Title: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on July 14, 2012, 07:40:00 PM I got tired of waiting for Sky, so get your invites when you can. My main Imp guy is named Obrax, but anyone should be able to invite.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 20, 2012, 12:31:58 PM Do you guys actually roleplay? Just curious because I stink at it. :oh_i_see:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on July 20, 2012, 12:33:43 PM No, not at all. Well, I guess I can't be sure what people get up to on their own, but not in the guild. We're just on the roleplaying server for the lower proportion of asshats and the entertainment value of other people's terrible roleplaying while we're browsing the GTN, etc.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 20, 2012, 12:49:47 PM Fordel occassionally tries to goad me into it. I would be marvelous at it, I am sure. :drillf:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on July 20, 2012, 01:05:21 PM I am really considering going around on my JK and chastising all the flirting Jedi on the Republic Fleet.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Zetor on July 20, 2012, 01:06:33 PM I wonder if someone tried to 'clean up' Goldshire on Moon Guard (WOW)... and if so, how'd it go? :why_so_serious:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 20, 2012, 01:09:37 PM People Horde-side would occassionally go kill everyone in Goldshire, but that's about it. I don't think anyone really had any illusions they could clean it up or anything. It was sort of a tourist attraction, really. Or a piece of performance art. The rest of the server was almost disappointingly normal in comparison.
And Ingmar, I will ... I don't know, load the dishwasher if you do that. Because that would be fantastic. :heart: Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 20, 2012, 02:12:04 PM Well I caved and have a sub so I'll be around. This may be the first mmo I reach max level with. (Actually it's much more likely I'll get burned out by level 30 but a man can dream :-P)
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 20, 2012, 04:02:36 PM My main Imperial is Yulla if you want to shoot me a tell for an invite, then. :why_so_serious:
My Republic people are listed in the New Names thread. :P Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 20, 2012, 09:53:30 PM So today I learned that doing /who bat country doesn't give the desired results :oh_i_see: . The first person I contacted thought I was insulting him, and then I ended up joining another guild. Oh well, I'll make more alts :grin: Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 20, 2012, 09:55:53 PM Honestly, joining a different guild isn't the worst idea ever for the Empire side.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on July 20, 2012, 10:06:52 PM Searches seem to be OR rather than AND with the keywords, so searching Bat Country returns everything with 'bat' in it. Which is a lot. Just search Country and you should only get actual Bat Country people. Which typically will probably be 0.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 21, 2012, 07:06:13 AM Honestly, joining a different guild isn't the worst idea ever for the Empire side. You play Republic and Empire on the same server? But there aren't enough char slots!!!! Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 21, 2012, 10:35:39 AM Man, do not get me started. :why_so_serious:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 23, 2012, 08:25:30 PM I'm only going to have maybe one or two Jedi on this server. Turns out I really like being eeevilll and shooting people in the face when they mouth off. :grin:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Lantyssa on July 24, 2012, 04:57:17 AM The Consular story surprisingly allows a lot of that. I'm curious how it turns out for the eeevil types.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 24, 2012, 02:16:06 PM Yeah, if you want to be an evil consular, you can be pretty fuckin' evil.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 25, 2012, 10:21:26 AM I actually have a sage, but I'm playing him straight. If I make a shadow I may go dark. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Amaron on July 25, 2012, 03:05:19 PM Man, do not get me started. :why_so_serious: By the time you get each class story done with each sex they'll add some new races you want. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 25, 2012, 03:27:32 PM I'm close-ish to finishing all the classes (SW is 38 or so, and I have a male BH I'm working on (on the OTHER fat RP server) while I wait for Ingmar to want to play his IA). Then I get to start over, I guess! :why_so_serious:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on July 25, 2012, 05:43:39 PM Man, do not get me started. :why_so_serious: By the time you get each class story done with each sex they'll add some new races you want. Is there a reason to do the class story with a different gender or are you making fun of us? :p Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 25, 2012, 06:33:38 PM Different romance options, different flirt options, and sometimes different lines. It's not a huge difference for most of them really, but I loved my dude smuggler so much more than my lady smuggler due to those differences. :why_so_serious:
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Lantyssa on July 26, 2012, 06:26:53 AM aka, Corso Riggs.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 26, 2012, 11:40:53 AM hatehimsomuch
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on July 26, 2012, 01:05:17 PM sjofnhatescorso.com
