
f13.net General Forums => World of Warcraft => Topic started by: Righ on May 11, 2005, 10:22:21 PM

Title: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Righ on May 11, 2005, 10:22:21 PM

Patch notes (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/test-realm-patchnotes.html)

Test realms are doing a fair bit of crashing, and in a startling turn of irony, the Alliance appears to be outnumbered, causing short queues for Horde players eager to get an even match-up.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Trippy on May 11, 2005, 11:10:50 PM
There's some good stuff in that patch, with Blizzard finally fixing (capitulating on) problems that have been in the game from at least closed beta if not longer.

Edit: Haha, this one cracks me up:
Everyone's favorite Alliance quest, "Deep Ocean, Vast Sea" now gives a substantial coin reward in addition to the choice of item.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Samprimary on May 12, 2005, 02:22:06 AM

Paladins can use sprinting boots after grabbing the flag and putting up their invinci-shield.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: SurfD on May 12, 2005, 04:06:31 AM

Paladins can use sprinting boots after grabbing the flag and putting up their invinci-shield.

Word has it that they will be patching it so that the Pally auto drops the flag if he shields.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: schild on May 12, 2005, 04:10:11 AM
Paladins can use sprinting boots after grabbing the flag and putting up their invinci-shield.
Word has it that they will be patching it so that the Pally auto drops the flag if he shields.

That's not even nerfing. That's making a special exception. Bad Design++

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: SurfD on May 12, 2005, 04:28:23 AM
i dont know, I imagine they would probably also do something like

Rogues: You stealth, you drop it
Druids: you cat form, you stealth, you drop it
Warlocks: You summon someone, they drop it.

All: You mount, you drop it.

I am pretty sure it was never intended for a Paladin to go invuln while holding the Flag, though how something so obvious got through i have no idea

And whats this sprinting boots thing you are talking about? Is it a trinket effect? A paladin talent? what?

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Jayce on May 12, 2005, 05:33:06 AM
Edit: Haha, this one cracks me up:
Everyone's favorite Alliance quest, "Deep Ocean, Vast Sea" now gives a substantial coin reward in addition to the choice of item.

About time.  That is the most annoying quest evar.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Merusk on May 12, 2005, 09:29:11 AM
Some nice stuff in there.  Casters will be happy for the autoshoot feature of their wands. I'm happy Volley damage is being increased for my hunter.  It always felt kind of pathetic to do just 66 damage a hit and then watch Pallys or Mages spam kill with their AOEs.  I still dobut I'll be able to kill anyone with a brain in PvP, but I'm enjoying my pwnage in massed battles.

These two for warriors caught my eye.
Blood Craze - Talent design changed. It now regenerates 1/2/3% of the warrior's total health over 6 seconds after being the victim of a critical strike.
New Fury Talent: Dual Wield Specialization - Increases damage with the off-hand weapon by 5/10/15/20/25%. Note: the additional damage also increases rage generation significantly.

This is a much better design concept for Blood Craze, but I'd have to check my combat log more closely to see if that 3% was anything more than a once in a blue moon occurance.  As for Dual Wield spec,  I'm dual wielding right now and not having any problems with rage generation.  Increasing that 'significantly' would make me giddy like a schoolgirl and might just be enough to make me look at fury over some of my Arms line stuff.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Jayce on May 12, 2005, 10:08:02 AM

These two for warriors caught my eye.
Blood Craze - Talent design changed. It now regenerates 1/2/3% of the warrior's total health over 6 seconds after being the victim of a critical strike.
New Fury Talent: Dual Wield Specialization - Increases damage with the off-hand weapon by 5/10/15/20/25%. Note: the additional damage also increases rage generation significantly.


Could someone repost the patch notes here?  I can't access WOW.com from here.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Rasix on May 12, 2005, 10:10:11 AM
Patch 1.5 Changes

****Battlegrounds arrive!****

    * The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley battlegrounds are now available. The Warsong Gulch entrances may be found in the northern Barrens near the Mor'Shan Rampart (Horde) and south of Silverwing Outpost in Ashenvale (Alliance). The Alterac Valley entrances may be found east of Sofera's Naze in Alterac (Horde), and in the Headlands of Alterac (Alliance).


    * Wands - The Shoot Wand ability is now a toggle. While active, it will continue attacking with the equipped wand until some other action is taken (movement, spellcasting, item use, etc...).
    * Pet speed has been increased when out of combat and following their master.
    * Berserking (Troll Racial) - Updated tooltip to clarify ability only usable following a melee critical.
    * Hardiness (Orc Racial) - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.
    * It should no longer be possible to disarm traps created by friendly players.


    * Honor system
          o Dishonorable kills - gained by killing a trivial Civilian NPC - now has a negative impact on a player's honor. Enough dishonorable kills will reduce a player's rank all the way to zero.
          o Players may now see an "estimated contribution point value" in the combat log for an honorable kill. Note that this value does not take diminishing returns against the same player into account, and is therefore "estimated".
          o "Team Contribution Points" has been renamed to "Honor"
          o Added tooltips to the different elements of the Honor System UI.
          o Players will see their last week's kill data in the "Last Week" section of the Honor System UI even if they did not achieve the 25 honorable kills required to gain standing or rank.
          o Fixed a bug where the PvP trinket rewards were not always removing the effects they were designed to remove (e.g. Polymorph, Fear, Stun).
    * Sitting characters will now stand up immediately after an attack, even if stunned.
    * Players can no longer swap inventory gear while dueling.
    * Dueling is now allowed within Everlook.


    * The Hunter Epic quest has had some of its Demonic Corrupters retuned. It should also be noted that Hunters that attempt to bypass the single player portion of the encounter by using another class to do their tasks will fail the quest in a most glorious fashion.
    * Tranquilizing Shot - Is now properly affected by Efficiency and Hawk Eye talents.
    * Unleashed Fury - Fixed a bug where the damage increase was lower than stated in the tooltip. It should now increase damage by the listed amount.
    * Growl - Rank 1 effect improved.
    * Volley - Damage increased.
    * Pet speed has been increased when out of combat and following their master.
    * Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now summon/resurrect your current pet when the Hunter is resurrected.
    * Unstabling dead pets no longer puts players into a degenerate state where their pet only partially exists. Unstabled dead pets can now be properly revived, and players can no longer train more pets than their stable can hold.
    * Fixed a bug where magic shots were missing too frequently when used on a target with Blessing of Protection active.


    * Mage Armor - Now has a new, unique icon.


    * Fixed a bug where a Hunter's magic shots were missing too frequently when used on a target with Blessing of Protection active.


    * Inner Fire - Now stacks with other effects that increase attack power and armor.
    * Holy Nova - Cooldown decreased.
    * Feedback - Casting a higher rank of the spell will now replace an existing, lower level effect.
    * Unbreakable Will - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.


    * Riposte - Fixed a bug where the ability was not usable against a disarmed or unarmed target.
    * Vanish - Should be a lot more responsive when used to avoid incoming attacks.


    * Fixed a bug where Fire Nova, Flametongue, Stoneclaw and Windfury Totems had incorrect level caps when cast by higher level shaman. All totems should now be summoned at the level of the caster.
    * Flametongue Totem - Tooltip updated to clarify that only the main-hand weapon is enchanted.
    * Windfury Totem - Tooltip updated to clarify that only the main-hand weapon is enchanted.
    * Fire Resistance Totem - New icon.
    * Frost Resistance Totem - New icon.
    * Grounding Totem - Fixed a bug that allowed some area of effect spells to be "grounded" and/or destroy the totem.


    * Improved Drain Mana - Damage caused is now considered Shadow damage and is no longer reduced by armor.
    * Improved Voidwalker - Now increases all Voidwalker spells (now also including Sacrifice) by 10/20/30%.
    * Improved Succubus - Now increases Succubus spells by 10/20/30%.
    * Master Summoner - In addition to decreasing casting time of summoning the Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus and Felhunter, it now reduces mana cost by 20/40%.
    * Improved Enslave Demon - In addition to reducing the attack speed and casting speed penalty of enslaved demons, it now reduces the resist chance of Enslave Demon by 2/4/6/8/10%.
    * Demonic Sacrifice - Is now instant cast.
    * Improved Firestone - Now also improves the bonus Fire spell damage of Firestones by 15/30%.
    * Inferno - The summoned Infernal will now be enslaved for 5 minutes before turning on its summoner.
    * Drain Mana - Targets with no mana will no longer be valid for Drain Mana (Rank 4), making it consistent with all other ranks of the spell.
    * Improved Drain Mana - Damage caused by this talent is now improved by the Shadow Mastery talent.
    * Conflagrate - Range increased.
    * Siphon Life - Is now instant cast, damage increased.
    * Paranoia - No longer causes threat when cast.
    * War Stomp (Doomguard) - Now has a maximum of 5 targets.
    * Pet speed has been increased when out of combat and following their master.
    * Honorable kills will now generate a Soul Shard when Drain Soul and Shadowburn are used.
    * Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now resurrect your last Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus or Felhunter. If the Doomguard or Infernal were the last active pet or the previous pet was killed before the Warlock, an Imp will be summoned.
    * Improved Curse of Agony - Fixed a bug where Curse of Agony (rank 1) was not improved by the talent. The talent will now work properly with all ranks of Curse of Agony.


