
f13.net General Forums => TV => Topic started by: Salamok on November 05, 2008, 09:45:33 AM

Title: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on November 05, 2008, 09:45:33 AM
Probably old hat for most but it was new to me.  They started re-airing these recently in the US on the Sundance channel (maybe IFC but pretty sure it's Sundance).

I'm diggin it but then again if you are or have ever spoken to a tech dude then what is not to dig.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: HaemishM on November 05, 2008, 01:36:29 PM
Did they ever do a third series? This show was just so goddamn funny.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on November 06, 2008, 01:31:11 AM
I don't think so. The Musical episode is one of the funniest half hours of television I have ever watched though, I genuinely think that one's a classic.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: DraconianOne on November 06, 2008, 03:20:42 AM
Series 3 has just finished filming (as in 31st October) and is due to be shown here at the end of the month.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: UnSub on November 06, 2008, 05:10:37 AM
I don't think so. The Musical episode is one of the funniest half hours of television I have ever watched though, I genuinely think that one's a classic.

Is that the one with Gay: The Musical? I only caught about two episodes in that season and that was one of them. It was a brilliant episode, mainly because it could of gone horribly wrong but didn't.

The IT Crowd Anti-Piracy Ad (http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=MTbX1aMajow&NR=1)

I need to get this series out...

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: MerseyMal on November 06, 2008, 07:13:46 AM
The show's writer and creator, Graham Linehan, has a blog at http://whythatsdelightful.wordpress.com/

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: DraconianOne on November 19, 2008, 02:37:07 AM
Season 3 of The IT Crowd starts this Friday in the UK.

Channel 4: 10pm.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: fuser on November 19, 2008, 05:49:57 AM
I don't think so. The Musical episode is one of the funniest half hours of television I have ever watched though, I genuinely think that one's a classic.

Indeed, that whole episode was done so perfectly, right down to the expressions and tones.

"I'm disabled" ended up being a guild name, whats the chances of so many people being effected by acid.

Season 3 of The IT Crowd starts this Friday in the UK.
Channel 4: 10pm.

Thanks for the heads up, I don't think the show can ever touch the "work outing"

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on November 20, 2008, 09:31:54 AM
i've finally figured out the schedule for the reruns on TWC here in the US.  They seem to be on IFC at 9:00 pm on Tuesdays.  Not sure what season I am watching or what episodes I have missed, I guess I need to go find and download seasons 1 & 2. 

This type of shit makes me regret not buying a region free dvd player.  NBC seems to be cockblocking the US release of these DVD's as they try and ruin/remake the show.  Same shit they pulled with Kath & Kim.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on November 21, 2008, 02:14:29 AM
Why the fuck do US networks insist on getting good shows and then doing them again (usually but worse) with Americans? I'll admit the Office US seems to have come into its own but that's only because they took a very solid premise and eventually adapted it so it wasn't just them redubbing the original. Generally however the whole, "It must have Americans in it otherwise noone will ever watch it!" mentality baffles me.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on November 21, 2008, 06:42:47 AM
Why the fuck do US networks insist on getting good shows and then doing them again (usually but worse) with Americans? I'll admit the Office US seems to have come into its own but that's only because they took a very solid premise and eventually adapted it so it wasn't just them redubbing the original. Generally however the whole, "It must have Americans in it otherwise noone will ever watch it!" mentality baffles me.

I really don't mind them remaking shows as I am always free to exercise my right not to watch.  My problem is when this involves them buying the US distribution rights for the show involved and the step after that is usually to cockblock any and all attempts to release the original within the US.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on November 21, 2008, 01:26:25 PM
That sounds truly shitty for anyone who wants to just watch a show, especially if the remake turns out to be craptacular. My point was less a problem and more genuine puzzlement as to why US networks do this to pretty much every show they decide to import. Is it really the case that if the show doesn't have US actors it fails hard? Hell I thought that British stuff had become a lot more mainstream over there and so it would seem far more straightforward to buy the US rights and release rather than go to the expense of filming a whole new thing. I just don't get it and I've got a feeling no explanations are going to make it make sense to me.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: HaemishM on November 21, 2008, 02:18:37 PM
Is it really the case that if the show doesn't have US actors it fails hard?

It isn't that this is true, it's that the suits who make the shows THINK it's true.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on November 22, 2008, 09:50:59 AM
My point was less a problem and more genuine puzzlement as to why US networks do this to pretty much every show they decide to import. Is it really the case that if the show doesn't have US actors it fails hard?

