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Author Topic: TOP OR I FEED, A LoL story.  (Read 28285 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2125

Reply #70 on: April 27, 2012, 02:32:39 PM

My guess is AD Soraka was troll second pick and the rest of the team said "fuck it, might as well have some fun with this."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 257

Reply #71 on: April 27, 2012, 03:05:48 PM

Personal favourite is the Janna who rushed Mallet.  There is no escape!
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #72 on: April 30, 2012, 02:53:57 PM


I wish I would have gotten the post match chat in the screenshot.  My team's strategy was "AD Annie is a hard counter to Ryze" and built on that.  Seemed to work as far as the matchup is considered.  She killed him 3 times before I hit level 6 I think. I just pick Soraka, because honestly, I'd rather not be against Soraka. And, she's sadly my best champ at the moment.  10/3 ranked with the unicorn, and in normals I win more than I lose. 

Our lane was super easy as well; easy enough that MF didn't shop until she could buy IE in one trip.  Skarner tried to gank a few times, and we just made him look silly.  With summoner heal, you can keep an AD carry alive through some pretty sick focus.  Like all stupid Ashes, this one built swiftness boots.  Taric was a bit of a madman.  Guy didn't do much in lane, but he furiously led charges to pick off stragglers once we had downed the tower.

Despite this dominance in two lanes, we were pretty meh with the jungle and top.  Vlad was a non factor and died a lot to Teemo.  Jarvan's ganks were pretty bad.  I didn't see the guy hit an E->Q combo all game.  He was also lvl 28, which I haven't seen in a game of mine in a long time.  I guess it balances out the 1500 ELO Annie. 

Plus, this team was trying hard to throw.  It's kind of sad when your 5th pick support is having to tell you to group up, when to push, and when to do Baron when you have a huge advantage and complete map dominance.   For the longest time they just wouldn't respond and kept getting picked off in small packs instead of grouping up.  I guess they didn't want to listen to the one guy that's not part of the group, but it's annoying when you see a team piss a way a huge lead and make dumb play after dumb play.  For all of the lane success that Annie and MF had, they seemed to forget that an over extended and alone AD carry is dead meat.   Taric would just run up, toss stun, and the rest of the team would dogpile on.

Once I got them to Baron, the game was over.  We pushed down lanes and won pretty easy with only a few hiccups when they WOULD NOT BACK.  "Everyone's up, I wouldn't stay." *crickets* "Fine, I'm going".  AN ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN.   Throwing this game would have pissed me off something fierce, so I'm glad it didn't happen.

Starting to get better at ranged AD, at least with Cait.  I've won my lane pretty handily my last two games with her.  Last game I was in the zone for CS; I don't think I missed a single one in the first two waves. Top was awful (1/10 Jax that basically let Lee Sin free farm), however,  and the support didn't ward enough. I tended draw a lot of attention as I got 3/4 man tower dived a lot. Also, the free roaming Kassadin got me once or twice since NO FUCKING WARDS.  I also made one really derpy play when I got heal baited under a tower.  So dumb, and we gave up a double over it.  Still, it's looking better, and I'm not quite as hesitant to play it now as before.

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #73 on: May 01, 2012, 10:07:43 AM


Game 1:


Only show this game because it kind of fits with the theme.  Top lane just snowballs so hard.  That Wukong jumped on Vlad and never got off for the entire game.

Bottom lane was interesting because I was way under-leveled through most of it.  With dodging (well mostly not dodging) Nidalee spears, Cait Qs, and harass from both, I had to hang waaaay back.  Really annoying, but we handled it well.  Once Kog hit 6, lane was over.  They ceased to be scary.

Game 2:



Funny enough, I was almost on the other team, but the team I ended up on had a dodge.  

I start off with my usual,  "Not great at ranged AD or jungle, but I'll play whatever".   So naturally, 4th pick has claimed top, first pick is mid, second is ranged ad, and third pick.. locks Taric.  "Hey guys, remember when I said I'm not good at jungle?" "Ut oh".

So, taking a look at all of that CC, I just decide to use Gangplank.  At some point, I am going to need to eat an orange, perhaps several.  Plus, I'm not worried about ganking, because top is the only lane that's gankable at all.  So, I'd rather just help with burst damage and provide some tankiness.