    * Deathwish - Is now usable while under a Fear effect, which will also remove the Fear effect.
    * Overpower - Fixed a bug where the ability was sometimes blocked.
    * Improved Cleave - Now increases damage bonus by 40/80/120%.
    * Blood Craze - Talent design changed. It now regenerates 1/2/3% of the warrior's total health over 6 seconds after being the victim of a critical strike.
    * New Fury Talent: Dual Wield Specialization - Increases damage with the off-hand weapon by 5/10/15/20/25%. Note: the additional damage also increases rage generation significantly.
    * Iron Will - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.
    * Enrage - Increased the number of charges to 12. Decreased the duration to 12 seconds. The new duration is the limiting factor for slower weapons (e.g. Arcanite Reaper will typically get one less swing), while dual wielding and faster weapons will make better use of all of the charges over the duration of the ability.
    * Concussion Blow - Changed to an instant, stunning attack and removed the damage portion.
    * Shield Specialization - In addition to increasing % chance to block, it now gives the warrior a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to generate 1 rage on a successful block.


    * The following item sets have had their statistics, effects, and set bonuses updated: Arcanist, Netherwind, Prophecy, Transcendence, Felheart, Nemesis, Cenarion, Stormrage, Nightslayer, Bloodfang, Giantstalker, Dragonstalker, Earthfury, Ten Storms, Might, Wrath, Lawbringer, and Judgement.
    * Mature Blue Dragon Sinew and The Eye of Shadow can both now drop off appropriate level demonic and blue dragonkin monsters. It should be noted that both Lord Kazzak and Azuregos will guarantee a drop of the aforementioned items but to get the items from the lesser creatures will be a much rarer occurrence.
    * Essence of Eranikus now has a poison cloud graphic around it when used.
    * Murloc Scale Belt and Breastplate recipes now are white items instead of green since they are vendor bought.
    * Gryphon Mail Gauntlets now have a proper inventory icon.
    * Ogre Toothpick Shooter now uses the proper attack animation.
    * Distracting Dagger now sheathes properly.
    * Mountain Giants in Feralas now drop loot more appropriate to their elite status.
    * The Druid of the Claw quest in Teldrassil will now provide a weapon choice more appropriate for low level Night Elves.
    * The Dreadmist set now has a bonus for wearing all 8 pieces of the set.
    * Cutthroat's Loincloth name changed to Cutthroat's Pants.
    * Ritual Kilt name changed to Ritual Leggings.
    * Felstriker effect's name changed to Felstriker to reflect the previously patched item name change.
    * Ogre Pocket Knife, Peacemaker, and Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers now sheathe properly.
    * Dragonbreath Chili's effect visual fixed.
    * The Oblivion's Touch wand properly shoots now.
    * Deepstrider Tumors are now a 100% drop off Deepstrider sea giants in Desolace.
    * New art has been added for Nightslayer, Lawbringer, and Beaststalker's item sets.
    * The Arcanist Crown has updated art.


    * New Engineering firework recipe added.
    * Added leatherworking recipe for mid level blue bracers.
    * Dragonbreath Chili proc rate has been reduced.
    * Restorative Elixir name changed to Resorative Potion with potion cooldown timer. Functionality has been changed so it should be more effective as it now dispels one harmful effect every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.
    * Two new transporter recipes have been added, with one for gnomish and one for goblin engineers. Gnomish engineers can get their recipe from Gadgetzan, Goblin engineers from Everlook.
    * Tribal Leatherworkers who have restarted their profession are now able to relearn the various Wild Leather patterns if they've already completed the quests prior to restarting the profession. Speak with Pratt McGrubben (Alliance) or Jangdor Swiftstrider (Horde) in Feralas to relearn what you once knew!
    * Small Throrium Veins now sometimes will have Emeralds or Diamonds.
    * Engineering Vendors now sell Blacksmith's Hammers.
    * Both types of the engineer made Jumper Cables now share a cooldown. It was never intended to allow a player to use jumper cables XL and jumper cables within the same period of time.
    * Solid Dynamite was inadvertently broken in the 1.4 patch to require harder materials than it should. This has been fixed.
    * Wicked Leather Bracers Plan is no longer bind on acquire.
    * Jumper Cables no longer have a chance to break when they fail.
    * Elemental Flux added to blacksmith vendors.

Raids & Dungeons

    * Molten Core
    * Firesworns that are moved too far away from Garr will now become quite enraged until they move closer to Garr.
    * The eruptions from the lava in Ragnaros's Lair will now always happen while Ragnaros is in combat. However, these lava eruptions occur less frequently, do less damage, and the damage they inflict is now resistable.
    * The maximum range of the Wrath of Ragnaros spell has been increased.

# Additional new raid items have been added to the treasure lists for Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and bosses in Molten Core.
# Onyxia - Fixed a bug that was causing Onyxia's Tail sweep to no longer cause knockback. Quests

    * Searing Gorge has a new quest hub for both Alliance and Horde players called Thorium Point. The supported level ranges are 45-52. Craftsmen will be happy to know that the Thorium Brotherhood has opened up many new opportunities to gain favor amongst their clan (even for level 60 players).
    * The Hinterlands has a new Horde quest hub known as Revantusk Village, located on the eastern coastline. Horde players level 44-52 are encouraged to visit Revantusk Village and assist the Revantusk with their myriad problems and tasks!
    * All members of both the Horde and Alliance are reporting low stockpiles of various textile resources! Donations of cloth are now being accepted in the following locations: Darnassus, Stormwind, and Ironforge for the Alliance; Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff for the Horde. Seek out an official Cloth Quartermaster for more information.
    * Several quests have been added to Feralas for level 45-52 characters.
    * Krueg Skullsplitter has moved from Thousand Needles to a more appropriate location at Camp Mojache in Feralas.
    * Highlord Demitrian is back! For those players unraveling the mysteries of Thunderaan, you may once more speak with the Highlord.
    * Dwarven Priests may now undertake the Molten Core discovery quest; "Attunement to the Core." By fixing this bug, we had to open the quest to all players once more. If you have already done the quest, you will not be required to do it again in order to access the Molten Core via the portal.
    * Highlord Bolvar Fordragon should no longer despawn when "The Great Masquerade" is activated.
    * Characters on the "A Strange Historian" quest are now correctly prompted to find Chromie in the northwest corner of Andorhal, where she and the ruined inn have been moved to.
    * The Gordok Courtyard Key and the Gordok Inner Door Key are now zone bound items. These items only exist within the Dire Maul zone instance, and players will lose these keys from their inventory if they leave the zone.
    * Everyone's favorite Alliance quest, "Deep Ocean, Vast Sea" now gives a substantial coin reward in addition to the choice of item.
    * Rage Scar Yetis in Feralas no longer give the quest item for the "Mark of Quality" quest.
    * Completing the "Mark of Quality" quest now gives Darnassus and Thunder Bluff faction increase where appropriate.
    * Merideth Carlson should only hand out her free horse feed now to people who have already completed the quest for it.
    * The "Unfinished Gordok Business" quest has been fixed to allow certain Human Priests access to it who had difficulty previously.
    * Sea Elementals and Sea Sprays in Feralas should now be giving out the proper version of Oglethorpe's distress beacon.
    * The end of the Paladin Epic Mount quest "Grimand's Finest Work" now makes it clearer that Lord Shadowbreaker's acquisition of the Arcanite Barding is only temporary.
    * Jeziba in the Ruins of Andorhal now faces the correct direction when pointing to his Catalogue of the Wayward.
    * Fraggar Thundermantle now correctly tells you to return to him, and not his evil, two-eyed twin, Frobe Thundermantle when completing the Skull Rock Clean-up quest.
    * The Branch of Cenarius no longer drops off of Prince Raze. It now properly only drops off of Geltharis for the quest, The Branch of Cenarius.
    * Failed quests will now indicate (Failed) in the quest log so it is easier to see them.
    * Typos fixed in the Paladin Epic Mount quests.

User Interface

    * Innkeepers around the world now have a gossip option that lets you join a meeting stone directly from the innkeeper rather than going to the location of the meeting stone. Also these Innkeepers will now have background lore about each of the dungeons.
    * Levels Required for meeting stones have been increased. The intent is that a group will not receive party members from a meeting stone that don't really have a chance of completing the dungeon.
    * Meeting Stones have had their rules for what players are grouped with what other players relaxed. This means groups who use meeting stones (or innkeepers) should have their groups formed much more quickly than they were previously.
    * Pets of other party members will now display in the party UI. You can see pet health and harmful effects on the pet. You can turn this functionality on and off in the Interface Options menu.
    * Players can now target other players in a raid by clicking on their name in the raid window. Additional Raid UI improvements coming soon.
    * Added visual effects for healing power and spell power enchantments.
    * Your main action bar now displays the number of the bar that you are currently displaying.
    * In Master Looter mode, items are no longer opened up for looting by all party members after the round-robin looter closes their loot window. The Loot Master always distributes items over the loot threshold.
    * Rolling on items while charmed/hexed/etc. now works, as does /random and receiving items from the master looter.
    * When a player dies in an instance and then uses the spirit healer, the body in the instance now turns to bones.
    * Players can no longer mail or auction an item that they've just disenchanted.
    * When a ghost player is resurrected into an instance that has become full, they no longer come to life wherever their ghost happens to be standing. Instead, they get ported to the closest graveyard.
    * Players must now bind a bind-on-equip bag to put in into a purchased bank bag slot.
    * Items split from stacks can now be dropped directly into (or onto) bank bags without any mysterious error messages.
    * Added a "Maximize" windowed video option which will maximize the game window and remove the borders for a fullscreen experience which allows popup windows.
    * Trying to use a hearthstone, consumable, etc. while logging out now displays a more appropriate message: "Another action is in progress."
    * The login interface files are now checked to make sure they haven't been tampered with or corrupted. This is to improve account security in public game rooms.
    * Added the function TargetNearestPartyMember() to the UI scripting system.

