
f13.net General Forums => Eve Online => Topic started by: Brolan on January 23, 2018, 07:42:23 AM

Title: State of the game
Post by: Brolan on January 23, 2018, 07:42:23 AM
My kids are playing Eve on the free to play model and that got me to resubscribe. Can anyone who currently plays comment on the state of the game and what to watch out for?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Viin on January 23, 2018, 11:52:18 AM
... and what to watch out for?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Fordel on January 23, 2018, 04:43:30 PM
On a Macro Alliance scale, the game has stagnated utterly due to various factors involving the sovereignty system and the lack of need and/or desire to expand your space empire. With that said there is a enormous potential battle happening like, right now, with the two biggest capital fleets in the game staring each other down over a giant space station.

On a individual casual scale, the game has probably never been better, which doesn't make it GOOD, just not as bad. Quality of life game play is probably at a high point in the games history, with tons of the old bullshit gone and replaced with better bullshit and new game systems and content management for the small/solo casual player. Notably the Alpha/Omega account system allowing long term and viable F2P options. Then you have the various in game events which are much more familiar and accessible to the average MMO player then what EVE usually delivers, giving people a point of direction.

With that all said, it's still fucking EVE, where everyone is trying to ruin your day and the game itself is still spreadsheets online.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on January 23, 2018, 08:57:37 PM
Last time I played Eve I just did sneaky exploration and hacking exploration sites, avoiding all contact and assuming EVERYONE outside of greenspace was out to kill me. Best fun I ever had in the game. Saw an enormous amount of Space too.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Father mike on January 23, 2018, 10:15:19 PM
Where would one go to see a video recap of the huge battle?  I saw a headline proclaiming that over ONE MEEELLLION dollars worth of ship assets were on the line.  So I'm a bit curious to see if anyone actually fought or if it was a gigantic turtle.  If a fight did occur, it would be fun to see how it went down.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Brolan on January 24, 2018, 05:14:00 AM
I’ve just been doing some mining to help my kids get some ships.  I could just throw some cash at them but I think that ruins the beginning of the game.

I’d like to get back to a wormhole Corp but not sure I’m up for the tremendous amount of time that takes.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Fordel on January 24, 2018, 12:55:14 PM
Where would one go to see a video recap of the huge battle?  I saw a headline proclaiming that over ONE MEEELLLION dollars worth of ship assets were on the line.  So I'm a bit curious to see if anyone actually fought or if it was a gigantic turtle.  If a fight did occur, it would be fun to see how it went down.

It was a shit show, nothing happened because the servers couldn't handle it. Just a bunch of people lagged out of their minds, blank screens and the inability to log in.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Father mike on January 24, 2018, 08:52:34 PM
That's disappointing.  I thought they had taken the lessons from the last time an event like this occurred and beefed up to the point battles would stay smooth.  Don't the big battles slow down to 10% speed to ease the strain or something?

I guess enough viewers can overwhelm any system

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Phildo on January 25, 2018, 10:59:44 AM
I saw some people talking about how CCP hasn't adapted any sort of multithreading technology, so each node is running through a single processor core.  Seems like a pretty huge bottleneck if that is the case.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on January 25, 2018, 01:40:47 PM
Where would one go to see a video recap of the huge battle?

There is a twitch streamer called Daopa that streams big fites, and has a video repository, so you can check it out there.

But yeah, CCPs idea of resource management was to simply put all the power of a node into a big fite, so thile the 0.0 guys would be going lag free 10 or so empire systems would be having a lag nightmare.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on February 24, 2018, 10:24:09 PM

My body is ready.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on May 14, 2018, 04:27:29 PM

PL conquered Provi and kicked the Amarrian rpers out for the time when outposts become citadels next month.
TEST have reacted by dumping a load of super capitals into Providence when noticing that PL have not raised
system adm, so have reinforced everything and dumped over a hundred timers on PL's lap. PL also had a disgruntled director
delete 2000 pl clones [including supercap ones] in their main Keepstar along with trashing supercaps in build and their main Sotiyo's rigs.
TEST's renter Wings Wanderers refused to pay them, so they got burned down and now Feythabolis belongs to Kids With Guns.

