
f13.net General Forums => Blood Bowl Bullshit => Topic started by: Falconeer on July 21, 2011, 09:08:07 AM

Title: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Falconeer on July 21, 2011, 09:08:07 AM

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Falconeer on July 21, 2011, 09:09:06 AM
We are currently Playing.....
Playoff, 1/4 Finals
** All games have to be played BEFORE July 30th 2011 **

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Falconeer on July 21, 2011, 09:09:36 AM
Before July 30th.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 21, 2011, 11:14:57 AM
My Picks for the quarter-finals:

Negative Capability over Carnifix.

I hope both the Dwarves and AndyC kill 3/4's of each others team and neither is in a condition to go through. My money's on the Dark Elves though. No matter who wins, I lose.

Alive Not Dead, it's a very solid team.

Me, 2-1 with a lot of injuries on some High Elves, though I'm giving away over 500 TL, so I expect Morg to put in an appearance. Last time I saw him, he didn't do much though. My team is at full,  and I have the Strength/Guard/Block advantage. Megrim is the underdog for this, to win he'll need to use his inducements and speed advantage well.

How do you broadcast matches?

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: avaia on July 21, 2011, 12:00:45 PM
Zara + wizard + 2 babes means Megrim to the semis!  :drillf:

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Llyse on July 22, 2011, 10:19:08 AM
Playing my match at 1am after drinking with the Irish and Australians  :drill:

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Ingmar on July 22, 2011, 10:40:36 AM
Andy: sent you a PM, but in case you aren't reading those, tomorrow is probably the only day before the 30th that I am going to be available during normal UK hours. I'm UTC -7 and normally available from 7 pm - 2 am my time.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Llyse on July 22, 2011, 12:25:42 PM
Game played, replay uploaded drunken bedtime now.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 22, 2011, 12:47:16 PM
Oh god don't leave it at that! Who won? Who lost?

Megrim- answer your PM. My playing times are weird.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: avaia on July 22, 2011, 12:59:12 PM
Looks like ALive Not Dead, 2-0?

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Strazos on July 22, 2011, 01:58:04 PM
2-0 to Alive Not Dead.
First half was actually pretty competitive, though Llyse had the upper hand from the kickoff. While he was bottled up at times, the Norse were never quite able to get their game going. Even so, they managed to hold off a Necro touchdown until the final play of the first half. It required a dodge away from a diving tackle runner, and a 6 was needed...which, naturally, was given when asked for.

Second half, I received a pooch kick and tried to stand my ground bunched in the middle...unfortunately, Llyse seemed to make every necessary block successfully, and the ball was quickly ripped out and put out of range. After the second touchdown, the game was pretty much over as the Norse have no real capacity to score more than once in a half without extremely generous luck. Llyse almost had 3 touchdowns, but Nurgle finally caught up and denied it with a failed GFI.

Not to take anything at all away from Llyse (made very few if any errors, solid play), but my dice certainly were of no use today - 32% block success rates don't get it done for Norse.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: AndyDavo on July 23, 2011, 03:10:36 AM
Andy: sent you a PM, but in case you aren't reading those, tomorrow is probably the only day before the 30th that I am going to be available during normal UK hours. I'm UTC -7 and normally available from 7 pm - 2 am my time.

I have just got out of bed and will be available. hit me on steam so i can see you in real time

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: AndyDavo on July 23, 2011, 03:15:01 AM
I have just seen you online 11mins ago. i hope your coming back

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Megrim on July 23, 2011, 05:41:45 AM
Oh god don't leave it at that! Who won? Who lost?

Megrim- answer your PM. My playing times are weird.

Sorry about taking so long, I've been a bit preoccupied. Monday morning, 10am ok for you?

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 23, 2011, 07:17:58 AM
Should be fine. One of us is going on to meet Alive not Dead.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Ingmar on July 23, 2011, 11:11:05 AM
Andy and I will be playing in a bit. Last chance to get your money down.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 23, 2011, 11:55:10 AM
I think my chances at dodging dwarves is better than a chance at beating AndyC..so Dwarves please win...and have AndyC kill everyone of the dwarves on the pitch in the process.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Ingmar on July 23, 2011, 12:56:19 PM
Alas, Beardstorm! loses 2-1 on turn 20 of OT. First game I think I have ever played with them where I inflicted zero casualties.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: proudft on July 23, 2011, 12:56:34 PM

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: AndyDavo on July 23, 2011, 01:02:45 PM
20 turns, no cas 1 ko i think. crazy game. Ingmar is a very good player.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Strazos on July 23, 2011, 02:52:23 PM
0 CAS? How is that even possible - did you only hit him 3 times?