There is quite a bit of truth to this.  A significant portion of the TV watching demographic can't be bothered trying to decypher the local sayings (and accent to a smaller extent), so they don't watch at all.  This is the TV version of the unable to read in context crowd, It's no wonder they don't enjoy reading when they have to put the fucking book down every 2 minutes to look up a word.  That said I would think there is still a significant US audience for these shows in the original form.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on November 23, 2008, 04:07:19 PM
I might just be sleep deprived and drunk but I certainly got a few laughs out of the first episode on 4oD.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: MerseyMal on November 25, 2008, 01:56:33 AM
The show got the International Emmy for Best Comedy last night.


Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on November 25, 2008, 05:46:40 AM
On sober and well rested viewing it looks like the third season might be as good as the first two, the boss' near death experience was fucking brilliant.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: brake 7 on November 25, 2008, 06:04:36 AM
Aye that bit was good. They seemed to have tightened up the writing in that episode (which I'm hoping is a good sign for the rest of series 3). Some of the episodes from the earlier series were a bit inconsistant in terms of the sharpness of the dialogue/ situation.

tldr: still funny, but not as funny as Peep Show.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on September 29, 2009, 09:42:51 AM
Anyone know if/when they are making a season 4?

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: lac on June 25, 2010, 07:37:58 AM
Anyone know if/when they are making a season 4?
Season 4 airs tonight, sugar tits.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: HaemishM on June 25, 2010, 08:19:12 AM
Any idea when us Yanks can LEGALLY watch it?

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Engels on June 25, 2010, 09:16:45 AM
Any idea when us Yanks can LEGALLY watch it?

Well, first the idea of a US version has to sit on a US TV executive's desk for 6 months, then a US pilot has to tested by an audience of cowherds in BuckSnort, TN to be firmly placed in the 'ignore till judgement day' list, and then it some sleepy programmer at Hulu has to stop playing NetHack for half a day while he whines to his boss about not being able to torrent the show at work and then MAYBE.

Edit: If any of you are the aforementioned Hulu programmer, get off your ass and start whining plzkthx.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on June 28, 2010, 04:12:21 PM
Women are essentially no different from radiators.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: UnSub on June 29, 2010, 12:43:29 AM
The IT Crowd has already had its failed attempt to become a US series.

I saw Series 3 not too long ago. The "Are We Not Men?" episode came close to making me laugh hard enough to vomit. I really need to get this series on DVD.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Arthur_Parker on July 01, 2010, 03:37:47 AM
On Roy using photoshop to change photos including his ex girlfriend.

It's like someone broke up with Stalin

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: shiznitz on July 02, 2010, 12:06:44 PM
I watched some of the first season on Netflix. This show is hacky and not worth a US export.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: NowhereMan on July 02, 2010, 07:09:19 PM
I will say you're wrong, unless by not worth a US export you mean "wouldn't translate to the US market" or "Would be ruined by a US translation" in which case you may have a point. This show is health endangeringly funny.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Engels on July 03, 2010, 05:26:56 PM
Its not a polished sitcom, no. And if you're watching it like one, you're doing it wrong. You have to watch it in the same spirit as you watched Red Dwarf, not The Office.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Salamok on July 07, 2010, 09:39:26 PM
IT Crowd + booze is also an excellent combination.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: shiznitz on July 08, 2010, 01:45:50 PM
Maybe it is because I find the Indian guy so un-funny it ruins the rest for me. 

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Engels on July 08, 2010, 01:59:28 PM
The Indian guy? You mean the dude with the afro of possibly pseudo African descent?

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Arthur_Parker on July 08, 2010, 02:02:44 PM
Richard Ayoade, English (http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2008/oct/02/comedy.television)

Ayoade is an only child. His Norwegian mother and Nigerian father met in London and the family moved to Ipswich when he was young.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Jherad on July 08, 2010, 02:10:02 PM
Bah, Moss is hilarious! Admittedly perhaps because I've known more than a few people like him.


Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: UnSub on July 09, 2010, 01:33:11 AM
The weakest Ayoade I've seen was in his "Man-To-Man with Dean Lerner", but that was mainly because the show overall was so uneven. On The IT Crowd, he's brilliant. Particularly post series 1.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Jeff Kelly on July 09, 2010, 01:54:57 AM
You at least need some affinity to english culture to fully enjoy something like IT crowd. The countdown bit was hilarious but I suppose only if you know Countdown

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: naum on July 09, 2010, 04:47:19 PM
Been watching 1st season on NetFlix instant streaming… …OK, though some of the references and gags are obviously Brit-insider, but that would be true of U.S. based show too right?

Coveting the RTFM shirt the white dude was sporting in episode 1…

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: Ard on July 09, 2010, 05:40:57 PM
It's probably available via ThinkGeek.  A lot of the shirts he wears are there.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: fuser on July 11, 2010, 07:46:11 AM
I loved the 8bit keyboard cat one.

Title: Re: the IT crowd
Post by: fuser on July 21, 2010, 11:55:35 AM
Living the dream! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Reom8cuSZiQ)