
f13.net General Forums => Eve Online => Topic started by: Pennilenko on May 03, 2009, 04:49:27 PM

Title: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pennilenko on May 03, 2009, 04:49:27 PM
Holy crap, the whole things needs to be completely overhauled so that a normal idiot like myself can figure it out. :ye_gods: :uhrr:

My question, does making somebody a director basically grant all roles?

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: sanctuary on May 03, 2009, 05:18:44 PM

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Phildo on May 03, 2009, 05:45:13 PM
Everything but the ability to make more directors, though they can grant any other roles (including the kind that allow huge corp thefts and fuckery) to other members.

Edit: Also, I told you so!

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pennilenko on May 03, 2009, 06:04:39 PM
Everything but the ability to make more directors, though they can grant any other roles (including the kind that allow huge corp thefts and fuckery) to other members.

Edit: Also, I told you so!

I never doubted you i just underestimated the level to which their system is convoluted.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: schild on May 03, 2009, 06:05:47 PM
Everything but the ability to make more directors, though they can grant any other roles (including the kind that allow huge corp thefts and fuckery) to other members.

Edit: Also, I told you so!

I never doubted you i just underestimated the level to which their system is convoluted.
Hi, you've played Eve, yes?

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Quinton on May 03, 2009, 07:00:49 PM
I never doubted you i just underestimated the level to which their system is convoluted.
Hi, you've played Eve, yes?

Well, to be fair, the fancier UI bits for stuff like POS / corp management are even *more* convoluted than the "basic" UI that 95+% of players are familiar with.  I was absolutely amazed at just how nutty the POS management panel was when I first got to use it to anchor modules.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pezzle on May 03, 2009, 07:10:58 PM
Roles for towers are horrid.  Roles for hangers are horrid.  Lockdown on bpo's, votes, interface itself, the utter lack of accurate, decipherable documentation.  The whole mess makes me want to pour boiling acid in my empty eye cavities.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: MahrinSkel on May 03, 2009, 08:28:00 PM
The UI sucks balls, but it allows you to do a *lot* of different things.  POS management's godawful UI, for example, lets you set up one tower so that only directors can do anything to it except add fuel (say, for a station defense POS) while still allowing you to set the tower in the next system to be wide-open for any corp member (so someone can have a mining base without getting the capability of doing anything at other POS), and your JB's to be wide open for fueling and use by anyone the POS isn't set to shoot at.  By the same token, you can define and finetune permissions right down to the level of individual corp hangers, and get a lot of information on who has what permissions, who gave them to them, what other permissions that same person handed out, and when all of this happened.

If there was a slick UI for all of this, you wouldn't be able to do a tenth as much.


Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pezzle on May 03, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
Well of course the failure UI is to blame for much of this.  I do think they need a help system though.  Understanding what tickboxes do what and in what order you must online this or that should not be an exercise in frustration, time, and ripoffs.  That is my larger issue.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: IainC on May 03, 2009, 11:46:43 PM
Goddamnit, I clicked on this thinking it was a thread about Jade Constantine.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pennilenko on May 04, 2009, 10:32:59 AM
I am not sure i'm gonna make it in the whole corp management role lol. And I don't have any members other than myself and my wife so far lol.

This stuff is confusing as shit. :ye_gods:

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Fordel on May 04, 2009, 10:34:07 AM
You know how people go "lawl, why don't they just set premissions!" whenever someone gets a corp theft or scam?


Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Jayce on May 04, 2009, 11:02:42 AM
I am not sure i'm gonna make it in the whole corp management role lol. And I don't have any members other than myself and my wife so far lol.

This stuff is confusing as shit. :ye_gods:

We'll accept you back in.  50m isk payable to me for each of you please   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Quinton on May 04, 2009, 01:53:21 PM
We'll accept you back in.  50m isk payable to me for each of you please   :why_so_serious:

Come on -- he can tell you're scamming because you're asking such a low fee.  Everyone knows that the standard application fee is 500M.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pennilenko on May 04, 2009, 02:44:20 PM
We'll accept you back in.  50m isk payable to me for each of you please   :why_so_serious:

Come on -- he can tell you're scamming because you're asking such a low fee.  Everyone knows that the standard application fee is 500M.

Hehe, We are going to forge on. I'm determined to sink myself into some spaceship nut RP. My wife is turning out to be quite the low sec tackler.

Some low sec ratter abandoned his Raven............what the hell was he thinking. She tackled him and i warped my drake in and he left his ship and podjumped outa there. Docked my drake at the station and came back to hop into his raven. What an awesome day. Only thing i could assume was that he had way more money in implants in, than his Raven was worth. Also he had lasers on his raven. WTF!

Also had my alt in a blackbird on him too hehe.

Our little 3 man wanna be blackops gang we have is good fun. T2 ships to come soon.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Phildo on May 04, 2009, 04:14:13 PM
You stole a Laven?  That's fucking awesome!

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Pennilenko on May 04, 2009, 04:32:52 PM
You stole a Laven?  That's fucking awesome!

Whats really funny is that i thought the whole Laven thing was a joke and that nobody actually used that build.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 05, 2009, 08:12:58 AM
You stole a Laven?  That's fucking awesome!

Whats really funny is that i thought the whole Laven thing was a joke and that nobody actually used that build.

Welcome to pubbie land. Enjoy your stay.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: Endie on May 07, 2009, 09:52:46 AM
I am not sure i'm gonna make it in the whole corp management role lol. And I don't have any members other than myself and my wife so far lol.

This stuff is confusing as shit. :ye_gods:

You should have volunteered for the GIA program before leaving: the tip on how to grow as a corp are extremely useful and I used them with both Deii Feram and Bat Country, early on (very different aspects, of course, since DF was kinda open-recruiting).

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: mokianna on May 07, 2009, 07:42:10 PM
The UI sucks balls, but it allows you to do a *lot* of different things.

if you click on member, then edit member, then roles, then the tab that says 'general', a whole pile of extra drop downs shows up. Using them, you can set a member to be able to use a single tab, in a specific station, and not anywhere else. You also need to use those drop downs to set roles to use station research , manufacturing, and copy services.

Yes, its complicated, but very detailed on how tight you can set roles. The scary thing is, if roles are set that way, to access corp wallet, I don't think it shows on other role tabs. guess I have some work to do now, gonna test how sneaky roles can be.

Title: Re: Eve corp management tool
Post by: MahrinSkel on May 07, 2009, 10:15:24 PM
Yes, its complicated, but very detailed on how tight you can set roles. The scary thing is, if roles are set that way, to access corp wallet, I don't think it shows on other role tabs. guess I have some work to do now, gonna test how sneaky roles can be.
Which is why you need to do occasional security audits, see who has what roles (especially sensitive ones like Wallet access), the interface for which is equally powerful and equally complicated.  That was how we found out we'd given the ability to configure station services to everyone in the corp (it was a leftover from IT accidentally winding up in control of a Catch station, but was a somewhat bigger deal when we built our own outpost).  You can, for example, do a search to find every role that was assigned *by* someone, say when you've recently kicked out a Director and you're worried he might have a forgotten alt with extra privileges.