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on July 26, 2012, 01:15:36 PM Quick, someone get doessjofnstillhatecorso.com up.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on August 11, 2012, 09:30:32 PM There are many things that I dislike about this game (well really all newer mmorpgs and dikus in general) is constantly having to worry about gear. What I like though is mod-able gear. I just wish everything was mod-able. Couple that with always being on a planet that is 4 levels below me and I always feel like my gear is underpowered (maybe I just stink at mmos :/) . What's the best way to get mod-able gear for yourself and your companions (e.g. do missions, pvp) and components to keep gear at your level? Also if anyone's rolling new alts let me know. I've struck out trying to get my old EQ1 friends to join. :heartbreak: Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on August 11, 2012, 11:12:10 PM You can usually get empty oranges pretty cheap on the AH these days.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 12, 2012, 01:59:32 AM If you like PvP, there's some oj stuff to be had there, too. The level 20 stuff is oj pants and chest and boots and gloves? I think? And level 40 is everything except bracers and belt. That all has mods in it already, and the PvP stat doesn't show up until the level 50 gear.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Phred on August 12, 2012, 10:05:43 AM As well low level missions will get you low level orange patterns which are really what you want. I don't know which missions yeild med/light/heavy armor patterns but I can't believe there's not a list out there by now. Even the ah price on blueprints is really low for most of them.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on August 17, 2012, 11:28:21 AM Someone told me he got his companions to max affection solely on conversations + Legacy bonuses. I don't see how that's possible. Kaliyo has been a pain. The last two have been super easy tho, so I guess it's possible. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on August 17, 2012, 11:30:44 AM It might be technically possible but it would be a micromanagey pain in the ass.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 17, 2012, 01:26:51 PM I could see doing it if you're really diligent about stuffing whoever you maxxed into your ship and never letting them out again. For example, I gave absolutely no shits about what Kira thought but had her affection really high on mostly conversations (I didn't want to start feeding her gifts until the people who got the max plus out of what she liked were finished off) because we happened to agree on almost everything.
Still, gifts are so easy to come by, I don't really see the point unless you really, really want to see if you can. The later companions ARE a lot easier if you're careful about your conversations, simply because they get so much more affection per ping (although they also lose more). Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Zetor on August 17, 2012, 01:38:52 PM I maxed the last consular and trooper companions in like... a planet's worth of quests (incl. the class quest). Their affection gain rate is ridonkolous.
In fact, the only companion I didn't max on my trooper was Jorgan. :oh_i_see: Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 17, 2012, 01:56:17 PM Yeah, without fail, the main companion I need to pump with presents to get their affection up is the first one I get.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on August 17, 2012, 03:09:57 PM I could see doing it if you're really diligent about stuffing whoever you maxxed into your ship and never letting them out again. For example, I gave absolutely no shits about what Kira thought but had her affection really high on mostly conversations (I didn't want to start feeding her gifts until the people who got the max plus out of what she liked were finished off) because we happened to agree on almost everything. Still, gifts are so easy to come by, I don't really see the point unless you really, really want to see if you can. The later companions ARE a lot easier if you're careful about your conversations, simply because they get so much more affection per ping (although they also lose more). Well right now my agent is 47ish and has max diplomacy, but the gifts from that are random and like I said Kaliyo is a hassle. I was just stunned that someone said they didn't use gifts at all. It made me think I wasted several thousands of credits I didn't have to spend. Slightly OT but I'm disappointed that only one of my companions have given me missions so far, and the romance was pretty lame. Is it like this for all classes or just (female) agents? Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on August 17, 2012, 03:11:24 PM Only one companion per class gives actual missions. You can see they were planning more from how some of the others work, clearly something that got cut for time. Maybe F2P will re-fund it.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 17, 2012, 03:18:32 PM Slightly OT but I'm disappointed that only one of my companions have given me missions so far, and the romance was pretty lame. Is it like this for all classes or just (female) agents? Female Agents have the worst romance of any of them that I've done so far. Yes, even worse than Corso. Vector is interesting enough as a character, but not as a romance. He's a fucking bug-boy for fucks sake. There should have been some semi-rival James Bond dude for Agents to romance, not The Human Bee. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 17, 2012, 04:07:59 PM Nothing is worse than Corso. Nothing. Vector may be a bug man, but at least he doesn't pull white knighting, puts-you-on-a-pedestal, does-not-give-one-tiny-shit-about-anything-you-actually-say-that-might-conflict-with-his-fantasy-of-you bullshit. Honestly half my issue with Vector's romance is less him and more the Imperial Agent herself. I like LadyHawke, but some of the lines she gets are horrible.