World Environment

    * The Thorium Brotherhood faction is now peaceful - players cannot go to war with them.
    * The Wildhammer Clan in the Hinterlands is now a peaceful faction to the Alliance, meaning Alliance players cannot intentionally declare war on them.
    * A new graveyard has been added near the east coast of the Hinterlands at the Overlook Cliffs.
    * The two Hinterlands graveyards are now using a system that will ensure that the spirits of dead characters go to the closest graveyard.
    * Buliwyf Stonehand, the dwarven weapon master in Ironforge, now properly tells you about the weapons that Woo Ping can train you in, instead of talking about himself. He does like going on about his own martial prowess.
    * Krinkle Goodsteel of Gadgetzan submitted a complaint to the local Repairer's Union and has had his ability to repair durability reinstated.
    * Brave Wildrunner of Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore no longer patrols through the kodo mounts.
    * Added new load screens for Deadmines, Wailing Caverns, Uldaman, Razorfen Downs, and Zul Farrak.
    * Discovering Valor's Rest now also pops the Southwind Village puzzle piece on the Silithus area map.
    * Many of the Swift Mounts have gained eye glows and some have had other tweaks made to them to improve their looks.
    * Additional mithril nodes have been added in Un'Goro crater
    * Genavie Callow in Undercity is now properly on the Undercity faction.
    * The Grow effect that Bom'bay in Sen'jin Village would sometimes cast on characters was reduced from 100% to 50% growth.
    * The Lazy Peons in The Valley of Trials now make a wood chopping sound when they are hacking at the trees.
    * The Dark Summoners of the Eastern Plaguelands have finally fully materialized and are no longer ghostly in appearance.
    * In Silverpine Forest on Fenris Island, moved a Rot Hide Plague Weaver's spawn point from inside a tree.
    * Neeka Bloodscar of Kargath no longer speaks as if she is in the Barrens.

Flight Paths

    * New Horde Flight Paths
          o Valormok in Azshara - Bloodvenom Post in Felwood
          o Kargath in Badlands - Thorium Point in Searing Gorge
          o Flame Crest in Burning Steppes - Thorium Point in Searing Gorge
          o Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad - Revantusk Village in Hinterlands
          o Undercity - Revantusk Village in Hinterlands
    * New Alliance Flight Paths
          o Ironforge - Thorium Point in Searing Gorge
          o Morgan's Vigil in the Burning Steppes - Thorium Point in Searing Gorge
    * The flight path from Undercity to Kargath no longer clips into the ground just south of Dalaran.

Bug Fixes

    * Fixed bug causing all tailoring recipes to show up as "orange"

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Paelos on May 12, 2005, 10:10:33 AM
Yes DW warriors just become FOTM with this patch.

I for one am happy about this. I played a blademaster in DAOC and wanted to translate that to WoW.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Righ on May 12, 2005, 10:20:33 AM
> Hardiness (Orc Racial) - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.

> Unbreakable Will - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.

> Iron Will - Fixed a bug that caused many abilities to ignore the additional resistance.

Orc + Iron Will could be interesting now.

> All members of both the Horde and Alliance are reporting low stockpiles of various textile resources! Donations of cloth are now being accepted in the following locations: Darnassus, Stormwind, and Ironforge for the Alliance; Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff for the Horde. Seek out an official Cloth Quartermaster for more information.

Grind lowbie humanoids for alternate mounts.

>  When a player dies in an instance and then uses the spirit healer, the body in the instance now turns to bones.

Bye bye and good riddance to the repair exploit.

>  Players can no longer mail or auction an item that they've just disenchanted.

Errr. Way to wake every sploiting retard up to the fact that there's a dupe bug that won't be fixed for at least a week.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Pococurante on May 12, 2005, 10:50:38 AM
It should also be noted that Hunters that attempt to bypass the single player portion of the encounter by using another class to do their tasks will fail the quest in a most glorious fashion.


<3 Blizz

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Righ on May 12, 2005, 10:56:25 AM
Yes DW warriors just become FOTM with this patch.

I for one am happy about this. I played a blademaster in DAOC and wanted to translate that to WoW.

Initial tests show it to still be a little less than optimal for a pure offensive warrior. The DW is tier 4 along with enrage, which is needed to take advantage of the new fast weapon benefit there. This means 25+ in Fury and precludes 1H from protection.
21/30 flurry spec is fun though, and lends itself to high DPS fast 1H weapons. Like Finkle's Skinner. Odd to see that become so potent.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Jobu on May 12, 2005, 11:34:13 AM
* Restorative Elixir name changed to Resorative Potion with potion cooldown timer. Functionality has been changed so it should be more effective as it now dispels one harmful effect every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.

Booooo!!! Those potions rocked on seperate timers. Before they would clear up to 5 effects instantly, too. Now I have to sit and wait for the other ones to clear off after the first. Bummer. These were my ultimate "get of jail" card when I get DoTed and Marked.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: sidereal on May 12, 2005, 11:45:39 AM
>  Players can no longer mail or auction an item that they've just disenchanted.

Errr. Way to wake every sploiting retard up to the fact that there's a dupe bug that won't be fixed for at least a week.

Ahaaaaaa!  So that's how all those prancing jackasses were able to disenchant Felstriker etc.  I always thought it was stupid but ballsy.  Now I realize there's a good chance they just mailed it to an alt first.  Less ballsy, more irritating.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 11:47:11 AM
Glad to know they haven't rethought the idea of only making 1 accessible instance for each battleground, thus ensuring waiting lines to get in on peak nights.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 12, 2005, 11:57:52 AM

    * Mage Armor - Now has a new, unique icon.

Right on!  We've really been waiting for this.  As a mage I must say this was a game breaker.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Paelos on May 12, 2005, 11:58:00 AM
Glad to know they haven't rethought the idea of only making 1 accessible instance for each battleground, thus ensuring waiting lines to get in on peak nights.

Yes, the phrase "clusterfuck of epic proportions" probably started floating around in memos.

Then again, it was floating around at SOE for a while, and the CU still came out for SWG.

Go figure.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Trippy on May 12, 2005, 12:22:05 PM
Glad to know they haven't rethought the idea of only making 1 accessible instance for each battleground, thus ensuring waiting lines to get in on peak nights.
Each Battleground does have multiple instances, but the number is fixed so you will have queues during busy times:


Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 12, 2005, 12:23:07 PM
Glad to know they haven't rethought the idea of only making 1 accessible instance for each battleground, thus ensuring waiting lines to get in on peak nights.

I may be misunderstanding you, but nobody outside the usual tinfoil-hat WOW SUX brigade ever thought Battlegrounds would not be instanced.

The following is a step by step process regarding the battlegrounds queue system. The battlegrounds are instanced, and have a limit as to how many players can enter, though this number is unique for each battleground. Thus, we have implemented a system to allow players to play in whichever battleground they choose, or join their friends in a specific battleground instance.

1. You join the battleground queue by running into a swirling red portal. Alliance can only go into the Alliance portal, and Horde only into Horde portal, and each faction will have their own entrance, protected by NPCs.

2. Once you run into the red portal, a dialogue box appears with the following:

First Available – Go into any instance as soon as a spot becomes available.
Alterac Valley 1 – Choose the instance you want to join. Could result in longer wait time
Alterac Valley 2

The numbers indicate the instance, so that players inside the instance can let their friends know which instance to enter.

3. After you select an option, you are in the queue, and a battle standard icon will appear in the lower left area of the minimap, letting you know your queue status. By right clicking this icon, you can either change the instance you want to join, or leave the queue completely.

4. While you are in a queue, you are free to go wherever and do whatever. You do not have to be in a certain area. Once you are ready to join, you will be teleported into the battleground from any location in the world.

5. If it is your turn to join the battleground, a popup dialogue box will appear asking whether you are ready to join, or if you want to hide the dialogue box. If you click Hide, you will have 10 minutes total to choose whether to join the battle, or leave completely. Again, these options will be available through the battle standard icon.

**If you are in a queue for one battleground, and travel to another battleground and enter the queue there, the new queue will replace the old one, and you will lose your chance to participate in the first battleground.

Continuous improvement

The dev team still considers the battlegrounds to be in “beta”. The current step is to open them up for public feedback, and based on feedback and analysis of their performance in the public test realms, the dev team will make further improvements to each battleground.

Grouping in Battlegrounds

One item that is still in development, is group battle functionality. Currently, if you are grouped and one person in the group attempts to join a battleground, all members of the group will be in line to join the same battleground. There is no guarantee that all members of your group will be able to join the same instance. This and more advanced group battle features are being worked on for future updates.

Of course, it sucks for Alliance players who can't arrange a fight with Horde guild and are forced to wait for a spot to open on the "first available" list, but fuck easymoder manginas anyway.

edit: beaten again

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: HaemishM on May 12, 2005, 12:24:52 PM
If there are queues, it's fucking retarded and needs to be rethought. If it HAS to be queued because they can't make it work without queing, double pigfucker quotient.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Fabricated on May 12, 2005, 12:29:31 PM
I predict a horde of duel-wielding fury spec warriors wondering why they're nigh-worthless in instances despite being better at PvP.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 12, 2005, 12:35:04 PM
If there are queues, it's fucking retarded and needs to be rethought. If it HAS to be queued because they can't make it work without queing, double pigfucker quotient.

Well, if there are 300 Horde players and 600 Alliance players wanting to battleground, you are gonna have (a) queues (b) alliance fighting alliance or (c) 2:1 Hilsbrad style gankfests in every BG.  I'd probably go with (b) but have no problem with (a).  Maybe some of the MOMMIE I WANT IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW players will switch from Alliance to Horde to get their immediate gratification fix.  Of course, then they would have to learn to jack off to some orc female's pixilated ass, so there are some barriers to entry there.