At lvl 4, after getting red, I notice Irelia is pushing her lane hard.  Against Trynd. Yahoo!  Head top, get first blood after some really nice jukes from Irelia.   Next two times I see her pushed up, I gank top and those result in kills for Tryndamere.  "You don't seem to be that bad at jungling".  

In this game, my map awareness was pretty good.  I saved teammates a lot with some key ults.  I passed off blue and did a decent job warding and controlling objectives.  I counter ganked well.  Had a funny counter gank where I had to stop a big push bot and kind of got caught at the tri-bush area.  Warwick ulted on to me, and I just eat an orange and got away.  That was the last time Warwick ulted me for the entire game.

We're up for most of the match.  People, like the always do, start getting caught.  I got baited pretty bad in my own jungle by Irelia and walked into their entire team, WITH AN ORACLES.   Facepalm  Then I got nailed after warding near mid.   So, we start grouping up better and warding better after they push down all mid towers.  

After losing a team fight, the next team fight takes place at baron.  We go 3 for 2 and get an easy mid tower for it.  This starts to swing it back for us.  We have to recall and a very dead Tyrnd was mad at us for not getting baron instead.  I thought it was the riskier of two options.   Since we had to back, their team rushes to baron.  We hustle over and baron is like 85% dead.  I toss a cannon barrage over him and manage to out smite their jungler.  My first ever baron smite steal results in an ace and Vayne getting a triple kill.  The transition into a late game glacial and frozen heart really paid off the team fights since a great deal of their team relied on attack speed.   After that we managed to finish them off.

This was finally a jungle game where I had a huge effect on the game.  I wasn't sure how we'd get past that much CC and tankiness, but we managed to just brute force our way through it.

And finally, WTF is that Taric build? I appreciate he's moving toward a Randuin's Omen but..  

Terracotta Army
Posts: 4297

Reply #74 on: June 21, 2012, 07:31:22 PM

 WTF, did these people just hit 30 and slam into ranked?

Yes, I did.  why so serious? But seriously, I think a lot of people do and fuck's sake, is it a completely different game in ranked. At my shittastic ELO (hovering around 1000), it's as bad if not worse than unranked solo blind queue, only the douchiness is higher, the bitchy whining is worse and when you lose, fuck me, do you lose hard.

Unranked soloqueue will go right around your win/loss.

So if you're a 1000 ELO player when you start ranked you'll be 1200 unranked which will be 200 effective points above your soloqueue ranking. Ranked will get worse until you're back down to your soloqueue badness.

If you're above 1200 the opposite happens, it starts bad and ends decently.

Re: Schlid

Decay only happens above 1400 ELO [or more]

I play about 1400 soloqueue normal draft[according to lolstats] and atm 1350 ranked solo queue.  I main support and don't tend to duo-queue, but when I do we tend to carry pretty hard. My strongest points are understanding the meta, team fight positioning, and herding/objective control. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


If you think you're better than your current ELO and want to carry i would say that the easiest places to do that, without having to roflstomp your lane* are jungle/support.

Support because it ensures that you have vision and it allows you to be more active in calling/directing traffic. Directing traffic is the single most important skill in ELO elo games. Jungle has the same effect, but it also lets you counter jungle [which is super effective in low ELO games] and snowball your lanes with ganks.

Granted, nothing works all the time,

*If you can rofl stomp your lane then roflstomping your lane is a much better way to carry. Just roflstomp your lane, then go wander into other lanes and roflstomp them. If your ELO drops enough stop playing Jungle/Support. Pick mid/top and roflstomp your lane. You will be able to.

With the new: No ELO loss on dodge, things should be getting easier for low ELO soloqueue people since the people intentionally or unintentionally systematically lowering their ELO will eventually play out of the pool.

Every lane gets destroyed thanks to bot lane of Sona/Ashe somehow getting mauled by Kayle/Alistar.  Then top lane feeds like crazy (actually apologized for playing so badly) and I get to deal with 4 man dives for the rest of my time in game.  Not a fun game. 