My dude agent didn't romance anyone. He actually had the best chemistry with Vector. :P I'm still scratching my head about ladies who soak their panties for Quinn. He is so boring. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Mattemeo on August 17, 2012, 04:25:42 PM My Guy Agent probably won't bother trying to romance any companions. He and Kaliyo are so diametrically opposed that it's a genuine effort to keep her out of the hatred zone. I really don't get why she was chosen to be the first Agent companion; she pretty much goes against everything even remotely agent-y you do. I know nothing about the other female companion - I don't think I've ever seen anyone use her. Fembot, on the other hand...
Also, I was completely confused about Sjofn and Nevermore calling Vector a 'bugboy'. Then I looked him up. OHhh. I wonder if he's the same guy you 'save' as a Republic player...? I want to play a Cathar Scoundrel so bad. But I'm wondering just how hard it would be to do it without Corso till Bowdaar turns up... Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 17, 2012, 04:30:07 PM Nothing is worse than Corso. Nothing. Vector may be a bug man, but at least he doesn't pull white knighting, puts-you-on-a-pedestal, does-not-give-one-tiny-shit-about-anything-you-actually-say-that-might-conflict-with-his-fantasy-of-you bullshit. Honestly half my issue with Vector's romance is less him and more the Imperial Agent herself. I like LadyHawke, but some of the lines she gets are horrible. My dude agent didn't romance anyone. He actually had the best chemistry with Vector. :P I'm still scratching my head about ladies who soak their panties for Quinn. He is so boring. Well, the problem with all the female romances is they all seem to be written by men and thus suck. Boring is actually a step up from Corso or Vector. Honestly, where's all the dashing/charming dudes to romance? Doc is the closest one I can think of off-hand. Andronikos should be since he's an actual fucking pirate for heaven's sake, but I've heard he turns out to be pretty dull too. I swear I'd rather just screw Risha, Akaavi or even Kaliyo over the lame dudes. At least there'd be some fireworks with them. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on August 17, 2012, 04:34:09 PM Corso was actually written by a woman. Ponder that!