There'll be queues anyway.  On a 10 on 10 battlefield, you have to wait for 9 other people on your team to sign up, unless you want Blizzard to send a biker gang to 9 players' homes and force them to log on and play with you.  I have no doubt someone will whine about that too.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Rasix on May 12, 2005, 12:56:33 PM
Looks like vanish will suck less.  I'll believe it when I see it.

I really, really hope these battlegrounds are loads of fun.  They might be the only thing that keeps me playing. 

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Sky on May 12, 2005, 01:10:55 PM
Some good stuff in there.

I cancelled earlier this week. A little Planetside for pvp, and summertime for everything else ;)

From the sounds, though, I'll have some fun stuff awaiting me this fall if I decide to return.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: tazelbain on May 12, 2005, 01:36:02 PM
If there is no queues than the population imbalances outside battlegrounds would translate to imbalances inside the battlegrounds.

I think I would be all over this if GW wasn't rocking my sockes.

Are there battlegrounds for new players?

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Lantien on May 12, 2005, 02:18:30 PM
Here are some initial reactions. As a warrior main, I honestly don't know the ins and outs of all classes, so if something smells funny, clarification would be lovely. I didn't link any forum posts, because I'm lazy, and scanning all these angry whiny forum posts is pain enough.

- Already claiming that one of their talents, Nightfall, isn't proccing at all.
- on the other hand, Siphon Life apparently is instant cast, which they like.

- Appear to be livid that caster classes can autoshoot. The belief is that autoshooting from range using a weapon should be the special domain of the Hunter. Caster classes are trying to point out that the DPS isn't even remotely in the realm of the hunter, and it's very difficult to cast spells and shoot with the wand at the same time. Hunters still angry.

- In addition, Pet Growl/Taunt may be busted.

Mages & Priests: Generally like the autoshooting of wands. Noticing that they can't really cast anything, even instant cast spells easily in between shooting bursts, but it's something. Priests apparently are not noticing any stealth nerfs, forums aren't exploding... yet.

- Purple Elite MC-level gear got coverted from general stat boots, into Int/Stam gear. The general perception is that Blizzard is shoehorning them away from full bodied hitters, into glorified healbots in tincans. Paladins are now wondering why Blizzard doesn't address their problems after months of complaining (see Warriors, a few months ago).

-Shapeshift = lose all your buffs. Blizzard Community Managers are trying to reassure that this is a bug, but Druids are concerned that this bug won't be dealt with in time, and may go live.

Warrior: Combination of relief and rage.
- Dual Wield spec is making most of the dual wield fanboys/girls very happy. General field observation are that the rage generation is a bit faster with dual wield. My guess is that this was brought to the attention of the Devs when Warriors were really broken, so their push to fix the Fury tree and then the Protection tree was in the queue a long time ago. If that's the case, sounds like there's a 3-4 patch lag between addressing that there is a need for change, and actually making a change.

As mentioned earlier, this will probably start a movement for warriors to start branching into dual-wielding as a main ability, with sword/board when in instances. The truly heretical, taking a cue from very well-armored Arms/Fury warriors with really good group mates, will begin to advocate using dual-wield in instances, as opposed to using 1h/Shield. While I don't thnk that it will be quite a "flavor of the month" sort of issue, I think a build that's built around speed will bring some fresh air into builds that have been all about the slowest weapon possible so far. In addition, it's arguable that fast weapon speeds don't play all that well with the big money talents of the arms tree. As a result, you could actually begin to see more Fury/Protection builds crop up, where the fury tree people try to take advantage of the 1h weapon spec, and at the same time, stay viable in instances with protection skills.

- Like Paladins, Purple Elite MC-level gear got "nerfed". Went from giving +crits to +defense, and some +blocking, apparently. Arms/Fury and Arms/Protection crit builds are outraged that they've wasted DKP points. Protection heavy builds are silently cheering the change, noting that with the new gear, it's boosting the ability of blocking, with the right armor.

Most likely, I think what we're seeing is a major push in gear acquisition. I wouldn't be shocked to see end-game guilds are going through MC and Oxynia runs once a lockout period for new gear, and then having to make a choice as to what they put their focus on for the rest of their time.  Either running instances endlessly for cash/minor improvements in loot, or the focus on getting high level guys higher up the ladder for the PVP gear, which is much more crit/PVP flavored.

I think, especially on PVP servers, you're going to see guilds split up and reform over this, as people who prefer to be better in raw combat, begin to instance fewer than 4 hours a day, and shift more towards running PVP. Or, the truly dedicated (crazy) will attempt to do both, having a set of armor for PVP, and a set of armor for Instances.

Nothing really caught my eye with respect to Rogues.  Didn't really scan too much about Shaman reactions, as I'm playing on the Alliance side, sorry.

- Battlegrounds, people seem to be complaining about how much money you spend fixing your gear when you die. I'm assuming this may be addressed, since if you want the unguilded, who don't have fat stacks of cash to fall back on to play, you'll want them not cite bankruptcy as a reason to not even bother to try your newest addition to gameplay. Not surprisingly, BG are also bugged up the wazoo: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-realm-test&t=24395&s=new&tmp=1#new

- The CTF battleground has some problems, the biggest being that Paladins can shield up with the flag and run home unmolested. Blizzard claims that shouldn't be happening, and will address that before the game patches on live servers (hopefully).

- Blizzard put in a fix on an exploit, something to do with disenchanting something while it's being prepared to be mailed, causing a sort of dupe bug where you have the result, as well as the original item. Unfortunately, but mentioning that, it's going to encourage many curious disenchanters to try it out. Oh well, enjoy your lower shard prices this week!

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: naum on May 12, 2005, 02:31:13 PM
Even with autoshoot, wands still suck and nowhere near the DPS from Hunter rifle (especially with the additional abilities that jack up the DPS for a hunter, esp. Range specced Hunter).

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Kageru on May 12, 2005, 04:28:58 PM

The battlefields sound like they are being well received. Given that they will introduce a tactical element to battles, and provide awards for objectives other than kill count, there may well be a role for a defensive warrior in them. I'm delighted with the new armor changes but it's also obvious that they intend warriors to desire multiple armor sets. This includes limiting the resistances on the MC armor so that you'll eventually want multiple suits of PvE armor.

I don't expect duel wield to become the dominant PvP style, although it will be more common certainly. The advantage of MS has always been burst damage. Giving fury users more rage, when the best rage to DPS dump is still the un-inspiring heroic strike, is sort of pointless.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Pococurante on May 12, 2005, 04:46:12 PM
Mages & Priests: Generally like the autoshooting of wands. Noticing that they can't really cast anything, even instant cast spells easily in between shooting bursts, but it's something. Priests apparently are not noticing any stealth nerfs, forums aren't exploding... yet.
Even with autoshoot, wands still suck and nowhere near the DPS from Hunter rifle (especially with the additional abilities that jack up the DPS for a hunter, esp. Range specced Hunter).

That was my take on it too.  My favored class is hunter and my secondary is a priest - when I read the patch note my immediate thought was "why the hell would I want to put myself on auto-disrupt".  If I've exhausted mana and all I have is a repeating squirtgun I've got bigger problems to deal with.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Righ on May 12, 2005, 10:20:02 PM
- Appear to be livid that caster classes can autoshoot. The belief is that autoshooting from range using a weapon should be the special domain of the Hunter. Caster classes are trying to point out that the DPS isn't even remotely in the realm of the hunter, and it's very difficult to cast spells and shoot with the wand at the same time. Hunters still angry.

- In addition, Pet Growl/Taunt may be busted.

Hunters have cause to be a little upset with the wand situation. One of the few things only hunters brought to instance groups was that in long fights, they could continue to do moderate ranged damage when OOM, and by using only auto shot, could regain mana during an extended fight. That's the primary reason why epic raids like MC were a bizzarro world where hunters were in demand. Now, not so much.

Growl is entirely borked. Two autoshots only pulls an equal level mob off a pet when the hunter is spamming growl. It is worse at higher levels due to increased resists. That rather kills what I was using my hunter for - cash farming for my alts. That's a greater cause for concern, as it affects most hunter utility, not just end-game instances and PvP imbalance. Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.

So, to sum it up, casters no longer have to press buttons to auto-fire wands, but hunters have to press buttons in order to attempt to keep a mob out of their blind spot. If growl isn't resisted repeatedly.

Pretty happy to have a warrior that's nearly 60.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Trippy on May 12, 2005, 11:15:50 PM
- Appear to be livid that caster classes can autoshoot. The belief is that autoshooting from range using a weapon should be the special domain of the Hunter. Caster classes are trying to point out that the DPS isn't even remotely in the realm of the hunter, and it's very difficult to cast spells and shoot with the wand at the same time. Hunters still angry.
Hunters have cause to be a little upset with the wand situation. One of the few things only hunters brought to instance groups was that in long fights, they could continue to do moderate ranged damage when OOM, and by using only auto shot, could regain mana during an extended fight. That's the primary reason why epic raids like MC were a bizzarro world where hunters were in demand. Now, not so much.
Much of this has to do with Blizzard's own propaganda. They repeatedly said they would never allow wands to autoshoot because they wanted that to be the sole province of Hunters and of course Hunters bought into that.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Ironwood on May 13, 2005, 01:24:34 AM

Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.

Say it ain't so.


Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Calantus on May 13, 2005, 01:59:56 AM
It was pure idiocy not to have autoshoot for wands in the first place. I don't even think I have to extend that statement.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: jpark on May 13, 2005, 02:52:56 AM

The battlefields sound like they are being well received. Given that they will introduce a tactical element to battles, and provide awards for objectives other than kill count, there may well be a role for a defensive warrior in them.

