Louis had the major advantage of having the geriatric Mariners stumble into town last week. The Cubs haven't seen easy pickings like that.

Yeah, but they also got steamrolled by the fucking Pirates.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 08, 2004, 12:32:11 PM
And then we got steamrolled by the fucking Brewers.

I swear, being a Cubs fan is like being a coke junkie; some unbelievable highs followed by the most depressing lows.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 08, 2004, 06:31:02 PM
Quote from: HaemishM
And then we got steamrolled by the fucking Brewers.

I swear, being a Cubs fan is like being a coke junkie; some unbelievable highs followed by the most depressing lows.

Try being a stros fan.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 09, 2004, 09:32:10 AM
Quote from: Kenrick
Quote from: HaemishM
And then we got steamrolled by the fucking Brewers.

I swear, being a Cubs fan is like being a coke junkie; some unbelievable highs followed by the most depressing lows.

Try being a stros fan.

I think that is better than being a Stroh's fan. At least for your gastro-intestinal system.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 10, 2004, 08:24:35 PM
Well, now that the Cards have just about got the division locked up, all we need to do is pick up another ace starter for the post-season and we're set.

Good luck next year, Cubs and Astros fans!


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Joe on July 10, 2004, 08:28:23 PM
Of course, the Cards are in trade negotiation with the Phillies to trade Matt Morris for some...thing. That could sting, since that guy's been a beast of a pitcher this year.

Giving up good starting pitching for anything less than Wagner is stupid with a capital "fuck I don't like the playoffs."

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 11, 2004, 08:32:38 AM
In all of the rumored trades, the cards would be getting a good pitcher in return (Kris Benson, Kevin Millwood, etc.) in the trade.  However, the Cards have reportedly turned down these offers.  There is also some talk that Morris is secretly injured, which is why the Cards may be willing to deal him.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 11, 2004, 09:02:43 AM
Quote from: SirBruce

Good luck next year, Cubs and Astros fans!

Ah, but you forget the wild card.  Both the Astros and Cubs (potential wild cards) are teams which, if healthy and not slumping, could be a formidable opponent for in a 5 or 7 game series.  Cubs would use a rotation of Wood, Prior, Maddux (Clement if necessary); Astros would use a rotation of Oswalt, Clemens, Pettitte (Miller if necessary).

The season's not over yet.  We as Astros fans know what an incredible disappointment our team has been, you don't have to tell us twice ... or even once.  But the owner and GM have not given up on the team, there will be no mid-season fire sale.  This coming Wednesday, after the All-Star game, Houston will fire Jimy Williams (mark my word) and begin the second half of the season with a manager who is not the most incompetent moron in baseball.  There is definitely reason to have hope, especially since the Astros have always been a notorious second-half team.  Hopefully their new manager will be able to light a fire under their asses, because god knows they have good talent on the field.  They've just been despondent with fucktard at the helm.

Congrats to the Cards.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on July 11, 2004, 12:38:18 PM
Carefull with the smack talk.  Theres still the entire other half of the season to go.  A lot can happen in that time, especially if all your pitching begins to play like they normally do.  I wouldn't say you have the divsion locked yet.  That whole division is a battleground with the types of teams you have running around, and any one of them could surge back (Well, maybe not the Pirates...)

Keep in mind, this is comming from a Giants fan on the west coast.  Our division remans damn close between us, LA, and SD.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 12, 2004, 01:01:36 PM
Forget the wild card. There is no way, even with a 7 game lead that the Cards have this thing sewed up at the All-Star break.

The Cubs have Wood and Prior back. Give them a few starts to catch fire. What the Cubs really need is (I can't believe I'm saying this) Alex Gonzalez back. His defense up the middle is invaluable. Failing that, trade for Orlando Cabrera from Montreal. They are really missing good defense up the middle. If the Cubs can get a leadoff hitter, it's over, 7 games or no.

I still maintain that the Cards pitching is going to wither by the end of the season, especially the starters. Having such good defense behind them has helped them a whole bunch, but I don't think they have the arms to succeed.

