
f13.net General Forums => Star Wars: The Old Republic => Topic started by: bhodi on March 16, 2012, 07:31:58 AM

Title: Non-Shien Characters (I'm on Canderous Ordo if you're bored)
Post by: bhodi on March 16, 2012, 07:31:58 AM
A friend of mine's wife gave me a registration code she had lying around at gamestop (I didn't ask) and so I got this game pretty much free. I know that 1.2 has been delayed and I joined at probably the worst time ever, but after a few false starts, having missed the BC boat followed by rolling on a bunch of servers and having them all completely deserted and my real life friends getting bored with this game, I rolled an Inquisitor on Canderous Ordo, the most populous PvE server.

If anyone is still playing this game and is bored and wishes to join me on a server that isn't a complete wasteland, look me up on Imperial side as Bhodi.

Title: Re: Non-Shien Characters (I'm on Canderous Ordo if you're bored)
Post by: ajax34i on March 16, 2012, 08:03:38 AM
I disagree with "worst time ever."  They've fixed a few of the bugs present at release (though not all), and the game is ok as a solo progress through various classes.  That said, I restarted on Shien a while ago (didn't join BC), and after this weekend I'm going to show Bioware by unsubscribing to protest the fact that they're not removing 2 stuck quests from my quest log, so no more play for me until, maybe, after all the 1.2 patching woes are fixed.

Title: Re: Non-Shien Characters (I'm on Canderous Ordo if you're bored)
Post by: bhodi on March 16, 2012, 08:50:34 AM
What I mean by worst time ever after the initial sub rush and before the first real 'content' patch that is supposed to fix a lot of launch issues.