And a healer for that matter.  Currently, pvp is based on damage and kills.  If you spend your mana "healing" your not putting forth "contribution".

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Merusk on May 13, 2005, 05:28:00 AM

Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.

Say it ain't so.


That's beyond ludicrous that kills the whole effing class.  Christ, this along with the incredibly stupid looking beaststalker armor (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/Felendis/BSClose.jpg) makes me glad I started leveling up my warrior and priest alts.  I think it's all a plot to decrease the number of hunters out there.  Rogues will be next  :-D

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Glazius on May 13, 2005, 05:45:54 AM
- The CTF battleground has some problems, the biggest being that Paladins can shield up with the flag and run home unmolested. Blizzard claims that shouldn't be happening, and will address that before the game patches on live servers (hopefully).

The flag is an interactable non-grabbable object. Interacting with it despawns it and puts a constantly pulsing offensive aura on your character. Call it "I've got the flag" and put in appropriate flagbearing SFX.

When you use a class ability that seals you off from the world (no damage in no damage out) the aura, being offensive, drops, and as it drops it spawns the flag-object where you're standing.

I have not actually played WoW but this seems like it would work.


Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Sogrinaugh on May 13, 2005, 09:41:06 AM
Hunters have cause to be a little upset with the wand situation. One of the few things only hunters brought to instance groups was that in long fights, they could continue to do moderate ranged damage when OOM, and by using only auto shot, could regain mana during an extended fight. That's the primary reason why epic raids like MC were a bizzarro world where hunters were in demand. Now, not so much.

Growl is entirely borked. Two autoshots only pulls an equal level mob off a pet when the hunter is spamming growl. It is worse at higher levels due to increased resists. That rather kills what I was using my hunter for - cash farming for my alts. That's a greater cause for concern, as it affects most hunter utility, not just end-game instances and PvP imbalance. Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.

So, to sum it up, casters no longer have to press buttons to auto-fire wands, but hunters have to press buttons in order to attempt to keep a mob out of their blind spot. If growl isn't resisted repeatedly.

Pretty happy to have a warrior that's nearly 60.
What the fuck is blizzards problem?  I dont know anyone at all that thinks hunters are overpowered, or were overpowered, in any of thier capacities.  Yet they get nerfed in little stupid annoying ways every motherfucking patch.  What im sensing is some sort of "need", on the part of the devs, to incesantly fidgit with the fucking classes.  Even when its not particularly warranted.  And it pisses me off to no end, because though i dont play a hunter i feel with some certanty that these fucktards will eventually turn thier attention elsewhere.

I mean, with all the bugfixes that are needed (HELLO ASSHOLES, my meditation is STILL bugged, with and without mage armor), do these chimps really need to waste thier time throwing bananna peels under the feet of otherwise functional, balanced class features?

The game is still fun, but it just seems like they make it suck alittle bit more each patch.  At least warlocks got some much-needed love, even if said affection broke a talent.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Sky on May 13, 2005, 09:44:37 AM
Hey, look at that! I picked the right week to cancel (58 hunter).

Not to mention long-standing unfixed hunter bugs like the AotH bug, pet run speed bug, or the aforementioned 'dead zone' (literally).

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Rasix on May 13, 2005, 09:51:48 AM
You know, they fuck up hunters on test servers ever single patch (always hear of at least one *OMG WE'RE BROKEN* post during each one).  Then come live, everything's fine and everything the hunters bitched about is resolved.  (Well, your pets did get screwed pretty hard at one point if I remember right.  It's hard to keep up.) 

I doubt any of the major hunter nerfs (seem like bugs) will make it live.  And I really can't get all excited about caster classes getting autoshoot wands.  This just seems like a case of sandy vaginaitis on the case of the hunters.  Really, I'm amazed that any class that has the ability to shoot a weapon doesn't have autoshoot.  The ability just seems like common courtesy to the player. 

Still, we've only had 2 hunters reroll and these guys were uber catasses that realized we were low on dedicated main tanks.  I doubt we'll see any decreases from this either.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: naum on May 13, 2005, 09:58:28 AM
Have played a hunter and mage both up to near lvl 40 and I don't get the "hunters being upset because wands can autoshoot"… …I don't know the exact ratio but I'm guessing the difference in DPS is a factor of at least 4X or 5X between what a hunter can do with ranged weapons and what an equivalent level wand user can do.

Wands just don't do enough damage and really are only useful when (a) low on mana (though engineering bombs are better!), (b) a quick cast to deal with runners (to save hotkeying a lower lvl instacast spell), or (c) as a pulling mechanism. If you're sitting back of a group dishing out wand damage, solely, you're not really helping your group, IMV.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 13, 2005, 10:23:13 AM
What exactly are hunters crying about?   I'm guessing most have never played a  mage and you know what Bliz,   take the fucking shooting wand back and fix the goddamn game breaking mage bugs.  Nova is supposed to lock someone in place, not warp them the fuck across my screen so we get a benny hill skit of mele characters chasing some monster around.  I'm afraid to use the spell now for fear of a group wipe that's happened more then once directly because of the frost nova bug.
I've had more things break in the last 4 patches concening my class then i've had fixed.  Each patch we get another broken spell.  And each week my play time diminishes. 
 And they give us an  auto shooting wand. 

 /boggles   My wand at lvl 60, hits for 75 consistantly.  70fucking5 hps.

Maybe if the wand ya know....did something other then spit on the target but it doesn't.  All it does iss destroy my mouse button when I try not to get aggro. 
Why a wand doesn't have a special ability like the  mele weapons get  is just beyond me.  A wand is a mages (and priests) mele weapon.   The only reason it's there atm is for stats.   And so I can have a nice glitter trail when I run around IF.

But crying about 75hp damage on auto shoot.   I find that humerous.  Blizzard also claims in the original manual that Mages are glass cannons with the HIGHEST DPS in the game.  And we all know mages are not dps kings by far, so that description has changed.   We are also transportaion kings (read: taxi service).  But now engineers are getting a tereport spell on a long timer.
None of the characters are unique.   And none has a total hold on any one aspect of the game. 

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Merusk on May 13, 2005, 10:32:53 AM

Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.

Did some checking a bit earlier.  Folks on the hunter forum say this is a bug and has been acknowledged as a bug, but isn't listed on the 'known bugs' page.

Have played a hunter and mage both up to near lvl 40 and I don't get the "hunters being upset because wands can autoshoot"… …I don't know the exact ratio but I'm guessing the difference in DPS is a factor of at least 4X or 5X between what a hunter can do with ranged weapons and what an equivalent level wand user can do.

It's a combination of things.  First, wands are listed as a much higher DPS than any bow. Idiots will ignore the speed bonus, ranged attack bonus and specials hunters get in, the fact that wands get resisted quite often while shots rarely miss, and the caster can't cast and must wait for a global cooldown after hitting the 'turn off autofire' toggle before casting.  They're just looking at the raw numbers listed on the items and going "OMGWTF My blue bow does 31 dps and a mage's level 55 green wand does 70!"

Second is that, as Trippy mentioned, Bliz shot themself in the foot by saying many, many, many times "Autoshoot is a hunter's class perk, no other class will ever get it."  Instead of understanding it as a change of position due to overwhelming requests, it's being taken as "OMG We were LIED TO!!11"

Third is the inferiority complex hunters already have.  We're an unfinished class and it really shows in the endgame.  Sure, we WTFPWN solo content, but that stops at 60 when you want to do instances.  Unless you've got a good group of friends or a close guild you're not going in a  5-man.  Plus there's so damn many hunters that even though 2-3 are welcome on most 10+ person raids the slots fill up quick leading to a "well, guess I'm not wanted" syndrome.

Then there's the usual MMO problem of folks get bored and look for things to bitch about once they cap instead of finding other things to do or alts to play.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Pococurante on May 13, 2005, 10:39:05 AM
Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl

Here I was feeling all jaunty about sneaking out the office door to get some WoW time in.  Depression...

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 13, 2005, 11:33:02 AM
This is almost as fun as the last test server patch, when hunters were screaming bloody murder about how they were screwed and Blizzard hates them and their daddy never loved them enough because of a a couple bugs and one change (on TEST server, mind you), which were removed and reversed respectively before the patch hit any live servers.  I like the whining and blubbering as much as the next guy, but please at least wine and blubber about things on the production servers (it's not hard to think of something!).

OMG I QUIT!!!!11!

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Phred on May 13, 2005, 03:00:42 PM
This is almost as fun as the last test server patch, when hunters were screaming bloody murder about how they were screwed and Blizzard hates them and their daddy never loved them enough because of a a couple bugs and one change (on TEST server, mind you), which were removed and reversed respectively before the patch hit any live servers.  I like the whining and blubbering as much as the next guy, but please at least wine and blubber about things on the production servers (it's not hard to think of something!).

OMG I QUIT!!!!11!

Ya because if they hadn't whined and screamed it wouldn't have made it to production servers untouched of course. Note, the original dev response to the change to how to-hit was calculated on the test server was that it was an insignificant change to hunter damage, showing blizzard doesn't really test shit at all but just guesses. When numbers were actually posted showing it was a huge dps nerf they decided against it. So, if you think whining about shit on the test server is a waste of time, your head is so far up your ass you can't see daylight. Hunters already got the shaft with the attack bonus buff nerf when we didn't have a test server so we could compare before and after and now we have the 1984 speak answer that attack buffs never affected ranged attack and no way to prove it didnt.