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Raguel on August 17, 2012, 04:35:11 PM My Guy Agent probably won't bother trying to romance any companions. He and Kaliyo are so diametrically opposed that it's a genuine effort to keep her out of the hatred zone. I really don't get why she was chosen to be the first Agent companion; she pretty much goes against everything even remotely agent-y you do. I know nothing about the other female companion - I don't think I've ever seen anyone use her. Fembot, on the other hand... I kinda like Temple as a character but I don't understand the point of her as a companion (i.e. not a healer or tank). Maybe I just need to get her geared up so she can dps to victory. right now she just dies a lot if she gets agro. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 17, 2012, 04:35:29 PM Corso was actually written by a woman. Ponder that! Yeah well, so was the Twilight series. :awesome_for_real: Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 17, 2012, 04:50:26 PM My Guy Agent probably won't bother trying to romance any companions. He and Kaliyo are so diametrically opposed that it's a genuine effort to keep her out of the hatred zone. I really don't get why she was chosen to be the first Agent companion; she pretty much goes against everything even remotely agent-y you do. I know nothing about the other female companion - I don't think I've ever seen anyone use her. Fembot, on the other hand... I kinda like Temple as a character but I don't understand the point of her as a companion (i.e. not a healer or tank). Maybe I just need to get her geared up so she can dps to victory. right now she just dies a lot if she gets agro. I would've used her more on my operative, except I hated her, so I stuck with Vector for the mostpart. Dr. Lokin was the one I ignored completely in a "bringing him around with me" sense. And Matt, as irritating as Corso is, he's a) only sort of irritating if you're a dude and b) worth putting up with until you get Bowdaar. Hell, you know how much I hate Corso, and I stuck with him as my companion until I got Risha (I love Risha). Doc is the only dashing romance dude I can think of, yeah. Quinn is a boring ass kisser, I don't know about Torian Bieber, Andronikos is a walking yawn, Vector is a bug man, which doesn't bother me but obviously bothers other people, and Corso is an abomination before the Lord. Aric seems like he could be fun, if he weren't a fugly catman (he has a hot voice, though, I will probably make a fugly catwoman to make out with him eventually). Lt. Boyfriend really isn't a bad dude either, it's just he's stuck being completely in love with a girl who has the personality of a wet paper bag (plus he has Hoth Syndrome ... you have to be something special to overcome the Hoth-or-later-acquisition issue. Like Talos. <3). For the ladies, bearing in mind I am a straight woman: Ensign Temple is crazy, Kaliyo is a different sort of crazy (I like her, though), Elara Dorne is a bit boring (but is a good female character anyway), Risha is pure love, Akaavi is an amazon goddess version of Batman, Kira is annoying, Mako needs to eat a sandwich and also makes me feel like she's my little sister instead of a romance option, Nadia is also in the Little Sister zone, Jaesa is a REALLY crazy bitch, Vette is YET ANOTHER LITTLE SISTER, and I forgot the SI love interest's name so that's probably saying something, but she was OK for a light side dude (she also sounds 12, though). EDIT: The woman who wrote the Corso romance actually wrote a Bioware romance I really liked (Anders in DA2). It was also extremely unhealthy, though. Just in a way I enjoyed instead of HOLY SHIT WHO WOULD ACTUALLY FIND THIS APPEALING. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 17, 2012, 05:43:15 PM For the ladies, bearing in mind I am a straight woman: Ensign Temple is crazy, Kaliyo is a different sort of crazy (I like her, though), Elara Dorne is a bit boring (but is a good female character anyway), Risha is pure love, Akaavi is an amazon goddess version of Batman, Kira is annoying, Mako needs to eat a sandwich and also makes me feel like she's my little sister instead of a romance option, Nadia is also in the Little Sister zone, Jaesa is a REALLY crazy bitch, Vette is YET ANOTHER LITTLE SISTER, and I forgot the SI love interest's name so that's probably saying something, but she was OK for a light side dude (she also sounds 12, though). That's pretty much exactly how I see them too, but what's interesting is the ACs with the least appealing dudes have the only appealing women. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Mattemeo on August 17, 2012, 06:00:18 PM And Matt, as irritating as Corso is, he's a) only sort of irritating if you're a dude and b) worth putting up with until you get Bowdaar. Hell, you know how much I hate Corso, and I stuck with him as my companion until I got Risha (I love Risha). Sadly, my Cathar to-be will be a lady. Well, not much of a lady, in all honesty, but that's the Smuggler Storyline for you! :drillf: So I'm stuck with Corso. On the other hand, I do have an 'Infected Corso' mod waiting for him so I can turn him into the dribbling, dead-eyed moron he's written as. It's just a shame I can't changed everything he says into a Saints Row III style zombie voice to go along with it. For the ladies, bearing in mind I am a straight woman: Ensign Temple is crazy, Kaliyo is a different sort of crazy (I like her, though), Elara Dorne is a bit boring (but is a good female character anyway), Risha is pure love, Akaavi is an amazon goddess version of Batman, Kira is annoying, Mako needs to eat a sandwich and also makes me feel like she's my little sister instead of a romance option, Nadia is also in the Little Sister zone, Jaesa is a REALLY crazy bitch, Vette is YET ANOTHER LITTLE SISTER, and I forgot the SI love interest's name so that's probably saying something, but she was OK for a light side dude (she also sounds 12, though). Elara Dorne actually grows on you. It's surprising when she does but I think that's some genuinely decent character progression. Kira becomes less problematic when it turns out she's not really your Padawan and she's actually a hell of a lot spoonier than you. I totally crush on Akaavi even though she'd totally crush me. Fuckin' Batwoman. I agree with Mako coming across as a bit little sister-ish, but besides Doc I'd say she was the first companion I encountered who I'd actually believe was my friend. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on August 17, 2012, 06:01:10 PM Kira is not unappealing at all, IMO. I mean, she's not ~ :heart: Risha :heart:~ but who is?
