Title: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: eldaec on November 05, 2007, 10:50:25 AM (http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5338/minigameiconsey9.jpg)
In the bottom right of your UI there are three symbols like those above, you reduce the count on each icon by killing monsters of the types represented with the symbol, killing monsters with teh damage types represented by the symbol, or picking up loot represented by the symbol. Get them all down to zero and it's tea and medals all round. I'm posting this because it isn't documented anywhere and thought you might like to know. It's probably common knowledge to the beta types. But I couldn't figure it out without googling, so here you go. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Modern Angel on November 05, 2007, 11:01:21 AM So what, precisely, happens when you win?
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: schild on November 05, 2007, 11:04:08 AM Items fall from the sky. Generally green and above.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: squirrel on November 05, 2007, 11:04:41 AM So what, precisely, happens when you win? A sound plays and a bunch of nifty items appear - almost like you killed a boss without the killing the boss bit. Although the items vary in quality. First time I 'won' the mini game a bunch of blues just popped up around me - "WTF?" then I realized I'd finished a mini-game. I keep my eye on it pretty closely now heh. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Murgos on November 05, 2007, 11:10:58 AM In beta when you completed a mini game there was a chance to get random mobs to spawn. In my experience you would get a cluster of 'blue' named rare mobs around a 'gold' named legendary one. They didn't spawn on top of you, it would generally be somewhere on the current zone or the next one.
The, err, golden showers didn't start until live. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: squirrel on November 05, 2007, 02:05:00 PM A slightly modified version of the chart above. For teh confuzed like me.
(http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Sobiius/ModItems.png) Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: KallDrexx on November 05, 2007, 02:10:13 PM wow thanks. I've been trying to figure out wth those symbols were for and then just gave up.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: sam, an eggplant on November 05, 2007, 02:16:27 PM It's kind of a pain, actually. I play a summoner, and my minigame had 3 melee weapons on it. But I guess the game weighs loot drop chances against items you can't use, so it took hours to get them. Beyond that one caveat, the minigame is trivial. Just slot weapons with a bunch of different damage types and switch out when necessary. My summoner's main weapon, a blue blightcaster, does toxic, electricity, spectral, and fire damage each and every hit.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Trippy on November 05, 2007, 06:18:45 PM Ah so that's where that blue and green on the ground in a station came from. I must have had a quest completion icon up at the time. I thought it was just bugged quest completion awards that overflowed my inventory and ended up on the ground.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Wolf on November 06, 2007, 01:33:50 AM Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Falwell on November 06, 2007, 02:33:05 AM If you want to seriously clean house on the mini-game remember this..
All those mods that you pick up with the "adds X% spectral, toxic etc. damage?" Save em. Horde em. When you put an adds percent damage mod onto a weapon, it adds that amount and type regardless of the weapons base damage. A for instance.. Super death sword does 10 - 100 spectral damage. Add a 10 percent fire damage mod and it does 10 - 100 spectral damage plus 1 - 10 fire damage. Love the mini game, worship it. Milk it for all it's worth and be truly enlightened. EDIT: Bah, what Sam said. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: rattran on November 06, 2007, 08:06:59 AM The 'Loot from Heaven' change was put in on the Test Center in patch0 before launch. It was so much better than the 'spawn a group, somewhere'
One thing, wait after the minigame completes for it to change, then pick up the loot. You might get crap you need for the next one. And melee weapons drop for shit for any class. 2 hours of play for a melee wep to drop as a Blademaster last Friday night. Then 3 dropped at once. Kinda like buses Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: eldaec on November 06, 2007, 12:00:21 PM And melee weapons drop for shit for any class. 2 hours of play for a melee wep to drop as a Blademaster last Friday night. Then 3 dropped at once. Kinda like buses Mods. Collecting mods for the minigame is a complete bitch. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: sam, an eggplant on November 06, 2007, 12:23:30 PM I never had problems collecting mods, just melee weapons. Mods could take 10-15 minutes to fill out, melee weapons lasted over an hour.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Hoax on November 06, 2007, 04:49:50 PM My first minigame as a Marksman was toxic damage 15, I don't know what 15 means but I know toxic damage aint available on dick I've ever seen :oh_i_see:
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Threash on November 06, 2007, 04:51:46 PM 16 means 16 mobs killed with toxix damage. Add a +n% toxic damage mod to your gun and it will count, in fact get a gun with n% of every damage type mods to fullfill all damage type requirements at once.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Hoax on November 06, 2007, 04:53:41 PM Its not kill X mobs considering I've killed god knows how many w/ fire just fucking around w/ various rocket launchers (love those rocket launchers) and I still have a fire icon.