And please, PLEASE let the Cards trade for Kevin Millwood. That overrated ass clown would ensure the Cubs the division.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 12, 2004, 09:33:53 PM
The big lead is good enough to crown the Yankees, but not the Cardinals?

I don't deny that it could still be a competitive division, and certainly teams have fallen from bigger leads in the past.  But I don't think that's going to happen now.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 13, 2004, 11:41:29 AM
I'm not giving the East to the Yankees, either. Though the way Boston has putzed around, maybe I should. I don't think there are any races set in stone yet.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on July 13, 2004, 11:52:06 AM
Yeah, I'm not crowning the Yankees as the division winners either, since they have an even smaller lead.  However, you do have to admit, the Yankees have set a precident in the pass, with the 2,000 odd division titles, and endless world series wins, to show that the chances of anybody winning that division other than the Yankees is small.  Especially with the team they bought this year.

The Cards don't really quite have that sort of reputation, do they?  So you can't really fault people crowning the Yankees the division title long before anybody does the Cards.  However, funny enouph, I actually somewhat agree with you.  The Cards amazing offense will probably pound them through the divion, even if there pitching gets even worst.  Which means they will probably get worked in the playoffs, but still....

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 13, 2004, 01:24:55 PM
Quote from: Teleku
The Cards don't really quite have that sort of reputation, do they?

Er... the Yankees have been in 39 World Series and won 26.  Guess who is #2?  That's right... the Cardinals have been in 15, and won 9.  Yankees have won like 41 pennants and the Cardinals have won 15, which is third behind the Dodgers' 18.

After the Yankees, the Cardinals are probably the most successful franchise in MLB history.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 13, 2004, 05:10:36 PM
All I hear is blah blah blahblah blah.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on July 14, 2004, 12:05:29 AM
Recently the Cards have been post-season fizzlers. In terms of the past 4 years or so, the Cards have been a pretty good team overall. One of the most consistent NL teams. But they haven't done much in the post-season (recently), which I think limits people's expectations for them.

It also doesn't help that their supposed ace (Matt Morris) is their worst starting pitcher. You would *think* that he would be a barometer for the pitching staff. I think most people assumed he would have to have a good year for them to do well, and he hasn't had a particularly good year.

Finally, the Red Sox are chokers and have terrible defense, which certainly makes the Yanks look like winners in the East. And the Red Sox have the ability to hire horrible managers. (You guys in Houston are stuck with one right now)

Recently the Red Sox trend has been whenever they need a manager they go hire a guy who has all the same issues that got the last guy fired.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Teleku on July 14, 2004, 03:06:49 AM
Hmm, I stand corrected.  I could have sworn some other teams had more world series wins than the cards, but it would appear you are correct.  I guess its just all those post season fizzles that give them the bad impression in my mind.  Sadly, the same thing always happens my Giants....

Though, there is the fact that the Cards history goes to 1900, which is the span that stat accounts for.  If you count the Giants franchise from 1900, for instance, they have 18 pennants, but in New York till 1958.  Also, the A's would tie you with 9 WS wins and 15 pennants since 1901.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 14, 2004, 04:34:51 AM
Quote from: Margalis
And the Red Sox have the ability to hire horrible managers. (You guys in Houston are stuck with one right now)

Not for long.  As soon as the ASG was over last night the Houston Chronicle came out with a pretty nifty article with good evidence about how Phil Garner is going to take 1m's job.  I expect the official announcement to come sometime later today.  Must have been pretty embarassing last night for the Astros' manager to get a louder chorus of boo's in his own stadium than even Barry Bonds or any Yankee.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 14, 2004, 08:02:58 AM
Did Clemens totally choke last night or what?  I'd almost think Piazza sabotaged him, but it was Clemens who was shaking him off and insisting on throwing a slider that wasn't breaking right.

As for the Cards, sure they've fizzled a lot in the post-season... that's because they GET to the post-season so much.  Since 1996 they've gotten in 4 times and 3 times gotten to the second round.  What qualifies as success, actually getting to the WS?  That's been a different team every year since 97!  Atlanta are even bigger fizzlers, but  I think getting to the postseason consistently is more impressive than a team that gets to it once or twice and survives to the WS.

Not that the Giants and Houston haven't had some success as well.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 14, 2004, 10:18:07 AM
Every pitcher has rough outings -- Roger had one in a game that doesn't really matter (i don't buy the HFA shit).  

Oh, and I called this one (http://houston.astros.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/hou/news/hou_news.jsp?ymd=20040714&content_id=800048&vkey=news_hou&fext=.jsp).

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 14, 2004, 11:37:31 AM
ESPN is reporting on Williams' firing and replacement by Garner as well.

Though I think Williams has been used as a scapegoat, the numbers don't lie. Of course, no one talks about how Bagwell can't even throw the fucking ball because his shoulder hurts so bad yet he hasn't been on the DL, how old the team has gotten or how much stupid money was sunk into Richard Hidalgo, not to mention shipping their closer to the Phillies before the year started. It wasn't all Williams' fault.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Margalis on July 14, 2004, 12:44:41 PM
The problem with Bags is that putting him on the DL won't help, he has some major damage or some degenerative condition or something. But, if there is one guy on your team with a terrible throwing arm, first base is probably the best scenario.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on July 14, 2004, 01:42:02 PM
Jimy can't be blamed for everything that's gone wrong, of course.  But yes his record does lie.  Do some research on his past teams on how he's driven talent into the ground before.  It's disturbing.

The Astros still have a talented lineup/rotation.  Hopefully old Scrapiron will be able to re-light that fire under their ass and get back to winning.

As for Bags, he should have retired a year or 2 ago.  It hurts to see him play this year.  Obviously he can't throw.  His hitting looks awful.  Part of me is almost hoping for a season-ending injury so we can plug in someone else at 1B.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 19, 2004, 07:37:40 PM
Awesome Cards-Cubs game tonight.  The air was electric.  Can't wait until tomorrow!  Can you say best record in baseball?


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 20, 2004, 07:06:37 PM
Wow, and I thought last night's game was the best.  Today's was even better!

Albert Pujols, baby!


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 21, 2004, 10:09:28 AM
Pujols is impressive, that is for damned sure. Looks like the Cubbies better start eyeing the wildcard...10 games is a pretty big lead for a team as solid as the Cardinals. Their pitching can still crap the bed with the best of them, though, so it might not quite be over yet.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on July 21, 2004, 10:37:25 AM
The question now isn't whether or not the Cards will win the division, but how far they'll make it in the post-season where pitching becomes even more important.

I think they can make it to the World Series, but I don't think they'll beat their opponent, unless it's somehow the Twins.


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on July 26, 2004, 11:51:15 AM
I have to say the Cubs are really starting to disappoint me. Their weaknesses this year have been made even more prominent by their injuries. They so need a real leadoff hitter and decent middle relief, which has been strained by the lack of Wood and Prior. I'm crossing my fingers that they trade for Orlando Cabrera to replace Alex Gonzalez or get someone like Finley for the stretch run. My God, they have the RBI guys in Sosa, Alou, Ramirez and Lee, they just have shit for table-setters. If I see Corey Patterson swing at one more goddamn letter high fastball outside, I'm going postal.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on August 22, 2004, 09:45:44 AM
Juilian Tavarez is a turd.  I've always hated that little whiny bitch, all the way back to when he was with Cleveland.  I don't care if his hat was being used to doctor the ball or not -- he is a little whiny bitch turd and I hate him.  Even if he were an Astro, I'd hate him.  I will hate him until he is 6' under, and then I will hate this children.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on August 24, 2004, 07:44:28 PM
whiny bitch (http://msn.foxsports.com/story/2690008)

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on August 25, 2004, 09:31:08 AM
Somehow, the Cards still haven't folded. Their pitching has lasted. I'm not sure it's geared for a 7-game postseason series, but then I didn't expect them to have a winning record either.