Better to whine about shit while it's on the test server than wait until it goed live and newspeaked into having always been that way.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 13, 2005, 03:39:29 PM
mmmm asshead.  I can;t believe that game never got released.  Anyway, I agree with you that complaining about changes you believe to be ill-advised on test is a good idea.  I disagree that your first response to a change you don't like on the test server should be to quit the game or switch classes in protest, especially because they have demonstrated their willingness to change things before sending a path to the production servers.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Righ on May 13, 2005, 04:11:02 PM
I disagree that your first response to a change you don't like on the test server should be to quit the game or switch classes in protest, especially because they have demonstrated their willingness to change things before sending a path to the production servers.

Out of interest, who are you disagreeing with? If you are trying to ascribe the hysteria that you've painted to forum participants here, I think you're channeling Sir Bruce. If you're jumping between an argument with folks here and those on the WoW forums, you are just going to annoy those of us who aren't the ankle-biters normally found on Blizzard forums into disregarding your points.

There are issues with hunters both on the production and test servers. Those of us here who play hunters are quite capable of discussing those issues rationally. If we choose to play another class or another game, we will do so, without melodrama or hysteria. To draw comparisons with the bleating masses on the WoW forums is disingenious and reflects poorly on yourself, not on those of us here who are concerned about various issues in the game.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Calantus on May 13, 2005, 10:17:54 PM
Looking at it a bit more, there are reports that the auto-shoot feature makes the wands shoot at the rate displayed, rather than the slower rate wands normally get (from experience I believe this is a matter of not being able to activate the wand again while the previous shot's animation is still running). That could be part of the complaint.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Trippy on May 14, 2005, 02:39:55 AM
Notice that I said spamming growl... the auto cast from growl is now gone, and you must press growl every time you want the pet to growl.
Did some checking a bit earlier.  Folks on the hunter forum say this is a bug and has been acknowledged as a bug, but isn't listed on the 'known bugs' page.
It is now:


Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Xanthippe on May 14, 2005, 08:50:43 AM
Are the battlegrounds on test for level 60s only, or are there also lower level battlegrounds?

Once I realized getting to 60 meant long raids (which I do not particularly enjoy) over and over again to get that 1 in 40 chance of getting a shiny weapon or piece of armor, I started to get bored, and slowed down on levelling.  I have a 53 undead rogue on a pve server, and a 48 nightelf hunter on a pvp server.  Since the honor patch, I haven't played either much, preferring my 24 human healer shirtmaker who lives in Ironforge.

I haven't cancelled yet, because I'm waiting to see if battlegrounds improves the game.  I'm worried it won't, much; then I'll cancel.

The level 60 battlegrounds will give those who have catassed their way through MC and Onyxia raids a place to wear their shinys, so won't lead to much fun for my playstyle (since I don't do large raids).

Although lower level battlegrounds... hmm.  Might be fun before people get twinked.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Abel on May 14, 2005, 10:35:22 AM
Are the battlegrounds on test for level 60s only

In any case the Warsong Gulch battleground won't be. From http://www.wow-europe.com/en/pvp/warsong-gulch.html :

Warsong Gulch is designed for small, balanced teams, and a game of Warsong will not start without the requisite 10 members per side. We want to make Warsong Gulch a fast-paced affair, and team balancing is a very important part of making the experience fun for all participants. In addition, players will be grouped by level sets of 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, and 51-60. Every consideration was made to create an environment you can jump into and get involved in right away.

DAoC battlegrounds anyone ?

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 16, 2005, 08:12:43 AM
Out of interest, who are you disagreeing with? If you are trying to ascribe the hysteria that you've painted to forum participants here, I think you're channeling Sir Bruce.

Maybe.  Basically, I was echoing Rasix.  I was certainly exaggerating, but I figured that anyone who has been here would understand that.  It's not exactly an uncommon thing on this forum.  Here's a recap of what I perceived in this thread (or the false impressions my Cartesian SirBruce demon planted in my brain):

There are 3 hunter issues on test server.  Two of them (growl not generating enough aggro and growl not working passively) are obvious bugs that will be fixed before the patch gets moved to live (if they aren't, Blizzard OMGSUX).  The third (wand autoshoot) is just petty whining that I cannot believe even the anklebiters are complaining about.  Then I see some "I'm gonna quit/change classes" or "I'm glad I quit/changed classes" comments.  I concur with Dr. Rasix's diagnosis: sandy vaginitis.

So yeah, poking a little fun at that bit of melodrama seemed legitimate to me (or the Sir Bruce controling my mind).  Fuck, I post melodrama and get called on it all the damn time.  That's what makes these boards go round.  I thought everyone knew that.  Maybe I've grossly misread these boards for the past 5 years, or maybe I've just misread you, but I honestly did not expect this to be a big deal.  If I crossed some line, I apologize.

There are issues with hunters both on the production and test servers. Those of us here who play hunters are quite capable of discussing those issues rationally.

I'm sure they are.  However, they did not do that in this thread.  Point me to the thread where that happens and watch me not tease people for discussing things rationally.  I don't seriously play a hunter (just a 20 something alt) but I believe they have issues.  I just don't think that 2 bugs on test and wand autocast are on that list.  Things like pets not improving beyond level 60 is an important issue.  Pets are an important part of a hunter's package, but they don't improve.  They should add better pets/pet focus items/better pet buff spells or items/something like these to high end instances/pvp rewards/quest rewards so hunter pets can keep improving.

You know what that sounds like?  It sounds a lot like the problem that casters have with their spells not improving past 60 while melee (and hunters) continue to get better and better as they acquire better and better weapons.  I wonder if, when/if Blizzard ever fixes the pet scaling issue, many Mages will scream bloody murder about it.  Because when Blizzard tried to take a TINY step towards helping mage scalability with autocast wands, many Hunters decided to blubber about Blizzard wounding their inner child.

To draw comparisons with the bleating masses on the WoW forums is disingenious and reflects poorly on yourself, not on those of us here who are concerned about various issues in the game.

If you are bound and determined to think less of me for making a teasing post in this board, there's nothing I can do to stop you.  I think you often have worthwhile things to say, so I'll still read your posts and take them for what they are worth. 

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Calantus on May 17, 2005, 05:18:45 AM
I think the problem is not that people are complaining about bugs on test, but they are acting like they were intentional changes that went live. Hunters and warlocks just really piss alot of people off as a collective because the legitimate issues make certain aspects vent their spleens on trivial shit and then everyone jumps on the "blizz hates us" wagon as if blizz gives a flying fuck to put down a specific class. And really its very detramental to the actual problems being fixed. I know if I was a blizz employee I wouldn't look too hard at the warlock or hunter forums.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Ironwood on May 17, 2005, 05:34:44 AM
This is just a symptom of what happens when your bug testers are also your players.

There's no way in hell the average bnet moron can play with his transferred character and not distance himself from the changes.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Phred on May 17, 2005, 08:31:53 AM
Hey, look at that! I picked the right week to cancel (58 hunter).

Not to mention long-standing unfixed hunter bugs like the AotH bug, pet run speed bug, or the aforementioned 'dead zone' (literally).

AOTH bug was fixed by nerfing which attack buffs could affect hunters. We no longer get ranged attack bonus from warriors shout or paladin's attack buff. According to Blizzard we never did get the attack bonus from these spells, which is funny because they were the means used to stack up AOTH bonuses to huge levels that caused Blizzard to fix the bug in the first place. Welcome to 1984 where we've never been at war with...

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Phred on May 17, 2005, 08:39:31 AM
Looking at it a bit more, there are reports that the auto-shoot feature makes the wands shoot at the rate displayed, rather than the slower rate wands normally get (from experience I believe this is a matter of not being able to activate the wand again while the previous shot's animation is still running). That could be part of the complaint.

This is the part that has me a bit concerned. Wands have a very fast attack speed compared to bows. 75 dmg hits may not seem like much but every 1.2 to 1.5 seconds adds up. My bow currently hits for around 150-200 non crit and is a 2.30 speed weapon. Gonna be testing this on my mage when it goes live to see just how much of a boost in dps it becomes. Saying big deal, it only hits for 75 is fine when you're used to 400+ dmg fireballs but remember it takes 3 seconds to cast that fireball. Wand damage is going to be more like arcane missles I think.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 17, 2005, 08:56:06 AM
Well i've been paying attention to my wand damage since this whine started.
I hit anywhere from 50 to 120 or so with the wand but i'd say it averages to 75 or so damage (blue wand, can't remember the stats on it atm).
Thing is, no matter how fast or how much damage the thing does, I can still click just as fast as auto shoot considering you have to be standing still to use it.
And really, if you are down to using your wand in a fight, you're  dead because you're probably out of mana, which means no shields no blink, no nova and cloth armor..  I just don't see the issue.
It's a pointless whine.  I read it's a bit of a pain in the butt to make it auto-shoot also but I haven't tried the test servers.
I'm finding mages are just too gimped at lvl 60 and most times dungeon runs cost me more then I recieve in loot (plate drops OH I NEED...leather drops OH I NEED, cloth drops....what cloth drops), so instead of crying about it i've shelved him (till they fix all the bugged spells)  in favor of a druid.
I did get a kick out of the fact that a blue responded in the mage forum for the first time in 2 months, and it was to lock 2 decent threads because they were started in all caps in the title.   Not sure which is more insulting.  That or the blues  just ignoring the forum altogether.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Abel on May 17, 2005, 09:18:51 AM
I'm finding mages are just too gimped at lvl 60 and most times dungeon runs cost me more then I recieve in loot

Are you kidding me ?