Goons with the Initiative. and assorted Gallente miltia allies [and etc] are busy kicking the GOTG's teeth in in their bid to liberate
Deklein and Pure Blind. GOTG have hired Black Legion as mercs with Elo Knight as leader.

skill urself and assorted wormhole alliances [hard knocks/v0lta etc] have destroyed the DCU [Razor Alliance, Intrepid Crossing, various ex-Phoenix Federation alliances etc] of the DRF after
they exhausted themselves fighting Triumvirate and co. skill volta urself have destroyed 5 keepstars so far. They are currently grinding through Solar Fleet sov in Outer Passage.

Triumvirate. and allies with the re-invigoration of Gaarst coming back are now pounding on the doors of Insmother and the remnants of the DRF. The DRF recently gave up Geminate to Pandemic Horde for merc work
and also to consolidate themselves in a smaller area. Horde needed the area because the Imperium was knocking on their door.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Fordel on May 14, 2018, 05:02:47 PM
Probably the most interesting things of note out of all the current shenanigans is how much the Horde were propping up that area of space and once they left to their new home, GotG just collapsed.

PL has been a paper tiger for awhile now, their main advantage of their giant mobile super captial fleet is neither as giant nor as mobile in this version of EVE and they have not adapted to it very well.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on May 24, 2018, 01:11:59 PM

DRF defeated, their 6th Keepstar loss this year.

Triumvirate and allies win after some testing times.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Fordel on May 25, 2018, 04:08:43 PM
I guess they finally ran out of people to pay off.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on May 29, 2018, 05:27:51 PM
Into the Abyss released


Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on June 05, 2018, 08:23:58 PM
All conquerable npc stations and outposts have been converted into faction citadels.
There were were no major upsets to transferring everything over to the new citadels [yet].
They all become vulnerable in 3 days.

There was drama with null-sec, after PL had taken all the stations in Providence from CVA and co, Lecacy [TEST, Brave, etc] took them back for their allies in ProviBloc...
...only kidding, they have taken them for themselves and Brave have given Unity station back to Ushra'khan. XiX have been left with 0 faction citadels after failing to take
one in Immensea even with help from their Test allies.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on June 06, 2018, 03:54:16 AM
I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what the F is a faction citadel, and how many days of stupid grind with OMGWTFBBQAAAAGH firepower would it take to break one in half?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Amarr HM on June 06, 2018, 05:26:22 AM
I'm glad someone asked.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: ajax34i on June 06, 2018, 03:20:55 PM
As far as I can tell from the patch notes, they're citadels that are put in place by CCP (replacing outposts), and they have different models (look different) than the "normal" citadels, but have about the same stats.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on June 06, 2018, 06:35:17 PM
but what the F is a faction citadel


and how many days of stupid grind with OMGWTFBBQAAAAGH firepower would it take to break one in half?

Depends if they are fueled or unfueled/have a service module but generally the same as fortizars since they are the same size class. So either two reinforcement timers or one.

And since some of these outposts are owned by some 'minor entities' they are bound to be blown up, its stations like NOL and BKG that will likely see the deadliest fights [assuming they haven't been uprooted which destroys their unique rigs].

You can find out a citadels reinforcement timer using the hacking modules. Shields can be attacked anytime, the armour reinforcement is determined by the attackers reinforcement timer and only hull is the defenders timer.


Test won the race for faction fortizars winning 102 to Goons 80.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Amarr HM on June 07, 2018, 01:22:16 AM
Holy flowcharts :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Comstar on June 07, 2018, 02:27:26 AM
Does that mean all stations in 0.0 can be blown up? You can cause Gotterdamering by blowing up every single station in multiple regions and kicking everyone back to Empire space?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Amarr HM on June 07, 2018, 03:08:26 AM
That would be amazing, also I like how they integrated hacking into it. How well does the mechanic work as fun gameplay?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Phildo on June 07, 2018, 07:21:06 AM
Also, once all the stations are blown up and I decide to resub one day, will all my randomly scattered assets magically be in one place or will they be just as scattered but now in lowsec somewhere?

