
f13.net General Forums => Star Wars: The Old Republic => Topic started by: Fordel on October 18, 2013, 05:32:05 AM

Title: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Fordel on October 18, 2013, 05:32:05 AM

These aren't story spoilers, just enormous change log spoilers for class balance.

Some pretty big ones, like Operatives not being able to gain defensive benefit from cover anymore. Snipers remain the same as before in that regard.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Zetor on October 18, 2013, 05:55:44 AM
I remember cover being a big deal for healing scoundrels / operatives before. It also allowed you to 'teleport' to certain cover spots, which was useful in voidstar and huttball -- I guess that'll be an option even after this?

That said, these almost all seem to be pvp changes. Is pvp that popular compared to raids / group pve? When I last played swtor (which was a while ago, before the expansion even), it was a strong contender for 'least fun pvp in a mmo ever' for me, while its pve content was much more enjoyable.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on October 18, 2013, 10:58:54 AM
PVP is very popular yes, from what I can tell it is probably the single most popular thing in the game.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Raguel on October 18, 2013, 12:40:51 PM
Well, I'd much rather pvp than raid, but what I liked the most was the class storylines, so right now I'm mmo-less, which isn't necessarily a bad thing heh.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on October 18, 2013, 01:50:31 PM
For those of you who are inclined towards character name drama:

Have you ever been frustrated trying to find an available name when making a new character? We currently have many, many millions of character names across all the servers, some of which are no longer in use, and as has been frequently noted here on the forums it is difficult to find any good names. We want to flag some 36% of those characters for rename, many of which were created in the early days after launch, and free up a lot of name options for our current players. Get ready to snag that name you always wanted! Exact details are forthcoming, but here’s what you need to know now: Current Subscribers will not have any characters renamed, regardless of activity or level on that character. Period. Even on inactive accounts, the bulk of characters renamed will be under level 10, and no character level 30 or higher will be renamed. November 12th is our current target date for this.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on October 18, 2013, 02:42:53 PM
Hooray, the nerf to operatives/scoundrels nerfs something I barely ever used anyway! Hooray!

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on October 26, 2013, 09:11:14 PM
Ingmar, I'm sure I did something to deserve that post  :grin:

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Tannhauser on October 27, 2013, 06:03:48 AM
Noooo, my Scoundrel is getting nerfed!  Meh, I can live with it, only cowards hide behind crates anyway.  I really need to get back in this game, but GW2 and STO are taking all of my time right now.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Raguel on November 01, 2013, 10:10:44 PM
So I started this up again. I just can't quit Korriban, for some reason. I wish I liked the rest of the game as much.

I kind of screwed myself re: my previous acct. (sorry I'm not going to admit just how stupid I was lulz) so I created a new one.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Jherad on November 02, 2013, 01:31:42 PM
I really can't bring myself to play right now. Used to enjoy the PvP for all its balance problems, but I can't stand arenas, and there's no avoiding them now (short of ditching your team every time one pops).

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Raguel on November 02, 2013, 01:53:32 PM
arenas are the no -rez ones? I've only been in lopsided affairs.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Jherad on November 02, 2013, 02:22:47 PM
No rez, 4 player team deathmatch. Standard warzone rotation includes arenas (since 2.4) which have no matchmaking/team balancing of any kind, and you can also queue for ranked, and ranked solo arenas (the latter of which does have matchmaking). Not my cup of tea as the format really exacerbates balance issues way beyond problems evident in 8v8.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Zetor on November 02, 2013, 02:37:01 PM
OTOH I don't think I've been in more than 10 WZs in SWTOR that weren't a complete steamroll for one side or the other -- and most of those 10 were near launch and/or in the lowbie bracket.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on November 02, 2013, 03:53:08 PM
The only good-ish thing about arenas is they're always over pretty quickly. I'm also usually on the winning side, though, due to playing operative-style immortals. Basically whatever side lucks into one of those seems to win.

Arenas are so goddamn dumb.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Fordel on November 02, 2013, 04:14:25 PM
OTOH I don't think I've been in more than 10 WZs in SWTOR that weren't a complete steamroll for one side or the other -- and most of those 10 were near launch and/or in the lowbie bracket.

The lowbie brackets are far far superior to the level cap bracket. The likely hood of there being a pug vs premade in the lowbie bracket is dramatically lower.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Reg on November 24, 2013, 10:18:18 AM
I'm amazed. I logged in for the first time in over a year and actually got the name "Reg" back. Not on my sith warrior who originally had it but on my level 1 bounty hunter. I guess I`d better go to work on him to get him high enough level that awful things won't happen to him. This would have to happen when I'm distracted by XCOM and X3 of course.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 24, 2013, 01:07:28 PM
I did get one back, sort of...my jugg Haruspex...but it's on my alt jedi :|

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Reg on November 24, 2013, 02:06:03 PM
Did you get "Sky" back? Losing all my names infuriated me. I had no intention of ever coming back to the game up until now. I'd like to finish leveling my sith warrior but all of his skill points have been refunded and I have no idea how to spend them or how to use the 9 million buttons I'll have to deal with.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 24, 2013, 03:24:42 PM
Nope. It's funny, with all the nonsense of mmo, I'd have been subbed the whole time if only they hadn't yanked my names. For the most part, I really like the game.

And I found the serious issue with some of the funky characters I had to use to preserve some of the names...I can't type them, so I can't send that character any mail (my jugg/synthweaver).

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Reg on November 24, 2013, 04:01:36 PM
Ouch that hurts. Is there an inexpensive way to rename them? My Sith is the only one I put any real time and effort into.  All the rest I just created on day one to lock up the names I wanted. Still "Reg" was really the only important one.

I'd have stayed subscribed too but the clownshoes way they handled the server merges just pissed me off no end.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on November 24, 2013, 04:06:44 PM
Inexpensive, not particularly. AFAIK the only way is via the cartel market, unless you could get yourself reported for a bad name somehow.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Nevermore on November 24, 2013, 05:03:07 PM
They gave out one free rename but I think that might have only been to people subscribed at the time.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 24, 2013, 11:20:16 PM
I had a bunch of cartel credit stored up from whatever promos whenever. Took about half of them, but I deleted the Jedi and changed my jugg's name, so that's cool at least. That they took it and it would've cost me money to get it back...meh.

Is there some kind of Legacy bank? If not, I should probably look into making a vanity guild to get access to a shared bank for my alts. Pain in the ass trying to manage crafting mats across a few characters.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Nevermore on November 24, 2013, 11:47:22 PM
If you friend your own alts I think it'll auto-complete their names when you start to type them in the box to mail things to them, but I'm not 100% on that.  That won't work if you're trying to mail things cross-faction though, but neither would a vanity guild.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 27, 2013, 09:46:31 AM
My fiancee thinks I'm setting myself up for frustration, but I think I broke through some wall of not giving any fucks about pugs. I was in one terrible pug for about an hour the other night because it was so entertaining to see how bad they would fail. Every damned one of them ran into aggro range of other groups repeatedly and no amount of discussion led to a smooth game plan. Eventually we did finish the heroic, so there's that.

Then the next night I join two others for a 4+ and one says 'let's just see how we do!'. Well, ok. I don't think anyone said a word the entire time, nobody broke my CC, everyone stayed on target and we smoothly finished. I think everyone was surprised gauging by the post-quest chatter.

Last night, join a group for a 4+ and one guy dies three times traveling to the group, by falling off various things (including the elevator to the quest area). We talk specs and one guy doesn't know what a spec is "I'm an assassin" There is quick talk amongst two of us about roles, no tank no healer...but given no tank or healer the night before I'm game. I do mention I'm getting a bad feeling about this. I say we skip the bonus and one guy says "Nay, I need that"...forgoing the elizabethan verbiage, I mentally shrug and ready myself. Falling man dies one more time and we try to find out how the other assassin is spec'd..."I'm an assassin!" I've got a bad feeling about this.

Fighting droids, so I can't Mind Trap...but the dps agent has launched in already anyway. So I cc one of the golds and nope, everyone is attacking a different target. When the agent goes for the guy I just cc'd (after I watched him attacking a different mob), I just let them know I can't function in that environment and bolt. Two were already down and the third went down as I ran. Took maybe 5 seconds to wipe (except me, though I miss my old feign death from EQ).

Queue "LF1M - healer" just as a healer LFG's for the heroic. I pm her and warn her what had just gone down, she thanks me. Then I continue soloing and the agent shows up and generally douches around snagging clickies while I fight the mobs.

Oh, mmo. Thankfully I am in a place where it entertains me now.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Nebu on November 27, 2013, 10:43:48 AM
Sky: I have a well geared 55 op healer if you ever need/want to do heroics.  I have a 50 smuggler healer as well that I could get to 55 in a day or two.  The issue is getting on the same server.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on November 27, 2013, 11:03:33 AM
It sounds like he's talking about the Heroic 2/4 outdoor quests, not hardmode instances. What server are you on Nebu?

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 27, 2013, 11:23:30 AM
I'm level 22 or whatever. I don't know anything about dungeons, because they're generally not worth putting up with pugs that long.

I've done the first dungeon for each faction a couple times, but only a couple after that, and those I just rode someone's tails through it. Too bad the good gear is all shut behind such nonsense.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Nebu on November 27, 2013, 12:06:49 PM
It sounds like he's talking about the Heroic 2/4 outdoor quests, not hardmode instances. What server are you on Nebu?

Jedi Covenant. 

My bad on the outdoor stuff.  I never bothered with it.  The FP's are pretty easily doable with 3 people and a companion if your tank knows what they are doing.  Hell, we've even had a companion tank the instances with a decent healer. 

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ginaz on November 27, 2013, 01:36:56 PM
Double xp starting today until 2 Dec if people are interested in levelling alts.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on November 27, 2013, 01:42:31 PM
I'm level 22 or whatever. I don't know anything about dungeons, because they're generally not worth putting up with pugs that long.

I've done the first dungeon for each faction a couple times, but only a couple after that, and those I just rode someone's tails through it. Too bad the good gear is all shut behind such nonsense.

Actually, it's not. They've added a bunch of stuff at level 55 to get you geared up for the latest operation they added that doesn't require more than two people (and you only really need two people for the end's heroic quest). It's a nice quest series you can do in one night, has a decent storyline (although I admit the VERY end of it is in the aforementioned operation), and by the end you have a suit of just-shy-of-top-gear purpz. They also added two flashpoints that in non-heroic mode is meant to be as easily done as Esseles (in that Ingmar and I duo it, and the group finder will just shove four people into it regardless of role, and it's doable, although if you're duoing, it's probably easiest if one of the real people is a healer OR a real tank) that also drop decent purple BoP stuff (which is nice for kitting out alts or companions).

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on November 27, 2013, 01:48:50 PM
Yeah except for the stuff you only would ever need to do the harder versions of raids pretty much everything is achievable otherwise. Leveling dungeons are a way to get blues in greater volume - although you have to deal with bad loot rolling etiquette sometimes, so maybe not - but not the only way to get them.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on November 27, 2013, 01:56:49 PM
I'll just dump my old lady and find one who plays TOR, then.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on November 27, 2013, 02:08:55 PM
If you're already pugging heroic quests, ain't no need to stop doing that at 55 is my point! The Oricon quest for easy purpz ends with a heroic 2 outdoor quest. The flashpoints I mentioned are more to reassure you that they're easy enough to brave pugging those too.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ashamanchill on November 29, 2013, 09:38:00 AM
This double XP weekend is the shit! My buddies and I went back to this game for a bit, rolling Empire alts, and we are leveling up just fine simply by doing each others story missions with each other. The three of us all bought a sub, because despite some of the shamelessness of the F2P stuff, we felt they really earned it.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on December 02, 2013, 07:57:10 AM
I'm digging the assassin. Great for soloing Heroic 2+. Stealth through, mind trap one mob, take the others down, use emergency in-combat stealth if needed to break the combat. Just great solo control, almost as good as the old EQ1 necro used to be.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: ajax34i on December 08, 2013, 08:26:00 PM
They've buffed the Consular/Inquisitor quite a bit since a year ago.  Or at least it seems that way to me.  Taking the Sage DPS talent tree, it's a lot more WoW mage than priest.  A lot of the talents either make your abilities hit again (for free) and/or make them instant, so it's pretty awesome to get a 6-shot insta-cast opener and take the boss to half health before your pet even leaps to attack.  Add the crowd control ability and multiple interrupts, and I've soloed equal-level heroic areas with 2 bosses and 3+ minions in each pull. 

Having fun.

The extended double-XP Thanksgiving weekend got me to 25 or so on just class quest and some space missions, and now I have 12 free bonus xp cards that I got awarded as quest rewards that I have to use.  Legacy unlocks mean I can teleport to the mission hubs every 10 minutes, to the fleet every second, and to the ship every hour.  Between those 3, I almost don't need my speeder.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ironwood on December 09, 2013, 02:45:37 AM
Really ?  That sounds interesting.  Got a link to your build by any chance ?

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on December 09, 2013, 07:26:39 AM
I'm in the Assassin(Shadow) stealth dps tree. A couple nice tweaks for getting around, after a while slogging through every mob ever started getting tiring. But it's also based on similar free/instant/triggered stuff. Main thing is paying attention enough to notice which one is up for free/instant. I made my buff icons much bigger which helped a lot.

