Title: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Hutch on January 28, 2014, 02:30:12 PM http://media.wow-europe.com/infographic/en/world-of-warcraft-infographic.html (http://media.wow-europe.com/infographic/en/world-of-warcraft-infographic.html)
Among many other tidbits, the following caught my eye. Most widely used titles: 1) The Patient 2) Jenkins 3) Assistant Professor (From personal experience, I know "Assistant Professor" is in there because people are running around with this title on their alts and don't realize it.) All of the sounds in WoW would occupy 44 audio CDs. The most common minipet is the Squirrel. Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: 01101010 on January 28, 2014, 03:40:43 PM +9m guilds is astonishing.
Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Paelos on January 28, 2014, 05:44:19 PM Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: SurfD on January 28, 2014, 10:47:44 PM This. I have my own personal guild just for my 5 high level alts to fudge around with. Sad part is, that guild just dinged level 16 about 2 weeks ago (guild was level 3 when Mists started, heh). Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Sjofn on January 29, 2014, 05:43:02 PM I used The Patient on a lot of my characters. A looooot.
Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Hutch on January 29, 2014, 06:01:13 PM In WotLK, before achievements became account-wide, The Patient was the only title that any of my alts had earned for themselves.
Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Fordel on January 29, 2014, 06:05:08 PM My most precious Title was simply my Knight rank from the hellscape of the old old old old pvp system. Had it on my Druid.
I came up one short on my paladin the night before they removed the system, she was a Sergeant Major I believe. Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Sjofn on January 29, 2014, 06:07:36 PM I'd go out of my way to get titles on characters that I thought fit them somehow. But the Patient was definitely my default, because I enjoy irony.
Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: calapine on February 21, 2014, 05:22:29 AM My most precious Title was simply my Knight rank from the hellscape of the old old old old pvp system. Had it on my Druid. I came up one short on my paladin the night before they removed the system, she was a Sergeant Major I believe. Field Marshall Meccan, Fury warrior reporting in. Started the grind shortly before Arathi Basin was introduced. I am not exaggerating when I say it was 10+ hours every day, beginnen late midmorning when the first battlegrounds openend until past midnight. 7 days aweek. Always in the same group and we made 2 Grand Marshalls, so I wasnt even the craziest. Funnily enough I actually enjoyed it. One might think slaughtering newbies gets old soon, but I can be very relentless. :grin: Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Fordel on February 21, 2014, 01:25:50 PM Those upper ranks were just not an option on Doomhammer, the top ranks were all held by people trading accounts for 24/7 coverage.
Just wasn't happening for the solo dude. Title: Re: Blizzard publishes "First" "Official" WoW Infographic Post by: Maven on April 27, 2014, 08:17:47 AM All I took from this was that if you have a lot of people playing your game over a long time, you can rack up equally high numbers, and can compare them to other things that smells of false equivalency. Also, reasoning for ranking (such as the Titles) are absent and potentially misleading without intimate knowledge of the game's history and players' activities.
Every day, 7 billion people experience 6.048 * 10 ^ 14 seconds of reality! That's over 9522 times the amount of time that has passed since Thrall's Christian equivalent was born! Isn't that fascinating? |