Meanwhile, the Cubs continue to putter around the wild card, having lost all drive for the division about 7 games ago. I know their bullpen blows; way too inconsistent. Defense is shaky. Patterson is doing well as a leadoff man, but he could take a dive any day now. It's going to be an Alka-Seltzer September and October.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on August 25, 2004, 09:32:47 AM
After he retires, Tavarez is a shoe-in to star in the next remake of Nosferatu.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 03, 2004, 09:04:39 PM
Fine way to cap off a great week for the evil ones. (http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=240903110)

Oh, and don't look now, but even my lowly Stros are within 2.5 of the sCrUBS.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on September 07, 2004, 09:03:24 AM
The more I see, the less I'm convinced that the Yanks have the starting pitching to win in the postseason.

The Stros have been hot, but I think the Cubs are about to go on a tear.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on September 07, 2004, 10:07:41 AM
I hope a giant earthquake opens under Yankee Stadium and swallows it whole...then Selig can tell Steinbrenner that he gets to forfeit the rest of his home games. Cocksuckers.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 07, 2004, 10:15:35 AM
Quote from: HaemishM
The more I see, the less I'm convinced that the Yanks have the starting pitching to win in the postseason.

The Stros have been hot, but I think the Cubs are about to go on a tear.

When I see the words "Cubs" and "tear" in the same sentence, I am reminded of a certain picture named goatse.cx.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Arcadian Del Sol on September 07, 2004, 10:20:02 AM

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on September 07, 2004, 11:03:47 AM
Quote from: WayAbvPar
I hope a giant earthquake opens under Yankee Stadium and swallows it whole...then Selig can tell Steinbrenner that he gets to forfeit the rest of his home games. Cocksuckers.

Yes, the more I thought about that whole deal, the more I was hoping Cashman's house would get swallowed in a hurricane.

The Internet Mime Strikes Again!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 08, 2004, 07:50:34 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... (http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/standings/wildcard.jsp)

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on September 10, 2004, 08:52:28 AM
I will no longer be allowed to make pronouncements about the Cubs, because it seems every time I do, they go out and STEP DIRECTLY ON THEIR DICKS.

The Cubs of this year will have to go down as one of the worst fundamental teams EVER, as well as one of the most underachieving teams. My fucking God, if I have to see Moises Alou doubled off of a base again, I'm going to get stabby. I want to shoot every single bullpen pitcher they have in the face.

There's more to winning in baseball than a goddamn slew of 17 home runs every game.

Please to feed the Cubs whatever the fuck they are feeding the Astros and Red Sox right now.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 10, 2004, 10:17:36 AM
This Cubs team showed their true character during their meltdown against Houston in that 4-game series a couple weeks ago.  I've never seen a team fall apart in every aspect like they have of late, it's really pathetic.

Are there a few likeable players on the Cubs?  Yes.  But the overall character of a team will always boil down to the character of its manager.  So....... When you have Dusty fuckingpieceofshit Baker as your skipper, you're all going to turn into a bunch of pussyfarting shiteating cornholes.

Phil Garner for president.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: daveNYC on September 10, 2004, 07:29:04 PM
Quote from: WayAbvPar
I hope a giant earthquake opens under Yankee Stadium and swallows it whole...then Selig can tell Steinbrenner that he gets to forfeit the rest of his home games. Cocksuckers.

They'd just play at Shea, god knows the Mets aren't doing anything useful with the place.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 29, 2004, 08:07:28 PM

The prophecy is fulfilling itself once more.

Oh yeah, and nice sweep by the 'Stros over the Cards.  And bruce don't try to tell me the cards "threw" the games.  =P

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: schild on September 29, 2004, 08:09:16 PM
Quote from: Kenrick

Must be an optical illusion of the face paint. But fuck if those mouths don't look like they were just taken off Joker from the old comic books.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on September 30, 2004, 08:09:22 AM
The Cubs just don't want it bad enough. Every fucking time they get a little lead in the wild card, BAM, they get beat by shitty teams like the Reds or the Mets. I mean, fuck, the Mets starting lineup this weekend had had a combined total of the proverbial "cup of coffee" at the major league level.

Hawkins can't close out games, the bullpen is completely unreliable and inconsistent, and the defense blows. And every time I turn on the radio or TV, some Cub player is making excuses like "the umpires are against me." Fuck you, Moises, just shut up and hit the goddamn ball.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on September 30, 2004, 09:17:41 AM
It could be lack of desire, or it could be....


In any case, it's the Astros who are on fire at the right time!

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Shannow on September 30, 2004, 12:36:11 PM
Hows 'Glass', I mean Nomar working out? We'll take Orlando thankyou very much.

Go the Astros I say, the playoffs can do without Barry Bonds thankyou very much...and it sets up the possibility of Clemens pitching against the Sox or Yankees in the WS if they make it there.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Kenrick on October 03, 2004, 10:53:40 AM
It's a good time to be an Astros fan, no?

Can you believe that LA/SF finish last night?? The baseball gods have spoken.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on October 04, 2004, 09:01:25 AM
The Cubs fucking choked. I don't mean they choked on some bread crumbs or by trying to drink too fast. No, I mean they choked on the gigantic horse cock they were trying to swallow in one gulp. I have never seen a team with so much talent piss away their season so badly, and then make every excuse in the world as to why they weren't winning.

You fucking choked, you losers. You weren't injured the last month of the season, and there were no major injuries during the Mets and Reds series. You just sucked ass.

Next year, the Cubs need to totally overhaul their bullpen. These bunch of retread losers needs to be looking for work elsewhere. Remlinger and Mercker especially. Keep Leicester, Rusch, Dempster and Hawkins and start the fuck over with some consistent arms.

Also, get a fucking leadoff hitter. Patterson is not it, no matter his speed. He strikes out too much. Also, learn how to bunt. You can't wait for the homer every time, because you strike out too fucking much. Get Prior and Wood healthy or just break up the fucking team.

This season was a fucking nightmare.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: WayAbvPar on October 04, 2004, 09:10:42 AM
This season was a fucking nightmare.

Seattle 63 99 .389 29.0 38-44 25-55 13-30 19-24 22-36 Lost 2 5-5

Tell me about it. Thank God Ichiro and Edgar's retirement made the last month at least tolerable. Next year...

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: SirBruce on October 04, 2004, 10:00:49 AM
Hey, at least you guys were right about the Cubs HR total:

White Sox: 242
Yankees: 242
Cubs: 235
Rangers: 227
Red Sox: 222
Phillies: 215
Cardinals: 214

Rolen cooled off in the second half of the season, and Sanders didn't reach 30 HR (and Pujols didn't reach 50) like I expected.  Ahh well.

Dodgers are going down, baby!


Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on October 04, 2004, 10:03:38 AM
That was the Cubs problem. They couldn't hit anything but home runs.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Ardent on October 04, 2004, 10:12:22 AM
Quote from: HaemishM
This season was a fucking nightmare.

At least when the Cubs were awful, nobody had any expectations. Now that they have the talent and have actually learned how to win games, it must be doubly frustrating to be a Chicago fan when they fall short.

No Bartman to blame this year, too.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: slog on October 04, 2004, 10:33:16 AM
The best part about the Cubs (espicially if you are a Red Sox fan) is that we dumped on you a disgruntled, injured shortstop who is well past his prime, and in exchange we got 3 players who helped get us into the playoffs.

BTW, Rumor has it Nomar is going to sign with the Yankees and play second base next year.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: HaemishM on October 04, 2004, 11:13:56 AM
I have the feeling once the Yankees get eliminated in the playoffs this year Steinbrenner will have a conniption fit and dismantle the team in a payroll trimming tirade. Thus, he won't be paying big dollars for fading superstar names.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Joe on October 04, 2004, 11:27:16 AM
Quote from: HaemishM
I have the feeling once the Yankees get eliminated in the playoffs this year Steinbrenner will have a conniption fit and dismantle the team in a payroll trimming tirade. Thus, he won't be paying big dollars for fading superstar names.

I can only dream. I can only dream.

Title: So how bout them Yankees
Post by: Shannow on October 04, 2004, 12:10:02 PM
Quote from: Ardent
Quote from: HaemishM
This season was a fucking nightmare.

At least when the Cubs were awful, nobody had any expectations. Now that they have the talent and have actually learned how to win games, it must be doubly frustrating to be a Chicago fan when they fall short.

No Bartman to blame this year, too.

And now you know what it feels like to be a Red Sox fan.