Still pretty squishy and I do miss having Sorcerer healing for Khem, even in blue gear he drops pretty regularly and I don't last long after that without ditching combat entirely.

Double xp weekend got me into the 30s, but I was around level 20 when it started.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on December 09, 2013, 10:40:56 AM
I've mostly been playing Republic side lately but I think I set it so everyone in Bot Country on Ebon Hawk has invite/promote permissions. I can check it tomorrow, I have a deployment tonight so I won't be able to get on.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on December 09, 2013, 02:11:29 PM
I'm in the Assassin(Shadow) stealth dps tree. A couple nice tweaks for getting around, after a while slogging through every mob ever started getting tiring. But it's also based on similar free/instant/triggered stuff. Main thing is paying attention enough to notice which one is up for free/instant. I made my buff icons much bigger which helped a lot.

Still pretty squishy and I do miss having Sorcerer healing for Khem, even in blue gear he drops pretty regularly and I don't last long after that without ditching combat entirely.

Double xp weekend got me into the 30s, but I was around level 20 when it started.

You might want to try bumming around with Andronikos (or Ashara when you get her), I found burning things down quicker to be a little more successful than hoping Khem outlasts whatever we were fighting.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on December 09, 2013, 03:20:13 PM
Yeah, I just got Nicky and was getting wasted in his initial quest, beat the guy down with Khem tanking and then pulled out Andronikos to do the dialog. I'd have to gear up Niko...luckily my old main was a BH so I should be able to whip up some good crafted gear. Speaking of, not a fan of the new schematic grind, at least the old one let you keep the items while you ground out schematic upgrades (blue etc).

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Raguel on December 09, 2013, 05:06:37 PM
What's the new way?

BTw speaking of crafting I've noticed I can't queue a bunch of items anymore. Is that because I'm not sub'd or did they nerf crafting?

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on December 09, 2013, 06:10:06 PM
I am subbed and I can queue 5 items per crew person, so it might be a sub thing? I honestly don't know.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: ajax34i on December 09, 2013, 07:22:31 PM
Really ?  That sounds interesting.  Got a link to your build by any chance ?

Just level 33 now, I don't really want to visit the talent build sites since they sometimes have viruses in the ads.  They've pretty much removed choice from the talent builds by discouraging cross-speccing.  You just pick a tree (Heal, DPS, or PVP) and just go up the tree.  It pretty much clearly says "30% that ability X will fire again" or "50% chance that the next time you use ability X will be instant cast," and there are 4-6 of those in the tree. 

So, if lucky, I cast a 1.5 second Disturbance blast, which then shoots again and makes the next AoE Telekinetic Wave instacast and freecast, so I shoot that and it hits twice (takes out all the minions), and then I activate the normally instant Project which shoots two big rocks instead of 1, and continue with the channeled TK throw (pebbles).  Basically 6 shots in quick succession, followed by a stream of pebbles.  The rest of the talents in the tree make me crit like crazy and make minions get stunned by almost any attack from me, so they spend a lot of time prone on the ground.

Against bosses I open with a 2-second-cast mind crush dot and instacast weaken mind dot, and send the tank in.  The minions around the boss gather on my tank, and so it's the perfect time to continue with the 6-shot sequence above, then refresh the dots and do one more 6-shot.  By now I'm shooting AoE's at the lone boss, but who cares as they don't cost mana and do damage.  It's pretty cool. 

Only issue is, I have a priest shield, a fast heal, and a slow 3-second heal, and it's very hard to keep the pet tank up with those.  Basically, kill fast or Qyzen dies.

The healing talent tree is completely different; you get NONE of the niceties above, and instead get a lot of the WoW druid HOTs, complete with crits and bonus AoE healing happening based on what triggers.   It's very druidy, but for damage you're reduced to non-critting 1.5 and 3-second casts, so you'll do maybe 3 spells by the time I do the rotation.  Healing, though, you'll dance with 3-5 tanks around me.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on December 09, 2013, 07:26:41 PM
What's the new way?
Where you get schematic upgrades (the blue version etc) from disassembling the item rather than from making the item. That's a new thing to me, anyway. At least the old way you had the items you were grinding, I'm sure that's why they changed it to kill some of the bloat in the GTN. But it's brutal to start destroying blues like that, vs pumping out a bunch of blues to advance to a purple. It really kills any motivation to make purples while leveling up, and I don't play at the cap, so....blah.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Raguel on December 09, 2013, 08:02:16 PM
What's the new way?
Where you get schematic upgrades (the blue version etc) from disassembling the item rather than from making the item. That's a new thing to me, anyway. At least the old way you had the items you were grinding, I'm sure that's why they changed it to kill some of the bloat in the GTN. But it's brutal to start destroying blues like that, vs pumping out a bunch of blues to advance to a purple. It really kills any motivation to make purples while leveling up, and I don't play at the cap, so....blah.