Except for hunters there frankly isn't much to whine about class balance in WoW. Unless you're into nitpicking.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 17, 2005, 09:48:21 AM
   I'm not gonna turn this into a thread about mages cause i'd rather not highjack the thread.  But let me just say this....Go make a mage to 60.
They are quite gimped.   No sta +dmg gear makes your mage hit a ceiling at 60 while mele characters get stronger and stronger. 
I get more mana.  I don't need more mana.  I can't use more mana when i'm dead with my 3000hps.  And i'm wearing mainly sta gear if you can get a chuckle from that.
I had a rogue one hit kill me in the wetlands the other day.  I had half my hps (1500) plus my mana shield and I died to a rogue in one shot.  Kinda silly really,  but what's more frustrating is having no chance at all.  I chose the pvp server and I enjoy it quite abit.  Don't know how someone can play on a PvE server.  But the mages need some new gear.  And to make that wand of some use.  A special talent with it like a special move or something.  I dunno.
The bugs in the frost line (arcane missles broken since release and having claimed to have been fixed in about 3 separate patch notes)  and just being generally ignored by the devs on the forums for the last 2 months, legitimate well thought out posts about bugs  being completely ignored,  made me lose interest.  I really enjoy playing the character but on a pvp server, you are an easy HK so are always first targetted. 
Could just be me but I think if you can stand to read the mage forums for more then 5 mins you'll find some decent posts outlining the problems with mage.

Having a clueless Blue as our rep doesn't help our cause either.  What did he claim 2 mtns ago before the blue posts went silent on the mage forum.  Oh yea, "I don't use my sheep much" or something stupid to that effect.  Main crowd control spell gets gimped and that was the response from our rep.

Just silly shit.  Anyways that druid is a hellofa lot of fun once you get your travel form at 30.  How do druids die?

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Merusk on May 17, 2005, 10:02:57 AM
Just silly shit.  Anyways that druid is a hellofa lot of fun once you get your travel form at 30.  How do druids die?

What level are you, because they die often and early at the high levels.  The 2 druids I group with die more often than the mage I group with because they don't have any aggro reduction to speak of and we only have them to use as healers because, frankly, playing a priest is boring as hell.   It could also be that the druids are all mmo nooblers while the mage is a vet and knows not to nuke hard and early, or else he'll die.  However, all it takes is one badly timed heal and 'whomp' dead druid, party wipe, start over.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: El Gallo on May 17, 2005, 10:58:10 AM
I'm finding mages are just too gimped at lvl 60 and most times dungeon runs cost me more then I recieve in loot

Are you kidding me ?

Except for hunters there frankly isn't much to whine about class balance in WoW. Unless you're into nitpicking.

Top end mages are getting obliterated in the dps department because of weapon mudflation and the lack of any spell upgrades or worthwhile focus effects.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Rasix on May 17, 2005, 12:19:09 PM
It's funny that one class would think they're the prize pig in the "in need of some adjustment" category.   Read anyone class board for 5 minutes and you'll wonder how they just don't fall dead the second they step out of town.

If I had to go from just reactions from my guild, I'd consider the current bitch to be warlocks.  We used to have a warlock overcrowding problem, now we're lucky to have one on anymore.   Summoning  and stam buffing has now become an issue for us.   

Top end mages are getting obliterated in the dps department because of weapon mudflation and the lack of any spell upgrades or worthwhile focus effects.

Single target yes and over the course of a PVE raid, always the case.  There's just some stuff though you can't do without mages.  If you ever see a mage's name pop up at the top of the DPS tracker though, watch out for incoming storm of rogue bitching.  Hell, they bitch enough as it is. 

But then again as I said, everyone does.  There's never been a MMORPG class that someone couldn't write a 10 page essay about how completely useless and gimped they are.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Paelos on May 17, 2005, 12:23:50 PM
I think Warlocks and Warriors are pretty even on the low end of the class balancing. Mostly because Warriors are tanks in most situations and our tanking talents suck ass. A full protection specced warrior still can't hold aggro over a 2H paladin. That's horribly stupid.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 17, 2005, 12:55:21 PM
But then again as I said, everyone does.  There's never been a MMORPG class that someone couldn't write a 10 page essay about how completely useless and gimped they are.

True, but mages do have end game problems.  This is already being addressed so it's not a case of whining, there is actually a problem.  Otherwise they wouldn't be buffing the mage class sets.
What pisses me off most is that in the last 4 patches we've had a spell broken.  My frost line is just nasty with that graphical warp, my arcane missles still waste mana without firing, and when I take out my guild to twink them and drag them up through levels, i've been getting resisted by  Lvl 15-20 creatures.     Level 20's debuffing 31 talent point talents.  Oh and here's the best and latest I ran into before shelving him, my cold snap not refreshing my shields like it's supposed to.
I think i've had my counterspell resisted by guys my own level more in the last 2 weeks of play then the entire time i've been at 60.
There are problems with the mage.  Forgetting the dps issues, the spells are very much broken.  I'd love for them to just fix the spells.  This would give me some interest in playing the toon again.  This isn't even addressing the balance issues being faced with high end resist gear.

As for the warlocks, yea they needed the luv too, and are getting it.  The warlock  Blue poster is the same rep as the mage.  The mages haven't seen him in the mage forum in months but he's all over the warlock forum.  I'm GUESSING after he's done with the warlocks it's off to fix the mages, but i'm not holding my breath.

And to my druid, I figured when I pulled aggro from healing I might be able to just drop into bear form and wait for the tanks to pull aggro back.   I thought maybe I could just sit there without hitting him. 
If i'm the only healer that could be a problem I guess, but when i'm in bear form I have this insane amount of armor. 
I'm only level 31-32 so I dunno how viable this will be in higher end instances.
One thing i'm not to impressed with is that I get one res every 30 mins and it costs me a reagent.  But then I guess we can't have it all and thier are a million pallys around.
I also find I suck as a group healer( not the druid class just me).  I'm so used to the mage that I tend to forget about my party.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Jayce on May 17, 2005, 01:07:18 PM
One thing i'm not to impressed with is that I get one res every 30 mins and it costs me a reagent. 

But it can be used during combat, so you can res the priest so he can flee for the instance line :D

Get engineering and you'll have two per 30 minutes.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Lantien on May 17, 2005, 01:08:19 PM
I think Warlocks and Warriors are pretty even on the low end of the class balancing. Mostly because Warriors are tanks in most situations and our tanking talents suck ass. A full protection specced warrior still can't hold aggro over a 2H paladin. That's horribly stupid.

Actually as a Warrior, I've think we've done pretty well in the grand scheme of things. The protection tree could use some sprucing up, and a direct conversion of rage via an instant attack skill into damage that I don't have to dump a ton of points into the Arms tree would be lovely. But those are minor nits compared to the problems with some of the other classes (Warlocks, certain styles of Paladins believe it or not).

As for your aggro holding problems, what sort of build are you using?  What's your level?  As a warrior, here's how I normally start fights.

1. Gun Pull, or charge.  Charge is sexier and gives me more rage, but sometimes it's tactically unsound.
2. Go into Defensive stance, if not already there.  Slightly more threat in defensive stance, thanks to the talent of Defiance.
3. Demoralizing Shout the group to get some initial attention.
4. Build up enough rage to get shield block going.  With the initial attention on me, the enemy will hopefully hit me, and I can get Revenge going.  The problem you may be seeing is at this point, Paladins like to stun, because they believe that more stuns = less hits on the tank, which is a good thing. Sadly, it also means the attention on you is gone, since Paladins are 2Hing, and Rogues are doing chopchopchop.
5. After getting hit, build enough rage (5 points is trivial) to land Revenge, which generates insane threat/aggro. If I've lost aggro for some reason, use Taunt, that will get it back on you. Use Bloodrage to get a free 10 points of rage.  Don't worry, a good priest/healer should be doing so.

6. At this point, keep Shield Block/Revenge going.  Use Sunder armor for even more rage for kicks. If you're still using focus, use taunt again, and then follow up with Sunder to build up some extra rage. If you're desperate, swap to battle stance and use Mocking Blow, to get the aggro on you for a few seconds.

7. The key is the shield block/revenge.  If at around 10-20%, the aggro is on the Paladin, don't bother, Paladins are strong folks, they can take a hit or two. If it's a Rogue or Priest, scramble to get attention back on you.  Using a combination of Taunt and then Sunder tends to help. Mocking Blow, again if you're very desperate.

The main problem is when you have multiple adds.  It's very common to be tanking one guy, get healed, and then see the other 4 guys on the healer.  Another situation is where you pull a few folks, and the Paladin consecrates, resulting in the all the extra mobs on the Paladin.

In the latter situation, I could care less.  If the Paladin wants to take on 3 guys, it's his funeral.  I may try to cleave to get the attention of another, or even swap focus and do a quick taunt if things are bad.  But self-healing guys in plate = no sympathy.

In the former, building rage for Cleave is vital, or even something as simple as swapping stances for Thunder Clap.  Using taunt also comes in handy; you may be ping-ponging rage for a bit though.  A smart priest knows to cast fade at this point.  If not, berate your priest. Really though, you should be having someone do some sort of CC. Mage Polymorph, Druid Sleep, Priest Shackle, Rogue Sap, Warlock Seduce, etc. If your group can handle a group of mobs without these tools, great.  Just keep on plowing.  However, if they can't handle more than 2 mobs, then you need to let the group know they need to take it slower and actually engage Crowd Control tactics.  It's not popular for the people that was to just mindlessly run through instances, but it's better in the long run to know how to use these tactics for difficult places where having superior #s isn't an option.

You'll note that besides mentioning defiance, even a 31/20 arms/fury warrior can do everything I just said.  I won't lie, it's much easier to do this with a Protection specced warrior (easier to get revenge to light up, and Revenge has a %chance to stun). However, the mechanics are there for Arms/Fury warriors who are willing to use a 1h/Shield to be quasi-competant.

But then again as I said, everyone does. There's never been a MMORPG class that someone couldn't write a 10 page essay about how completely useless and gimped they are.

