
f13.net General Forums => Warhammer Online => Topic started by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 12:30:46 PM

Title: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 12:30:46 PM
Ok so not this guild.  Like I brought some guys over from my DDO guild and of course shit went down.. and I don't even really care.. its all stupid shit.  Anyway it looks like I'm gonna pull Minmei out of Bat Country and join the guild they are in now.

I'm gonna keep my RP in Bat Country if you all don't mind, I like playing with ya all though.. it kinda sucks hehe.

If there's any problems with this let me know, I don't wanna be a hassle or have any hard feelings and crap.  So I thought I should just give you all a heads up.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 11, 2008, 12:44:35 PM
What happened?

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 12:46:49 PM
hehe it was the Dude thing.. and then Goodwin left.  I've been playing with these guys for 2 years in DDO and it would make shit awkward over there. 

It's really nothing against you all.  I'm sure that Dude probably overreacted but he's pretty stubborn in his ways sometimes.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 11, 2008, 12:48:39 PM
Oh right, that.

Seriously, don't go with them. Didn't Dude end up with Grudge and Goodwin ended up not joining because they were horrible?

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 12:51:20 PM
He did end up going to Grudge, he said they are alright guys after playing with them a bit.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 11, 2008, 12:52:46 PM
Lame. That's the kind of situation that would just make me be like "hay, enjoy Harpua, nutsack"

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 12:54:51 PM
lolz.  It's more of a thing where I've got a history with these dudes from DDO.. we've all left a couple guilds and stayed together when drama went down.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: tazelbain on October 11, 2008, 04:37:33 PM
Dude thinks guilds are popularity contest.  I hope he feels special that he pulled a few people away from Bat Country.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Goreschach on October 11, 2008, 04:52:39 PM
I miss all the good drama.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Evildrider on October 11, 2008, 05:56:27 PM
Dude thinks guilds are popularity contest.  I hope he feels special that he pulled a few people away from Bat Country.

He never asked me to leave.. some people just don't get along.  I went cuz we are friends... no need to be petty about it.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 11, 2008, 06:12:34 PM
I'll cope, but calling Tazel petty about this is kind of weird. It happened because Dude took things on the internet too seriously. :shrug:

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: rk47 on October 11, 2008, 08:14:51 PM
I thought Goodwin's pretty funny. I like his internet jerk philosophy. Was a pity. I noticed he was gone and wondered where he went for a while.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: stray on October 11, 2008, 08:18:09 PM
History in DDO? Lol, come on dude.  :grin:

I don't even play WAR, and have no real stake in this, but I think you shouldn't sweat it.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: rk47 on October 11, 2008, 08:54:22 PM
Schild was an annoying bastard on vent when i first partied him on my swordmaster i think. I was thinking what a fucking jerk he kept letting me die and go afk for me to farm for him. But it works out in the end.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: tazelbain on October 11, 2008, 10:43:27 PM
Dude thinks guilds are popularity contest.  I hope he feels special that he pulled a few people away from Bat Country.

He never asked me to leave.. some people just don't get along.  I went cuz we are friends... no need to be petty about it.
It's okay to call me petty as long as you don't question my internet computer purchases.  That crosses the line.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: rk47 on October 12, 2008, 12:55:55 AM

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 12, 2008, 01:49:51 AM
Schild was an annoying bastard on vent when i first partied him on my swordmaster i think. I was thinking what a fucking jerk he kept letting me die and go afk for me to farm for him. But it works out in the end.

i give u cookies?

Edit: For reals though, I can't heal or even buff.  :why_so_serious: All I can do is watch people die ^_^

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Phunked on October 12, 2008, 08:31:56 AM
Schild was an annoying bastard on vent when i first partied him on my swordmaster i think. I was thinking what a fucking jerk he kept letting me die and go afk for me to farm for him. But it works out in the end.

i give u cookies?

Edit: For reals though, I can't heal or even buff.  :why_so_serious: All I can do is watch people die ^_^

I imagine that this was intended on your part. Picking a class that can't heal or buff that is.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: schild on October 12, 2008, 08:36:19 AM
Not necessarily, I picked it knowing zero skills, I just liked the name Shadow Warrior, didn't even know the stance mechanics until I was like level 8 in the beta.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Trippy on October 12, 2008, 07:15:31 PM
The real reason is that schild is a closet Legolas fanboy :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Sjofn on October 12, 2008, 08:17:05 PM
Man, I go away for a few days and THE GUILD IS FALLING APART NOOOOOO.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Hawkbit on October 12, 2008, 10:56:58 PM
Ya, I'm scared of what will happen when I head out for a week on friday.  I get back and it'll be empty.  :(

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: UnSub on October 12, 2008, 11:56:15 PM
Ya, I'm scared of what will happen when I head out for a week on friday.  I get back and it'll be empty.  :(

Given WAR is heading into its first 30 days post-launch, Bat Country being deserted is SOP.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: stray on October 13, 2008, 03:34:26 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMenB9Ywh2Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMenB9Ywh2Q)  :wink:

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: tazelbain on October 13, 2008, 08:17:58 AM
I blame T3.  I was hoping to claim a keep we took before attendance went to crap.  At this rate any keep we claim will be a hand me down from AK or grudge.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Nebu on October 13, 2008, 08:21:21 AM
I've been logging on periodically and only see like 4-8 people on.  What happened to the "70 person guild" I was told about?