Sona/Ashe is really weak to Kayle/Alistar. Alistar is one of the stronger supports, especially against Sona and especially against Ashe. Neither have escapes and both are only strong in raw poke. Alistar can dislocate and kayle will absolutely stomp on the raw damage output once that happens. If Alistar can't get his dislocate on Kayle and Alistar both have sustain[with Alistar's being very strong] to easily counter Sona and Ashe's poke.

I am convinced that the lower your Elo, the more the matchmaker tries to set you up with the shittiest players who are also shitty human beings. The level of skill on the opposing team is almost always of a higher quality than my own team and my team is full of complete shitcocks.

Shitty attitudes correlates with shitty play.

This is showing that I'm either best when I'm playing a mostly support role and enabling my teammates or that I've just had a bad run in solo lanes.   My Ryze results are really, really odd.  I've had mostly good games with him or games where at least I'm not the issue.  But I just don't win.  I also think I get a bit of tunnel vision when I'm in lane and don't attempt to make plays in other lanes.  To be fair to myself, farm is important. But without good wards or good map sense, a MIA opponent will start getting kills and changing the game more than some guy that's getting a hefty CS lead.   I've done 2 "first time" top lanes, which probably isn't something I should do in ranked, but who knows if I'll ever get the role I want in a normal.

With Ryze(easily my best mid champion, since he plays very similarly to an AD carry) one of the things you can do is to push your lane with r and then go roam. Do this immediately after you get any kill. You will have enough MP by the time you make it to the lane you're going to gank. Pick the one thats easiest to get to without being seen and that is furthest pushed. Which means its easier to gank top if you're blue and easier to gank bottom if you're purple.


A note on summoner skills:

1) If you're not taking CV on your support then you damned well better be taking Exhaust. Exhaust is simply the strongest anti-carry ability in the game. -75% auto attack damage and move speed reduction. Let your carry take heal, they don't want to be within 550 of carries lategame unless it doesn't matter that someone has exhaust.

2) IF you're not going to take flash. You must absolutely take exhaust. Heal will not save you nearly as many times as exhaust will.

I wish I would have gotten the post match chat in the screenshot.  My team's strategy was "AD Annie is a hard counter to Ryze" and built on that.  Seemed to work as far as the matchup is considered.  She killed him 3 times before I hit level 6 I think. I just pick Soraka, because honestly, I'd rather not be against Soraka. And, she's sadly my best champ at the moment.  10/3 ranked with the unicorn, and in normals I win more than I lose. 

AD Annie isn't really a hard counter to Ryze. I mean, a good one is but... Ryze has enough range on his abilities that Annie should not be able to AA harass him. It can work in that you're expecting Annie to come into lane with AP and so you build MR first on ryze. Ryze is very strong against annie in general. That guy just got out played.

And finally, WTF is that Taric build? I appreciate he's moving toward a Randuin's Omen but.. 

High harass on Kennen/Sona bottom lane is very strong vs Taric [especially someone who is weak early like Vayne]. So instead of maxing w and adding armor that isn't going to help vs Kennen/Sona's large amount of magic damage he max's q for sustain and just keeps Vayne up. This eats a tonne of mana for which he needs the chalice[the MR helps too]

CDR boots are standard. The only thing that too weird is the Soul Shroud. Vayne doesn't need CDR, its expensive, and vayne also doesn't need the Mana Manip start. Buuuut, mana manip starts were not uncommon ages ago [even after the AD/AP meta switch]
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #75 on: June 22, 2012, 03:25:42 PM

That's.. quite a post. 

I haven't really played since that last post.  I think I had two miserable games before my jaunt to Israel and then just went cold turkey.   

Made a new smurf account to work on mechanics if I play again (named Bad Mechanics).  Played a game today for a laugh and won a 3v5 when our AP Blitz went 19/0/6, I went 5/1 and our Annie did fine as well. I was horrid, but real noobs are real noobs. I suppose this should be a new radicalthon.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 4297

Reply #76 on: June 23, 2012, 02:36:55 AM

Pre lvl 10 games are almost all populated entirely with smurfs and a few people who get beat up on. Even with on my smurfs i don't soloqueue pre 10. I mainly have them to play with other low level people.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4297

Reply #77 on: June 23, 2012, 06:10:15 PM

I suppose if no one minds i will continue this

This is me on lolking:

Mastery used was floating 1, rune page used was MS/AD/ARM/SMR




Pick Order:
BLUE: Darius
PURPLE: Anivia
PURPLE: Shyvanna
BLUE: Alistar
BLUE: Orianna
PURP: Teemo
PURP: Singed
BLUE: Soraka
BLUE: Graves
PURP: Ashe

From pick selection we should have bottom and top lane tied up. Soraka/Graves is very strong against Teemo/Ashe and signed is super hard countered top lane [which is why darius got so fed].