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Fordel on August 17, 2012, 06:06:11 PM Dorne really suffers from not having companion quests. Every time a bombshell drops around her, its resolved in a fade to black 3 seconds later. Jorgan is fun to tease, but is apparently the least attractive catman in existence.
Both Temple and Kaliyo WOULD be fun romances, except they are both psychotic in different ways. Every Agent companion is mentally deranged in some way, it's a running theme for the class. Vector is polite and loyal and takes you to bug orgies. The romance is weird in that you aren't just shacking up with Vector, rather his entire hive-mind collective there. My problem with the Mako romance isn't Mako, it's 'me'. Bounty Hunters are just enormous douche-nozzles 90% of the time. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: proudft on August 17, 2012, 06:30:42 PM Yeah, the first companion I really gave presents to was the warbot, and I thought his fade-to-black stuff was comedy gold, specific to him. It was a little annoying to find out that everyone-but-your-first-one for each class does that.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 17, 2012, 07:30:31 PM Elara Dorne actually grows on you. It's surprising when she does but I think that's some genuinely decent character progression. Kira becomes less problematic when it turns out she's not really your Padawan and she's actually a hell of a lot spoonier than you. I totally crush on Akaavi even though she'd totally crush me. Fuckin' Batwoman. I agree with Mako coming across as a bit little sister-ish, but besides Doc I'd say she was the first companion I encountered who I'd actually believe was my friend. I liked Dorne well enough, and thought she was well written. But ... still a bit dull. To be fair, except for Mr. Warbot, everything about the trooper storyline was a bit dull for me. :P Plus Dorne gets a bit shmoopy towards the end, and I have a sappiness allergy (in other words, it's not her, it's me). I do like Mako more than I expected to, and you're right, she does seem like she'd totally be your friend for real, but everything about her screams HELLO I AM YOUR SCAMP OF A LITTLE SISTER to me. I had this issue with Tali in Mass Effect too, mind you. I think a lot of it has to do with being straight. :P Totally gay for Risha though. I can't totally explain why, but I think she is super great. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Amaron on August 18, 2012, 10:02:56 PM Vette is YET ANOTHER LITTLE SISTER I only played a SW up to like 9 in the beta but she seemed fairly compelling to me. I'm out of slots but I see almost as much praise for that romance as for Risha. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 18, 2012, 10:18:11 PM I plan to romance her eventually when I make a dude SW (hopefully it'll be on Ebon Hawke, so I can make him a twi'lek too), but she sets of my Tali alarm, which is to say, I like her a lot, but Not That Way. It isn't entire a straight girl thing either, as Garrus has been friendzoned for ages. I love Garrus. But as a friend. :P
But it's mostly a straight girl thing, I suspect. Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Lantyssa on August 19, 2012, 05:55:34 AM Vette is definite LITTLE SISTER territory. To her credit, I ended up liking her a lot, when Mission Vao had me wanting to space her. (Same voice actress.)