Unless of course they sit there w/ no #'s on them after you have cleared until you clear all 3. I dunno I never paid any attention to the damn things until I read this thread last night. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Threash on November 06, 2007, 04:55:43 PM Dunno what to tell you, killing things with a rocket launcher should fullfill the fire requirement. Does the number not go down at all? hell even killing things with barrels count as fire.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Wasted on November 06, 2007, 07:55:12 PM Unless of course they sit there w/ no #'s on them after you have cleared until you clear all 3. I dunno I never paid any attention to the damn things until I read this thread last night. Yes the icon changes colour (the fire one should be red) and stays there until all three are completed. And many thanks to eldaec and squirrel. Those icons where confusing the hell outta me. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: hal on November 10, 2007, 06:09:47 PM Many many thanks to all who helped explain this. Added fun to a game that was allready fun.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Sparky on November 10, 2007, 08:22:46 PM As a marksman I was given a crit/demon/melee requirement. Is that possible or am I fucked? Tried punching various demons for ages but it didn't seem to trigger anything.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: squirrel on November 10, 2007, 08:27:19 PM As a marksman I was given a crit/demon/melee requirement. Is that possible or am I fucked? Tried punching various demons for ages but it didn't seem to trigger anything. Yeah this is a misperception. The melee requirement isn't damage, it's a drop - see the chart I posted above. So you need to crit x times, kill x demons, and get x melee weapon drops. Unfortunately melee weapon drops are relatively rare which is why it may seem like it's taking a while. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Sparky on November 11, 2007, 04:12:04 AM As a marksman I was given a crit/demon/melee requirement. Is that possible or am I fucked? Tried punching various demons for ages but it didn't seem to trigger anything. Yeah this is a misperception. The melee requirement isn't damage, it's a drop - see the chart I posted above. So you need to crit x times, kill x demons, and get x melee weapon drops. Unfortunately melee weapon drops are relatively rare which is why it may seem like it's taking a while. Welp, I'm dumb! Thanks for the clarification. Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Murgos on November 11, 2007, 06:07:54 AM I've been sitting on two melee drops for three play sessions now. Freaking glad I'm not playing a Guard or BM.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: Hoax on November 11, 2007, 03:50:01 PM Melee drops is the only bad minigame hangup. My primary weapons (dual machine pistols) do every damage type except spectral and I have a 8 slot sniper rifle for that (pink-BOOM) the only other reason I dont clear at least 2 minigames per run is because they are fucking me on the mob types. For example when I was in demon-only zones for like 4 straight minigames they kept giving me spectral kills so I kept leaving the quest zones and going off somewhere to kill spectrals because I likes my minigame and only want to be stuck when swords and/or mods (takes way less time) are involved.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: geldonyetich2 on November 11, 2007, 04:09:41 PM Same. The part you have control over is easy enough, but you're pretty much praying to the random generator gods to get the drops and appropriate mob types eliminated.
Title: Re: For people who weren't in beta and don't know what the 'minigame' is. Post by: rattran on November 12, 2007, 02:15:13 PM I did some experimenting: Finish the minigame in the highest level zone you can, the levels of the drops seem determined by area.