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: AndyDavo on July 23, 2011, 02:59:31 PM
Haha he hit me a few times, as i hit him. I think the block dice said we threw 120ish block dice each. God knows how we didnt hurt each other.  Still, who's next? - Comstar are you not the other side of the draw? so playing me would me beating Icecream or whoever he's playing. tbh, Icecream stands a good chance of nailing me this time, as did the dwarves.

I would also like to add a vote to have the TV ceiling increased from teh feeder division to 1500 from 1250.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 24, 2011, 04:56:00 PM
I'm in the lobby now Megrim.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Megrim on July 24, 2011, 06:10:33 PM
Aaand we're done. 2 - 1 to the Amazons.

The High Elves almost brought enough to take the game, but thanks to some well-timed Sweltering Heat and a godly throw-in from the fans, Comstar was able to get it done. Not much to say on my end, some positional mistakes and the usual flopping around on critical dodges slowed me down, while Comstar did a good job smothering me with massed Guard to maintain field control.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Comstar on July 24, 2011, 06:15:11 PM
The tale of the tape

I dropped 1 of my rerolls before the match, the High Elves bought a Elf who can Hynotise..and he almost won the game for them multiple times, a wizard and a budwiser babe.

Luck was with the High Elves- I rolled 1's and 2s much often than they did, with a slight advantage on 6's. I failed 3 possible touchdowns with failed GFI's. On rerolls. THREE TIMES. The game started with sweltering heat, but didn't do much. The High Elf Wizard was much more dangerous, KO'ing one player and killing my newbee thrower...who I wasted an apoc on. She ended up with a niggling injury anyway (and I'll probably fire her). My guard and ST advantage helped, but Megrim was often able to negate it. He didn't fail a single pass, but couldn't get the ball into my half of the field often enough. On turn 14 he was 3 squares from the end zone, when I made 4 GFI's and pushed the ball carrier into the crowd - my only hope was a good throw back. They threw the ball right into the middle of my Amazon's in the centre of the pitch. The game ended on turn 15 when one of  my star catchers survived a 2 block attack and  made a single dodge for a 2-1 win.

This was the closest match I've been in this season, Megrim pushed me to the limit, and if one or two dice rolls had gone his way, he would have won. Megrim's thrower gains a skill, as does one of benchwarming lineswomen. I'm thinking finally getting a dirty player would be a good idea.

Next round, I play a team I've played before...in fact I think I beat them in a semi-final once? Will history repeat itself?

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Llyse on July 24, 2011, 06:43:17 PM
Awesome! Just to note I have just moved to another country permanently for work so may be quite unavailable.

I'm looking for a new place now and might be able to hook up my pc if Cathay didn't destroy on the flight over...

Take your time playing your matches!

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on July 25, 2011, 09:40:46 AM

Well, just finished what was certainly the most nerve-wracking game of Blood Bowl I have ever played -- which I will now give any die-hards an opportunity to go download and watch without being spoiled.


In the end it was Negative Capability 2-1 over Carnifex's Cripplers in a double-overtime, last-turn-before-disaster victory. I have to get to work so no time for details, but I will say that I absolutely expected to lose this game from the moment it started raining on turn 14 -- and things looked even worse by the end of the first overtime, when a series of in-the-pouring-rain bouncing ball catches by two of his saurii had me pulling out my hair and booking some golf dates for my worthless, my-god-they-need-block flesh golems.

But in the end it mostly came down to Carnifex running out of rerolls first, and some well-timed stuns from my werewolf claws -- not to mention my agi 4 ghoul coming through with a clutch pickup. I ran the ball upfield and managed to peel enough skinks off my carrier to get it in on the last turn of the overtime -- which was good, because both my wights had meanwhile been KOed and even with the rain I am not sure I could have stopped a return score.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: carnifex27 on July 25, 2011, 10:25:08 AM
EASILY the most intense game of BloodBowl I've EVER played.  Watch the replay.  That is all.

Title: Re: S#4 - Playoffs 1/4
Post by: Falconeer on July 25, 2011, 12:09:51 PM
Awesome. I am definitely gonna watch this with some snacks and that Grand Marnier I got couple nights ago.

On another note, seems like it's SEMI FINALS TIME!