Title: The Planet Crafter Post by: Samwise on May 25, 2024, 05:37:54 PM Mentioned this in the "watchu playin" thread but I dunno, feels like it actually deserves a thread.
Steam store link. (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/) So, we've all played a bunch of games in this general space, and I was expecting to poke around in this one for a bit, say "okay, I get it" and then not go back to it. But it's sticky, and not in a "gotta stay up till 4am working on my base" kind of way, but in a "oh that'll be a fun thing to do for half an hour" kind of way. Having either bounced off or burned out on a bunch of builders over the last few years, it's interesting to think about what makes this one different. Here's what I've come up with.
That's what I got. None of this stuff is rocket science, but it adds up to being something that just feels cozy and comforting to keep going back to. Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Rendakor on May 26, 2024, 07:08:43 PM This looks cool. Is there combat, and if so, how much?
Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Samwise on May 26, 2024, 09:30:34 PM Zero combat.
That's another aspect I was reflecting on, it's technically "survival" because the planet is lethal and you're constantly managing the resources that you need to stay alive, but if you die it's only ever because you managed your resources poorly, never because you had some bad luck and a creeper jumped out and scared you to death. Very early on you can't get very far from your home base without running out of air, so there's a feeling of tension from always having to watch your oxygen gauge and sprint back to safety before you suffocate. But that eventually just sort of fades into the background as you tech up and those problems get easier and easier to manage. Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Samwise on June 10, 2024, 02:13:30 PM 30 hours in and the game surprised me with new mechanics:
If you were playing this game for the story you'd be pretty mad that there was all this Minecraft bullshit in the way (and the story is very minimal anyway) but having a whole elaborate side quest just show up unexpectedly while I was looking for shiny rocks to power my algae farm was pretty cool. Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Falconeer on June 13, 2024, 05:10:03 AM Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Warryyr on June 16, 2024, 08:28:31 AM When i get my computer to recognize my video card again, i might have to check this out.
Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Teleku on July 10, 2024, 03:15:06 PM I played this a little after it first launched in early access, as a time waster when I was trapped out of returning to Rangoon and had to live in a hotel for 4 months. Really enjoyed it then. Came back and did another full playthrough now that its finished. It's ovderall fairly basic (and slightly janky), but its a perfect low stress crafting game. The entire concept is excellent, and I'd love for somebody with a big budget to take the concept and run with it hard. But regardless, you advance at a decent clip and it doesn't wear out its welcome. New things keep coming to keep you occupied, new areas open up to explore, new story elements unlock, and then the game ends. Perfect little crafting game that isn't really that big of a time investment (compared to most others).
Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Samwise on July 10, 2024, 09:53:15 PM Very solid game all around for what it is. Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Khaldun on July 20, 2024, 06:25:01 PM I don't love it and I don't hate it. It gets me for short bits and then I go back to something else.
Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Teleku on July 31, 2024, 08:27:36 AM It’s great for what it is, yeah. It’s also basically a one and done thing. Not a lot of reason to go back and play once you beat it, and it also has a very distinct path from start to end, with no real reason to linger in some sort of infinity mode. Which is a nice change of pace from how most of these sorts of games are setup.
Title: Re: The Planet Crafter Post by: Khaldun on September 11, 2024, 06:30:57 PM I took another pass from start on this recently and I'm enjoying it more--somehow it hooked into me better.