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Amarr HM on June 07, 2018, 07:38:11 AM
My guess is you can say goodbye to all your nice shinys.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on June 07, 2018, 07:46:52 AM
Does that mean all stations in 0.0 can be blown up? You can cause Gotterdamering by blowing up every single station in multiple regions and kicking everyone back to Empire space?

Yes it is now possible to purge all from places like Cache and Providence minus npc null-sec with their npc stations like Curse and Venal.
Im rather hoping some of faction fortizars will be torn out and seeded into high-sec in iconic places.

The stations converted to citadels had a temporary invuln timer that has now ended.

That would be amazing, also I like how they integrated hacking into it. How well does the mechanic work as fun gameplay?

Hacking to see the timer is like hacking relics and data sites. For any citadel. I have only tried it with a fortizar, XL structures are harder i.e Sotiyo's.
Its fairly simple to do [though I do a lot of relic and data sites], just lock the citadel and hack with whatever ship. Naturally you cannot do it while tethered.

Also, once all the stations are blown up and I decide to resub one day, will all my randomly scattered assets magically be in one place or will they be just as scattered but now in lowsec somewhere?

My guess is you can say goodbye to all your nice shinys.

All stuff is sent to Asset Safety when a citadel is nuked/scooped up, you have to pay for the privilege to get it out to the nearest low-sec station [npc possibly], so 15% worth of an items value or if there is a citadel in the same system as the citadel holding your assets you can send it there instead [maybe free]. Naturally any npc stations that your assets go to will likely be rather popular with any entities. You can send stuff to Asset Safety anytime, still have to pay for extraction to low-sec. Doesn't work for wormholes of course, everything gets nuked there if you don't have another citadel there. There is also freeport mode for citadels, but its anyones guess if the owners will set that up.

Guess CCP won't have to worry about returning players bothering them with getting their stuff out of null anymore from previously indestructible outposts.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Phildo on June 07, 2018, 08:11:20 AM
What a pain in the ass.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on June 07, 2018, 08:24:13 AM
What a pain in the ass.

Least you wouldn't have to pay for any supercapital extraction unlike pilots docked in an XL citadel  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on June 07, 2018, 09:28:39 AM
That's sticking it to the filthy casuals.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: schild on June 16, 2018, 07:55:49 PM
people talk in here

but real talk

should this be in the gaming graveyard? there's enough posts that I won't outright make a decision

but I can't tell if they're posts because people genuinely care or because people are so time invested that it *matters* to them

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: eldaec on June 18, 2018, 09:15:32 AM
If you can't tell the difference... does it matter?

I'd vote for sub forum of gaming because I like reading this to remember a misspent early middle age when I had enough time to actually play it.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on June 18, 2018, 09:57:14 AM
Its nice to remember me bieng a complete ass. Anyway, you done play eve, eve plays you...

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Meester on July 05, 2019, 04:14:11 PM
Instant local is being removed from null-sec! It will soon follow the wormhole space model.

https://www.eveonline.com/article/pu69gy/nullsec-local-blackout-incoming-during-july (https://www.eveonline.com/article/pu69gy/nullsec-local-blackout-incoming-during-july)

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Brolan on July 16, 2019, 08:20:44 AM
Wormhole corps must be rejoicing.  It always sucked that whenever you popped out in 0.0 everyone immediately saw you in local and reacted.

Title: Re: State of the game
Post by: Sir T on July 17, 2019, 05:06:01 AM
Happened to me one time and I popped out in Providence. All of a sudden I had Probes littering my scanner like stars and I was dodging people really intent on murdering my ass. Finally they asked what I was doing there and I replied "oh just trying exploration" while I was trying to zero down an exit workmole while cycling safespots. They just kind of laughed in local and said that Prividence was not the best place to do exploration. I'd agree, those guys were parinoid and on the ball.

That was the last time I did exploration without a cloak  :why_so_serious: