
f13.net General Forums => City of Heroes / City of Villains => Topic started by: UnSub on June 23, 2010, 02:22:05 AM

Title: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on June 23, 2010, 02:22:05 AM
Going Rogue is launching August 17. (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=226829)

It is going to merge the markets and currencies.  (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2968930#post2968930)

Perform all market exploits before they are wiped (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2968894#post2968894).  :grin:

The next booster pack is mutant-orientated; no specifics but you can try to win a free version that will launch early (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=226127).

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on June 23, 2010, 02:31:56 AM
Dang... I thought GR was coming out in July. On the upside, the market merge means tha tmy villains will be finally able to actually buy / sell stuff!

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Koyasha on June 23, 2010, 11:47:20 PM
Edit: Never mind, read that entirely wrong.

Still, market merge is interesting, especially when a month ago they were still saying they were NOT going to do that, and that they had other plans for how to fix the market issues redside.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Trippy on June 24, 2010, 03:31:07 AM
It is going to merge the markets and currencies.  (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2968930#post2968930)
Oh thank god you'll finally be able to give inspirations to the other side. Not being to give wakies (or the inspirations they need to make their own wakie) was one of the most annoying things in co-op play.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on June 27, 2010, 10:18:49 PM
The contents of the mutant booster pack. (https://secure.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?action=viewItem&item_id=197)

Not one I'm rushing to buy, although the random buff power could be useful.

(Of course, I'm not rushing to buy anything PC game related because my PC died, but even if it worked...)

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on August 14, 2010, 10:11:17 PM
As a quick reminder, GoRo launches this week.

I'm not buying it and feel that my CoH/V time is rapidly coming to an end. There is very little in GoRo to interest anyone but the hardcore CoH/V fan base.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on August 15, 2010, 08:21:04 AM
I'm giving it a whirl and reactivating... COH is the almost-perfect game for my guild (we get 1 hour of playtime a day, and COH has nice grouping / sidekicking mechanics for that). If nothing else, it should keep us occupied until WOW cataclysm comes out, at which point we're probably putting the game down for good.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on August 16, 2010, 09:02:30 AM
If your guild is going to start from the beginning, get them to buy GoRo. If you are just picking up where you left off and don't really envision either starting from lvl 1 or doing opposite side content, save your money.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on August 16, 2010, 09:24:57 AM
Yeah, we figured we were going to play from lv1 together in praetoria; we got our mains to 50 shortly before quitting the last time (pretty much everyone has a severe case of altitis, so that's ok). We also had a few semi-high level villains (40-45) which might be interesting to move over to hero side.

'Sides, the Mission Architect is like a cheap drug for me: no matter how much it abuses me (as a story arc author; see also 'did I just spend 3 weeks of my life to plan and create this intricate storyarc that got 10 plays over 8 months, with the last one being a "not a farm -> 1-starring" rate?'), I keep coming back... this time I might even buy the extra story arc slots for that alternate universe post-apoc COH saga I had kicking around in my head for a year+!

fake edit: add altitis to the spellchecker  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Horik on August 16, 2010, 04:39:51 PM
Just want to add in, if you pre-paid for GR, you can access it right now.  :grin:

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Minvaren on August 16, 2010, 05:00:06 PM
I actually keep CoH/CoV installed on my machine for when I can't find anything else to play for awhile.  Decided to patch it for the heck of it today and saw the 672MB download - thought my install was corrupted or something until I saw a thread on the official forums about the release.

The Going Rogue changes have me curious, in any case.  I might grab this over the holidays and putter with a new character for a month or two.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: ezrast on August 16, 2010, 05:39:05 PM
All the servers are at at least medium load and Freedom actually has queues. It's crazy.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Soln on August 17, 2010, 04:17:43 PM
why isn't this game F2P?  seriously

is there a way to reactivate for any free time?

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on August 18, 2010, 12:34:11 AM
You can't reactivate for free time, but there is a permanent free trial offer that does give access to Praetoria (although limited to lvls 1 - 13).

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on August 18, 2010, 01:20:10 AM
So besides a unified market and the ability to betray from Hero to Villain, what else does this expansion include? All I can find on their site is a link to trailers and shit, the FAQ link redirects to a page that doesn't exist anymore.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on August 18, 2010, 02:14:28 AM
It includes shiny Praetoria, with lots of new zones/content for levels 1-20. Since heroes/villains can both start in Praetoria, they can seamlessly group with each other there and then move onto paragon city / rogue isles once they're done. This allows you to start off as a villain on hero side (or vice versa) right away without needing to do the betrayal stuff.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on August 18, 2010, 05:20:59 AM
The main focus is side switching and Praetoria. There is also the Cathedral of Pain trial and (as stated) the market merge. Four new powersets, plus costumes and a graphics update etc.

My personal focus is my lvl 50, and GoRo really doesn't hold much for them to do.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on August 18, 2010, 10:45:54 AM
Meh. I guess the 4 new powersets might be cool, as is the ability to have Brutes on the Heroes side (right? You don't switch to tank when you betray do you?). But not cool enough to resub for, much less buy an xpac.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on August 18, 2010, 06:40:52 PM
Yes - archetypes are no longer linked to sides. Heroic MMs are predicted to be very popular.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on August 25, 2010, 12:25:01 AM
Not sure how many other people are playing, but me and my guild [ok, SG] have been having a blast. Praetoria content is well done and has a lot of things that break up the monotony of COH missioning (door missions are still the same at the core). Pity it'll be over once we hit 20.. we also have to turn XP off regularly so we don't outlevel the praetoria contacts.

PVP, otoh, seems to be more dead than ever, and MA has fallen by the wayside (/sadface).

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: ezrast on August 25, 2010, 10:56:07 AM
The tip missions that you get at 20+ are like better-done papers; they all have multiple objectives in sequence throughout the map and a little story that plays out as you do the mission. Unfortunately the objectives are the same every time so you start to see repeats pretty quickly (I'm not sure if different zones/enemy groups/level ranges drop different tips or not).

Mission architect is mostly empty at the moment just because everyone is out doing tips and rolling Praetorians. Granted the activity there was usually mostly farms anyway but if you have a SG to play with there's no reason you can't get some decent play out of it. They just added a few new features to the architect in GR so hopefully that will spur some interest in making real arcs.

Bottom line, I'm having a lot of fun with GR (@ezrast, usually on Freedom but sometimes Infinity) but only because I like the game anyway. The expansion doesn't offer any drastic changes to gameplay, but the new missions and alignment-changing are a refreshing change so if you're thinking of resubbing, now's a good a time as any, especially since the population is spiking so much.

My one big complaint is that vigilantes and rogues can't use Ouroboros or base teleporters to get to the opposing sides zones. As a primarily redside player who gets lost every time I log on to a hero, this is going to make travel around Paragon City even more miserable than usual.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on September 01, 2010, 07:02:34 PM
Is this an actual, paid expansion I need to buy? Or is Going Rogue just the name of the patch, which coincides with a new boxed release (like they did with Architect Edition)? I'm debating resubbing for this, but I'm not sure I can justify a $40 box plus the sub fee to come back.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Trippy on September 01, 2010, 07:32:57 PM
Is this an actual, paid expansion I need to buy? Or is Going Rogue just the name of the patch, which coincides with a new boxed release (like they did with Architect Edition)? I'm debating resubbing for this, but I'm not sure I can justify a $40 box plus the sub fee to come back.
Issue 18, which is free as usual was released at the same time of the expansions. Most of interesting stuff is in the expansion, though.

If you already have the game you can buy just the expansion which is cheaper than the "complete collection". However if you account isn't already subscribed it's cheaper to get the CC since it comes with a month of game time which is worth more than the $10 difference in price.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on September 02, 2010, 10:54:22 AM
Does the account time included in the complete collection apply to old accounts? Last game I tried that with (EQ2) the free time was only for new subscribers.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Trippy on September 02, 2010, 11:06:37 AM
Does the account time included in the complete collection apply to old accounts? Last game I tried that with (EQ2) the free time was only for new subscribers.
Yes. It added the time to my existing accounts.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on September 03, 2010, 06:34:00 PM
I caved and bought the Complete Collection. Rolled up a Demon/Storm MM in Praetoria, on my old server Victory. Is there a way to transfer items or money between characters on the same account?

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Zetor on September 03, 2010, 10:10:01 PM
You can transfer inf and enhancements between characters by sending an email to your own @globalname and attaching the enhancement / inf; not sure about temp powers and salvage / recipes.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: UnSub on September 04, 2010, 05:10:56 AM
I think you can send resources - recipes, inf, salvage - but not powers.

Title: Re: Going Rogue Update, Release Date, Booster Pack: Mutant
Post by: Rendakor on September 04, 2010, 01:53:19 PM