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: tazelbain on October 13, 2008, 08:43:47 AM
T3 is so long xp wise that people feel the need to grind xp to make progress. This causes burn out.  And if they do manage to get to T4 they get discouraged to find there is hardly anyone there.

For a while there it was pretty sweet.

I also should say that I am not feeling burned out.  Got all the inf for a chapter 14.  Did a couple dozen Scenerios.  Did a bunch of RvR both in T3 and T1.  My disappointment is not having very many BC to do it with.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Righ on October 13, 2008, 08:48:16 AM
At prime time we still get a dozen or more people on at once. Inevitably, a significant subset of them will be playing lowbie alts (half the fun in any game is exploring, even if that means exploring the different class mechanics) while a subset of those at the higher levels will have set up their objectives when fewer people were on and so will be less likely to join a group until they've ground out the influence, xp or renown that they are working on. So apart from the usual 'no longer shiny' aspect and the 'fuck paying monthly fees' aspect that some people adhere to, perhaps some of the problem is that the more 'persistent' players have adopted different play styles and there's less cohesion. Even though I'm back into leveling my IB, maybe it would make sense for some of the higher level folks to play T1/T2 alts and get multiple scenario groups going again.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Nebu on October 13, 2008, 08:50:55 AM
A guild isn't much of a guild when it's nothing more than a chat channel.  This game is at its best when you have a steady group of decent players.  It's at its worst when you're dependant on random people you don't know for your fun.  Sigh.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Righ on October 13, 2008, 09:04:04 AM
I'm always up for some grouping. I can currently play any tier except 4. And within a few days I should be able to put Righ in T4, Ximenez in T3 and Irth in T2 so that I have all the possibilities covered.  :yahoo:

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Xanthippe on October 13, 2008, 09:19:50 AM
Is this going the same way as AoC?  Please no.  Please?

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: tazelbain on October 13, 2008, 09:22:48 AM
It's going the way of DAoC/COH.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Xanthippe on October 13, 2008, 09:33:58 AM
I still play CoH sometimes (not very often, but when I need a smash/boom/pow fix).

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Nebu on October 13, 2008, 09:36:01 AM
I still play CoH sometimes (not very often, but when I need a smash/boom/pow fix).

CoH/CoV is probably the best game for just this.  I was hoping that WAR would be the game to get my pvp fix from.  Well... if I can ever stay with it long enough to make it to the endgame.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Righ on October 13, 2008, 10:05:19 AM
Its actually more trivial to make it to the endgame than people have been suggesting. I did 22-28 since the +20% XP/RR came into play mostly from questing in one (Dwarf) story - Badlands / Black Fire Pass. Other than that I've done an Elf PQ chapter 14, and all the scout, battlefield and fedex quests from the warcamps in T3, and maybe a dozen or so scenarios. I think the XP rate from the scenario fun in T1/T2 caused a few people to see T3 as a grind (as well as the T3 scenario design, which is poor) - the overhead is not significant in MMOG terms if you just follow the red splotches on the map and organise the quests to avoid too much running/flying.

Put it this way - I'd rather do WAR 1-30 again than WoW 1-30 even without the +20% rate. It might be quicker to do the latter but in WAR you can take a break from running quests and still be gaining XP at a decent rate. Or you can take a break from soul-destroying scenario PUGs and still gain XP. Or, like me, you can mix up guild groups for 'skirmish' or keep RvR, PQs and scenarios, PUGs in scenarios, questing and even joining peoples' open groups and helping them while picking up some XP. T3 reminded me how much there is to do, and how fast the levels go by when you're not clock watching.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Nebu on October 13, 2008, 10:08:18 AM
Its actually more trivial to make it to the endgame than people have been suggesting.

It's trivial AND fun in a good group.  Less so in pugs.  Much MUCH less so.  I guess I should expect this in an MMO, but I'm still having a hard time. 

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: Righ on October 13, 2008, 10:17:45 AM
Well if you see me on, give me a shout, and I'll play whatever character works best to group with you. Grouping > must hit 40 on particular character.

Title: Re: OMG guild drama.
Post by: squirrel on October 13, 2008, 12:07:48 PM
Yeah I still see people on quite frequently. I also don't mind PUGs sometimes - I've had bad ones but I've had some really good ones. Mind you I'm still low level (22) but I also have a couple alts I'm trying to get developed so I can play any Tier once my main is in T4.

Dunno, I don't see this as an AoC redux, I liked that game a lot but it was literally broken. WAR has issues but I like the RVR alot so I'll keep playing.