Boots/3 pots start -> Standard jungle path of Wolves-> Blue -> Gank mid[tough to do because of her egg, but valuable because it will snowball Orianna and i am not worried about top]

Gank fails because i can't get aniv in a spot that is valuable and so i clear wraiths/minis/red and head bottom. Ashe spots me with hawkshot but i've got boots, move speed masteries, and move speed quints and they do not. We catch Ashe and I secure the kill[was trying to headbutt teemo, got Ashe instead]. And then i swing mid and I pick up anivia but get killed on the way out by shyvanna. Its 6 minutes and i am heading top after picking up a Sheen when Darius kills singed for the second time.

Donate blue to Ori at 8:15 and she kills Anivia who does not have blue yet. Shyv comes to kill her in the aftermath after i leave and nearly succeeds, and we nearly convert her dive into a kill too, but she has good jukes.

Ashe prematurely flashes at an 11 minute lane gank.

Next item is boots of mobility and oracles and am now i am a ganking machine.

things to watch for

1) Super pro Wish's Soraka turned at least three engagements with this.
2) Alistar tanking tower like its nothing.

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #78 on: June 26, 2012, 08:47:20 PM


Didn't get to finish my Ghostblade.  0.0 DPS

I just ran around headbutting people. I hit my combo as well as Hotshot (I can't do it).  So many derpy plays, but it was just fun.  Just working on getting a feel for everything again and trying not to think too hard in the process.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 08:56:29 PM by Rasix »

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #79 on: October 28, 2012, 07:35:16 PM

Yes, that's me going 14/5 on support Nunu and still building support.  awesome, for real

I got a first blood and a double kill bot when their Xin/Ez combo went balls deep while my ignite was still up.  I KS'd everything (even when I tried not to) and got a lot of kills on cleanup duty after Sivir or someone else derped.

This game was pretty funny as people at this level usually aren't this bad.   At one point our Riven's build was warmogs, maldred and boots.  She was nice, though.  Their ez was pretty bad, we just got super sloppy and got determined at one point to throw the game. Almost every engage, one of our carries got instantly blown up.  Plus, my team was unfortunate enough to have a support Nunu carrying them.

There was one interesting part where I completely set my Sivir up for a penta.  Their team was really low after they got a double kill at Baron, but were too low to finish.  So I blood boil Sivir, hit an ice blast on ez and hit their entire team in my ulti.   Sivir ran.   Facepalm

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Reply #80 on: October 29, 2012, 09:46:08 AM

Sometimes I look at my times and wonder how these people function. When I'm the best player on a team far and away, I can't for the life of me figure out how these folks made it to 30 without throwing their computers out a window. I played a ranked game where I chose Diana mid,the rest of our team was a Mord top (good player), a Soraka support bot (good player) one of the shittiest Shaco's I've ever seen and a Miss Fortune who had her first 2 or 3 levels sitting in the goddam spawn because her dad was asking her something. I was up against a Karthus, they had a Xin and an Evelynn who I think were both jungling/roaming gankers. I lucked out by having all 3 of them try to kill me mid-lane right at the start of the game. They killed me, but had to turret dive to do it and I got kills on both of them - Xin to an ignite and Eve to the turret. From there I just steamrolled. There wasn't a single encounter I had that didn't involve me getting at least 1 kill or 1 or 2 assists even when I died. By the time it was over, Mord could just barrel into turrets and take them out no matter the opposition, and the entire opposing team just melted left and right. We even managed a Baron steal that got us 3 out of 5 kills on the team as well. As bad as my team was on the whole, the other team was infinitely worse.

I can't wait for the soft elo reset. I'm hoping it at least raises my elo some so that I get better teammates. Maybe even 4 others of at least my mediocre quality or better.

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