Yeah it's been that way for awhile. I just level in blues for the most part.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on December 09, 2013, 08:39:54 PM
What's the new way?
Where you get schematic upgrades (the blue version etc) from disassembling the item rather than from making the item. That's a new thing to me, anyway. At least the old way you had the items you were grinding, I'm sure that's why they changed it to kill some of the bloat in the GTN. But it's brutal to start destroying blues like that, vs pumping out a bunch of blues to advance to a purple. It really kills any motivation to make purples while leveling up, and I don't play at the cap, so....blah.

 :headscratch: Weird, I don't remember it ever being like you describe. Old age.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on December 09, 2013, 09:54:00 PM
Leveling up in certain crafts (synthweaving and armormech only, I think), there are occasionally random blue recipes you didn't have to RE for. It doesn't exist in, say, cybertech or whatever. So it's not actually a new thing, some crafts (and Ingmar leveled cybertech first) have always been that way. It's not a change.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Nevermore on December 09, 2013, 09:56:24 PM
I remember Biotech you always had to disassemble or whatever the stuff you made to try and learn the blue and purple space potions and implants (or was it ear pieces?  I forget).

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on December 09, 2013, 10:32:20 PM
It's a change to those you didn't have to RE before. Synthweaving, artifice, armormech are three I'm working and it sucks a bit harder now.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on January 13, 2014, 02:01:05 PM
Still complaining about crafting and RE, heh. I gave up on it for my Assassin, it just burnt up too many resources without leaving me anything to recoup costs. Trying to get it going for some alts, but it's pretty annoying and I generally craft up stuff for all my alts in most mmo.

Finished the Assassin story line, sooo much better than the Bounty Hunter story imo. Lots of !!! moments and real good Sithiness.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on January 13, 2014, 02:05:18 PM
It's not really worth it to RE up to purples except for current-endgame mods and the special biotech stuff, IMO. Even the mods are questionable.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on January 13, 2014, 03:50:37 PM
I found it handy to do so when I first played, it allowed me to solo many of the champion mobs on each planet (powertech/mako) . But then I could dump the blues on the market. I just can't afford to do it now. Even with being overlevel and geared from the next planet's comm vendors, I couldn't tackle any champs with assassin/khem (and later /xalek).

I like to rush one character to cap and then play all the 'alts' /really/ slow and digest the content, poke into all the nooks and crannies and side activities. And be as twinked as possible while doing so. It's about the journey to me, when I hit cap/endgame, the character is done and there's nothing left to do.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Ingmar on January 13, 2014, 03:56:26 PM
Well even doing that, it makes more sense resource/time-wise, I think, to wear orange stuff and invest in keeping your mods up to date, rather than swapping out for purple modless gear all the time. Plus that way you can look flash while you're doing it.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sjofn on January 13, 2014, 04:58:58 PM
Uh, being in purples wasn't exactly the edge your powertech has over your assassin, if you're trying to solo champions without a healer while your powertech had Mako.

Title: Re: 2.5 Preview
Post by: Sky on January 13, 2014, 07:45:20 PM
I agree with both your points. I did try to gear up the assassin's healer buddy but I rely on a tank so I can get in the backstabs (and he's pretty squishy).

As far as oranges vs purps, I only had two outfits the entire time I played the assassin, and they were merely ok, I like changing it up even if some aren't as cool as others. Oranges definitely blow an equivalent purple away even with mostly blue mods installed, but it's a pain to manage all of them for you + companion. And I miss crafting, it's something I've always enjoyed. Buying commendation gear is just kind of lackluster for some reason.

One edge the assassin had in orange gear was being able to nab all the heroic 2+ quest oranges along the way. Being able to knock out one mob and then stealth out of combat if things went pear shape (or just to further break up the group) was really nice. Mostly for instances as the 1m cooldown was a bit long for breaking encounters up in the open world.

Thinking of doing trooper next, though I have a newb marauder I started along with a friend's jugg (she's a comic book artist I know from painting forums, but is in Australia so it's sparse).