True, but mages do have end game problems. This is already being addressed so it's not a case of whining, there is actually a problem. Otherwise they wouldn't be buffing the mage class sets.
What pisses me off most is that in the last 4 patches we've had a spell broken. My frost line is just nasty with that graphical warp, my arcane missles still waste mana without firing, and when I take out my guild to twink them and drag them up through levels, i've been getting resisted by Lvl 15-20 creatures. Level 20's debuffing 31 talent point talents. Oh and here's the best and latest I ran into before shelving him, my cold snap not refreshing my shields like it's supposed to.
I think i've had my counterspell resisted by guys my own level more in the last 2 weeks of play then the entire time i've been at 60.
There are problems with the mage. Forgetting the dps issues, the spells are very much broken. I'd love for them to just fix the spells. This would give me some interest in playing the toon again. This isn't even addressing the balance issues being faced with high end resist gear.

As for the warlocks, yea they needed the luv too, and are getting it. The warlock Blue poster is the same rep as the mage. The mages haven't seen him in the mage forum in months but he's all over the warlock forum. I'm GUESSING after he's done with the warlocks it's off to fix the mages, but i'm not holding my breath.

And to my druid, I figured when I pulled aggro from healing I might be able to just drop into bear form and wait for the tanks to pull aggro back. I thought maybe I could just sit there without hitting him.
If i'm the only healer that could be a problem I guess, but when i'm in bear form I have this insane amount of armor.
I'm only level 31-32 so I dunno how viable this will be in higher end instances.
One thing i'm not to impressed with is that I get one res every 30 mins and it costs me a reagent. But then I guess we can't have it all and thier are a million pallys around.
I also find I suck as a group healer( not the druid class just me). I'm so used to the mage that I tend to forget about my party.

Amp, I think it's still somewhat viable.  However, most Druids are expected to mainheal themselves and 4 other people because because it's very rare that you will see per 5 person group, that you have the luxury of having both a Priest and a Druid available, so they feel that if they're unable to heal, they can't help the other classes in case their partymates are also getting ripped up, and will get blamed for not healing. In these cases, in all fariness, a tank class should be scrambling like mad to pull aggro off (arguably Warriors can do this the fastest), while the Paladin (because you know there's at least 1 paladin in every party) should be taking over healing duties.  However, in reality, the druid panics and heals themself, getting more threat, the Warrior is either engaged on a mob or too busy being wailing on the mob that the MT is tanking, and most pickup Paladins are loathe to drop their mana pool past 70%, or are unwilling to stop dealing damage to do healing assistance, citing small mana pools and not being specced to heal. Crafting a response that's not laced with profanity or insults the moral fiber of their mothers can be difficult, especially if you wipe on that point.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: sidereal on May 17, 2005, 01:35:44 PM
And to my druid, I figured when I pulled aggro from healing I might be able to just drop into bear form and wait for the tanks to pull aggro back.   I thought maybe I could just sit there without hitting him. 

You could, but if you're not going to hit him you may as well drop to Cat and Cower (http://www.thottbot.com/?k=400).  If you're in an environment where you'll get one- or two-shotted in Cat, you need better tanks or you need to stick to spamming Rejuv and Regrowth for healing.

Druid is better as a secondary-everything.  Healing and buffing when necessary, tanking in Bear when a healer gets aggro, backstabbing in Cat elsewise.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: jpark on May 17, 2005, 03:29:31 PM
On aggro and the use of a shield - don't forget to add a shield spike.  It is passive damage, since each opponent attacking you in addition to the one you have targeted has a chance of getting damaged by the spike.  Using Shield block seems to increase this likelihood even more.

Challenging shout is good for emergencies - AoE taunt - but unfortunately it is on a 10 minute timer.  This is where CoH tanks shine over WoW tanks.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Kageru on May 17, 2005, 04:58:48 PM

It's intentional. That's also why so many mobs have stuns, knockbacks and other stuff that causes aggro lost. Blizzard wants combat to be chaotic in order to keep casters from being bored and increase the value of off-tanks. It's a total pain as a warrior, but from a game balance point of view it makes sense.

That said it seems unwise to get too excited about changes, which may well be bugs, while they're still on test. By definition they are still under examination.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: jpark on May 17, 2005, 09:03:28 PM
As a healer I am really noticing my role sucks in pvp.  My experience is small so far.

I find people prefer to solo over grouping around TM.  Since there is no penalty for death in pvp - why share your contribution points by grouping with a healer?  If you die - no big deal - no equipment damage - no penalty whatsoever.

The group I had in TM literally dissolved into soloers - since it seemed they felt there were better rewards soloing in pvp.

Another possibility is that, ignoring my low level (32), is that the damage is so fast and furious in group pvp that healing cannot address this.  Healers in Shadowbane were more effective:  they had group heal over time (more stacking), could wear armor, and there were consequences to death if mates died.

I'll take this further - wouldn't the best pvp team be Pure dps?  Rogues/Mages?  Tactical or support classes just don't seem necessary. 

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: chinslim on May 17, 2005, 10:22:27 PM
I'll take this further - wouldn't the best pvp team be Pure dps?  Rogues/Mages?  Tactical or support classes just don't seem necessary.

Toughest group I've run into was priest, mage, warrior, and 2 paladins who actually pay attention to healing and dispelling.  With 3 dispels, pvp trinkets, a few Blessings of Protection, you simply cannot crowd control, debuff, nor assist train.  While their dps may not be great, they will outlast you and get the 1st kill in, at which point the 5v4 will tip things their way and you're all OOM from damage dumping.

In group pvp, rogues are usually the 'easy' kills we go for first.  2 or 3 rogues can jump someone in my group, and we can get it under control fast with shields, frost novas, and fears.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: jpark on May 18, 2005, 09:08:04 AM
I'll take this further - wouldn't the best pvp team be Pure dps?  Rogues/Mages?  Tactical or support classes just don't seem necessary.

Toughest group I've run into was priest, mage, warrior, and 2 paladins who actually pay attention to healing and dispelling.  With 3 dispels, pvp trinkets, a few Blessings of Protection, you simply cannot crowd control, debuff, nor assist train.  While their dps may not be great, they will outlast you and get the 1st kill in, at which point the 5v4 will tip things their way and you're all OOM from damage dumping.

In group pvp, rogues are usually the 'easy' kills we go for first.  2 or 3 rogues can jump someone in my group, and we can get it under control fast with shields, frost novas, and fears.

That's good to hear.  In this light the high level of coordination required of groups for pvp - when pve groups are so easy - may be the reason why groups are not popular.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Paelos on May 18, 2005, 09:13:22 AM
PvP organization is only necessary for the outnumbered to survive in the TM, XR gankfest. The side with more men just needs to solo zerg everything and they can be effective.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: jpark on May 18, 2005, 09:18:06 AM
PvP organization is only necessary for the outnumbered to survive in the TM, XR gankfest. The side with more men just needs to solo zerg everything and they can be effective.


In this current system it does not matter how many times YOU die, as long as you have killed more times than the mates on your faction.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Train Wreck on May 18, 2005, 10:21:50 AM
What exactly are hunters crying about?   I'm guessing most have never played a  mage and you know what Bliz,   take the fucking shooting wand back and fix the goddamn game breaking mage bugs.  Nova is supposed to lock someone in place, not warp them the fuck across my screen so we get a benny hill skit of mele characters chasing some monster around.  I'm afraid to use the spell now for fear of a group wipe that's happened more then once directly because of the frost nova bug.

Oh man, isn't that the truth.  As an ice specced mage, my ice spells have a 15% chance of "freezing" a mob "in place", instantly teleporting them right to me.  Just as bad is the arcane missile bug, which has been around since at least February.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Sogrinaugh on May 18, 2005, 01:21:00 PM
Oh man, isn't that the truth.  As an ice specced mage, my ice spells have a 15% chance of "freezing" a mob "in place", instantly teleporting them right to me.  Just as bad is the arcane missile bug, which has been around since at least February.
Fortunately this bug is mostly cosmetic.  Even tho the creep *appears* to warp in front of you, if  you'll notice you can cast and it wont interrupt for a period of time, thats the amount of time the creep is taking to close distance with you.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 19, 2005, 08:34:51 AM
Sweet so mages are now Illusionists.
Cosmetic or not, its a bad bug.  It spreads your group out as they chase down the warping creature.
It was also happening with frostbolt.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Train Wreck on May 19, 2005, 01:35:12 PM
Fortunately this bug is mostly cosmetic.  Even tho the creep *appears* to warp in front of you, if  you'll notice you can cast and it wont interrupt for a period of time, thats the amount of time the creep is taking to close distance with you.

I hadn't noticed that.  I'll have to check it out.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Amp on May 21, 2005, 11:31:17 AM
Fortunately this bug is mostly cosmetic.  Even tho the creep *appears* to warp in front of you, if  you'll notice you can cast and it wont interrupt for a period of time, thats the amount of time the creep is taking to close distance with you.

I tested this last night.  It's not cosmetic.  The creature warps to the mage, and begins attacking.  It shows in the combat log.
I swear I caught it doing the same stupid warp with arcane missles last night, but I coulda just been really drunk.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: squirrel on May 21, 2005, 12:17:46 PM
This happens to any class using a root or stun. I've stopped using Kidney Shot with my rogue in PvE because of the opposite problem - you kidney shot and the mob teleports 30 yards away. Particularly nice when it's a mob with ranged attack as they then come out of stun and shoot/nuke happily from distance.

Major issue, can't understand why it's not fixed.

Title: Re: Battlegrounds on test servers
Post by: Calantus on May 21, 2005, 06:42:35 PM
Sometimes it is cosmetic, sometimes not... which makes it even worse.