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 19, 2012, 02:47:46 PM Vindication! :why_so_serious:
And yes, so far I like Vette a lot better than Mission. :P Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 19, 2012, 03:21:58 PM Vette is the snotty little sister, Nadia is the total hero worship little sister.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 19, 2012, 03:35:48 PM Which makes the fact you can romance Nadia even creepier if you ask me. If/when I make a dude consular, he will not be going down that road, I tell you what.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on August 19, 2012, 03:56:26 PM I pretty sure I'm already on record saying that the Nadia romance has to be the creepiest one in the game for that reason. At least Kira comes across as an adult. Mako seems awfully close to the line too (if not over it), but you know Vette is totally that slutty high school girl.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on August 19, 2012, 04:00:42 PM I at least believe that if nothing else, Mako is streetwise. Nadia doesn't even have that going for her. She's adorable and I really like her, mind you, but romancing her? Yick.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Xerapis on January 30, 2013, 10:38:12 AM Well whaddayaknow. I actually started up on Ebon Hawk. Main is Dominorak, Sith Sorcerer.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on January 30, 2013, 11:40:27 AM I'll try to invite you if I notice you online (assuming you want an invite to the tiny guild.) Are you still on Korean time?
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Xerapis on January 30, 2013, 02:18:50 PM Invite would be cool. No, I'm on EST.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: eldaec on January 30, 2013, 03:09:46 PM Someone needs to write an essay explaining the phenotypes of female companions.
I had Vette down as SASSY! GIRL! SIDEKICK! but now apparently that's all wrong. How are we supposed to refer to Risha or Jaesa? Are all female companion phenotypes spelled in all caps? Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on January 30, 2013, 03:26:41 PM Vette is Mission, right down to having the same voice actress.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Ingmar on January 30, 2013, 03:29:01 PM Uh, with the minor exception of being an adult, not a child.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Nevermore on January 30, 2013, 03:31:15 PM She still seems pretty immature to me. Not quite Nadia Grell, but still pretty young.
Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Sjofn on January 30, 2013, 03:46:13 PM Kira is the one I'd always call a Sassy! Girl! Sidekick!, although I could see classifying Vette as the same, although she is more Sassy! Little! Sister! if you're a chick sith warrior. However, now that I've done Vette's romance for reals, I am happy to report that they manage to lose the little sister vibe completely if you're going after her as your snugglebunny, for which I was grateful.
Risha is simply Pure Love. She's sassy, but not the lame pretend-spunky-but-actually-a-doormat sort like Kira comes across to me as, and she is ~wonderful~. You know what I think it might be? Kira strikes me as super clingy, even when you're just her lady friend. When you're a woman, she's nasty to Doc is a way that makes her seem like she's mad he's intruding on the sisterhood (she has a much better reason to be mean if you're a dude, because Doc hits on her and I am totally down with her not wanting to be sexually harrassed!). She seems to really, really yearn for your approval. And that clinginess completely undermines all the other shit Kira tries to present herself as, and in the end it makes her "spunk" seem like empty, toothless bluster, which makes it annoying rather than amusing. She feels like a hanger-on, rather than a friend or partner. This MAY be solved if you're romancing her, but I don't know if I'll ever find out, because I love the Doc romance too much to waste a JK slot on a dude one. :P Risha, on the other hand, does not give too much of a fuck about what you think. It helps, of course, that she's talking to a smuggler instead of a Jedi, so it's Snarkfest 5000 in every conversation anyway. She'll stand up for herself, you see a better example of her being her own woman than you get with Kira (or Vette, although Vette is excused on the grounds of her backstory), and she feels like my friend, rather than a clingy broad who needs me to validate her and her life choices. fake edit: Vette is young, but in the romance at least, she doesn't come across as immature to me. Also, I remember finding Mission really annoying. I actually like Vette. :P Title: Re: Bat Country remade on Ebon Hawk-Imperial Post by: Lantyssa on January 30, 2013, 07:06:32 PM fake edit: Vette is young, but in the romance at least, she doesn't come across as immature to me. Also, I remember finding Mission really annoying. I actually like Vette. :P I have to agree, and I was very biased against Vette because of that. I could not stand Mission. |