Title: The Liberator (Netflix) Post by: Tale on November 14, 2020, 06:34:39 AM New four-episode WWII tale along the lines of "Band Of Brothers", but telling its own important true story.
Uniquely presented in rotoscoped animation. It is not perfect, but it's really good. It got me in the feels, several times over. If you like this and you've never watched Ken Burns' WWII doco "The War", that would be a perfect follow-up. Title: Re: The Liberator (Netflix) Post by: Setanta on November 15, 2020, 02:06:28 AM Came here looking for a Blake's 7 sequel.
Left disappointed Title: Re: The Liberator (Netflix) Post by: slog on February 28, 2021, 02:32:01 PM I liked it. Definitely worth watching if you are a history buff.